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I am Samson and I try to look tough, but I am just a big mush. I really like my litter mate Nina. We could go home together as a great pair, but it probably isn't written in stone. I am a super guy so you can't go wrong asking about me!
Name: Merthin

(FKA Samson)

ID#: VA8824
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 4 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/29/12
Adopted: 10/27/12
Deceased: 02/20/16
Congrats: Jane
Foster: ShirleyBo


Notes from Home
I was a little skeptical about my forever mummy at first. I spent most of our first night together hiding behind a curtain, and the second underneath the bed. I've come a long way since then! I'm full of energy and need to be entertained constantly - be that through play or cuddles; that is, when I'm not grooming myself. I love to curl up next to mummy when she's sitting on the couch, and have taken to jumping on the desk and sitting on top of her work when I feel as though she's neglecting me. I don't mind the dog too much any more, although I did take a few days to decide how I felt about him. I could tell he just wanted to play, but he was a little too enthusiastic - a bit lacking in class if you ask me. We get along fine now, so long as he doesn't try to stick his head in my dinner bowl. We chase each other around the apartment, and have been known to cuddle up to one another on the odd occasion - but really, it is very much colder up here than I'm used to.

I'm eating well (perhaps a little bit too well - mummy's had to put me on rations) and mostly being a good boy, but I haven't quite gotten the hang of doing my business in the human toilet yet. I'm a smart kid, so I'll get it soon.

More updates and some new photos soon.

(Last update: Nov 23rd, 2012 8pm)

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Name: Delilah

(FKA Nina)

ID#: VA8823
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/29/12
Adopted: 10/27/12
Congrats: Jane
Foster: ShirleyBo

Boy, am I ever a sweetie pie. Samson is my litter mate and we sure do like each other. I like my younger brother Thomas also. I would absolutely love to go home with Samson, but it isn't written in stone. More pics and info coming soon.

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Notes from Home
Yes, I am a lovely girl, and am settling into my forever home very well. The first few days I was very bold, and when I finally got home, the first thing I wanted to do was to meet the dog - even though mummy had told me that I should leave him alone for a few days. He was fun at first, but like all new toys, I've lost interest. I spend my nap time in high places so that he can't annoy me, but I don't mind the occasional tumble with him, he just needs to learn be to gentle with me as I'm such a tiny girl. I'm getting along really well with my brother Merthin, and we like to snuggle together when we're relaxing. I'm eating well, and maintaining good hygiene here (even if I did once drag a hand towel off the rack and bury it in the litter box). More information and photos coming soon. Thank you to all my foster parents, and everyone who helped me find my new home.
(Last update: Nov 23rd, 2012 8pm)

Hi there! I'm Becka. I've been here 5 weeks now and am settled and quiet. I love it when meowmy pets me, and I am still getting braver to come out of my playpen to play with the other kittens. Meowmy is teaching me to be brave, but I need lots of encouragement.

She said I'm beautiful, and such a good girl with my litter box. I love the food she brings me every day and eat it all up. I also love to play with the peacock feather.

Do you think you'd have the patience to help me grow into a confident kitty? If so, ask meowm about me and maybe I could grace your home.

Name:   Becka
ID#: VA8034
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/02/11
Adopted: 11/19/11
Congrats: Jayme
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Becka is adjusting to our home wonderfully. She is especially fond of our boy cats. She is such a sweet girl and we love her so much. She is very active and is having fun playing with the other cats and her toys. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

It is almost February and Becka is getting over her shyness. She sleeps with us and is best buddies with our tuxedo boy. She is very talkative and loves to give head nudges. She is such a joy to have. We love our little Becka. She is so sweet . She also comes when we call her too. She is just an amazing girl. We will keep you all posted :)

We have had Becka for a year now and she has really blossomed. She loves her kitty friends here very much. She sleeps with us every night. She loves to run around and also loves to be brushed. We are so happy to have her as part of our family. Hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving!

(Last update: Nov 21st, 2012 2pm)

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Name: Simba

(FKA Fudge)

ID#: VA8830
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/01/12
Adopted: 10/21/12
Congrats: Edna
Foster: Jennifer

Hey you!

Whats your biggest craving, or favorite thing in the world to eat? Thats right a HOT FUDGE sundae! Thats me, HOT FUDGE! I am one bee-u-ti-ful HOT hunk of lovin Fudge, for a Fudge lover! I am absolutely perfect for anyone who craves a treat, without the calories! Dont you crave a little FUDGE? Ask my foster Jen about me quick, I hope to find my home soon!



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Notes from Home
Simba is doing great and has adapted quite well in our home. He and Bootsy are great pals, playing, fighting, eating and sleeping together. Simba sometimes likes his space and will sneak off somewhere to sleep in a hiding place. There have been no problems at all with our dog either. Dixie is lazy/old and lays around and although she has barked a couple of times if the kittens get too close, we one day found Booty laying on Dixie's back and they were both sleeping. One habit Simba has that we need to break is he will nip at legs/toes especialy if he thinks we're too slow in getting his food to him in the morning. He & Bootsy are both big eaters and I sometimes think their pigs trapped in a kittens body! lol I'm attaching a couple photos of the two kittens we took last week. I think I had sent an email previously that we did take Simba to the vet and she was impressed and said he was a beautiful and healthy boy.
(Last update: Nov 21st, 2012 5am)

Hi, I am Homer. I am Marges BIG brother. I like to play with her a lot. We come as a pair. Marge thinks she is the prettiest but I think I am pretty handsome don't you? I really like to get lots of scritches and I really like to cuddle with someone. The bed is my favorite place to sleep. Don't you need a bed buddy or two?
Name:   Homer
ID#: VA8752
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/26/12
Adopted: 11/04/12
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
Homer is a very happy cat. He was wandering the whole house the night he came home. He comes out to me whenever I am in the same room as him. He plays with all the toys and loves to be snuggled. I have discovered that he is a "breakfast talker". Meow, meow, feed me, feed me. very funny.
(Last update: Nov 20th, 2012 11am)

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Name: Maggie

(FKA Marge)

ID#: VA8751
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/26/12
Adopted: 11/04/12
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Debra

Hi my name is Marge. I am the cuter one - I have the prettiest blue eyes. I am the shyer of the two of us and the most slender! I am paired with my brother Homer. I love getting petted and have a good purr motor.

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Notes from Home
Maggie is doing very well. She came right out of her kennel when we got home. She hid under a chair, but would let me pat her while under there. When I come around to the beds I have for her, she will nudge my hands for love. She has been playing with all the toys we have around, too. You would be proud of her Debra.
(Last update: Nov 20th, 2012 11am)

I want out of this bathroom! I roll around all over the place making a fool of myself when anybody comes in. Ready and raring to go meet the residents! Shouldn't be too much longer.

Got given up by somebody who couldn't afford me - rough economy. I'm not expensive to keep though!

I'm beautiful. If I do say so myself. And, oh, so sweet.

Just waiting for my new human(s) - is it you???

Name: Abby

(FKA Crystal)

ID#: VA8880
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/28/12
Adopted: 11/13/12
Congrats: Sandra
Foster: Donna


Notes from Home
Crystal is now "HRH (Her Royal Highness) Abigail Millington (Abby of course). She is adjusting quite well - does like to sleep all day -- play late afternoon and night. Loves to sit in the window of my office and even has taken to helping on the computer - she is not a good typist! She is a sweetheart.
(Last update: Nov 17th, 2012 12pm)

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Name:   Mona Lisa
ID#: VA8452
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/31/12
Adopted: 04/28/12
Deceased: 10/01/15
Congrats: Anita Maclellan
Foster: Siri

Who needs a gorgeous painting on the wall when you can have the real thing. I am quiet and introspective, yet smart and connected. I'd love a quieter home where I could lap sit whenever you're ready, or bed sit whenever you're not. My habits are pristine and my purrsonality smiling. So if you'd prefer the real thing over that funny face in the painting, ask about me and I'll show you my Mona Lisa smile.

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Notes from Home
Mona Lisa has been with us seven months now and she has come such a long way. She loves her Mili bed which is in our bedroom. At night she will sometimes sleep with us and our other critters, but she has not accepted our other Siamese "Mouse". She "pops" him if he gets to close and hisses if he gets friskey. We are working on that relationship. Mouse wants to snuggle and play, so maybe one day they will be friends. Mona is so not afraid of our female Lab "Skyla". In fact she owns Skyla. Mona will walk under her and then pop her for no reason at all. Skyla thinks it is a game. She eats us out of house and home. But most importantly she has wrapped my husband and me around her little paw. She has added spice and life to our family. We couldn't love her more. We have gained her trust and look forward to even more closeness in the years to come.
(Last update: Nov 17th, 2012 12pm)

Arrgh, Matey's - Happy Monday!

Colby Jack here - CJ for short. Young, good looking, bunny soft boy that purrs on eye contact. I may be young but I've got headbutts and rubs down like any grownup cat. I have only been here for a minute but foster lady thinks my loving, laid back self would do well with other kitties or those doggy creatures. In fact I just met another guy like me that lives here and we're going to be best beds. Oh and she wanted me to be sure to tell you that i give nose kisses and like to fall asleep with my head in her hand...or even better being held in her arms like a baby OR best laying on FL (Foster Lady) lap .

Right now I'm doing my best to hug Foster Lady from the side with BOTH paws...she needs a hug and I'm the best hugger :)

Do you need a hug?? I've got bunches to share,

CJ (Colby Jack)

Name:   CJ (Colby Jack)
ID#: VA8816
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 09/24/12
Adopted: 10/13/12
Congrats: Kathryn
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
CJ is doing great! We kept his name, as it suits him and the kids all liked it. My son Jack especially likes that they share a name together. CJ is very happy and at ease in our home. He loves to just flop over and get a belly rub at any minute. He is the softest boy ever! We all love him and are so glad to have his company.
(Last update: Nov 14th, 2012 9am)

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Name: Georgie

(FKA George Weasley)

ID#: VA5965
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/18/08
Adopted: 11/11/08
Congrats: Jonathan
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

A very cute little snowshoe and to boot I have an outgoing, wide-open purrsonality. I am a snuggler and lover. If you like a kitty that will sleep with you most of the time and love you all the time than I am the one.

Thanks! George

PS Fred and I are confident enough that we don't have to stay together. We would like a buddy cat in our future home though. Thanks!

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Notes from Home
Life is good. Freddie and I moved to upstate New York last year, and we've settled in quickly.
I miss the mild winters, but there are plenty of hotspots in my new home that let me keep warm and cozy.
Fred and I still run around, chase and play with each other, but we also like to take it easy too.

(Last update: Nov 11th, 2012 10am)

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