Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 8:13:50am |
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I'm a little cutie pie! I love to play, and love to eat, and I'm really interested in those cats on the other side of the foster room door. Oh, yeah, the humans here are pretty cool too! It's a great life being a kitten!
Name: Bluebella
(FKA Blueberry)
ID#: VA8629
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 06/25/12
Adopted: 07/29/12
Congrats: Geraldine
Foster: Emily
Notes from Home
Our Beautiful Bluebella is doing great. She had her rabies vaccine August 24.
(Last update: Aug 30th, 2012 1pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Mia
(FKA Pollie)
ID#: VA7864
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 07/12/11
Adopted: 08/28/11
Congrats: Vivien
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Pollie [VA7864] |
Beautiful girl full of purrs! |
Foster Notes
Not with Dogs
Not with Female Cats
Just arrived, and had a bath and claw trim. I squirmed a bit, but purred too! I sure fewl good now all clean in a nice soft bed. Meowmy said I'm so sweet, what ever that means, and she said I have to stay her for a few weeks while I get all my vetting done and then I can go to a forever home! I can't wait to see who'll pick me. Meowmy said you won't be sorry, cause I'm going to be a beauty!
8/7/11: Well my bags are packed and I'm all ready to go. Now I just need someone without a dog or female cat. A nice boy kitty would be fine, or I'd be happy to be your one and only, too. I'm loving, have excellent litter box habits and love to play. Does that sound like what you're looking for?
If so, ask about me and maybe I can come live with you! Meowmy said to be sure to check your spam and junk folders for her reply the first time you ask about me..
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
NEW UPDATE 8/29/2012:
Mia is doing wonderfully. She is playful and healthy and adored by all in our household. She is very bright and has the need for many toys to keep her occupied. She still has her little cube house we were given when she was pcked up, but has gone through many catnip mice from Petco! We bought her the figure eight ball track which she had at her rescue house, and she plays frequently with that. She is anxiously awaiting a Tickle Pickle (catnip filled handknit toy) which was ordered to celebrate her one year anniversary!. We will upload pictures as soon as I can organize my daughter to do so.
She is not large, only 8.5 lbs, but extremely agile and energetic. She has become a picky eater, prefering high end cat food. So her real name should be Princess Mia!
Pollie's new name is Mia. She is getting bigger and darker in her coat. She is still hungry but not as ravenous as when we first got her, so I think her growth spurt has tapered. She is a good, intelligent cat and can amuse herself for hours as long as she doesn't lose her toys. She loves in particular little super balls and her furry mice, the latter of which are missing and we have yet to find them this week. She also loves to jump in and out of her little cube. She is very attached to my son, which makes us think her original owner must have been a young man. She will only sleep in his lap. She has also discovered water and can be amused for a good hour just watching a faucet drip. We are all very happy with our choice and hope Mia feels the same.
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2012 12pm)
Yep, that's me, Georgia - just a little wisp of a sweet, sweet girl, fresh from the shelter and already purring and cuddling up a storm!
Whole days and whole nights, too, I waited and waited in the shelter starving for love - now I'm ready to make up for lost time!!! Purr, cuddle, purr, cuddle, snuggle, snuggle, purr - I can't get enough! Haven't been here long enough to tell foster mom much else about myself but I've definitely got the purr-cuddle-snuggle business down pat.
(I think that lyric would sound better as "just a young sweet cat...")
I don't wanna be on your mind, I wanna be in your LAP!!! Get your mind on the "Ask About Me" button and that's where I'll be, real soon!
Name: Georgia
ID#: VA6158
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/21/09
Adopted: 04/04/09
Congrats: Monica
Foster: Williene
Foster Notes for Georgia [VA6158] |
This is the most loving cat I've seen in a long while! She has lived with other cats, children, and shows no fear of my dog. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Georgia whom we affectionately call "G"gia is enjoying having the full run of the house. She comes downstairs early with me as I prepare breakfast for the Inn guests. She walks the 1st floor to make sure that nothing has changed and then she sits in her window perch while I cook. She loves people and doesn't accept that eveyone doesn't necessarily love her. She greets guests at the door and when they sit she is immediately in their laps. She and her side kick Shambe' love to help me clean the guest rooms. The folks at the Vet love her. She has a cute squeek and can be very vocal especially when she wants something.
10/9/09 - Wow time flies when you're having fun! I didn't realize until I got the e-mail marking Georgia's 6 month anniversary that it had been that long. It seems like she has been here forever. She is such a great kitty. We haven't had any problems with her at all. She gets along great with her kitty siblings Ronald and Shambe. Georgia is a very affectionate kitty. She loves everyone. She likes to spend the mornings sitting in the recliner on the screen porch watching the birds. Where ever I am she is not too far away. Often times when I am cooking dinner she is laying in the chair having her afternoon nap. She sleeps with us at night and likes to drink water out of a cup on the nightstand before she goes to bed.
1/18/10 - We just celebrated our 1st Christmas with Georgia. She was a barrel of fun. We were a little worried about the Christmas tree and whether or not it would survive the 3 cats. We survived with no drama. Georgia loved resting under the tree, especiallly when the lights were on. She got a real kick out of the tree skirt. She found out very early on that if she ran and hit it just right that she could slide. That produced nighty kitty antics. They weren't very happy when I put gifts under the tree which prohibited the daily kitty skate olympics. :) She is still the sweetest cat that I have ever seen.
5/4/10 - We celebrated Georgia's 2nd Birthday yesterday. She enjoyed a relaxing day from the bed to the screened porch. She is still quite the hostess with the mostess as she is interested in greeting all of the guests that check into the inn. All of her vet visits have been a breeze. Shortly after celebrating her Gotcha Date last month she and sister Shambe had a date at the vet for their annual physical and dental cleaning. They both have swatches missing on their front leg. She has been very motherly lately taking care of her brother Ronald as his visit to the vet for dental cleaning wasn't such a breeze. He had to have all of his teeth on the right side removed due to gingivitis. None the less they are romping the inn and enjoying the breezy days watching the birds and squirrels from the screened porch while I do all of the hard work :)
8/29/12 - It seems like just yesterday that I picked up my baby girl from the Meezer Transporter. She's still Mama's cat where ever I am she's not too far away even when its nap time. No matter If I'm in the office on the computer or in the kitchen cooking she's lying not too far away in the chair napping unless the back door to the screened porch is open. Then she is amused by the birds in the shrubs or in the grass. More of a fair weather girl she's not too fond of the porch when it's too hot or cold, unlike her sister Shambe who doesn't care what the weather is she just wants to be on the porch. She is the Mama cat of my three always making sure that the other two are well groomed.
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2012 11am)
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I am a very confident, secure cat who has adapted to all the changes very easily. I am very affectionate and love to be petted. Head butts are fun too. I come with a scratching post that I love to use as well as my pretty pink litterbox - my manners are impeccable. I like sinks to drink out of and don't mind that my head gets all wet. I like to talk to you while you are in the shower just to be sure you are OK with all that water falling on you.
Name: Sophie
(FKA Caethne)
ID#: VA8598
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 06/11/12
Adopted: 08/11/12
Congrats: Laurie
Foster: Debra
Notes from Home
Sophie is doing so wonderful. After we got in touch with our foster mom we found out her real name was Sophie which she comes to like a dog! She loves drinking out of the sink faucet as well as playing with her new water fountain! She is warming up to the whole family much quicker then we expected and sleeps on the bed at night time. She has just recently started to sit on the couch with us as and watch tv. Her meow is very faint but she loves talking to us. Sophie loves to chase her tail and drink her water with her paw! She has been spoiled and showered with love and new toys. Everyday we learn something new about her and have really enjoyed this process. She is doing great !
(Last update: Aug 26th, 2012 6pm)
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Name: Satchel
ID#: VA6908
Location: North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/24/10
Adopted: 06/05/10
Congrats: Amy
Foster: Jeannie
I get to snuggle under the sheets and purr at nighttime, and there's plenty of sunshine for me to lay in, and I've even got a foster brother or two. The woofer is okay, even if she does have ginormous paws.
I have slightly crossed eyes, and a luxurious Siamese voice you will hear often. If you'd like to know more about me, or would like to speak to me, send foster meowm an email - she says a lot of people are looking for a cat like me, though, so you might want to hurry!
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Notes from Home
6/5: Satchel is home, and after a 10 hour trip, eating, rubbing, purring, head-butting and flopping on his side in pure relief and happiness. He was quite talkative on the way home, but was a gentleman. We are THRILLED to have him home!
6/30: It is hard to believe that Satchel has been with us more than 3 weeks. What a love! Finally, this morning, he stayed with us long enough in bed to enjoy our morning coffee...this is a big step for him because the dogs also share the bed with us for morning coffee. Satchel is slowly coming out in the house more, but noises, especially ones made by the dogs, still make him VERY nervous. He has started coming into the bathroom with me in the morning to help me get ready for school and drink out of the sink's water faucet. Last night, he woke me up several times to snuggle and share a pillow with me and even stayed a few hours. Georgie, our other kitty, has a major crush on him, but he is not sure she is worthy yet. Maybe over time they will become big friends. He is certainly making progress and we love him very much! More updates and pictures soon!
November 6, 2010.
It is time for another update about he the most wonderful kitty I have EVER owned. Of course, all of my kitties have been special and I have loved them unconditionally for their own special qualities. BUT…this one, gets to me. I absolutely adore him. He sleeps with me at night, but not just cuddled against me on top of the covers. No, Satchel Paige sleeps under the covers, pressed against me, with his head sharing my pillows. If I turn over, he just flips to the other side and lays on the pillow again. Chad said he looks like a human lying there next to me. When we come home from school, he is on the steps waiting for us, and meows at us until we can give him is due share of petting. When we walk into the door, if we walk around to put things away and change clothes, he follows us everywhere telling us about his day. He must have some exciting days, because he sure talks A LOT!!! When we finally have the time to sit on the couch to watch a little TV, Satchel is right there waiting for me to snuggle. He drapes himself over my legs, his back legs over one side and his front legs over the other side, and will proceed to make biscuits for as long as I sit there. When he gets his evening snack at about 6pm, he follows me around the house as I clean the litter boxes making sure that I do my job correctly. In fact, even as I sit here at the computer, he has just crawled into my lap, purring and making biscuits. Another funny anecdote is that we have discovered that he would much rather prefer the warm weather of North Carolina to the cooler weather of Western PA. As the weather has gotten colder, he has taken to getting up in the morning while we get ready for school, and laying on top of one of the 12x12 floor vents we have downstairs. He cleans himself, and we can often find him completely outstretched on top of this vent. This morning when I found him, the curtain had completely covered him and he was spread out as if it were his own personal sauna.
Today is our 5th monthiversary but he has adjusted so well that we feel like we’ve always had him. As he sits on my lap purring, I think I can honestly say that he is as happy about being with us and we are about having him. Thank you to the both of you for this gift.
I just absolutely love and adore this kitty and wish I could clone him and keep him forever.
Chad and Amy
August 26, 2012
Satchel is doing well and is more a part of this family than we could've ever imagined. It is almost as if we've had him since he was a kitten. Although he loves his room, he loves snuggling with us throughout the night even more--especially when the temperature requires body heat! He still continues to sleep under the covers with his little head resting next to mine on the pillow. I am not sure where he learned this trick, but it is certainly endearing. Chad, not having been an animal person before we met, wants a whole house of Satchel's running around--he loves our little feline as much as I do. He is the consumate dog cat--runs after us, talks to us, plays with us, snuggles with us--we could ask for a sweeter, more loving companion!
This summer I attended a writing institute and Satchel inspired me to write him a poem. I am including it below. Again...thank you Siamese Rescue for a most pecious gift!
Satchel Paige
Soft, subtle steps on padded feet.
Tip toeing discreetly--
pausing travels to investigate.
Roman nose on an apple-shaped head,
two, crossed, deep blue jewels
interpreting the world.
Upside down,
resembling a baby bat whose ears catch sounds
as subtle noises enter translucent canals.
Diligently washing away small particles of dirt
with the sand paper scratch of tongue,
each stroke meticulous not to miss
a strand of fur.
The engine within creates a small disturbance
announcing arrivals
in search of an acceptable abode
to pass the day.
(Last update: Aug 26th, 2012 12pm)
Hi there Tessa Here.......
I was a stray found on the streets in Cumberland County New Jersey. I am only 8 months old..... I am a petite little thing and very scared right now. I have a spot of white on my nose and 4 little white socks on my feet.
The took "my girlie parts" on Friday so I am feeling a little under the weather right now, but when foster Meowm brought me home last night I purred and purred and purred. Then I rubbed up against her and settled into her lap!!!
I will be ready to go home in 2 weeks however if you are my furever mom or dad don't wait. Click on ask about me and meowm will tell you all about me.
Name: Kittles
(FKA Tessa)
ID#: VA8362
Location: Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 02/12/12
Adopted: 02/25/12
Congrats: April
Foster: Wendy
Notes from Home
We have renamed Tessa to Kittles. She really enjoys living here and has plenty of toys to play with. She especially loves to watch the chipmunks, rabbits and birds in our backyard. I have attached a few pictures of her.
(Last update: Aug 25th, 2012 1pm)
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Name: Rose
(FKA BobbyJean)
ID#: VA8300
Location: North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 01/14/12
Adopted: 02/23/12
Congrats: Marian
Foster: Kathy
Foster Notes for BobbyJean [VA8300] |
Very sweet gal! Nice, gentle nature. SO loving and interactive. |
Foster Notes
Got an empty lap? I can fill it!
Well, Valentines Day has come and gone and I'm still here. But I tell you what, I am so loving, EVERY DAY could be Valentine's day for you and me. How about it??
Love and kisses,
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
No one ever loved a cat like I love Rose. My husband says she has improved my overall health, which has been suffering from multiple sclerosis. I have a question for anyone who may have seen the strange behavior she exhibits. Every time before she drinks from her water bowl, she first sticks her foot in. She is ambidextrous--one foot is as good as the other!!
(Last update: Aug 23rd, 2012 11am)
Currently in Diva training, but I'm told I'm probably not gonna pass that training! My foster meowm says I'm on my way to become a social butterfly!
Are you curious if I might be a good match for your family? Come on & ask about me & I can tell you all about my cute self!
Name: Pickles
ID#: VA8579
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/01/12
Adopted: 08/11/12
Congrats: Mjylis
Foster: Debi
Notes from Home
Pickles has adjusted very well to her new home. She and Kid are getting along. This morning they were chasing each other around and wrestling like crazy. Few times I felt like I needed to call a time out, but they were fine and quit when they were exhauted. Pickles can certainly hold her own.
No lap time or snuggling yet, but that will come in time.
She is now greeting me in the morning instead of me going to up to get her. She purrs when she see me and Kid. She also purrs when she sees her breakfast dinner and treats, ha, ha, ha....
We are all so happy to have her and she was certainly worth the wait.
We are so appreciative of all the Debi, her foster Mommy, did for her. She went way above and beyond and it has meant a lot to us.
I was finally able to get some video. She's too quick for pictures.
Thanks to everyone at Siamese Rescue!!
Mjylis, Glenn, Kid and Pickles
(Last update: Aug 22nd, 2012 1pm)
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Name: Max
(FKA Chase)
ID#: VA7826
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 06/25/11
Adopted: 07/23/11
Congrats: Keri
Foster: Ellen
Feast your eyes!
Not only am I gorgeous, but I've got personality to spare. I'm affectionate and very playful. My foster mom and Aunt Katie found me at the local "pound" and were stunned.
I just got to my foster home but am settling in quickly. I am young, healthy and energetic, yet very friendly and calm. I'm in routine isolation at my foster home, but when I was at the shelter, I was "cool" amidst the chaos. Soon I will be introduced to the resident cats and I think we'll get along great. My foster mom thinks I'll live up to my name -- Chase. She said there's another youngster in the house who's eager to meet me and be my playmate.
I was surrendered for "house-soiling," but there has to be more to the story that my former owner didn't tell -- because I've used my box faithfully in my foster home!
Please check me out. I'm a laidback lover searching for my forever home.
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Notes from Home
Max is doing really well: he has a beautiful Balinese girl kitty to live with named Mitzie,and lots of toys to play with (although he prefers crumpled up paper balls). He's remained a very mellow, laid back boy. He loves to play fetch, and sleeps on me when there are thunderstorms.Max is still pretty long and lean, although if he had his way, he would plump up in no time. We were worried about how Mitzie and Max would get along (we adopted them within a month of each other) but they love to chase each other and I catch them grooming each other pretty regularly. Thanks to everyone at Siamese Rescue for the work you do, and especially Kathy for her help adopting Max, and to Ellen for taking great care of him until we could adopt him and bring him home. We love our Blue boy!
(Last update: Aug 20th, 2012 11pm)
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