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OK forget all that other stuff you may have read about me being heart broken and doing nothing but sulk. That was a life time ago! Now I act like a completely normal guy - greeting foster mom, winding around her legs while she is fixing my food, jumping in her lap when she finally sits down, the list goes on. If you're looking for a handsome fella to join your family you should consider me. Foster Mom will send my story to you. All you have to do is ask!

Name:   Lambert
ID#: VA9037
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 01/27/13
Adopted: 03/09/13
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
So much progress yesterday! Lambert was quite chatty, and eventually even approached me for pets! He turned over and exposed his belly and made lots of biscuits as I gave him love and affection. He is still hiding but was out and soaking up all the love a number of times. It's funny--he will be out from under the bed and when I come in to the room, he looks panicked like he's "supposed" to be hiding, but then sometimes he realizes he's not scared of me anymore and slinks slowly under the bed, instead of dashing. He also jumped up on the bed and on me while I was on it last night! He didn't stay long, but that was huge progress. Can't wait to see what today brings.
(Last update: Mar 15th, 2013 8am)

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Name:   Tashelle
ID#: VA7923
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 07/29/11
Adopted: 11/06/11
Congrats: Nina
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Ahoy Matey! I'm the one eyed wonder who not only sailed through Hurricane Irene on the NC Coastline, but earned a pirate's patch as a reward! I may be minus one eye but I don't have a gimp leg and I'm all about celebrating the good things in life. I like other cats, and while initially I was a little leary of people as every time they headed in my direction they wanted to put a drop in my eye, that is over now and I'm settling into a comfortable routine at the Center. This ship has just about sailed, though, so let's get ready to land in my permanent home, ideally with one or more cats to play with; I promise you'll find some treasure with me! (if you want two, I really like that Anthony and we have great pirate chases round and round, I always win :)

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Notes from Home
Hello, everyone, Tashelle, the One Eyed Wonder here! When I first got here, I was so scared that Mommy would grab me and put goop in my face and shove pills down my throat. Mommy tells me that this was done by my foster beans to save my life. But all I remember is that I was snatched up. I was put into a deep sleep by the white coated beans. When I awoke, my left eye was missing.

Akio, my big brother, has told me that this is a nice place. He loves to snuggle up to Mommy and have his head and tummy rubbed. I'm not quite ready for that. But Mommy gives me Temptations treats after she rubs my back and now she is rubbing my face -- I frequently forget that I'm supposed to be a scaredy cat and I arch my back in pleasure. Then there is the tall cat tree that Mommy told me she got us for KittyMass. I can sit on the very top shelf and drape my fluffy tale over the edge. And Mommy will softly stroke it. I'll pull my tail away, but then I drape it over again so that Mommy can stroke it once more. Not only does Mommy give me Temptations treats, she gives me lots of food plus a warm bed so I don't have to fend for myself any longer. I think that this will work out.

10/3/12: Tashelle here. Akio, my big brother, told me that this truly is a nice place. I've been such a scaredy-kitty, but I'm getting better. Mommy loves to pet me and I'm actually learning to really like it. I come up to Mommy while she's sitting and I look at her. She will reach down and start gently stroking me and calling my name, "come here, Tashelle" and I rub up against her hand. I'm still not ready to be held quite yet, but I'm making progress, little by little. I love it here with my big brother as we run around chasing each other.

1/16/13: My Mommy did a horrible thing! She took me to this awful place known as a "vet clinic." Alas, I'm all too familiar with these "vet clinics" when I was in foster care. In these horrible places, there were white-coated beans who stuck me with needles, put goop into my face, and shoved pills down my throat. Then there was that day when I woke up from a deep sleep -- and my left eye was gone! Mommy keeps telling me that these white-coated beans saved my life, but I do NOT believe her! I know that these white-coated beans simply like torturing little innocent kitties like me.

At any rate, Mommy told me that I needed to go to this "vet clinic." I've been perfectly healthy, so why do I need to go to a "vet clinic"???! Mommy told me that I need to get a check-up and get something called "booster shots" to prevent me from catching diseases like distemper and rabies. Also to get blood tests to check for any other conditions. I didn't like it at ALL!! The beans at this clinic wore dark teal coats rather than white coats. But still, they wore those medical coats!! They were sticking me with needles and poking around my eyes and face and I struggled valiantly to prevent them from doing so. They were talking gently, but I know their game! Mommy told me that I was good and didn't try and claw their faces out. I would never claw anyone's faces because I'm just not a kitty that would ever do such a thing. So I just sat there and bore this awful experience like a brave girl.

I heard the main teal-coated bean tell Mommy that I was perfectly healthy and didn't even need a "dental." My brother Akio told me all about "dentals" because he just had one a couple of weeks ago. I'm glad that I won't need one, at least for now. Once we got home, I even forgave Mommy and allowed her to pet me. I still love being petted. Later on, Akio and I were chasing each other around the house as usual. So I guess it wasn't so bad after all.

3/13/2013: I've been looking for Big Brother Akio. Mommy was so sad, crying. I rubbed against her hand and she stroked me gently. She told me that Akio has gone to a special place "over the Rainbow Bridge." Akio was very sick and in great pain. Mommy tells me that now his pain has ended. He'll be waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. I still can't find Akio and I'm sad.

(Last update: Mar 14th, 2013 9am)

I have had a number of changes lately. First, I got taken along with a number of kitties to the shelter, and then put in a room with all of them. Along came a person from Siamese Rescue, got sprung and brought to a new home. It has been somewhat frightening, but I am getting used to things and surprised foster mom by purring and making biscuits. Now, I am ready to find my furever home. Please ask about me.

Name: Akio

(FKA Stills)

ID#: VA6569
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/23/09
Adopted: 10/03/09
Deceased: 03/12/13
Congrats: Nina
Foster: Vangie


Notes from Home
I have named this beautiful Siamese kitty "Akio," which is Japanese for "Autumn Boy." He is learning his name and learning to come to it when he feels like it, which is most of the time. It is pretty clear to me that at one time, Akio was kept in a small cage or even inside of a carrier when he was at the hoarder's house from where he was rescued. So he is learning how to orient himself to the free space of a three-room apartment where he'll never have to live in a small cage ever again. He LOVES to play with the wonderful wand-toys that his Foster Meowmy gave to him as "going-away" presents. He has been here two and one-half days and this morning, he was clambering all over my lap wanting to be petted as he purred and made some biscuits. He is beautiful.

(update 10/17/09): Akio just had his 2-week health evaluation at my vet. He passed with flying colors and my vet and the staff all adored him. Akio has turned into the biggest "Mush Kitty" in all of cat-dom. He loves to climb up onto my chest and rub his face against my own. He loves to purr and make biscuits. Sometimes he lets me hold him against me while he sticks all 4 biscuit-making paws up into the air. He loves to play with the wonderful wand-toys that his Foster Meowmy kindly gave to him. And now, he sleeps regularly in the hand-made Millie-bed that she also included for his comfort. He gets along great with Chantee, my 14-year old tortie-lynx point geezer Meezer; no "tortitude" from her at all because he is so friendly.

Thanks so much to the people at SCRC for allowing him to come into my life.

12/29/09: Hello, everyone. This is Akio and Mommy knows that I am the one and only Biggest Mush-Kitty in All of Catdom. Not only that, but I've acquired a new skill, that of becoming a Flying Mush. How does that work? Well, when Mommy comes home from work, she sits down and calls me. And I know my name. I come to her feet and she gets ready. Then I crouch down for the Big Launch -- and I go flying through the air, straight into her arms, where she can catch me and hug me and we can make Mushies together. Once in a while, Chantee, my Big Sister will also come up. She sometimes thinks I'm a bratty "Little Brother" but I'm only trying to make friends. Truly! Chantee is an elderly lady so Mommy has to pick her up into her arms so she can be an Honorary Flying Mush. Then I leap up and the two of us Flying Mushes make Mushies together with Mommy. Life is good! Happy New Year!

7/1/10: Happy 4th of July! Akio again. It's been more than 6 months since Meowmy adopted me. I'm still doing Big Launches into her arms -- because as you know, I am the Flying Mush. Chantee has become BFF with me; we snuggle together and can wash each other. I get to play with many toys, including an old tennis ball that I love. But I still truly want to spend time pressing and "mushing" myself next to my Meowmy. I want to make sure that she still loves me and will love me forever -- she will never desert me or leave me in a cage or a room with 50 other cats, covered with fleas; this is where I was before I was rescued. Meowmy will take me into her arms and we go cheek-to-cheek as she holds me and I can make loads of Sweet Mushies on her shoulders.

Happy "Gotcha" Aniversary! Akio here once more. I've been here with my Meowmy for a whole YEAR!!!! Meowmy loves to hold me by her shoulder so I can spend lots of time making sweet, sweet Mushies on her with my paws. I also love to have Meowmy cradle me so I can put my four feetsies up and make air Mushies. Meowmy also told me that I'm better than any fly swatter. When it comes to bugs and flies that invade inside, I become Akio the Mighty Hunter. I'll swat down any flying creature that dares to come in and bother Meowmy. I also like to chase around up and down the hall.

Chantee is the absolute Best Friend Forever that a kitty could ever have. I'm ready to acknowledge. that she is the Queen of the house,

10/15/11: About a week after my 2nd "Gotcha" aniversary. I have some sad news. Meowmy had to take Chantee to the vet; she said that Chantee was very sick with something called "chronic kidney failure". Meowmy told me when she got back that Chantee has gone to a special place "over the Rainbow Bridge." Meowmy was crying so I made some more sweet mushies on her shoulder to make her feel better. Myself, I'm in great health, but I'm BORED. Meowmy said something about adopting a companion for me -- but I do like being the one and only center of attention. I still can't figure out where Chantee has gone, but Meowmy told me that she is now happy and healthy. Meowmy still holds me very close to her face in order to assure me that I'm in my furr-ever home and will be here furr-ever.

10/3/12: Hello, Akio here for my 3rd aniversary in my furr-ever home. I have a new playmate, her name is Tashelle. She and I run around alot and Meowmmy calls us "the Holy Terrors." I am "Akio the Awful" and Tashelle is "Tashelle the Terrible." We have a lot of fun in Meommy's home. Tashelle is still learning that Meowmmy loves us very much. I love to have Meowmmy hold me while I give her a massage; she calls me "the best masseur that I've ever had." I can knead away her tension and discomforts with my paws as she hugs and holds me. She tells me, "thanks for making such sweet, sweet Mushies on my aching shoulders." Sometimes Meowmmy will lean down and give Tashelle some pets and Tashelle is learning to really like the pets. Tashelle still hasn't yet come to the point where I have. I sleep on Meowmmy's tummy during the night while she rubs my furr until she drifts off to dreamland. Take care, all you wonderful people (and purrs-sons) at SCRC. Purrs, Akio

3/13/2013: My dear Akio suffered a stroke and thus his veterinarian had to help him go over the Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday night. I miss him so much but now he is well and happy, running with his pal Chantee and all of his friends. Tashelle is still looking for him.

(Last update: Mar 14th, 2013 9am)

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Name: Mae

(FKA Mae)

ID#: VA8515
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/03/12
Adopted: 02/10/13
Deceased: 03/03/16
Congrats: Cheryl
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Can you believe how big and beautiful my blue eyes are? If you look deep into them, you'll see quite a story about my life and what some of us in rescue have been through. I was a stray for a long time and nearly lost my liife to starvation, but I'm back to being a happy, healthy and much more energetic girl. I've learned to live with the other kitties at Hotel delShue, but I'd really like to be your "one and only". On a cold winter might like tonight, I'll sit beside yoiu and we can commune. If you'd like, you can even read me stories while I listen intently to you. Purrs and headbutts, Mae

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Notes from Home
Mae is wonderful and is having a wonderful time snooping around. She is coming out of her shell I think happy to be here, I love having her.
(Last update: Mar 12th, 2013 2pm)

My name is Kyrie and I am so obviously not a former Duke basketball star. Think cute niece, instead.

I am darling, loving, and oh so fur enhanced. I have the most magnificent tail. But don't get any ideas about putting me to work to do your dusting. I am a princess. After all, I am just a petite little gal who has never gotten my paws dirty.

I can hardly wait to get settled into my new castle.

PS - I don't travel well so I need to stay within my transport area.
Name: Meela

(FKA Kyrie)

ID#: VA9025
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Birman
DateIn: 01/16/13
Adopted: 02/09/13
Congrats: Blair
Foster: Kathy


Notes from Home
Kyrie...who now goes by Meela has settled into her new home! She has been a great kitty and continues to be a curious funny little girl. She is very much into shoes! She loves to play with them (especially the shoe laces) sleep on them and even stick her head inside of them! She also loves to play with all of her toys Siamese Rescue gave her. She has her own toy basket that she helps herself to whenever she likes. She loves to pull out all of her many toys at one time and leave them throughout the whole house. Meela is very vocal and friendly, she knows no stranger and is waiting by the door to greet me every time I come home. She is the perfect kitty!
(Last update: Mar 11th, 2013 4pm)

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Name: Kake

(FKA Kaiko)

ID#: VA8670
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Himalayan
Date In: 07/15/12
Adopted: 12/08/12
Congrats: Jane
Foster: Jeannie

Who doesn't want a slightly fluffy love bug? I'll follow you everywhere, talk to you about your day, and take as much love as you have to give. If you aren't available, I can deal with a woofer, and I really like to find the highest point in the room to watch for you from.

Email for more details!

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Notes from Home
Kakes is a very loving, playful addition to our family. Her integration has been extremely easy, minimal hissing and a lot of staring and now they both sleep on the bed. Her Vet trip on the 13th confirmed she is a healthy young lady.

Kakes is doing great. Foster Mom really gave us accurate and very useful information. We were warned that she needed a very clean litter box and the addition of a 3rd litter box that is scooped daily took care of the peeing in the sink. She is such a pleasure and so much fun to watch. She and Present romp thru the house and share the scratching post - even using it at the same time. She has even sat in Richard's lap. He was so excited. I am still waiting my turn.

(Last update: Mar 10th, 2013 12pm)

Ah, mon cher, mine is indeed a sad tale of a shy leetle girl. You see, ze boys were always flocking to me and I was always in ze good company. Now, since my leetle, 'ow you say, operation the boys, well, zey no longer come to see Mademoiselle Misty! So, I am looking for a quiet home with ze 'uman who weel take care of me and I, Mademoiselle Misty, weel love, love, love you! Per'aps I teach you to make ze Bouillabaisse, no?
Name:   Misty de la Meezer
ID#: VA6136
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 02/08/09
Adopted: 03/08/09
Deceased: 09/01/18
Congrats: Sharmaine
Foster: Angela

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home


MISTY HAS GROWN INTO QUITE THE PRETTY SWEET YOUNG LADY .HER MANNERS HAVE IMPROVED.SHE NOW LIKES LAP SITTING,LOVES HER BRUSHING,EVEN HAS A SPECIAL SPOT ON THE BED.THE BITING AND HITTING HAS STOPPED.STIIL HAS A FEW ISSUES BUT NOTING BIG,WE HAVE LEARNED TO REPECT EACH OTHERS SPACE THATS WHAT IT 'S ALL ABOUT REPECT AND LOVE Our Misty,well what can I say .she is the love of my life.I cannot picture my home with out her.She follows me around like a puppy so funny,she has her own personality and vocabulary.She loves everyone now you can't come in without saying hello because shes in your face.She loves her porch she could sit out there all day and she loves her outings she adjusted to her harness very quickly.Hard to believe it's been 4 yrs already.I can only hope we will have her around for a lot more yrs..

(Last update: Mar 8th, 2013 9pm)

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Name: Madlin

(FKA Marilyn)

ID#: VA7912
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 07/26/11
Adopted: 08/27/11
Deceased: 12/24/12
Congrats: Maria
Foster: Siri

Here I am sitting, hoping that my turn is coming. The other two cats I came in with already found homes.....

We were left in an abandoned home way up in the mountains; I was found up in the rafters playing keep away from the coyotes and bobcats. I'm having a really hard time believing things are alright again. I have a litterbox, and it's scooped! For months I had to use the same one, with no one to clean it. I am getting regular food - for months, I had to rely on bugs, and crickets, and mice, and whatever else I could find. And this bed - wow, it's like being at the Ritz Carlton. I'm told I even get to keep the bed.

I love other cats, but don't want to be bullied. I love to be loved but can't believe it's actually happening. I'm in surprisingly good health despite all my experiences, and I would love it if someone would step up to give me a real family! (Pls check out my newest video)

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Notes from Home
9/5: Madeline, aka Marilyn, is doing so well. No more hiding, runs up to me when I come into her room. Bedding and room exchanges going on now to share the scents. Everyone is very relaxed!. She is one great cat. Very playful for a nine year old. Use the toys you sent to play with her a lot and I also set up a cot to sleep with her some nights. Pictures to come!

Madeline is a wonderful sweet cat, not a lap cat, but a beside you cat. Slept with me and one of my other cats last night. She is out a lot of the time now, and then I give her breaks in her own room. She hisses a little at the other kitties, nothing serious, and mostly is still afraid of the dog. But she is getting more and more brazen. Totally nice cat but also a real little spirit in her own right. Still loves to play and zoom around.

We went to the vet on Friday. Will get results from a full blood panel on Tuesday so I will have a base as she ages. Here ears bled when cleaned and she may have stomatitis so she will eventually have to have the rest of her teeth out. I am giving her 250mg of lysine 2x a day. The vet said she seemed in great health besides all the issues in the head: eyes, ears, teeth. We are going to follow up closely on all this but as a chronic condition he thinks cleaning the ears and the lysine are the best two things for this. He said the Siamese were particularly prone to this, although all cats are. Have to watch her weight just like my other two sweet fatties a TNR 6-year-old female and an 11-year-old male Turkish Angora (dumped by a breeder for some physical imperfections).

Madeline sits next to me washing as I write this. I am crazy about this brave little spirit and thank you all for all you did for her and all of the cats!! I think she will be happy here. In two weeks it is incredible how much she has adapted. I will keep updating and taking good and careful care of her.

9/16- Madeline is doing really well, getting more and more outgoing each day. She is less afraid of my dog, .she has quite the appetite and is an amazing player for 9 years old. As she settles in, more and more personality comes out. Her ears are better with Posatex each day for 10 days, and her blood panel was great.


Madeline, previously Marilyn, knows her name, both sounding similar. I can call her and she responds!.
This past year she has gotten more and more at home. She sleeps with me every night and she is just a sweet girl And I am so proud of her. When she first came I kept her separate for a month. When I slowly introduced her to my two, my male was not happy and peed everywhere including her bed and where she ate, so I started again and separated them for another month and went through the slow introduction process again.
My male got aggressive with my other feral cat on prozac so I had to take him off that. I ended up using Composure, Feliway and herbals form Green Hope Farm. It took persistence but I think that Madeline is happy in her new home and she gets lots of love!! She is quite the personality actually and I adore her.

After her trauma in the foreclosure I think she now feels stable, safe and loved. I have put my heart into making this work and i ams so glad that i did. She goes to the vet for her yearly next week.

UPDATE: Exactly a year to the day of adopting Madeline I found lumps and discovered she had mammary cancer. I made regular visits to the vets, keeping her comfortable for four months until Dec 24. I buried her Christmas day in my yard. Wow I miss that cat.

(Last update: Mar 8th, 2013 9pm)

I'm just relaxing here waiting for someone to notice me and let my mom know that they think I'm just adorable and want to adopt me. Foster mom thinks I was younger than original estimated age since I'm such a tiny boy or else I really am just tiny. I am now a whopping 2 lb. I love to play and play and very loving. I also like to climb up pants legs to get to sit on moms shoulder.
Name: Kamikaze

(FKA Rusty)

ID#: VA5108
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 07/31/07
Adopted: 09/22/07
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Kay

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
March 2013

Well here we are, new house and everything! We've lived here just over a year, and once they realized the amount of space we had compared to our last home, the cats loved it! Sadly, we lost Wicket in October 2012 to squamous cell carcinoma. It's always hard to say goodbye to a beloved furry friend, and we mourned her loss for many weeks. Kaze doesn't seem to mind being an only cat but we hope to change that soon by adopting a new little sister for him. Fingers crossed that it happens soon!

September 2010

We simply can't believe it's already been three years with our handsome boy! He is still as energetic as ever, and while he started out such a bitty thing, he's grown into good-sized young man! His coat has grown out so soft and plushy, he's like petting a stuffed animal. He's not a constant vocalist like some Siamese I've had in the past; he prefers to save his chatter for breakfast and dinner time. And rather than the typical yowl the breed tends to, he prefers to chirp and purr. And let me tell you, when he gets to purring, it's like a motorboat buzzing by!

Rich and I got married about a month ago, so we had a hectic couple of months prior to that and a week away for our honeymoon. This little boy cat is so bonded to Rich that he gave him the hairy eyeball for about two days after we got home before he would come sit with him again. He was so mad we left him! And sitting with 'Daddy' is about his most favoritest thing to do, besides toss around his mouse. Those two are so bonded it's amazing, especially considering Rich had never owned a cat prior to meeting me. That's the way it should be, since Kamikaze was supposed to be 'his' cat, since our other cat is technically 'my' cat.

I always have to look back at those first few pictures we took of him when we first brought him home, because I truly do forget how teeny-tiny he was! He's gotten to be as big as a tomcat! I joke that his momma must have been playing footsie with a bobcat before he was born, he's just that solidly built. When he takes a flying leap and lands on your lap or belly, believe me, you know he's there!

One of these years, I swear I'm going to enter him in the calendar contest. He's sooo photogenic, and such a ham to boot!

Purrs and hugs,

The Rider Family... :-)

(Last update: Mar 6th, 2013 11am)

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Name:   Suki
ID#: VA8365
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/18/12
Adopted: 03/08/12
Congrats: Marsi
Foster: Ellen

Hi! I'm Suki.

I'm a sweet, loving lady! My foster mom calls me her "teddy bear." I love to give kisses and headbutts. I'm a little plump, but that's just more to love. I have my winter coat now, so I'm not as big as I look anyway.

Foster mom says I'm hard to photograph because I always want to be right next to her. I like to curl up next to my purrson, or be half in the lap. I'm also a "flopper." I like to flop over on my side and look up at my purrson with adoring eyes. That's what I'm doing in this picture.

I have been people-friendly since day 1. I will meet the resident cats soon and expect to have fun with them.

I will be ready to go to my forever home in early March. Please check me out. I'm a love bug.


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Notes from Home
Suki is doing so good now that Angel has let her become part of the family. We had to use the cat playpen for awhile,as it worked so well. Now they both sleep with me every night.i am still a little over wieght but i just have to have my treats everyday.i love to head but mom wee hrs in the morning just to make sure she knows i am here.
(Last update: Mar 5th, 2013 10pm)

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