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Okay, I am not a "pure" Siamese however I am pure lover. I sleep with foster mom, I sleep on her, I sleep near her. I am such a snuggle bunny. It is a contest between me and brother George to see who is the most loving. I think I win the contest but he is saying he wins. You will have to make the decision.
Name: Freddie

(FKA Fred Weasley)

ID#: VA5964
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/18/08
Adopted: 11/11/08
Congrats: Jonathan
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Life is good! After a couple of years in Florida we've moved up to New York.
The long summers are no more, but now there is a radiator to curl up by instead.
I'm strong and healthy, and enjoy all of the typical things, especially snuggling up with my brother.
I'm still the alpha male, but a real softie at heart.

(Last update: Nov 11th, 2012 9am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Mitzi

(FKA Blossom)

ID#: VA5926
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 09/26/08
Adopted: 11/09/08
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Barbara

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I arrived here over a week ago with an icky cold. I didn't want to eat, and I was very sickly, but I am better now and ready to think about my forever home. Foster mom is just getting to know me, and she can tell you I am very sweet, and she is starting to see my cute personality. I am petite and pretty and have soft bunny fur. I am very bonded with my brother, Apple, and we must go to our forever home together (click on additional pictures to see us together). We were healthy and active and playing together, then we were really sick together, and now we are getting healthy and want to spend the rest of our lives together. So...if you'd like a wonderful bonded pair of kittens, please ask about us, and Foster Mom will tell you more. (NOTE: After you inquire about me, inquire about Apple VA5925 so you'll be in line for both of us.)

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mitzi is a little dear and has grown into a lovely adult cat. She keeps Mo in line when he "attacks" her while they are playing, even though he is much bigger than her. She loves sleeping on the pillows of the bed in our guest room. She is still very skittish at times, although she has warmed up a great deal. She is the "braver" of the two cats and will come out of hiding more than Mo when the doorbell is being rung, etc. She loves my husband Tom and will sit on his lap. Likes to be petted and have her her neck and back scratched, but she isn't very keen on being picked up. She and Mo are quite a pair and we love them very much. She has a memory like an elephant and is wary when nail clipping time comes around, but somehow we manage it and she always appears to feel better following her "pedicure"...she just doesn't like the process!
(Last update: Nov 10th, 2012 12pm)

I arrived here over a week ago with an icky cold. I didn't want to eat, and I was very sickly, but I am better now and ready to think about my forever home. Foster Mom is just getting to know me, and she can tell you I am very Siamese--handsome and sweet but a little demanding--and one of my demands is that I go to a forever home with my sister, Blossom. We are so bonded (click on additional pictures to see us together). We were healthy and active and playing together, then we were really sick together, and now we are getting healthy and want to spend the rest of our lives together. So...if you'd like a wonderful bonded pair of of kittens, please ask about us, and Foster Mom will tell you more. (NOTE: After you inquire about me, inquire about Blossom VA5626 so you'll be in line for both of us.)
Name: Mojo

(FKA Apple)

ID#: VA5925
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/26/08
Adopted: 11/09/08
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Barbara

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Mojo or "Mo" as we call him most of the time has grown into a huge lovable cat. He is very comical at times, lying on his back with all four paws in the air and looking at you upside down. He is a talker when he thinks you need to pay attention to him. He is a pretty laid-back cat, but still runs and hides under the bed when the doorbell rings. He likes to sit above my head in the morning and purrrrr away while twitching his tail against my arm to wake me up. He also likes to lay on the top of Tom's chair, right behind his head while he is watching TV...this is mostly this time of year when we have the lamp behind the chair on. Mo loves the warmth of the lightbulb.
(Last update: Nov 10th, 2012 12pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Lea

(FKA Morena)

ID#: VA5367
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/20/07
Adopted: 12/29/07
Congrats: Christy
Foster: Amy

Foster Notes

I am one of twenty cats confiscated from a collector. I am a delightful, sweet and inquisitive girl and obviously I get along well with other cats. I will certainly need another feline or two to play with. We don't know about me and woofers though. Do you have a place for a beauty like me?

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Notes from Home
re-named Morena to Lea - she's beautiful!
(Last update: Nov 8th, 2012 9am)

I just got here, and foster meowmy says I have to sit still for a good picture. Whatever that means. She snuck up and took one while I was sleeping. She says it's a shame you can't see my pretty blue eyes, but I was comfy and napping. So demanding!

I'm long, I'm beautiful, and I'm chatty. What more could you ask for?

Send an email if you're looking for a cat like me!
Name:   Levi
ID#: VA8468
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/09/12
Adopted: 05/03/12
Congrats: Leila
Foster: Jeannie


Notes from Home
What a match made in heaven! I still think I'm dreaming that we got this cat. Levi's name has changed to Luke which wasn't intentional. My husband keeps on calling him by our previous siamese cat's name and he responds to it so it kind of just stuck. Luke gets lots and lots of laps and petting from all of us and is in heaven. He'll take whatever lap he can find and it is so nice to have him when my husband and I are working on the computer. He greets us at the door and loves to follow someone around and talk up a storm. In the middle of night he runs around like a maniac and talks very loudly and then settles down to sleep with me. He is quite the character and we love, love, love his chatty, demanding personality! If he is locked by mistake in a room he talks very loudly and sticks his paws under the door to know he is there. We even love his smell, it smells like our previous cat and we are always snuggling with him and taking a whiff of his fur.
Only problem we have with him is scratching. We're working on getting him to use a scratching post. He doesn't like the cardboard ones we have now but prefers our carpet. I just ordered some purrfect posts to try out.

I'm going to have to upload some pictures of him. The wait to get him was well worth it!
Levi (now officially Luc, that is the only name he responds to) has changed ALOT and for the better! His foster mommy warned us that while Luc tolerates cats he is not out to be friends with them. He tolerated our cats but dud not want anything to do with them. Well lo and behold , one day we see him playing with them. He has officially become the ring leader of the cats and they are happy to have Luc speak on behalf of them. The cats run up and down the stairs and wrestle every morning and night and it sounds like an earthquake in the house. We get a kick out of seeing it and our chubby tabby is finally getting some exercise. Now we don't have to worry a out Luc getting lonely when we go on vacation, too. He never seemed anxious with the transition so we never, ever thought that he would change so much in the past 6 months.

(Last update: Nov 6th, 2012 10pm)

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Name:   Mariposa
ID#: VA8053
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 09/10/11
Adopted: 11/06/11
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

Did you know you could have a lynx point AND a flame point in one cat? On one side of my face, I'm flame, and on the other I'm lynx! How cool is that? I'm about 6 months old, and I just love people. I'm playful, I'm loving, and I'm sweet! What more do you need? I'm getting along great with other cats, and I don't mind the d*g here either! Ask about me and foster mom will tell you how great I am! I like hanging out with just about anybody. Can you find a spot for me in your family, in your home, in your heart?

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Notes from Home
New Pictures posted
(Last update: Nov 6th, 2012 5pm)

Meowmy says I'm a very special boy. I am part Himmy, though I don't have long hair, I have a BIG meeszer voice, use my litter box like a gentleman, and love to be loved on. With all those positives, the one negative about me is that I have very early renal disease. Meowmy says with good care and lots of love I could live a good long life yet. She said she's going to start making up for all the love I've missed till now, until my special forever home is found.
Would you like a handsome boy like me to knead, and purr, and rub and talk to you while I sit on next to you and keep you company?
If so, why not ask meowmy to put you on my list?

I'll be waiting right here on Meowmy's bed while you think about it.


Copy and paste this link to see my big video
Name: Mufasa

(FKA Simon)

ID#: VA7065
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/17/10
Adopted: 11/06/10
Deceased: 08/12/12
Congrats: Lauren
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Mufasa has truly become the alpha cat in our house. He's relaxed, happy, and enjoying being spoiled by three doting ladies. If there are limits to the amount of adoration he can take, we haven't found them, but we'll keep looking!

Sad to report that Mufasa passed away a few months ago from what our vet thought was probably a brain tumor. He seemed content with us and, when he did get sick, passed quickly and apparently with little or no pain. He was a wonderful kitty, and we miss him.

(Last update: Nov 6th, 2012 10am)

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Name: Tao

(FKA Hemingway)

ID#: VA8778
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/06/12
Adopted: 10/06/12
Congrats: Joan
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

I'm Hemingway, and I just arrived with my brother Dexter. Foster mom says we are really cool cats. We have all the great things you want in meezers - we're talkative, we're purrative, we're sleek and wedgie-ish, we're playful, we're cross-eyed, and if you look close at our toes, we're both POLYDACTYL! I have 6 toes on each front foot, and the usual 4 on each back foot. So we sort of have 'opposible thumbs', and fostermom is hoping we'll learn how to open our own cans of cat food. Could be! Did I mention that we're really really smart? We'll be ready to go home in a couple weeks. Ask about us!

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Notes from Home
Tao is doing very well since coming home with his brother Ming. He is eating well and using his litterbox. At his visit to the vet he weighed in at 9 pounds....a whole pound heavier than his brother! Tao is very cautious and lets his brother take charge, but watches him closely and will usually follow what he does. If Tao is playing with a toy and Ming comes along and goes after it, Tao will back off and let Ming play with it, so I'm trying to engage Tao more, but this may be his personality and may not change....time will tell. He is a very sweet boy and loves his brother. I just love his crossed eyes! He is a bit skittish and doesn't enjoy being held as much as his brother, but I still make a constant effort. They both love to be near me and always end up sleeping with me. Very seldom will you see one without the other very close by. In just a weeks time I've already noticed they have gotten bigger and their coloring is getting a bit darker. I just love and adore these boys. Each day is a new adventure with them.


It's been a little over a month now since Tao and his brother Ming came to their forever home. It just seems like they've always been here.

Tao is making a tremendous improvement. He was always very cautious and skittish and would run and hide and didn't like to be touched. Now when we enter the room he doesn't run and hide anymore. He seems much more comfortable and is settling in nicely. I'm so pleased to see such a wonderful change in him. I wasn't sure if it was just his personality or if he just needed more time to get familiar with us and his new environment. He now enjoys me petting him and will now purr when he's being petted. He still is not quite comfortable with being picked up...he will tuck his head down into my arm, but he's purring the whole time, so that's a huge improvement....then he wants to get down. He even lets me rub his belly now, so I'm a very happy camper to see him so much more comfortable. He's letting me engage him a lot more in playing and doesn't run away if Ming tries to take over. He's turning out to be such a wonderful kitty....I knew he had it in him, he just needed some extra time, patience and attention and it sure has paid off.

When I'm sitting on the couch, Tao will jump up and cuddle right next to me....or when I'm sleeping, he will jump up on the bed and will either sleep right next to me or on my feet or even on my pillow above my head! This also is a huge improvement for him.

He loves playing with his brother Ming. They will run up and down the halls....sounds like a herd of elephants. They'll stalk and pounce on each other and wrestle like boys do.

When it's time to fill their bowls, they swarm around my feet like sharks ready for the kill...you would think they never ate before! Taking the food bowls over to where they eat is a challenge as they walk right in front of me side by side...it really is so cute to see....it's as if they have become one with the other. I need to try and get a picture of this but it's hard when I'm carrying two bowls and trying not to trip over them in the process.

Hurricane Sandy did not impress either cat. They loved watching the swirling leaves and debris blowing around in the wind, but the noise of it all didn't even bother them. As long as I kept their bellies full and they were nice and warm, life was still good!

(Last update: Nov 4th, 2012 9pm)

I'm Dexter, and I just arrived with my brother Hemingway. Foster mom named us for Ernest Hemingway and Captain Stanley Dexter. You do the google :-) We have all the great things you want in meezers - we're talkative, we're purrative, we're sleek and wedgie-ish, we're playful, we're cross-eyed, and if you look close at our toes, we're both POLYDACTYL! Hemingway has 6 toes on each front foot, and the usual 4 on each back foot, but take a look at me!! I have 7 toes on each front foot and 5 toes on each back foot. Mom says I have paddy-pancake-feet and she giggles when I run to her. Anyway, she says it's really rare to come across a meezer like me, and that someone is going to love me almost as much as she does. Hem and I will be ready to go home in a couple weeks. Ask about us!
Name: Ming

(FKA Dexter)

ID#: VA8777
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/06/12
Adopted: 10/06/12
Congrats: Joan
Foster: Belinda


Notes from Home
Ming has made an amazing adjustment to his new home. He's been here for a whole week now and acts like he's been here forever. He is such a sweet lovable kitty who has endless energy. He is a purring machine when he's held and loves to sleep right on me. I'll cradle him in my arms like a baby and he just looks at me with those baby blues and purrs away, but then it's time to get down and explore again.He's eating well and using the litterbox with no issues. At his vet visit he weighed in at 8 pounds and his vet recommended going off the kitten food. He gets along wonderfully with his brother Tao. When one cries out, the other is right there to see what's going on - they are so cute together and have a language all their own when they "talk" to each other. These boys have made such a wonderful addition to my household and I already can't imagine my life without them!


Well, Ming has been here now for a little over a month. I can't believe how time is flying. He caught his first fly and promptly proceeded to eat it! I guess I don't need fly swatters anymore now that I have a fly eating kitty. Ming and his brother Tao got to experience Hurricane Sandy first hand this week. They would stand at the sliding glass doors and watch with excitement as the leaves and debris were swirling all around in the wind. All the noise of the wind and rain from the Hurricane didn't seem to faze either of them at all.

When I'm on the computer, Ming will jump up on the table and sit right on the keyboard and stay there as if to say I'm not moving till you shut this thing off and pay attention to me. He follows me everywhere I go. I can't even go to the bathroom alone or take a shower without his little face peeking behind the shower curtain....so cute!

So far they pretty much leave the furniture alone and mainly scratch their nails on their kitty condo...thank-you boys for that! I hope that continues, since all my previous cats have been furniture scratchers, so this is a nice change.

I leave the bedroom door open when I go to sleep and I always wake up with one or both of them curled up either next to me or right on me.

These two guys are so much fun. They love playing with all their toys and their two kitty condos. Of course they also love running after each other and wrestling, stalking and pouncing on one another. They love tummy rubs and are real purring machines.

Life is good!

(Last update: Nov 4th, 2012 8pm)

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Name: Snickers

(FKA Galen)

ID#: VA8790
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/08/12
Adopted: 10/06/12
Congrats: Karyn
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

Look at me can you believe I came to visit and they stick me in the bathtub, get me wet, and put shampoo on me? If they treat all of their guests like this then it must be a very quiet home. I hope when I am dry they get some better pictures of me. I am really a little cutie.

Foster mom got some better pictures of me. At least I have dry fur. I am such a s good little boy and love to be picked up and held. I know foster mom says she hopes I stay this way. Why wouldn't I? Life is good and I am enjoying myself.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I love my new home! I love to sleep on my family's pillows above their heads at night because during the day I never stop moving!!! I am VERY active and playful! I love to attack everything (whether it moves or not!) I am a strong, growing boy and I am up to 5.4 pounds already!
(Last update: Nov 4th, 2012 10am)

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