Previously Adopted Siamese
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I'm marked as an only cat because I'm afraid of the other cats. If you had a cat who guaranteed would totally ignore me, I'd be okay.
I'm a love of a cat. Cute as a button for a full figured gal, with a silly personality to match. I love my people once I feel secure. I'd love to try you out - would you try me out? No commitments, just a few first dates? How about it?
If we like each other, we'll ride off into the sunset together. Or sit and eat bonbons, whatever you prefer. If not, well then we'll part ways, and look for someone else!
Name: Kiki
ID#: VA8900
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/04/12
Adopted: 08/03/13
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Kiki [VA8900] |
Soulmate kitty looking for home with good kibbles, friendly people, and a furry mouse or two. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Must be Only Cat
Notes from Home
Kiki has discovered many things to like at her new home, but the backporch and bay window from which she surveys her new queendom are favorite spots. She runs initially when confronted by strange noises but recovers in seconds. My grandson likes giving her treats, not too many as she's on a diet and new exercise program that should help her stay more fit.
Kiki's Indian name is "Waddles Down Hall" but over the last month she has started to run down the hall, especially in the morning when she wants food. The "f" sound is a good one for her--fud, feed, etc. She lives in a world of good things but each morning is like the movie "Fifty First Dates" as her short- term memory seems to disappear overnight. Everyday, we begin with her feeding, then it's out on the porch for wildlife watching and daily grooming. If she doesn't want to go on the porch,just wait and pretty soon she's pawing at the door to join her people. By evening a few treats will entice her to join in a little tv watching and petting. She'll sleep at the foot of the bed.
Weight loss hasn't happened, but she does like to move more (running, playing with toys on her own). Her groomed coat is less dry (fish oil drops in her food) and more silky to the touch. Her eyes are tearing less as well.
Kiki has proven to give her adopters many occasions to smile (or roll on the floor laughing), and we are very happy to have her in our lives.
8/16 Major milestone today when Kiki decided to put paw on lap and climb aboard! Mom held her breath. She didn't stay long but it was such a big step.
(Last update: Aug 18th, 2013 9am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Xena
(FKA Raveena)
ID#: VA7849
Location: North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/08/11
Adopted: 08/25/11
Congrats: Ruth
Foster: Kathy
Foster Notes for Raveena [VA7849] |
Quiet, gentle soul. |
Foster Notes
So whatcha waiting for??? I'm waiting patiently here for you. If you are looking for a biscuit making seal point sweetie I'm your girl and you should ask Foster Mom about me. She's says they don't come any sweeter, any more gentle or more loving or cuddlier than me. chirp, chirp, chirp, meow!
Please ask about me? Please?
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
August 29, 2011:
We were originally scheduled to pick up Xena in Morehead City on Sunday, August 28, when we left Emerald Isle after at week's beach vacation. But "the best laid plans of mice and men...." A little thing called Hurricane Irene changed our plans. There was a mandatory evacuation of Emerald Isle on Thursday, August 25, so we picked up Xena about 5:00 pm that day and then drove back to Charlotte, arriving home around 11:15 pm. Xena did very well on the trip. She miaoued now and then, especially when the car would stop and then start up again. My sister said she was saying "Are we there yet?" Once we reached our house and were able to let her out of her carrier, she settled in as if she had always lived here--used the litter box, drank from the water dish and had a midnight snack from the food dish. She has been enjoying exploring the house, playing with her toys (she seems to prefer the toys that had belonged to my late kitty, Zoe, to those that came with her from Morehead City), going out on our screened-in porch to look at the great outdoors, lying in my lap while I read or watch tv, and most especially, sitting on the table in our kitchen, looking out the window at the birds at our bird feeder. This morning we had a little Oopsie! when Xena heard the birds chirping and decided she needed to get to the window while my mother and I were eating breakfast. Up she hopped onto the table and over went my glass of orange juice! I've had geriatric cats for about the last six years as my two late kitties (Mia and Zoe) went through their senior years, so I'd almost forgotten what it's like to have an active young cat in the house. Lots of fun, but a lot more "Oopsies." My mother (age 98) and I are having fun watching Xena's antics! This is my first day back at work after bringing Xena home, so I'm wondering how my mother and Xena are getting along without me. More reports later!
August 30, 2011
Well, my mother and Xena did just fine without me. My mother said that Xena wanted to be in the same room with her all day. While my mother was in the kitchen, Xena spent most of her time sitting on the table, watching the birds come and go from the feeder. Fortunately, no "Oopies" this time. Xena greeted me with several little chirps when I got home from work. She lay in my lap for about 1/2 hour that evening. Then I think she got too hot, because she moved from my chair over to the love seat and went to sleep there. She has already learned that she gets a little "midnight snack" when I'm ready to go to bed. As soon as I got up from my chair, she jumped down from the love seat and went dashing off to the kitchen in anticipation of her snack. She did something really funny the other day. She was playing with one of Zoe's toys (a sort of squiggly plastic thing) when she spotted one of Zoe's little fuzzy balls. She apparently decided that she wanted to play with the fuzzy ball and the squiggly thing at the same time, so she picked up the squiggly thing in her mouth and started batting the fuzzy ball around. There she was, running around like a soccer player with the ball bouncing back and forth between her front paws, and all the while carrying the squiggly thing in her mouth. Too funny!!!! More later.
September 7, 2011
Unfortunately, things have sort of gone downhill. Xena did settle in very well, at least at first. Then, after about three days, for some reason she started spending most of her time in our pantry. Her litter box is in the pantry and there is a cat door in the pantry door so that she can go in and out of the pantry as she wills. However, except to come out to eat and to watch the birds at the bird feeder (she comes out when she hears them chirping), she has been staying in the pantry the majority of the time. At her "foster home", she was in a cage most of the time and I think that she thinks she is supposed to be in a small space like that. So she has voluntarily turned the pantry into her "cage." She is very sweet, but not much of a "lap cat", at least, not yet.
She had her first visit with my vet last Friday (Sept. 2). He found her to be healthy, except that she has three different kinds of bacteria living inside her ears, producing a lot of black "gunk" in her ears. I have some drops I'm supposed to put in her ears once a day for two weeks and then bring her back to the vet to have her ears checked again. She had a real panic attack when I had to put her in the carrier. I think she thought she was going to be given away again, poor kitty! She was very droopy over the weekend and spent even more time in the pantry than usual, I think as a reaction to the stress of being transported to/from the vet. I have not started the ear drops yet, as I've wanted her to have time to get over her stress and because I prefer to wait at least three weeks before taking her to the vet again in order to give her a longer time before she has to be put back in the carrier. I plan to start the ear drops this weekend.
Last night after supper I closed the kitchen door so that she couldn't get to the pantry. She ran around in the den and the dining room for a while, playing with her toys, and seemed to be having a good time like she did when she first came. Then she happily settled down for a nap on the love seat in the den. I'm going to try keeping her shut out of the kitchen every evening and see if I can wean her off of this pantry fixation. More later.
September 8, 2011
Last night was our second evening of keeping Xena shut out of the kitchen after supper. Once again, she played with her toys for a while. This time she settled down for a nap in a lap! Unfortunately for me, she selected my mother's lap instead of mine. I guess she's bonding more with my mother than with me because my mother is the one who is home with her all day while I'm at work. Will she extend her lap selection to include me as time goes on? I hope so. We'll have to wait and see. More later.
September 9, 2011
Success! After much calling and lap patting, I persuaded Xena to get in my lap instead of my mother's lap yesterday evening. Once there, she stayed pretty much all evening. She started out lying with her head at my knees and her back end toward my waist. She kept stretching out longer and longer until half of her body was down past my knees onto the lower part of my legs (I was sitting in a recliner with my feet up.) After a while, I think she got uncomfortable with her head hanging down lower than her body, so she jumped down and lay on the rug for a little while. Then, after I called and patted my lap some more, she got back up. This time she lay down with her head toward my body and more "curled up" rather than stretched out. That worked better, because she stayed there, snoozing away, until I got up to go to bed. Then it was off to the kitchen for her bedtime snack. Maybe she hasn't just bonded to my mother after all. Or maybe she is going to be an "equal opportunity" cat.
September 12, 2011
We're making progress with Xena. I seem to have gotten her weaned off of her pantry fixation, so that she is staying in the den with us in the evenings instead of just hanging out in the pantry, and I no longer have to keep the kitchen door closed to keep her away from the pantry. When she gets tired of playing with her toys after supper, sometimes she is in my lap; sometimes she just lies on the love seat or in one of the chairs. She never stays in my lap for the whole time we're in the den. She likes to stretch out full length and when she does that, she is too long for my lap. I think that is one reason she doesn't spend a lot of time in my lap. Plus I think she gets hot. Hopefully, once the weather turns cooler she will want to curl up instead of stretch out and my lap will become more attractive to her. She has not gotten in my mother's lap again, but then, my mother doesn't "invite" her by calling her and patting her lap the way I do.
September 26, 2011
Yesterday was one month since we picked up Xena at Kathy's house and today is the one-month anniversary of her first full day at our home. First a medical update: She went to the vet on Friday to have her ears checked. The infection in her ears is totally cleared up, so I was given the green light to discontinue the daily ear drops. Xena and I were both very glad to hear that. She was not nearly as traumatized by her trip to the vet in the cat carrier this time. She only hid in the pantry for about an hour after our return home, instead of hanging out in the pantry for several days like she did when we went to the vet three weeks ago. She is still full of energy and loves to tear around the house at top speed first thing in the morning. She will run up to me with a wild look in her eyes, crouch down lashing her tail, and then go dashing off again, obviously hoping that I will chase her--her version of "tag." I don't chase her, but I will toss her fuzzy ball or her pink mouse for her to chase. In the evenings after supper, she usually has to do the "dash around the house trick" for a few minutes and then, when she has worn herself out, she crashes in my lap. Last night she was asleep in my lap for about two hours. She still loves to go out on our screened porch to see what she can see; however, the other morning she was out on the porch when there was a sudden clap of thunder. I thought she was going to tear down the back door, trying to get back in the house, before I could get there to open it for her. She does NOT like thunder! And she also still loves to sit on the kitchen table, looking out the window at the birds at our feeders. She will be very disappointed when the humming birds fly south for the winter, as she gets VERY excited when she sees the humming birds. During the days, when I am at work, she's driving my mother crazy, getting into all kinds of mischief, apparently more than she does when I'm home. I guess she knows that she can get away with more stuff with "grandma" than she can with "mommy." Unfortunately, "grandma" is spoiling her by feeding her too much. Xena has gained a pound since we've had her and I'm really having to put my foot down about the food thing. We don't want her to be a "fat cat." All in all, Xena's healthy and seems to be happy with us. And we're happy with her, too.
August 16, 2013
Cannot believe it has been nearly two years since Xena came to live with us. In some ways, it seems like only yesterday that we were driving home from the beach with her meowing in her carrier. In other ways, it feels like we have always had her. She has turned out to be one of the sweetest kitties I've ever had--a real "snuggle bunny." I wanted a lap cat, and she is tops in that department. My vet compliments her on how cooperative she is when she is in for her checkups; he says she is a "great cat!" We couldn't be happier with her and, hopefully, she feels the same way about us.
(Last update: Aug 16th, 2013 10am)
Can we talk? Off the record of course? Admit it - all those seal points and blue points? How can you tell one from the other - they all look alike! How dull. Now, if you are in the market for a something completely different - a real work of art - then look at me. Us snowshoe types - why, we're like snowflakes. No two of us are alike. And I'm an especially handsome one at that, from my handsome face to the tip of my tail (I happen to have a white-tipped tail - now tell me that's common and dull!).
And personality? I have that too. Oh, I'm a bit shy until I get to know you, but that's OK. I'm quite friendly once I feel comfortable with you. I use my litter box like a good boy, I love cardboard scratch boxes, and I love my food especially that really good stuff that comes in a can. I'm not terribly fond of other boy cats though, but none of us is perfect. And if I get a home with a feline sister, then she needs to be a strong willed sort as I'm sort of a dominant guy.
This is my second time in rescue - the first one was as a cute little kitten and I had a great home. But then I became another victim of the economy, so here I am again. I just had my vaccines updated, and my teeth cleaned - I'm a big strapping healthy boy all ready to go home.
So - why ask about one of those ordinary cats when you can ask about ME?
Added bonus! I come with a CD of all my baby picutres. I may be a handsome boy now, but kittens don't come any cuter than me :)
Name: Otto (Jinxie)
ID#: VA6917
Location: Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 03/31/10
Adopted: 08/14/10
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Jackie
Foster Notes for Otto (Jinxie) [VA6917] |
Handsome big snowshoe boy |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Otto had dental surgery this spring. He wasn't eating and it had to be done. He handled it like a champ! He is back to eating well (and his brother Kevin's food too). I am still his favorite, of course. But Otto is now getting much better in letting others pet him. He still despises loud noises and runs. He is very lovable. Very routine in when he eats. He doesn't like when we go away and his routine is mixed up. Pretty normal. Not really a lap cat, but he likes to be right there near you when possible. Or when he's not soaking in the sun, or sleeping because he's had such a busy day..
(Last update: Aug 15th, 2013 6pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Bruce Wayne
(FKA Shu shu)
ID#: VA7282
Location: Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/16/10
Adopted: 11/06/10
Congrats: Anne
Foster: Karen
Hi there! I'm a super fun kitty with tons of energy, and I REALLY need a playmate who can keep up with me. But not just another cat. I love humans too, and I want someone who will let me curl up in their arms or sit on their lap. Yep, that's right, I'm not even a year old and I'm already a lap cat. How could you possibly resist me? (P.S. I think I'm quite a cutie as well, not to be conceited or anything.)
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
August 14, 2013
NO FIP Episodes - since August 5, 2011 - still holding my breath. He tires easily - but still loves fun and games and Hattie is his primary partner in crime nowadays. He talks to me all the time - he is the king of the top of the cat tree and sleeps there most nights. When I walk by in the morning - he yowls at me to say good morning, stretches and proceeds to look for a toy to bat around and toss up in the air with his paws.
He has killed two mice this year. One- he dropped on my head while I was still sleeping - letting me know that he was providing for this family! The other he left at the top of the basement stairs - I'm guessing it was him since he brought me the other....
He also watches me get ready in the morning and yowls - from my bed. He rolls around in my spot and then ends upside down and makes noise until I feel sorry and pet him and love him. Rinse and repeat. No one is happy on work mornings when I am preparing to exit.....but when I return in the evening, there is much rejoicing and jubilation that I have returned as I promised - the prancing and dancing and happy chirps and racing upstairs and down let me know that all is well!
August 15, 2012:
NO FIP episodes since August 5, 2011 - holding my breath. Still a troublemaker. Toilet paper destroyer extraordinaire. Lover and cuddler perfection.
My three musketeers are perfect ~ I thank the universe (and Siamese Rescue) every day for them. Jolly is my guard ~ not overly cuddly but always within arm's reach ~ follows me around, watches what is going on, nosing into everything, and making sure all is well. His job is to kill all insect intruders - especially any bugs that may get past the sliding glass doors. Hattie is my lovebug ~ cuddling and headbutting and dragging her pink "baby" toy around - up and down the stairs. The turboballracer is still her favorite. She sits in front of the sliding glass door screen on a chair (her throne) and dozes on and off watching the birds and chipmunks and thinking lovely thoughts. Bruce aka THE BRUISER is the one who keeps things interesting. Mischief usually starts and ends with him. His favorite spot is the kitchen window facing the backyard ~ he lays upside down with four paws in the air (looks dead some days) basking in the sun with a lazy eye blinking as birds flow by his head. Then he gets down and finds his brother and sister and disrupts their lives with a game of chase or ball or wrestling with a swift swat and run or a nip and roll ~ any way that he can to get things going!
Canned treat is given once a day ~ early in the morning ~ one can in two bowls to split amongst them. They usually nibble on and off until noonish and once it's gone ~ they don't beg until the next morning. Jolly is my only beggar for people food ~ and even then it's mostly what I call "Court Taster" ~ he's not interested in eating it, he just wants to know what I have, smell it, nibble at it and leave the nasty stuff alone. Not even a bit of sliced turkey! He turned around and went back to his dry food!
Bruce has started to get a new nickname THE RUNNER ~ yes, he wants to be OUTSIDE! NOW! I MEAN NOW! I'LL GET OUT THERE! NOW! So we have to be very, very careful. He hears any door open, shut, slide, or otherwise squeak and he's there lying in wait for the best moment to DASH, RUN, MAKE A BREAK FOR IT. This has only started since summer, and I'm hoping that winter will once again deter this behavior and give us at least a bit of a break for 6-7 months ~ the vigilance and worry are constant. But he's worth it!
Hattie actually shrinks away from outside. She has no desire to be part of whatever is out there. She is still "petite" and thoughtful. Her biggest claim to fame is loving to use the "clean" litterbox. I clean all three litterboxes every morning while my tea boils and she is the first one to jump in as soon as they are clean ~ EVERY MORNING. She closes her eyes and I swear she is smiling while she does her business.
Bruce is still an "enthusiastic" litterbox user ~ even to the point of covering the others' business before they are done. Yes, poor Jolly, doing business and Bruce is behind him covering it. Heh!
Jolly, my creamsicle shadow, is BIG. He is getting bigger than Bruce and I can't believe it. He is muscular and very "tiger" like ~ his shoulders and hips are broad and he is strong. His arms "roll" when he walks and he swaggers a bit like any good soldier who is tasked with defending the homefront. People remark on his good looks and I still get the "Didja know that cat's eyes are crossed?" Hmmmmm, I think so.....................
Everyone's healthy and happy ~ including me! Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my cat lady heart!!
(Last update: Aug 14th, 2013 11am)
Looking for a lap cat? Look no farther! I have lots of love to give. I really love people, but I also get along with other cats. I share my foster home with a very nice dog and three other cats. I'm not too cuddly with them, but I would be with you!
I have fastidious litter box habits, and am well mannered overall. I'm playful with people and with my toys.
I'm a little cross eyed and my tail is only 2/3 the normal length-almost a bobtail, but longer. I love to sit on lap and get attention, without being demanding. If you are sitting at your computer, I like to sit with you or rest my chin on your wrist bar or hands. I'm a dainty little 8 pound fluff ball who is looking for my forever home. I know that once you see me, you will never let go.
Someone is going to get a wonderful little girl!
Name: Peaches
ID#: VA9294
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 06/01/13
Adopted: 07/14/13
Congrats: Peter
Foster: Sandra
Foster Notes for Peaches [VA9294] |
I'm laid back, easy going, playful, and full of love. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Peaches has seamlessly fit into our family. She is happy and plays with a ball, a catnip-scented carrot, and a catnip-scented mouse. She only eats dry Purina for Sensitive Stomachs (because our other cat has been eating this for five years). She has no interest in canned food or cat treats, both things liked by our other cat. The other cat, Alfonso, is slightly intimidated by Peaches and keeps his distance. She couldn't care less! Also, the dog still likes to follow Peaches around, but gets a friendly bop from her if the dog gets too close. She is a sometime lap cat with Sharon, but she likes to visit me briefly for "pets" when I am sitting on the couch. I hope to be taking some pictures soon and I will upload them at that time.
(Last update: Aug 14th, 2013 10am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: CLEO
(FKA Dove)
ID#: VA9357
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/28/13
Adopted: 07/13/13
Congrats: Tiffany
Foster: Siri
Outgoing, chatty, interactive, petite and cute. Can you spell delightful?
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Cleo is doing very well. Full of life, adventure, and moxie. She is the least talkative of all my siamese however I think that is because she likes to sneak up on others. Her favorite toys seem to be the ones NOT intended for her easter eggs, legos, ice cubes, and the latest the kitchen sponge (love to carry it around the house and drop it on my face while I'm sleeping).
She has choosen to except Smokey as a friend however it was all on her terms. Such a diva! She is a champion bug hunter and we are thinking of signing her up for the agility sports activities in the next kitty olympics. Love our angel very much. She is both fun and a sweet heart. Her fever mask has begun to fade. And unfortunately she has taught our other cat to beg! We are still working on staying off the counters.
Anyways our girl is doing great.
(Last update: Aug 13th, 2013 7am)
Name: Astra
ID#: VA4487
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 09/27/06
Adopted: 10/21/06
Deceased: 08/01/13
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)
My name means "a star," and that's just what I am! I am confident, friendly, loving, playful, very intelligent and outgoing! I really love people, and my fur is soft as silk. If you're looking for an active, confident Meezette, let's chat today. Purrs, Astra
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We are so sorry to tell you that Astra, whom we renamed Torii, died last month of a saddle thrombosis. There was no indication from our vet that there was a cardiac problem, but we remember that Torii's sister (Celesta?) had a heart condition and could not be transported beyond a short radius. Torii, a tortie, was a loving and gregarious cat, chirping at us through the day. She was companionable and easy to train and got along well with our 11-year-old male ocicat. We are still shocked and saddened that she was taken from us so suddenly.
(Last update: Aug 11th, 2013 6pm)
Hi there! I'm Amber. I've ben fighting a kitty cold but that doesen't stop me form jumping and playing. I love to play with my mousie toy, but love the soft bed the best. Great place to nap and grow big! I'm up to 2 lbs now and will be getting my education at the end of the month, and then I'll be ready to go to my forever home.
Be sure you're ready for a really active girl before committing on me because I love to run, jump and climb!
Copy and paste the link below to see my video!
Name: Zella
(FKA Amber)
ID#: VA7240
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 08/23/10
Adopted: 10/09/10
Congrats: Victor
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Amber [VA7240] |
Sweet little teeny weenie! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
8/11/2013 - We have been so busy enjoying Zella as a part of our family, we just haven't made the time to post until now. She has grown up into a beautiful Lynx girl who is playful, friendly and a snugglebun. She and our other cat get along beautifully and keep each other fit with hide and seek games. Zella also very much likes to fetch little white paper balls - she will run after them and bring them back to drop at our feet to throw again. She is cross eyed and a bit bow legged, which only add to her charm... and frequently get her out of trouble. We can't believe that almost 3 years have passed since she came to our home. We are grateful to Jeanne especially for fostering her in her early days and helping her to become the healthy and social cat that she is now.
(Last update: Aug 11th, 2013 11am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Phoenix
ID#: VA9194
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/20/13
Adopted: 05/18/13
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Not with Male Cats
Just a good ol' boy, once I get used to the place I'm the most happy go lucky, easy going typical flame there is. New bumps in the night may send me scurrying for just a minute, but I know my name and come out quickly, ready for some love, some catnip, some pats on the cheek and some mild chirps. In beautiful condition and very well behaved, I'd love to find a home that needs a flame!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We are all enjoying Phoenix's companionship so much. He's an absolute treasure.
We started out by keeping him in his own room for two weeks. Even though he was a happy cat, I could see that he relaxed more and more each day. The next step was for him to be out during the day, and then to sleep in his room each night so that Madeline, our 6 year old tortoiseshell, could sleep and relax (and be in a good frame of mind for the next day). It was a tough adjustment for her. It seemed for a while that she would have been labelled "must be only cat". She worked very hard at being in charge, but Phoenix's laid back personality won her over. When she chased him, he simply turned it into a game. Right now they are napping "deeply" in the same room.
There were a couple of challenges: Phoenix is a grazer and Madeline will gobble up anything left around, so his food has to be picked up. But he's okay with that. If we're in the kitchen, he lets me know he wants his food down and has a quick nibble. Also, it took a few days to figure out the right litter box arrangement that we are both happy with: 2 large bins in the basement and 1 covered box on the 2nd floor. It felt like a big deal in the beginning, but there's a nice rhythm to everything now.
The vet and the staff loved meeting him, and they enjoyed the detailed notes in his file.
Thank you to everyone! It's a joy to have him in our lives.
(Last update: Aug 9th, 2013 2pm)
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