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Yes, yes, yes, I am a littel Buddy named because I am a buddy for other cats (I really like them) and people, too. It takes me a little bit to get used to new situations and new people, but not too long. I need to figure out all the new space before I am comfortable. I love Blue Beauty and sit and "chirp" to her a lot every day. I met all the BIG resident cats today and I liked them. One of the girls even gave me a face bath. I thought that was pretty special.

If you are looking for your own little Buddy for you or for your kitties, too, you should ask about me. I'm a really GOOD Buddy. Purrs and headbutts, Buddy
Name: Sammie

(FKA Buddy)

ID#: VA8819
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 09/26/12
Adopted: 10/20/12
Congrats: Cathy
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
So good to have him here safely. What a long way for a kitten to travel to his forever home but his mommy and daddy are very grateful to all those at the rescue and on the meezer express who make these awesome adoptions happen. Sammie (fka Buddy) is currently a 'peeker'. Meaning he peeks out at everyone who comes into the kitten room. He is definitely friends with his new little brother who got here the week before him, and it won't be long before he finds out that all those cuddles and scratches could be his too. In the meantime, if all I get to see is his little face peeking out, I can say with absolute certainty that it is a beautiful face and I know it won't be long before the body behind it shows too.

10/24 guess who loves to be cuddled? I knew his foster mommy said he did but you have to experience it to believe it! Of course, getting into that zen feeling is tougher with Sparky chewing on his tail....

10/28/12 I have been out and cuddled a couple of times, but I prefer to stay down in the basement until people go to sleep. Mommy and Daddy find me and cuddle me as often as possible and soon I will trust them enough so they don't have to hunt for me. I love my little brother Sparky and we can be heard playing at night when I come upstairs. All this commotion preparing for something called a storm, has made me very anxious. I do know that Mommy and Daddy have enough bottled water and kitty food to last through it all. They tried to get my picture the other night when I was cuddling with Mommy but I am camera shy still. I'm glad I am in a home where they know to be patient and give me time because I'm worth it.
Okay, as soon as Mommy wrote this I decided I'd hidden enough. Upstairs I came, ate my dinner, took a bath, and used the scratch tower right in the living room. I ran upstairs to the kitten room with Sparky and we are making lots and lots of happy thumping noises!
11/3 Well I pretty much hang out with everyone else now, as long as no human people bother me. I love all the kitty people here, I think having this big family is wonderful. I eat and play and sleep with everyone. I still don't like anyone trying to walk near me, but I did lick Mommy's hand the other night and come out and sit on her lap to be brushed. Brushing felt really nice. Mommy says I have a multiple personality, half of me wants to love and cuddle and the other half of me wants to run. But I am spending more and more time around them, and sitting closer to them every day. I even walk around their bedroom at night. Maybe some night I will jump up with them. In the meantime, Mommy finally got a picture of me stealing Jenks' favorite napping spot. That's what little brothers do, right?

11/19/12 Sammie slept with us last night!!! A day after jumping up on the sofa for scratches, he finally gets brave enough to come out from under the bed at bedtime. What a special little kitty he is. Just a bundle of love. Thank you so much to this rescue for the fantastic job they did matching us up with the most wonderful new furbabies. From the moment we contacted you about adopting, to each time you follow up, it shows how much you love what you do and how you want to make each match perfect. Thank you!

12/28/12 The new picture of me shows me playing with the automatic laser light show that Mommy and Daddy got us kitties for Christmas. I love to sit and chase the light with my brothers and sisters. I even get so intent on playing that I forget to run when someone walks by. And in case you didn't know, I line up every morning for my turn on Daddy's lap for scratches. Some morning I may even beat Cookie and Maci to get my turn first!

6/23/13 only one new picture because I won't ever hold still for Mom to go get a camera

(Last update: Jun 23rd, 2013 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Sparky

(FKA Dan D. Lion)

ID#: VA8781
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/07/12
Adopted: 10/13/12
Congrats: Cathy
Foster: Jeanne

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Hi there! I'm Dan D Lion, Dandy for short. I've been here almost a month now, have settled in nicely and am doing well. I love to play, have a good appetite, and know what my litter box is for.

I've already been neutered, am healthy, and am almost ready for my forever home. Do you have another kitty that would play with me? If so, maybe I'd be a good kitty for you. Ask about me and maybe we can make it happen.

Dan D. Lion

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Dan D Lion ( who has graciously agreed to be known as Sparky, after Dick's uncle) spent a good night in his room. He allowed (read demanded) me to scratch him through the carrier bars all the way home. He raced around his new room 3 times checking it out, then settled under some furniture to watch us. We stopped in a couple times to sit with him, and while he just peeked out at us it was obvious from the litter box, toys, and food that he had been out and about. His morning canned food brought him out and apparently made him decide that we were okay as new parents because I have never seen a kitten who could turn himself in so many directions at once for scratches and pets. As soon as I can get him to hold still for a second, we will post a picture. *LOVE*

10/16 Well someone decided they didn't like being kept away from the tribe and dived out the door of his room this morning. Believe it or not, all of them have been pawing under the door so hard they have loosed the screws in the door handle. Dick managed to wrangle him back into his room but we decided that it was time for a more contained meet and greet so tonight, everyone got a rub down with Sparky's bedding and he got a rub down with theirs. Then dinner was served with Sparky in his carrier, and the tribe invited to sit down next to him with their dishes. Maci, the resident piggy didn't have a problem eating all the dishes up, while Mia was busy sniffing the newcomer. Cookie and Jenks took one look and decided dinner wasn't worth the aggravation. They went up to sniff Sparky's room instead. Mia spent about 10 minutes chasing a laser pointer around Sparky's carrier coming within inches of it. Since there were no growls and no hisses I think we are getting somewhere. Needless to say, Sparky is not happy being back alone in his room. Soon baby, soon.

Hey, I really love my new brother from Indiana. It is great having someone close to my size hanging out with me in the kitten room. I like being downstairs in the playpen with the big kids too but Mommy won't let me loose with them yet. I don't know why, I keep promising not to attack them... Honest.

10/28/12 I love my new Mommy and Daddy. I sleep with them every night and make sure they don't sleep too late in the morning. I am learning my manners with the elders, and they allow me to play with their toys. My favorite thing is to be up around someone's neck and I reward them with purrs. I could not be a happier kitty! I wish my brother Sammie would come out more, but I'm working on him.

11/3 I love to be playing all the time. Mommy and Daddy keep saying I need to learn what "no" means. I hear it a lot, especially when I take a drink out of Daddy's water glass! There are new pictures of me napping and eating with the elders. I love to finish all their dishes up if they don't.

6/23/13 My mommy has been promising picture updates to everyone so she is posting some today!

(Last update: Jun 23rd, 2013 3pm)

I want to be adopted with Paisley, so please ask about us BOTH!

I'll have new pix this Saturday, and foster mom should know more about me.
Name:   Pixley
ID#: VA6273
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/23/09
Adopted: 06/13/09
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)


Notes from Home
4 Yr Anniversary: Thanks Kathy and SCRC for remembering our anniversary. Paisley and I got to visit with DR. Millie Hardigree on 6/07/2013 and we are both in great health. I don't travel as well as Paisley, but we made the visit anyway. I got a new red safety collar this year to replace my worn out blue one. It looks real nice and makes my nametag stand out. Thanks again for helping us find our forever home! Licks and Purrs,, Pixley

3 Yr Anniversary: Thanks Meezer Moms and SCRC, Paisley (VA6273) and I got to go out for our anniversary. Silly us we thought it was to a party, but it was only to visit DR. Millie our Vet on Monday (6/11/2012). Paisley sang all the way there and back home, but I didn't have fun like that. We did get love and kisses along with our shots and are maintaining our weight. I weigh 10.06 lbs and am in great shape. I even got a new blue collar along with my rabies tag. Licks and Purrs, Pixley

2 yr Anniversary: Paisley and I went to to our vet on Thursday (6/9/2011) and are both in EXCELLENT Shape. Life here is good and we're busy celebrating our Anniversary by lying in the sun and just being good little Meezers. Don't forget to check out our Pictures. Pixley

(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2013 10pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Paisley
ID#: VA6272
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/23/09
Adopted: 06/13/09
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

I want to be adopted with Pixley, so please ask about us BOTH!

I'll have new pix this Saturday, and foster mom should know more about me.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
2 Yr Anniversary: Pixley (VA6273) and I went to out Vet on Thursday, 6/9/2011 and we're both in EXCELLENT Health. Life is good here and we have made friends with Orrie the Golden Retreiver. We are celebrating our anniversary by lying in the sun and just being good meezers. Check out our Pictures!

3 Yr Anniversary: Meezer Moms and SCRC, Thanks for remembering our Anniversary. We got to get oout of the house for a few hours on Monday 6/13/2012. Silly us we thought we were going to a party, but it was only for a visit with the veterinarian. Pixley didn't travel as well as I did. I had a great time and sang all of the way there and back home. Dr. Millie loved us to pieces, gave us our shots, and said we are both in great shape and maintaining our weight. I weigh 7.0 lbs and Pix is 10.06 lbs.
I got a new rabies tag but didn't need a new collar since I keep my things clean. We'll send some pictures.

4 Yr Anniversary: Kathy and the SCRC. Thanks for the anniversary wishes. Both Pixley and I got out of the house to go see Dr. Millie Hardigree o 6/07/2013 and we're both in great shape. We don't get out, so each trip to the vet's is an adventure. It's not much riding in our cat carriers. They aren't made for comfort, but we've been told it is for our own protection and safety. If anyone is listening, we could use softer seats in there....
Mom's adding a few recent pictures of us and thanks for helping us find our forever home! You will notice I still have my original Pink safety collar that matches my nametag. Pixley just seems to wear his out (I think he likes the color change). Last year he was blue and now it's red.

(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2013 9pm)

Hi. I am Tom Tom.
Do you want an easy going kitty -- thats me!
Do you want a kitty you can toss over your shoulder --- thats me!
Do you want a silly playful guy-- thats me!
Do want a kitty that purrs all the time-- thats me!
Do you want a sweet love bug-- thats me!
Do you want a kitty with an awesome coat -- thats me!
Do you want kitty that will either play with you or can play by himself -- thats me!
HEY that is almost a purrrfect kitty right-- thats me!!
Name: TomTom

(FKA Thomas)

ID#: VA8822
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/29/12
Adopted: 02/16/13
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Thomas and Minuette are happy and healthy and an integral part of our family. We love them both. Thank you for bringing them to us.
(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2013 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Minuette
ID#: VA8955
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 12/01/12
Adopted: 12/22/12
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Siri

Young, gorgeously marked, and friendly as can be, what's not to like here? How about loving a flame for the holidays? More to come soon!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Minuette and Thomas are an integral part of our family and we love them both. They are happy and healthy and enjoying life. Thank you for saving these kitties for us.
(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2013 11am)

Chatty, curious, busy body, involved young active galfriend, that's me! I want to be with you and where you are, but I want a say in the process! I've got a strong outgoing purrsonality, and I plan to use it!
Name:   Panda
ID#: VA9289
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/01/13
Adopted: 06/18/13
Congrats: Alexander
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
We picked up panda on Tuesday. Growing up with Siamese I was fully expecting this little gal to be a diva and not be so social with my 2 y/o and 4 y/o. So I promised the wife that the second one would be a more laid back male if I could get this gal. Boy were we in for a pleasant surprise.

We let her out of her room after 2 days. This is the most lovable cat I have ever met in my life. Within minutes she was under foot chatting with us. She rubbed on my oldest and has taking a liking to him. She now goes to bed with him and after he falls asleep panda comes and cuddles with us.

The kiddos run around the house laughing and screaming. Large toys making loud sounds across our hardwood floors and panda is not bothered at all. She just watches in curiosity.

She asks for scritches all the time. And a first for me, actually loves her belly to be rubbed. We weren't sure how she would be with my 80 pound black lab. Whoa boy. This little tiny 6 pound girl has put our lab in his place. She chases him around and has made it clear that she is now in charge of the house. She goes up to the dog to rub noses, then smacks him in the face, but no claws. It's rather humorous. Our lab is a big baby anyway.

So if you couldn't tell, thanks to Peggy and Siri, we have the most perfect cat for our busy house. Every foster I have spoken with have been very helpful. I've never met so many passionate people about Siamese kitty's. Everyone is very thorough to make sure the right cat goes to the right home. We could not be happier.

Thank you to all the volunteers for making such a great adoption organization.
I plan to help out maybe as a meezer driver to show my appreciation.

I will update more as time goes on.

Again huge thanks.

The Chemerys family

(Last update: Jun 21st, 2013 10pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Cara

(FKA Samantha)

ID#: VA7779
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 06/06/11
Adopted: 06/19/11
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Jackie

Just arrived. More information soon. I'm a bit more laid back than my sister Savannah and my brother Dakota. I'm really the best purrer of the bunch. Better pictures of me coming soon - we are all very sweet and darn cute!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Linsa & Cara are both doing well - they have settled in nicely and have the run of a big house which they love. They especially like sitting at open windows and watching the birds and squirrels in the yard or borrowing under throw rugs.
Neither sister likes the taste of meat (not beef, chicken or pork, neither cooked nor raw) or milk especially, but they do like fish, especially cooked.
We have a very nice vet who comes to the house and the sisters are updated with all their inoculations. And for all that Cara looks larger than her sister, Linsa is a sold 1.5 pounds heavier - Cara is simply fluffier.
The sisters have the run of the house which includes my office on the garden level and are much admired by many of the clients that come in. We have been asked if we got the cats because they matched the decor! They really are beautiful and make a charming picture together.
In the cold months they sleep at the foot of the master bed, but in the summer they find warmer spots on the third floor were the A/C doesn't reach as well. And who ever has the sun beam will be graced with company.

(Last update: Jun 19th, 2013 11am)

Just arrived. More information soon. I was a stray little girl found with my brother Dakota and my sister Samantha. Better pictures coming soon, but i'm a dear little one!
Name: Linsa

(FKA Savannah)

ID#: VA7778
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 06/06/11
Adopted: 06/19/11
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Jackie


Notes from Home
Linsa & Cara are both doing well - they have settled in nicely and have the run of a big house which they love. They especially like sitting at open windows and watching the birds and squirrels in the yard or borrowing under throw rugs.
Neither sister likes the taste of meat (not beef, chicken or pork, neither cooked nor raw) or milk especially, but they do like fish, especially cooked.
We have a very nice vet who comes to the house and the sisters are updated with all their inoculations. And for all that Cara looks larger than her sister, Linsa is a sold 1.5 pounds heavier - Cara is simply fluffier.
The sisters have the run of the house which includes my office on the garden level and are much admired by many of the clients that come in. We have been asked if we got the cats because they matched the decor! They really are beautiful and make a charming picture together.
In the cold months they sleep at the foot of the master bed, but in the summer they find warmer spots on the third floor were the A/C doesn't reach as well. And who ever has the sun beam will be graced with company.

(Last update: Jun 19th, 2013 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Luna
ID#: VA2757
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 06/19/04
Adopted: 07/10/04
Deceased: 06/18/13
Congrats: Charlotte
Foster: Kay

My name is Luna and I have just arrived at my foster home. The last couple of days have been full of changes in my life but foster mom says the changes are good and I will be much happier in the future. I had kittens at the shelter and they were all adopted but I was holding out for Siamese Rescue. I hope to have my very own home soon. I am beginning to feel a bit better after getting shots and spayed. I am very affectionate with people but don't know about other kitties yet. As soon as I can be introduced will send an update. Foster - Kay Congrats Charlotte in VA!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Luna loved to sit on laps and computers. When sleeping on the bed she would stretch out so as to leave the humans as little space as possible. If she thought her humans should wake up and play, she would pat us lightly on the nose, then sit and wait for us to open our eyes. It was both very cute and very annoying.

While Luna did not generally meow loudly, she expressed her Siamese heritage by being very expressive non-verbally. There was rarely any doubt what she wanted as she looked significantly at the pantry door/blinds on the windowsill/book in her way. She also had a few choice comments after being left in the house while we were on vacation.

She was a very laid back cat. If she didn't like something, she would leave. She was very protective of the new baby, sitting between new visitors and the baby, keeping an eye on them.

Two years ago blood work showed that Luna had some kind of illness. It took another year before any further symptoms appeared. Additional tests never produced a conclusive diagnosis, but the Hope Center in Vienna suspected Lymphoma. Even as she lost weight, Luna remained fairly "normal" until the last few days.

Luna will be missed in our house. While my two year old will likely not have long term memories, her observations, "Luna was very sick. Luna not coming back. My Luna kitty cat loved me." is enough to bring anyone to tears.

(Last update: Jun 18th, 2013 11am)

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366 Meander Run Rd, Locust Dale, VA 22948
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