Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 7:48:40am |
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I just arrived with my brother Joey who is my buddy. My buddy Joey's number is VA7767 if you want to see him too. Do you think my eyes look like a raccoon? That's what people say. Raccoon's are cute so I guess I am cute too - don't you think? I like people after I know them a bit. I like to play and I really love to eat. There are lots of toys to play with here and the FOOD IS GREAT. And I do love my food. If you want to know more about me, then all you need to do is click on adopt me - I know we will become great buddies.
Name: Charlie
ID#: VA7766
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/01/11
Adopted: 07/23/11
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Gina
Foster Notes for Charlie [VA7766] |
Sweet boy - a little shy but warms up quickly. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Can't believe it's been a month already and at the same time it's like Charlie has been here a lot longer! He is such a sweetie and having great fun with his older brother Mickey. He loves yogurt and shares some with me every morning. Charlie seems to enjoy every part of the day and can be very helpful in my everyday tasks. So glad he's here!
Charlie is already 6 months old! He's growing in leaps and bounds and is almost as big as his older brother Mickey! He's a very affectionate little boy (well not really little!) who loves pets and purrs in response. Charlie and Mickey are the first to meet me when I come home with their tails straight up in the air!
Wow, Charlie is almost 9 months old! He is enjoying life and continues to grow! Tells me stories and gives plenty of lovin! He is such a joy to have around.
Well, a year has gone by already! Charlie is doing great and continues to grow and explore. He is now the tallest of my cats and has the longest legs and tail! He came home a shy little guy and has grown into a beautiful, soft, loving member of our family!
(Last update: Jul 24th, 2012 10am)
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Name: Beatrice
ID#: VA7738
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/21/11
Adopted: 07/16/11
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Must be Only Cat
Alrighty then! Check out my video to get a feel for my purrsonality! Yes, I went through some changes, travelling from TN to VA and getting acclimated to the new digs, and despite some initial grumbling (having a roommate is not what it's cracked up to be!) once I found I could be the only feline if I requested it, my stellar personality immediately started shining through! Superb habits and a true Siamese personality round out the package!
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Notes from Home
It's now been approximately six months since SCRC Beatrice and I first shared living space together. Beatrice (or Ms. Bee or BeeBee) is quite a character! She's warm, friendly, assertive, and loves to be petted. She leans right into the hand that pets her and asks for more. As well as when she first greets, she will do an unique "dance," quivering her hindquarters while prancing on both her front and back legs -- quite a sight, indeed! And she's no shy feline! Loves to meet and greet family and others, much unlike my last (now deceased) cat who would rather dive u/ a bed or sofa in utter fright of "strangers!" On the other hand, the only time I find BeeBee u/ a bed is when there are sounds of lightening -- loud roars of thunder! Who can blame her?
Beatrice seems well adjusted to her "forever home." And it didn't take her long! When she first arrived -- w/i merely moments -- she jumped out of her cat carrier and into the back porch, then w/o a second thought, entered the main areas of my home (now, definitely HER home too). After all, THIS Siamese had no need, apparently, of any "adjustment" period. She sniffed and preened. Then sniffed some more. All while, I am sure, she smelled the smells of my deceased cat, Ginger, around and about the entire house. But, lo, even that didn't inhibit BeeBee. She was extremely polite in her first endeavors seeking out, finding, and "christianing" the new cat litter box. Affirming to all -- any visitors and me -- that ALL was now hers. The sole feline in and about. Indeed, she's the reigning Ms. Siamese Diva w/o any question!
Bee has but one draw back. Her weight. She arrived w/ a slight padding, let us say. And I vowed to myself and to Bee's vet that she would be placed on an immediate weight reduction diet. So off to the pet store did I drive. And thought . . . . "hhhmmm, no grain dry food, let's see now . . ." I then bought Wellness (brand), Healthy Weight, for indoor cat weight reduction. Read the instructions and gave her 1/3 cup in the early AM and another 1/3 cup in the evening. Every day. Because she's a large (close to 15 lbs.) mature semi-active indoor cat, who plays and jumps around w/o any effort. However, I think I detect a slight -- very slight -- weight gain since she arrived. Sheesh. 2/3 daily cups Wellness Healthy Weight dry food GAINS weight? Who knew?
And poor BeeBee cries and tries mischievous behavior (to get my attention) about an hour or an hour 1/2 before mealtime too. How can I cut back? I think I need some SCRC suggestions here. Is less than 2/3 cups of no-grain dry Wellness Healthy Weight cat food okay?
Hmmmm . . . maybe I'll call Beatrice's vet too. Yes, I'll do that! Oh, I need to mention that Beatrice also receives a once-in-a-while "treat" of 1/2 pouch of wet no-grain Wellness brand cat food in place of her evening dry food. That's only 1.5 ounces of wet food in replacement of 1/3 cup of dry food in the evening . . . this occurs maybe once a week. She devours her food completely in only a few moments! Then prances off to join me once again.
Yes, and join me she does, too. She's my at-the-ready companion all day and all night. She loves to follow me, room-to-room. Sit and watch and chirp happily. Jump upon my lap and snuggle a nap while I sit reading or TVing. She'll follow me to the dining area and curl-up on the chair adjacent to me while I breakfast, lunch, or supper at the dining table. She, also, loves to jump about chasing my shadows cast upon the wood floor behind me while I attend to dirty pots, pans, and dishes at the kitchen sink. She'll sometimes jump up and down trying to chase the shadows! Oh, she's definitely a joy! Quite a joy! Her rather loud greeting at the door whenever I return from outside . . . tells me how much she missed me. Whether it's merely a jaunt outside to fill birdfeeders, tend to gardening, or a longer trip in my car, she's there by the door patiently awaiting my return. And recently she's found how to snuggle u/ the bed covers w/ me. Nice and warm. She chirps then w/ a soft snore she sleeps. Talk about best friends!
And, oh, of those birdfeeders outside around the house? Lots of them. You see, Beatrice, LOVES the birdies . . . and more birdies . . . at all those feeders, no matter whether chickadees, goldfinches, house finches, house sparrows, or ground-feeding cardinals, juncos, mourning doves, and others! Together w/ the various woodpeckers and such at the suet feeders too! And of all those squirrels and chipmunks and bunnies too? Even an occasional swooping hawk! She sits and dances and chatters at them, all while she's at the windows. Never does she miss a one! Her head spins this way and that! Sometimes she chatters so much that she spits on the windowpanes! It's truly funny to watch! She's entertained by all the critters and I'm entertained by watching BeeBee watch the critters! How can you miss?!! As another perk, she loves lying in those sun-filled windows all year round about as much as she adores being curled-up in the heat from my (glassed-in) roaring fireplace in the winter months. Yes, she is quite comfortable in her newbie forever home! Long shall she reign, Princess Beatrice! Diva BeeBee!
All-in-all, I want to thank all those at SCSC who sheltered and took such great care of Beatrice, as well as assisted Beatrice and me to meet each other and to find her a forever home! Good job! Great work! Beatrice and I are quite happy. Thank you.
(Last update: Jul 23rd, 2012 11pm)
Talk about a stunning snowshoe - Mama Katie says that I am so pretty that she has to call me a "beauty shoe". Those are the snowshoes that she thinks are "THE BEST" of all when it comes to markings. I am SO Siamese in appearance, but have those perfectly marked shoes in the front and socks in the back. If you look carefully at my face, I have a tiny little blaze on my nose, too. AND, do you know what's even more appealing that my stunning looks? It's my sweet, sweet personality. I love to cuddle, sit in your lap and in my pivcture, you can see how much I like to make "air biscuits". Even though I don't appear to be smiling in my picture, I am SOOOOO happy. Somehow I got lost from my family and then never did come to find me, so now I'm at Hotel delShue where there are some pretty darn good looking "shoes", but none as much as me. If you like the "snowshoe look and personality", you'd better ask about me quick, because, I won't be staying in these digs long - just ask about me and Mama Katie will see if you are the right family for me. Oh, yes, I like other kitties, too. Purrs, headbutts and some air biscuits or lap biscuits or whatever kind of biscuits you like, Lynsdy
Name: Emma
(FKA Lyndsy)
ID#: VA8298
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 01/10/12
Adopted: 01/23/12
Congrats: Damien
Foster: Katie
Foster Notes for Lyndsy [VA8298] |
Sweet, laid back, easy going girl who is stunningly beautiful and good with other cats. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
This is one happy-tailed kitty.... Emma is always trotting around the house with tail in the air! She still loves playing with the red mouse her Foster mom packed for her, though the mouse tends to get lost, but it reappears from time to time. From the nicks we discovered on the corners of our walls and some chair legs, we learned that Emma prefers scratching on wood instead of carpeted posts. Not a problem though, I asked a family member to construct two sturdy, tall wood posts for Emma to scratch and stretch up onto. She adapted really well to the posts, and our walls and chairs remain safe(r). :-D Emma is the only cat I’ve ever met that does not like kitty treats, she would rather sit/lay/cackle at the outdoor birds that eat at the window feeder. She’s such a fun, corky Snowshoe Meezer!
(Last update: Jul 23rd, 2012 10am)
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Name: Narnia
ID#: VA7842
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/03/11
Adopted: 07/23/11
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Siri
Not with Female Cats
Here I am when given up because someone didn't have time for me. Really? I don't take that much time, I'm a loving gal with all my medical records, I've been kept well vetted and not had any issues throughout my years, and I'm in great shape though Aunt Siri has prescribed a mild exercise program. I don't have much experience with other cats, if any, and while I hid under the cabinet for the first two hours out of a cage, after that I was all about exploring, checking things out, purring, petting and brushing, and getting to know the place. So it won't take me long, and I won't take up too much of your time, seriously (but will accept all the time you do have to share with me with great appreciation!) (Dogs - inexperienced)
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Notes from Home
Well, its been two weeks and i do believe we are all settling in. We are still getting to know one another, however every day little girl shows us a tad bit more about herself. :) She has yet to meet his big family, as she still gets a tad spooked on things. Narnia greets us at the door and she likes to talk. She does like to sit in laps when either of us are watching tv, but when we have to get up we get kitty stink eye and a sharp "meow"...:) Little girl is such a joy and we are more than happy that we were able to be lucky enough to bring her home. :)
She loves her little pink bed and laying in the sun....me thinks someone may be spoiled, but its ok..:)
Today we have had little girl one month. It is hard to believe. Narnia is full of surprises. Each day she shows more of her purrsonality. :) Today especially, after walking the dog for 2 miles, working 10 hours, running to the grocery store, coming home, chasing the dog and having to put him back up after he decided to think he was funny and take off, i came back in the house. Aggravated, i will not lie, however.....around the corner someone comes tearing into the kitchen. Full of spunk, and i do believe mischief, Narnia decides...."i want to play". She decides she wants to play "tag"....with her being the one to run under the table.... stay for a sec, come racing back out, and looking at me to say..." i see you"...then...back under the table she races. We do this for a few min, until she is happy that i am laughing hard enough...and she races into the dining room and plops onto the carpet....onto her side and showing her belly. The look on her face says..."Ha ha....made ya smile"...:) Narnia is such a joy! We love her so much! :) She is a very special girl.
Well, yesterday someone really surprised me... :) After gutting the bathroom, and now trying to piece it together again....i "caught" someone in the sun. I thought it was sooo cute considering my husband and father in law were on the roof installing a vent before we can move on to getting a new roof. ( Oh...one "must" love home ownership.) Narnia is NOT a happy camper, and...i must say... i am not either...haha. As soon as she sees Travis go into the bathroom... she goes to her other room where i put one of her beds. I try to make it as comfortable as i can for her. She loves to talk and sing. She also likes to lay on me when its just us girls and we are watching tv. : ) I am so happy we have her!
10/30/11 Happy Halloween everyone!!!! Its been a min....but just wanted to tell everyone how MARVELOUS little miss (prissy at alot of times) Narnia is doing. :) She is GREAT!! She has opened up sooo much more!! I am so proud of her! Unlike some...she will not go near a bug. She looks at you to do the "dirty work". I.e. one day i found a spider on my sweater...(since its been getting cold...i have found a few in the house). This one was rather large to say the least....and i attempted to point it out to her....oh the look i got! Hehehe..."THAT is disgusting...and YOU can kill it!" Hehehe... so....i killed it. Hehehe....she is SUCH joy though. Its super funny when she gets into her mode of running through the house. She stop....look at you...and take off again...hehe... i am very happy with my girl!
12/6/11 Early Merry Christmas everyone!! :) I had some help decorating! Narnia is such a great girl! We are so happy with her. She has really became the love bug. She enjoys herself in the evenings when she gets to climb up on the couch with us and snuggle under the blanket. She REALLLY loves being under a blanket, especially now since it is turning cold. We have discovered that just like our siamese before her, she loves the fireplace. Its propane, and when it does not cut on when she feels it should....oh she will give you evil eye. :) I hope everyone has a great Christmas!
1/24/12 Hard to believe its been 6 months, but here we are. Narnia is SUCH a joy! Our little one is so full of joy...and of course sass. Chirstmas was wonderful with her, just like our siamese before her...she believed that she could open gifts early. One in particular....mine. It cracked me up...she would look right at my husband who would find it funny to tell me that "you dont know what it is" and she would rip the bow off or rip some paper. She has gotten a ton more loving and a ton more possessive over the fireplace. Oh she looooovvves it! When it cuts off she will turn her head and give the first person she looks at stink eye. Her majesty is pretty spoiled too. Her kitty bed is now lined with a plush robe and then a flannel blankie to cover her. She is our girl though....we would not take anything for her. Happy New Year to all!
(From Narnia)
Ah Ha!! I FINALLY have access to the computer! Let me tell you!!! Its been almost a year here with mom and dad, and boy....mom, she had me on this diet food for a while. Well, i kept getting sick, so she switched me to senior...i am doing better. However, mom feeds me 2 a day and only gives me a certain amount!! Can you believe that!! We play alot....i should have extra food...but mom...nope...she is firm on her decision. Just last week, dad found a lump on me and mom freaked. Called the vet and had me in as soon as she could. I tried telling them it was nothing...but...nope do they listen...nope. Well, the vet....he was very nice until he did my temp check...after that...i had no use for him...or after he said what my lump was....fat pads. I have gained 3 lbs..(the 3 i had lost)..healthy....just...i have gained some weight. Sooo....mom has gotten stricter on my food...and we play even more...she says i need the exercise. Hey! I am almost 9!!! I must admit though....i do have run over my house and my parents. Mom and dad tell me all the time they love me, and how pretty i am. We talk alot and mom tells me stories about her home up north. (She is a yankee...whatever that is....) . I get moms lap whenever she is home and when i tell her i want it. I guess...i guess i am spoiled....but..hey...i am a gorgeous girl! Well....moms coming...time to get...talk to ya all later! ;)
Its been one full year since we brought little Miss Narnia home. Its hard to believe. As i sit here and type this i am being talked too. (Probably being told she really does not like her food being cut back). When we went to the vet last month to have her yearly done ( i had found a lump that i wanted looked at as soon as possible...lump turned out to be...fat...so...cut back on food) the vet said other than being a touch over weight...she is fine. She is such a good little lady...and funny too...she does her best to make a person laugh. We are very happy to have such a great little girl. Thank you everyone!
(Last update: Jul 23rd, 2012 8am)
One of a group of cats (80 total) that were 'collected', I'm a tiny 5 pound 'blank slate' type kitty - solid personality but no experiences. I need a quiet household, a dedicated owner, a lot of love and attention, and another cat or two to make me successful!
Name: Pipsqueak
ID#: VA8367
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/18/12
Adopted: 03/04/12
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Pipsqueak Update 4-18-12 Pip is a living doll. She is so cute and such a tiny little Diva. I was afraid of the integration because her first instinct was to puff up and go after my other adoptee, Michabo. Luckily Michabo is a true gentle giant and just sat there and looked at her. Now, although not really friends, they happily share the house. Michabo even allows Pip in his window, even though she didn't ask permission. See pictures uploaded of both Pip and Michabo. I must work on the red-eye situation, though.
7-23-12 Pipsqueak struts around the house like she owns the place. She is so friendly to everyone. She lets me pick her up and carry her around. She has the tiniest of little cries. She is so cute. We love her. Michabo is very kind to her but I don't think he really likes her too much.
(Last update: Jul 23rd, 2012 8am)
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Name: Michabo
(FKA Pablo)
ID#: VA4788
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 03/05/07
Adopted: 03/18/07
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri
Not with Male Cats
Tall, blue, handsome, outgoing, very curious, very friendly, a bit chatty, interactive, busy, Siamese!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Michabo and Pip LOVE the Undercover Mouse that came in Pipsqueak's adoption bag. Pip cries when we turn it off.
(Last update: Jul 23rd, 2012 8am)
Play, play, play all day long. That is what I want to do with my sisters. What a happy family we are.
Name: Sashimi
(FKA Hana)
ID#: VA8503
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/28/12
Adopted: 06/09/12
Congrats: Catherine
Foster: Jane
Notes from Home
Sushi and Sashimi are getting so big!! They love to play with the laser light, but they're a little frustrated that they can never seem to catch it :-p Eating like little piggies as you can see in one picture ;-) They get plenty of play time and snuggle time with Mama (me), but when Mama is not available, they have each other. Their wrestling is better than watching WWF!!
In about another month or so, I will be taking them to the vet for their first rabies shot. Necessary evil, I guess.
Linus was wrong. Happiness is not a warm blanket.
Happiness is two warm, purring kitties on your lap :-D
(Last update: Jul 18th, 2012 3pm)
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Name: Shirley Dimple
(FKA Lily)
ID#: VA7808
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/21/11
Adopted: 07/16/11
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Heida
Foster Notes for Lily [VA7808] |
Sweet, sweet ,sweet! |
Foster Notes
Busy, playful, outgoing and sweet little girl, like to voice my opinion on things and am not afraid of anything! Quick to purr, likes cuddles, and finds dogs interesting and pounceable!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
My name is Harry-Hairlip (formally known as Latimer & then Harley)
My sister is Shirley Dimples (formally Lily and then Sophie)
It took our mom & dad a while to figure out our real names but when we were little, we came to just about anything they called us.
After a very long ride, Shirley and I arrived at our new home-it seemed like it was up in the trees! We lived on the third floor and we had a balcony in the trees where we could watch all the birds and squirrels pass by. It was all interesting and very exciting. A couple days after we got to our new home, we got very sick. Our eyes swelled shut from painful ulcers. We had a very hard time breathing and couldn’t stop coughing for weeks. We had to go the doctor a lot and had to take lots of yucky medicine and even medicine in our eyes. My mom was very worried but spoon fed us because we were too weak to eat on our own and stayed up with us at to wipe our faces and give us more medicine. About a month later, we started to get better but the doctor said we have a virus that will always be in our bodies and could come back and make us sick again and again. This frightens mommy but she promised to do research to find out everything she can to help keep the virus away.
Shirley and I did (and still do) everything together; we napped together because we are soft and warm and cuddly for each other. We ate together and when I finished my food, I’d finish Shirley’s. We played together! Oh boy! Mom would play with us all day with lots of fun toys and games. She even had a giant cat condo we climbed and jumped on. We had to grow a bit before we could make it to the top because it was very high up. We could watch everything from up there. Our mom even got us a special stroller that she’d put us in and walk all around town in. We got the strangest looks from everyone but they’d all come over to say hello to us. Sometimes she still tries to stuff us in there together, but we’ve grown so big that I only want to go by myself because Shirley gets in my way and I have to step on her to get the best view. We sure are a lot bigger than when we were kittens. Our mom makes special food for us every day. We love our organic raw food diet. Sometimes we eat duck or lamb or rabbit. Other days we eat chicken or pork or beef but we weren’t too crazy for the venison. The sardines and mackerel-we tried to bury that as soon as we took a sniff. Our fur is very soft and glossy and our eyes are clear and bright. Our new doctor says we are very healthy but says I should let Shirley eat all of her own food by herself. She told mom that I eat too much of Shirley’s food. But its sooo yummy!! And I love it when mom calls me her “fluffy dumpling.â€
We had fun in that home but this fall we packed all our toys and bowls and moved to our cabin in woods in New Hampshire. We saw snow! We even went for walks in the snow. We may be snowshoe cats but our snow shoes did not keep us warm! We couldn’t wait to get back inside where it was warm. Now we have adventures almost every day! At least once a day our mom or dad takes us out for walks. We try to sit still while our mom puts our harnesses on but we still squirm around a bit. Sometimes we walk to the post office or sometimes we walk in the woods. That is the most fun-our dad throws pine cones so we can chase them. Sometimes we just sit in the sun and watch the birds at the bird feeders. After we have fun outside we come in and mom brushes our coats. She wants to make sure we don’t bring home any bugs. She does not like the kind of bugs that want to jump on us so we let her brush us.
Sometimes I jump up on mom’s back so she can carry me around. When I’m on mom’s shoulders I sometimes bite her head and comb her hair with my claws. This makes her laugh and yell at the same time. She is funny like that. Mom says sometimes we get too rough when we play and we hurt her. When she says we need a spa day she will give us both something she calls a “mani-pedi.†We don’t like it and we let her know it-loud and clear but that doesn’t stop her, no matter how much we fuss.
Shirley and I still do lots of things together but one thing we don’t do is sit by the fireplace when daddy makes a fire. Daddy makes a fire every night to warm up the living-room. Shirley tries to get as close as she can. Sometimes her fur gets hot! Not me! I like it cool. I have such a thick silky coat that I’d rather find a cool place so I’ll lay in one of my beds (we have lots of beds) by a window. Its cooler there and I can still keep an eye on things.
Today is my birthday and my mom got me a special surprise. She’s going to roast a bone in the oven and let me gnaw on it! She’ll let me tear the meat from it but will take it away before the bone can hurt me. She even made me a birthday hat. I’m not sure if I’m going to let her put it on me but I can’t wait for my surprise. Next week is Shirley’s birthday and she’ll be a big girl! Bet I’m going to share her surprise, too!
Shirley and I want to thank Siamese Rescue for finding us the most loving family and the best forever home kitties could ever wish for. Now I’m going to curl up next to Shirley in the sun and take a nap. Until it gets too warm.
(Last update: Jul 16th, 2012 4pm)
Why can't I find my forever home? The rules are pretty simple. I need toys, I need a play buddy of the feline persuasion and I need you to feed me and love me and tell me what a handsome boy I am.
Name: Harry-Hairlip
(FKA Latimer)
ID#: VA7773
Location: North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/04/11
Adopted: 07/16/11
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Nancy
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
My name is Harry-Hairlip (formally known as Latimer & then Harley)
My sister is Shirley Dimples (formally Lily and then Sophie)
It took our mom & dad a while to figure out our real names but when we were little, we came to just about anything they called us.
After a very long ride, Shirley and I arrived at our new home-it seemed like it was up in the trees! We lived on the third floor and we had a balcony in the trees where we could watch all the birds and squirrels going about their business It was all interesting and very exciting. A couple days after we got to our new home, we got very sick. Our eyes swelled shut from painful ulcers. We had a very hard time breathing and couldn’t stop coughing for weeks. We had to go the doctor a lot and had to take lots of yucky medicine and even medicine in our eyes. My mom was very worried but spoon fed us because we were too weak to eat on our own and stayed up with us at night to wipe our faces and give us more medicine. About a month later, we started to get better but the doctor said we have a virus that will always be in our bodies and could come back and make us sick again and again. This frightens mommy but she promised to do research to find out everything she can to help keep the virus away.
Shirley and I did (and still do) everything together; we nap together because we are soft and warm and cuddly for each other. We eat together and when I finished my food, I’d finish Shirley’s. We played together! Oh boy! Mom would play with us all day with lots of fun toys and games. She even had a giant cat condo we climbed and jumped on. We had to grow a bit before we could make it to the top because it was very high up. We could watch everything from up there. Our mom even got us a special stroller that she’d put us in and walk all around town in. We got the strangest looks from everyone but they’d all come over to say hello to us. Sometimes she still tries to stuff us in there together, but we’ve grown so big that I only want to go by myself because Shirley gets in my way and I have to step on her to get the best view. We sure are a lot bigger than when we were kittens. Our mom makes special food for us every day. We love our organic raw food diet. Sometimes we eat duck or lamb or rabbit. Other days we eat chicken or pork or beef but we weren’t too crazy for the venison. The sardines and mackerel-we tried to bury that as soon as we took a sniff. Our fur is very soft and glossy and our eyes are clear and bright. Our new doctor says we are very healthy but says I should let Shirley eat all of her own food by herself. She told mom that I eat too much of Shirley’s food. But its sooo yummy!! And I love it when mom calls me her “fluffy dumpling.â€
We had fun in that home but this fall we packed all our toys and bowls and moved to our cabin in woods in New Hampshire. We saw snow! We even went for walks in the snow. We may be snowshoe cats but our snow shoes did not keep us warm! We couldn’t wait to get back inside where it was warm. Now we have adventures almost every day! At least once a day our mom or dad takes us out for walks. We try to sit still while our mom puts our harnesses on but we still squirm around a bit. Sometimes we walk to the post office or sometimes we walk in the woods. That is the most fun-our dad throws pine cones so we can chase them. Sometimes we just sit in the sun and watch the birds at the bird feeders. After we have fun outside we come in and mom brushes our coats. She wants to make sure we don’t bring home any bugs. She does not like the kind of bugs that want to jump on us so we let her brush us.
Sometimes I jump up on mom’s back so she can carry me around. When I’m on mom’s shoulders I sometimes bite her head and comb her hair with my claws. This makes her laugh and yell at the same time. She is funny like that. Mom says sometimes we get too rough when we play and we hurt her. When she says we need a spa day she will give us both something she calls a “mani-pedi.†We don’t like it and we let her know it-loud and clear but that doesn’t stop her, no matter how much we fuss.
Shirley and I still do lots of things together but one thing we don’t do is sit by the fireplace when daddy makes a fire. Daddy makes a fire every night to warm up the living-room. Shirley tries to get as close as she can. Sometimes her fur gets hot! Not me! I like it cool. I have such a thick silky coat that I’d rather find a cool place so I’ll lay in one of my beds (we have lots of beds) by a window. Its cooler there and I can still keep an eye on things.
Today is my birthday and my mom got me a special surprise. She’s going to roast a bone in the oven and let me gnaw on it! She’ll let me tear the meat from it but will take it away before the bone can hurt me. She even made me a birthday hat. I’m not sure if I’m going to let her put it on me but I can’t wait for my surprise. Next week is Shirley’s birthday and she’ll be a big girl! Bet I’m going to share her surprise, too!
Shirley and I want to thank Siamese Rescue for finding us the most loving family and the best forever home kitties could ever wish for. Now I’m going to curl up next to Shirley in the sun and take a nap. Until it gets too warm.
(Last update: Jul 16th, 2012 4pm)
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Name: Simeon
(FKA Kringle)
ID#: VA8238
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 12/12/11
Adopted: 01/15/12
Congrats: Sharon A.
Foster: Kay
Just arrived. More information soon.
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Notes from Home
Simeon K. Allen is doing just great. He is such a cutie and fits perfectly within the dynamics of our family. He is loving adventurous and keeps us laughing. His new thing is pouncing on our legs and trying to run up the bottom of our pants...lol!
We just took Simeon for an initial grooming as his claws were getting so long and I was apprehensive about trimming them myself. The groomer at Petsmart fell in love with Simeon and wanted to take him home with her!! My 9 years son Sebasteon loves him and is so attentive to his needs, he even changes the litter box without being asked to. Simeon also follows him around the house everywhere. Sitting outside the door like a watch dog... it's amazingly funny to watch.
It's been a very rough week with our beloved SImeon. His first vet appointment was GREAT. Dr Mosaad diagnosis was that Simeon was in the best of health. Up to date on all vaccinations, etc. However, by the end of the week things changed. My son accidentally sat on Simeon l causing him to limp so we took him back to the vet who thankfully said it was just a slight knee strain.
By the weekend we we concerned about a a patch of dried up skin on his right paw. So back to the vet we went only to find out poor Simeon has Ringworm!!! But how he has not been anywhere other to the vet and to grooming at PetSmart?! No one in the home has it so we were perplexed as to how it came about. PetSmart denied any responsibility, stating that there is a 2 week incubation period from initial contact. So I am asking anyone of you guys who were involved in his meezer transport to check your pets as he may have contracted it at that time. Anyway Simeon is now on antibiotics and cream for it. The toughest part is we have to keep Simeon quarantined and we miss being able to pet and play with him. He is so sad in his pet play pen. Last night he used his head to break outta "jail" forcing the zipper on the roof open and squeezing through...so funny... lol! I ended up having to pin the zipper shut and twist tie the door opening zippers. He is sooo smart and sneaky. Pray he gets better soon.
Well is has been 6 months now since we have had the wonder cat Simeon "Kringle" Allen. What an interesting and exiting 6 months that has been. He is curious, smart, funny and above all very loving. He has his special connection with each member of our family and gravitates to each of us accordingly. My son is there for horse play, grandma for tv and nap time and I appear to be his personal groomer, tummy/neck/ear stroker and late night chill buddy. He has a specific time schedule for each of us and walks away when it is time. It is hilarious.
As an early birthday gift we just purchased an almost 6 ft Molly & Friends cat tree so he could stop jumping on top of everything. He loves his new "perch" it allows him to hide in and under the openings, sleep up high or down low and have unlimited access to the window. He is also quite active and loves to lick us, I mean like a dog. When we come home he runs to greet us, sniffs, rubs and licks us, and follows us everywhere. Simeon hates to be left alone and has to be in the middle of the action. He likes to lick, bite and run, as he anticipates a chance whenever he does that. He has learned to open the bathroom door and I have observed him trying to flush the toilet...lol! He gets into the refridgerator, dishwasher, the cupboards, the laundry bag, you name it he funds a way to push himself inside!
My main concern right now is Simeon's stinky stool. I mean it smells awful! I realise that the Science Diet dry kitten food contains corn which he appears to have slight allergies to. So if anyone has a suggestion for another premium dry kitten food brand that would be greatly appreciated. Well that's it for now. Simeon is our baby and we all love him so...I think he is my son as a cat... but that ludicrous right?
(Last update: Jul 16th, 2012 1am)
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