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How can you resist those beautiful blue eyes that look deep into your soul???? Please, think about it and "ask about me". Purr, headbutts and a chat from one stunning "lady" with lots and lots of love to give. Angel

Hey did you see that I am now listed as a "special" girl who has a "scholarship"? What does that mean? Does that mean I'm really smart? Well, yes, I am. Does that mean I'd like to ride to your home on a ship? Well, "no", but I am a very good traveler and don't mind riding in the car. I may be a "senior", but my bloodwork is ALL normal, so I am in very good health, I've had my teeth cleaned ( and a few pulled ), but I still love to eat dry food. I love laps and recently spent an hour loving with Auntie Eileen - you see she loves me and wants me, but already has two cats in her two cat apartment. She thinks there is someone else out there like her who would LOVE me as much as I would LOVE them. Purrs and headbutts, Angel.

"I really AM an angel,
you can see it in my eyes.
Auntie Eileen for sure says so,
and you know SHE doesn't lie!"

Ask Katie about me right away! What's better
than an ANGEL for Christmas Dat?

Such a beauty and sweet, sweet, girl foster mom says. My family couldn't keep us any longer, so all of the family cats got turned into the shelter. Since I am such a wonderful cat, rescue got notified about me and I got in!! I am SO grateful and happy to be here. I'm a "mature" lady, but still one of the nicest cats around here. I'm a little shy at first becaue I didn't want to leave home, but I warm up quickly and love people and other cats. If you want a lady to "hang around with" and to sit in your lap and purr for you, then I'm your girl. I love laps and I purr and knead and cuddle once I know you a little bit. I've got lots of years of love to give, so please be sure to ask about me. Oh, yes, if you want a front declawed cat, that's me, too. if you hurry, I could be your Christmas "Angel".
Name:   Angel
ID#: VA8212
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Flame
DateIn: 11/24/11
Adopted: 02/29/12
Deceased: 11/01/14
Congrats: Marsi
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Angle as truly been my angel! We have bonded very well. She is playing and is enjying sleeping with mom. She is eating Bufflo Blue wich is helping with her little stomach issues.She loves it. We love riding in the car with mom and meeting the new family. Angel says purrs and headbutts to my wonderful foster parents for the love and care they gave me.
(Last update: Mar 5th, 2013 10pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Oberon
ID#: VA7989
Location:  Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 08/18/11
Adopted: 03/03/12
Congrats: Katherine
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Obie is a very big boy who loves to be loved and greet you at the door. Sometimes a bit overzealous or jealous of shyer kitties, he can be the total apple of your eye or might coexist with a stronger female kitty who will let him know the limits.

He is stunningly beautiful with a soft coat, likes to be brushed, and will sit next to you while you watch a movie or read. He comes with his own special litterbox because he wants to always do the right thing. Ask about him and I'll fill you in.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It's hard to believe Obie and I have only been together for a year! It seems like much longer. On the occasion of our first anniversary, I bought Obie one of his favorite toys - a balloon. He loves running around the apartment with it. It is such a joy to have him in my life :-)
(Last update: Mar 5th, 2013 11am)

Sure, I look like just another pretty face, but I am Oh, So Much More! I know it's hard to look away from such a petite girl with gorgeous blue eyes and seal points, but keep reading. Here are just a few of my qualities:

Athletic - I love to race up and down the stairs. These humans are jealous because I can jump up three stairs at a time!
Bossy - When I'm hungry, lonely, or missing a toy, I'll tell you!
Clever - I know where every toy is lost, even if I can't get under the furniture to get them.
Ditzy - Shh, don't tell anyone, but sometimes I fall off the bed when I'm chasing my tail.
Entertaining - I don't understand why they're always laughing at me!

I could go on and on, but it's time for my beauty sleep. So hurry up and ask about me today. I have places to go and people to see - maybe with you?
Name:   Zada
ID#: VA8242
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/14/11
Adopted: 03/04/12
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Christy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
9/6/12 Six Month Update on Zada:
Zada is doing very well. She has settled into a very nice routine and continues to get comfortable with her surroundings and visitors. I see positive changes in her all the time. She is definitely a more relaxed and curious kitty and shows her mischievous side.
She tolerates being held more often, greets us at the door, follows us wherever we go, seeks our attention, and of course like all meezers, is very talkative. . When it’s bed time she makes sure we know it. She is quite the diva and pretty much runs the show!
Attached is a picture of her in her favorite place, relaxed and happy! :)

3/4/2013 One year update for Queen Zada. She is doing fabulous!!! We moved to PA and she adjusted to the new house in one day and oddly seems to be more comfortable in it. She is a happy, silly cat who constatnly amuses us! Her newest habit is chasing our shadows and pouncing on them; cracks us up! :) and in typical Meezer fashion she chats away letting us knowwho is really boss in this family.

(Last update: Mar 4th, 2013 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Mia

(FKA Posie)

ID#: VA8217
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 11/30/11
Adopted: 03/03/12
Congrats: Randala
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

Looking for a wildy entertaining gal that can also cuddle and purr to beat the band?? That would be me! It would be like getting two kitties in one. I like other kitties but they better be able to keep up with me! I can also be your one and only.

So to sum up.....I'm a sweet, confident, friendly, cuddly, purr machine! I have lived with dogs, kids, cats, boys, girls, men, women and I fit right in and go with the flow.

I do have some intestinal "issues" that we are working through and we are making progress and I'm no longer on medicine! Right now I'm still on special food but that's it! No fuss no muss!. If you think you might like to add me to your family, ask about me!

Love, Posie

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mia is doing great in her new home. She has not had any recurrence of her diarrhea. She is busy playing and running around the place. Still working on getting along with big brother Tsai but they have started grooming each other which is great. Fun to have her around and it has been great to get to know her unique personality. She purrs when you look at her:)

It has been 1 month since Mia joined our family. She has since had a birthday and my little girl is now 1. Happy Birthday to you Mia:) I can't image our home without her. She is getting along much more with her big brother and she is even instigating some of the chasing. She has started following me around just like her brother does and even greets me at the door when I come home. They each have a place on the bed with me at night. She has her run of the place and has her favorite perching places.

Mia is doing great. She is such a funny little girl. She loves to push her toy under the door to laundry room and meow to get my attention. As soon as I get the toy out is goes right back in. She loves to play with her brother, Tsai and they both like to sleep on the bed with me at night. My husband is going to have a hard time when he gets back since there is no room in bed for him now:) She has started having diarrhea again but we are working on figuring out. She is going to have some blood work and likely an endoscopy to look for any inflammation. She otherwise acts perfectly normal and has tons of energy. Everyone who meets her love her (how could they not). I have included some new pics of her. She is just so sweet. So happy to have her in my home, can't imagine not having her here.

Hard to believe it has been a year already. Mia is such a sweet girl. She has become more and more affectionate. She has also become a daddy's girl. She follows my husband around and always wants his attention. We are still having issues now and again with loose stool but now that we know she has IBD we treat her and she gets better. She also gets along with her big brother Tsai, I find them grooming each other and even sleeping next to each other at times. Can't imagine our home without her. She is such a silly, delightful little lover girl.

(Last update: Mar 3rd, 2013 7pm)

(New video 1/23/11)

LOVE children
LOVE dogs
LOVE people
LOVE to snuggle
LOVE to play fetch
LOVE my scratching post
LOVE my brother
LOVE kibbles
LOVE life
Name:   Winks
ID#: VA7232
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Domesticshorthair
DateIn: 08/21/10
Adopted: 02/27/11
Deceased: 02/01/17
Congrats: Carolyn
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Winks and Tony are the perfect kitties. ( I tell them that all the time) My husband and I are enjoying these boys so much. I can't imagine better cats. They have so many Siamese traits; they purr all the time, lots of kneading, they come when called and respond to their names. They get along with the dog and with our grandchildren and children. I can't say enough good things about these kitties! As soon as I download photos, I will post them so all can see. I am not a very good photographer but the boys are so cute that I keep taking pictures of them. Also, I can't say enough good things about the adoption process and your follow up.

March 3, 2013 It is Winks and Tony's 2 year anniversary and it seems as if they have always been with us. They fit into our family so well! We adore them. They do so many cute things that I can't begin to list them all. Tony's favorite thing is to "help" me when I am on the computer. Winks likes to sit on Mike and stare until he gets pet. And both like to sit in front of the dog's water dish, knowing that the dog will not try to get a drink no matter how thirsty he is.

(Last update: Mar 3rd, 2013 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Coco
ID#: VA8266
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/21/11
Adopted: 01/28/12
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Siri

Lost my home, my family, my hope, and just before the holidays too. I'm one sad gal who sure hopes there's a Christmas Angel left for me, one that will swoop down, take me home, love me unconditionally, not let other cats beat up on me, and help me watch my thyroid levels. I'm not asking for much, am I? I'm not even asking for an adoption fee. Just for some love.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Coco is fantastic and thriving! She is a very happy kitty and loves attention. As the months pass she is more trusting of everyone. She is a joy and we are so happy to have her in our family.

Here are photos of CoCo and her human companion. From day one, CoCo choose to bond with our 14 year old son, Noah. It is a wonderful relationship for both of them. Coco sleeps with Noah and helps (or hinders) Noah with homework and he loves her! Her thyroid levels are completely managed. She is a happy and healthy lady. I have uploaded recent photos.

(Last update: Mar 3rd, 2013 10am)

Have you seen any adopters around here? I'm checking the sink! Foster meowmy says there are some. She may have told me that to keep me busy, though. She says I wear her out.

I like sinks, my green fuzzy mouse, playing fetch, waking up early, high spaces, woofers, naps, cuddling at midnight, boxes, newspapers, helping read books, keeping you warm in your chair, and I have recently discovered a mystical toy that foster meowmy calls toilet paper. Do you have some?

Contact foster meowmy today if you're what I'm looking for!
Name:   Oliver
ID#: VA8537
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/13/12
Adopted: 09/02/12
Congrats: Dave
Foster: Jeannie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
9/16/12 We wanted to let everyone know how great Oliver is doing. He entertains the whole house and family with his mouse. We've gotten used to him "helping" us brush our teeth while he drinks and splashes in the sink. The dogs and he are very comfortable together. They look a little afraid of him, actually, when he gallops through the house with a toy mouse in his mouth, play-growling and meowing for fun. He truly is a treasure. Thank you!
Hello. Oliver is awesome and very fiesty. He has quickly taken over the house and has claimed the comfortable beds of both of our very large greyhounds and they seem to respect his decision :-)
His favorite recent past-time is batting at ice cubes in the dogs' water bowls. He's healthy and seems to be eating extremely well/often.
All is going well!
Everything is going great with Oliver. He fits right in and is always up to no good, which is fine with us!

(Last update: Mar 2nd, 2013 1pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Buckley

(FKA Nibbles)

ID#: VA8796
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/10/12
Adopted: 12/08/12
Congrats: Jennie
Foster: Debi


Mr. Nibbles here...a pleasure to meet your acquaintance! I am one southern gentleman & I absolutely love everyone. Are you looking for your football buddy to share the couch with? Are you looking for a southern gentleman to help talk with you while you are cooking? Are you looking for a true blue forever buddy? If you answered yes to these questions...then click on that button cause I'm ready to come home & share our time together.

I'm so wanting to find my forever family, as my previously family just dumped me when they decided I was no longer needed.

Purrs, headbutts & more purrs,

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Buckley (Nibbles) is doing very well. He is out of isolation and getting along fine with his new sister, Yum Yum. In this picture, you can see Yum Yum in the background and Buckley is sitting in his favorite spot.

Buckley (Nibbles) is still doing great. We keep aluminum foil on the kitchen counters to keep him off. I feed deer and birds in view of the pation room, so watching the outside animals is one of his favorite past times. His other favorite is sitting on laps. He is a great fit.

Well, we are nearing the three month anniversary for Buckley (Nibbles). Every time I visit my mom, there is Buckley longing on her lap. He loves his new mom and she loves him and his companionship. The only time he gets down from her lap is to watch birds and deer. Of course, he also makes occasional trips to nibble on his food.

We had to put his new sister down last week. Her cancer came back and she was withering away. So, Buckley is the only cat in the house, now. This has made it easier to control his food intake, a development Buckley is not very happy to see.

Thanks to everyone involved in bringing Buckley into our lives. We are thinking about adopting another Meezer.

(Last update: Mar 1st, 2013 2pm)

My name suits me perfectly! I'm just a big o'loverboy! But, unlike my namesake I will be loyal and true to my purrson and a great companion. I promise!

I'm finally feeling soooo... much better! I had the worst case of conjunctivitis and an awful ear infection. I have been such a good patient and just let Foster mom do whatever she had to to help mel She says I am just the best boy around. I love the cuddles and snuggles and scritches and pets and rubs and just anything she will give me. I also love to play and I am so gentle and sweet!

I love my food and eat whatever I am given with no complaints. I'm just happy that someone is taking care of me. I'm a good boy with my litterbox and I am using my scratching pads and posts perfectly.

I was finally allowed out with the resident girls and I was a gentleman in all respects! I really was more interested in getting my pets and rubs from Foster mom! One of the girls wanted to play, but I'm going to wait and be sure she is going to be nice to me. After all I am a LOVER, (like my name sake), and not a fighter!

Foster mom just knew I was a true gem of a kitty and she was right!!!!!

AND on top of all that I am ADORABLE!!!!

Cassanova (aka Cass)
Name: Wookiee

(FKA Cassanova)

ID#: VA8832
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/05/12
Adopted: 11/18/12
Congrats: Pamela
Foster: Nancy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Wookiee and Leia are working things out - he is so laid back that I think he is the perfect companion for her . She has not realized it yet, but all is well with them. He is a snuggle- cat to the max! Loves skritches and hugs and chin rubs, snuggles next to me in bed at night...purring me to sleep...

He has made a special place in my home and heart and Leia will come to accept him more and more as she has so far..
Each day brings more acceptance ...

Wish us luck!

December 2, 2012 - Note from Wookiee...

Meowmy took me to the Vet this week and other than the fact that it was the VET, it was a pretty cool adventure. Everyone wanted to see me and peer into my beautiful blue eyes. My tech-lady, loves my ear tufts and told Meomy that if my mani-pedi seems like it is taking too long that she's kidnapped me! Once I impressed the vet and the tech with all of my vitals and got through with the poking and prodding (yawn!), i plopped down on the floor like I owned the place. The nice vet lady thinks my name is just perfect - cause I'm big and and stripey and spotty and wild looking. She says I'm a typical mackerel - but hey, isn't that a fish?? She also loves my jowls and kept squeezing them - not really good for my manly image, but it felt so good I didn't stop her.

The girl cat here still isn't too sure about me, but I keep trying to make a good impression and take off when she gets really snippy. Meowmy still keeps us separated during the day but gives us extra attention when she gets home from work. And I get to snuggle with her at night...

Will write more soon. Off to see if I can entice the lady of the house (Leia) to be nice to me.

December 8, 2012

Note from Wookie -
It's been an eventful week. Meowmy was keeping us separated during the day and letting me out to mingle with the lady of the house, Leia, in the evening. We are not BFFs yet, but mostly we coexist until she gets in one of her moods and the she slinks over to wherever I'm hanging out and starts that hissy growly stuff. When she gets like that, I run away to let her get over herself.

So.... Imagine Meowmy's surprise when she got home from work and found me sitting in the dining room just as big as you please! She thought I had learned how to open the bedroom door! Same thing happened on Thursday (Mom's late day 'cause she teaches a class that evening after her regular work day), I was out and about just as big as can be! Leia and I didn't have a bad encounter that evening. Mom and I slept in her room - I like to snuggle.

Friday, what a surprise - I was still in Mom's room. The lady of the house didn't like it when Mom let me out to mingle!
She doesn't get that I don't care if she's the alpha.... Just let me hang out and get fed and play with toys!

Spent most of Saturday out without Meowmy and while we aren't sure of our roles, there is no warfare.. Meowmy thinks we'll get there (whatever that means) in time. Meanwhile, food is good and available. Skritches on demand, sleeping with Meowmy - life is good!

31 Deember 2012

Note from Wookiee:
Well, I've been up and about for a while now and while Ms. Leia and I aren't cozy, we certainly aren't fighting any more (well not often....). We have a great game of chase every morning - she usually wins and I end up hiding in my cat cube - but hey, it's comfy! Leia hasn't learned that I don't really care to be the alpha and that if she wants, hey, it's okay with me. We eat treats next to each other when Meowmy comes home and Leia crawls up on Meomy's shoulder for pets while I sleep on her lap.

I love to snuggle with Meowmy! On top of her is best - especially if she is asleep on her back!! Then I slink onto her in the night and spread out and snuggle in. She never knows where I will be when she wakes up!!

I'm not totally convinced that the food will always be there, so am eating everything in sight. Meowmy mentioned something about a diet.... hmmmm. Stay tuned!

25 January 2013

Wookiee here- people think I don't know how to spell my name! It is a proud and glorious name - and it is Wookiee -like my friend Chewy - a most noble animal.
Ms. Leia puts up with me more and more each day - we even play chase sometimes. Sometimes she let's me know she wants nothing to do with me, too. And she has been known to give me head licks! I love to sit on Meowmy in order to get her attention - like she can ignore my handsome face ..
Food is plentiful, skritches are easy to get, I have soft places to sleep, and Meowmy is beginning to understand me when I talk to her - life is good!!

February 29, 2013

Hi there, Wookiee checking in. Meowmy got all excited this week over something I did. Apparently, I've started "making biscuits" - whatever that means. She seems to be very happy about it when I make biscuits on her leg or on the couch when we are hanging out. Her royal highness and I am getting along better, too. And Meowmy says that I am starting to feel like a Siamese - probably because of the good food I got at Aunt Nancy's and now at home. I'm still gaining weight - love to eat!! And play chase with Leia and snuggle with Meowmy.

(Last update: Feb 28th, 2013 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Sammy
ID#: VA3734
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 25 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/01/05
Adopted: 01/06/06
Deceased: 09/13/17
Congrats: John
Foster: Siri

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
And a home sounds so delightful,
Since October I've had no place to go,
Make It So! Make It So! Make It So!

My family hasn't shown signs of coming,
And I've done so very much hoping,
Holidays tend to be slow,
Make It So! Make It So! Make It So!

Well I started out as a big old teddy bear, a little on the fraidy side. I'm learning quickly that if you want the best Millie bed in the house you have to be a bit tough, so I'm slowly climbing my way up the totem pole of group living cats here. I haven't quite decided yet what type of cat I'd like to live with, so stay tuned for that information as I exert my right to my favorite Millie bed. While I may be 13, I'm a kid at heart, a great big thank you to Juli L in MD for buying me a Panic Mouse to take home with me! I'm a wonderful apple headed boy in great shape, have had my teeth done and my blood checked, and am ready to be someone's very best buddy!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hey everyone! Just wanted to give my friends at Siamese rescue an update and let them know I am still around! I just celebrated my 7th anniversary with John and Andrea. Although I am a bit older and slower now, I am still a happy, playful, purry lap sitting loverboy. I just went for a cardiac ultrasound today because my vet thought it would be a good idea before I get some needed dental work done, and the veterinary cardiologist says I have the cardiac function of a cat 10 years my junior!

Purrs and nuzzles,


(Last update: Feb 27th, 2013 9pm)

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