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UPDATE: Don't you think I look just like the "Cat on the Sack"? Oh, that's not really a story, is it? Guess it's supposed to be a "Cat in the Hat", but you are NOT going to put ME in a hat - I just like being on the sack.

OK - enough of that silly stuff - I am now over my hernia surgery and did very well. I'm fully integrated with Paddington and love having a little buddy to play with and mother. I've also been fully integrated with all the Hotel delShue cats and like all of them, too. I'm good with doggies and like the 14 year old grandkid who comes to see me. I'm now a much better weight - about 6 1/4 pounds and am looking super. If you like little girl seal points, you'd better ask about me real quick as I'd LOVE to be "home for the holidays". Purrs, headbutts and lots of chin rubs, Chloe

I'm finally ready for my "debutante party" When I first got to my foster home, I was sick with a shelter cold and couldn't eat on my own. It took me about two weeks to get well. Then the vet discovered that my spay surgery had caused a large hernia. So, just as soon as I got over my cold, I had to have that repaired. I was pretty sore and quite for a few days, but now I'm up and about and feeling much better. I did my "photo shoot" today and think I did pretty well. My face has white markings on it because I still have a fever mask from when I got so sick at the shelter. It will go away soon. .Foster mama says that I am very tiny, petite and a sweet, sweet, little girl. I am full grown, but I don't even weigh six pounds - I am just "tiny". I love to make biscuits, have you hold me like a baby, cuddle and purr and purr and purr. I am good with other kitties and doggies. Be sure to ask about me - I'm a doll baby. Purrs and chin skritches, Chloe
Name:   Chloe
ID#: VA8150
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/27/11
Adopted: 12/15/11
Congrats: Jean
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
12/15/2011 --- We're HOME!! More updates & pictures under Paddington VA8185

02/19/2012 - Hello everybody. Chloe (Missy) here!
I just had a birthday. I am TWO years old now. I got some new toys and Paddy & I both got pretty red toys for Valentine's Day.
Mom tried weighing us on the bathroom scale. I am now 8 pounds andd Paddy is 7 pounds. Mom says I'm strong and solid and my fur is soft now (not coarse like before). Paddy is getting taller and longer but is still awkward. (he's still a kitten)
Paddy and I play hard and run through the house a lot. We try to explore something new each day but don't always succeed.
Mom took a couple of pictures. 1 - my birthday. 2 - Paddy and I with the sliding door open. (Temperature almost 40 today). Well, all that fresh air made us tired. Time for a nap .

Huggs & kisses to all
Chloe & Paddy - Mama Jean, too!

Hi all, Missy (aka chloe) here and Paddington ....December 15 was our one year anniversary in our forever home. We now have Mom trained just the way we planned. Things are really great around here.
We help mom with all the chores (cleaning, cooking, laundry). Our specialty is changing & making the bed. Especially with our help, we don't understand why it takes mom twice as long to do everthing.
We had a road trip the end of Nov. to get our shots and yearly checkup. Paddy is a big boy now, 9 lbs.12 oz and still growing. I am now 8lbs 4oz, a good weight for my size. Dr. says we are both in very good health. We had a very pleasant visit!
THEN came our second road trip(the next day) back to the doctor and not so pleasant this time. We each had a bad reaction to the rabies shot. Paddy spit & growled a lot at both mom and the doctor. We each got another shot which made us feel better the next day. Even the doctor called to see how we were doing!
We are back to normal now and enjoying our happy home. Mom holds me like a baby and lets me sleep for long periods of time hat way. Even though Paddy is bigger that me now, we still run and play nicely together.
Paddy and I again want to thank mama Katie (in Indiana) for getting us healthy and finding us our HAPPY FOREVER home.
Hugs & Kisses to all.... Love ya.....MISSY & Paddy too...

(Last update: Dec 28th, 2012 12am)

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Name:   Paddington
ID#: VA8185
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 11/09/11
Adopted: 12/15/11
Congrats: Jean
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

I've still got a cold, but foster mama said that I am so cute that I need to go ahead and introduce myself. I am a cute little high white blue point snowshoe. My name is Paddington because I remind people of Paddington Bear. Just a cute, cuddly and very lovable little boy. When you watch my video, you'll see how much I like to make buscuits. I also love to shine your shoes and jump up into your lap. I just can't get enough love. I'm a busy kitten, too, and love to play, run and jump. If you love blue kitties and snowshoes, I'd be just about the best kitty ever for you. Purrs, headbutts and lots and lots biscuits, Paddington

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Notes from Home
01/05/2012 Our three week anniversary is today. We have managed to take over the running of the house (mom's training is really coming along). We went to the Vet last Friday (12/30/11) for our first check-up. Paddy weighed 6.1 pounds & got medicine for his runny eye -- which is doing fine now. Missy (aka Chloe) weighs 7.11 pounds (gained 7 ounces in her first two weeks home) Doctor says we are in good health -- that's a relief.
We had a good Christmas -- got a Dream Curl & love it!
We had company on New Years Day and , of course, we were very entertaining. Paddy even stole the lettuce off moms plate, but they caught him going back for seconds.
We have the run of the house and run we do. We play hard and then take long naps. We love being picked up, hugs, scratches and being on mom's lap (again, mom well trained) We sleep with mom now and love to play in the walk-in shower, water not on of course. Also, we try to explore the closet and the third bedroom anytime the doors are open -- lots of stuff to get into. Well, time to tell mom we are hungry again.

Thanks to all who helped in our adoption. JOB WELL DONE. Paddy & Missy??? or aka Bonnie & Clyde?? (formerly Paddington & Chloe)

More update 12/27/12 See Chloe (aka Missy)
P.S. Dr said he would give us a 3yr rabies shot next year plus a shot to avoid the bad reaction. That sounds good to us. Two days after our 2nd shot, we were back to running and playing and, of course, helping mom! Mom, Paddy and Missy want to wish everyone a HEALTHY & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

(Last update: Dec 28th, 2012 12am)

Does your cat need a friend? Someone to snuggle with? Someone who loves every cat and kitten they meet? Then take a look at me. I get along great with all the cats here. The young ones, the old ones, they boys and the girls, and even the funny looking ones. I came from a house of way too many cats and kittens, and didn't get the attention that I should have when i was a baby. So I'm not really sure about this human/cat bond thing, but I'm willing to learn. When foster mom catches me and holds me, i soon settle down for a good purr. I'm not scared of people, not at all. Just not ready to be a social butterfly for the human set - or not yet. Here I am - in the office with foster mom (I'm not scared of people, just not social with them. I hang out with foster mom all the time!). If you've got some patience, and some other kitties, then maybe I can come and live with all of you? I'm a beautiful little girl, and all spayed and ready to go home. Will that home be yours? Cold weather is on the way, and I'll help your other kitties keep warm.

See all my pictures and you'll see how much I love other cats. I use my box with perfect manners, I use the scratching posts to sharpen my claws, and I'm absolutely no trouble at all!
Name:   Dorothy
ID#: VA6567
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/23/09
Adopted: 12/24/09
Congrats: Cheryl
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
December 27, 2012 - Dorothy is so sweet and pretty. She still runs away if she thinks you are trying to pick her up but she cuddles on the couch with me and Max every evening. She loves finding new places to camp out in. For awhile she was sleeping in a laundry basket with clothes that were sitting on the top shelf in my bedroom closet every night. Dorothy loves laying on made beds and SCRC fleece pads that are in front of all the bedroom and living room windows. She especially loves looking out of the sliding glass doors from behind the vertical blinds and also sits on top of her cat tree to look out in the back yard. Dorothy and Max sometimes chase eachother all over the house going up and over the living room chair when the other is running around it. Most evenings Dorothy will sit on the floor and look at me on the couch as if to say "work the feather" so I will get out the feather string toy for her to stalk and jump at. I recently got a slicker wire brush for her and Dorothy LOVES being brushed with it. She is a very happy girl and I'm so glad she's mine.

March 2, 2010 - Dorothy is such an adorable little Flamepoint with a cute kitten meow and has really blossomed in the two months we have had her. She enjoys being with the family and is a perfect companion for our 10 year old Sealpoint, Max. Dorothy and Max like to chase each other back and forth throughout the house and it sounds like a Siamese Stampede! Dorothy likes to watch TV, loves wet cat food (as seen in pictures eating beside Max) which encourages Max to eat more and she follows Max around as if she were his shadow. She now naps out in the open on the living room couch and chair and on the cat tree. She wants to cuddle with Max the most but he isn’t giving in yet. She is wearing him down and able to sleep closer and closer to him. Dorothy has such a sweet personality and is unfazed when Max is grouchy and wants her to back off. She loves to stalk, chase and jump high after a feather string toy. She will also dig through the toy box and carry a feather toy around in her mouth. Dorothy can be found looking out the window watching the bunnies, squirrels and birds. It is such a joy to have Dorothy. She is perfect match for us. Dorothy’s Siamese Cat Rescue Center foster, Jackie C., did a great job describing her personality and gave us accurate expectations. We are all very happy! -Cheryl (Dorothy's Mom)

January 7, 2010 - Dorothy is doing great. She watched me from her carrier the whole way home. It was very exciting to do a Meezer Express for my own furbaby this time. Dorothy loves looking out of the window at birds and eating canned cat food like foster, Jackie C., said. But we found out that she really likes kitty treats too. -Cheryl

(Last update: Dec 27th, 2012 3pm)

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Name: Zack

(FKA Chagall)

ID#: VA6752
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 12/02/09
Adopted: 12/21/09
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

UPDATE 12;8;09 - After just a week in foster care, I'm a new man. Look at me now - my coat is getting softer by the day, I'm gaining weight, I am happy and I LOOK GOOD!!!If you look at my pictures right before I got into rescue and compare them to now (see the gallery), I'm not at all sure you'd know that I'm the same cat, but Mama Katie will attest to that truth. I am such a lover boy, so easy going and SOOOO good, you just need to "dream" of me and then "hit" that "ask about me button". I really would like to have myh own "dream home" before the holidays are over. Purrs, headbutts and lots of biscuits, Chagall

Hi - I just arrived.but foster mom says she can already enter some wonderful news about me. First, my name. I am such a dreamy, wonderful, laid back, easy going, happy blue snowshoe boy that she named me after the artist Chagall who did dream like paintings. I'll bet he could have done a wonderful "dreamy" painting of me - it would be of a "dreamy" forever home. Next, I am a total lover boy. When I first met foster mom, it was the day of my neuter surgery, but I still made biscuits all over the room, rubbed every ankle in sight and hopped up in her lap and purred, purred and purred. I made myself very comfortable, snuggled in and took a cat nap. I love to be loved, but I think I "ran" out of my home one day (yhes, I'm a door darter) and got lost from my family. So, now, I am "dreaming" about my new family. If you love handsome and loveable snowshoe boys, you are going to "dream" about me night and day until I am yours. Purrs, headbutts and cheek rubs. Chagall

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Notes from Home
Hello! i got your e-mail that Zack (formerly Chagall) has been with us for 3 years! He's doing wonderful and I collected some photos for you guys to see how happy (and chunky) he's gotten! Thanks again for all your help. We love him!!!
(Last update: Dec 27th, 2012 9am)

All snuggled up and ready to find my forever home. I am the brave and bold one. But I am also a great snuggle cat ! Me and my sis Daisy go together. We can be home in time to decorate for Christmas! Sounds like a plan, right?
Name: Simba

(FKA Duke)

ID#: VA8924
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/15/12
Adopted: 12/12/12
Congrats: Kelly
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
duke is now Simba...he is a total lover! His favorite toy is the wand with yarn and my daughters socks!! He is a total social boy.He is our explorer. And he is a champion eater!
We love both our new kitties,do not know how we went without them! Now our family is complete.

(Last update: Dec 26th, 2012 11am)

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Name: Sweetie

(FKA Daisy)

ID#: VA8923
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 11/15/12
Adopted: 12/12/12
Congrats: Kelly
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

Two meezers in a cube - that's what we are! I am a little bit shier than my brother but I love to play and love to be snuggled! I go with my brother Duke! We could be home in time to help you decorate the Christmas tree..... doesn't that sound like fun??

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Notes from Home
Daisy is now Sweetie----she is great!!! She loves her pink leopard bed,and goes crazy for her "feather wand toy"....she is much more outgoing now. sweetie still loves her brother Simba.

(Last update: Dec 26th, 2012 11am)

Meowm has found that I am hard to photograph- I roll into a ball to look cute when I see her camera. I am coming out of my shell in tiny steps. I purr for my foster parents but am wary of new people. I like my foster room and am comfortable there- I may want to explore at a later date but not right now, thank you. I am so happy to be inside. I was living outside in cold New England but my Angel Susan took me in, cared for me and got me into Siamese Rescue. How lucky for me to met an Angel! I think I would like a quiet home with gentle people. I may or may not want a playmate. I haven't told Meowm about that yet. I have to retain some air of mystery, don't I?
Name:   Don Luciano
ID#: VA3112
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/23/04
Adopted: 01/30/05
Deceased: 06/21/11
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Frani

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
With time and love, Don Luciano overcame the results of his abused past and became a fabulous cat. He was warm, playful and affectionate, not to mention gorgeous. He became a bonded pair with our long-time Siamese, Tia. He finally succumbed to his medical issues last year and we had to put him to sleep. We treasured all of our time with him.
(Last update: Dec 24th, 2012 11am)

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Name:   Simba
ID#: VA8070
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/17/11
Adopted: 12/18/11
Deceased: 02/28/13
Congrats: Sandy
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Dear Santa,

Foster Meowm tells me it's too early to send you my Christmas List but I want to be at the top of your list in hopes of getting the one thing I want most of all - a furever home of my own !

I really, really, really want a furever home of my own where I'll get lots and lots and lots of attention. Don't get me wrong, it's ok here but Foster Meowm and Pop only have so much time and have to spread their love and attention around and it's just not enough. I need a home where I'll have a human lap all to myself with plenty of soft pets and strokes.

Foster Meowm is doing her best to find me a new Meowm or Dad who will love me for the rest of my life and hopefully I'll have my home for the holidays but if not, I sure hope you can fit one in your bag for me.


Simba B Snowshoe

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Notes from Home
Happy New Year from Simba! Simba has been in his new forever home now for just over 2 weeks. He just LOVES people. It seems "the more, the merrier" we found out this New Years Eve when we had a couple guests. He is not shy and would never think of hanging out in a room all by himself when he can get pets from all those people!
Simba is an affectionate, sociable, talkative cat who does love brushing, petting, laps, soft blankets, and good conversation. His fur is so pretty, super soft and attracts looks from anyone that comes to visit.
He loves to circle around you when looking for attention (only clockwise, which is really cute - never counterclockwise).
We are lucky to have such a great new kitty.
He is sitting on my lap right now occasionally looking up at me with his beautiful expressive eyes.

I will post new photos soon.

Simba has been in his new home now for 4 months! He is feeling more and more comfortable here and seems to be more relaxed. He'll actually crawl out of bed now sometimes 20-30 minutes AFTER we get up! Then he begins his morning chat with us. Sometimes he'll have a bit of breakfast with us and then crawl back under his little down blanket on the sofa for a snooze before he sends us off to work.
He is usually active and alert as long as we are, because he doesn't want to miss a thing. Not many naps during the day if we are home. He saves sleeping for when we tuck him into bed at night.
We thank all of the volunteers at Siamese cat rescue for bringing us Simba. He is such a great cat.

Simba has been with us 10 months now. He has his routine and still LOVES as much petting and attention and anyone will give him. Very sweet cat. I think he knows he is in his forever homes as he is more comfortable showing us more and more of his cute personality. It is fun to observe. He stopped his 'clockwise' circling behavior months ago which indicates to me it was a nervous or anxious type of behavior. We are happy to give him a home. He is a great pet.

Simba has been in his new home for a year now! We really enjoy his company. Unfortunately his kidney levels have deteriorated a significant amount in a short period of time but he is under good care from our caring vet. Even though he can be a picky eater, he is eating kidney friendly food. He seems to be happy and acting normal. We are thankful to all of the volunteers at Siamese Cat Rescue for their dedication to this cause.

(Last update: Dec 23rd, 2012 4pm)

Looking for a chocolatey-seal boy? That's me! I'm young and love lap time. I just got here and all I've told mom is that I like other cats, enjoy my food, and can mew a bit!

Click on Ask About Me for more info!!


Name: Riesling

(FKA Ruger)

ID#: VA5311
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/23/07
Adopted: 12/22/07
Congrats: Catherine
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
We've enjoyed having Riesling as part of our family. He adds something special to each day. He and our other adopted cat, Bordeaux, are very special to us and we can't imagine them not being here with us. Riesling is his own unique personality and we are constantly surprised by what he does. He has settled in well in our family and we believe he enjoys his home with us. We are grateful to Siamese Cat Rescue Center for finding Riesling for us and bringing us together.
(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2012 10pm)

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Name:   Venus
ID#: VA8726
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/18/12
Adopted: 11/17/12
Congrats: Doreen
Foster: Teresa

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs

Still searching for my forever mom or dad....needing a rescue savvy...big hearted purrson. If you have the time to invest and you're as smart as me...ask....a bit of patience will reap a lifetime commitment from me.



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Notes from Home
The first few days Venus was here, every noise would scare her, she would run and hide behind a towel on the bathroom sink or in the tub behind the shower curtain. Then she started to hide under the covers on the bed, she did this so often the fur on the back of her ears was wearing off. We started tucking the covers in tighter and put a light cover on top for her to hide under. In the evening I would put her on Dodi’s lap and she would lay there and sleep until something would scare her, usually the nightly fireworks from Sea World and she would run to the bedroom, jump on the bed and dive under the cover. Toys scared her, so she didn’t play very much. At first she hardly ate, on her first visit to Dr. Porter she weighed a little more than 7 pounds. She shunned her hard food and started to eat soft food only.

Every day she is getting more comfortable with her new home. Hiding in the bathroom is a thing of the past. Hiding under the covers only seems to happen when she is left alone. Her day starts waiting for Dodi to feed her. She has started to eat her hard food again and is up to a little over 8 pounds. Then she will lay in front of the glass door and wait for the sun and the lizards to come out. Lizard chasing from the family room window to the dining room widow is the chore of the day. I found an old feather toy that looks a little like a lizard. Now she is starting to play with the feather toys by herself. The lawn mowers come on Monday mornings and in the past they would scare her to the bathroom or under the covers. This week she ran from the window but only to the other side of the Christmas tree and watched until they were gone, then she went back to protecting the house from the lizards. The evening routine has changed, she spends most of the evening under the tree or on the back of the recliner and sometimes up on the couch. She loves to talk and purr but lately she doesn’t want to be held, pet me but don’t pick me up. At bed time Dodi will tell her it’s time to go to bed and she will get up and go to bed where she sleeps between us.

Today I found Venus laying at the front door. A week ago she wouldn’t go near the front door.

We feel she has come a long way in a short time. The first day home, we kept her in the bedroom. Venus seemed to like that. Sunday, we gave her the run of the house, and just the noises of the house would scare her, running into hiding tail between her legs. Now that tail is high in the air, and she runs only to the hall, peeks out to see what’s coming in. She now spends her days out in the house, bathing, looking out the window and finding the sun. She is really starting to realize this is her fur ever home, investigating and jumping up on things more. Venus seems more secure, and trots rather than runs into hiding.

We got her the week before Thanksgiving, she hardly ate anything. By that Friday she started eating and not stopped since. She brings so much joy to our lives. She has a soft purr and soft voice. She talks to be fed, with that soft voice. The first week she would let us hold her, now there is too much going on to be held, too much she still has to investigate. We will work on that. Thank You All.

Merry Christmas ! ! !
Dodi, Venus & Buck

(Last update: Dec 21st, 2012 9pm)

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