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CHILDREN! AND OLD PEOPLE! AND YOUNG PEOPLE! You can't provide enough people for me, because I need:
Someone who will play with me, I LOVE to play
Someone who will cuddle me, I LOVE to cuddle
Someone who will chase with me, I LOVE to chase
Someone who will be my horse, I LOVE to shoulder ride
Someone who will brush me, I LOVE to be brushed

I am a VERY Siamese talker, player, interacter, and you are not going to need more than one cat with me around!
Name:   Maverick
ID#: VA8750
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 08/26/12
Adopted: 10/20/12
Congrats: Amy
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Wow, I can't believe it has been 6 months already! Maverick is the best cat. My daughter and I love him. He loves to play and be brushed and is such a good boy. He has been eating tikicat wet food and using freshstep litter and hasn't had any issues. We really appreciate everything that you and everyone has done at Siamese Rescue to find our boy, "Mavs." Thank you again.

(Last update: Apr 20th, 2013 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Tom

(FKA Romeo)

ID#: VA8391
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/28/12
Adopted: 04/18/12
Deceased: 01/16/15
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Mama Rosa

I am camera shy!

Takes me a minute to warm up, but I am one fun and loving guy.


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Notes from Home
We are very happy with the cats, love them both. Romeo , I call Tom, he is a reg. Tom Cat. So full of fun, he is very friendly and playful. Runs up to anyone, who comes in house-checks them out, and wants to be noticed. Loves to sit on porch ., and watch the birds & rabbits. Tries to get outside-we keep door locked. Angel is still shy, and, quiet,, rather stay in my bedroom or bath, but follows me around, to be petted. Loves to be brushed, purrs & purrs. I fixed her a seat, to look out window, which she loves. Tom would like to play with her, grabs her as she walks bye, licks her ear, etc. She doesnt like that, at all. Runs to me, to save her, when he gets to friendly. Sits between my legs, and smirks at him. They are some pair-keeps us entertained.
We took them to have nails clipped, were getting snagged on bedding, etc. Went pretty good, they did it so fast. We are very happy , with them both. Thanks again, Barbara.
Hi, we call Romeo, TOM, now. Fits him much better, he is a reg. little Tom cat! Loves to hunt, play, tease his sister, Angel, etc. They are both doing well, we love them so much.
Took them to vet, last month, she couldn't believe Tom was 9 yeqrs old-acts so young and playful. They are both in good health. Angel is a quiet girl, but comes out to sit on screened in porch. She is still afraid of anyone new, just a shy little girl. Every one is not out going, like Tom. He greets everyone, and wants to be noticed. I can't believe it has only been a year-They are both a joy!

(Last update: Apr 20th, 2013 3pm)

I'm just a wee bit shy, but I know how to purr! The rest is going to be a piece of cake!
Name:   Bandito
ID#: VA5615
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/05/08
Adopted: 04/19/08
Congrats: Kim
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Hi All,
Just wanted to let you know Bandito is doing great. Our sweet little boy still has an adorable kitten look to his face. His health and weight are good but he does have a slight heart murmur.
He is such a love bug and soooooo smart. He has learned many tricks that are usually thought of as "dog tricks". He's very food motivated.
He gives his paw on command and will switch and give the other when told, Sits up to beg, stands up on his hind legs, dances in a circle, and lays down and rolls over on command. He opens cabinet doors and has taken the lid off of sealed plastic food containers.
When my daughter leaves to go back to college, I know he misses her because he goes into her room and finds something with her name on it and lays it at my feet.
He also brings me gifts of catnip mice and puts them in my hand.
Who needs a dog when you have a Siamese around? :)

(Last update: Apr 19th, 2013 10am)

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Name: Bullet

(FKA Zack)

ID#: VA8297
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 01/09/12
Adopted: 06/09/12
Deceased: 05/02/15
Congrats: Tara
Foster: Kate

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
I will gaze into your eyes with angelic blue when we fall in love. Let us adore one another. My hobbies include dazzling you with my cuteness, hunting for the perfect cozy spot -- enjoying the simple, personal pleasures of life at home with you.

I will greet you when you come home, I will greet you when you wake up. I will snuggle with you at night if you want. I am shy at first, but quick to become friends. I enjoy nature from porches and windows, playing with you, and having the run of the house. I make time each day to meditate, to listen, and when ever possible, to do some bird watching,

Life has been downright unkind to me at times, yet I celebrate the pleasures and possibliities of every day, which I know to be endless.

My relationship with you, and home, are of utmost importance to me. My goal in life is to be your beloved companion. I cannot be complete without you.

I am waiting for you, my "forever."

Will you come for me now? Please? We will be happy, together!

Zack (aka Woolly Boolly Bear)

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Notes from Home
Booli Bear had his first veterinary visit yesterday 31 July, with his new doctor, Dr. Dyer. He was remarkably well behaved! His heart rate was only 148, very normal, but unusual because at the doctor, cat's are typically in the 200 range. Booli Bear is in good health. His ears were both cultured as he, despite being on grain-free food, complains often of "itchy ears." He was given fantastic drops with hydrocortisone (for itching), an anti-yeast and anti-bacterial agent called Zymox. He hates getting his ear drops despite me trying to explain to him that they will help him feel better! The results of the C&S won't be in for a week. His injured back leg has full range of motion and Booli Bear does run without a limp however his doctor started him on Glucosamine supplements and gave him PRN (as needed) medicine for days the pain seems intolerable. He changes position often when at rest and favors his leg trying to get comfortable. He got his booster shots and had no side effects from the injection. He got a kitty treat for being a good cat but wasn't interested in eating it!

Booli Bear continues to adjust to his new home favorably. He has a fantastic appetite but hadn't gained or lost weight. His doctor said he was a good weight at 14lbs, 3oz for his musculature. A favorite pass-time of his is chasing lizards that find their way to the enclosed porch and he's brought two or three in the house to share. Minus tails. I relocate them out-of-doors. (They will grow a new tail... When a lizard feels threatened the tail will eject in hopes that it will distract the "predator").

He was the lucky recipient of a Welcome Home Gift Basket from Gabby's in Louisiana and has tasted some of the dried salmon and venison but honestly he prefers his kibble to any treat thus far offered. He was interested briefly in the "kitty laser" but likes his home made catnip sock the best of any toy! He carries it around and at times sleeps protectively on it! Cute!

He absolutely positively hates my sheepskin rug and I've had to permanently relocate it out of his line of sight. It's a funny quirk and luckily I'm not that attached to the rug!

Booli Bear is loved and cherished. Thanks, Kathi.
Hello, everyone! Here I am napping and I have mews, er, news! I'm about to go on a big adventure. My companion is taking me with her to South America where she will be working for three years. Equador specifically, catching bad guys who want to bring drugs to America. I won't be doing anything to help with that. My main activity will be as it is now, napping and eating. We will be there in time for Christmas and Santa Claws! I went to a special doctor here in central Florida and I do have extra waxy ears, but I also have a neurological disorder that makes me hyper-aware of my surroundings and very sensitive. I take a medication with my tuna fish twice per day and I'm much more calm and not so scared of my own shadow. In South America, we will live out in the community of Quito and my companion said there are lots of places with secure center-enclosed courtyards, like big porches, gardens with no roof so I can be in the sun. I'm excited to be having such a grand opportunity! Who would have thought it when I was found in a ditch as a kitten full of buckshot, then thrown out of my only home? I have a catnip duck, moose and sock here that I will bring. Adios, mi amigas, gatos y señoras and señors, I'll write again from South America! Meeeeow!! Ay yi yi!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Bullet
Meow there! We were just reviewing the menu for my Seventh Birthday party next Wednesday and I can't wait! Here is an update, fellow felines and meezer volunteers: Because of all the troubles with the budget we ended up not leaving America afterall... It's okay with me because I love my new forever home in the lower Florida Keys. My adoptive mom has a swimming pool with a lot of trees, shrubs, grass, mysterious footpaths, private benches and comfy hammocks around it, and something called a "birdcage" over the whole area. I've never seen a bird inside but it's truly one of my favorite places to be. I can lounge in the sun, watch the skies for egrets, pelicans and seagulls, listen to the waves down by the ocean, sniff the tantalizing sea breezes, and sample a sprig of grass. I have not tried swimming and keep my distance from the water most of the time, but the waterfall is intriguing and I admit to trying a slurp. Occassionally I give chase to a gecko or lizard, but I'm robust and get hot so rather watch them than pounce. Otherwise I'm a typical cat spending most of my time slumbering in my snuggie or trying to lay on top of that new e-reader; just not the same as an old fashioned book to chomp around the edges... I get into the catnip as often as I can and I've heard that there is a new terra cotta planter full of the fresh stuff getting ready for me to enjoy; as soon as it grows some more. My favorite time of day is hair brushing and my coat is soft and silky, though I am shedding a lot with these hot temperatures. I got to inspect the big boat, but I'm not sure if I'd enjoy being a ship's cat, so I may guard the homefront while they head off to the Marquesas, the Bahamas or even Cuba. But I'm invited >*•*< One of my foster mother's said it sure seems like "my butt landed in a flower pot" and I laugh and purr my agreement. Cast away, I am now blossoming here, very much the center of my adoptive mom's universe. Thanks to everyone who helped rescue me when I got thrown out of my surrender home. I'll let you all know how the Key West pink shrimp mousse, and lionfish tartar tastes! My birthday wish is for everyone to be at peace and love life's blessings! Best, Bullet the Blue Point Siamese
Until next time, fair winds and following seas...

(Last update: Apr 19th, 2013 8am)

I am a beautiful tortie princess, surrendered to the shelter due to "allergies". I don't know for sure what that means, but the shelter people said something about my person having an asthma attack. But her loss can be your gain! I am quite the stunning little thing, if i do say so myself. I am outgoing and friendly, and I really do like to tell you all about my day. Foster mom says I talk alot. Well, I have so much to tell you about myself! It really is all about ME you know. I am a princess now, but I am looking for a home where I can grow up to be the Queen. Foster mom offended me by saying I was bossy and sassy, but I reminded her that I am also very purry and friendly!

Not sure yet how I will do with other kitties, but I would most likely be fine with some nice boys who undertand that I am a real tortie princess who will some day be queen. So if you want a rather talkative, very interactive, and clearly beautiful little thing, then ask about me! ME ME ME!
Name: Bella

(FKA Bella)

ID#: VA6241
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 04/04/09
Adopted: 04/18/09
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Bella is an 'above average' kitty.....she is learning new computer skills every day but is still trying to figure out how the paper comes out of the printer. She's learned to fetch her toy mouse and never fails to bring it into bed at 4am. She's now up to 7 lbs ... eating well, talking often, and is very affectionate.

Update 4/19/2013
A tortie with much confidence and many opinions! So much company for her Mama. She's at home wherever she is....the world is her palace! My granddaughters call her 'Miss Fluffy Pants/ and the name is quite appropriate!

(Last update: Apr 19th, 2013 8am)

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Name: Meep

(FKA Gabi)

ID#: VA8440
Location:  Delaware
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 03/24/12
Adopted: 04/17/12
Congrats: Deb
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

Sweet things come in small packages. Gabi is about ready to move to her furever home, all spayed and affectionate. Someone missed a fun kitty when they lost this girl!

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Notes from Home
Meep had her first visit to her new vet, and was a hit! Very sweet, outgoing, and talkative ("meep, meep, meep"), and in good health; my vet actually thought she was younger than previously estimated (at 4-5 years), more likely in the 2-3 year range. She's a little shadow, follows me everywhere around the house, always where her people are; also loves to have visitors and to hold court. She seems completely adjusted to her new home, eats well, uses her litterbox, doesn't scratch (except on her scratch pad). She'll be going with us on her first roadtrip next week, from Philadelphia to Baltimore and then Pittsburgh for Memorial Day week.
(Last update: Apr 17th, 2013 7pm)

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind for me. First I was in a scarey shelter for a week, and then the rescue Angel from Assisi came and got me. Then I met another rescue angel from Siamese Rescue, had an operation, a car ride, and was here with meowmy for a few days and then I stopped eating and got real sick and was in the hospital for 5 days, and then came back here to meowy, where she had to isolate me while I got better.

Whew, that was a close call, but I think I'm safe and on the mend now, though I still have to go back to the doctor and let him fix my hernia. I've been a good boy throughout it all, (except for not wanting to take my pills) but meowmy says I'm the best! At what, I don't know, but she loves it when I flop over and knead in the air and let her pet my belly.

Do you like that too? I'm not too comfortable sitting on a lap, but I do like to sit next to you for petting and rubbing. Ask about me and maybe I'll be your new best friend!


Name:   Bastian
ID#: VA8766
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 08/31/12
Adopted: 10/16/12
Congrats: Willa
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Bastian thought he would share with everyone on his journey to his “Forever Home”.

Meow thought I’d let you know about my trip with my new Meowunt Vali and my real Meowmy.
We drove and drove and drove, we stayed at a place Meowunt Vali and Meowmy called a motel, then back on the road again drove and drove. We drove in a Tunnel under water in a place called Richmond, then we drove some more went on a big big bridge over water and went in another tunnel under and another big bridge over water another tunnel and another big bridge and that was all one road Meowunt Vali and my real Meowmy called it the “Bay Bridge Tunnel” WOW. We arrived at Meowunt Vali house and Meow had fun going all around her house. The next day Meowmy and Meow drove some more we road on the thing called a ferry boat. Then Meowmy drove again then we stopped at a house. Meowmy opened the back of the car and took out everything, my litter box, toys, water, all of her things then she took Meow in my carrier in the house.
Guess what, I meet my new Meowad and Meowmy said; Meow was in my Very Own Forever Home WOW Meow Very Very Own Home WOW!
Meowmy took some pictures of my trip to my Forever Home, 1st is meow in my carrier at Foster Jeanne’s home, at the motel, Meowunt Vali’s then at my Forever Home.

Meow want to my new doctor today (11/2/12), Dr. Poinsett and Miss Kim said “Oh my you’re a Big Boy”. Dr. P. checked me all over looked at my belly to make sure everything is good. Then he gave me a kiss right between my ears (that was nice), he weighted me, up to 13 pounds.

After 4 months Meowmy said it was time for a re-check with Dr. Poinsett because I would sneeze about every 2 or 3 weeks. Dr. Poinsett did a blood count to see if he had a low grade infection, the test came back good, but thought he would give him and antibiotic to see if that would help, at the same time Dr. Poinsett did a Bartonella (cat scratch disease bacteria) test. A week went by Dr. Poinsett letting Meowmy know Meow was infected with the bacteria I had to take a liquid medication for 21 days (happy that over with). But, the bacteria is not stopping Meow from eating, playing, sleeping and oh putting on weight 17.5 lbs. Meow is now on a diet.

Meow family (Meowmy & Meowad’s daughter, son-in-law and two granddaughters) are in love with Meow and everyone has said, “BASTIAN IS STAYING NO GOING BACK TO VIRGINIA”. Meow family decided to adopt a pet also and now Meow has a new friend we play, sleep and drink together when he comes over, what ya think.

Meow went back for a checkup with Dr. Poinsett, he said, the Big Boy is doing very well the antibiotic cleared up my sneezing, lost .5 lbs. (on the right road). Dr. Poinsett said he wants to do another blood test in 6 months to verify the Bartonella Bacteria is gone.

Here it is Meow’s 6th month Anniversary, I am so happy with my Meowmy & Meowad and in my Forever Home. I eat, play, run around, help with the wash, make sure the dish washer is loaded then I have to lay back and take a break.
Thank you, Foster Meowmy Jeanne and Ms. GinnyB for helping to find my Forever Meowmy and Meowad.
Lots of Purrs,

(Last update: Apr 16th, 2013 11am)

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Name: Leihla

(FKA Misty)

ID#: VA9149
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/29/13
Adopted: 04/14/13
Congrats: Venus Gonzalez Elderon
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
A petite little snowshoe gal who came from a hoarder, I've never had a chance to be loved - always sat at the outskirts watching those that are more confident and outgoing, and wishing I was one of those. With just a little time and love, bet I could become one of those cats, do you think? I sure wish I had a person of my own ...... GUESS WHAT? I was showcased on Facebook and that's all it took to put me on the road to becoming convinced it doesn't take a lot to make me realize that love is a good thing! Since that Facebook post I am blossoming every single day!

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Notes from Home
Her new name is Leihla.
(Last update: Apr 15th, 2013 11am)

Just a wisp of a girl who has seen way more hardship in my short life than any cat should ever experience. Does it affect my attitude toward people? Not one little bit. I LOVE people! If you have an empty lap that needs to be warmed, I'm your cat.
Name: Sachi Girl

(FKA Sachi)

ID#: VA9111
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 03/10/13
Adopted: 03/31/13
Deceased: 05/30/17
Congrats: Iris
Foster: Carole

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
> Hi Peggy.. I was looking for the feedback page and unable to find it. I wanted to send some photos. I am in touch with Carole about issues with Sachi. I am trying to make her happy and I think it is going well. The process was very thorough and she and I had an instant rapport. Carole has been very helpful at every turn as you have been. Because it was a two hour drive back home.. Sachi was very talkative and uncomfortable on the way home. She had to urinate and there was a pillow but no pad in the kennel. Carole had to drive down the day before and had to deal with a cat return.. and must have forgotten... So Sachi was very vocal about not being happy having to use the kennel and then sitting in her own urine. But I put some classical music on and she settled down and relaxed. Coming home was great I had set aside the large bedroom area and the room with her litter box and my commode and the bath area with a large double door looking out in a forest area and a tall cat condo with perches and an area with skylight and vanities. The hard food was already out and I added cold fresh filtered water. I did not really know how much food to give her in the beginning. I guess because of all of the email back and forth I never identified a formula. It would be helpful to actually have it on the paperwork.. which foods and how much. As per instructions I took her to the vet after a week and found that she had wax buildup and yeast in her ears. She was given meds for both and she was checked out carefully and found to be in good health. Her stool was loose and the vet asked for a culture, I have been giving her the probiotic and her stomach has calmed her stool is now normal and one night she was constipated and I looked on line for a quick solution and found a list of things, as it was after dinner I opted for warm milk and she had a bowel movement within an hour. She is a shy sweet happy girl.. she entertains dogs and the outside feral cats without any problems. A friend brought me a cat stroller and I have taken her around the enclosed pool area.. she loves the thing and sometimes goes in it herself. She does not like everyone and sometimes hides behind the mattresses. I try to coax her sometimes but she often just comes out on her own. Sometimes there is too much going on.. maid vacuuming and pest control etc. I have new photos and would love to upload them but tried to paste them here and it is not happening. I have one more issue that I am wrestling with and it has to do with scratching the furniture. In the beginning I tried a sharp NO! And I would get up and point. After reading many things about the subject I realized 2 things. There were no scratching posts or cat perches where the scratching was being done. And instead of yelling or raising my voice if I stroked her she responded and stopped the scratching. I got another scratching post and put it near the sofa in the family room [also covered it with blankets] and she has pretty much stopped in that room. I ordered a cat pagoda and scratching post for the more formal living room and have taken to stroking her instead of making it an issue and we both have relaxed about it. She is delightful. Thank you for taking such good care of her.
(Last update: Apr 14th, 2013 5pm)

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Name: Henry

(FKA Essex)

ID#: VA7330
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 10/04/10
Adopted: 10/28/10
Deceased: 03/04/12
Congrats: Debbie
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes

What an angel nestled in the clouds! A Essex is a stunning chocolate wedgie boy with gorgeous blue eyes. He's quite a talker with a gravely meezer voice and deep purr. He's happiest in a lap or being held and cuddled.

What a fabulous cat! PURRsonality Plus!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Henry (Essex) passed away on March 4th of 2012 from advanced CRF.....it was with a heavy heart my vet and I made the decision to end his struggle....he was curled up on my lap as he made the final journey....love and purrs sweet furguy...
(Last update: Apr 13th, 2013 3pm)

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