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Gentle soul looking for a kitty friend, preferably dark and handsome guy, who will help me understand that human beans are not scary things, and that a little loving can be a good thing. I'm just a young 'un so have lots of potential, just need someone to help me get there. A furry feline friend and a human bean with a patient, understanding nature, will be well rewarded in the end. Are you a real Rescuer, looking to make a difference? If so, how about giving me a chance?

Marigold - Garden Basics - Flower:
Marigolds are easy to grow and have a long flowering period. They can be grown in all but the coldest climates. Water (with love) deeply and regularly.
Name:   Marigold
ID#: VA5490
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 01/19/08
Adopted: 07/12/08
Deceased: 02/03/13
Congrats: Debra
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
IMarigold still struggles to trust people but she loves the other cats in the house and spends her time with them. She has been making baby steps - and lately they are coming faster. Right now, she will sit and wait for the food to be put down without running off and hiding and just last week I was able to put treats near her.
(Last update: Jan 26th, 2013 1pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Pumpkin
ID#: VA8432
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/23/12
Adopted: 05/25/12
Congrats: Connie
Foster: Paula

Me and my sister are looking for love. Do you have some to spare?

I love belly rubs and chin scritches and have beautiful blue eyes. I rub and rub and rub on everything - most times with a cute ballerina pose too. I like laps and snuggle and purr. And I love belly ups!

The two of us get along just fine, we're litter mates and have always been together and we're a perfect pair. We don't sleep or snuggle together, but it's comforting for both of us to know the other is there and we usually hang together.

So is there room in your heart for two girls? If so, let's talk. Did I mention I like belly rubs?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Pumpkin is doing good... interactions have been shyer than her sister but very good overall...she has been hiding a lot so I have had to find her. Food/poop/peering-- not really sure becuz she's a hider. Seperated her with pan and food/water to see results from her. Spending time alone with her to get her comfortable....this is paying off becuz she has climbed up on me when I sat on floor and snuggled infant style in my arms/lap and purred like crazy!!!! Talked to her and got nose rub from her. She will be fine as long as she gets snuggled a lot!

Pumpkin still continues to be the shyer of the two girls..has her 4 year birthday tomorrow!!! She likes to be around us on her own terms but loves to have her belly rubbed when she goes belly up!!! She takes her breakfast every morning with my husband so she is social on her terms!!! She also likes to balance on the corner of her litter pan and squat on her hind legs as she lees in the pan!!!! It is sooo funny to see her do this!!! She also loves my yarn project bin as a lounge area when I am working!!! Very pleased with her adjustment here!!

Update(6/26/12) Pumpkin has made the biggest strides in her adjustments with us!!! She had a mild upper resp. infection but that has gone away!!! She just loves her cat tower that she got for her birthday!!! We play every day on it with Nutmeg and they just love to bat at the feather thingy that it came with.
Pumpkin Doodle still takes her breakfast with Jack every morning and hides a lot less that she used to. She has made our bed her favorite hang out and sleeps every night either on me or by my side or in between us. She plays with Nutmeg at night when she feels like it. She is such a luv bug!!! She adores Jack so much!!! She is a happy girl when she has her people home with her!!

Update 1/25/13
As you can see, our little family is quite happy and doing very well....Pumpkin and Nutmeg have helped me and Jack in posing for a few close ups here and there...they have been very camera shy for a long time so these pics have been hard earned by me...they hog our bed every night and like to snuggle up to us too.
We have been laughing daily at their antics such as chasing and "hunting" the toy mice every evening and the trails of yarn that they leave tangled all over the place!! They both love to get up on the desk anytime we are at the desktop computer!!!
Mornings are Jack's domain for time with the girls--they pace around him for their breakfast...Nutmeg gives her ballerina kick-off before she accepts her breakfast while Pumpkin prances on the countertop anxiously pacing in front of Jack before he can get the food into the bowls!!!
I get to spend more varying hours of the day with the girls so they can come up with all kinds of nosy kitty things during the day!!!
We are very thoroughly owned by these two ladies and wouldn't have it any other way!!!
Thank you again for our kitties and keep doing the great duty for these beautiful kitties!!!

(Last update: Jan 25th, 2013 9am)

Me and my sister are looking for love. Do you have some to spare? Do you have a bath room sink where I can roll around and ask for pets? I'm working on perfecting my ultimate coy look - most times it works and I get some loving pets and belly rubs.

I love belly rubs and chin scritches and have the prettiest blue eyes (bluer than my sisters too).

The two of us get along just fine, we're litter mates and have always been together and we're a perfect pair. We don't sleep or snuggle together, but it's comforting for both of us to know the other is there and we usually hang together.

So is there room in your heart for two girls? If so, let's talk.
Name:   Nutmeg
ID#: VA8431
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/23/12
Adopted: 05/25/12
Congrats: Connie
Foster: Paula


Notes from Home
Nutmeg is doing fine and eating/pooping/peering fine...been very affectionate at all times. Adjusting well.

Nutmeg has been doing great with her adjustment in her new home!!! She has continued to be our little inquisitive girl and is quite the little night owl!!! (Rattling the bottom of the door is her favorite thing to do at night!!) She has a birthday tomorrow along with her sister (4years old). We are all getting along great!!! Best decision we made was adopting the two Houdini Girls!! She loves to nuzzle me on the couch and play with my yarn as I work on a project!! She is the more vocal of the girls!!!

Nutmeg continues to make herself known to us whenever she decides to be petted. She likes to play with the two balls of yarn that she has stolen from my basket!!! She will roll the smaller one around at night EVERY night until she unwinds it and leaves a trail around the house with it. She then vocalizes her annoyance with it until she gets me up to wind it again!!! She is lovingly referred to as our little vampire kitty because she will sleep all day then play all night until we get up in the morning then she goes to sleep again!!
She loves to be snuggled in my arms and get kisses on her head too!! She is coy when she wants to be and has taken her new cat tower that we bought for her birthday!!! She is a very happy cat and our vet fell in love with her upon sight!!! Who can resist those baby blues when she bats them!!!
Jack loves to come home and call out "Where's my girls?" to which Nutty Little Nutmeg will raise her head and wait for him to come to her couch and pet her and shower her with kisses on her head!! He is always amused with his girls!!

Update 1/25/13
As you can see, our little family is quite happy and doing very well....Pumpkin and Nutmeg have helped me and Jack in posing for a few close ups here and there...they have been very camera shy for a long time so these pics have been hard earned by me...they hog our bed every night and like to snuggle up to us too.
We have been laughing daily at their antics such as chasing and "hunting" the toy mice every evening and the trails of yarn that they leave tangled all over the place!! They both love to get up on the desk anytime we are at the desktop computer!!!
Mornings are Jack's domain for time with the girls--they pace around him for their breakfast...Nutmeg gives her ballerina kick-off before she accepts her breakfast while Pumpkin prances on the countertop anxiously pacing in front of Jack before he can get the food into the bowls!!!
I get to spend more varying hours of the day with the girls so they can come up with all kinds of nosy kitty things during the day!!!
We are very thoroughly owned by these two ladies and wouldn't have it any other way!!!
Thank you again for our kitties and keep doing the great duty for these beautiful kitties!!!

(Last update: Jan 25th, 2013 9am)

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Name: Cosmo

(FKA Jimmy C.)

ID#: VA8817
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/24/12
Adopted: 11/11/12
Congrats: Valerie
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

I have a wonderful home to go to and I will get to go home with my brother. I am so looking forward to going to my new meowmy!!!!!

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Notes from Home
Kosmo is doing great. He's the larger of the two. He's also known as Mr. Nibbles as he loves to bite toes. He hates to see his brother sleeping and loves to wake him up! He's more vocal and talkative than Kramer and usually more aggressive.
(Last update: Jan 24th, 2013 7am)

Yipee my brother and I are going to the same home. We can't wait to meet our new meowmy. I know she will love us.
Name: Kramer

(FKA Johnny Bravo)

ID#: VA8814
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/24/12
Adopted: 11/11/12
Congrats: Valerie
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Kramer is doing great. He's my lightning fast kitten. He loves to play fetch and is a snuggle bunny. He's a little bit darker than Kosmo, but they are both 100% kitten!
(Last update: Jan 24th, 2013 7am)

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Name:   Missy
ID#: VA7781
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/06/11
Adopted: 07/31/11
Congrats: Jo Anne
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes

Just arrived and I have claimed this home as my own. Nothing shy or timid about me! Sister Sippy and I were rescued twice! The first was with our mom as the Mississippi River flood waters began to rise to our home! WE WERE SCARED! A nice shelter person made sure we remained safe until we were old enough to leave mom and come to Siamese Rescue. I won't be ready to move to a new home for almost a month, but in the meantime you can watch me and my sis play in my new videos and decide if maybe one of us might be the girl for you!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
As I write this update, I must comment that I have 2 babies sitting on my desk, curious and willing to help. Missy was seen by the vet on Tuesday, August 2. She weighs 4.2 lbs. We followed up with another fecal check as she was noted to have a egg on her last check on 6/28. Foster Mom treated Missy. Her fecal speciment was negative (yeah). She is still too young for rabies vaccine and we will return to the vet first week in September. Like her sister, Miss Latte, she adapted quickly to her new environment. She accidently scooted out of her nursery when I opened the door one day, instantly met by a resident cat, Gizmo, who is very gentle and passive. Missy never reacted and Gizmo, who is very gentle and passive, just watched with curiousity. I got a picture of them which I am including. I am happy to have this picture as Gizmo was diagnosed with an inoperable fibrosarcoma and his days with me are numbered. Both kittens are eating good, voiding and defecating normal stool. No litter box issues. They can get rough with their play, but are closely supervised. Missy is very vocal and enjoys riding on your shoulder., She also loves to rearrange your hair style. We are so happy to have Missy become a part of our family. Missy and Miss Latte are full of energy and are such comics. We just luv them. More to follow......

8/14/11 - I have decided to change Missy's name because her sister's name is Miss Latte and I am so used to it, that I was forgetting to refer to her as just "Latte" and I am sure it was getting confusing for the kittens, i.e. Missy....."Miss" Latte..So, we are now calling Missy "Miss Chloe"..I hope no one is offended, but I do like it. Chloe continues to settle in with no apparent issues. She and her sister, Miss Latte, are now integrated with my resident cats and I am happy to report there have been on problems. The residents are beginning to interact more with the kittens and it is a pleasure to watch them. Chloe is very vocal and will come to me, look up and ask to be picked up. This is usually after she has had a rough housing session with her sister and she is tired. Both kittens have their favorite toys, so we take turns, during our play sessions, giving each time with their favorite. Chloe will be returning to the vet during the first week of September for her rabies vaccination. Otherwise, she quite healthy. Chloe is sleeping with me and the other cats. What a happy family we are. Chloe plays hard and sleeps sound. She is a happy little girl and she, along with her sister, have settled in and found their happy life and so have we. Updated photo attached.....

1/22/13 - Miss Chloe (aka Missy) has been with me for almost a year and a half now. She has grown into a beautiful, but onery young lady. She is very vocal and energetic offering lots of headbutts but doesn't like to be picked up and held. She will settle in on your lap, but under her terms. She is sometimes jealous of attention to her siblings and will not hesitate to tell you about it. She spends much of the day watching the birds at kitchen window or the squirrels on the deck. She likes to cuddle with her sister, Miss Latte and brother, Simba. Chloe looks forward to evening playtime, favors chasing the laser. He often brings her toys to bed at night, where she settles in with Mom, Dad and the rest of the gang. She has been a wonderful addition to the family bringing much job and laughter to our home.

(Last update: Jan 22nd, 2013 7pm)

Want to hear a secret?? I'm just too cute for words I'm told! Stay tuned for more information cause I just arrived!

I've been a little under the weather, but I hope to have many more days like this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOUmv6QDupk (cut & paste this link)

Miss Latte
Name:   Miss Latte
ID#: VA7748
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 05/27/11
Adopted: 07/31/11
Congrats: Jo Anne
Foster: Debi


Notes from Home
As I write this update, I must comment that I have 2 babies sitting on my desk, curious and willing to help. Miss Latte was seen by the vet on Tuesday, August 2. She weighs 3.7 lbs. She had been having some discharge from her left eye, which was noted and treated by her foster Mom and this was still noted when we went to the vet. She is now being treated with Terramycin ointment, 2x day for 5 days and showing improvement. Otherwise, no other issues or concerns. She is still too young for rabies vaccine and we will return to the vet first week in September. She has adapted quickly to her new environment. She accidently scooted out of her nursery when I opened the door one day, instantly met by a resident cat, Gizmo, who is very gentle and passive. Miss Latte growled for a moment but that was it. I did get a picture of them which I am including. I am happy to have this picture as Gizmo was diagnosed with an inoperable fibrosarcoma and his days with me are numbered. Both kittens are eating good, voiding and defecating normal stool. They can get rough with their play, but are closely supervised. We are so grateful that Miss Latte is now part of our family. She is so much fun and provides such great entertainment...the two of them are just "full of it".....More to follow.

8/14/11 - Miss Latte continues to do well. She is fully integrated with my resident cats and everyone seems happy at this time. This baby chirps and purrs most of the time. She loves our play sessions on the living room floor with her sister, Miss Chloe. Sometimes resident cats will join in. She has a great appetite and is a perfect little lady when it comes to litter box habits. She and her sister have discovered the cat door that leads to the basement, and both are trying to figure it out. I am sure they will love that area, but I am not ready to introduce them to it, so they continue to wait by the door, waiting for someone to invite them in. She is sleeing in my room at night, along with my other cats. She will be returning to the vet the first week in September for her rabies vaccination. Her left eye has cleared up but I am monitoring it closely for any discharge. When not interacting with Dan or I, she spends her time romping, running and doing all thinks kitten with her sister. Once played out, they ususally curl up together for long naps. Updated photo of Miss Latte attached.

1/22/13 - Miss Latte has been with me for almost a year and a half now. She has grown into a beautiful young lady, very loving. Seldom vocal, but boy does she like to chirp and purr. Spends most of day romping with her sister, Miss Chloe (aka Missy) and napping with brother Simba. Loves play time in the evenings, particularly the bird on a wire and chasing the laser. Between the three of them, we are well entertained. They all sleep in our bed, but Miss Latte is only one who likes to scratch her way under the covers where she will settle in for the night.

(Last update: Jan 22nd, 2013 7pm)

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Name: Coco

(FKA Noni)

ID#: VA6866
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/23/10
Adopted: 03/28/10
Congrats: Sue
Foster: Julie

Foster Notes

Check out my bird watching pictures!

I am a talker. I can carry on a conversation all by myself. Yep. Sure can. I have an opinion. Sweet. Adaptable. A survivor. And I am a bed cat. And a sofa cat. And a follow you to the bathroom cat. I am a cat's cat. I look out for Lylaani. I have been doing it all her life, but no she is not my baby. I like to be with a person. I am so happy to have a person around all the time again. But I am also a tad bit shy so I am not in your business all the time. Aren't I perfect?

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Notes from Home
Hello from the three mousketeers, plus one! A year after our parents moved us from Alexandria, VA, to Portland, OR, in the marathon Meezer Express Westward Ho, we are all happy campers in a big house that has: carpeted stairs!!!! We are Coco (sealpoint), Casey (bluepoint) and Chili (flame point), who were adopted from the VA center in 2010 and 2011. We also have another sister, Carolina (snowshoe), who joined us in 2011 from a dumpster in Myrtle Beach, NC, in a private adoption. We love living in a house with floor-level windows that let us avidly watch the squirrels, birds and chipmunks. Our giant cat tree gives us a perch to inspect the neighbor's (he's a vet but we don't hold that against him) cat, and occasionally another neighbor cat sits on our patio at night and brother Chili has a hissy fit through the window. We also spend voluminous nap time in our millie beds on either side of Mom's computer like Siamese bookends. Our favorite toy is the mylar hassle on the end of the feline fishing pole, although Chili likes to chew it to a nub. The vet reports us in fine fettle, which we should be after tearing up and down those wonderful stairs all day long. Coco is the top dog, so to speak, although Carolina would qualify for second place. Coco and Casey have learned to drink from the bathroom sink faucet. Although Casey prefers not to be handled, she's curious about everything and joins Mom and Dad at night, as long as there's a sheet between her and a human. When the temperature drops, it can get a little crowded with six of us in bed! Each of us has his or her own special personality; Coco is a queen; Casey is a little foxy; Chili is a friendly good ole boy with a pickup and a beer; and Carolina is happy to have swapped a dumpster for 17 meals a day.

OK, Mom finally got around to taking a picture! This is Coco (left) and Chili trying to share a kitty shell next to Mom's computer. Do NOT disturb!

(Last update: Jan 21st, 2013 8pm)

I am handsome, chatty, outgoing, and did I mention chatty ? I like doggies, cats and people , naps on the couch, intelligent conversations and exploring. Cant get any better that this !
Name:   Remy
ID#: VA8983
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/17/12
Adopted: 01/06/13
Congrats: Carrie
Foster: Heida


Notes from Home
Remy has been with us for two weeks and it feels like he has been a member of the family forever. He is such a loving cat and extremely playful. He loves racing up and down the stairs and discovering all the new things in the house. He loves to play with all his toys as well as the toliet paper rolls. He takes turns sleeping with us in our bed and than wanders down the hall to our daughter's room. Where ever we are you will find Remy close by. He is a wonderful cat and we couldn't be happier and from all his purring and cuddling we think he's pretty happy too!
(Last update: Jan 21st, 2013 12pm)

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Name: Annyong

(FKA Kanya)

ID#: VA6553
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 08/18/09
Adopted: 01/10/10
Congrats: michele
Foster: Kay

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Wow, look at me. I can do the same crazy things those kittens can do. I might not be so tiny, but I think I'm cute and very playful, too. Foster mom says I am a bit mischievious too. No way - I behave myself and act like a lady all the time -- well almost all the time. Besides behaving is no fun. Us girls have to have fun - at least that is what that song says. I'm looking for a person to love me and enjoy me. I have to have my person and no other kitties or doggies to share.

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Notes from Home
Hi All!

Things are great here at my new home. Right now I am lap lounging and hugging mommy's arm. I do lots of playing with just about everything in the house, even stuff I'm not supposed to play with. I like to chase the "red dot" and rev my motor to let it know that I am not messing around! I impress mom and dad here with my agile athleticism - I'm a good jumper! And I always get treats when I stand up like a meerkat. They seem to really enjoy that, and I really enjoy the treats, so it all works out. Mom and dad were gone for a few days last week. I had people come and visit me, but I was really happy when they came back. I was glued to mom ALL day yesterday to show her that she can NEVER leave ever again! So far things are really awesome. I'm a happy girl!!!

purrs and murrs,

Ann yong

Today marks the one year anniversary of Annyong joining our family. She is a very loving and appreciative kitty. We have had some health issues brought on by allergies (Annyong's allergies, not ours!). A few months after we got Annyong, she started to have these coughing fits that sounded like she was trying to cough up a hair ball. The vet suggested a few different medicines, until the conclusion was made that Annyong had kitty asthma. We gave her prednisone every day until the attacks were gone, and then started to ween her off of the pills. Her personality was a little "off" during this medicated phase, but I am happy to report that she hasn't had an attack in months! Annyong is feeling much better and loves to cuddle with both me and my husband! Three months ago, we all moved from upstate New York to Colorado. She had a hard time on the first day of the journey. I believe she was just so anxious, thinking about how she might be going to a new "foster" home. We reassured her that she was coming with us, but that didn't alleviate the nausea on day one in the car. Day two, we gave her some children's benadryl that she proceeded to spit out and then puke up. She did calm down and napped in the carrier. She didn't get sick once after that. We think it was her nerves gettin' the best of her. She was an excellent traveler the rest of the way.
Annyong loves to stare at us. She's been this way since the first night we came home with her. It's so bizarre, we have nicknamed her the "leer-kat"!
Well, it's been a great year and Annyong has brought much joy to our lives! 1/10/11

Hi from Annyong!
Geez it's been awhile.... I have since moved to Colorado Springs from Troy, NY. I really like my new house as it has lots more room to run and play and lots of sunshine to warm me while I nap. I have been pretty healthy but the vet did say that it looks like i like to eat. And that's true. I am a real good snuggler most nights and have been a lot better not waking mom up by sweetly touching her face when I want attention. My most favorite thing to do is run in circles. I also had a lot of fun with the xmas tree this year! I just love my mom and dad so much and am such a happy kitty. Mom is always saying how photogenic I am so I am going to try and attach some photos so you can see.....

(Last update: Jan 17th, 2013 11pm)

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