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Mr Belvedere here - I don't do laundry, but I do make biscuits, 'make' the bed, and will be right by your side while you fold the sheets. I'm a laid-back lover boy looking for an in-house butler position - only adopters looking for an awesome cat need apply!

Kneads & biscuits,
Mr. B
Name: Grimalkin

(FKA Mr. Belvedere)

ID#: VA8544
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/18/12
Adopted: 06/10/12
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Grimalkin, Grim for short, formerly Mr. Belvedere (VA8544) is doing awesomely! He has been a purrfect gentleman and made friends with our Australian Shepherd in 20 minutes. It took a little longer with our other cat, Dido, but they have worked it out. Now they play together, sleep next to each other and even do a LITTLE bit of grooming for each other. He has charmed us all with lots of purring, head butts and kisses. He even holds fast to our hands if we try to pull away before he is done with his licking! He defers to Queen Dido at almost every turn and seems perfectly contend to do so. He likes to make rounds at night, sleeping for a portion of the night on each family members bed -- even the dogs! Thank you all so much for this wonderful new family member! WE are in LOVE!

26JUL2013: It is a little over a year later and Grim is still our big lover-boy. He is not at all shy and likes to be in the middle of whatever is going on. He has even decided that being held and sitting on laps is pretty nice (at least part of the time). We recently moved to Cincinnati and he was not phased in the least. In fact, his calm attitude really helped our other, more skittish kitty to settle in quickly. We have occasionally fostered kittens for a local rescue group and he has been a wonderful help with that, too! He loves everyone and especially loves to capture his toys and carry them around the house in his mouth, yowling his demands for praise at the same time. He is a treasure -- thank you, Siamese Rescue, for being our matchmaker!

(Last update: Jul 27th, 2013 12am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Ash
ID#: VA6363
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 06/03/09
Adopted: 07/19/09
Congrats: Theresa
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes

Cute: check
Cuddly: check
Pretty: check
Lovable: Check
Playful: check
Everything wanted in a kitten: check, check

Ask about me!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi Everyone at the Rescue Center!

I wanted....err-uhm, I mean Deja Blu wanted to send this to you earlier, but you know how it is...time gets the best of us. But, now we're finally able to sit down and send you a "Blu Update."

My daughter and I welcomed "Ash" into our home in July 2009. The Center didn't have an exact birthdate, but knew he was born around the end of March. We decided his birthday would be March 29, 2009. (my husband's birthday) So, on March 29th this year, "Ash", who is now named, "Deja Blu" celebrated his first birthday!

He received lots of presents: a 4 foot tunnel that lights up and he can dart in and out, a circle toy with a ball that turns around in an inside track...this one actually makes sounds everytime he bats it. At 3 in the morning, we hear this thing saying, "Here Kitty Kitty" and "Meow Meow Meow," and then it starts squeeking like a mouse.He also had a birthday cake with a candle that he stared at for 5 minutes until we had to blow it out (after singing "Happy Birthday," of course!) His humans had the cake, but Blu had Fancy Feast Seabass and Shrimp appetizer (his absolute favorite!)

Deja Blu is quite a character. He loves water! He loves to look at it, put his paws in it, and, of course, drinks it from the faucet. Bathtubs are his favorite play areas and if his humans are
having a bubble bath, you might as well say he's in heaven! His vet says he's a very healthy, BIG
boy. She said he's not fat, he's just all muscle and BIG! He's a healthy 14 and 1/2 pound meezer who loves playing chase and attack, jump and attack, and hide and attack. Did I mention he likes to attack his humans? This is play attack where he literally jumps 3 feet into the air, with his front arms wide open like he's going to hug you. But, instead, it's a Grab and a Push, like he's saying, "Ok, you're IT !!!" We still believe he is part Tiger!!!

i've attached some photos of the "Life of Deja Blu." If you could also forward this to his Foster Mom, we'd appreciate it. Thank you so much for having this organization and letting us be part of
your "family!"

P.S. "meow Meow MEow MeoW meoW meOW MEOw MEow"
That was DejaBlu saying he's a very happy cat and loves his Forever Home family very much and THANK YOU for bringing him to his new Meowmy!!!


JULY 24, 2013 ~
Meeeeowww to Everyone back at th Siamese Rescue Center. It's me: "Ash." Although my new Meomy changed my name to DejaBlu because I am a beautiful blue-point, I know you still refer to me as "Ash." I seem to remember when I was kitten, everyone calling my name "Ash , what are doing NOW?!?!" I am still a playful kitten at heart. I can't believe it's been FOUR years since I moved to my Forever Home. I love being here so much. And against popular belief, I am NOT spoiled. So, my Meomy buys me fresh shrimp. So, I get an occasional can of StarKist white albacore tuna. So, I have every conceivable cat toy known to humankind. So, I have several soft, fluffy beds I lay on and take long comfy naps. The fact of the matter is, I AM THE BOSS of this family and what I want, I get !!! OK, OK, hoinestly, I love my humans because I know they love me and am SOOOOOOOooo happy Siamese rescue brought us together. Whiskers and Paws (that's Love and Kisses in Meezer Talk) DejaBlu p.s. I added some updated photos of me.

DejaBlu, with a little help from his Meowmy, Terry and big "Swhisker", Trisha =^..^=


(Last update: Jul 25th, 2013 12pm)

Foster mom says I am like the Gingerbread man. Run run fast as I can you can't catch me.
It will probably be about a month before I can go home but when I do the fun will begin. I am a handsome male and love to be snuggled. Better click fast! Pumpkin
Name: Saki

(FKA Pumpkin)

ID#: VA7797
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/17/11
Adopted: 07/15/11
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
New Pictures posted -- Saki has turned from a beautiful kitten into an amazingly gorgeous cat. He's still sweet and loves to play when he's not on our screened in pool deck hunting lizards. He loves to play with them. Never eats them. But when we see it, we go running to try and save the lizard from being played with to death. Saki has a wonderful personality. He's a very special boy who's become a very important part of our family!
(Last update: Jul 24th, 2013 8pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Dexter
ID#: VA8580
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/04/12
Adopted: 07/24/12
Deceased: 05/16/15
Congrats: Mary
Foster: peter

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
If youre looking for a handsome, classic seal point boy, look no further!

Im now across the river at Casa Kuck, with Poppa Peter after my initial recuperation at the Italian B&B for Wayward Siamese where I gained weight, and my coat improved after having regular meals for a change. Great accommodations there and now here after living on the streets of Hartford for more than 6 months. Id found a group of 'feral' cats to join, until my rescuers arrived and got me into Siamese Rescue.

Foster Meown Trish thought I might like to meet some other meezers, as one of the meezerettes at her house doesnt like any foster furkid like me. Like many classic meezers, I have a nice 'voice' when I have something to say, Like wheres my dinner?, but I don't yowl. I have perfect manners in the litter box, and I do like most foods.

Ive got long legs, and did you notice my big blue eyes? I'll be glad to let you gaze at them! Just let me live with you! I'm anxious for a home of my very own. Will it be with you? Let Poppa Peter know and hell tell you more about me.

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Notes from Home
Its been just a month since I brought Dexter home to love and bond. He and I have been through a lot of positive changes together. And all for the best for both of us. He really is a lover and we are getting along just fine. He loves to follow me around and wants to know exactly where I am all the time.
He loves to play. I have a catnip mouse tied to the end of fishing line on a collapsible fishing pole and I go "cat fishing". When he is feeling playful I toss the mouse out and reel it back and he takes off after that mouse like it was real. His antics can be so funny at times I have to sit down and laugh. I swear he knows he is amusing me when he looks at me with those lovely blue eyes. I have come to realize that cats don't need to talk, they send messages that you understand.
Dexter is not a lap cat............yet! But he is getting closer now that he is more trusting. He is very affectionate in the mornings waking me up for scratches on the ears and neck. This is OUR time to be close.
Dexter has made me very happy and I think he is happy too !
Wow Its been 8 months since Dexter and I met ! After a scary beginning together Dexter has become a totally different cat. How he has changed for the better has amazed me. He suck a good and loyal friend. I never thought he would do it but he will sit in my lap for long periods of time. He is very independent but will jump up into my lap when asked. He still doesn't like to be held and does not like to be restrained.
I think cats having nine lives should be reversed to cat owners. Dexter took one of mine while I was in Florida this past winter. Some friends and I had gone out on the town only to come home and find the cat had opened the screen on a window and was gone. After nearly having a "heart Attack" the neighbors and my friends started a search for the boy. He was found 5 houses down the street sitting under a car. When a flashlight shined on him he started to run and thankfully headed in the direction of home. He ended up two houses down from ours hiding in a bush. I called him and he came to me. Prior to that, I was very frightened that I would never see him again. This was one time when he let me hold him and I carried him home. All the while he was purring like a kitten. He never tried that move again.
Dexter was a good traveler and wore his harness for the drive to and from Florida. Papa Peter(one of Dexter"s Fosters) have obtained a soft canvas small dog crate and Dexter spent his time sleeping in it while the car was moving. He sat in the drivers seat when I got gas or took a break.
Dexter still has a little separation anxiety and likes to keep tabs on where I am and will be there with me wherever I go.
His coat is luxurious and his blue eyes sparkle. He keeps meticulously clean and still loves to eat ! He wakes me up for breakfast lurking around my head and a light meow at 7 am. This is his favorite time of the day.
I am very happy with my "baby" and love him very much. I know the feeling is reciprocal. He is the best !
7/23/13 It has been a year that Dexter and I have been together. It has taken the boy that long to gain trust in humans and with me to share his love. Over the course of the year Dexter has gotten closer and more trusting with daily achievements to the point where I can hold him for a short period of time and he will jump up and sit in my lap for longer periods of time. He is so smart it amazes me how intelligent a cat can be.
He knows how to turn doorknobs with his paws but thankfully not enough to open the door. If I am behind a door that is not latched he will push it open if on the other side of the door he knows how to catch a claw on the wood and open it.
He still loves to eat and breakfast is his favorite time. Its the time I use to give him long hugs just before I put his food down. Dexter is not a very verbal cat but he is talking a lot more of recent. I didn't think he had a voice for a long time. He greets me at the door or open window with some loud meows and I think he is saying where ya been ? how long do you think you can stay away from me?. He does stay close by when I am home.. He loves to play. He will roll a ball across the floor and will do so when he wants to play. He knows that when I ask him to go get the ball he knows where to find it so we can have a game.
Dexter has not had any health problems at all since his initial episode of asthma when I first got him. This is the season when asthma can kick in but he seems to be fine so far. I have taken him to the Vet for his yearly and when necessary to clip his nails and the Vet said he looked great. His coat is soft and shiny and his blue eyes sparkle. Dr Hayden and I are both puzzled and pleased that Dexter has not had any more attacks. My nursing assessment tells me that Dexter was so stressed with happenings in his life before I got him that he had a stress induced asthma attack. Now that he is loved and secure, fed good food and is in a calm and safe environment that his immune system is healthy enough to ward off any illnesses. I am very watchful of his breathing patterns and any increased sneezing etc.
I went on a 2 day vacation recently. This was the first time I had been gone overnight. I left Dexter home with a friend coming twice a day to feed him and visit for a short time. He did ok in my absence. I got more stressed about it than he did.
Getting Dexter was the best thing I could have done after the loss of my Meika, my buddy of 20 years.
I would never be without a furry friend. I resist the temptation of getting another cat when I look at the beautiful cats available on the website. For now I will keep loving my best friend Dexter and enjoying his love and comfort.

(Last update: Jul 24th, 2013 1pm)

Just arrived but Meowmy said she's gonna find me a forever home ! I'm a loving, inquisitive little girl who isn't afraid of the doggie here, use my litter box all the time, and love to eat and play. I do need a playmate to go home to, though, so maybe you'll find me a boy kitten to live with?

Name: Suki

(FKA Annie nka Suki)

ID#: VA7153
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 07/22/10
Adopted: 08/07/10
Deceased: 02/29/12
Congrats: Tammy
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Suki started out a little slow. We had to put her on antibiotics, but is doing very well now!!!!! Her big brother Sake really took to her when we brought her home. He thought he was the boss of the house, but Suki made her presence known very quickly.
Both of them love to run all over the house, sleep together, and clean each other. Sake is a great big brother to Suki. They get along very well. I think they would be lost without each other now!!!!
Suki has been a great addition to our family. They both bring a lot of joy to us.

I'm sorry to say Suki passed away. We have missed her terribly and know that she has been a loss to our family. Sake really misses her.

(Last update: Jul 24th, 2013 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Serefina

(FKA Sprintz)

ID#: VA9311
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/09/13
Adopted: 06/29/13
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

Hi there! I'm Sprintz, and that's my original name. I will talk to you nonstop if you call me by my name. I'm a super snuggly, affectionate girl. I want to be right where you so that I can head-bump you and tell you all about my day. I've got a couple shelter sniffles, but I'm going to be a-okay and ready to go home real soon! I don't mind other kitties and am curious about what they're doing on the other side of my door. Fostermom thinks that I should fit in just about anywhere, so go ahead and ask about me!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It has been not quite a month since Sprintz has arrived. She was very shy at first, but has adjusted suprisingly well. After she began to make her presence known...she was very inquisitive, playful yet gentle with a sweet 'meow', I decided to rename her "Serafina". She was very apprehensive about meeting Thai, my lilac point male siamese, as he was with her. Watching them become familiar with each other was (and still is) quite a show. They have been playing and running after each other but they are still 'checking each other out'. She also is a wonderful match for Thai since he is quite shy..they seem to 'take turns' initiating play. She spent the first week or two sleeping under the bed or in a closet...she now sleeps at the foot of the bed (unless Thai gets there first) or in her cat bed..she is brave enough now to jump up on my lap. Serafina has been a delightful addition to my home.

She appears to be eating well, no litter box issues

(Last update: Jul 23rd, 2013 11pm)

Ooooooh you're crazy!!!! If you like dark handsome svelte sensitive and affectionate men, then let me purr sweet somethings into your ear! I am just a wonderful young man, and if you don't hurry, I'm going to be snapped up right under your nose, which, if you had been fast, would have been the nose I would have been kissing!
Name:   Pongo
ID#: VA5756
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/28/08
Adopted: 07/20/08
Congrats: Beth
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Pongo is the perfect cat in every way! He is the official house guard and protects everyone in it.
Always quietly comes over to give your leg a bump and say hello. He loves to get scrunches on his head and loves to still play with his favorite toy a mouse. He is a good friend to his sister, Wendy Lou.
There couldn't be a better meezer, we are so glad we adopted him.
He is now getting ready to be a best friend to his newest sister Danni!

(Last update: Jul 22nd, 2013 4pm)

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Name:  Taffy

(FKA Angel Rose)

ID#: VA7788
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 06/11/11
Adopted: 07/16/11
Congrats: Kerry
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I'm Angel Rose and meowmy has helped me relax here in my foster home. So far I've let her know how cooperative I can be. I didn't complain during my bath or claw trim, I rode quiet in the car for a vet check, and I give her a nice meow greeting when she comes to see me. I like all the other kitties here but not the dog.

I have a good appetite, like to play, love to be petted, and like all well brought up ladies have excellent personal habits, especially when it comes to my litter box.

I am so ready for my forever home now. Won't you consider a nice girl like me?


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Notes from Home
7/21/11 Update

Angel has been in her “forever home” for almost a week now, and she’s settling in very nicely. We have given her a new name, Taffy, but we also plan to continue to call her Angel as a nickname that reflects our affection for her. For now, we’re mostly using both names at the same time, calling her “Taffy Angel,” until she is used to her new name.

Taffy Angel was calm during her ride home. She spent a lot of the ride sleeping and didn’t talk very much. Since getting home, she has been really enjoying the wide window sills in our home, sitting for long periods watching birds and the city traffic below. She also seems to like watching for any movement that is visible in the windows of nearby buildings. When she’s not watching birds, traffic, or peeping in other people’s windows, she loves, loves, loves to play. It’s been a joy thinking of new games to play with her.
8/2/11 Update

Taffy has been home two weeks now, and she's doing great. She's high energy and plays with all sorts of toys (especially the ones her foster meowmy sent home). We have discovered her favorite toy is a feather teaser. When no person is available to play with her, she even enjoys playing with the teaser by herself, and she drags it from room to room with her. She's a lot of fun. :)
9/24/11 Update

Taffy is doing well, and she likes to "help" with everything we do. :) We're uploading new pictures......


It seems like Taffy has been in our lives for longer than two years, but we actually just passed the two year mark last week. She's still doing well and continues to amuse everyone she meets. Taffy also continues to be active and curious. We are currently living in a large apartment building, and she has been quite interested about what is happening in a hallway outside the apartment. Apartment management allows pets on leashes in the halls, so I got Taffy a harnass and leash. It took a little practice, but she now seems to enjoy walking in the hallway and meeting the neighbors. Since she's an indoor only cat, I would not want to take her outside because I suppose it's possible that she could get loose, but she's safe walking indoors and seems happy doing so. Now most evenings she jumps at the door after dinner to let me know that she wants to go for a walk.

Thanks again to everyone who had a hand in getting Taffy safely into rescue and in caring for her until she could become mine. She's a real joy.

(Last update: Jul 21st, 2013 3pm)

Looking for a night snuggler, lap cuddler with plush, soft fur like a teddy bear? If you want a loving companion who responds to your loving hands I'm your guy!

I love people, and get along with other cats, as long as there are no bullies. But I am such a lover, that you really only need one! I'm not keen on dogs or small kids, so let's avoid those

I love a lot of attention, and am happiest when I'm in the lap of my favorite person. Sometimes I have to insert myself front and central, as I enjoy bonding with my special person when she is on the computer, rubbing my face on her hands and drooling sometimes! I know it's hard to type on the keys when I do that, but I can't help it, I just love you!

If you're looking for a devoted companion who will jump on your lap and sleep with you, ask about me. I'd love to check out your lap!

Name: Taco

(FKA Cadbury)

ID#: VA8454
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/01/12
Adopted: 07/09/12
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Sandra

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Hi everyone! I've been meaning to send an update, but somehow I never quite get to it. Beth's 6 month adoption email sprurred me on.

Taco has settled in, but it did take him several months to feel comfortable. He's definitely a one person cat, though. He follows me around the house and would be very happy if it were just the two of us all the time. He is not fond of strangers, particularly men and usually hides if anyone comes to visit. Sadly, he is still very skttish around Jim. Sometimes he'll stay still and let Jim pet him, but more often than not, he runs away before Jim can even get near him. He spends some part of the night laying next to or on top of me, but jumps off if Jim moves.

Taco is very affectionate with me and usually comes whenever I call him. He doesn't like to be held, but loves to be brushed and LOVES chin scratches. Taco really enjoys spending time outside on the lanai watching the lizards and squirrels.

Taco has perfect litterbox habits. I've continued with the Blue crushed walnut shells and we both seem to like it. He is still a very picky eater. It's almost like he's doing you a favor by eating. I've tried just about every canned food on the market but found that he'll only eat Whiskas (especially Filet Mignon!) or Meow Mix, all mixed with some water. I feed him a half can twice a day, but he rarely finishes it all.
He also gets 1/4 cup of dry food which he picks at throughout the day. He's not much of a water drinker either. In spite of all this, he stays in good weight, his coat is good and doesn't shed much, and he rarely has hairballs.

Taco is now an important member of our family and is much loved, quirks and all! Thanks, again, to all the volunteers who brought him to us!!!!


Taco has now been with us for just over one year. Not much has changed since my 6 month update. Taco remains devoted to me and seems to tolerate my husband slightly better. He loves to spend time on our lanai chasing lizards and watching the birds and squirrels. He spends his down time sleeping in a number of different places, but has lately taken a fondness to sleeping in our bathtub.Go figure! When he wants to play, he stands over his toy basket until I take something out. He's particularly fond of his skittle mice that he chases and carries around by the tail. There are 7 or 8 of them that are somewhere in the house, but only Taco knows where!

Just had our annual "checkup". We think Taco may have allergies as he's been sneezing and scratching for awhile. See the vet again next week and will probably get an antihistamine shot. Ouch!!!

Hope all my friends at Siamese Rescue are having a great summer!!

(Last update: Jul 19th, 2013 8pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Vanilla

(FKA Daisy Mae)

ID#: VA7721
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 05/14/11
Adopted: 07/01/11
Deceased: 11/01/18
Congrats: Jane
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Where have all the flowers gone,
Long time passing
Where have all the flowers gone,
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone,

I am right here, you silly people! I am a true Daisy except for one thing - you'll never say you Love me Not! I am lap sitting, affectionate, friendly and purring, with the softest, silkiest Balinese coat there is (no shedding!). I am oh so eager for attention, I come running when you walk in the door, follow you around, chirp at you, and I never wilt. Every once in awhile I get so excited I give a little nip because I'm just so very happy to have you! But mostly I purr, chirp, lapsit, snuggle, and am in every way your shadow!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Daisy Mae is doing very well, she is just as beautiful and sweet as when I first met her. She is the perfect
hostess to all the guests to our home. She had her Vet visit last week and they declared her to be very
healthy and a good weight.
Truly this was a perfect match up, Siri is very intuitive in her decisions on what cat goes with what family.

There is just not enough room to tell you how much we love our Daisy. Yes, we felt that she was more a
'Daisy' than a Vanilla. She loves us so much and we enjoy her so much. Everybody that comes for a visit
has enjoyed the welcome by our sweet little cat. In fact, some folks just come for a visit with Daisy because
she seems to steal their hearts.

She always uses the scratching board or the scratching post, we have only had to correct her a couple times
and she was very sorry she had chosen the wrong item, her eyes seemed to be so sad! She always makes it
to the litter box and is so neat and tidy, no litter is strewn anywhere. She licks her plate clean when we feed
her and sometimes we almost forget that she has already been fed and think it needs doing again, but we
have set times and stick with them, Daisy will remind us if we forget.

She is very, very smart and one morning my husband's alarm did not wake him at the 5:00 a.m. time, and at
5:10 Daisy leapt upon my husbands tummy and woke him up. She has not done that before or after!

Daisy gets into the closets faster than I can blink my eyes and I have accidentally shut her in a closet several
times. She does not cry to be let out and after a few hours I will wonder where she is, as she is usually always in the same room I am. I will call to her and call, and finally I will hear her little ick, ick, ick, and locate her in a closet.

One thing I am wondering about it that we only feed her one small 'Fancy Feast' can a day, along with 1/8th cup of
dry before grain cat food, and she is so chubby! I wonder if she is supposed to be this big, because I can't see cutting back on such a small amount of food for her. We have contemplated going back to the Vet to see if this is too chubby and putting her on some sort of diet, but the Vet thought 10 pounds was ok. I am enclosing a couple of pictures so you can see our chubby monkey!
We have not regretted rescuing Daisy, she has been the best cat for us and we have all bonded.

Happy New Year!
Jane B
Daisy Mae just had her visit to the Vet and she checked out fine. She
weighs nine pounds now. I only feed her twice a day with the wet food, and
she has the dry food whenever she wants.

I introduced her to neighbors and family and she loves everybody, and
everybody loves her. She sure has made herself at home, and is comfortable
in any room that we are in! She has the most delightful nature and loves to
lap sit.

It is hard to believe that any family would have let a sweet natured cat
like Daisy go! She is a love and fits so well into our house. My husband
loves her and at night will call for her to come to the bedroom if she isn't
already there. She has found a great friend in him, so no worries there.

Thanks for giving her such great care, she is continuing to bloom with
health and I will keep you informed of any changes. I told the aides at the Vet all about how Siamese rescue works and they kept the flyer for reference for others. They were so impressed with how this rescue/adoption was handled.

8/19/11I have a current picture of Daisy/Vanilla. I will enclose it with this e-mail.
She is starting to play a lot more now that she has been here for almost two months.
She loves kids, although my three year old grandson was too much and she hid.
She loves older folks too, as my 80 year old Mother In Law visited and she attached herself
to the cousin that came along.

Mostly I am impressed with how she didn't play for weeks and rarely seemed to sleep, but
now she plays and sleeps like a normal adjusted cat.

(Last update: Jul 19th, 2013 6pm)

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