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Want cuddles? I'm your man
Want snuggles? I'm your man
Want a good conversation? I'm your man
Want unconditional love, loyalty and adoration? I'm your man
I was lost but now I'm found, I was hungry but now I'm fed. I was intact, but now I'm not (hello...I don't recall agreeing to that one).
Someone once said "if you love something set it free".....didn't work for me. Apparently the person that set me free didn't love me enough to come looking for me.
Foster Mary says I am the sweetest thing on 4 legs (with double paws). I love to snuggle, lay on my back for belly rubs, headbutt, ask how your day went.
Whomever lost me lost a lot. Whomever adopts me adopts a whole lot of love.
Name: Tephra (aka TP)

(FKA Mr. Tiz)

ID#: VA7393
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 11/06/10
Adopted: 11/26/10
Congrats: Kaari
Foster: Mary


Notes from Home
Tephra (tephra is any solid matter that is ejected from a volcano when it explodes), is doing swell. He and Hobbes are beginning to play, though there is a bit of testing going on. He is still finding his way with geezer Maia, but that too, is blossoming. His vet check up went fine and all results were good. We've trimmed his nails. Teph can be a bit of a naughty climber and counter walker, but we're introducing manners to him; He see's it as avid interest in helping me when I'm at the counter, and high peaks exploration which keeps us all safe from raging dust rhino's. He continues to bond with Forrest and it's fun to watch them playing. When Forrest gets home from where ever, he steps through the door and calls for Tephra, who comes racing.
January 13, 2011
Teph continues to delight and grow. He's still a bit nervous around Steve, but all is all, has adjusted very well. He's a slightly obsessive-compulsive retriever; his favorite toy is pipe cleaners bent into a circle. He'll fetch for as long a you will throw, and then play solo. When done playing, he stashes his toys in his food bowl. If he puts them into Hobbes (flame point/mix) dish, Hobbes refuses to eat. Too funny. They have turned into good buddies. The Boys are usually in close proximity to each other, and love to go racing through the house. Maia, the chocolate geezer, loves Teph too. They like to curl up together and bake on our old steam radiators, or right next to it. Poor Hobbes is left out as he just doesn't have that slim, wedgie build that likes to be as warm as possible, so he'll sit close, but not bake. Teph has learned his manners. I kind of miss him "helping" at the counter, but it sure is easier to keep the peace with my husband! The table continues to serve as a runway/springboard for cat races, and the other two have joined Teph in using it. Sigh. Will keep working on that one. Teph is still a bit sniffy/wheezy, and has smelly biscuits. Am going to try a no corn food to see if that is the problem. Vet says all is well, and he acts fine, so not worrying about it too much. We love our Tephra, and he is a super addition to our family.
Jan 27
All swell. Tephra continues to delight and make us laugh. He gets along with the other cats, sleeping, grooming, playing, and snuggling. Forrest continues to be his favorite, but he enjoys everyone. Have treated him for the sniffles, and after a round of antibiotics, seems to have shaken them. Had to treat Maia as well, though not sure if related. The switch to non-grain food seems to have helped his gassy issue. Hurray. Met my sister's little dog. Wasn't thrilled, but after initial hissy fit, just sat and watched. Hobbes, did not care. We try to play fetch with Teph several times a day. It's funny to see him search, and sniff his toy out if he is not sure where it has gone. The persistence is terrific. We think he's the smartest cat we've ever had....
March 6
All good. Tephra continues to be a delight and has completely settled in. He and Hobbes have reached a friendly agreement and love to play, eat, and snuggle together. It's funny to see slim Teph knock Hobbes down and pin him, and then in another instant, the roles are reversed. Teph continues to be obsessive about his pipe cleaner toys. If we will not play fetch with him, he has learned to launch them off an elevated area (stairs, chairs, beds) and then fly after it to do it all again. He does get crabby when we won't play, and will be merciless with Hobbes to blow off steam. He is impressive in his speed, agility, and determination to find THE TOY. Have to clean out under the couch etc. as he likes to make it hard on himself playing, and then will lose them under the furniture. He gets a crazy look in his eye when he realizes we are moving the furniture to get THE TOYS. He continues to stash them (when not lost) in his food bowl, and on the tray. Teph looks out for the other cats, and comes running if they cry. He is tender and loving to Maia who is thrilled that she isn't being chased, pinned, or otherwise boy-handled. He continues to yell at us for attention, and will thump us with his prodigious feet if we don't take the hint. He begs to have his belly rubbed, and sometimes forgets and grabs and gnaws. None of it hurts as he is very gentle. We are continuing to have an issue with the sneezey, weepy eye. Am going back to the vet this week to see what is up. They guessed feline herpes, but I'm in doubt as it does not seem to follow the pattern; It is confined to his left ear, eye, and nostril, and if he were a kid, I'd say he'd shoved something in where it didn't belong. Will keep you posted. We love our boy, and his name really suits him.

October 19, 2011
Tephra is great! He is a very active and involved member of our family. We refer to him as NT: Needy Tephy or Naughty Tephy depending on his mood. He is fiercely devoted and will demand, loudly, for attention from all of us. He is a particular love pig when we have company to the point he embarrasses himself. Tephra has bonded solidly with our two other kitties,and they are often found in a 3 Siamese lump of soft fur. Tephra is the first to greet us when we come home, and while Forrest remains his favorite, makes his round of the bedrooms at night. He remains obsessive about fetching pipe cleaners, but will play with everything. While he and Hobbes are still rivals, it is clear that they love each other, and are often just referred to as The Boys; such as "What are the boys into now?", "The Boys are hiding because they were teasing Maia", and "The Boys are on top of the fridge". All in all, we are so thankful to Siamese Rescue and Mary et all. for helping us adopt.

November 26, 2011
We have had Tephra for a year. We celebrated his birthday by having a tea party, making a special kitty cake, and dressing him up handsome in a sweater. Yes, he gets to dress up all the time, and he gets to dance too. My kids just love it, not so sure about him, but he purrs and deals with it. He is the most patient cat ever, in spite of being rocket fast, incredibly nosey, whoops "inquisitive", slightly jumpy, and a consistent personal attendant. He loves everyone and remains a big helper no matter what the job is. Folding clothes? He's in the drawer to make sure they are placed properly. Sweeping? He's grabbing the extra off the broom. Making beds? He inspects every layer to be sure it's smooth. Cleaning the fish tank? He's checking the water temperature. Cleaning the bathroom? He's peering in the toilet to make sure nothing is missed. Too funny.
He continues to love his pipe cleaners and toys. He loves Forrest s train and will watch it for a long time, causing periodic train derailment disasters. He also will play "tag" with the kids, taking turns on tagging, and then running off or chasing depending on whose turn it is. We tell people we have a Siamese retriever, and invariably they ask if it is a new breed. Both he and Hobbes are the easiest cats ever to trim nails. They both just sit and purr, and look forward to a treat. Tephs yearly check up at the vet went great. We are going to monitor his weight as he is close to ten pounds. He tends to be a hoover when it comes to other cats food, so we try to keep him out of Maia's as she is on a wet food (geezer, no teeth) diet. Although his eye still runs once in a while, it was worse on Lysine, so we discontinued. I think that it was made worse due a possible grain source that Lysine comes from. He continues to do great on the grain free (Before Grain, by Merrick) food and it agrees with his brother Hobbes too. We love our spotted boy, and are thankful for his wonderful personality and how well he fits our quirky family.

26 November 2012 Can't believe that it's already been two years! Our Naughty Tephra as we affectionately call him is one of the best cats we've ever had! He continues to be smart, funny, annoying, loving, and all around fun guy. He still loves to play fetch, is still very helpful with any chore, is easily startled (but quick to recover), and loves to race around the place. His best friends continue to be the other cats who live here although his people are just as important.He and Hobbes are partners in crime on a regular basis.
I'm sure that when he was homeless he never imagined he'd get to live in a place where: He gets to dress up in doll clothes, chase electric trains, sing for attention, play fetch relentlessly, bake on old fashioned radiators, have special cardboard cat houses built for him, dance, snuggle on a whim, and be generally spoiled, kissed, belly rubbed, and given the warmest place available (as long as geezer Maia isn't in it). We love our Needy man, and he continues to delight us everyday.
PS. His manners are greatly improved, and we can do anything with him. He is a good, good boy.

(Last update: Jan 3rd, 2013 1pm)

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Name: Bob

(FKA Joe)

ID#: VA8894
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/03/12
Adopted: 12/14/12
Congrats: Robin
Foster: Diane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Foster Mom named me Joe because she could tell that I'm just an all around good guy. Found as a stray - I've been living rough - my left ear is crinkled from a old injury, my fur is thick and dry as I've probably been living outside and nights are pretty cold already here in New England. I was just neutered so I've got that big round tom cat face that makes me look like a bear.

I may look like a bear but I'm a pussycat! I came out of my carrier here at Foster Mom's and started purring and head butting like crazy. I love to be petted and settled right down on the futon and let her brush me. I played a bit, had a snack and now I'm settling in for a good long nap.

I was sprung from the foster room this weekend and I've been busy exploring the house and schmoozing with the other cats that live here. Turns out I'm good with other cats - really good. The sealpoint Diva who rules the roost here chased me a few times but I just let her and didn't react. See...once again a good guy!

I'm waiting for you to ask about me. I'm looking for an adopter who'll spoil me silly and will let me forget all about my former life on the streets.

Sincerely...Good Guy Joe

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Bob has settled in very nicely almost as if he has been here his whole life.
(Last update: Jan 3rd, 2013 12pm)

One thing for sure, I definitely do not like being alone. I got into Siamese Rescue but at the same time got taken away from my mom and my sister. I want attention and I am very vocal about it. I like to be held and cuddled but am ready to get down and explore but foster mom says not yet :( I have a very loud motor and make the best biscuilts in town.
Name:   Aspen (fka Blossom)
ID#: VA6040
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/29/08
Adopted: 01/03/09
Congrats: Brenda
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
Aspen is the King of our household. He came to us after Diamond, the little princess, that I adopted after she was found at my office and taken to my local vet. Diamond was not very happy when Aspen arrived on the scene. They were both kittens, only a few months in age apart, so the initial socializing took a bit of time. When I finally let them both free together, Diamond was definitely the dominant cat of the house. It did not take Aspen long to put her in her place as second in line behind the King! He is definitely the dominant cat of the house, but they get along great...playing all day and then they both curl up in bed with me at night. They will both be heading to the vet this month for their annual check ups. I will try to upload some pictures in the near future. He is so handsome these days! I thought when I lost my other Siamese, Niko, that I had for 21 1/2 years that I could never love another cat as much as her, and Aspen has proved me wrong. He had a very unique way of worming right into my heart. He has truly allowed me to heal from the loss of my first cat. I truly believe that Siamese cats are as close to being human as an animal can be. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to have Aspen in my life. Thanks for all the great work that you all do! Sincerely, Brenda Crafton
(Last update: Jan 3rd, 2013 9am)

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Name: Katie Bear

(FKA Katie Lang)

ID#: VA8910
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/10/12
Adopted: 12/01/12
Congrats: Marie
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Yes, I have a little cattitude, after all I'm a seal diva gal, what did you expect? Only experienced Siamese owners, who like that seal intensity, need inquire - I'm probably too smart for all the rest of ya :) Someone has been mean to me in the past, so while I'm not at all shy or retiring, and I am outgoing and exploring, I am a bit suspicious. I would do best in a quieter home one on one with someone who wants to enjoy a very smart cat with just a little baggage that needs unpacking! (The seal version of Nopale, another good candidate for those of you who like intense Siamese girls! )

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
The biggest news is that her name is back to Katie. She comes when I call her and gives me a soft brrr, to let me know she's there. She is a great pet. Yesterday she ate, drank and used her litter box.
She is a tad skittish about house sounds, creaks and such, and she did hiss at a "ghost" that I was unaware lived here. She has examined every inch of the house. You were right on about her batting my hand away, but just once and with absolutely no claws involved it's probably a good way to let me know that she wants her space. She does lie on my bed, and naps for a time. She uses her scratch pad and a simple NO stops her from scratching the carpet. She is still a bit nervous, but the tail swinging has lessened considerably. She hasn't played or purred yet, but she is too busy checking things out and getting used to the new environment. All in all an excellent first day. I couldn't have hoped for more. Thank you so much. As I type, a big basket of markers and pens goes tumbling to the floor as today she is starting to expand to higher levels. It's all good!!!

Yesteday I looked at Spring's profile. I noticed that she was a bit under weight and laughed because I think I know where that extra pound or so is residing. I wonder who was the dominant in that relationship!!!

Katie Bear has been here one month. She has been to the vet and there are no issues. She will go back in one year. She is settling in very well and we are bonding well. She talks and I can distinguish what each sound means, which makes me well trained to her every mood. She tells me what to do and I do it. We are very happy together!!!!!!!

(Last update: Jan 2nd, 2013 1pm)

I am a playing, loving, interacting, totally fine with everything and everyone guy! I've been put into more ladies' handbags as they try to sneak me out the door than you can imagine! I'm just 100% super in all areas, super loving, super silly, super playful, super fun.

So what's the catch? I mean, there's gotta be a catch, right?

Yup - of course. I have to eat a special diet.

A small price to pay for purrrfection if you ask me!
Name: Gilligan

(FKA Colby)

ID#: VA8163
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 10/30/11
Adopted: 12/29/11
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Our newest "little buddy" Gilligan, is doing great! We adore him! We've only had him a week and a half and he's settling in really well. Our 8 year old son DC is having so much fun playing, carrying and sleeping with him. To help integrate Gilligan with our other kitty, Kerbie, we've made DC's room, Gilligan's room, so he has a safe and comfy place to hang out. Kerbie, who we adopted from the SCRC 5 years ago, is still a bit put out by our new addition, but she's definitely making progress. She went from being the sweetest, calmest, low key little love bug to a puffy, slinky, stalking monster cat when she first sensed Gilligan's presence! Thanks to Siri and Paula's advice, we've been loading Kerbie up with extra hugs and snuggles and it's really made a difference. She's decided that she would rather be loved and happy than sulking and mad! We're now allowing them to roam a bit with the doors open so that they can discover each other's favorite places when we're around. Kerbie is beginning to lose interest in him, preferring to snooze on our bed instead! Gilligan is happily exploring and whe he gets a sighting of her, checks her out to sense her mood and takes off running if he thinks she's coming to get him! He's faster and smaller than her and knows it. A bright and brave little boy! Our third adoptee from the SCRC is a perfect fit for our fun and active home! Thanks to everyone at the SCRC for saving this very special little Meezer. More to come!.

January 30, 2012--Gilligan is such a doll! We are all just crazy about him! He loves to explore--his curiosity takes him to great heights--like the ledge of the loft at our cottage! Although my heart flutters every time I see him up there, he's discovered that he has quite a vantage point from this spot and can see all that is happening around him. He adores my son, DC, and DC is absolutely in love with him. They sleep together, play together and snuggle together (see the pic I took yesterday of them). Gilligan loves to be carried around over your shoulder and the moment you pick him up he purrs like a freight train! He'll also meow when he wants to be put down--but he's so gentle and easy going.

We kept Gilligan and Kerbie separated for about 3 1/2 weeks and finally opened the doors and let them roam the house together last week. Kerbie is doing much better with him--she's still not thrilled about his presence, but she's not stalking and terrorizing him like she did before, either. She checks out his favorite spots and if he's in there--she doesnt' charge after him but sits there and gives him a look. Gilligan will either run for cover or give a hiss and growl to stand his ground. Then, Kerbie just walks away. So, they are definitely making progress--he's getting more and more confident and she's not charging after him if he gives her a what for! This weekend, I began feeding them in the same room at the same time (different sides of the room, but within eyeshot of each other) and they did well! And at our cottage, she slept on our bed and he slept under our bed--and when I vacuumed, they both hid in the same closet! I cracked up when I found them both in there (the door was open)--she was in the corner, he was on the dresser. Too funny! So, we'll continue to reassure Kerbie and love Gilligan up and one day we'll all be sitting in a room together enjoying family life!

July 4,2012--We just celebrated our six month anniversry with Gilligan and I'm happy to report that he is as happy, healthy and lovable as ever! He's growing up to be a BIG boy--bigger than his older sister Kerbie now--and is a chow hound, so we have to monitor his eating a bit. He loves his Wilderness food, then polishes off Kerbie's if she doesn't finiish hers. We're feeding her Blue Weight control because she needed to lose a little weight--and has--partly, because of the higher protein, whole grain mix, but partly because Gilligan eats out of her bowl too! We'll have to continue working on how to manage that, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a minor issue, for sure.

Gilligan loves to play--he is very dog like--he talks, plays fetch, loves to be around his peeps and is super easy going. He'll be laying in the middle of the floor and you can step right over him and he just looks up at you and purrs. He's very trusting, hardly anything startles him and he loves attention, so even the sight of you coming turns his purr engine on. Too, too cute! He loves to be picked up and carried around, but is not a lap kitty at this point. He's much more interested in exploring and playing than relaxing on your lap.He's great with our son--they play together and watch the squirrels and birds together--so it's been a wonderful experience for us all.

One of the most interesting aspects of Gilligan is the affect he's had on Kerbie. While I wouldn't say she likes him or being around him, they are learning to coexist and he has definitely put a pep in her step. She is much more active than ever before, wants to be out in the open more interacting with us and others, talks more, plays more and wants to be with our son more. She looks fantastic--more alert, a little more svelte and little lighter on her feet. So, she's doing great. Her domain is our bedroom, so she still chases Gilligan out of the room most times when he tries to enter. But the big cat fights are gone and now it's just a punch and a hiss to warn him away. And as he's getting more and more confident, he's giving it back to her (usually behind her back which is pretty funny). So, with time, I know they'll continue to develop a better kind of companionship.

More to come...Happy 4th of July!

Happy New Year! We just celebrated our one year anniversary with our darling Gilligan on December 29, 2012 and he is one happy cat! We marvel at how well he has fit into our family dynamics Wow, what a year he's had! First, we had to get Kerbie acclimated to him, which thanks to her tortitude was no easy feat. But, love, persistence and patience prevailed and they are doing great. They eat together, hide together and have little brother sister hissy-spats when one is getting more attention than the other. When I took them to the vet together in separate carriers, they both got in the same carrier to hide from the vet. Kerbie followed Gilligan into HIS carrier, so in spite of herself, she can't help but love him too.

Then, in August we brought home an 8 week old border collie puppy, Skipper. On the few occasions Gilligan had seen another dog, he would arch his back, get puffy and his tail would explode into a huge tube of fur! Knowing his laid back personality, we knew that reaction was probably coming more from inexperience than anything else. So, as with Kerbie, we started the integration process slowly and before we knew it, they were running around chasing each other and playing with the same toys. Gilligan seeks Skipper out and then Skipper starts to herd him and the fun begins. While Kerbie is not wild about Skipper, she tolerates him pretty well and is continuing to check him out more and more. She realizes that Skipper takes the pressure off of her to play with Gilligan, so everybody is happy.

Gilligan is absolutely beautiful, fun and has a roaring purr that would melt anyone's heart. Our son DC has really bonded with him (as have I) and since Kerbie is somewhat a Daddy's girl, there's plenty of love to go around! We adore him and couldn't be happier with how things have worked out. Thanks VASRC for all that you did to help us find Mr. Perfect!

(Last update: Dec 30th, 2012 9am)

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Name:   Finnegan
ID#: VA8689
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 07/28/12
Adopted: 08/19/12
Congrats: Kelly
Foster: Kay

Well, I have arrived and sure don't look like this any more. Foster mom says I look more like a butterball. I'm a growing boy and just trying to keep up my image.
Love to play.

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Notes from Home
Hi from Finnegan,

Finny is doing great. He is growing like a weed and has the longest tail I have ever seen on a cat. He is very handsome. He loves his big brother Pookie and they are always at each others side.

Hi from Finnegan,
My first Christmas was cool. I got all kinds of gifts and even tried to steal my mom's gifts to open. My big bossy sister Aida still doesn't like me and won't play with me, but I now have my brother to wrestle with all day long. Pookie takes good care of me and keeps me clean at all times. He is my protector and won't let anything happen to me. If my sister screams at me, Pookie comes to the rescue always. I love him so much.

My mom says I am really a dog in a cat disguise. I love water and take a shower every day with my mom. I have my own towel, so my mom can dry me off after my shower. Whenever I hear water running, I am there to partake.

(Last update: Dec 29th, 2012 6pm)

Handsome, outgoing and chatty boy looking for a home of his own ! Fine with other cats, and laid back doggies would be ok as well.
Name:   Pookie
ID#: VA8743
Location:  Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/25/12
Adopted: 10/06/12
Congrats: Kelly
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Greetings from Pookie the peacemaker.
I am such a happy boy at my new home. I have a little brat brother (Finnegan) who I adore and play with constantly. Finny is a very good wrestle buddy and he is always up for a match or two.

I love all my siblings very much and try to clean them up when they let me. My bossy sister, Aida let me clean her a few times, but she is not to sure about my intentions yet. She is a loud mouth and screams at my little brother. Whenever I hear screaming, I must come to the rescue. I make sure my little brother Finny is okay first and then check on everyone else. I then put Aida on a time out by following her to the bedroom so my mom can close the door. My mom calls me the peace maker since I calm everyone down and don't pick sides. I just tell everyone to "chill" and don't lay a paw on anyone.

I love to watch mom in the shower every day and play in the water. I also discovered the washing machine has water too and it is fun to paw at the water filling the machine, but my mom doesn't like me on the machine whilie she loads it.

(Last update: Dec 29th, 2012 6pm)

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Name:   Carolina
ID#: VA8301
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 01/14/12
Adopted: 03/17/12
Congrats: Kelly
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

Another week has gone by and I'm still here, sigh.....I have a feeling my new forever home is getting close. Are you thinking about making me part of your family? Well, what are you waiting for? Wouldn't you like to have a friendly, affectionate, playful, sweet, pretty, likes everybody and everything kitty?. That's me in a nut shell and I'm all ready to go home.

Ask about me, please? Love,

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Carolina is such a sweet girl. She is adjusting to her new home and is trying to win the affection of her older sister Aida. Carolina loves to groom and chat with her mom. She was a hit at the vet's office for her check up. Dr Jan and all her staff just loved her and took many pictures. Carolina won all of their hearts instantly. I love her so very much. Thanks to all at Siamese Rescue.

A note from Cara (Carolina),
I love my new furrever home. My mommy has so many toys here I don't have time to play with them all. She even got me 2 new larger condos for my daily birdie watching sessions. I have many birdie and critter friends out the front and back windows. I greet them everyday and chat with them. I even let my mommy know when their feeders are empty so they don't go hungry.

My older sister Aida doesn't like me very much yet, but I am trying to not be so scared of her. I would like to be her friend and play with her, but she wants nothing to do with me right now. Aida just likes to chase me into the closet. I hope she will come around soon, because I would like to be friends.

Hi from Cara. Santa was good to me this year. I got all kinds of toys and scratching posts. I am feeling much more relaxed around my big bossy sister Aida. She still scares me sometimes, but my new big big brother Pookie protects me and my little brother Finnegan. My new thing is to watch my mom take a shower every morning with my brothers. They get into the water with her, but I just watch the show. I also like to watch my brothers wrestle and sometime hop into the ring with them.....but they are to ruff for a beauty like me.

(Last update: Dec 29th, 2012 5pm)

Yepper..that's me...Sir Purrsalot! I just love life & I love everyone that will hold me so I can purr them a sweet lullaby. I've been on the streets long enough & I know that's not the life for me...so here I am..purrs and all..just waiting for my forever family to find me!

See you after your click!

Sir Purrsalot =^..^=
Name:   Sir Purrsalot
ID#: VA8226
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 12/04/11
Adopted: 12/24/11
Deceased: 01/11/17
Congrats: Michelle
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Sir Purrsalot brings so much joy to us! He has to be wherever we are. I added some photos of him!
(Last update: Dec 29th, 2012 1pm)

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Name: Laila

(FKA Rika)

ID#: VA8504
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/28/12
Adopted: 06/09/12
Congrats: Tracy
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

Here I am with my sisters. They say I am the runt but I can run and play with the best of them. We like to wrestle with each other and crawl all over mama. She is very patient with us and she has been a wonderful mom. We probably won't be ready for 6-8 weeks but any one of us is worth waiting for. What do you think?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
She is growing and has intergrated well. I am still treating her eye with the ointment that my vet prescribed for her.

Laila is doing great. Her eye has cleared up and just had her final kitten shot series and her rabies .
Laila is such a sweetheart. She curls up with me whenever I read or sleep. She loves her squeeky mouse and bird the most. She will play fetch with them. I'll throw the bird or mouse and she will run to it and brings it back to me wanting me to throw it again. Whenever she gets a hold of the feather wand she'll take off with it and not let the other kitties get it. She is a joy. She has been the perfect comfort for me after loosing Bogie and Laurie who I got from SCRC over 8 years ago.

(Last update: Dec 28th, 2012 12pm)

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