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Hi there, I'm Ginny.

I was born to a feral mom but a nice man took mom and my siblings in and cared for us while we were growing up. My brother and sister already got adopted and I came to Siamese Cat Rescue. It's nice and warm here and the food is good, but I'd really like a home of my own with another kitty to keep me company. I'm called a tortie point but meowmy said my ear coloring looks more calico. What ever..........I have nice blue eyes like my Siamese ancestor and I'm smart like one, too.

Maybe you're looking for a cutie like me? Ask about me soon and we'll see if that's possible.

Name: Tesla

(FKA Ginny)

ID#: VA12483
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 01/12/18
Adopted: 02/25/18
Congrats: Janice
Foster: Jeanne

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Tesla is doing great. She settled in very quickly Or maybe I should say took over. She loves Tucker. He has already shed those unwanted pounds now that he has someone to exercise with, We go to the vet today. I don't expect any issues.

Wow One month already. Tess is doing great and growing fast. Tesla was the right name for her. She is high speed thru the house non stop. We are loving it. I posted new pictures. Vet visit went will. She is in great health.

Ok 6 months. Tesla is still doing great. She is becoming more lovable everyday. We had an issue with her biting but that has been fixed. I googled it. If you hiss at them they stop. It really did work almost right away. My husband thought I was crazy when I did it a few times but it worked. I will post new pictures. She is a beautiful cat. Yes she is full of energy and in to everything. Loves her toys (all over the house) Her markings are coming out more everyday. She passes her time bird and squirrel watching. We just love her and so does Tucker.!

(Last update: Aug 25th, 2018 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Lexie

(FKA Alex)

ID#: VA12487
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 01/13/18
Adopted: 02/25/18
Congrats: Ron
Foster: Elizabeth

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am a gentle, very young cat. I have no bad habits to unlearn! I am just a bit reserved -so going slow with me I reward with purrs and showing you my silky belly to rub.

I love playing with feather wands and batting balls around. I LIKE other non dominate cats and could be a good buddy. After a few days of hiding in my room I am out following the other cats and exploring more of the house. I come when my name is called. Foster says I am definitely getting braver each day and showing more of my lovely personality. What a gem!

I am ready to go to my forever home and to met my teacher... er adopter.

Will post new videos at each milestone.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Alex is making great progress with his new home. He's still shy about some things but he's also less shy about other things. He loves to play and likes to ask "pet me, pet me". He won't let me pick him up and he's close to sitting in my lap. He has a good personality.
We've changed his name to "Lexie". No particular reason, just seemed to fit better than Alex.. He continues to be a wonderful cat for us. Still can't pick him up but we'll get there. No problems at all.

(Last update: Aug 25th, 2018 12pm)

Sweet and gentle sealy boy looking for his forever home. Needs another kitten or playful cat for company.
Name: Bombadil

(FKA Blake)

ID#: VA9408
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/15/13
Adopted: 08/25/13
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Christine


Notes from Home

Happy 5th anniversary to us! Bombadil is doing great! he just had his annual checkup. He weighs 11 lbs now and is up to date with all his shots. Looking sleek and glossy and full of bounce. The only bad news was a tooth had become infected and had to go. Poor baby! However, he was a love so the nurses all adored him. He was so lovey on the initial anesthetic, he pulled out his IV and had to have a second 'bracelet' to put it in the other leg. However, all went very well and after a week of pain meds and soft food (which he did NOT object to!) all is healed beautifully and he has pearly white teeth. He and Sawyer live in great contentment with each other and play and romp a lot. Since Dad works from home, they enjoy spending much of the time hanging out in his office with him. But they also enjoy their basement climbing shelves and their safely enclosed 'catio' where they can lie in the sun in the fresh air and watch the birds go by.

(Last update: Aug 25th, 2018 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name: London W.

(FKA Willamina)

ID#: VA10810
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 06/06/15
Adopted: 08/21/15
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Nancy

Okay I realize that I am not the top choice here but foster mom says you don't know what you are missing. I am a fun loving girl who just can't get enough of those wand toys. Sure I am a bit shy at first and I really don't like loud and noisy and too busy but I will follow you around to see what you are up to and sit close by to watch you. Sometimes I even sit right next to foster mom and ask for pets. So please give me a chance and ask about me.


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hello, this is a 2 week update on London (formerly Willy). London is doing very well, she is a very pleasant, playful cat and we are just starting to introduce her to Blaze (2nd kitten adopted). She had a good vet visit and is a good eater and loves to play with the wand toy and look out the window. She can be very entertaining and makes us laugh.

HI , we have had London 4 wks now (how time flys). She continues to do well here and definitely enjoys playing with Stewart (formerly Blaze) everyday. She loves all the toys and can be quick when she wants a toy or her dinner! If she were a person she would be a type B - more laid back and usually quieter than her buddy Stewart (Type A). We are enjoying having London as part of our family.

3/5/16- Well it has been a little over 6 mo.s since we adopted London and time flies when you are having fun. She should be coming up to her 1st birthday soon (we will just estimate) and has grown into a beautiful young feline. She is the most inquisitive and active of the cats I have and is getting along spledidly with her "brother" Stewart. They enjoy playtime and chase, hide behind the doors, nap together etc.. London is very acrobatic and is a high jumper too! She likes to turn her head sideways and vocalizes in a chirplike manner (light talker). So glad we were able to adopt her, she is a joy to have.

8/29/16 London continues to be doing well here, she had her yearly vet visit and is about 12 lbs so we have adjusted feeding amts accordingly. She is comfortable with family but when we get visitors she is shy and usually goes upstairs. She likes to sit w/ us when we are watching TV at night time. She continues to enjoy playing w Stewart (cat), she likes the wand toys, playing on the stairs and watching the wildlife out the windows. She is a lovable cat and we are glad she is with us.

8/25/18 Well London is 3 years old now and is doing well. She still likes to play with the wand toys and will chase after toys in the evening. She loves laser light and will sit next to the place where its kept at night when she wants to play. She continues to get along very well with Stewart (cat). She is at 14 ibs so I am modifying her diet by increasing amt of canned food..She is still likes to chirp at us when communicating. She is most comfortable around family and is still shy if we get visitors. She is a joy to have.

(Last update: Aug 25th, 2018 8am)

You are nuts not to choose me. I've learned so much so quickly and now I'm a mama's boy, love sitting on laps and love my person very very much! I just need a person!
Name:   Shakespeare
ID#: VA10176
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/26/14
Adopted: 08/17/14
Congrats: Jeanie
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Shakespeare is a very sweet cat and is working at becoming my perfect lap cat! First vet visit was the day after we got him and he weighed in at 10 lbs. 5 oz. He is "chunky" and the vet said not to let him get any heavier. ( Shakespeare is a very enthusiastic eater - no problem there.) Arrived with a bad eye infection, and since he is a fear-biter and is SO afraid of having his head touched the vet gave him a sub-Q antibiotic injection, which she said is not as effective as putting ointment in his eyes but hopefully will work - eye still weeping two weeks later but stuff is clear and not discolored. Re-check at vet's this week. Estimated age is four and not two - since he was neutered at such an "old" age and so close to being sent to us he is hormonally still a Tom cat - stinky, stinky urine, and spraying outside the box. Urine tested - no infection. Moved him to a much smaller bathroom and he still sprays but inside the box (which, thankfully, is covered). Hoping he will evolve into a "squatter" so I don't have to wash out the top of the litterbox every time he pees. We do NOT intend to start introducing the two cats for another week - my Mom (age 91 today!) is with us through this coming Friday and that can wait another week. Love the toys and bag of goodies you sent - the fur and feathers on the wand is a favorite. Good boy about using the scratching pad, although we got him a bigger one - he is a big boy! For the first week "his" bathroom was the one where we have the changing pad for changing the baby, and Shakespeare has obviously been around babies before (see pix). We love him and will keep you updated on his progress an adventures!

9/14/2014 - Shakespeare has had two more vet visits pertaining to the eye infection he arrived with (which has spread to the other eye), and just this week he received another antibiotic injection and (the vet changed from ointment to a different antibiotic in drop form) and seems that he has finally turned the corner. Still very difficult to medicate – my husband wears leather gloves and we wrap him in a towel on top of the dryer – but no one has gotten bitten since the first week, which is a huge relief. Has a bad reputation at the vet’s office – panics and lashes out. Have not formally introduced the two cats yet (don’t want Hobbit to catch the eye infection) BUT they did see each other when Hobbit slipped out. Shakespeare was very bad, chased her and prevented her from coming out from under the bed. (He is too fat to squeeze between the under-the-bed bins.)
His urine is still very stinky as the Tom cat hormones ease their way out of his system, but things are gradually getting better. I wash him down with wet washcloths and that seems to help cut the odor.
We have been gradually working at getting him to be less fearful of having his head petted – we still cannot approach him from the front, but coming up from behind and then working up to his head works. I am sure that instilling eye drops makes his fear worse. Instead of going into hiding after we medicate him he comes to both of us to “make up” and settles in my lap.

Very sweet, affectionate cat – loves to be in my lap! Loves toys and fishes them out of their basket. We had to get a covered basket for the baby’s toys to keep him out of those. Not at all fearful of the baby – will climb right up in my lap while I am holding Michael! (Has obviously been around a baby before.) He is a very loving and much loved member of our family!

2/17/2015 - Shakespeare, aka “Shakey” is a wonderful, sweet cat! He is always ensconced in one of our laps. He has a funny, almost cartoon-like quality to him – he carries the munchkin trait and has short legs and a short tail. Because he was neutered so late he has a huge head, adding to his Disneyesque appearance!
He still does not like having his head approached from the front and is still skittish around men (with the exception of my husband, who has won him over with his gentleness and soft voice). We think we know why he is afraid of having his head touched – he is a biter and I’ll bet his previous owners swatted him in the head when he bit. He bites in play – but way too hard – and bites for real when we try to do anything to him such as medication. Eyes are still an issue – he arrived with a severe eye infection which has turned into a chronic condition – he will be okay for a bit and then have ick in his eyes. We have drops for him but it takes both of us to put them in.
Our “senior” cat has not accepted him and she lives in our master bedroom suite while he has the run of the rest of the house. We have tried baby gates in the doorway so they can see each other, but he will scale two stacked on top of each other. (Not much of a jumper – short legs and stiff hips – munchkin characteristics.) He is very interested in her, but she pretends he is not there.
Shakey is a much-loved, important part of our family. He is lying on top of me now, washing his paws. When he is done he will probably start stepping on my keyboard to get himself in a better position.
Thank you for all you do and for getting him to us!

8/24/18 UPDATE
Shakey has gotten so fat that he is o a diet and is NOT happy about it! He is so cute and adorable, and brings so much joy - and laughs every day - to our lives. He likes to lie on his back and look at us upside down, which never gets old. Please see new photos!

(Last update: Aug 24th, 2018 6pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Nova

(FKA Mirage)

ID#: VA12678
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 07/01/18
Adopted: 07/21/18
Congrats: Eric
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

Fluffy, goofy, adorable, and quite lovable - that's me! I'm must have an active feline playmate in my adoptive home, so ask about me and my sis Dutchess for a ready-made family. I've got most of my vetting done already, so I'll be ready to travel by mid July. I'm a bit on the fluffy side, so if allergies are a concern, I'm probably not a good match for you. Otherwise, I'll be the life of any party and bring some serious fun to any home!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Everything has been going great! The kids wanted to rename him so his new name is Nova. He and our other female siamese cat are getting along great. The first few days had some fights but they quickly became friends. We have been slowly introducing the cats to our dogs, right now just one dog at a time. They are quickly adjusting and doing great. He is getting big! The vet said it looks like he will be a big boy from the size of his paws. My son made a website and plans on posting pictures every month of the two kittens. You can see the pictures he has posted already at www.jacksonwinger.com.


(Last update: Aug 24th, 2018 10am)

I just got here to my new cushy foster digs. Me and Kingfisher came from the same place, so maybe we'll be buddies. Foster mom will tell you more about me as she gets to know me! I just got done being a mom, and she says that I won't have to worry about that anymore. She says she knows that I'm really friendly and like to interact and be held. 7/15 update: Guess what? Kingfisher and I do like each other. We look so much alike, foster mom says he's probably my son.
Name: Violet

(FKA Finch)

ID#: VA8665
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/14/12
Adopted: 08/18/12
Congrats: Amy
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
9/18/12: Violet is curled up next to me as I type this. She is a lovergirl who enjoys lots of pets and hugs, and she gives purrs, headbutts, and kisses in return. Despite the occasional ongoing scrap with older housemate Maisy, Violet is fully integrated into the household and can usually be found playing with Pip or snuggling with her humans. She is still very kitten-like and loves to run around and chase the catnip mice and wand toys. We are just smitten with her big blue eyes and her bunny-soft fur and her diva personality, and we love having her in our lives!

The lynxies have been with us for a little over two weeks now, and they're settling in and running the place! They've passed their first vet checkup with flying colors and now have the full run of the house. Violet loves food, cuddling, playing with Pip, food, exploring, and food. And especially food! She's not so sure she likes her new feline housemates, and she and my senior female, Maisy, have had a few disputes about who is truly the Queen. (I did catch Maisy giving Violet a little kiss on the head, though.) But everyone gets along fine at mealtimes, and integration has gone pretty well overall. Violet is an enthusiastic talker and loves to tell us when she's hungry, wants to play, or just needs some extra snuggles. She is super affectionate and sweet, and we just love her to bits!

2/18/12: Hello, it's Violet here, or to use my full name. Princess Miss Violet Vicious Bunny the Cat. I should be the queen, but since there's already a queen here, I'm just a princess...for now. The queen's name is Maisy, and I like to play with her sometimes, but mostly, I like to cuddle with my humans (and sometimes nibble on them to remind them who's boss) and wrestle with my son, Pip. I also like the food around here. I wish there was more of it, but Mom says I need to watch my weight. I don't know what she means, though. I am very, very beautiful just the way I am. My humans tell me so every day. They're pretty good humans, though I have to follow them everywhere and sit on them just to keep an eye on them. You know how humans are. But they feed me, pet me, and tell me they love me all the time, so I guess I'll keep them.

8/18/13: Violet is celebrating her 1-year anniversary of living with us by enjoying all her favorite pastimes: sitting in the kitchen window, napping, playing with her catnip pillow, and nibbling on my fingers. She's a bit plumper and a bit darker than she was when she arrived a year ago, but otherwise she's the same quirky, chatty, adorable little girl. For such a tiny thing, she has a very big personality and an even bigger purr. She is healthy and happy and fun and just as sweet as can be, and we're looking forward to many more anniversaries with her.

8/18/14: In some ways it's hard to believe it's been two years since Violet and Pip came home, and in other ways, it feels like they've been part of the family forever. Princess Miss Violet Bunny (who has more middle names than will fit here) is as sweet and funny and quirky as ever. Lap naps remain her favorite thing in the world other than dinnertime, and she has an amazing ability to detect lap vacancies from a distance. When she's not cuddling, she loves to sit in the window and watch the world go by, and she spends lots of time hanging out with our dog, since the dog's room has the best view of the yard. We love her to pieces and can't imagine life without her.

8/30/15: We're a little late with Miss Violet Bunny's annual update--it's been a busy month of putting the new dog in her place, challenging Maisy for the title of queen, and just generally being a spoiled and adored little princess kitty! Violet is doing wonderfully and was recently pronounced healthy (and incredibly soft and sweet) by her vet. She is rarely far from my side and is still the reigning Snuggling Champion of the household. She has mostly outgrown her tendency to nip fingers but will occasionally give a little nibble for old times' sake. She is full of personality and sweetness and charm, and she continues to be a delight in every way.

8/22/16: Violet may not be the Queen of the House yet, since her adopted older sister Maisy is still running things, but she is definitely the Queen of Laps. If someone has one, she's in it! She is a champion cuddler and the most enthusiastic talker in the house, sharing her opinions frequently. She has remained petite and is in excellent health, and her coat is as soft and bunny-fur-like as ever. She's still a quirky little girl, prone to overstimulation but also extremely affectionate and people-oriented, and she is wonderful, lovable company. She charms us every day with her dainty, ladylike ways and slightly diva-ish nature, and we just love everything about her.

8/24/18: Princess Miss Violet Bunny is my little shadow, never too far from my lap and always ready for a cuddle. She enjoys bossing around the boys, Pip and Finn, and hanging out with our dog, Luna, who is her favorite animal in the household. She's still waiting to take over the role of queen from my senior cat, Maisy, but for now she's content to be princess, as long as she gets plenty of adoration from her subjects--and she always does. She's our soft, cuddly little purr machine, and she only gets sweeter as she gets older.

(Last update: Aug 24th, 2018 9am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Pip

(FKA Kingfisher)

ID#: VA8666
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 07/14/12
Adopted: 08/18/12
Congrats: Amy
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

Heeeey, let me out of here so you can pet me and play with me! Me and Finch and a whole bunch of other cats and dogs had to leave the place we were living because our humans let things get out of control. But now I'm hanging out in comfy foster digs with good food and they're getting rid of all my fleas. Whew that feels better. Finch and me might be buddies since we came from the same place, but we haven't told foster mom yet because she says we can't be together until the vet takes care of some of our, ahem, parts. Yikes! Anyway, stayed tuned for more about me and Finch... and better pictures! 7/15 update: Well duh! Foster mom let me out with Finch for just a little and we showed her that we like each other a lot. So we could be a pair, or just make sure I have a rough and tumble playmate!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
9/18/12: Pip is just a delight. He entertains us all day with his antics, and even the older cats are taken with him. He follows them around and watches what they do so that he can learn how to be a grown-up kitty someday. He follows us around, too--he's a people cat for sure. I think he loves his wand toy most of all, but his humans are a close second. We are loving life with such a sweet and playful kitten!

It's nonstop action with Pip, who is way over any initial shyness and is now tearing around the house like the fun-loving kitten he is. His senior Meezer housemates mostly tolerate his antics, but he doesn't mind even when they don't--he just runs right up to them and headbutts them. He doesn't mind sharing his toys with them, and he's glad his new big brother Liam has so many sponge balls to share! Every now and then, he stops playing long enough to snuggle, and he is a complete cuddlebug, full of purrs and kisses. He still enjoys curling up with his mom and following her around, but he's more independent and outgoing than we initially thought. He couldn't be any cuter if he tried, and he makes us smile every day.

2/18/13: Pip isn't really a kitten anymore, but try telling him that! He's gotten taller and longer, but otherwise, he's still completely kitten. He spends most of his time running around chasing his sponge balls or his wand toys, stopping only to curl up in a lap for a nap. He is spoiled absolutely rotten--I can't resist buying him a new toy every time I go to the pet store. He is a happy and playful little guy, a healthy eater (though all that running around keeps him skinny), and a sweet little boy who purrs as soon as you touch him. We love him to bits, and we are so glad we get to be his forever family.

8/18/13: Pip is growing up into a slightly calmer and more sedate young adult, but he's still about 90 percent kitten. He has grown into a rangy, long-legged guy, and he's now much bigger than his mom, Violet. In addition to still enjoying games like "chase the sponge ball down the stairs" and "jump from one piece of furniture to another without touching the ground," he has a new game called "try to steal the dog's food," which the dog doesn't mind (but we do!). He resists being held for very long, but he loves to take a lap-nap now and then, and he always sleeps on my leg. Though he's not a kitten anymore, we still think he's the cutest little guy ever, and we can't help spoiling him rotten. We couldn't love him any more if we tried.

8/18/14: Pip says he can't possibly have been with us for two years, because that would mean he isn't a kitten anymore, and in his mind, he is still very much a kitten. He's settled down a little bit, and filled out nicely because he's a great eater, but he is still the baby of the family, and as such, he's spoiled absolutely rotten. He is only slightly less playful than he was as an actual kitten, and he loves to play soccer with us with his sponge soccer balls--we think he has a promising future as a goalie. :-) He is just the most adorable little guy, and he knows it, which just makes him even more lovable. We're looking forward to many, many happy years with him.

8/31/15: Our darling little Pip has grown up to be a rangy, handsome boy of nearly 10 pounds, taller and heavier than his mom, Violet, but he is still our baby. Although he's just as likely to curl up on his cat tree as he is to go romping through the house, he is still kittenish and playful and full of fun. The vet detected a very faint (Grade 1) heart murmur when Pip went in for his checkup this summer, but she could only hear it when his heart rate increased because of nervousness, so she wasn't very concerned. We'll keep an eye on that at his future visits. Other than that, Pip is healthy and lively and, of course, absolutely adorable. He's just the sweetest little guy in the world, and we love him more than we can even put into words.

8/22/16: After four years, Pip is learning to meow! His latest habit is to run up to me before bedtime, winding all around me and demanding pets, and he usually makes his little squeaky noise when he does this. But just recently, he's started saying an actual MEOW every once in a while. We're sure he'll be meowing like a big boy in no time. :-) He's happy, healthy, playful, and delightful as ever, and he patiently puts up with being adored by both of us as well as anyone else who meets him. He's so cute that even Liam, our grouchy 17-year-old meezer mix, tolerates him. Even during the awful heat waves we've had this summer, Pip likes to stay close to me and sleeps on or near me every night--he's a mama's boy for sure. We love him so much, and we're forever grateful to Rinn and all of SCRC for bringing him into our lives.

8/24/18: Has it really been 6 years? It must not be, because Pip is still our sweet little baby. He is just the loveliest, sweetest boy, and he's adored by everyone in the household. Since the arrival of his adopted younger brother, Finn, Pip has been more active, and he's clearly happy to have a buddy to play with. He's a perfectly well-behaved gentleman, unless it's time to go to the vet, and he is as sweet as can be. He still sleeps on or next to me every single night and is a wonderful lap buddy. Both Bill and I are completely crazy about our little guy, and we couldn't ask for a better cat.

(Last update: Aug 24th, 2018 9am)

I am the most outgoing of my brothers. Love to play and very energetic. Love all toys. Still in iso so more info as it is available.
Name: Finn

(FKA Zeke)

ID#: VA12179
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 07/22/17
Adopted: 08/13/17
Congrats: Amy
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
Finn, fka Zeke, has adjusted to ow household like a champ. He's enjoying running around like a maniac, exploring the best places to catch the sunshine or settle in for a nap. He's also a snuggler and cuddler. He loves to sleep pressed up against me, and he purrs nonstop at all times. He's still learning about boundaries, like not grabbing food off the humans' plates, but he's such a cutie that it's hard to scold him. He loves hanging out and playing with his new big brother and best friend Pip and is determined to make his new sisters love him too. We're delighted at how easily he's made himself part of the family and look forward to watching him grow up (but not too quickly!).

Finn is fully integrated into the household now and is busy driving his big brother and sisters crazy. His points are showing a bit more, and he's starting to fill out a little. He is still a maniac and loves to run, leap, and play. But when he slows down for a little while, he's loving and cuddly as can be. He's just the cutest, sweetest little guy, and he brightens our days.

Finn has grown up to be a big (though skinny) boy, but in some ways, he's more kittenish than ever, always doing crazy kitten things like climbing the curtains and trying to attack the television when there's a cat or dog program on. He is a bossy little boy who has the older cats wrapped around his paw, and he gets his own room at dinnertime so he doesn't steal anyone else's food. (He's a very enthusiastic eater.) He loves toys and particularly enjoys fetch. He always knows where to find a sponge ball to bring us when he wants to play. He's not a lap cat yet, but he's a snuggler who enjoys being right beside his humans and will press up close to me at bedtime. He's a bit of a talker, especially at dinnertime, with a sweet, chirpy little meow. His flame markings have started showing on his body as well as his face, and he's almost ridiculously adorable. We love him to bits in spite of his mischief (and sometimes because of it!), and we are so very happy to have him in our lives.

Update 8/2018: Finn is a big playful mischievous baby, and so cute I can hardly stand it. He's settled down just a little bit--no more climbing the curtains, and much better manners at dinnertime--but he's still active and playful and fun-loving. He's handsomer than ever, and he's getting cuddlier, too. He's a champion head-butter and biscuit-maker who loves pets and being fussed over. He also loves his adopted brother Pip, and it's mutual--they're almost always together and love to wrestle and snuggle. Finn has been a wonderful addition to the family, funny and charming and altogether adorable.

(Last update: Aug 24th, 2018 9am)

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Name: Peabody

(FKA Darla)

ID#: VA9996
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 04/30/14
Adopted: 06/23/14
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Rinn

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Hey, I'm feeling like a kitten again! It's so fun just getting to be me instead of having to be a mom! I'm a playful lynx/dilute tortie point, and I'm full of personality. I'm cool with just chillin', or I will play and play with the feather toy. Sometimes I like to talk so that foster mom will talk back and I'll know just where to find her. Then I weave around her legs purring and happy. I'm OK with other cats, but I have to be the boss -- so no in-your-face feline buddies for me. And a calm dog could be OK, too, Or I'd even do great as your one and only! Are you the one who can help me learn to be who I am and help me to live the good life? I would love that! I'm all ready to go to my new home, so get on my list!

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Notes from Home
Just an update of a picture, showing Peabody lounging at home. She seems to be very happy with us.

(Last update: Aug 24th, 2018 9am)

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