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Greeting from Hotel del Shue - nope I'm not a snowshoe, but I'm a VERY fine Meezer - a handsome seal point boy who just arrived here with my brother, Bentley. We are a bonded pair and truly need each other, so we'll have to go home together. Our previous owners had us both since we were kittens, but they were no longer able to take care of us. They left us at the shelter with a wonderful note asking them to help find us a way to get into a new loving home. And, the shelter staff did a great job of getting us into rescue. Now, we are all settled in and safe. It didn't take us long at all to adjust to a new setting. I am the bigger of the two and am a little darker than my brother. We are both front declawed, very sweet, loving and just marvelous Meezers. So, if you'd like two marvelous meezers, remember Bailey and Bentley. Purrs and headbutts.
Name:   Bailey
ID#: VA6483
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/20/09
Adopted: 08/08/09
Congrats: Ian
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Bailey is our baby - this cat loves his food and loves his naps. He has darkened up considerably since adoptioin to the point that he looks more of a chocolate than a seal point.. Fur is so soft and that is always the topic at the vets, they just can't get over how soft he is. We had a rough spell last christmas (2011) almost lost him - but he had a clean bill of health a week later and has been healthy ever since. He loves to cuddle up on the couch during a movie and at night he isn't afraid to crawl under the covers and sleep right nextyou all night long. we are happy to have adopted both him and his brother bentley to their furrever home!
(Last update: Aug 8th, 2013 6pm)

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Name:   Bentley
ID#: VA6482
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/20/09
Adopted: 08/08/09
Congrats: Ian
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

Hellow there - it's the "other" marvelous Meezer - Bentley. Yes, Bailey and I are brothers from the same litter. We grew up together and have always lived together and been indoor cats. We lived a good life until our family could no longer care for us. They really didin't want to give us up, butg found that they had to. They very much wanteed us to find a happy new Meezer loving home, so the shelter director got us into rescue. She was very nice to us and helped us out until Siamese Rescue had a spot for us. We are laid back, easy going boys who settled right into our new room. I am the smaller, lighter and most loving of the two of us. I'll do flips and roll head over heals to get some loving from you. I LOVE my lovings and don't want to stop. Yes, Bailey and I are lover boys and really need to go home together. We wahs each other and are always together. SO, if you'd like double seal Meezer love, just ask about us. Love, headbutts and big purrs, Bentley

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Notes from Home
Bently has taken on the role of king in our house, he is always right in the middle of all the action, loves sitting your lap and loves his lovings still to this day, nothing has changed in that department. He has gotten a little lighter in color and a little slimmer in body but the vet always gives him a clean bill of health though he hates having his teeth cleaned - go figure. We are so happy to have adopted him and our 1 year old son absolutely loves him!
(Last update: Aug 8th, 2013 5pm)

Diva in training.. full of sass and spunk...
Name: Bell

(FKA Idalia)

ID#: VA9274
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/22/13
Adopted: 07/06/13
Congrats: Lori
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
Idalia (Bell) has gotten home. Morgan did a meet and greet. No hissing from either cat, Bell wants to explore already, Morgan want to play. I think they will do fine together.

7/7/13 Bell is settling in quite well. She is eating, using her box, and putting Captain Morgan in his place. She will be a Diva that will be able to stand up for herself, against her brother. Tonight she was eating canned cat food out of Morgan's bowl, and Morgan was trying to give her a bath, she was growling at him. I thought it was the other way around. Earlier Morgan used her cat box, that I had set up in the crate in Abbey's room. I still isolate Bell when no one is home, until I am sure that Morgan and her are getting along.

So far they are doing great. Bell teases Morgan, and Morgan chases Bell. Comics to no end.

8/5 Captain Morgan has become the good big brother. Bell has become the typical little sister, never leaving him alone and never very far away. They are getting along superb.

(Last update: Aug 5th, 2013 3pm)

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Name:   Heidi
ID#: VA9251
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 05/15/13
Adopted: 06/22/13
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Ok, I know.... I'm a XXX size gal but that just means there's more of me to love !! And the size of my heart matches the size of my body ! Are you looking for an affectionate and loving companion who loves being close to their person ? Then you don't have to look any further.

I just arrived at what I thought was going to be a nice comfy B&B but instead I think it's actually a weight-loss clinic cause I've heard the nasty words "diet" and "exercise" mentioned several times and the first thing they did was put me on the scale !!

Stay tuned for more information as I tell Foster Meowm more about myself. One thing I have told her is that I love, love, love belly rubs !!

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Notes from Home
7/7/13 - Heidi is doing extremely well. Her bottom is clearing up with twice- daily medication for the next two weeks and she is fully integrated in her new furever home. She now weighs 14.40 lbs. and is working on her weight with daily play and Hills Metabolic plus a litte wet food daily. One day she should be able to clean herself properly and not over-wash the surrounding area in obsessively. Resident neutered male Butterbean has adjusted well to having an adopted sister. The last two weeks have taken a lot of initial supervision and work, but it is all turing out exactly as I had hoped.

8/5/13 - Heidi and original resident neutered male Butterbean are really cute together. She has taught him not to be afraid of the outdoor 2nd story deck and now he can enjoy the sun with her on nice days when I am home. He would never go outside before, even with me. They often "kiss" and chase each other up and down the carpeted basement steps and thru the hallways taking turns being "it" and sounding like a herd of ponies. Butterbean still sometimes can't stand for her to get any attention from me and butts his way into any petting she is getting, but as soon as he is preoccupied, she is in my lap for strokes and purrs. She is able to keep her bottom very clean but I continue to check her from time to time. She likes to wash Butterbean's face and he lets her, but never returns the favor. I think he is in love with her because when she has been out of sight and then suddenly appears, he makes a little chirping trill that he used to give only to me (and he is a momma's boy). Okay, I'm a little jealous, but I sure am glad they have each other!

(Last update: Aug 5th, 2013 2pm)

Ditto, what he said...............=^..^=

Name: Max

(FKA Xerox)

ID#: VA9273
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/22/13
Adopted: 06/23/13
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Sam and Max are doing well. They like doing everything together. Including playing, sleeping, fighting, cleaning each other and even on occasion, using the same litter box at the same time.
They are our little helpers; no matter what we do they are there with us. They love to be held and cuddled and they both purr like crazy.
We feel very lucky to have adopted such wonderful little kittens.

(Last update: Aug 3rd, 2013 11pm)

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Name: Penny

(FKA Penny)

ID#: VA8640
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 07/07/12
Adopted: 01/29/13
Congrats: Jessie
Foster: Bonnie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Paws crossed, whiskers crossed, I think I'm going to be a study mate for a grad student. I'm so excited, she promised to play with me and not adopt any other cats. I am going to be her only paw friend. Soon, soon, soon. TODAY!!!!

The people here are all reflecting on the past year. All I know about reflections is the one I see on the bathroom mirror. Mom says it is me, am I really that pretty? Everybody said I was rough and uncontrollable, that girl is beautiful and smooth, and really me.

I have had a year of learning. Actually, it has been almost two years. In April 2011, my foster Mom brought me home from the shelter and starting teaching me about living in a home, I had been a stray. We had a few bumps along the way, but those are in the past.

A family with very young children adopted me. Oops, we learned I don't like people grabbing at me and trying to hold me. It was all too confusing, so back to Momma Jeanne's foster home.

There are lots of foster cats at Momma Jeanne's. I really didn't like being around them, but some of the quiet boys were ok. I guess I was on my own too long to risk making friends.

After a long car ride, I tried living with a lady who wanted to civilize me and help me to be a quiet, well behaved, little lady. Oops, I'm not ready to sit and watch birds all day, I've gotta play, and run, and burst with fun. I'll sleep while you're away, but when you come home, I've gotta play!

A short ride to Farley's Farm and I met more animals than I knew existed. But, there is a girl cat here. I sat and sulked for a very long time. My new mommy would have none of it. She let me feel sorry for a couple of days and then boot camp started.

I have learned to channel my aggression into play time. I play hard and long with those wand toys. I can hear them even if I am 3 floors away. It took me 4 months to stop hissing and fussing about my foster sister. Yes, it is her house. I think I want a brother.

Now, I even let Foster Pop carry me around. Still no hugging on me, put I can sing to you all day long. If you will let me, I'll sleep on the bed, down near your feet, out of the way.

So, I am civilized, but not dull. I love to play and might want a boy friend to watch after me. It will take me time to decide if I can trust you, but when I do, I hope you'll be my friend for life.

Can we talk?

Penny Foo Foo
From down on the farm
And headed for university life

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Notes from Home
Penny has settled in completely and rules as the queen of the house. She's happy during the day taking all the naps while I and my boyfriend are at school, and likes to play during the evenings (unless there are more naps to be had). Her favorite thing is to lay directly on top of my chest all night, kneading me with her little paws and purring. There have been nights when I can't roll over at all and she's still there when I wake up!

Every once in a while she shows a bit of aggression, though she has calmed down tremendously since I first adopted her. Most of these events are simply her way of telling me she is *done* being petted, and ready for some space. Anytime something happens, I make sure to gently show her my dominance. We quickly make up. :)

Overall, Penny's a sweetheart! I even bought a leash and harness for her (fully expecting her to HATE it) but she immediately took to it, as if she didn't even notice. She LOVES going outside, and would go every day if I could take her (I use it for special occasions and good behavior). She's doing great and seems to love it here!


Miss Penny settled in within minutes of arriving home, and since then, it's as if she has always lived here! We spend time in the mornings and evenings playing with her favorite wand/feather toy, and when I'm not at school, she likes to follow me around and help out around the house (this includes peeking into the shower to see what the heck I'm doing in there!). Penny's been an absolute dream so far, and such a cute face to wake up to!!

(Last update: Aug 2nd, 2013 5pm)

Hello world ! Leo here, pleased to meet you. Life is pretty good, isnt it ?
Got a little bit of the sniffles, and need to get educated ( like I am not already pretty smart ) and then I will be ready to go home ! So get to that button and ask about me now !
Name: Leomaris

(FKA Leonidas)

ID#: VA9287
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 06/01/13
Adopted: 06/22/13
Congrats: Betsy
Foster: Heida

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Leo made it home in Paul's lap and settled down enough to purr part of the way. He played , chatted and used his litter box. His intro to his new seal sister was a bit hissy through the glass door but Leo didn't seem to mind.

Leo continues to settle in. He's got a great appetite and enjoys his wet food. He loves to play. He trills and chats. He has jumped up on my lap. He purrs frequently. The last two days I've fed the cats on either side of the door. All has been calm. I've swapped pee balls between litter boxes. I'm going to take Heida's suggestion and swap rooms on Saturday, with the idea that I would do a limited introduction on Sunday, taking Peggy's idea of focusing my attentions on CC vs. Leo.

Leo had his vet check yesterday. The vet thought he was handsome and healthy and at a good weight.

It's been a month of Leo. He's eating everyone's food so my only fear is that he'll be packing on too many lbs. He and sister Kally have totally bonded. CC and he are co existing. I sense they each want to play at times with one another so I'm crossing fingers that they get a bit closer.

(Last update: Aug 1st, 2013 12am)

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Name: Kally

(FKA Kalliope)

ID#: VA9305
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/08/13
Adopted: 07/13/13
Congrats: Betsy
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

Can you say SPUNKY? That's me!!!!!

Outgoing, confident, vocal, beautiful, purrfect in every way!
My name means beautiful voice and I talk and talk and talk and talk!. How about you and I get together for a conversation or two or three?

PS - My new home needs to be inside my transport area.

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Notes from Home
Two weeks home and Kally is 3 lbs 9 oz. My vet thought she was adorable. Leo and Kally have bonded nicely as you'll see from the uploaded pictures.
(Last update: Aug 1st, 2013 12am)

I'm gentle and easy on the eyes! I've got that male model look. Just check out my ear tufts!
I've got some eating and growing to do, but I'll be ready soon.

I am a lover and love to give kisses and headbutts!
Name: Luke

(FKA Saffron)

ID#: VA9327
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 06/15/13
Adopted: 07/15/13
Congrats: Doreen
Foster: Mama Rosa

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
On the 20 mile trip home Luke never made a sound, we checked to see if he was still in the carrier. Venus didn’t see him come into the house, but she knew he was there. Monday she stopped talking and went on a hunger strike then threw-up foam most of the day. Tuesday she snuck into my office and saw him, she growled, she hissed and she left. Tuesday night her hunger strike was over and she was talking again. Wednesday and Thursday he ate he played and he cuddled with anyone who went into his room. Friday evening Venus went in for another look at the little invader. This time there was no sneaking or growling or hissing and she kept her tail up. She watched him for a few minutes and went on with her normal ritual, talk, eat and go to bed. Saturday he made his first trip to the vet, on this trip he talked all the way there and all the way back. He weighed in at 4 lbs. and 6 ozs. After his ordeal with the vet we gave him free range of our bedroom, he really enjoyed this and to show how happy he was, he left a puddle in the center of the bed slightly smaller than Lake Superior, so now he has a new litter box of his own in the back of the house too. During the scramble to get everything into the washer, Luke and Venus met face to face for the first time in the hall between bedrooms, she growled, she hissed and she left. Sunday he got to run free in the front of the house where the cat tree and scratch posts and toys are, he played for about two hours, he ate and he cuddled then he and Venus sniffed noses and he went to sleep. Venus is still not sure about this little invader, but shows no threatening aggressiveness toward him and he just wants to play with everyone and everything.

By the end of his second week, this cute little mostly white furry ball of energy has three nicknames. “White lightning”, because he runs through the house at the speed of light, “the white tornado” because after he plays with all of his toys he chases his tail then takes a nap, and “the great white hunter” since he and Venus now hunt lizards together.
Luke and Venus now eat their own food out of their own bowls less than a foot apart they sleep on the couch together and they lay at the front door and watch the lizards on the front walk.

Since his Lake Superior incident there have been no accidents, he eats well and plays hard, he purrs hard and loves to cuddle. Venus isn’t totally sold on the idea of sharing our bed with Luke, but we’re sure this will change with time.

(Last update: Jul 30th, 2013 10pm)

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Name:   Danni
ID#: VA9346
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 06/22/13
Adopted: 07/14/13
Congrats: Beth
Foster: Heida

I have an opinion on everything and like sharing it ! Snuggly, affectionate and in need of a playmate !

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Notes from Home
Danni has been with us for about a week so far. She is a normal kitten running and playing and then having a nap time. She loves her balls the best especially the mouse ball and the one that makes noise when it rolls! Look for more updates soon!!

It has been two weeks and Danni has quickly fit in with Pongo and Wendy. They are following her all over to make sure that she is fine. Especially Pongo as is his personality to make sure everyone and everything is ok. I will post new photo's of them getting along. Danni has found all of their favorite spots and is now occupying them!

(Last update: Jul 29th, 2013 4pm)

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