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I am no longer a scared boy but a loving crazy man! I love other kitties and kiddies and mommies and daddies - you name it! And I'm great fun to have around, so how about a flame to light your fire? Congrats Robert in MD!
Name:   DC
ID#: VA2435
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 12/16/03
Adopted: 01/13/04
Congrats: Robert
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
DC is now Maow Dang (Thai for Red Cat) -- currently sitting on my left arm, so I am typing this one-handed
(Last update: Oct 9th, 2012 6am)

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Name:   Bridget
ID#: VA8009
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/27/11
Adopted: 10/08/11
Congrats: Danielle
Foster: Joyce

Happy, affectionate, playful, outgoing, rambunctious are only a few of the words Foster Meowm uses to describe my sister Britney and me.

Besides her weighing a few more ounces than me, the only physical difference between Britney and me is that my right back leg gives out on me sometimes. But it doesn't slow me down and I can run and jump and pounce and climb just like she does. And because I'm such a special little girl, Foster Meowm made a video of just me !

I should probably be ready to go home about the end of Sept.

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Notes from Home
Hi, just wanted to drop a line to let everyone know that Bridget, whose name is now Minkie, is doing great. Her bad leg has been checked and seems not to be a concern, and it certainly doesn't slow her down any. She has lots of favorite games, but her current love is to have mum tip a bowl of water into the bathtub so that she can follow it like a river to the drain. Her next favorite is lying on the keyboard as I type (yes she is watching). Equal second is finding drywall screws to leave in my shoes. She also purrs loudly enough that people on the phone can hear her...

The photos are of her in different spots, often with her adopted brother Cheerio. They get on well, but Minkie is definitely boss...

(Last update: Oct 9th, 2012 1am)

Anyone looking for a snuggle-bunny? How about a curious sister, as a side kick?

Hi, my name is Jinx. Or "Hi Jinx!" as my foster mom calls me. I am a big, soft, furry bundle of love, and all I need in the world is your warm lap, and gentle pets.

My sister, Baby, is as sweet as I am....but I'm cuter.....

Our bags are packed. When can we move in?
See you soon!
Name: Mai Pai

(FKA Hi Jinx)

ID#: VA5210
Location:  Ohio
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/09/07
Adopted: 10/08/07
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Pai is a loving cat. I still to this day have no idea why he and Me Too were sent to adoption. They are the most wonderful cats a person could ask for. He is very picky with his food. About a year ago he had to be switched to a novel protein diet and he has not really enjoyed it. He complains all the time about the food and never seems to eat it. However he did gain a tenth of a pound when we went to the vet for our check up. As long as he is not losing and is healthy I am happy. These cats have brought tremendous joy to the house. Thank you.
(Last update: Oct 8th, 2012 8pm)

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Name: Me Too

(FKA Baby Baby)

ID#: VA5209
Location:  Ohio
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/09/07
Adopted: 10/08/07
Deceased: 09/01/17
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

Psst, hey. HEY! It's me, Baby (and my brother Jinx). We are 2 sweet seal points looking for a home where we will get LOTS of attention. I don't mean a pet here, a kiss there, I mean a boatload of pets. I'm talking laying in your lap, sleeping on your pillow, sharing your breakfast...you know..... A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N.

Check out my brother "Hi Jinx" - and click to inquire on one or both of us....but, you might as well click on me, because I'm cuter...

Quiet purrs and headbutts,

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Notes from Home
Me Too is doing very well. I still to this day have no idea why she and Pai were sent to adoption. They are the most wonderful cats a person could ask for.
(Last update: Oct 8th, 2012 8pm)

I am a snuggle buddy in search of a human worthy of my affections! Do you like purring in your ear, kneading on your shoulder, whiskers tickling your cheek? Well, I love doing all that! And I love to play, too. That dog here? He's pretty cool - I rub right on his chest when I can. And the other cats here are pretty cool, too when they let me be myself. My favorite though is foster mom. I could be happy with just you, or you could have other fur brothers and sisters for me, too - as long as I have you!

Fun fact about me: I love to drink water out of the big dog bowl... by dipping my paw in and slurping it off my paw!
Name:   Selah
ID#: VA8721
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/18/12
Adopted: 09/22/12
Congrats: Jeff
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
I hope this is the right place to write the requested update?

Selah is doing great! She has been to the vet upon arrival and is up to date medically, save her tooth which needs surgical intervention and is scheduled for this Tuesday.

What is surprising to us is her constant hypervigilance. She never relaxes unless sleeping. If she were a person, I would say she suffers from severe anxiety. In other words, she INSISTS on "playing" (more like a vicious wildcat, including lots of biting too) every waking moment.

In other words, her mind is in overdrive in constantly looking for prey stimulation, demanding incessant play time, and largely ignoring us otherwise except for food. It seems that she does not know how to interact with people other than snuggling at night. I had hoped that she would have calmed down by now and acclimated to her new surroundings.

Could this be due to the fact that she may be part feral due to her abandonment? I say this because she can be very sweet too, but only in short intervals.

As discussed, I did adopt the disabled kitten as well. He too is more of a handful than I expected, I suspect because of a lesion on his brain from CH. I took him to a veterinary specialist, pre-adoption for assessment where he received treatment ($500.00 worth), but never received an update on his behaviour from his foster. (This rescue has a lot of issues unfortunately.)

So, now I have two ADD / anxiety-laden cats, though they have yet to be introduced. While my husband and I knew that kittens/young cats are high energy, this is a bit overwhelming. I really do not want to put either on any psychiatric meds, but am at something of a loss.

My prior Snowshoes were far more laid back and highly intelligent. I have read Snowshoes tend to have the same general temperament.

Additionally, both my husband's and my allergy/asthma are through the roof since adoption. It may also be that this is fall in VA, but we did not have this problem with our prior kitties. (Siamese are said to be the least allergic.) As a result, I cannot allow her to sleep with me presently :(

Any suggestions you may have would be most welcomed at this point.

Please thank Rinn for her amazing help with our adoption of Selah.


Lisa Battaglia Dodson

(Last update: Oct 8th, 2012 12pm)

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Name: Boomer

(FKA Damson)

ID#: VA8435
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/24/12
Adopted: 04/08/12
Congrats: Sara
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Are you crazy? What, I didn't hear you right! You say you DON'T want an easy going guy? You DON'T want a cat okay with dogs? You DON'T want an ambassador cat? You DON'T want a loving affectionate interactive friendly super duper perfect pooper :) cat? Really?

Well, then, if that's the case, see ya'! But if I heard wrong, then what in the world are you waiting for?

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Notes from Home
It's hard to believe it's only been 6 months since we brought Boomer (then Damson) home. He's become such a part of our little family that it's hard to remember how we managed without him. Here's a brief update of our time together so far.

Though the car ride home was hard, once we let him out of his cage Boomer got right to the business of making himself at home. Before long he had settled right in, alternating between lap sitting, sniffing everything in sight, and purring at an impressive volume. It turned out the local pet store had one of the same toys we recognized from the shelter, and having that along with the rest of our initial supplies seemed to help him get his bearings. Although he was quiet at first, he's since become much more comfortable showing us his singing voice and now he can be heard from the moment we set foot in our building. When either of us returns home from work he must spend at least a good 5 minutes telling us all about his day and lots of chirping always accompanies a good petting session.

As far as bad behaviors there aren't really any to speak of, he's pretty much the perfect cat. At first he was a little bit of an escape artist, quickly darting out of the apartment when our hands were full of garbage or laundry, but luckily he couldn't make it farther than our lobby area. A little positive reinforcement with treats on his favorite perch before we opened the door quickly curbed that tendency.

He's very playful, and luckily was able to inherit an impressive cache of toys from our parent's cats who are much more jaded. He's also a huge catnip fiend, and an expert at inspecting cardboard boxes, luggage, and bags of all kinds. Mostly he loves nothing more than to be underfoot or on a lap at all times. Boomer is the designated welcoming committee for our apartment and lest it be thought that we are biased, all our friends who have visited have echoed our sentiment that he is "the best cat ever".

We've uploaded a few of our favorite pictures, overall we couldn't be happier!

Stew and Sara

(Last update: Oct 8th, 2012 11am)

One sad, depressed Meezer looking for an understanding, compassionate forever and ever home. With the right soft touch and gentle manner you and I could work out a great relationship, but I'd like you to come meet me and see what you think. I spend day after day dreaming of a home, one day, it'll be my turn. Aunt Siri keeps kissing my head and telling me it's okay, someone likes fat boys...... (Dogs - I'm learning, it's a slow process)
Name:   Huey Lewis
ID#: VA7794
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/15/11
Adopted: 08/13/11
Deceased: 09/03/15
Congrats: Lyn
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Huey Lewis-hard to believe he's been here a year! Huey has come to relax more as the weeks go on. Still has peeing issues but have figured out that he wants a totally clean litter box. One thing in it and he won't use it. Figured out he was most likely hit before. Walked around the corner to catch him peeing and said Oh Huey and he crouched down and closed his eyes. Broke my heart. So we went out of our way to talk to him and pet him gently and he realized that it wasn't so bad. Sleeps in the dog's bed during the day, ignores the dogs and is fine with Misty Blue, Turner chases him. I think Turner wants to play and Huey doesn't know how to. He's realized my lap is too small so he'll sit on the arm of my chair and put his front paws on my shoulder. He purrs away. Yes he has issues but would I give him up? NO WAY! He has the sweetest face you've ever seen especially when he's trying to talk you into giving him a chicken treat.
(Last update: Oct 8th, 2012 11am)

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Name:   Bogey
ID#: VA8305
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/14/12
Adopted: 02/18/12
Deceased: 05/14/18
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Siri

Shuffled around from place to place, barely staying long enough to think I was home before uprooted again to yet another situation. Given all that I'm just a wee bit insecure and unsure about whether anyone being my furever home, so you have to give me time to settle in and trust that I will come to trust and love you. I've met Aunt Siri on several occasions before over the years, and I recognized her - check out my video. I have it in me to be the sweet loving guy - can't you see the hope in my eyes?

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Notes from Home
Bogey has developed quite a bit of self-confidence and trust since his arrival at his new home in February. He enjoys attention, and only runs to hide when strangers come to visit (which is very seldom). He loves to bask in the sun, and especially loves belly rubs and loving head bunts. He will nap against my leg on the sofa, or sleep on my arm in bed at night, but hasn't quite gotten used to being a lap cat yet. He has the loudest, happiest sounding purr that I've ever heard! Whenever I come home and unlock my front door, I find him posted at the foyer to greet me. What a sweet, loveable guy!

10/7/12 Bogey is doing well - and is just as sweet and loving as ever. He
loves his belly rubs and still comes running to greet me when I arrive
home from work. He sleeps with me in bed when he chooses to, and also
has favorite spots on the sofa, and under my bed.
He had dental cleaning recently, and a wisdom tooth extracted over the
summer, as well as a rabies vaccine and comprehensive health exam. He
still cries to and from the vet - but quickly calms down once he is at
home in familiar environment.
Bogey still prefers not to be held, but will lay up against me and let
me surround him with my arms without panicking. I have been able to
pick him up to put him in his carrier as needed, and I have managed to
hold him in my arms twice while sitting on the floor with his body in
my lap for about 30 seconds each time. He began to panic - and jumped
free as soon as I released him, but he gets over being upset very
quickly - and comes back to me for belly rubs and head bunts within a
short time. He talks to me regularly, and continues to eat well and
uses his litter box. He often follows me around the apartment from
one room to the next.
All-in-all, he's a special little guy, and I'm so happy to have him.
I think he's happy to have me, too :-)
Thank you so much for all you do at Siamese Rescue!

(Last update: Oct 7th, 2012 7pm)

Hi everybody! I'm Mojo (Moe-Joe)! How are ya?? Came in with a bum leg you know, thought I might lose it, but it healed nicely! I'm starting to adjust to being around nice people, so I'm making good progress! I'm a spritely young man with lots of love to give to the right person, in my own time! I'll need some help building confidence, but I'm not a scaredy cat! I don't even hide from foster dad when he comes to visit me. I've had some time in another nice home before coming here, but I really want my very own forever home. Ask about me today!
Name:   Mojo
ID#: VA7255
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/02/10
Adopted: 10/07/10
Congrats: Patsy
Foster: Michael

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hi my new name is Andy. I hid under the bed for the first few days and then finally came out. I am very friendly now and love to lay on my back and purr when I am petted. I am very good and have the whole run of the house just like Emmy. I am a little more shy than she is. I am glad Emmy came with me because I look for her sometimes. I always use the litter box and have had no accidents. Thanks to everyone who helped get me to my new home.
Hi, its been 2 years since me and my friend Emmie came to live at our new home. I am a very big boy and I love everyone. I still like to fall on the floor on my back to get head scratches. I try and sleep on my moms pillow at nite in the bed, so she gave me my own part of the bed. I did manage to sneak out of the house this summer, and no one could find me because I was very scared. My mom finally found me at the next door neighbors house under their shed. I was gone 3 weeks but my mom never gave up looking for me. I am glad to be home and didnt let my mom out of my sight for days after that. Thank you to everyone who told her I wouldnt go far and to keep looking for me.

(Last update: Oct 7th, 2012 6pm)

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Name:   Amelia
ID#: VA7182
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/31/10
Adopted: 10/07/10
Congrats: Patsy
Foster: Michael

Hi everybody! Just got here! I'm a teeeny girl at 2lbs 14 ounces! I'll grow quickly though! Settling in nicely, loving the attention and practicing my purrrring skills.

Will be ready to go home in a few weeks, but get a jump on asking about me if you're interested, I won't stick around long as gorgeous and PERFECT as I am!


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Notes from Home
Hi my new name is Emmy. I stayed in the room for a few days until I was sure it was ok to come out and explore the whole house. I love snooping around. I am very friendly and come running when I see my new wet cat food bowl. I also come when my name is called. I am very good and have the whole run of the house. If people come to visit and make alot of noise I go and hide but then I come out as soon as they are gone. I love to play and have lots of nice toys. Thanks to everyone who helped get me to my new home.
Hi I have been in my new home for 2 years already. I am a very sweet girl who loves to play with my friend Andy (who was adopted the same time). My mom calls me her "china doll" because I am so tiny. I love to sleep up close and under the covers with her. I am not afraid of anyone and rub up against everyone who comes into the house. I am very nosey and like to get into everything, even the christmas tree. I love to play with the grandchildren. Thanks everyone who helped me find my new home.

(Last update: Oct 7th, 2012 5pm)

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366 Meander Run Rd, Locust Dale, VA 22948
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