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I really need rescue!
I am a female seal VERY sensitive cat. Vocal and in good health, but I don't do change well. I've had a really hard time adjusting, being returned to the Rescue (no reason given but my owner disappeared) and this cage life and other cats (I HATE them) is making me very unhappy. Given the right quiet Siamese experienced home, I'm going to be a chatty well bonded very involved very intelligent gal who is sensitive to change and who just wants routine - a lap, some kibbles, and some love. Please get me out of here!
Name:   Pong
ID#: VA4873
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/21/07
Adopted: 05/12/07
Deceased: 01/01/17
Congrats: Ginger
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Hi Barbara, Hi Siri,
I just wanted to let you know that Pong (a.k.a Scout) is happy and healthy.

(Last update: Dec 19th, 2012 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Mocha

(FKA Yolanda)

ID#: VA7372
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/25/10
Adopted: 12/18/10
Deceased: 07/01/18
Congrats: Rosemary
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

All I want for Christmas is my very own lap. Do you want a lap warmer for Christmas? If so, sounds like we are a match made in heaven. I can be there lickety split as soon as you say the word. How about it?


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Notes from Home
12/18/2012 - I am the proud meowmy of the 2013 SCRC Calendar cover girl, Mocha. Mocha joined our family two years ago today. She is our ambassador cat, meeting and greeting all guests and is a wonderful playmate for Cocoa (VA7306) who desperately needed a companion.
(Last update: Dec 18th, 2012 5pm)

Hi, here I am the handsome loving Neo. Show me the Zoom Groom brush and I will give up my belly and purr like a machine. I love to be petted and will twist and turn every which way so you can get to all my favorite spots. I do have a "little" weight problem and need someone who will measure my food and make sure I get the right amount of the right foods. Foster mom will tell you about that. Not a hard thing to do at all and believe me I am worth the effort.
Name:   Neo
ID#: VA5332
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/02/07
Adopted: 12/30/07
Congrats: Samuel
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Neo is putting weight on again. Keeping these kittens and his food seperate is quite a task so the kittens are now dining alfresco while Neo takes his meals inside. We'll see at his next weigh in how much he has put on. The babies have added to the new whitish muzzle he now sports. I think they are giving him more grey hairs. He's still a love muffin but no longer wishes to join the family in bed every night...only occasionally.9/4/12

12/17/12 Neo my handsome gent, lost weight recently we feel due to a nervous habit he picked up of licking his fur repeatedly til it falls out.I wonder if the youngster,Poe, is any cause to this behavior. I suspect he is....now Neo appears not to lick as much and is growing his fur back,he also interacts with the young ones more often joing them in a quick game of "Hunt the gecko" or "Claw the scratching post" or "Chase Pippi around the Lanai". Although he has become more active he does spend alot of time sleeping on Dad's pillow. He is still mommy's love kitty but now warms my feet everynight in bed. Go figure. Merry Christmas Mr. Neo.

(Last update: Dec 17th, 2012 8am)

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Name:   Pippi
ID#: VA8478
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 04/15/12
Adopted: 06/17/12
Congrats: Samuel
Foster: Emily

Foster Notes

I am the sweetest little girl! I purr when you look at me. I like to play, I like to talk, I like to eat, and I like people to pay attention to me. You know, pretty much what any kitten likes! I think you should ask about me!

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Notes from Home
Miss Pippi is just the most loveable kitten I've ever seen and so curious. I think we had her about 2 days when she and I were in the lanai enjoying the eve. air .She was sleeping on my lap when all of a sudden her little head popped up ,she lept from my lap and darted to the corner of the lanai and immediately made a left turn and raced under the wicker couch. She was hot on the tail of a lizard and headed for the pool.The lizard did'nt stop and neither did Pippi. No problems. She swam to the side and pulled herself out and began grooming. I could herar her little voice.."I meant to do that" and the lizard was fished out of the pool but was DOA to the garden.
What a character.

9/4/12 Pippopotamus,pippiburger,piposarus and pipperoni...just a few of the love names I've given my littlprincess. Fastest lizard catcher I have ever seen and is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Puts up w/Poe till he gets to rough and then proceeds to remind him just who ruless the litterbox. She is already larger than her adopted brother and I expect she will grow into that oh so long tail. Healthy great appetite,in love w/life in her furever home.

12/17/12 Princess Pippi is the independant one here in Casa Cole. She loves to lap sit but only on her time and choice of time. They both found the Christmas tree and have been knocking ornaments off daily. Neo and other kitties taught us years ago to buy non shattering ornaments. This year Neo,Poe and Pippi will be receiving a water fountain and a 6 foot cat tree(work in progress) from Santa Claws. Merry Christmas Pippi,Poe and Neo!

(Last update: Dec 17th, 2012 8am)

I love to play, I love to talk, I love to eat, and I love to hang with foster Meowm when I'm done with all that. Who could resist such a purrfect little guy? I think you should ask about me! All I need is another kitten to play with and you!
Name: Poe

(FKA Kensey)

ID#: VA8443
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 03/26/12
Adopted: 06/17/12
Congrats: Samuel
Foster: Emily

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Poe has adapted well to his new furever home.In fact I think he may be attempting to over throw NEO as "Top Cat". Not really but they all are playing well w/each other. Poe's visiit to the vet was last night(thats why it's taken so long to update) and he passed w/flying colors. Put on some weight,appetite...VORACIOUS. He eats everything and sometimes anything which keeps us hopping. He also made a swim in the pool accidentally by trying to stand on Bruce the shark thermometer which obviously wouldnt support his weight.I will enclose pics of the 3Muscateers for all to enjoy

Poe is having the time of his young life.(9/4/12) He and Pippi spend alot of time on the lanai watching squrills and catching lizards, He is still the bottom less pit when it comes to food.He does play a little rough w/Pippi and Neo sometime and his love bite occasionall break the skin on their necks. He's not being aggressive just rambunctious. The squirt gun helps to keep him off the kitchen counters a trait he and Pippi have which does not endear them to their mother. He's healthy and well adjusted and a beautiful lap kitty and lovebug!

12/17/12 Poe or Po Po Gigio as I sometimes call him is a most extraordinary meezer. Even though he is small in stature he has appointed himself King of his domaine. Inquisative thy name is Poe. He is interested in everything. In fact I just relieved both Poe and Pippi of a spool of Christmas ribbon. Not good for kitties! He is such a little love. His favorite place is at Patti's feet or my chest and although his purr is small his love is imense! Merry Christmas PO-PO.

(Last update: Dec 17th, 2012 8am)

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Name:   Jimmy Choo
ID#: VA8591
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/09/12
Adopted: 06/23/12
Congrats: Shawn
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Here I am in my designer clothes and nowhere to go! I'm very loving but take a little bit of time to warm up, I love my person but prefer quieter rather than busier. I'm spooked by noise and commotion (no kids please) and I'm great with another cat provided they are a cat friendly cat! I could also be your one and only as long as you let me sleep on your head, or bed, whichever!

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Notes from Home
Almost the six month mark -- I can't believe how fast time flies! Jimmy continues to settle in. He seems pretty happy now. I didn't think he was a purrer, just like one of my kittens, but the Jim has proven me wrong. Over Thanksgiving weekend, when the house was full of people and cats and dogs, he started to purr. And he hasn't stopped yet! He also smiles a lot. I've never understood people who say that cats don't smile, because they totally do.

Jimmy has been with us for just over three months. I think he now considers himself a permanent part of the family. He sleeps with me more nights than not, and the other day I even got a purr out of him... without a food can in my hand. Progress! He seems happy playing with the kittens; sometimes, he's even the chaser. However, I wasn't sure it would turn out this way -- a few weeks after I left the first update, he started attacking my oldest kitten, seemingly for no reason at all. The re-education effort took time and patience (and isolation/time outs), but it seems to have worked. And that's a relief because we do love him. He's complicated and intelligent and sensitive and loving and sometimes a little high strung. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.

Jimmy Choo has been in his new home for almost two weeks now. I am so happy I have him -- he is a great fit for my family, feline and non-feline alike. I have two 1+ year old "kittens" and Jimmy has already made friends. In fact, I think the Jim loves the kittens more than he loves me! He's especially fond of little Gracie, the One Eyed Wonder Cat. Every chance he gets, he licks her. She's a really good sport about it; sometimes, she even licks him back. Every day he gets a little bolder and a little happier. He's already sleeping on the bed and eating with the kittens and starting to play with his new buddies. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter cat or a better fit. Who knew that the nose in the blanket (which is all his rescue pic showed) would turn out to be so great?? I'm so glad I adopted him!

(Last update: Dec 16th, 2012 11am)

Abaddon's the name, though foster Meowmy says it probably should be "Bubba Don" because I am just a sweel Good Old Boy in a fur coat. I know no strangers and I'm easy going, playful and just want to love and be loved! Meowmy thinks I would love an active, busy family with kids because I do a good job of advocating for getting my need for pets and attention met and I love to play.

I did talk my head off on the way home so Meowmy alreadly knows I have a softer voice, not a big old meezer yowl. (You can hear me on my second video.) I can't wait to show you my gorgeous blue eyes. Meowmy says I have the friendliest face and she's sure I am going to charm a bunch of admirers. I seem to love all humans, big and small, male and female and will stand on my back legs for pets.

Meowmy says I am the kindest, most loving guy she's met in a long time. I love to be loved (though I don't seem to be a lap-sittter) I give kisses and big head-butts to everybody. She thinks I would love some kids of my own because I seem to enjoy the young human who lives here and I am very gentle and understanding. If I want loving, I will reach out my paw to you to get your attention. When you give me scritches around my jowls (I have nice thick tomcat jowls because I didn't get neutered until I was a grown cat), I close my eyes and make cute little grunting noises because I love it soooooo much. I love to play with the wand toy--mine has a turquoise ball with a feather tail and I play with it even by myself, though I love to chase it when somebody else is making it move.

UPDATE 11/20: I have met the resident meters this evening. While I can't say that they were overjoyed to finally see me, I was so well mannered and respectful that nobody minded my wandering round the house talking to myself. So meowmy now thinks I would slot in anywhere since I didn't mind the Diva telling me I was not fit to grace her presence and let the Wimpy Handsome boy follow me around at a distance. The Little Princess and I would probably be great play buddies if I get to hang around here long enough. But I am such a catch that's not likely to happen.

UPDATE 11/23: I have finally revealed my one bad habit: I like to beg for human food! I was a perfect gentleman during Thanksgiving with the family: I sat at the table in the young human's chair everytime he got up for something. I was really interested in the conversation and I was good, even though there was lots of delicious food on the table. However, later, during cleanup, I made it clear that I was ready for some turkey. This morning, I made it known that I would like turkey for breakfast, if you please. And is that pumpkin pie....and whipped cream... I'lll have some of that, too!

Can't wait to meet YOU!

I have more photos and videos!
Name: Rusty

(FKA Abaddon)

ID#: VA8902
Location:  Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 11/04/12
Adopted: 12/01/12
Congrats: Thea
Foster: Dara

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Rusty is FANTASTIC!! He and Gordon were immediately best buddies...they spend the majority of their time together! He truly is an ambassador who welcomes anyone who walks in the door. He has not picked a favorite human, he spreads his love equally between the 5 of us. His favorite cuddles involve his resting his head on our shoulders! We are so thrilled to have him as a member of our family!!
(Last update: Dec 15th, 2012 8am)

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Name:   Nash
ID#: VA6570
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 08/23/09
Adopted: 09/19/09
Congrats: Gail
Foster: Vangie

Im learning new things, like having a bath, getting my nails trimmed, and about good food. I really got frightened being in the shelter and then coming to a new location. I mean, whats a good looking flame boy like me doing in a shelter?? Now, Im learning there are good things in my future and I want to find that good furever home. Will that be with you? Please ask about me.


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Notes from Home
Nash is the love of my life. He is the sweetest cat I have ever known.
(Last update: Dec 14th, 2012 1am)

I have a new video!

I am Xena the Warrior Princess! I love toys of all kinds. I love people of all kinds. I think I like food of all kinds.

If you are scared of vacuum cleaners like some of my friends here, then have no fear! I'm pretty sure I can take one on.

I'm a flexible, lovable kitten girl who would get along well anywhere.

So if you are ready for some rough and tumble along with your sweet lap cat then ask about me. And get your laser toys ready!

My owner was very sad to bring me back to rescue but he had allergies. Boo!

Name: Gabby

(FKA Xena the Warrior Princess)

ID#: VA8876
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/27/12
Adopted: 11/06/12
Congrats: Gail
Foster: Lisa

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Gabby is doing great! See for yourself.
(Last update: Dec 14th, 2012 1am)

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Name: Sammy

(FKA Lion King)

ID#: VA8484
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lilac
Date In: 04/21/12
Adopted: 06/09/12
Deceased: 12/12/16
Congrats: Geneva
Foster: Frani

Foster Notes

Hi folks!

I am the Lion King although I am really a kitty who is was down on my luck.

Things are looking up for me know as I'm getting some good groceries, a warm place and people
who treat me quite well.

I'd like to continue this trend--so check me out.

Much love,

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home

Sammy has been with us for three weeks now, however, it only took him one hour to get use to his new digs. He loves running up and down the stairs, and throughout the rooms. He is a curious cat, and like to explore. We can always tell when he has been somewhere where he shouldn't, because, his face will be cover with cobwebs, plant leaves, or whatever.

He is also sneaky. My Mother-In-Law caught him red-handed, with his paw in a can of try food, trying to scoop some out, with not much luck, I might add. Anyway, she caved, and put some in a dish for him. What a sucker. LOL! He now has her wrapped around his little declawed paws.

My Mother-In-Law teaches piano from the house, and Sammy likes to sit in the piano room and listen while the students are having their lessons. He also likes to accompany them, by singing along as they play. He is such a show off! They all think he's great!

We took Sammy back to the vet today for a return visit. Good news! His mouth is healing nicely after having major dental work, and he now weighs 8.5 lbs! He has gained one whole pound in just three weeks. Yeah! He is a very good eater, and excellant groomer, now that his mouth is not bothering him. Oh, and one other little blessing, we now have lots of hair balls! Lucky us! LOL!

The vet said that he is a beautiful (Fancy) cat, and that he looked very healthy and sturdy. He was impressed to see how docil and trusting Sammy was. He told us that we were very lucky to have found him. Yes, we are!

Sammy is a real lover boy! He loves to play, be held, petted, cuddled and sit on your lap forever, if you let him. He likes to sleep in the bed with us, and get in real close. Yesterday, I awoke to find his paw hugging my neck. He also generates a lot of heat. No need for an electric blanket in the winter with Sammy around.

Sammy is such a loving and sweet kitty. He is eight years old, but, we feel as though we have had him ever since he was a kitten. He fits in so well with our family, and our personalities seem to click with his. It is a perfect match for us, as well as for him. Thank you SCRC, Dorsey, Frani and Mary for helping us find each other!

A special thank you to Frani and Mary who fostered Sammy. You two gave him such wonderful care when he was very sick. he would not have may it without the two fo you!

SCRC, your work is very much appreciated. Thank you!

PS: Sammy just came in to help me finish typing this. He says hello! Now that his mouth is better, we have discovered that he is very chatty cat!

Thanks again! Bye for now!

Geneva, John and Sammy

December 13, 2012

It has been six months since June 9th,2012, that we adopted Sammy. You know that old saying "Someone's loss is your gain," Well that is certainly the case with Sammy, John and me. I still can not imagine that someone would intentionally let him go. Whatever happened in the past, we shall never know. However, I do know for certain, that Sammy is one of the best things that has ever happened to us. He is a blessing from Heaven to our family. In this Christmas Sason, I give thanks to God and the angels for sending hime to us.

We were joking with Sammy this week, telling him that his sixth month adjustment period was coming to an end, and that if he or us felt that it not working out, we would be happy to help him pack up his little hobo bag and stick and he could be off to find a better home (If one exsisted.) Well, as you can see, he is still here, happily sleeping under the electric blanket in the crook of John's elbow.

Sammy, knew this was his forever home within an hour or so. We did have some issues with him during the "Honeymoon" period, Eg. bitting and littler habits. Most of his teeth were removed, but he is declawed, so, it is not unusual for a cat to bite a little. He never does it maliciously, however, in the begining, I think he wanted to be top cat. Now, that he realizes he rules the house, the bitting has ceased.

Sammy is a very smart cat, and is intuned with a cronic health condition that I have. When I am having a bad day, and have to stay in bed, he will stay close to me all day long. Sometimes, he will put his mouth on my hand firmly, but he doesn't bite me. I think, he is trying to protect me, and wants me to know that he is there for me. I also think he likes the extra cuddle time under the electric blanket with mommy.

Sammy loves to sleep nose to nose, which always seems to be wet, as well as his right eye. The vet thinks he may have caught a herpes virus when he was living on the streets in Boston. It is not contagious, and we do have medicine for it if he needs it.

His appetitie is great, and he loves prune Activia. I admit to spoiling him, by letting him lick the spoon. Oh well, bad Mommy Cats!!

Sammy, who was once called "Lion King," was a kitty who was down on his luck. When in foster care, he said that he just wanted to keep up the trend of having some good groceries and a bed on which to sleep. Well, his wish came true. He now has a three story house, a king size bed, lots of good things to eat, (he really like pumpkin pie with a tad of vanilla ice cream,) and a family who adores him.

BTW: Sammy, is one handsome dude! He is a goreous Lilac Point, very svelt, long and lean. And, he had the sweetest and most adorable face. But, what can I say? A mother's pride always wins out in the end.

In this Holiday Season of reflection, I give thanks for all of the kittens, cats and geezers that have come through the Siamese Cat Rescue Center this year. Just like the Star of Bethlehem directed the shepherds to the baby in the manger that Christmas morning so long ago, my wish this day, is that many, with the help of the SCRC, will find their forever feline friend in the coming New Year!

Best wishes!
Geneva, John and Sammy

(Last update: Dec 13th, 2012 1am)

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