Previously Adopted Siamese
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Update 7/19/10 - Be sure to look at all my new pictures on the gallery. I am growing like a weed and LOVE to play with Cherub and Dart. I give now as good as I get! I'm growing into a BIG boy!! Purrs and cuddles - Bilbo
Greetings everyone - I am a very tiny little kitten named Bilbo. Foster mom named me after Tokein's hobbit hero. You see, like him, I am small and courageous. My journey of courage started when I somehow got lost from my mama and siblings when I was only about 5 weeks old. I was found alone wandering down a country road - IN the road. I was SOOOOO lucky that someone saw me and saved me from the perils of the "road life". I am now safe in rescue and am a very happy, healthy and growing boy! I am a blue oynx snowshoe and am just a cute as a little button. I still don't weigh quite a pound, so it will be a while before I can go to my forever home, but do seriously think about me. I will need a kitten brother or sister to keep me company. I love the two fosters here who are about my age and we play and play and play. I am a pretty laid back and easy going guy, but I do like to go on adventures, though. Yesterday, I figured out how to climb to the top of this playpen and found a fun soft shelf to sit on, but "uh-oh", I couldn't figure out how to get back down. I "talked" to foster momo and dad VERY loudly and they came and saved me. Yes, I am small, but I am courageous!!!! Please be sure to ask about me if you would liike a precious little boy. Remember, Kitten policies apply to me and I'd like to stay close to my foster home, so adopters within the transport area only, please. Purrs and face kisses, Bilbo
Name: Bilbo
ID#: VA7074
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/22/10
Adopted: 08/22/10
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Katie
Foster Notes for Bilbo [VA7074] |
Bilbo means small and courageous - that's ME! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
It seems like every time we look at Bilbo, he has grown some more! Though he still spends nights in his room, his days are spent out and about, chasing and grooming Robin and sleeping on Steve's desk. Mara is slowly adjusting to having him around, though she will still hiss if he gets too close. Too close has definitely gotten closer, though! It's now common for us to have all three cats gathered around us, with hilarity occurring sooner or later. Bilbo has also come into his voice and has become much chattier. He is careful to make sure we don't forget to let him out the moment we wake up.
Dear Mama Katie, Aunt Siri, Ginny, and everyone at Siamese Cat Rescue,
Mom and Dad say they can't believe I've been here a whole year, but I can! After a little while, I discovered what this place needed - security. Mama calls me her guard kitten, but Dad has promoted me to internal security and chief food sniffer. I carefully keep watch, especially when my people are upstairs; no one gets by me. Dad says I still have some things to learn about stairs, though.
Robin and I are bestest friends. We play together and groom each other; Robin says that I have finally learned finesse. He was patient with me when I didn't quite get the difference between grooming and biting. I still sometimes get told to quick picking on my sister, but other than that Mom and Dad say I am a very good boy.
For my anniversary Mom and Dad got me a yurt and a peacock feather. I like the feather and the toys attached to the yurt, but I'm not so sure about sleeping in it.
Love, Bilbo
First of all, how did it get to be October already? Clearly it took me longer than planned to write this update! Bilbo is doing well, though Dr. Stephanie (our vet) decreed that he could stand to lose about a pound. Robin, too, needs to lose weight, so all three of our cats are on a more restricted diet. Despite any fears we had, they still have every bit as much energy as before. We replaced our deck last year, and sometimes we will let the cats come out and enjoy the weather with us. Bilbo loves catching bugs and pouncing on leaves, but he is much less eager to go outside than the others. Bilbo has gotten much more vocal over the last year; he often seems to answer our questions, even if we don't always understand them. I left my job in July, so I am now home full time with the cats. It took a little while for Bilbo to adjust to the change, but he has now decided that Mom is almost as good for cuddles as Dad. Bilbo is much more active during the day than Robin or Mara and keeps me company most of the time, even when I'm working out.
Stephanie, Steve, Mara, Robin, and Bilbo 10/7/12
(Last update: Oct 7th, 2012 5pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Bochat
ID#: VA7196
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/13/10
Adopted: 10/01/10
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Belinda
Foster Notes for Bochat [VA7196] |
Has medium-length fur, bushier tail. More photos coming soon. |
Foster Notes
Not with Dogs
My name is Bochat - pronounced "BOWtie saSHAY", but you can just call me 'Bo'. I came with my mommy, Miss Melly. Miss Melly and I get along just fine, so if you're looking for a pair, then there ya go! But I also like other kitties and I think with proper introductions, I can live with just about anybody. Except unruly types - like little kids, dogs, and mouthy felines... I've heard enough catterwailing in the colony to last me a lifetime.
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Notes from Home
Bochat is a very happy cat. He is absolutely the best companion I could ask for, along with his mom Meiko (aka Miss Melly). He's very affectionate, let's me pick him up and carry him around all the while he purrs his appreciation very loudly.
Bochat is doing very well 10/7/12. He's gotten quite big, running about 13 pounds right now, he's very furry and quite playful with the other two cats. He loves to race back and forth from one end of the house to the other, working off some of that male cat energy! He now tolerates brushing (treats help) and is quite easy to handle trimming his claws. He still purrs very loudly for almost any reason. It's very endearing. When I return from a long trip, he plants himself on me spread-eagle as if to claim me for his own. He's generally quiet which I appreciate. He talks when he needs to. I'm lucky to have him and his Mom Meiko!
(Last update: Oct 7th, 2012 4pm)
OK, OK, I don't look like my mama or my sisters, but I'm HERE. I am a tiny little blue point baby who is about 3 weeks younger than the other kittens that Mama Spice is caring for. But that doesn't stop me from doing all the kitten games, wrestling and playing with my slightlty bigger and older siblings. Cumin and I are a great pain, so we'd like to go home together. Coriander
Name: Cori
(FKA Coriander)
ID#: VA8561
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 05/23/12
Adopted: 07/29/12
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Katie
Foster Notes for Coriander [VA8561] |
I love to eat dry kitten kibble, wet kitten kibble and from mama! She's the best!! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Coriander has transformed to Cori as he has grown into quite a big boy these days. He is loving and snuggly and continues to expect his sister Cumin to wash his face for him at bedtime. He is a very talented soccer player and is able to 'dribble' a Dixie cup from one end of the dining room to the other. The two of them literally sound like a herd of elephants as they race throughout our house but it is the best sound ever! This week they have learned to play a new game, called Ninja Warrior Kittens, and they fly through the air, kicking and rolling and looking oh so fierce.
(Last update: Oct 7th, 2012 4pm)
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Name: Meiko
(FKA Miss Melly)
ID#: VA7197
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/13/10
Adopted: 10/01/10
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Belinda
Foster Notes for Miss Melly [VA7197] |
A very sweet, laid-back girl. She hangs back and watches Bochat and the other kittens, and seems to crave interaction with me. |
Foster Notes
Not with Dogs
My name is Miss Melly. I've had a hard life so far in the trailer park... I'm only 1.5 years old and already have had two litters of kittens :-( One of my babies, Bochat, was rescued with me. We love each other and would make a great pair if that's what you have in mind. But I also like my people very much and am tolerant of other kitties - especially young 'uns (I've had alot of practice), so I could be separated from him and probably do just fine. I mostly enjoy stretching out with foster mom. Petting and loving is new to me, so I'm getting as much as I can!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Meiko is doing really well now. She was slow to relax, wanted to be sure that life here would be safe and consistent. She's very affectionate and communicates her needs clearly through nudges and other non-verbal ways. She is a quiet cat, rarely makes noise and when she does it's a very nice voice!
10/7/12 Has it really been 2 years since I adopted Meiko and Bochat? Meiko still has a rather quiet personality but she can be very playful. She has her routines, brushing just before bedtime and sitting in the same place, meowing softly to ask for the brush. She likes to sit in my lap in the morning when I'm having breakfast. I adopted a 3rd cat in February through the death of her owner, she's a female and she and Meiko play together sometimes, they are friendly.
(Last update: Oct 7th, 2012 4pm)
I got my cute nose from my mama. And,my snowshoe or "snowsandles" as Mama Katie calls them, are just like one of my sisters who was moved to KY. Don't you think they are cute? I am so good to help take care of sleep with my little tiny sister Coriander. We love each other and would like to go home together. Be sure to ask about us. Cumin
Name: Cumin
ID#: VA8560
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/23/12
Adopted: 07/29/12
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Katie
Foster Notes for Cumin [VA8560] |
Precious little girl with a big black nose just like her mama. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
October 7th, 2012
Cumin and Cori have settled iright in to their new forever home. They have both had upper respiratory infections but seem to have cleared that hurdle as well. They are sleeping through the night now and it's so nice to no longer have 4 am kittie play time centered in my bedroom! Both kittens have been finicky eaters and have decided that, after many tries, they will accept the Science Diet dry food and the Science Diet Kitten chuncky chicken wet food, if it is warmed slightly before being served.
I am so happy that Cumin and Cori chose me and that their wonderful foster Mom, Katie, was there to help me with this process. The kittens are so social and happy, and adding them to my family has truly enriched my life. This picture was taken today as they settled in for an afternoon nap.
(Last update: Oct 7th, 2012 4pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Tink
ID#: VA8397
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/04/12
Adopted: 03/11/12
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Siri
Not with Female Cats
Okay I may look a little sad, but that is par for the course when losing your home. Good news is I have solid history behind me as to who I am, what I'm like, and how wonderful a cat I can be, so if you click on Ask About Me I'd be glad to share that with you!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
From day one, Tink has made herself right at home. She is engergetic, playful, curious, and very loving. We're having a great time!
It's October 2012, and it feels like Tink has always been here chirping, purring and warming my lap. She loves playing with the feather wand and climbing. She has even taken to perching on my shoulder while I walk around the house or read a book on the couch. My home feels complete again.
(Last update: Oct 6th, 2012 9pm)
I'm doing well so foster mom says I'm ready to look for my new home. I am a typical kitten and should fit in anywhere. I hope to be able to go home around mid July if I could eat like my piglet sister and gain more weight :) I'm the smallest of the group but frisky and active.
Name: Lola
(FKA Lacy)
ID#: VA8576
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/31/12
Adopted: 07/28/12
Congrats: Renee
Foster: Kay
Notes from Home
Lola is all settled into her new home. She loves to follow me around the house keeping me company while I'm doing laundry, working on the computer, or reading a book. While Lola initially steered clear of our crotchety old dachshund Dunky, she has begun to assert herself and now refuses to be chased out of a room. Several times this week Lola even curled up right beside him while he was sound asleep and totally oblivious to her shenanigans:)
(Last update: Oct 4th, 2012 9am)
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Name: Abby
ID#: VA7231
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/21/10
Adopted: 10/03/10
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Heida
Playful little girl, a bit shy with people but does have a nice purr motor. Wants to go home with her brother Fitch VA 7233.
Loves her toys, loves to wrestle and run. Has a little bitty voice and chirps.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
ABBY ---APRIL 20113..All gdoing well here--just a good group of girls and boys.! abby is tall slim , and quite beautiful. weaning to big girl food---which she seems to tolerate well.---!seems like i have always had her--not just six months ago. llap sitter , and super--albeit-feminine purr!
feb.10th--doing wonderfully--slim purring absolutely gorgeous girl. loves jilly--often takes nap with her--is still a bit skittish---people in and out, make her hide---but loving to me.
OCT 2012---abby remains a timid beautiful girl---she sits on my chair with me---sleeps in my bed, loves my jilly dog, plays with toys---but is still wary---doing well. and is loved..
(Last update: Oct 3rd, 2012 11am)
Playful, bouncy little boy, a little shy with people but has a working purr motor. Wants to go home with sister Abby Va 7231
Name: Fitch
ID#: VA7233
Location: Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/21/10
Adopted: 10/03/10
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Heida
Notes from Home
Mike---[fitch] is a long lean, tall wonderfully busy, entertaining young man! he has become very pleased with one of the grear knotted toys heida sent with the babies---he growls at it, and carries it as if he had hunted and caught an elephant----my great snowshoe hunter! his face is the beautiful bluepoint !
the honeymoon is over---but the marriage flourishes! abby and mike are a pair of wonderful kids!!!!FEB 10th--mike is handsome slender quick as a whip--no more pink rimmed eyes--loving---he and tink get into chasing and running! appetite phenominal! both babies have stunning faces!
OCT.2012--all systems go! beautiful blue face--devilish and innovative! plays with tink racing up and down steps all around the house---truly delightful boy.
(Last update: Oct 3rd, 2012 11am)
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Name: Sherpa
ID#: VA8424
Location: Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/18/12
Adopted: 04/01/12
Congrats: Moore
Foster: Sandra
Foster Notes for Sherpa [VA8424] |
I just arrived, but already I'm very comfortable here. I'm 13 pounds of seal point beauty. My fur is like sable, and is thick and glossy. My eyes are the color of sapphires. Foster mom will get some good photos of me, and will add more information in a few days as she gets to know me. |
Foster Notes
I just arrived, and already am adjusting to my foster home. I was left at a shelter, and have been with a temporary foster since December. My first foster mom says that I got along well with both male and female cats, and was a joy to have around. I will let you hold me and carry me around, and I will sit with you while you read or watch T.V.
I am a big boy, but not overweight. My eyes are the color of pale sapphires, and my fur is thick and glossy as sable.
I'm looking forward being invited to my furrever home!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
10/3/12 Sherpa has been renamed "Blue" for his eyes, and is happy with his new home and me, as I with him. He is not a lap cat, which is good, due to his size, but likes sleeping on my large bed with me, which I don't mind.
He likes to spend time on our patio (until his feet get hot) and looks for "critters:=" and anything that moves. His favorite "toy" is a laser light which gives him more exercise than I can. He eats well, is clean and uses his litter pan.
It has been a good match and I tell people about how we got him and how easy you are to work with.
Good luck and many thanks.
(Last update: Oct 3rd, 2012 7am)
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