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I am at the new place with my brother and buddy Charlie, and you can see him under VA7766. I like this new place - lots of new toys and the food - is GREAT. I do love to eat and play. My brother has this long thing called a tail but I don't have one of those. I love to play with Charlie's tail, he moves it and I jump at it. That's really fun. My new Meowmy says that I am beautiful whatever that means. I know that we will get along great - so ask about me.

Name: Tiki

(FKA Joey)

ID#: VA7767
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/01/11
Adopted: 07/23/11
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Gina

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hello, Tiki is such a blessing. We all love him so much. He loves the abundance of attention he gets and is such a pleasure. He LOVES to eat and is such a big boy now. He has integrated well with our older cat and the older one loves to lick Tiki's head and he just lays there loving every minute of it. We all think he's half bunny, with that stub tail and the way he hops when he runs. It's so funny!

Tiki is simply the best! He is the king of the castle. We recently adopted a little girl from your organization and they play nicely together. He is the most beautiful cat I've ever seen!

(Last update: Jan 29th, 2013 8pm)

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Name:   Sesame
ID#: VA7136
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/11/10
Adopted: 09/11/10
Deceased: 01/09/13
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Brush me! Pet me! Love me! Then brush me some more. Never has there been a cat who loves to be brushed like I do. I live for it - and I have plush, bunny soft fur that you will enjoy brushing as much as I enjoy being brushed.

And why am I on these pages? I was returned to rescue due to some health issues, which are very minor, thank goodness! I've had tons of bloodwork done, and other than a little problem I am a healthy cat. My problem? It's embarrassing for a lady to talk about, but I have a problem with - constipation. But I do well on an inexpensive medication I take every couple of days, and need an all-canned diet, which I eagerly eat. I have had lots of bloodwork done, and I'm perfectly healthy. I have also had a dental (two teeth pulled - ugh) but my mouth feels all better now. Foster mom would be very happy to discuss my bloodwork and medical issues with you, and send all of my test results to your vet. Nothing to hide, but you would probably feel better knowing that by taking a look for yourself.

I may not be the most Siamese looking cat in the world, but I've been told I'm lovely. I have a soft and plush grey coat, and a bit of a darker ears, mask, and tail. I have lovely blue eyes. While I'm a bit shy, I'm very friendly once I get to know you. I need a quieter home, with nice kitties only, preferably one with a nice big cat tree where I can look out the window. Foster dad says I would be the ideal cat for a small apartment - I am quiet and well behaved, and won't annoy the neighbors (or you) by running all over the place and knocking things off your tables. I would be fine with older children, and maybe even a calm old dog who isn't interested in chasing kitties.

I am a very special girl indeed - so special that I have an 'adoption scholarship' offered to the right home. I come with my brush (of course!), my bed, a case of my favorite food, and a big supply of my medicine. I'm no trouble to medicate, either - just put a dose in my canned food every three days, and we're in business.

Anybody want to give a beautiful meezer mix another chance? Then ask about me!

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Notes from Home
1-29-2013 -- Sesame crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Wednesday, January 9th, due to a neurological deterioration. I miss her.

9-13-2012 -- Sesame, Declan and I are going through an adjustment period due to Nellie going over the Rainbow Bridge last month. Earlier this week I put a calming collar on Sesame in hopes that it would help her relax a bit and not let the pesty boy bother her so much. He really doesn't understand why she won't play with him when she'll play with the wand toy! She's very funny to watch when she's playing with the toy while hissing at him!

9-29-2011 -- about the time Sesame and I figured out the right Lactulose dose, she was diagnosed with asthma. Since prednisolone doesn't provide sufficient control, we're using inhaled meds. Fortunately she's been reasonably cooperative with me using the Aerokat for her inhaled meds but she's not as cooperative with others trying to 'puff' her.

Sesame really loves to be around people but doesn't like Declan infringing on her no-cat zone. He's gotten her down to about 6" if there's a sunspot to share but most of the time she wants him about twice that. Unfortunately if he sees her downstairs, he'll pester her until she runs back to her safe room (and of course, he has to chase her when she does that!) Is it any wonder she thinks he's a major pest!?!

10-21-2010 -- Sesame and I continue a little dance called "One step forward and two steps back." Although I reported that we had her input/output balanced, it turns out that I was overoptimistic so it's been a difficult three weeks for her with lots of change and angst. Unfortunately we have a couple more weeks to go before I'll have a month without travel. While we made progress during this week since I've been home, keep your fingers crossed that my next trip (starting Sunday) doesn't throw her off again. On the definite upside, she's cute, funny and a complete purr-bunny when she's comfortable.

9-28-2010 -- Sesame continues to acclimate at her own pace. This morning she only let me pet her a few times before she headed to her food dish. She is becoming much more assertive in her safe place - Saturday she hissed at Declan when he dared to get on 'her' bed (my friend who's visiting said he just shrugged and got down w/o a fuss) - but she's very reserved when taken out of the room.

Jackie was right that Sesame love, love, loves to be brushed. Sometimes she gets so excited, she can't hardly settle down to actually being brushed. She's so sweet in her interactions with people but I think she prefers them one-on-one so I have hopes that once things settle down in November, she'll blossom.

We have figured out how to keep her intake and output in balance so her door's open except when she's being fed primarily so she's not feeling that she has to compete for food. (Of course, that closed door has Declan convinced she's getting something oh-so-much more special than the food in his own dish! so he grumbles and mumbles at that door in his face, and then proceeds to eat his own food when he gets back downstairs). Both Declan and Nellie have been in to see her but she's remained somewhat aloof so far.

(Last update: Jan 29th, 2013 3pm)

Hi! I'm Neari and just got here, so I've got a little growing to do before I can go home. I'm a snowshoe girl, which means I'll be a loving, very playful kitty, long after I'm out of kittenhood. I can go home with my brother, Jason, or home alone as long as there is another cat in the house for me to play with.

For now, I'm just gonna chill and eat, play and grow till it's time for me to go to my forever home.

Name: Lolita

(FKA Neari)

ID#: VA8574
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/31/12
Adopted: 07/14/12
Congrats: Marcela
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Lolita is a sweetie girl that was glued to his brother when they just arrived. Now she feels more confident and is able to get in trouble all by herself! :-). We are building up a relationship of trust . She loves to bee brushed., as long as is done on top of the cat tree. . She has a stronger Siamese voice than her brother. She talks more and not only when she is hungry; also when she is playing and enjoying it. She is the one that can sit still near me when I am knitting. She is the one that let me hold her as if she were a baby and come to bed with me.
Lolita and her brother have enlightened my life and I can't imagine living without them . These are great, great cats . I cant believe how lucky I have been getting them.!
i give thanks for them everyday. :-)

(Last update: Jan 28th, 2013 6pm)

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Name: Tango

(FKA Jason)

ID#: VA8573
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/31/12
Adopted: 07/14/12
Congrats: Marcela
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

What can I say..........my photo says it all!


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Notes from Home
Tango and his sister Lolita came to my life 7 months ago. Tango is mommy's boy since the very beginning. I love his personality He is very outgoing, not shy at all, sweet and adorable. He let me handle him, pet him, brush him, trim his claws, etc., although not for too long, yet. He is very active and is always moving. When he is not getting inside the microwave , he is playing with the telephone cables(till we have no tone) them or stealing staff from a closed! drawer without opening it. :-).
A very playful cat that bonded with her sister like Bonny and Clyde type of gangsters :-) . He starts and she follows him in whatever mischievous thing he is doing.
I can't imagine my life without him and his sister . They rescued me in a difficult moment of my life! And they keep on doing it every day!
Thank you, Tanguito! Mommy's love you very much!

(Last update: Jan 28th, 2013 6pm)

Sweet easy going pair with all our medical records, our own carriers and each other interested in gracing your home! And we're truly getting close to graceful, losing weight on a wet only diet that we love. We share a litterbox, food bowls and would even try to share your lap if you'd let us. Nothing not to like here, please come by and meet us!
Name:   Miki
ID#: VA8473
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/14/12
Adopted: 07/13/12
Congrats: Jayne
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
This picture is typical, and is entitled "We're hungry!" That's Moto in the foreground. My friend Kristi titled it "Empty bowls, so sad"! They are chow hounds with no short-term memory! In the morning, I feed them, go walking with my neighbor, which takes about 35 minutes, return to the house and am told they haven't been fed in DAYS, and would I hurry up and feed them, please! They eat every scrap of food. I'm still putting lots of water in their dinners--they don't drink much from their water bowls, but from the through-put that shows up in the litter box, they must be getting enough to drink!

They have gotten a lot lighter in color, especially Moto. Maybe it's because they've shed so much dark hair! The shedding seems to be slowing down, but I think I've combed out enough to make several new cats, not to mention what they've left on the furniture! I always said my knitting projects were 5% cat hair, but may have to revise that number up!

They each weigh about 14 1/2 pounds, down a bit from when they left the center, and look pretty good. In fact, they are quite handsome! They continue to show more personality. In the last few weeks, they've started to play with each other and toys more. Moto is definitely the top cat, and reminds Mick about once a day in a wrestling match. They get "messages from Planet Cat" where they leap up, run around the room or upstairs, and then settle back down until they get another message. Just today Moto has discovered that one of the wands they came with has a hunk of fur and some leather tassles on it. He's killed the fur and is dragging the whole thing around the house and making growly noises. When not otherwise occupied, he walks around muttering under his breath about who knows what.

Mick has discovered the Millie beds and loves to tuck himself in. If I head in the direction of the bedroom, he runs and jumps on the bed to be petted. He's the lover of the two. Such a sweetie!

In August, I left them with the cat sitter (a teenager who comes in to feed, clean and play with them) twice. I was nervous, but they didn't seem to notice.

I guess you can tell this is a successful adoption! I really appreciate the wonderful work the Center does, and I've been talking it up around here. Kathi, next time you come to the river, give me a call and come see the boys!


Received your notice that the cats are celebrating 6 months at my house. Seems like they have been been here forever. Both Mick (so much more masculine than Miki!) and Moto have got things running pretty much as they want them. They have abandoned the Millie beds and sleep on the real bed, or in the hammock (see picture) on the dining room window. Found that at WalMart for under $25. It suction-cups to the glass, and they share nicely.

They are holding their weights at about 14 1/2 pounds each. Their "stomach clocks" are unfailing. There's breakfast, then a snack at noon, dinner at 4, and another snack before bed. If someone else is watching them, they only get 2 meals. I had a very nice timer/feeder for the previous cats. These little darlings figured out how to pry it open! Quite a feat without opposable thumbs, but one day I watched them and they cooperated in the process! I've since found another timer dish which I HOPE will be tamper proof.

I've sent a small donation and hope to be able to send more later in the year. I'm talking up the Rescue to anyone who will listen. It's truly a wonderful service you all offer to the kitties.
Jayne McQuade

(Last update: Jan 28th, 2013 11am)

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Name:   Jessie
ID#: VA8577
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/31/12
Adopted: 07/28/12
Congrats: Diana
Foster: Kay

Hi there, I'm ready to look for my new home. I am outgoing and very playful. Should be able to fit in anywhere. As I grow a little more, foster mom can add to my personality details. I like to eat and play with toys. Should be ready to go home mid July.

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Notes from Home
Jessie is a wonderful addition to my household - the perfect combination of sweet and spunky. She has adapted to my dog and is, as hoped, a lively companion to my 2 year old lynx Bodhi (formerly Dalton). For a little thing, she has a good set of lungs and is practicing her grown up Siamese voice. She also has a great purr and will conk out on my lap. Attached are some photos of Jessie and Bo. Thanks to Kay who did such a great job raising and socializing this little girl (and was also the foster for Bo).


Jessie is a character! She can open my lower kitchen cabinets and my toaster oven, in case I have left anything edible around. I remember Kay describing her as precocious and a little piglet - I am careful to keep her diet separate so she does not become a porky girl. She uses her Siamese voice when she wants something, especially dinner. She is very lovable and will park herself on my lap for the evening. She loves Bodhi, my older lynx; they play and groom each other and will sometimes cuddle together. She is fine with my dog - will wash her ears - and my tiger cat Laura.

(Last update: Jan 28th, 2013 8am)

I am still in iso but seem to be a very easy going young man. More info as my personality emerges.
Name: Bodhi

(FKA Dalton)

ID#: VA7467
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 12/14/10
Adopted: 01/16/11
Congrats: Diana
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
The honeymoon is not over! Bodhi (formerly Dalton) is a wonderful boy. We ha some initial skin problems - lesions around his ears and under his neck. I put him on low allergen food and they are totally gone. In retrospect I think it was accumulated stress of having his "homes" changes so many times in a few months (and of course being a stray). He eats regular kitty food primarily (although I keep on on food with as few additives as piossible) He is a busy and sweet boy and quite handsome too! The 11 year old dog has no interest in him and my other kitty Laura tolerates him but I can't say she is glad he is here. He is a wonderful addition to my life, and I think your organization does a wonderful job.

Bodhi has remained a beautiful lynx - no body striping. He is sweet and likes the new adoptee Jessie (a snowshoe female 2 years younger) very much. They snuggle together and groom each other, in addition to wrestling. Bodhi has not had a skin issue in over a year and I have him on high quality but regular food now with no issues. He sleeps on the bed at night and likes my elderly dog too. Sometimes at night both he and Jessie occupy my lap or one sits on and one next to me.

(Last update: Jan 28th, 2013 8am)

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Name:   Opa
ID#: VA5430
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 12/21/07
Adopted: 01/26/08
Deceased: 01/01/13
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

Left alone except for my mom, Suki, for ten months. Chow was okay (gee, bet you can't tell). But being real Meezers with deep Meezer yowls, it was people we craved. Days turned into weeks and weeks to months; we sat and watched the sun come up and go down, and nothing changed. No one came to love on us, no one called our name. No one held us, pet us, brushed us, or told us it would be alright. After all of our lives being prized possessions of someone who just disappeared one day, this has been a bit of a shock to our system. Come visit us, and you'll see two of the saddest cats you've ever met. But our health is good, and get us back into a real family with a bed, a sofa, and a PERSON, and reassure us that you'll be there for us, and we'll be there for you. We'll once again remember what it was like to be happy, adjusted, friendly, and marvelous Meezers.

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Notes from Home
Opa is very healthy, but missing his mom. He really had come out of his shell and become much more social, but is back to hiding. We'll get him out of his funk. He bonded quite well with my beau, so we are committed to bringing him back. Wish us luck.

January 2013: Opa passed away in November as a result of kidney disease. He never did get out of his funk in missing his Suki-Mom, but we tried to make his life as comfortable and stress free as possible. It was a privilege to have Suki and Opa in our lives. I miss our Meezers.

(Last update: Jan 27th, 2013 8pm)

You want to rescue someone? Don't want health issues though? No litterbox issues preferred? Don't want your furniture torn up? Would like real Siamese with great voices? Want to feel good you're doing good, and be rewarded by appreciative cats? Then how about giving my son Opa and I a chance. After years of being doted on and doting on our owner, she disappeared and we were left alone. We all but gave up on the world, living alone without radio, tv, or people for months on end. But Aunt Siri has promised us that someone is out there for us, and she never lies. So we're waiting, patiently, but hurry up because living here at the Center just isn't a real home.
Name:   Suki-Mom
ID#: VA5429
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/21/07
Adopted: 01/26/08
Deceased: 01/01/13
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Just a quick update that Suki passed away in 2011 after kidney disease. She was a wonderful cat who showed lots of love and interest in people. She was also very tolerant of her son Opa. He and I miss her.
(Last update: Jan 27th, 2013 8pm)

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Name:   Caesar
ID#: VA8995
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 12/22/12
Adopted: 01/12/13
Deceased: 04/05/18
Congrats: Debra
Foster: Siri

Hellooooooo out there! Is that you? I can't tell, because, well, I'm very sight limited. I am a papered Colorpoint, descendent of Imperial Shogun Ming Tai Chi and Tama Kashka Soumise. I was adopted out by a little old lady who just passed away, and now I'm back in Rescue after a challenging rescue effort (thank you Carol and Lois!) In July of this year I had a fantastic vet report card, however I have high blood pressure and I seem to have lost most of my sight. That is NOT stopping me one bit from loving and purring and snuggling under your chin, however! I'm scheduled for my vet update and will get all systems checked, including full bloodwork, and will report back to you, but I'm looking for a home that wants a wedgie lovebug of royal descent!

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Notes from Home
Caesar is doing fabulous. He sleeps with us a night and likes to snuggle on the couch either on me or next to me. I am amazed at how easily he has learned his new surroundings. He is a wonderful cat and fits in so nicely with the rest of the crew.
(Last update: Jan 26th, 2013 1pm)

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