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I'm just about over it! I was shy at first but now I've figured out this thing called people attention - I remember it well from my first home (I was turned into a shelter when my owner died, I did nothing wrong, I promise!) - So maybe there is some happiness in my future after all - how about it? I would like a quiet home, I could live with a male handsome guy provided he was soft and gentle in personality, I promise I would love you if you were soft and gentle too!
Name: Angel

(FKA Angelina)

ID#: VA8606
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/16/12
Adopted: 08/06/12
Deceased: 05/16/19
Congrats: Suetta
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Dear Aunt Siri,
I want to thank you for taking such good care of me when I stayed with you. I got over my drooling problem very quickly. I am fine now. I stayed in the guest room under the bed for about 2 weeks, then Mommy said I wasn't a guest. We had overnight guests coming and moved me to her bedroom. Mommy thought this might upset me, but I loved it. The room is bigger, and I slowly took over. After a few days, I jumped into bed with her, purred, headbutted, and insisted on pets. I now sleep with her and push against her so she knows I am there and ready for pets. The bedroom door has been open and I could leave the room for awhile. But only recently did I give it a try. I have been spotted in the family room, but I quickly run back to the bedroom. Today we had a break through. I ran to the family room and stayed there. Mommy brought me my breakfast and I ate it all.
As for Snickle, he is a lot of fun. When he comes in the bedroom, I give him THE LOOK. Sometimes he runs away and sometimes he ignores me. He knows I am THE QUEEN, and I won't let him forget it.
Thanks again,

(Last update: Sep 8th, 2012 12pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Taina

(FKA Tess)

ID#: VA8563
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/23/12
Adopted: 08/06/12
Congrats: Diana
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
I've lived all around the world - first here, then in Guam, then back here again. I got dumped when my family no longer wanted me, and I spent my days inside the hoods of cars trying to keep warm. While life has taken its toll on me and I have a few idiosyncracies, they are nothing a true Siamese lover won't appreciate - I love you, I need you, I want you. What's not to like?

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Notes from Home
Well, it's been a week already since Taina came to her new forever home. We are totally in love with her and so happy she just immediately accepted us. She is such a love bug. And a talkative one too. Lets you know quite insistantly when she wants petting.

When she arrived home she investigated every room in the house cautiously but with much curiosity. And she vocally made sure I understood she wanted me with her to expore. When my husband got home she instantly took to him. She purred and rubbed up to him and jumped right onto his lap for a nap while he scratched her her. This is one lady who knows how to handle a man! :-)

When she isn't sleeping ( on sofa next to one of us, in her cozy bed, on her fluffy pillow, or between us in bed) she is looking for attention or spying out the windows or dashing for a toy. She even jumped up on the bed of our company this week end!

We are now one big happy family!

20 aug'12:
Wow! Has it really been only two weeks since I picked up Taina? It seems like she's been here for ever to me. Taina has totally made herself at home and one of the family. It's like we've known each other for a long time. And she knows how to handle us.. When she wants to be petted she'll cry and jump up where ever we are sitting and get into my husbands lap or mine. Sometimes it's a back and forth thing because she can't make up her mind which one she wants. She lets us take turns. But she really likes Mike.
She very much enjoys sitting with us at the dinette table in one of the empty chairs. She can see us through the glass top from the chair. And is quite content keeping an eye on us. And in the morning we two love to sit in the sofa where the sun comes in. She keeps me company while I have my coffee.

Oh and how she loves to chase this red ribbon we have for her. We are really getting in some daily excercise with that ribbon. Which is good because I can see she has already gained a bit of weight. She also loves batting around the foil balls I've made for her. Doesn't seem to care much for the balls I got at the store.

So yes we lare delighted with our slightly cross-eyed, crooked tail, love bug diva. And I'm very happy she so quickly has shown her love to us too.

8 aug'12:
HAPPY ANNIVERSAY! We've been together a month already and the love affair is still going strong. My husband is totally fascinated withTaina's personality ( didn't I say this was one dive who knows how to handle a man!). And she is my little snuggly dove, talkative, constant shadow. She is such a proper little ladie. When she uses her scratch board you would think she just had her nails lacquered and is trying not to smudge them. She hardly ever tries using the furniture, which is very nice and considerate of her. Yes, a proper little lady! Even when she nibbles at my hand she is so gentle and stops when I say no.
We are very fortunate to have been brought together by our own Cupid, THANK YOU SIRI!

(Last update: Sep 8th, 2012 11am)

Update 7/18/09 I've been inter-GREAT-tud! Yeahhh. I wuv it. I get to play wiv da big cats and I chase them and play tag. I climb a tree they have, I can play, play, play. It's Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat.

Update 7/14/09 Foster Mummy thinks I will be OK with woofers as long as they do not chase me. I still want to go home with another kitten that I can romp and play with though.

PSSSST, over here! Do you want to know a BIG secret, do you, do you?!? Ok, Ill tell you but dont tell anyone else! OK?

Just after settling in here, I heard Foster Mummy talking to Foster Daddy and she told him Layla is just the purrrfect kitten! She is healthy, really beautiful, eating well, using her litter box, very playful, purrs when you touch her and bold, she is the perfect 10 catwalk model!

See, I am a good little girl with lots to give and I would really love my own forever home with another playmate. I am even working on not being so scared of dat big woofer that comes into my room at times! WOW dat woofer is big and slobbery!!!!

Name: Layla Grace

(FKA Layla)

ID#: VA6416
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 06/24/09
Adopted: 08/08/09
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Integration was completed without a hiss............
Layla is a VERY active little girl and is getting along well with her big brothers. She is quite the little charmer, when she wishes and is a delightful addition to our lives............Now, if I can just catch her on film, I can upload some new pictures............
She is eating well, growing and seems to be a very happy little princess!!!!!
More soon!

One Month Since Adoption! What a happy, funny, energetic and gorgeous little girl she is! Layla Grace, (middle name added) is a delight and a welcome addition to our family! Layla's favorite new game is bathtub hockey, (played with bottle caps). She is hysterical! Now if I can just convince her to start her day a little later than 5:00am. She is still a purr machine and is getting bigger!

Three years since I made my debut into the family. There have been some changes that I did not like. First I lost my two older brothers, which was very sad for Meom and Paw and me. Then, this interloper , kitten -thing showed up! I am NOT amused. I keep trying to eat it but Meom keeps rescuing it and trying to make me be nice...we will just see about THAT. Any body want a littel brother, I can make you a good ..oh, oh here comes Meom gotta go! HRH Layla
More later!

(Last update: Sep 7th, 2012 6pm)

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Name:   Milo
ID#: VA8329
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/22/12
Adopted: 02/25/12
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

I am a little under the weather but showing my loving side anyway. I like to sit on foster mom's shoulder and rub my face on hers. Then I sit in her lap and let her know just where I like to be scritched. Of course she does all the thinks I like because I am so sweet.

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Notes from Home
Day 15: My plans are working, my new paw-rents are softies, I have them wrapped around my little kitty paws. My big sister is another story.... She's still chasing me around and trying to convince me to go live elsewhere, but I'm not leaving! (It is too cushy a set up here! ) I will win her over yet, no one is immune to my charm! Gotta go, places to explore, food to eat and toys to play with!! Bye!

Six Months with Meom and Paw, (oh yes and that Diva of a big sister...) Meom and Paw are great! They let me play and Play and go out by the pool and I love it! I am going to be a year old soon!! I am still growing and filling in - hope I get big enuff to intimidate my sis. Hope I get a can of tuna and presents!! You can never have too many toys. I am still just as cute as ever and everybody but my big sister loves me! I am still an little skittish at new people or loud things - probably cuz my sister jumps at me every chance she gets, luckily for me Meom protects me. Got go, there's more playing to do...Bye!

(Last update: Sep 7th, 2012 6pm)

I just arrived and have you ever seen a more relaxed intake picture? It's the one with me on the blanket. I was hanging out in the shelter office with the staff. I was a favorite of theirs.
Nothing seems to bother me. Not even dogs.

Check out my video. I had arrived only minutes before and I was more interested in exploring than being on camera but you can get a pretty good idea of what I'm like.

Stay tuned for more pictures and information but don't hesitate to ask about me and get on my list. I'll be ready to go home really soon.
Name: Callie

(FKA Olga Kaye)

ID#: VA8694
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/02/12
Adopted: 08/23/12
Deceased: 04/11/20
Congrats: Carolyn
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Olga Kaye "Callie," at my house is doing very well. She is a little flirt. Flipped her beautiful bushy tail righ in the face of my 16 yr. old Geezer, Max. She is adjusting well to the house and the cats. There is a pic of her on top of my bird cage. Oh dear. But every rescue I've had from you has been up there. She is the 3rd. They eventually lose interest. She has caught a mouse either in my bedroom or brought it there. Yuck! Didn't know I had one.
She has rubbed noses with me but no kisses yet! I am hopeful!

(Last update: Sep 6th, 2012 9am)

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Name:   Willow
ID#: VA6558
Location:  Ohio
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/20/09
Adopted: 09/04/09
Congrats: tammy
Foster: Carol

Could you leave this gorgeous face behind?
My owner had to move, but for some reason he left me behind to fend for myself on streets. Then a wonderful family found me and took me in and took really good care of me. I really love them (they really love me, too!) and want to be friends with their kitties, but their kitties don't want to be friends with me. They just want me to be a happy little girl, so they called the rescue angels and they took me right under their wing.

I just arrived at foster mom's home and she says there are other kitties here that I will get to meet soon. I can't wait! So in the meantime, I will tell foster mom all about myself. I know you want to find out more about me, too ..... so just "ask about me"!

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Notes from Home
I can't believe it has been 3 years since I have adopted Willow and has a new name "Wii". She is very spoiled and eats dinner with us every night. I grill or bake an extra piece of chicken, pork, steak or fish just for her on her own special plate. She loves my mother the most and sleeps with her every night. Wii will have a home for the rest of her life!!!! We love her sooooooo much!
(Last update: Sep 4th, 2012 8pm)

I'm looking for a Rescue Angel - aren't we all? Maybe we could help each other out - I could give you some reassurance you're a good person, you could give me some reassurance I"m a good cat. And together? We could be great buddies. Adoption scholarship offered. (Warning: Video #3 Xrated Belly Dancing)
Name:   Penny
ID#: VA7655
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 04/10/11
Adopted: 09/04/11
Congrats: Jordan
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
9/4/12: it's hard to believe that Penny has been with me for a whole year already! She is truly the perfect cat--my fellow cat-owning family members are jealous of how she never misses the litterbox and has never had a hairball! She has become quite the snuggler, and unless there's stranger danger around, she's never found hiding out under the bed anymore. She loves being the center of attention around here, and I love waking up to headbutts and roly poly belly rubs (for her, not me) every morning! Siamese Rescue, I can't thank you enough for taking my Penny in and working so hard to get us together!

1/16/12: Penny has officially become a lap cat! I wasn't sure it would ever happen, but 4 months later, she's now loving her lap time (and so am I!). I think she's also a little bit confused about the fact that she's a cat--every day she waits outside of the shower for her turn and proceeds to sit in the damp tub and lick and bat at the water droplets on the curtain! It's amazing how much personality has come out of this formerly shy girl!

11/24/11: Things Penny has discovered: the papasan chair makes a great giant cat bed; the closet is a mysterious place that should be explored whenever the door is open; and car lights from the parking lot appear on the wall at night and must be attacked! She has turned into a completely different kitty than she was when she first got home--much more social and out and about. She loves to be my second alarm in the mornings with her quiet little meow and is great entertainment with some serious elevator butt! It has been wonderful to watch Penny grow from a "scaredy cat" who didn't understand how to accept love and attention into a real sweetie who has been able to really connect with me in her new home.

10/3/11: One month at home! Penny is really starting to come out of her shell. She now sleeps in bed with me every night and has found a few comfortable places out from under the bed to spend her time. She even came out and socialized with my family over the weekend, which was a BIG step away from her normal cowering under the bed. I think she's really starting to get used to the whole "center of attention" thing!

9/14/11: Well, it's been a week and a half, and we're making progress! Highlights of Penny's time as home include disappearing overnight, only to be found inside the top cabinet in the kitchen; hiding from every family visitor that has come to meet her; lots of belly rubs; and a spontaneous middle of the night playtime to wake meowmy up! She's still spending a good deal of her time under the bed, but is much more willing to venture out to get some loving!

9/5/11: Penny has been home for a bit more than 24 hours now, and she's settling in slowly but surely. Even in a one bedroom apartment, she's very uncertain and scared about all of the new unfamiliar things. She is spending most of her time under the bed, in the carrier, or trying to hide behind the toilet, but has been coming out with some coaxing. Whenever she ventures out, she seems to be searching for the other people and animals, so I keep reassuring her that she's it--all my attention is hers! She's been very receptive to me--loves to be brushed and have her tummy rubbed! I can tell she's going to be a perfect cat; she just needs her time to be sure that this is a safe place. Thanks so much SCRC for bringing me together with such a sweetheart!

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2012 7pm)

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Name:   Otto
ID#: VA8664
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/14/12
Adopted: 08/04/12
Congrats: Joe
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Laid back easy going sweet quieter roll with the punches type kitty! Just no punches please! I look forward to learning more about you, hope you're interested in learning more about me!

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Notes from Home
Hi Everyone,
Otto is still Otto...no name change his name fits him. Joe is in love and visa versa .....Otto is a sweet friendly little boy my brothers face lights up when Otto come up for cuddles. Otto is one happy kitty, he is brushed twice a day, has more then enough food and clean litter, loves his toys and sleeps on top of his post looking out the window.

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2012 2pm)

I'm watching you! I am a petite sweet girl who is timid of humans but would love to have a buddy cat to keep company. I came from a house with way to many cats and did not get much attention after I grew out of kitten-hood so foster mom is giving me lots of love and cuddles.. I like those cuddles. I have a little voice to go with my cute little self.

Have you got time to bond with me and another kitty that needs a buddy? Well ask about me. Foster mom says as soon as I relax she will get some full body pictures to show off my beautiful self.

Name:   Penelope
ID#: VA8351
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 02/06/12
Adopted: 03/03/12
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: BJ


Notes from Home
Penny has been in her new home with us for 2 weeks now. She came as a very timid scared kitty, with pretty much no personality (half closed downcast eyes, trying to hide or make herself 'invisible'). We have seen great progress, especially in the past week. She is coming out of her hidey cube (safe place) and eating, drinking and using her litter box without a problem and has even now allowed us to be in the room during the day or with lights on, with her while she eats. She likes to be petted and will now purr when we pet her. She has started to play, alone with her toys at night and with us during the day. She will sleep outside her hidey cube in her heated kitty bed at night or in the afternoon. She is developing her personality and personal boundaries. We do not pick her up as she does not like to be grabbed at all, nor does she like any quick, loud or sudden moves around her. We try to keep a very relaxed and quiet environment for her which seems to have given her more self-confidence, and allowing her to start behaving as a normal cat. It has been wonderful to watch her grow emotionally a little bit each day. We have no timeframe for her to 'be all better' and accept that she has suffered emotional trauma and will continue to need our love, patience and great care. But we love her already and find it a treat and a privilege to help her come into her own and find the peace and contentment, that she deserves. We will try to take a new photo of her soon.

April 9th 2012. Penny continues to make great progress. She really enjoys playing with her new buddy/housemate Larry Boy and she will follow him all around the house, and throw herself at his feet for attention. He is kind and patient with her and they do play together and chase each other up and down our hallway like little racehorses! Penny is still shy with people though everyday she lets us get a little closer. We can see that she wants to be near us, but is still intimidated by our movements and size when we stand or walk by. She extends her territory in the house each week, and no longer retreats to her safe room (our guest room) where she started. She likes hanging out in our diningroom which is open to the livingroom and kitchen where she can be near to all of the household activity/food etc but able to retreat to nice safe cloister (diningroom table and chairs) when she feels a little insecure. She is curious, and very playful. We have nicknamed her Miss Monkey-Penny, she also goes now by Penny Lane. We love her and are grateful to Siamese Rescue, our foster Mom and Nina for helping bring her into our lives.

Sept 4th 2012. Wow! It is hard to believe that Penny Lane has been with us for 6 months now. Penny's personality has pretty much stablized. We accept that her skittishness may always be a part of her character - she still hates lots of people movement in her direction. She is not a lapcat and we doubt she will become one (but one never knows! Time and patience can make a big difference). But Penny is happy in our home -and it is now her home too. She has and enjoys the run of the house. She loves our Larry Boy cat but she is not completely 'attached at the hip' to him anymore and she shows much independence now. She likes to sleep near him, but also has chosen her own spots and can sleep comfortably without the anxiety of being alone as well.She actively plays both on her own and with Larry (and us). She will sleep on the bed with us, and likes us best when we are not standing or moving in her direction. But she is often around us in the house. She loves to sit and watch me cook, or spends time in our family room watching chipmunks run outside of the screen door to the patio. She has taught our boy cat Larry how to lick her head as she does to him. This was a new experience for him -and he seems to enjoy the attention -with limits-both giving and receiving the affection & attention from her. Penny accepts his boundaries when it is too much for him. They are well suited for each other. Penny has helped increase his exercise -they love to chase each other up and down the hallway and stairs - and play with the catnip chirping bird toy we gave her. Penny is a full member of our household, and is a beautiful girl to behold. We hope in time we will be able to give her more direct affection as we try to increase our 'hands on' attempts to pet her - still tricky. but we love her and accept her at every junction as she matures and integrates herself completely into her new life and furever family :-) She is a very intelligent, sweet,playful, beautiful girl and we love her dearly.

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2012 10am)

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Name:   Isis
ID#: VA6184
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 03/08/09
Adopted: 06/06/09
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Greetings, Earthlings. I am from the Planet Isis in the Outer Rim Territories in the Anoat Sector. I grew up with Gutretees but they were too aggressive for me, so I have arrived here on Earth to seek my permanent residence. My earthlings must be able to mind meld with my kind and are required to visit first to ensure we can connect.

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Notes from Home
Isis is doing great - she is afffectionate and social, though she doesn't like other people to pick her up, she'll come sit on their laps when they visit. She does NOT like the vet, but she gets good check-ups. She likes to sing along when my son practices clarinet...unfortunately that is a little distracting for him.
(Last update: Sep 1st, 2012 10am)

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