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Just arrived. More information soon.
Name:   Megan
ID#: VA8514
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/01/12
Adopted: 05/06/12
Deceased: 08/04/12
Congrats: Jane
Foster: Christine


Notes from Home
Megan is doing great ! She and Chagi are attached at the hip - I've had guests ask if they are litermates =) He is quite enamoured of her and sings to her often. I've had to re-schedule her follow-up vet appt as I have been working very late - and as it is now only 5:30am and I am already at work - going in too early to get her a morning appt. This should ease up next week and I will call and take her right in for f/u on the lump however, Dr. M. felt it was a fatty cyst also, not CA.

So it seems a probable hospice has turned into a new member of our family and we are thrilled to have her. She is a Daddy's girl and curls up on his lap every evening.

Thank you ~

(Last update: Jun 6th, 2012 6am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Gibbs
ID#: VA8334
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 01/28/12
Adopted: 02/26/12
Congrats: Jordan
Foster: Julie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
So I am not as brave as the NCIS guy quite yet. My blues have his beat, hands down. After all, he doesn't know how to cross them like I do. I am a purring, head bumping charmer. I love my brother Finley and he gives me a bath sometimes. I don't need to go home with him, but we could be a super match.

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Notes from Home
Hello! Just wanted to give a little update on Mr. Gibbs. He is apart of the family now - I wouldn't have it any other way. Of course, Po will always have a special place in my heart, but Gibbs fits in so perfectly here. He and Po are brothers. Gibbs has really come out of his shell in so many ways! He's a talker, first off. I thought Po liked to talk, and I miscalculated. If Po talks, Gibbs sings (beautifully, of course). He even has a little Meezer voice coming out - very high pitched, but very yappy, and howling at times. I love it! Gibbs loves to be held now. He is still a little weary of new people, although he never goes and hides anymore, and he is very skittish, but the biggest transition that I have seen in him is that he loves to be held. He wants to be cradled like a baby, and the moment he gets picked up and cradled, he falls asleep. He is a very needy cat, but it is just because he is so loving - always giving kisses, always sitting in your lap... and ALWAYS wanting food. He has gained about a pound since he has been here, and his legs are so long! He's the jumper of the two boys. (He's very mischevious... Story of my life owning Siamese cats). Po (thankfully) has lost about 1.5 pounds since Gibbs has been here! I think it's because all they do is run around and play! The transition with the two boys went better than I could have ever expected. I truly think it was meant to be with these two. I can tell that Po has taken Gibbs "under his wing" so to speak. They watch over each other. Gibbs likes to wash Po's face for him. I think Po just tolerates it. They love to sit on the window sill together and look outside. They even eat at the same time, and switch food bowls mid-meal. It never fails. It makes feeding them different diets impossible. I am very thankful that SRC allowed me and trusted me to to adopt Gibbs, given the fact that I already owned another young male.
As I see Gibbs grow every day I can definitely tell what a lucky girl I am. I love him so much! I sometimes wonder if my friends and family only like me for my cats, because they seem to be the talk of the town wherever I go. Gibb's points are getting more prominent. At first I thought he would be a seal point like Po, but his tail and legs are a very light brown, and the markings in between his eyes are showing me that he might just turn out to be a chocolate point baby :) Time will tell. Either way, he is beautiful.

06/06: I could not have asked for a more perfect match for my resident cat, Po. Gibbs is such an angel. He is definitely needy and clingy, there is no question there - a typical Siamese trait. He is very affectionate, and very loving, both to me as well as to my other Siamese, Po. Gibbs and Po get along like a match made in heaven. They are truly brothers! Gibbs is certainly a chocolate point, with deep blue eyes. He is so beautiful. He is still very talkative. Oh, and did I mention he NEVER stops eating?! What a little pig! He acts like he is starved right after a meal... Incredible!
He has stuggled constantly with health issues however, the poor baby.... It's been one thing after another - bacterial infection, eye infection, allergies, dry skin... luckily it is nothing serious, but I am constantly keeping an eye on him because it seems as though he is still just so tiny that any changes or new stresses get to him in the worst ways. He never lets it slow him down though! He is the happiest little man I know. :)

(Last update: Jun 6th, 2012 2am)

Siamese princess is now ready to receive her doting subjects. So - why haven't you asked for an audience yet????
Name:   Bailei
ID#: VA8195
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/14/11
Adopted: 12/03/11
Congrats: Gail
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
It has been six months. Bailei's name has been changed to "Bella." The first 3-4 months, Bella threw up at least every other day. Now, only occasionally. She seems to still be a sensitive girl although she has moments of security. Mostly, she is a needy cat. She shadows me like a dog. She wants to be played with or given a lap to sit on or she will meow endlessly. She is extremely vocal. She announces when she is going to another room for either water or a poop. She screams when she's cold, and she greets me at the door desparate for attention. I play with her 2-3 times a day for exercise. But mostly she is ONLY happy when sitting on me curled up asleep. Summer will be her favorite time of year. In hindsight, she would have been better off with a family and either young children or a senior citizen who stays at home and wants constant companionship. I do my best with her. I do love her, and provides great comfort to me as a companion, even though she is quite needy. She sleeps all night with me and at some point silently meows, wakes me, and needs to come under the covers where it's warm. She is such a dream when she's quiet.

Last Friday I was on the couch reading and she was asleep on my lap. A friend stopped by and the atmosphere changed to conversation with another person. She was very upset. She threw up bile twice, (right next to my friend), once again later, and spent the night up and down the bed screaming. I don't think she likes men.

It has taken me a long time to accept this meowing. I realize there is nothing (seriously) wrong other than she just loves to complain. I go back and forth about getting her a tiny kitten to keep her company, but I dont' quite get there.

She is a diva and I shall learn much from her I suspect...

(Last update: Jun 5th, 2012 2pm)

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Name: Heidi

(FKA Misty)

ID#: VA8411
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/14/12
Adopted: 04/19/12
Congrats: Duffie
Foster: Ellen


I'm a beautiful seal girl. I'm quite cuddly and like to lie on my foster's mom's chest. I'm very curious and like to look out the window in my room. I have not met the resident cats yet, but I am used to being with my sister. I'm really looking forward to finding my forever home.


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Notes from Home
Mitzie and Heidi (formerly Misty) have adapted well here in Chicago. They enjoy playing with balls, feathers and more and love looking out the windows - admiring pigeons and other urban creatures, and taking naps in soft spots. Mitzie especially loves the feather toy attached to a string and stick. She drags the entire toy around the house. As she goes up and down the stairs with the feathers in her mouth, the stick drags behind her with a klunk-klunk-klunk. She brings it to me, wherever I am, and then insists on a play session. Her charm is impossible to resist! And her sister, Heidi, is a love bug. She has a never-ending purr and just loves to snuggle.

Heidi and Mitzie are, by and large, co-existing peacefully together all though they do have occasional hissing and swatting episodes. I am very happy to have such wonderful companions and I thank Mitzie and Heidi's foster mom, Ellen, and everyone who made this adoption possible.

(Last update: Jun 1st, 2012 11pm)

Here we are - given up to rescue due to no faults of ours. The baby was allergic to us, and the doctor said we had to go. I've pretty much settled in here, and I've given up being sad, or hiding. I like to sit in the sun in the cat tree, and watch the birds outside. I like catnip toys, and there are some really good ones here. I like attention, and love it when foster mom picks me up and holds me. And what I like best of all is to talk! Need someone to talk to you? Then ask about me!

In my former home I was with 3 other cats (Kiko is my brother, ChiChi and ChaCha are my parents) and a toddler, so I will probably fit into *your* home too.
Name: Junie B Lovebug

(FKA Junior)

ID#: VA6979
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/15/10
Adopted: 05/29/10
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
2 years ago after a 5+ hour trip from Penn. to Vermont, Junie hit the floor exploring. he is the official family greeter of anyone who comes to the door. every day around 6AM he demands to be picked up and carried around his kingdom so he can see it from our eye level. there is only one closet shelf he has not managed to explore and he spends a lot of time looking at it longingly and plotting his strategy. he encouraged his brother, Kikomon, to come out from under the blanket refuge and be part of the family. Junie is 12 pounds of sleek, slender, playful, active boy cat. he has brought lots of love and joy into his forever home.
(Last update: May 30th, 2012 4pm)

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Name: Kikomon

(FKA Kiko)

ID#: VA6978
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/15/10
Adopted: 05/29/10
Deceased: 01/14/19
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

Here we are - given up to rescue due to no faults of ours. The baby was allergic to us, and the doctor said we had to go. We're not terribly happy right now, as we were well cared for and loved in our home - but that's why we're here, as our family wants us to have a great new home. Junior's taking to these changes a bit better than I am, I'd rather hide right now and he's busy watching birds out the window.

My former mom has this to say about me:

"Kiko is a loving cat but a nervous one as well. He would never hurt anybody, He loves to be pet. He is not too active. He likes to play with cat toys, & loves catnip. As far as noise like a vacuum, he would probably hide but then eventually come out. He used to sleep in the bed with me but since I found out that my son is allergic he has been sleeping on the couch or in the hallway along with the other cats. He doesn't have a problem with children, although if a child were to be pulling his tail, I would assume he would react the same way as any other cat. He doesn't hiss unless he feels like he is in danger but would never bite anyone. "

She doesn't mention that I'm also incredibly handsome. My brother is Junior, and Chichi and Chacha are our parents.

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Notes from Home
2 years ago, Kiko was hiding under a blanket. he was a very frightened nervous cat after a 5+ hour trip to his new home in Vermont. it seemed like he might never come out. then an ear appeared, then 2 ears, then the whole head and finally the entire cat. his brother, Junie B. Lovebug, encouraged him to explore with him. (Junie hit the ground running the house and claiming it all for them.)
he is now 18 pounds of sleek, satin-furred, purring love. he follows me around the house talking and wanting to be 1. fed, 2. brushed, 3. picked up. he is still a bit on the nervous side but he has come a long long way. he has brought huge love and joy to his forever home.

(Last update: May 30th, 2012 4pm)

Likes to cuddle, likes to play, likes to purr ! Chirps and trills all the time ! !
Name: Tasha

(FKA Ivory)

ID#: VA8170
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/05/11
Adopted: 11/18/11
Deceased: 01/01/18
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Heida

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
This little cat is a doll, though sometimes I call her a rowdy puppy in cat clothing. Has gained about a pound of pure muscle in the six weeks we have had her and eats like a junkyard dog. She charges about crashing into things with abandon and has taught her servants to throw her soft balls so she can chase them and bring back for more (I don't think it is a case we have taught her to fetch). She has a secret stash somewhere and puts her toys there for safekeeping. Her foster once said she had another young cat with her that acted like she had coffee beans for breakfast - well this one took lessons from her and will bounce on you like a trampoline to get up for breakfast and out to work - there is a schedule to be maintained! Great little companion, hope to get her a partner in crime this spring.

5/30/2012 - This adoption is an absolute success. Tasha (formerly Ivory) has bloomed into a beautiful cat who alternates between being a calm, zen kitty and chirping like crazy to hurry up and throw the ball for her to chase and retrieve. Had a late growth spurt, 50% larger and in weight than we we got her at 8 months. She doesn't like to have her claws clipped in the traditional position fashion, but when she's been napping doesn't mind if you lift up her legs one at a time and clip away while she just half opens her eyes but could care less; just no restraints or the battle begins! A suggestion to consider trying when nothing else works??? Now that she has her full colors, trying to figure out her ancestry - definitly we start with lynx Siamese, but then throw in snowshoe with those immaculate white booties and strong bengal tiger marks on her torso and a banded raccoon tail - maybe some bengal in there too? Anyway still has beautiful liquid lavender blue eyes and has started giving out kisses, demands full bath rubdowns with a hot wet washcloth every time she hears a sink turn on, and lets me know when it's time to get up and get to work to earn the cat chow. What more could one hope for??? Thanks to all!

2/20/2012 Heida - now named Tasha - continues to thrive. She has grown a bit more, so either her age was over-estimated or having adequate food is giving her a late growth spurt. She still trills and is very bonded to her human family. We did need to board her in order to take a trip; she was given royal accomodations in a four level condo at a professional pet center complete with daily grooming and one-on-one play sessions and came home happily with a good report card. Think they would love to have kept her! This adoption is a 100% success.

(Last update: May 30th, 2012 3pm)

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Name: Leroy

(FKA Jack)

ID#: VA8472
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/14/12
Adopted: 04/27/12
Congrats: Nanette
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

Hi there!
My name is Jack.
I am looking for my forever home.
This is my wish list.
LAPS - lots of laps!
People - I just LOVE people!
A soft bed to snuggle in.
Laps - did I mention laps?
Good food to eat.
And people - did I mention people?
Another thing I really like - my buddy Woodley:) You can see our picture together!
Oh, and one more thing - LOVE - that is really important.
Does your home have the things on my wish list? If it does, then please hit that Ask About Me paw so foster mom can tell you all about me.
Many thanks,

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Leroy settled into his new home very easily. He is growing like a weed having picked up two pounds in his first two weeks. He torments his older sister by chasing her relentlessly around the house and by jumping out to attack her whenever he gets the chance. She's not real crazy about this behavior and usually hisses or swats him. He always lays down or rolls over to show his submissiveness though and that seems to make her happy. Apparently she doesn't remember how she did the same thing to her older brother.

Leroy is such a joy and so, so playful. He loves to go out on the deck and bird watch and plays for hours in the evening with his toys. He has won the heart of my husband, a self-avowed non-animal person.

He lets me pick him up whenever I want as long as it isn't during playtime. Strangely though, he has never once sat in our laps so that behavior at his foster's home may have been because he was so sick. I'm sure that once he shed a bit more of his kittenhood, he'll think more about cuddling. He does love people and is not phased at all by little kids.

Thank you for asking about him. I'll get some pictures up soon. Nanette

(Last update: May 29th, 2012 3pm)

To know me is to love me. I am the most lap sitting, purring and snuggling kissy faced girl in history, adoring men and women equally. I'm okay with other cats, might even consider playing with them if they were super nice. And fine with woofers. So why haven't I been adopted and why do I have a heart? I'm a little OCD. I have a bad habit of picking at myself, but with time and calm and love and, okay, just a little kitty prozac, I'm good! I do eat a special diet of EVO (dry only, couldn't care less for wet) and you don't have to worry about my scratching behaviors because, yup, I'm declawed. So if you'd like to snuggle with a total love bug, I'll bring a good supply of my meds with me and we'll snuggle together!
Name:   Misty Blue
ID#: VA6788
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
DateIn: 01/10/10
Adopted: 05/02/10
Deceased: 08/03/18
Congrats: Lyn
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
It's hard to believe we've had Misty Blue for 2 years. She is the sweetest, most gentle, box-loving cat. If not for her, Turner would still be hiding behind the chair. She showed him that the dogs were no big deal and even gets along with our grumpy old man, Huey. We're so happy that she picked John when we picked up Turner. She loves to jump on your shoulder if you get close enough. And she will fight John for his Snickers ice cream, being the only people food that she will look at. We're so happy that she chose to share her life with us.
(Last update: May 29th, 2012 7am)

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Name: Jack

(FKA Jabberwocky)

ID#: VA8388
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 02/27/12
Adopted: 03/24/12
Congrats: Shelly
Foster: Julie

I am a love, can't you tell? I get along with EVERYONE!

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Notes from Home
Jack arrived via the Meezer Express on Saturday afternoon. He joins Bisou (VA7628), the lynxie girl I adopted nearly a year ago. Jack is the sweetest cat I have ever met. He purrs and head butts me constantly. I have him isolated in my bedroom, but Bisou briefly saw him through the baby gate last night. She crouched and hissed at him. Jack is so gentle and laid back that he did not even react to her. This morning, Bisou sat outside the bedroom door squeaking to Jack. He was cooing at her, and they had a little kitty conversation. Thanks to foster mom Julie M. for taking great care of Jack and nursing him back to health after his neuter. Thanks to interviewer Nina B. for finding Jack for me all the way in North Carolina. Finally, thanks to the drivers of the Meezer Express who safely delivered Jack to me in a three-leg trip. I am overjoyed to have such a beautiful, loving cat in my home.

4/2/2012 - On Saturday, I let Jack out of his "man cave" to meet Bisou. She swatted him in the face. Jack turned and retreated, and Bisou swatted him twice more in the back! With some helpful advice from Jack's foster mom and interviewer, I introduced them again on Sunday. They played for nearly 15 minutes and chased each other around my condo. Bisou is older and plumper than Jack, so she got tired and took a nap under the dining room table. I put Jack back in his "man cave." About an hour later, they were on each side of the door meowing and chirping to each other, so we had another short play date. I am confident that in a few weeks they will be the best of friends. I hope to post some pictures of them together soon, but they move around so quickly that all the shots I took were blurry.

4/10/12 Bisou and Jack have bonded! They have been together since Sunday afternoon. Today I left them together for the first time while I'm at work. Jack adores Bisou and follows her around like a puppy dog. When she is in her cat bed, he goes up to her and licks her forehead. Yesterday afternoon, Bisou licked him back. They also chase each other around the house. Bisou has already lost a half-pound from her more active lifestyle. Jack went to the vet on Saturday and was given a clean bill of health pending the return of his bloodwork. All is well in Meezerland.

4/16/12 I posted some pictures of the cats. Today is my one-year anniversary with Bisou!

5/28/12 Jack has taken up kitty yoga in his spare time. I posted a picture of him in the "downward dog" position.

(Last update: May 28th, 2012 2pm)

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