Previously Adopted Siamese
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Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch
You know that I love you(I dooo)
I can't help myself...
No... I can't help myself
This is one of those cats you just can't help but love ! If you're looking for a super affectionate companion, this gal is it. She headbutts, she purrs, she rubs, she rolls over for belly rubs ! Having nails trimmed didn't faze her, having a bath didn't faze her....
Name: Sugar
(FKA Sugarpie)
ID#: VA6355
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/31/09
Adopted: 06/27/09
Deceased: 11/29/12
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Joyce
Foster Notes for Sugarpie [VA6355] |
What an absolutely great gal ! Doesn't like dogs but other than that, she'll probably slot in just about anywhere ! I can't begin integrating her yet but she came from a home with 13 other cats so it shouldn't be an issue. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Sugarpie has really settled into the routine around here now. She's completely comfortable with the entire house and goes where ever she pleases and gets on anything she pleases. She's fond of throwing grapes around after pulling them from the bowl. She has many spots around the house where she'll sleep during the day. You never know where you might find her. That tells me she is quite content with this home. She get along well with the others which I'm not surprised by since she came from a 13 cat household. She has her kookie time in the morning that is allotted to all Siamese. It looks like cat Nascar around here sometimes! She's very attached to my 19 year old daughter but she's getting ready to go away to York College in a couple weeks so Sugar will have to do with me for a while.
That's about it for now. I'll update again in the near future.
I found it very difficult to make this note so it's the reason for my putting off.
I had Sugar put to sleep on 11/29/12 after an acute mega-colon episode. After a Sunday evening trip to the emergency vet, she stayed over night and was given enimas. Monday I took her to my vet and began giving her lactalose. By Wednesday still no defication, took her back to my vet where she was thru Friday. They were unable to get her to move her bowels after many enimas. As I did not think I could afford for them to operate I was forced to put her to sleep. The most difficult choice imaginable. I have certainly not gotten over it to this day. I loved her dearly and miss her just as much.
(Last update: Jun 27th, 2013 9am)
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Name: Nuri
ID#: VA9178
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/13/13
Adopted: 05/05/13
Congrats: Grace
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Well after a week of hiding under the cagebank I decided enough was enough; I came out and started singing my favorite song:
Woman I ain't foolin'
I'm gonna say it yeah
Go back to schoolin'
A-way down inside
Woman you need love
I'm gonna give ya my love
I'm gonna give ya my love, ohhhhh
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
I wanna whole lotta love
I wanna whole lotta love
So how about it? I'm ready, are you?
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Notes from Home
May 11, 2013:
Dear Diary,
It's been 6 days since I've been in this strange new place. At first, I was very intimidated by the whole experience; leaving my human family in North Carolina, being crated off to someplace called a 'Rescue Center', staying there just long enough to begin feeling adventuresome again, only to be crated off to some foriegn land called Pennsylvania. Immediately I was put in this nice little cave, with my belongings, and I was allowed to hide for a while. Then this human, called Kitty, strange name for a human, any way, Kitty comes to visit me often, and talks very soothingly, and give me lots of pets and hugs. She even does the slow blink! She can really make me purr! I love to rub all over her! Once in a while, the other human, Pete, comes in, and he pets me and talks to me too. He's been visiting more frequently now that I'm not hiding so much any more.
At first, the door to my room was always closed. But now there is a gate there that I can see to the other side of the house. I've been hearing these strange noises coming from the other side of the house. I don't know what it is, but it sure catches my attention. One day I'm going to have to explore that side of the house, but not yet. I'm still getting the lay of the land. But, I know, there's something else out there!
From the beginning, I knew something was different about this place. I could sense it, I could smell it, I could even feel it. I knew from the start, I was not the only animal in this house. WOW! Can you imagine my surprise when I woke up yesterday morning with a 75# male dog looking me in the eye? I could see right away, this one, Rags, wasn't a threat. He was all white in the face, and just stood there looking at me. I even surprised myself. I walked right up to him and we touched noses! He seems like a nice old guy. But wait, that's not the end of it. Another dog came in my room. This was the female, Patches. She seems alright, but I think she wants to eat my food!
Last night, Kitty wasn't feeling well, something is wrong with her tummy, anyway, she came down late at night, and layed down on the floor with me for most of the night. I stayed with her until she went to sleep. With her sleeping near me, I felt confident, so I walked right over to that gate, and kept watch on the other side, until Kitty got up and went back to bed. I went to bed after that, and got a good nights sleep. I'm finally getting my appetite back. Did I tell you, the water here is very good! I don't think I ever drank well water before, did I? It tastes different, so.. uh, fresh, yeah, it's fresh, refreshing, I like it!
We'll see if I can't act real cute to see if I can't get those silly humans to take some pictures for posting... Later...
May 14, 2013
I'm still getting used to my new home. Not really much news to report. I think I like it here! I'm a little skittish when I go in the other rooms. But I like my room! I have my own cat cave.
We had visitors from Texas and Minnesota this week. I even let some of them pet me. I was sooo cute! They wanted to take me home with them. But, Kitty wouldn't let them. I think she likes me! A lot! I'm pretty happy here!
My gosh! You know what I just saw? I told you there was something out there! It's huge! It talks! It's a, a what? Oh, right, it's an African Gray parrot! She whistled at me! But, I have to admit, she got my attention right away. I'm not sure what to think about this. It's too big to catch. Glad they have it in it's cage! Whew! Did you see my picture? Awkward! Later!
June 26, 2013:
Well, I've been having so much fun in my new home, I forgot to write! I love it here! I love my new owner. She makes time for me every morning and evening. I don't really know what to think of that darned noisy parrot, but I like the dogs. They seem to like me too! That guy that lives here got hurt recently. He broke some ribs, so he stays around a lot lately. He really likes me, too!
The other day I found some of my old toys. They must have been misplaced when I moved in here. Gosh was I ever happy to find them. I have a lot of toys to play with, but I do like my old toys! I play with them like I was a kitten.
Well, I'm going to go take my nap now. I've been playing so hard, it made me sleepy... Good night!
(Last update: Jun 26th, 2013 4pm)
Hi, I'm Carli!
Meowmy said she doesn't know what to call me, am I a tortie point, or a snowshow? It doesn't really matter I guess, 'cause she says I'm a cutie! So call me a cutie point, I don't care, just call me so I can find my forever home once I'm a little bigger!
Name: Carli
ID#: VA8702
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 08/05/12
Adopted: 09/08/12
Congrats: Shavonne
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Carli [VA8702] |
Just as cute as can be! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Carli! Carli! Carli! Need excitement? Get a Carli in your life!!! She has grown tremendously! We love her to death. Madison and Carli are still adjusting to one another's moods. They play all the time and sleep all the time as well. I have included some pics of Carli. I wish I could upload videos! Enjoy!
(Last update: Jun 25th, 2013 9pm)
No new pictures yet
Name: Andrew
ID#: VA9176
Location: New Hampshire
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 04/13/13
Adopted: 05/05/13
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Mary
Not with kids under 5
Not with Male Cats
My teeth have all been taken care of now....and I "donated" 8 of them!!! My mouth is a tad bit sore but it's not keeping me from breakfast or dinner!!!!
I'm really good with my diet too. Foster Mary was told my former owner (whom I have missed dearly) tended to treat me like a child and kinda overfed me. When she went to Rainbow Bridge my new person made sure I had a balanced diet and I did lose 5 pounds (see it can be done). Foster Mary is making sure I continue this downward spiral as the vet said I have about 4 more to go. See all the hard work has already been done!!!!
I love being brushed. Gotta have a daily brushing session. And yes I also talk - well complain actually but hey it's talking!!!!
Now that my mouth is feeling better I am feeling braver and starting to work up the nerve to venture out of my room. It's still kinda scary though. There is another boy kitty here and I'm not too sure about him. The girl kitties are fine - and this morning I almost headbutted the dog!!
So systems are all on go and I'm ready!!! I am a bit shy so would prefer a quieter lifestyle. Household chaos and busy little kids scare me. And yes I will be ghost kitty when you have company. I lived alone with my original person for a long time and change is just plain old scary. But once you brush me - I start purring and showing belly and I'm yours!!!!
But I can't be yours until you inquire about me.
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Notes from Home
As you can see from the new pictures that I have added, Andrew is settled and very happy in his new home. We are very much bonded, and when I'm home, we do everything together. If he sees me walking towards 'his chair', he races ahead of me to meet me there. That's where he gets brushed-his favorite thing to do. When we get up in the morning, we like to watch a few animal videos together. He gets right up to the screen, gently poking it. Then he gets energized, and tears around the house-for such a big boy, he can move!
He is so gentle and affectionate, if he wants my attention, he usually just walks up to me and gently taps me with his paw. He had me at 'Meow', but I love him more each day.
(Last update: Jun 25th, 2013 7pm)
Name: Yo Yo
ID#: VA9215
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/28/13
Adopted: 05/16/13
Congrats: Diana
Foster: Siri
A REAL Meezer!! You have to be ready for Siamesedom if you adopt me. I'm super snuggly, super talkative, super silly, and SuperCat!
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Dear Siamese Rescue, It is hard to imagine that a whole month has gone by since Yo Yo joined our family. He is such a wonderful addition - so affectionate, beautiful and well behaved ! It seems as if he has been here much longer and I feel that he is very much like my other two Siamese who I loved so much. He looks so much like Sushi, and sits on my lap a great deal of the time, as she used to do. It is almost like having her back again, and that makes me very happy indeed. I might add also that Yo Yo and my little dog Sweet Pea are very good friends - they sit on my sofa together, and lie on my bed together very happily. Yo Yo has also gotten much quieter - when he first came he ran around a lot and cried quite a bit, perhaps calling for his two friends from his previous household. Now he is far more relaxed and eats well. I think that he might have gained a little weight, which suits him well. I am so delighted with Yo Yo - he has become a dear companion and friend. Thank you so much for getting us together !!! Best wishes, Diana Clagett.
(Last update: Jun 25th, 2013 5pm)
My Eyes are so blue just like the Ocean so guess that was how I got my name. I am sweet and gentle and just a total love bug. Just ask Foster Mom and Dad. They had such a hard time getting a picture cause All I wanted to do was give kisses and heatbutt and purr away. I am tiny too only weigh 4 pounds. So a cute little princess. Thats me But better ask about me fast I know everyone will want me.
Name: Oceana
ID#: VA3314
Location: Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 04/16/05
Adopted: 04/29/05
Deceased: 08/18/19
Congrats: Alisa
Foster: ShirleyBo
Notes from Home
Thaddeus died on April 19th. He died from a tumor on his tongue. His life was full and loving. When he first came to us he was pretty much scared of everything. Over the years that we had him, he became less scared and very loving. He never scratched or bit anyone. His favorite place to be petted was on the bed. He learned to play and his favorite play toy was a jumping spider and he also liked to chase plastic Easter eggs.
(Last update: Jun 25th, 2013 1pm)
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Name: Tricksy
(FKA Alaia)
ID#: VA9258
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 05/18/13
Adopted: 06/21/13
Congrats: Dave
Foster: Rinn
Hi, guys! I just got here, and boy am I enjoying these fancy new digs with all the food I want, soft things to lay on and catnip toys to play with. Sure beats the stray life I came from! I'm just getting over having kittens. I took really good care of them, and now I'm ready for a little "me" time. I'm friendly, and I like to talk to you a little. I love to be petted. There are a couple things foster mom says we need to take care of. First, we need to get the vet to check me out. He needs to get rid of my kitten-making parts and then we need to make sure my tail is OK. I'm not telling foster mom what happened, but there's only a little bit of my tail left. But it doesn't bother me at all. I wiggle what's left. Oh, and check this out, in addition to me being a gorjuss blue tortie point (that means the dark color of the tortie is gray/blue), I'm also polydactyl! Yeah, extra toes! More pictures and video of me soon. Foster mom will find out what I think of dogs and other cats, too. Oh, and foster mom says to tell you my name means joyful and happy. I am!
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
6/24/13: Who would have known that we adopted an aspiring acrobat! Now that she has settled in and is feeling safe, she has taken to using our bed as a cat-a-pult to dash from one end of the house to the other at top speed. When she is taking a break, her favorite pastime is watching the tasty squirrels, chipmunks, and birds that are just inches outside the back sliding glass door - the ultimate kitty frustrator!
(Last update: Jun 24th, 2013 8pm)
Wow, another foster home? This is just beneath me. But I must say, this guest bedroom sure beats part time in a cage! Me and my bro Tevye are hanging out here now waiting and WAITING for you to click on us and ask about us! We are a ready-made family!
I'm a pretty lynx point girlie who is a little bit shy at first, but then when I find out you're sticking around and staying interested in me, I come out and then, like my brother, I'm all about lovin' too!
We discovered that I'm slightly hyperthyroid, so I have to take a half a pill once a day, and I'm really good about it. And the rest of me is all healthy! How's that for a 12-year-old?
Tevye and me really want to stay together since we've known each other since kittenhood. And they said we can go for just one adoption fee. So ASK!
Name: Hallie
ID#: VA9202
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 04/20/13
Adopted: 06/21/13
Deceased: 11/14/16
Congrats: Dave
Foster: Rinn
Foster Notes for Hallie [VA9202] |
What a sweet girl! Shy at first, but then she warms up easily. Loves to be petted. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
6/24/13: Hallie is SO beautiful! She is coming out from under the bed more and more and she and David (her new person) are developing *quite* the friendship! Dave and I can call to her and she won't come out. When David calls to her, though, she comes out all happy with her tail high. When he pets her, she starts kneading the carpet. So cute!
(Last update: Jun 24th, 2013 8pm)
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