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Foster mom said that I am a Christmas miracle

Someone found me all alone on Christmas Eve and took me to the shelter. I was very sick ; my nose was stuffy, my chest was congested, and my eyes were infected. I was very tiny . I only weighed 14 oz. I should have been with my momma but somehow we got separated. I was too little to eat on my own.

The nice ladies at the shelter knew that they could not take care of me properly. The shelter was closing for Christmas and there would be nobody there to feed me and take care of me. So they called foster mom.

Foster mom had to get special permission from somebody called the Chief to take me home with her since my stray time was not up yet. Thank goodness he said yes!

Foster mom came to get me. The shelter vet gave her one medicine for my cold and another one for my eyes. She took me home and gave me special kitten milk to eat. I was SO hungry that foster mom had to feed me a little bit every hour from a bottle; she stayed up with me most of the night. She gave me my medicine every day and put drops in my eyes too. I got a nice warm Millie bed to sleep in and some stuffed toys to snuggle with. Foster mom told me I was safe and that everything was going to be OK now. She told me my name was Noelle.

That was five days ago. Boy, have things changed since then! I weigh over a pound now! I am eating my KMR mush from a dish all by myself now and as soon as my dish is empty foster mom gives me more. My nose is not stuffy anymore and my chest congestion is gone. My eyes are clear and bright. My tummy is full. I have lots of toys and I love to play with them. I still have to take my medicine for a few more days but I dont mind. I am getting bigger and stronger every day!

Foster mom said I will need to stay with her for a couple of months until I get bigger but that after that, I get to go to my forever home.

Is yours my new forever home?
Name:   Noelle
ID#: VA9005
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/29/12
Adopted: 02/09/13
Congrats: Michelle
Foster: Christine


Notes from Home
2/25/13 - I just wanted to let everyone know how wonderful Noelle is doing in our home. She took no time to adapt to her new family, it was though she had always been there. No fear with her. She loves to play! Pumpkin and her, play all the time. She sleeps with me in our bed, and loves to hang out with me in our bathroom while I get ready in the morning. We are so happy to have her, and thank you for bringing her in our lives:)
(Last update: Feb 25th, 2013 10am)

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Name: Panda

(FKA Peeta)

ID#: VA8838
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/06/12
Adopted: 12/01/12
Congrats: Jill
Foster: Debi

Adorable, playful, perky, affectionate,outgoing...think these words sum me up accurately! I'm a sweeties & just love attention along with a nice warm lap to sit by. I've had a little bit of a cold, so I'm still a little on the quiet side, but when I feel back to 100%...watch out you meezer adopters!

I love my sister Katniss, so we are looking for a home together so we can grow old together.

Click on that button & ask all about me!

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Notes from Home
2/23/13 dear debi & kathi,
well here are your little kittens nearly all grown up.
they're given us so much joy!
just last week, right before my eyes, they both started to change color, from creamy beige to the silvery gray you now see on Katniss. it happened within a few days, amazing.
panda is my LOVE, wow, he's handsome, incredible proportions, nice big head, affectionate, smart with a wonderful temperment. I am very attached to him, funny because I wasn't sure he liked me when we first met at Debi's. what a lover. he seems a little smarter than his sister but who knows....

they play and race around all the time, panda can even play fetch and bring back his ball, then they wrestle very hard and fall asleep in each other's arms. jeff has so many pictures of them sleeping! several times a day, we call each other and say, 'you have to come look at the cats." they'll be in some adorable position. they're a great pair.
healthy appetites both of them, we have them on high quality food. I introduced them to cooked vegetables which Amby ate her whole life, and other grains/protein. they are healthy and strong. they're both great with the litter box.
kathi I broke down and bought them a furminator when the shedding got out of control, and they both love to be combed. they both actually anjoy being handled in general, a big change from our aloof Amby and I have to say much more fun.
thanks to you both for getting them off to a great start. will send more updates soon.
we have them out in california now, but are headed back to DC in May.
xo jill, jeff, katniss & panda

(Last update: Feb 23rd, 2013 1pm)

Absolute lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want a bed buddy?

Want a companion with whom to chat?

Want your best Valentine ever?

Want to know more? Click on that ask about me button.
Name:   Indigo
ID#: VA8180
Location:  Delaware
Sex: female
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 11/07/11
Adopted: 02/19/12
Congrats: Don
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
2/19/2013: Indigo is doing well. She loves us but still jumps away if you move suddenly. She loves to be the one to make the decision to sit on our laps but when she is ready. She has a strict routine she follows.

We also adopted Simon, our other cat. The two are slowly starting to spend time in the same room. But, they like the same cat tree and Indigo isnt sharing. I now know what a cat fight really sounds like. They are making progress but I am sure it will just continue to take time.

Things are progressing well. Indigo found her favorite spot on the cat tree. She tends to be gun shy when I approach her, but if she approaches me on her terms, Its ok. everytime I make a change in something (ie, opening the blinds during the day, etc) she poops on the rug.

This past weekend she came out and sat on both of my daughters laps. She made a real fuss over them. But, they went back to their mom's house last night and Indigo pooped under both of their chairs that they sit at at the table. I think that is her way of showing she isnt happy with something (maybe that they werent there or that it wasnt her smell. I dont know).

She is eating very well and drinking very well. I left my bedroom door open this morning and she came in and I woke up and she was sleeping my lap. As soon as I moved, she bolted away and hid. I really sense that she was abused by her male owner. I think she wants to love me and tries. She lets me hold her on her terms, but not on mine.

She likes treats. I have been giving her treats on her cat tree a couple of times a day when she is "hiding" from me. She meows but then eats the treats and lets me pet behind her ears. I am trying to build trust, but there is definately something there between how she reacts to men and how she reacts to my girls.

(Last update: Feb 19th, 2013 1pm)

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Name: Finnegan

(FKA Mater)

ID#: VA9000
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 12/28/12
Adopted: 01/17/13
Congrats: Thomas
Foster: Jennie

They're calling me Mater the Fluffinator. I'm cute as can be and fluffy and I love to be petted. I'm still not sure of this new place yet; there are a lot of strange noises. The food is good though and the accomodations are clean and that's heads and tails above being on the streets! So just give me some time to adjust and I'll be the love of your life!

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Notes from Home
When we losed our male cat Chyenne last summer we did'ent want another, too much pain. We did'ent think we could love another little boy.
Alter Christmas I talked to my husband about thinking about another cat and he did'ent want to wait, so we filled out an application to adopt. We went on your website and inquired about a few little boys, but when we saw little Mater who we call Finnegan we thought he was for us. We were so right, he needed so much to be loved and we were the family to do that. He is so sweet and loving, he's a good boy and a very good eater.
We were so wrong to think we could'ent bond with another kitty, we are so happy with him, he fills our house and our hearts.

One month today and Finnigan (Finnie) is thriving, he loves to play ball and he is smart about it, he does'ent let his ball get out of his reach. I will try to learn how to uploade pictures because he is even more handson than he was when we got him.

(Last update: Feb 17th, 2013 10am)

I was a young 7 month old kitten when I went into heat and my family abandoned me outside. Along the way I must have met a big handsome cat who belonged to a feral colony and who gave me a present, since when I was rescued, I had a single kitten with me.

The people who trapped us took us to a small rescue group that had two short time fosters and they arranged to have Siamese rescue come and get us.

I am now with my foster pops at Casa Kuck and I'm not sure what to make of all this. All I know is that foster Pops spends lots of time with me so that I can get comfortable around people again. It is nice having a room all to myself with windows, chairs, music, warmth, and love.

Foster Pops has retaught me the joys of chin scritchies, pets, and belly rubs, but I'm still to scared to be picked up, hopefully I will master that fear too.

Oh my golly, peacock feathers, swat, swat, catch, hold, chew, chew, chase what fun.

If you visit me on the internet again I will continue to tell you my story. Foster Pops thinks I'll be ready to adopt a new family in mid January and he says if you live close and are the approved adopter who is first in line you can come visit.
Name: Cocoa

(FKA Veda)

ID#: VA8973
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/11/12
Adopted: 01/31/13
Congrats: Cathryn
Foster: peter

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Cocoa (ne` Veda) has been home two weeks now, although she was a tad more feral than I had thought her to be (I guess she was out in the streets longer than I imagined), she is coming along wonderfully. Particularly, she has shown a big appetite, so that I will have to watch her waistline to see if she starts putting on too much weight. While she is not fond of her housemate, Esther (GSD) and mostly avoids her, Cocoa does stand up to Esther if Esther sniffs at her food. I have been encouraging Cocoa to eat from my hand/fingers to encourage bonding. Also, Cocoa enjoys, for a limited time, to be held and stroked purring furiously all the while.

Cocoa is showing more curiosity and desire to come out of her bed/room and see the rest of the house. Once spring is here and my front room is full of warmth and light I will set up a bed for her under the picture window. This room also is separate from the rest of the house by a dog-safe gate so that she will be able to be there without having to put up with Esther. Her only interaction with Esther will be at her own discretion.

I am not looking for any fast developing changes, but will update when something of note occurs.

(Last update: Feb 16th, 2013 7am)

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Name: Buzy

(FKA Karlie)

ID#: VA8620
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/21/12
Adopted: 08/11/12
Congrats: Mimi
Foster: Ellen

Hi, All!

I've made myself at home with my foster mom. I am growing fast and exploring everything. I love my little sister, Kora. She's kinda scrawny compared to me, but she's made clear that I am not to touch her food.

I am the more outgoing one. I always greet my foster mom at the door, and tell her about my day. She doesn't really understand my squeaky meows, but she'll get it soon.

I should be ready to go to my forever home near the end of July.


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Notes from Home
Hello. I'd like to let you all know that Busy has settled in with us perfectly! She and our German Shepard are inseparable! Just the best friends and playing together all the time. Busy is the sweetest kitten. She is very patient with my children also, who want to hold her all of the time. Initially she was not much of a lap sitter, however, that is slowly changing as she creeps onto my lap and snuggles in. She lives up to her name, she is busy. Thank you for our newest family member and the wonderful job you did of taking care of her as a baby. She is flourishing.
(Last update: Feb 15th, 2013 9am)

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star....How I wonder where you are...I'm a beautiful diva seal girl & am still on this darn website looking for my match.

What does a girl have to do to get noticed? My foster mom just gave me a manicure & I now have hot pink nails. She said that when I now give high fives...I won't hurt anyone!

Whatever it takes...I'll go along with as long as my forever family has patience...patience...accepts me for my diva self...& has time for me to share my opinion about everything! Just keep in mind that I do not kiss on my first date, so you will need to be patient with me!

Go on & click on that button & my foster mom will tell you everything she knows about me!

High Fives to you,
Name:   Jewel
ID#: VA8151
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/27/11
Adopted: 02/11/12
Congrats: Louisa
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
New Pictures posted Can't believe it's been a year since I adopted Jewel. She has a Tabby pal named Pi who she has raised. Now he is bigger than she is. We are all happy in Colorado where there are no fleas and we have more roomy house to romp around in and raise hell ! Jewel spent 2 weeks when I got her in S. Carolina last year, under the couch and would even attack me. She is still a Diva but way more secure and even loving . I knew she would be a tough cookie, however we have saved each other and re learned trust and patience. Thank you Siamese Cat Rescue Center !
(Last update: Feb 12th, 2013 4pm)

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Name: Emma

(FKA Beatrice)

ID#: VA8901
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 11/04/12
Adopted: 12/30/12
Deceased: 10/07/15
Congrats: Janet
Foster: Paula

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5

Yup - I got a good motor.

Wanted: A human who understand how to do serious scritches to be my human BFF and I'd love a FMBFF (that's Furry Male Best Friend Forever) too.

In Return: I'll warm your heart - and the heart of my FMBFF

I find myself back in rescue through no fault of my own. I'm a southern gal who grew up with a hoarder and moved to New England three years ago. My mommy had to move and they wouldn't let her have me there, so lucky for you I'm available!

Foster Mawm is just getting to know me (but I've already told her how to do those amazing scritches). Check out my PHOTOS ! all I really wanted was more scritches but Mawm kept using that little silver box that goes click - no matter how adorable I tried to look.

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Notes from Home
Such a sweet little girl! Beatrice is now called Emma and has adjusted well to her new surroundings. We're having some integration issues, but I'm confident we'll get the hierarchy established soon. In the meantime, I can't get enough of her -- Emma loves to play and demands tickles and scritches which I love giving her. She's enjoys snoozing in the warm afternoon sun, chasing her feather wand and pouncing on her long "sticks" which she destroys by the handful. Emma is just a wonderful addition to our family.
(Last update: Feb 10th, 2013 10am)

Just a wee thing with a bum leg that is going to have to be amputated, but don't worry, I'm not in any pain or discomfort and am SO very loving and appreciative of being saved that I'm waiting eagerly to snuggle my way right into your heart. How about starting your New Year off right with a doll baby like me? My surgery went home and I will be ready to go home just before New Years. I am managing fine on three legs, so if you'd like a three legged loving machine, that would be me!
Name:   Siegrist
ID#: VA8976
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 12/13/12
Adopted: 12/30/12
Congrats: Cindy
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Wow! One month and he has truly transitioned quite well with all. He is the biggest purrrrrr-monster ever!!! If you say "hi" to him....prrrrrrr. If you pet him and snuggle with him, prrrrrr. If he jumps onto my bathroom vanity in the morning as I get ready to go to work, prrrrr. He is just one happy little guy. Still working on the ONE PAW scratching issue. Purchased a very unique floor curved cat scratcher which he has taken to....but hoping more often than not. He likes my bedroom carpet still. Using catnip on the new curved scratcher. He does stairs like he had 4 paws. He is always hanging out with us. He loves the rabbit. And he loves to steal the dogs toys. He has attempted ot snuggle with the dog, but she's not sure what to make of that yet, but they do lay together side by side with a bit of space between them and are definitely buddies! :) Very happy with our little boy. He loves to sit in your lap or by your side. And he definitely snuggles at bedtime on my schedule. Oh did I mention he is the biggest head butt kitty ever!! Every morning he loves me up rubbing his face onto mine. It's like he's tellng me..."hey mom! time to get up!!! (ha, but not at the 3am hour!!) :) He's truly been a joy to our home. He does his business in his litter box. I think he may have had a toss of food under my bed at one point, but can't quite tell because I can't lift my king size mattress by myself, so for now, I monitor under the bed for any other signs of "stuff" but so far, so good!! Thank you again to you and your incredible organization. Have spread the word to a few friends and co-workers in case they are looking to adopt a siamese. Cheers!!! :)
(Last update: Feb 8th, 2013 5pm)

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Name: Bella

(FKA Miss Kitty )

ID#: VA8455
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/01/12
Adopted: 08/08/12
Congrats: Kenneth
Foster: Lisa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat

Did I get your attention? GOOD!

Seriously, I want a lap...or two...or three for me to snuggle in. I love laps. I also love snuggling into your neck and giving your nose and chin little love nibbles to show how much I love you. I'm also quite the talker and my vocabulary increases around meal times.

If you're looking for an extra loving girl who wants to be the center of your world and vice versa, let my foster meowm know!

Headbutts & Purrs,
Miss Kitty

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Notes from Home
Bella is adapting quickly and is such a sweet kitty. We went away for two days and she seemed to be quite happy when we returned even though she had people visit her twice a day. She likes to be around people most of the time.
She is very smart and loving. She loves to cuddle all night long, and at times she pats our faces lightly with her paw.
We are so happy to have her.

Now it has been 6 months. We love Bella very much. She is definitely a "lap cat." She spends as much of the day as possible on Ken's lap while he reads his kindle and she cuddles up to me all night long. I will say I have had some sleepless nights because of it!
She loves to watch the birds from the windows. We have bird feeders where many birds and squirrels are hovering around all winter long.
She can be quite bossy too! The word "diva" comes to mind! If she doesn't like the way you pat her while she is sitting on your lap she will swat at you with her paw. She is also loud when she wants dinner.
She is a finicky eater although you wouldn't believe it based on the size of her girth. We are trying to help her drop a little weight but it is very slow.
She stares at you intently with those exceptionally blue eyes. She is intense.
She also loves my ipad, which is funny. As soon as I pick it up she comes right over. When I play "Draw Something" on the ipad she actually puts her paw on it and makes marks!
At night if I am laying on my back with my arm at my side, she will fit right in there and rest her head on my shoulder and chest. She purrs LOUDLY and will stay there as long as she can.
Heaven forbid I need a bathroom break!!!
She is so lovable and we both love her dearly!!

(Last update: Feb 8th, 2013 3pm)

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