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Look deep into my eyes - you want me, you know you do!!! SO WHY ARE THERE NO INQUIRIES?? I mean, a girl could get a complex, thinking nobody wants her:(

I am cute and sweet and playful and love to snuggle. So really, what's not to like? I promise that if you take me home I will sing and dance and give you lots of nose kisses! So let me light up your life. Hit that Ask About Me paw for Marie. You will not regret it - seriously, you won't!

P.S. I would really like to go home with my brother, Donnie.
Name: Peach Marie

(FKA Marie)

ID#: VA8859
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/21/12
Adopted: 11/09/12
Congrats: Cassie
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home

Wow, time flies! Mommy says it's been almost 3 months since we came home.

She did a bad thing last week and left us for a whooole week... some "cruise" thing she says. "Vacation," she says. Why did we not go too???? We went on her other long trips over the holidays! We had fun! We would be good! Geez.... I guess it was ok though, the other people that came to visit and feed us were pretty cool. And while she was gone, my brother and I figured out that front door thing - people come in and out of there! So now, we both sleep in front of the door every day. We're not going to miss it when she comes home!!!

I have to guard the apartment now, that's my job all the time. I watch all the things. And sometimes people. And listen for the neighbors. And sometimes when things make noise on the roof. And sometimes things happen outside. Mom says those big things that come up the road are "school buses" and I shouldn't be scared of them, so I'm trying to get over that. I still sometimes think when things move around in this place without my express permission that they need to be hissed good! But once I hiss them, everything is fine again. I'll only worry if they start to hiss back :-)

My favorite things to do right now are climb up and kiss mommy's nose. And stuff my toys under the couch. And also under the kitchen appliances, but mommy gets upset about that. She says it's pretty dirty in there. I don't care... the dust is fun stuff too!!


Mommy says it's been 3 weeks since we came home! She says my brother and I have grown a lot. I don't know, I feel like the same old me, but sometimes I can't fit under things that I could when I got here, and that's very strange.

Mommy and my brother and I went to visit grandmommy for Thanksgiving, and while I was there I decided being a scaredy-cat was silly. I was everybody's best friend! Mommy said she doesn't know what got into me, but it's stuck around since. I don't mind, I like everybody now. Sometimes things are scary though - I knocked my carrier on it's side yesterday when I was playing, and then I had to hiss it just to death! It was so bad until mommy put it upright again. She says I will be fun whenever she decides to move furniture around. Whatever that's supposed to mean.

11/16/12: Hi! My brother and I made it to our new home ok, and we've been here for a whole week. I had to hide a lot my first couple of days, but I really like our room now. And I really love my new mommy!! My favorite thing to do: After Mommy’s scary alarm goes off in the morning, while my brother bounces around her head and generally makes crazy happen, I climb up on her bed and lay across her chest and purr and tread… usually on her face. It’s very relaxing... but it definitely motivates Mommy to make sure my claws don’t get too long and sharp! :-)

Sometimes, when Mommy comes to see us and she’s just washed her hands, I get hissy with her because she just doesn't smell right. The whole thing is just incredibly offensive (aren't those big words for a kitty? My mommy says I’m very very smart.). I don’t understand why my brother thinks that her smelling funny is perfectly ok, but he does! Anyway… she finally figured out that if she gets down to eye level with me, I can figure out who she is and I feel much better. Mommy says I will learn she has other smells that are ok soon. I say, just stop it with the funny smells!

But really, things couldn't be much better here. I have good foods, lots of water, lots of toys, and Mommy pretty much lets me do whatever I want (which is good, ‘cause I would do what I want anyway!). Life is good!

(Last update: Feb 7th, 2013 11pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Maho

(FKA Largo)

ID#: VA8920
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 11/10/12
Adopted: 12/22/12
Congrats: Tanise
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Hi, everyone. I'm not so sure about everything right now, but foster mom said I should at least tell you that I'm one handsome lynxie boy and that my fur is soft as a bunny's. I'm trying to learn that I'm safe and that life shouldn't be so scary. I purr lots when foster mom pets me, but ohhhhh, it's scaarry. For now you can find me hunkered down in my fleece bed hoping that this strange new world is OK.

11/18: Check out my new pics and video! I now let foster mom pet my belly!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hello to all that helped us adopt Maho Love Monkey Jelly Bean Adams-Wade (f/k/a Largo!!).

Maho has been with us 12 days now and we're are absolutely over the moon in love with him. He makes terrific progress every day and tonight he gave me the best gift when I got home from work. He let me give him ear scratches and then offered up his wonderful belly for rubs. We did this for over 15 minutes and it was just the best thing ever.

As his foster mom told us he loves loves loves to play and night time is his best play time!

Each day that goes by he comes out of his shell a bit more and we are absolutely confident that in not too long he'll be the master of the house!

There isn't a way to properly thank you for all you've done for us by allowing Maho to be a part of our lives but please know that we will be forever grateful.

I will post updates pictures when Maho is out and about next.....stay tuned :)

Maho has made HUGE progress in the last 24 hours - we've developed a "process" where we'll get down on the floor and shake his treat bag and pat the corner of his snuggle bed that is under our bed for him - he gets into the snuggle bed and we are able to pull it out from under the bed - we can give loves to our hearts content - he purrs, curls and uncurls in the bed, gives us his belly for rubs and is just the cutest thing!! We've even been able to put him up on the bed a few times and he'll stay for a bit.....two nights ago he jumped up on the bed by himself when we were both in it - he stayed for about 10 minutes WOOOOHOOO awesome progress :)

(Last update: Feb 6th, 2013 8pm)

Cat or Dog? Can't decide what you want--how about a cat that is like a dog. I am big boy -- 13 pounds --Almost dog size --I have a Long body - Long legs big feet --like a dog. but I am not fat. I follow foster Mom everywhere -- just like a dog. I love to lay on foster Mom or Dad's feet --j ust like a dog. I will eat just about anything -- just like a Dog. But I purr and no dog can do that So I am much better than a dog. Just ask about me I can't wait to follow you everywhere.

Name: Lido

(FKA Okie)

ID#: VA7482
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 12/24/10
Adopted: 02/04/11
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: ShirleyBo

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
2/6/13 Lido is well and happy. He had his recent vet exam along with a dental cleaning this past month. The biggest problem we have is with his weight, he is now 19 lbs, and the vet would like him at 15, so that is a big problem. We have tried to go on a diet, which he does not like! He loves to go outside, so every afternoon, weather permitting, we take a walk in the yard. He has a tree that he loves to climb about 3 feet and then runs like the wind back to the house. Hopefully this exercise will help with his weight issues.
Lido was definitely a great selection, and he has the run of the place. He is totally the king! He is very affectionate and always sleep between us at night. In addition is likes to lay on us while we are watching TV at night, which at 19 lbs. is very heavy. He is a great addition to our family.

(Last update: Feb 6th, 2013 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Mollie

(FKA Jennie)

ID#: VA8296
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 01/09/12
Adopted: 02/04/12
Congrats: Renee
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

Do you have a soft, sunny spot where a girl can catch some rays?

If you do, I am the kitty for you:)

Ask about Jennie!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mollie is doing great!!! She is loving her new home with her brother Monty. The two of them get along splendidly. She loves to play and sit on my lap. She has become extremely affectionate and love, love,loves to be around people. She especially loves being the center of attention! Like a true Siamese, Mollie is quite vocal and often walks around the house with me like a good little companion that she is. She loves to meow all the time! She has been wonderful to have in our home and I couldn't ask for more!
(Last update: Feb 5th, 2013 11pm)

I'm back in Rescue, and, like, are you kiddin me? You want me to live in this cage? Where's my stuff, I mean, like totally not cool. I need another home fer shur! This Rescue experience is totally gnarly and, like, not b*tchin! Anyways, as you can tell, I'm a full fledged Bali girl and am Tre ready to move forward! Living here with these other felines - well, WHATEVER, is all I can say, like comletely not digging it. Can you help, like, seriously, get me outta here?
Name:   Bali
ID#: VA7990
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/20/11
Adopted: 09/17/11
Congrats: Mark
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Me-WOW !
A year has passed since my dads brought me home. It was a well deserved trip to my new home in Greensboro,NC but I'm darn happy!
Snax & toys, rubs and hugs, naps & chases and I have the run of the whole place. Granted i have ventured outside a couple of times without my dads 'cause I'm pretty fast when that door opens!! Gosh, is it shortlived as they scoop me up and hurry me back inside! Regardless, I'm a happy kitty with these guys!
Thanks Siamese Rescue for sheltering me until my forever home became available!

Happy Paws and wet noses to everyone,

Feb 5, 2012

I'm now 3years old and happy in my furrever home for a while now !
After morning play and some snx, I have many places to slumber for a bit. My favorite is just off the patio after watching all those birds about the feeders! I just wanna jump outside and play with 'em (ha!).
I am hoping my dads can find me a brother soon. i can't wait to run and chase with him and maybe we both can figure out how to play with those birds!


(Last update: Feb 5th, 2013 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Simon

(FKA Barnum)

ID#: VA7745
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/24/11
Adopted: 11/06/11
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Siri

Here in VA - we are settling in quickly, have posed for new pictures and a new video, and await your interest! Resistance is Futile! Please see Video #2 where I have decided that I don't need to wear my silly hat anymore and loving is a Good thing, no make that a GREAT thing!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Just a quick little note on our (just a few days over) 3 month anniversary for Simon and Zoey ....
We absolutely love them! They are the perfect little kitties

We took them to the Vet in December for their initial check-up and they were the talk of the office! Everyone commented on how adorable they are - and we could not agree more! They had great check-ups and are all set!

Since December, they have had the whole house opened up to them - and are loving it! They have toy baskets and "snuggle/sleeping" areas on every floor.

Their personalities are fantastic!

They love to EAT, play and EAT! If you are around the kitchen at any time close to breakfast and dinner, Simon will be the first to remind you that is is almost time to eat .... if you take too long getting things ready, Zoey will help him remind you! Never mind the dry food they have at anytime - it is the yummy wet food that they want =) They are also excellent with their litter box. We did have some issues in the beginning as they loved to play in there and kick the litter out of the box .... so for Christmas, Santa brought them a new litter box shaped like an igloo. Now, no more problem =)

Zoey is still our little night time snuggle bug. She will hop in bed and snuggle into "her spot" under the blankets, put her head on the pillow and start her purring! i think the only time she stops purring is if she is actually sleeping. She also likes to check to see if you are sleeping - by putting her wet nose in your face =) She has also added work time snuggling to her schedule ... any time Randy and i are at our desks - if she is in want of some cuddling - she will start purring at your feet - which is your signal to pick her up and give her some love. It is wonderful!

Simon is our "rough and tumble" kitty ... he loves to play and jump! In the morning as we make our way downstairs for breakfast, he runs so fast down the stairs and jumps from the second step! He is so athletic! He is also a little snuggle bug - don't let that rough and tumble exterior fool you! He loves get stretched out on the floor or bed or couch, etc and have you pet him ... he does little air biscuits with his front paws. He also has "his" spot on a chair - all st up with his blankets, which he loves to snuggle down into. His current passion is playing in a box we have set-up for him near our plants ... he looks like he is in a boat floating down the nile - it is too funny!

We will get some good pictures and post them soon!
thank you for our precious little kittens!

11/14/12 Update:
Hello Everyone at the Siamese Rescue! And thank you for the lovely anniversary wishes!
Things could not be better here! Simon and Zoey are absolutely AWESOME!

They have developed into wonderful kitties that love to play, snuggle and eat!

Zoey (aka Squeaks, Squish and Legs) is a beautiful little girl. We call her our little super model, because when she stretches out on the floor and poses she is about 8 feet tall with her sleek body and long legs =) She has her favorite feather toy she carries with her everywhere – you can hear her coming as she drags the toy behind her. Zoey is also very chatty and loves to tell you all about what is going on. We have little conversations with her – we are not really sure what we are saying, but she seems to think it is ok =) Zoey also loves to give kisses by sticking her little nose in your face – it is pretty adorable & she LOVES getting kisses back!

Simon (aka Buster, SimonBear and Pink Nose) is our athlete. He loves to run, jump and play in a vase – he will go in there sometimes to get some peace. Sometimes when he is sleeping in his kitty bed, Zoey will come over and sit on him - so every now and then – when he needs some Simon time – he goes a takes a nap in the vase, so we put a little kitty blanket in there for him. He loves to be snuggled in blankets and have his belly rubbed – it is the cutest thing. And he is sooo soft – his fur is like spun silk. ... and has the cutest little pink nose
Simon and Zoey went for their yearly exam October 20. Dr Fisher examined them both and said they were poster-kitties for good health – inside and out!

We could not be happier with our Simon and Zoey – and we think they feel the same!

Hope all is well!!!

Deb & Randy

(Last update: Feb 4th, 2013 4pm)

Weehee! Brother Barnum and I have just moved to Virginia and we can't wait to get out into Group Living and meet all the other kitties. Every day we become braver and braver and more and more excited about becoming someone's special twosome. New videos uploaded on both of us today!
Name: Zoey

(FKA Bailey)

ID#: VA7743
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 05/24/11
Adopted: 11/06/11
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Just a quick little note on our (just a few days over) 3 month anniversary for Simon and Zoey ....
We absolutely love them! They are the perfect little kitties

We took them to the Vet in December for their initial check-up and they were the talk of the office! Everyone commented on how adorable they are - and we could not agree more! They had great check-ups and are all set!

Since December, they have had the whole house opened up to them - and are loving it! They have toy baskets and "snuggle/sleeping" areas on every floor.

Their personalities are fantastic!

They love to EAT, play and EAT! If you are around the kitchen at any time close to breakfast and dinner, Simon will be the first to remind you that is is almost time to eat .... if you take too long getting things ready, Zoey will help him remind you! Never mind the dry food they have at anytime - it is the yummy wet food that they want =) They are also excellent with their litter box. We did have some issues in the beginning as they loved to play in there and kick the litter out of the box .... so for Christmas, Santa brought them a new litter box shaped like an igloo. Now, no more problem =)

Zoey is still our little night time snuggle bug. She will hop in bed and snuggle into "her spot" under the blankets, put her head on the pillow and start her purring! i think the only time she stops purring is if she is actually sleeping. She also likes to check to see if you are sleeping - by putting her wet nose in your face =) She has also added work time snuggling to her schedule ... any time Randy and i are at our desks - if she is in want of some cuddling - she will start purring at your feet - which is your signal to pick her up and give her some love. It is wonderful!

Simon is our "rough and tumble" kitty ... he loves to play and jump! In the morning as we make our way downstairs for breakfast, he runs so fast down the stairs and jumps from the second step! He is so athletic! He is also a little snuggle bug - don't let that rough and tumble exterior fool you! He loves get stretched out on the floor or bed or couch, etc and have you pet him ... he does little air biscuits with his front paws. He also has "his" spot on a chair - all st up with his blankets, which he loves to snuggle down into. His current passion is playing in a box we have set-up for him near our plants ... he looks like he is in a boat floating down the nile - it is too funny!

We will get some good pictures and post them soon!
thank you for our precious little kittens!

11/14/12 Update:
Hello Everyone at the Siamese Rescue! And thank you for the lovely anniversary wishes!
Things could not be better here! Simon and Zoey are absolutely AWESOME!

They have developed into wonderful kitties that love to play, snuggle and eat!

Zoey (aka Squeaks, Squish and Legs) is a beautiful little girl. We call her our little super model, because when she stretches out on the floor and poses she is about 8 feet tall with her sleek body and long legs =) She has her favorite feather toy she carries with her everywhere – you can hear her coming as she drags the toy behind her. Zoey is also very chatty and loves to tell you all about what is going on. We have little conversations with her – we are not really sure what we are saying, but she seems to think it is ok =) Zoey also loves to give kisses by sticking her little nose in your face – it is pretty adorable & she LOVES getting kisses back!

Simon (aka Buster, SimonBear and Pink Nose) is our athlete. He loves to run, jump and play in a vase – he will go in there sometimes to get some peace. Sometimes when he is sleeping in his kitty bed, Zoey will come over and sit on him - so every now and then – when he needs some Simon time – he goes a takes a nap in the vase, so we put a little kitty blanket in there for him. He loves to be snuggled in blankets and have his belly rubbed – it is the cutest thing. And he is sooo soft – his fur is like spun silk. ... and has the cutest little pink nose
Simon and Zoey went for their yearly exam October 20. Dr Fisher examined them both and said they were poster-kitties for good health – inside and out!

We could not be happier with our Simon and Zoey – and we think they feel the same!

Hope all is well!!!

Deb & Randy

(Last update: Feb 4th, 2013 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Kayla
ID#: VA8912
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 11/10/12
Adopted: 12/08/12
Congrats: Doris
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes


SYHF (single young healthy female) seeking a permanent position as a professional lapcat.

Salary requirements include plenty of lap time and attention, soft bed to sleep on (preferably yours), good food, lots of toys and regular brushing once my fur grows back out.

Speaking of fur, am I a super easy-going lynx point or am I a tortie point with a bit of spice ?' My face says lynx but everything else says tortie (although I haven't shown any signs of tortitude yet) and until my fur grows back in, it's a toss-up. Are you wondering what happened to my fur ? Well my former owner left my feline companions and me in an apartment when they moved and by the time we were found we were starving, emaciated and covered with fleas. The fleas caused me to scratch, rub and chew most of my fur off. My fur is beginning to grow back in but not enough to tell what my actual points are yet (check out my pictures). Foster Meowm thinks I'm going to be what she calls a 'fluffinator' and have super soft and silky longer fur and a nice plumy tail but it's going to take some time.

Foster Meowm says I'm going to be a real beauty and that I'm just a SUPER NICE CAT !!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Kayla is a simply wonderfull kitty ! Thank you to all who helped make her adoption possible. She runs to greet people at the door, and loves everyone. While she is niot as much of a lap sitter as when she arrived (she knows she has her very own person now) she loves to be where the people are and usually lays next to mom anytime she sits still and usually ends up on her back for a lovely belly rub. She is exceedingly gentle! She has finally checked out her Millie bed and loves it! She doesn't play with toys much, though I think she must have at least one of everything. We are thinking she may prefer a live "toy" and now that mom's hip surgery is behind her, she may be looking to add to the family in a furry way. Kayla's fur seems to be slowly growing back in and I think she's just going to stay a tortie-lynx. Pretty much a mix of both! Her tail is still pretty sparse, poor thing. So, Mom is just thrilled with her - all her friends who visit want to know where she ever found such a wonderful cat! I will be posting some pix soon, been catching up on too many other things.
(Last update: Feb 2nd, 2013 7pm)

(NEW VIDEO 1/23/11)

Need a cleaning lady, er gent I mean? I'm a super duper licker, and I love to clean you, er kiss you all over. I'm a very waddly enjoyable friendly outgoing cat, who chats, plays, and yes, adores my kibbles. For this reason I do need portion control feeding of a light kibble, but I don't care much what kind it is. I'm excellent in the box, not an active scratcher, and just a super ambassador type cat who will meet and greet anyone who comes along, as well as making sure they are spiffy clean! I'm fine with other cats, male and female, provided they're nice with me, I just don't have it in me to be a bully, I'm a lover through and through! And if you have kids that need a bath, I can be of great help!
Name:   Anderson
ID#: VA6918
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 04/02/10
Adopted: 01/30/11
Congrats: Blanca
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Mr. Anderson hid for the first two days and then came out to say hello and never went back.
At first we were worried about him because he was very overweight and his breathing was kind of labored. But you would be happy to know he lost a pound! He now runs, jumps gracefully, and LOVES playing with drinking straws. He will pounce on them for a good while. He is very intelligent, if you point to a general direction, he will obey and go.
He is very gentle even during play. He is great with kids. Mr. Anderson is very affectionate and loves to cuddle too.
We think he is a sweet, smart, lovable, kitteh.

June 2011 Update

(Last update: Jan 31st, 2013 12pm)

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Name: Jackson

(FKA Elton)

ID#: VA8299
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/13/12
Adopted: 08/26/12
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Michael

Foster Notes

Cuddling, lap sitting, and interested in you and other cats. Dogs are ok, too!

My rough life on the street is behind me now, and I couldn't be happier indoors! I love attention and always want to be near by you! You have the best of both worlds in me, folks! I'm not as high strung and pouncy as a kitten, but young enough to still be occasionally playful and in excellent health now! Been waiting on my forever home for a while now, won't you take a chance and let me show you what a wonderful companion I can be!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
The cat FKA Elton arrived home today with the help of many generous volunteers from Meezer Express that carried him from Tennessee to Virginia for us to pick him up!

He has been renamed as "Jackson" and he immediately checked out the lay of the land in the bedroom, ate some, and demanded some chin scratches. We'll see if he's feeling brave enough to sleep with me tonight! He's a friendly, sweet boy and just the most beautiful cat. I'll update as he gets settled in!

His new brother, Finn knows that something is up since he can't get into the bedroom. Can't wait for these 10-14 days to pass so they can hang out. Hope they get along!

A little over two weeks and Jackson is settling in nicely. I've been able to integrate the two boys. Finn sometimes plays a little rough which Jackson doesn't like, but he's standing up for himself as needed so I think we're ok :) Jackson took to my fancy Litter Robot very quickly. So far no incidents other than he tends to eat a little too fast and sometimes he throws up afterwards. He's starting to recognize me as his person and will now come over when I'm sitting on the couch and ask for pets. He's a sweet, easy going boy. He loves to be brushed - I tried it today for the first time and he rolled right onto his back. He may have been brought into the shelter as a stray but somebody must have loved this boy because he's very docile, sweet, gentle, and affectionate.

Jackson continues to be AWESOME. It turns out he knows how to give hugs - he comes right up on your chest and puts his paws on either side of your neck. I definitely think someone loved this kitty and then he got lost or maybe abandoned, but he's just wonderful. He loves to be brushed. His one issue is that he seems to have a sensitive stomach. After a bunch of vetting and some hypoallergenic food I've concluded that he just eats too fast. Maybe it's from being hungry when he was a stray, but if he eats really fast, he throws up. I'm now working on transitioning him to wet food and I'm adding some water to his dry so it's mushier and hopefully easier on his stomach when he gobbles. That has helped a lot.

He is getting along with his little brother very well. They play and they snuggle and seem to be very happy with one another. He's not a needy boy but he likes attention and will surprise me by getting into my lap sometimes while I'm working. I can't say enough good things about this boy!

Still so happy with Jackson, feeling VERY lucky indeed to have found him and become his meowmy !! He's sweet and affectionate, but not needy and gets along with everyone. His throwing up after eating has lessened over time. I think it's probably just left over from days of being hungry and maybe he'll stop eating too fast over time.

(Last update: Jan 31st, 2013 12am)

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