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What did I think I was doing up way in the rafters of the FedEx Hub? Trying to ship myself to my forever family? It wasn't working out too well, no food, no warm bed, and all those jumbo jets were wayyyy too loud - fortunately I was rescued and cared for by a very kind lady until I could get into Siamese Rescue.
I'm healthy, happy, playful and cute, I know how to use my litterbox and my scratching post and my rafters-rescuer says I love to sleep in bed with people and cuddle up to nice kitties who are nice to me.
The first couple of days here I was wondering what had happened and where I was, but now I'm all settled in and having a blast playing with my toys and loving on foster-mom.
I like showing off what a good pouncer I am, if you have any loose ribbons or strings that need pouncing-on I'm your boy!
Name: Blu

(FKA Blu (fka Boo))

ID#: VA8539
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 05/15/12
Adopted: 06/09/12
Congrats: Joseph
Foster: Carol

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Blu (AKA Boo) has adjusted well to his new home and family. He is full of that kitten "vim and vigor" and so much fun to watch all his kitten antics. He has learned the routine of when it is time for breakfast here and knows; "Blue do you want a treat?" and will come running to his treat spot. He is a healthy nine pound nine month old kitten and his vet says, "he is too pretty to be a male". Handsome!, that he is. He has discovered that chasing the laser light is so much fun and dashes in and out of his nine cubs to attack it's beam. Blu has yet to find his one special place to take a rest, one day it maybe be the rocker, or the next the soft thrown that Pop leaves folded behind his recliner. One day it is the foot of the bed, another the couch on the sunroom, soaking up all those rays. The bench by the kitten window is his favorite perch for watching what goes on outside, like the birds that come to feed or the flock of hen turkeys and their young that visit in the early morning hours. Yes Blu is settling in and entertain our older folks. We so enjoy having Blue as part of our family.
(Last update: Aug 20th, 2012 12pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Tia
ID#: VA7731
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/18/11
Adopted: 08/15/11
Congrats: Lois
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Update 7-29-11:
Ooh, la la, here I am on my exchange meezer visit and am learning things of my new host city. Did you know that some countries have these furry things called squirrels?? I have been spending my last 2 days learning all I can about them - watching their every move, chattering to them - they don't seem to understand my native language of Siam, but I chat on, nonetheless. In between my squirrel-watch duties, I've been taking full advantage of host mom's 2nd job - kitty masseuse...An exchange meezer on holiday should take full advantage of all amenities, right?? As a thank you, I've been snuggling with host mom at night and have been giving her kitty-kisses on her neck. I think she's quite smitten with me! I've also just met all of her furkids (boys & girls) and we get along quite nicely.

More notes from the road soon,
(Traveling) Tia

I am still super excited, happy, crazy, have so many things to do. But I was thinking to myself 'Foster mom has exchange students all the time, why can't I be an exchange meezer and see the world?' So, here I am on holiday, and just arrived at Casa de Lewis and have a whole house of new things to explore and new people to headbutt & run figure 8's around! I am one busy, busy bee - checking out all the nooks and crannies and new smells. Once I settle in and make sure that my host parents have had an appropriate amount of rubs, I'll tell you all about me and my new adventure!

Hugs and kisses,
(Traveling) Tia

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
8/22/11 Just a short note from traveling Tia here: It has been a week since I arrived at my forever home, and boy have I been a busy little girl! I refused to be locked up, more then 2 days, in my own room, there was just sooo much I had to explore! I let "Ma Ma Lois" know it was time to let me out by body-slamming the locked door and crying up a storm! Actually, I threw quite a temper tantrum! (Did I forget to mention that I am a very head-strong and a bossy little girl? Of course, I am loveable and cute and sweet as pie when I want to be, LOL!
There are 3 floors to to my new home that I just had to explore as soon as I possibly could! I especially like the screen porch, with a cat tree I can sit on, and watch squirrels and birds all day long if I want to (there is a cat door that I use to go on the porch, how cool is that?). I have made friends with Buffy, she's a dog (but a very nice one-I like her!), and there is JJ a really big boy cat, he's nice too, but I have to smack him around a bit to keep him in line!
Got 2 go, there is soo much I have to do yet today! Purrs and headbutts, Tia

Hi everyone, Tia here, (aka "cheeky monkey"). It has been a very busy year for me, training humans takes alot of time and energy! I have to wake up meowmom Lois every morning, between 2 am and 3 am, with a head butt, so she can adore me and tell me what a sweet little girl I am.

I am a little "night owl", thats when I find all sorts of things to do, like taking undies off the drying rack in the basement and spreading them all over the house. One night I felt like a snack, so I opened a cabinet in the kitchen, grabbed a bag of Terra Chips, took them upstairs, tore open the bag and had a late night feast! Another night I took a bag of dog treats off the cupboard, hid behind the sofa in the living room, chewed open the bag and scattered dog treats around the house. Buffy, the dog, sure liked that!! Meowmom Lois says there is never a dull moment with me around!

Got2go, JJ,( the boy cat), looks too comfy, I think I'll go wake him up! Purrs and headbutts, Tia

(Last update: Aug 20th, 2012 12am)

Okay, so my eyes are a little crossed & I play goofy games with my foster mom. She has told me that I'm one handsome dude & I just made myself at home & allowed her to love all over me. I gave head butts & purred...so I think she's gonna tell everyone I'm an awesome boy & I won't be on this site too long cause I'll be snatched up quickly!

Click on that button & I will be so excited to tell you all about myself. I'm such a happy go lucky boy!

Purrs & Headbutts,

P.S. - More pictures & videos will be coming soon!
Name: Schroeder

(FKA Crawford)

ID#: VA8624
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/23/12
Adopted: 07/09/12
Congrats: Ashley
Foster: Debi


Notes from Home
Crawford (now Schroeder) is doing great! He is really starting to show his personality. His favorite pastimes are eating and napping, but he always finds a spot that's closest to the nearest human. Schroeder is as relaxed and laid back as they come, but can get quite spunky when we play with our toys on a string. He and our other cat are getting along very well. We're sure he feels quite at home with us, as the first thing he does when he walks into a room is flop right over on his back and take a nap spread eagle. :)
(Last update: Aug 19th, 2012 5pm)

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Name:   Lizzie
ID#: VA8357
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/11/12
Adopted: 02/18/12
Congrats: Carl
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
I am Siamese if you please! I am Siamese even if you don't please! Talking and interacting and loving and wonderful, these 'digs' are below me, so I'm looking to fly this coop and land myself in your home where I can be adored and adoring! That adoration had better include some serious snuggling!

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Notes from Home
Well, those of you (Siri and Deb) who were regularly kept up to date already know that Lizzie's first month with us was quite an adventure! Within a few days of coming home, she began what we called "prowling and yowling". This behavior disrupted sleep, thrilled our male meezer Schindler and led us to think that she was either still intact or that some hormone-producing tissue had been left behind when she was spayed. Since she'd been listed as spayed by the original owners when given up and this was supposed to have been confirmed during her intake physical, we thought the latter conclusion might be the case. WRONG!!!! Ultrasound showed her to be completely intact and, following a complete physical by an Internist and echocardiogram by a Cardiologist, she went off to surgery for what was an uneventful OHE. She is now recovered from her procedure, except for the bad abdominal haircut, and is back in the swing of things.

She is already very well integrated into our household. Affectionate, intelligent, playful and strongly bonding with Elsa. She and Schindler get along wonderfully. They curl up with/on each other in our bed at night; will snuggle up for naps with each other in the bed-with-a-roof that came home with us; and will often approach each other for a bit of grooming. She's eating well, putting a bit more flesh on her bones, using the litter box appropriately (has decided that "The World's Best Cat Litter" is indeed OK) and becoming obviously more confident/comfortable.

What a great little cat - we are so very happy to have her here. Elsa absolutely adores her and Lizzie's behaviors with her definitely show that the feelings are mutual. Couldn't ask for more after just a month.

What a fabulous cat! We are so fortunate that this superb little creature came into our lives and integrated herself so nicely into the household. She has clearly chosen Elsa as her person (but will pay some attention to Carl when he gets home from work and it's mealtime); gets along very well with Schindler (though ocassionally needs to demonstrate that she is queen of the roost); and still shows litle behavioral changes that tell us she continues to leave behind her former life as she creates a new one here. She looks marvelous - a full plush coat with no thin spots and much richer color than when she first arrived; quite a good appetite - 10.5lb at her last weighing. Happy cat - happy people; thank you so much for putting us together.

(Last update: Aug 19th, 2012 1pm)

Looking for a BIG companion ? Want a mature fellow that won't climb your curtains? Well then, I'm just your man!

I landed in rescue when my "parents" divorced, and there was no place for me with either of them. I was well loved and taken care of till then, and my gentle disposition is proof of that. I didn't like being in a cage, but meowmy said it was necessary but now I can roam and play in the big room when the other cats, aren't out. I really am not comfortable around them or meowmy's dog, so maybe a home with no other pets would be best for me.

Ask about me and maybe I can come to live with you!


Mr. T
Name: Kitty

(FKA Mr. T)

ID#: VA8342
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/30/12
Adopted: 02/18/12
Congrats: Isaiah
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Wanted everyone to know that we are enjoying Kitty (Mr. T) more every day. He's been with us over two weeks now, and is eating every morsel we put in his dish, per the diet the vet gave us. He seems to be a little more trim. He came to us very needy, and while he is still affectionate and wants to always be with the "pride," he is starting to enjoy a bit more independence. He's beginning to talk to us a little more, and seems to enjoy play more than when we first brought him home. My favorite time is in the morning when he paws and meows at our bedroom door - he is like our second alarm clock!

6 month update: Kitty has grown in to himself, and he is better than ever. We started feeding him Sojos about two months ago - he is now dander-free and has a coat like a mink! He is a little thinner (but still has some pounds to lose), has a lot of energy, and enjoys being chased. Not as needy as he used to be, but still very affectionate. He also is more open to visitors. Where he used to run under the bed, he will now run to the door when there's a visitor. He even rolled over for his belly to be rubbed when a solicitor came to our house. We've found he likes to sleep on backpacks and books, and play with bags and boxes.

(Last update: Aug 18th, 2012 11am)

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Name:   Pascha
ID#: VA8631
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 06/30/12
Adopted: 07/14/12
Deceased: 03/18/20
Congrats: Cathy
Foster: Siri

Young, exploring, I've got a bee in my bonnet right now and don't want to sit still in this cage! Stay tuned as I settle in, and I'll be updating you with more pictures and videos! I'm immediately leg rubbing, ,exploring, and love to watch out the windows!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Pascha came home to live with the former Secret Agent man,now knkown as sammie. She is now Priscilla and mostly is known as Silly Cat. Her job is to keep Sammie in line and to play rough and tumble with him. They groom each other and enjoy hanging out on the cat tree. They also think 4:30 am is a good time to get the person with thumbs to wake up and feed the cats. This does not usually work out.
(Last update: Aug 18th, 2012 10am)

How about a family that needs a S.A.M. to sneak into their home and pounce on their toes and capture those sinister intruders and be one forward, fun loving outgoing guy? If you're hiring, think about me, I'm up for the job!
Name:   Secret Agent Man
ID#: VA8532
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 05/12/12
Adopted: 05/24/12
Congrats: Cathy
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Secret Agent man is now Sammie. He has grown considerably and is a robust boy who just celebrated his first birthday. He runs through the house with his new companion Pascha (now Priscilla, also known as Siilly Cat). She did a lot of hissing,growling and swatting when she came home six weeks ago and is keeping him pretty well in line. Sammie just looks confused when this happens, but they are grooming each other and enjoying sharing the cat tree perches.
(Last update: Aug 18th, 2012 10am)

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Name: Cosmo

(FKA Shanahan)

ID#: VA8319
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 01/21/12
Adopted: 02/11/12
Congrats: Wanda
Foster: Siri

Who me? Yup, I'm a bit of a goofy, silly lover boy. Just got here and as you can see in my video, I'm all about making friends. Want to be mine?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Cosmo is a great addition to our family! He owns the place and every window in it. He has a bed in his big sister's room but only sleeps there sometimes, most of the time he sleeps on his chair in the living room. Hangs out by the window hoping to catch a squirrel or some bird flying by! He loves belly rubs and straches under the chin, until your arm falls off! We do have to be careful if the front door is open, he sometimes tries to get outside, he almost gave my husband a heart when he snuck out on the front porch one day. We just want to thank all the voluteers who got him to us and the tohers who help everyone else. You guys rock! Thanks again The Cheathams
(Last update: Aug 11th, 2012 1pm)

"My lords and ladies, how good of you to invite me here into your splendid home. I am most honored to meet you. Pardon me if I dont hear you so well, I am rather deaf but I maintain my regal bearing."

Her Royal Majesty was found by a Good Samaritan as a neighborhood stray, and only upon examination was she found to be front declawed and spayed already, so she belonged to someone at some point. We're not sure if she was abandoned due to her deafness or just by chance.

She is a splendid cat who is very social, very affectionate, and can be very demanding of her food and her love! She does not bite, but does use her teeth to gently communicate in the absence of her hearing. Because of this, she would be good for just about any family except those with small children.
Name:   Queen Victoria
ID#: VA8290
Location:  Ohio
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/06/12
Adopted: 01/28/12
Congrats: Madeleine
Foster: Jamie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
All is going well with Queen Victoria. We decided to keep her name as such. Every day is progression. She is still skiddish over the other cat and stares at Lucy my cavalier king charles. But we have gone from hiding upstairs in the bed room , to making an appearance on the chairs. Not yet at the point of sitting on my lap or cuddling, but I am hoping with time this will be. Has quite the mouth when she is hungry. Its So funny to hear that Siamese meeeeow! Sounds like a chld crying. awwwe. She is loving toward my hubby too which is very nice. Doing well on her diet. Giving her organic low fat Blue indoor cat dry and she is very happy with that.
Im sooooo happy to have her in our home. I dont have any issues. She has discovered my old daughters room and likes to bake herself in the southern sun on the bed. I keep forgetting she is deaf, but you would never know the way she responds to you. Anyway all is going well, again I cannot thank all who were involved with the transport, all the paper work, my foster Jamie, the wonderful gift bag, all the educational literature. Thanks again to all at the siamese rescue center in VA for putting up with all my last minute calls. ps I am getting my license plate changed to MadyMeow. well here we are one month later. Things are progressing very very slow. Queen Victoria continues to come out to eat, go to litter box , then go back under the dining room table. I dont know if I am doing everything, being as she is deaf she cannot hear my voice. At this point she does not like to be petted. Vet visit went fine. No issues there. If you have any advice please send me some. She does like the dog very much, still working on Peter. But there have been no fights or squables,
march 15th:Thanks to Jamie for reassuring me. We had a long talk and I have new ideas to try.
Queen Vic did enjoy being brushed out today and did eat out of my hand as recommended!!!
I will be sending more updates as I progress. Thanks everyone. Mady Meow

latest update:Queen has been officially moved in with my daughter Kimberly and her main coon Peter>
Things are going so well its shocking... We thought Queen vic would have trouble adjusting to her new home, but it was the alpha male who is struggling..Queen has blossomed to a bright and curious cat. NO more hiding under beds and chairs. She RULES the roost.. She actually lets me pet her now that I come to visit weekly to check up and deliver extra food, litter to help my daughter. I truly believe Kimberly reminded Queenie of someone good from her past, so hence the bonding...

(Last update: Aug 11th, 2012 8am)

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Name:   Dusty (fka Spatz)
ID#: VA8607
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/16/12
Adopted: 07/07/12
Congrats: Megan
Foster: Mary

"This is the song that never ends, cause it goes on and on my friends. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was....."

okay now that I have that stuck in your head you will think of me every time it rears its little tune in your brain. My evil plot it does work.

I've gone through a couple of name changes in the past few days and Foster Mary said everytime she looks at me the name "Dusty" pops in her brain (sort of like the song). So today I am Dusty and probably will remain so throughout my stay.

I'm an easy laid back kinda guy who enjoys warm afternoon laying in the sun, good catnip with good friends, toys of my own, people who can appreciate my gentle nature. Is that you?

"and they'll continue singing it forever just because....."

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Notes from Home
Hi there! I would just like to first thank you all for helping me get thru the process of adopting Dusty. He is the sweetest, cutest, most well-mannered loveable cat and we love him dearly all ready. Lately, he has taken it upon himself to be our own personal alarm clock, way before our real alarm clock will go off by getting up from sleeping in between myself and my husband standing on top of us purring and just meowing softly; if this does not work he moves on to walking back and forth on us until one of us gives in to his gentle awakening and feeds him! He loves to play with his catnip toy, springs, his wands, and his most favorite toy of all is the laser light, he goes crazy for it and starts purring the minute he hears it jingle! He always welcomes us when we come home from work with a meow, head butt and purr and does give us some cuddle time no matter how ready he is to play, eat, etc. He definitely owns us and definitely seems like one happy cat, so glad to have found him, thank you all again! Enjoy the pictures below. I also affectionately call him Cuddlebutt Purrface for short :)
(Last update: Aug 10th, 2012 7am)

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