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Hello, I'm Beeja. Meowmy said that I'm a perfect, healthy, well socialized littlefellow and want to go home with my sister, Persia. If you ask about me, ask about her, too so we can stay together. We play, eat and sleep together, and have been since we were born. We've had a great start in life and meowmy thinks we're perfect! i have a tiny white mustach on my face and 4 little whit feet. Meowmy prominsed some good photos real soon, and even a video of us playing together!

Name: Mica

(FKA Beeja)

ID#: VA7709
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/10/11
Adopted: 06/25/11
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Mica had his yearly checkup and shots this month and he is in excellent condition. He weights 11 pounds and is extremely healthy and gorgeous. He is the rebellious one of the two. His sister Zoe is a complete angel and does not misbehave at all. They play well together and Zoe plays the mother to Mica by often cleaning him. They are brushed daily and their winter coats are almost completely gone. Mica has much shorter hair then Zoe. We take them out on the deck to get some fresh air. It is very high off the ground and they love to watch the birds and the trees that are full of squirrels. They have really come a long way in their behavior. We feed them the Nutra Natural cat food which is 40% protein and they love their cat treats. They are our children now and we love them both.
(Last update: Jun 25th, 2012 7pm)

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Name: Finnegan Mac Cool

(FKA Simba (f/k/a Lola))

ID#: VA8510
Location:  Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/29/12
Adopted: 05/13/12
Deceased: 06/17/17
Congrats: Mariah
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Totally sweet and friendly kitty. Lived with children and other cats previously. Should fit anywhere.

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Notes from Home
Hi- I am so happy with Simba [ now Finn]- he is a loving gentle smart fun guy who is a pleasure to have here. There are no issues with food, LB, my other cat, or me, and his health appears to be very good. I do think he will take awhile to really bond, he must be very hurt at losing his family- he is very sweet and has been so easy and eager to please, but keeps me at a certain distance, which is understandable. I think i just need to give him time. If you have any suggestions, i 'd love them! If he never fully bonds, well I can accept that. Thanks for all your help- best, mariah

He continues to bite me when i pat him, although he does hang around nearby a lot- am quite sure he either misses his family and blames me, or always bit, as i never had a cat bite me before, being vrery gentle, approaching him slowly, or saying No does not work with him... Do you have any ideas? he is just not a lap cat- likes to play but not to be close. I will give him plenty of time if that is all that's needed. he is very smart and a nice guy otherwise[ i have been able to pick him up[ briefly] and to clip his claws] he also tends to scratch when playing and just doesnt know any manners, i think... it has gotten so that i rarely pat him, unfortunately.... not such a good thing.

(Last update: Jun 25th, 2012 11am)

Meow!? Would you like to be my friend?

Woof?! Would you like to be my friend?

Hello out there!? Would you like to be my friend?

I am desperately seeking a friend. I love to talk, interact, snuggle, play and want to be yours.

I just need a friend!
Name: K'nichi

(FKA Captain William Kit)

ID#: VA8533
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 05/12/12
Adopted: 06/08/12
Congrats: Cheryl Grady
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Captain Kit, NKA K'inich Bahlam (Radiant Jaguar in ancient Mayan and called Nichi--sounds like the philosopher Nietzsche too) is doing great. I still have to figure out how to upload photos, but I'll work on that. He's as comfortable as if he were here 2 months rather than 2 weeks.

We're now getting ready for his new "sibling" Tia Maria to come home on Tuesday, the 26th. I think he'll welcome the extra distraction once she's acclimated and we spend some time introducing the two of them.

Thanks all. Photos to come. (I just missed a great one of him sleeping on the bed with all 4our feet in the air...

(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2012 11am)

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Name:   Bisou
ID#: VA7628
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 03/19/11
Adopted: 04/16/11
Congrats: Shelly
Foster: Debi

Are you looking for sweet, gentle, loving & a family member that will give head butts? Then you have found your girl! I am a beautiful lynx girl with lilac coloring...this is what my mewom mom keeps saying...she's a little gushy when she keeps telling me how pretty I am. She named me Bisou because when I arrived I gave her a kiss & Bisou means kiss in French!

I have a little cold at the moment, so I will pose for my photo shoot when I look my very best!


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Notes from Home
Bisou arrived on April 16th via the Meezer Express squeaking away. She is a beautiful, sweet, playful cat and I just adore her. I recently lost my 18-year-old lynx point Siamese girl. I was heartbroken until Bisou arrived and cheered me up with her playful antics. She has completely recovered from her cold and has gained nearly three pounds since she arrived at foster care. I am so grateful to Bisou's foster meowm, Debi C, who came home from work during her lunch hour every day to give Bisou her meds and her nebulizer treatment. Bisou is now completely socialized and loves to run out into the hall to meet and greet the neighbors. Everyone loves her. I am going away to a wedding for a few days in August, and there is literally a waiting list of neighbors who want to check in on her while I'm away. Thank you to everyone at Virginia Siamese Rescue for bringing precious Bisou into my life.

6/21/12 Bisou continues to do well. I adopted a young male in March (Jabberwocky VA8388). Bisou did not accept him at first, but she loves him now. They are a bonded pair and even groom each other. I posted some pictures of Bisou and her little brother. I adore them!

(Last update: Jun 21st, 2012 8pm)

Foster meowmy says I'm an aggressively friendly kitten who trusts easily.

Want headbutts? That's me!
Want purring? That's me, too!

Foster meowmy thinks you should know a couple of other things, too. Like she thinks I'm a little skinny, and she's working on putting a little meat on my bones. I can't help it if I'm still young and skinny - but feed me as much as you want! I don't mind.

She's still figuring out some stuff, but if you're interested in a beautiful girl who really wants to find her forever home - send an email!
Name:   Kono
ID#: VA8409
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/12/12
Adopted: 04/06/12
Congrats: Brent
Foster: Jeannie


Notes from Home
I am pleased to say that Kono has settled right in. She is pleased with her top entry litter box and she only scratches on the cardboard scratchpad that I got for her. She loves attention but she still has to be in the right mood for lap sitting. She's getting there though.

New favorite activities include watching the crickets that the household lizard eats (they're always jumping!) and chasing the laser pointer. I always sit in the middle of the living room when I use the laser, and now whenever I walk into the living room she runs over and starts chattering until I play with her. She is so much fun!

Update 4/30/2012
Kono grows to be more comfortable here every day. She loves attention, especially when I scratch her cheeks. She enjoys sitting in my lap more often now, and I can actually pick her up and put here there and have her stay put. Especially if she gets cheek-rubs. She also loves playing with her toys and will squeak at me if I don't play with her every day. She is pretty good about letting me sleep, and prefers to sleep on the other side of the bed instead of right next to me. There are times though when she'll put her wet nose all over me and headbutt me until I pet her. Then she'll snuggle up next to me and purr until she tires of me, at which point she'll run off to play with her toys. She is so much fun and I love having her around!

Update: 6/20/2012
Kono and I have settled into a comfortable routine. She wakes me up occasionally at 6:00am with vigorous purring and headbutting, but otherwise sticks to sleeping next to me quietly. She still isn't one to be picked up and held, but that's ok. Kono likes to be the one to initiate contact. She loves playing with me, and much prefers it to playing on her own. She'll pester me and chatter until I grab her favorite feather-on-a-string toy, sit down in the living room and twirl it over my head in a circle. She'll chase it around and around until she has to stop from exertion. When she isn't looking for attention, she likes to hang out at the top of the cat tree I got for her a while back. It's her favorite place to nap in the afternoons and evenings, and it gives her a perfect view of the sun room windows. I couldn't have picked a better roommate :)

(Last update: Jun 20th, 2012 10pm)

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Name:   Munro
ID#: VA7712
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 05/10/11
Adopted: 06/19/11
Congrats: Lynne
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I'm ready to start looking for my own family. I'm a very tiny kid right now and have a bit of growing to do before I'll be able to go home. I'm sweet and purring for foster mom. Like to play with my brother, Casey. I heard my sis finally got captured so she will be making an appearance soon. I am the more affectionate kid. Starting to play with toys. Remember, I need to go to a home with another kitty or a cat friendly doggie.

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Notes from Home
We all adore Munro! He is our "hard to get" cat, who keeps us constantly desirous of any affection from him. His favorite person is our 23-yr-old son Stefan, who can carry him around in his arms like a baby for long periods of time. Having him on our laps or next to us for some loving is rare and greatly appreciated. Sometimes we go scoop him up when he has been sleeping and he forgets to leave for a while. He seems very happy. Likes looking out the windows to follow birds and flying bugs. He is fascinated by a cobweb on our ceiling so we've left it up for him. ; ) Munro had a painful and expensive urinary tract blockage but is now on CD food and doing fine. He loves to eat any vegetables we have prepared either raw or cooked, so we give him tastes. As a Siamese lover, I had never owned a striped cat, and now we are all crazy for his stripes! He loves to chase and eat Temptations Cat treats. We keep them at a minimum for dietary reasons, but he is at his happiest and most stimulated in their pursuit. He loves to watch most any animal on TV. He watched the "Kitty Bowl" during the Super Bowl, and even gave Madonna a good looking at when she danced around at Half Time. We think you did a great placement. Our cat Sookie still needs to be the "alpha cat" but Munro is okay with that. He gets chased, but chases back. He learned how to jump up on top of our kitchen cabinets from Sookie, though he's more of a "ground" cat, and now LOVES to be up there. If she gets too domineering he just ends their games by walking away and ignoring her. He has this husky little voice that makes us laugh. Thank you for the great gift of Munro. We try to be the best family ever for him and will always be grateful for all of you who volunteered to make his being a part of our family possible!
(Last update: Jun 19th, 2012 7am)


I am not only a wonderful cat, but I am the world's best cat mommy. My babies are fat, fluffy & sleek.

I am super friendly and quick to purr. Once my kittens are weaned, I will be getting ready to go to my forever home. I should be ready to go home near the beginning of June.

Please check me out. I have all the wonderful qualities of a blue point -- friendly, laidback & loving.

Name:   Molly
ID#: VA8495
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 04/28/12
Adopted: 06/08/12
Congrats: Julie
Foster: Ellen


Notes from Home
Molly had her 2 week check-up with the vet today. She is healthy and doing well. Her incision from the spaying is nearly healed. She wasn't thrilled to go to the vet, but I think she's forgiven me. She is a happy and loving kitty!
(Last update: Jun 18th, 2012 7pm)

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Name: Simba

(FKA Bob Kat)

ID#: VA8192
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/13/11
Adopted: 12/11/11
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes

Just arrived and this is great! More food? That's great! Those toys for me? That's great! You notoiced my cute little bobtail? Isn't it great? You want to adopt me? That's great! Forever?? That IS GREAT!

More information soon.

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Notes from Home
Simba (AKA BobKat) and his little sister Nala (AKA Lizzie) arrived safe and sound today via the Meezer Express (which was a two day trip all the way from Tennessee). Bless those volunteers!! The kittens came out of their carriers purring and headbutting us and were playing with their feather wand right away. Both of the kittens even slept with us on the bed right from the start!

Both of the kittens have settled in nicely; we can hardly imagine life without them! For Xmas, we got them a cat tree that is floor to ceiling in height and they absolutely love it. I'll include some of the pictures soon.

Simba and Nala now have the run of the house; we are kept laughing by their playing, talking, galloping and pouncing. But the best thing to have happened has been when the kittens wake up in the morning and go through their ritual of kissing and snuggling with us -- we have lost our hearts to them and can't imagine life without them now. No doubt about it -- the best thing that happened to us in 2011 was definitely finding our new family members! Thanks SCRC!

6 month update - June 15, 2012
Simba and Nala are now 100% part of the family and have settled in nicely. With the exception of learning that both of them have certain food allergies which require special food, they have been no trouble at all and keep us constantly on our toes. Simba sleeps on his back with all four paws in the air and loves to play with his sister, while Nala loves to "fetch" -- we throw her a cat sping and she runs and picks it up in her teeth, then runs back and drops it at our feet. Both cats are stikingly beautiful and extremely loving. We have learned that Simba is a SiaManx (half Manx and half Siamese) which means that he has a much stockier body, longer back legs and runs like a cheetah. Nala is pure Diva Siamese and is incredibley limber and graceful; just one gorgeous cat. I've attached a couple of pics so that you can how wonderful and fun our feline family members are.

(Last update: Jun 18th, 2012 4am)

My name is Scortch - and that's right ladies - I am sssssmokin' hot! One look into my gorgeous blue eyes and you'll be helpless to resist. You'll gladly give in to buying me jumbo portions of catnip and naughty cat treats. You'll be glued to floor playing endlessly with me and my kitty kat racetrack. You will wear your fingers to a nub petting me and rubbing my ample teddy bear belly. You'll suddenly find that Animal Planet is all you want to watch, and will have a great desire to hang bird feeders outside my window. Go ahead....give in. Ask about me - you know you want to.
Name: Scorch

(FKA Scortch)

ID#: VA8486
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/22/12
Adopted: 05/13/12
Deceased: 08/30/12
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
6/14 Can it possibly be a month already that Scorch has been here? Can it possibly be only a month? He's well settled in, an established and treasured member of the family. He's fond of expressing himself, especially at meal time. His verbosity has caused Chanel to become more vocal, which has been fun to see. I have him on maintenance doses of catnip so he doesn't go into withdrawal , and he knows the brush when he sees and comes right over for grooming, as does Chanel.

5/28 Scorch has been here two weeks as of yesterday, having arrived on Mother's Day. He is a wonderful cat, an easy-going, laid-back tom. He has a harem of 5 here and is making a good adjustment. A little hissing from time to time is to be expected but nothing more dramatic. My gals are used to having fosters come through and so are pretty good about dealing with strangers.

5/15 Scorch is quite chatty, especially when hungry. He loves being brushed and getting total body massages. His preference is to get high on kitty pot (catnip) as often as possible. He's a great companion and a beautiful boy. I'm delighted to have a male kitty again.

Scorch was checked by my vet Friday, with blood and urine being drawn, and has been pronounced to be in fine condition.

(Last update: Jun 14th, 2012 11am)

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Name:   Chanel
ID#: VA7369
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Calico
Date In: 10/24/10
Adopted: 03/04/11
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


I was returned after 7 years...new baby and alleriges.

It took me a few weeks to relax...looks like I got it down...ready for a snugglebug?

Ask about me!


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Notes from Home
March 2012 Chanel has been with me a little over a year. As I have told Jane Shirey, her foster who pulled her back from death's doorstep when she had lipoidosis, she has been a real blessing in my life. She's fairly opinionated and for months was tolerant of the other cats but mostly ignored them. Recently she's become more sociable. She has always been so with me, follows me around the house, is glued to my side in bed. She particularly likes sitting on the computer keyboard and frequently sends incomprehensible e-mails.

6/2/12 I'm quite proud of how well she has tolerated adding Scorch to our household this month.

6/14/12 Chanel's meezer "brother" Scorch is quite the talker and apparently it's catching because Chanel is vocalizing much more than she used to. Her speech has a much wider range of emotion, as she is not shy about conveying her displeasure, on being picked up, for instance, as well as her approval. She really has quite the personality and does make life more interesting than some of the easier-going kitties. She has designated herself my #1 personal cat and in some ways is a bit more like a dog in following me around.

(Last update: Jun 14th, 2012 11am)

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