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Who me? I'm a rowdy girl. I've got class and I've got brawn, so you better be ready for some action when you pick me! I love playing rough and rowdy, and then when you snuggle me, I'm all purrs. I'm a blue point girly, but you can see that I've got just a faint bit of stripe in my coat right now. I need to have a buddy to play with me who is ready for some rowdy. I have lots of energy!
Name:   Sasha
ID#: VA7274
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/11/10
Adopted: 10/02/10
Congrats: Rachel
Foster: Rinn


Notes from Home
Sasha comnpleted her followup appointment with the vet. A healthy kitty! She said not a word and looked up at him adoringly as she does everyone else. What a charmer!

So, she is now close to 4 months old and a fun kitty to be with! Thank you, VASRC, and Rinn.

Dear Friends: Merry Christmas! Sasha and her older friend Lawrence are having a great time and a great Christmas holiday. She is now about five months old, and Still rowdy. Thanks for the great descriptive word, Rinn. Here is a recent photo of some hugging. I caught them in the act. Best, Rachel Cartwright

The beautiful Sasha, now almost three years old. Doing and looking great!

Rachel & Sasha

(Last update: Oct 2nd, 2013 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Rikki
ID#: VA9488
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/21/13
Adopted: 09/16/13
Congrats: Lauren
Foster: Jeanne

I'm a little shy, but once you hold and pet me, I purr with the best of them! Looking for my forever home. Is it yours?


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Notes from Home
Rikki is full of trouble. He is only still when he is sleeping and is very sweet in the morning and especially when food is served. It's difficult to keep him from eating Fortune's food -- a little bit of a sneak -- too cute for his own good and he has decided the kitchen counter and table are A-OK. We are working on letting him know that we don't think so. And so it goes. What a great couple of kittens.
(Last update: Oct 1st, 2013 1pm)

I can't believe my sister went home weeks ago and I'm still here! I love to play, love my food, and use my litter box like I should. I 'm healthy and growing like a weed and am 4 lbs now. I love my playtime out with the big cats and love to wrestle with the big boys here.

I'm ready to go home and life doesn't get much better than this, unless it's me finding that forever home. Please don't let me grow up without a real home! Ask about me so I can blow this joint!

Name:   Fortune
ID#: VA9301
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 06/05/13
Adopted: 09/16/13
Congrats: Lauren
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Fortune is Bill's snuggle-buddy. She is quiet and sweet and plays with Rikki even though she wasn't feeling her best. She is on medication and we have another week before she returns for a follow-up with the vet. They are going to be a great couple of cats and we are slowly introducing them to our bird Stonewall. Stonewall peeks at them through the cage and tells them "It's OK" as he tried to lure them in -- but I know he could get the best of the cats if not watched. We are building mutual respect at the moment.
(Last update: Oct 1st, 2013 12pm)

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Name:   Nipper
ID#: VA6619
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 09/16/09
Adopted: 06/25/10
Deceased: 11/04/11
Congrats: Susan
Foster: ShirleyBo

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Want a kitty with that Deep Meezer MEOWWWWWW! Check!
Want a kitty that loves chin scratches. Check!
want a Beautiful Siamese! Check!
Want a kitty who likes other cats. Check!
Want to give a healthy senior a Furever home! Check!

See all your wants are checked off. My only want is just someone to love me and give me a chance and a Furever home.

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Notes from Home
Nipperkins is SO SO happy in her new home. She first arrived so timid, scared to come out of her carrier for weeks. Now it's been a year, she has the run of the house and is a total love-bug. Cries for me to come pet her when she's not getting enough attention, rolls over on her back for belly rubs, so content. Purrs so loudly that I'd bet you can hear it in the next room. I love this little girl !!

I would so encourage anyone to adopt an older kitty, they are so loving and devoted and want nothing but love in return.

I lost little Nipper in Nov 2011. It's such a shame, she was so loving and so looked forward to me coming home, jumped up when I came in and would come over and lay on my neck. Then she started to lose weight and her appetite - tests showed all sorts of irregular tissue (cancer). I didn't let her struggle for too long after she gave up on eating completely. Still miss her.

(Last update: Sep 30th, 2013 9pm)

Hello??? Does anybody out there see me? I am a GORGEOUS, loving, friendly, young, lilac boy with a whole lot to tell you about! What are you looking for that I dont have? Why not ask about me?
Name:   RJ
ID#: VA3385
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 05/18/05
Adopted: 06/05/05
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Amy


Notes from Home
Grayson is such a sweetheart. He absolutely loves me, likes to be held, and will crawl all over my shoulders when I'm trying to sit at the desk. He also loves the other cats; he desperately wants to cuddle with them but they will have none of it, possibly because he also little-brother irritates them when he wants to play Cat Chase. (UPDATE: Nipper and Grayson have been cuddling!!) Conversely, he goes berserk when a neighborhood male cat looks in the window at him - very aggressive, defending his household.

Grayson is very high-strung and nervous, seldom sleeps and is always on edge. He is afraid of anything that makes noise, including plastic wrap, garbage bags and tin foil. I feed him endlessly and he never gains an ounce. He is just now getting to the point where he will come out when a stranger is in the house but is still very wary. Most of my friends have never even seen him, much less been able to touch him. I don't know what happened to him in his earlier life but it terrified him. I think he finally understands that he is safe.

Did I mention that I absolutely LOVE this cat??

Oct 2013: Discovered recently that Grayson is terrified only of women but that he loves men - all men. Repairmen, brothers, the vet, voices on TV - whatever. So unusual for a cat, I know. He is also getting a bit better about coming out to be seen by visitors. Tin foil is still a no-go.

(Last update: Sep 30th, 2013 9pm)

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Name: Mina

(FKA Bee)

ID#: VA9498
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/24/13
Adopted: 09/14/13
Congrats: Katrina
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

Hello! Bee (the other half of Bumble) and I too am just like my sister. Friendly, outgoing and more curious than Bumble. My needs are simple, a human or a few, some cool toys and some nice meals. I need to stay with my other half, Bumble and we can be together in a new home.



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Notes from Home
Mina is a little more reserved than her sister, but definitely a curious one. She wants to know what's going on at all times, even if she keeps her distance to observe the goings on.

If you have an instagram account, I post pictures of the ladies at the username lucyandmina

(Last update: Sep 30th, 2013 11am)

Brand new!!! I need to stay with my sister Bee, so ask about both of us. We are very sweet girls and are looking forward to our new home. I love toys, my sister, and food! Oh, did I mention I am a social & friendly girl??


Name: Lucy

(FKA Bumble)

ID#: VA9497
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/24/13
Adopted: 09/14/13
Congrats: Katrina
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Lucy is a complete doll - adventurous around the house, and quick to jump on my lap while I'm doing work at my desk.

If you have an instagram account, I post pictures of the ladies at the username lucyandmina

(Last update: Sep 30th, 2013 11am)

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Name:   Mookie
ID#: VA9389
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 07/09/13
Adopted: 08/03/13
Congrats: Thea
Foster: Jennie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I was picked up as a stray by animal control. Thankfully, Siamese Rescue found me and now I'm in a nice foster home with a room I share with Sweetpea. It's quiet here and I like that because I'm still unsure of people. Foster mom says humans are nice animals and I'll learn to love them.

I'll tell you more as I learn to trust foster mom. I think I like her; she calls me handsome and gives me good vittles.

Mookie is paired with Sweetpea.

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Notes from Home
Happy 8 week anniversary, Mookie!

Although Mookie was a little shy at first, he has come out of his shell and is super outgoing and affectionate. He follows us around, talking in his high-pitched voice, always wanting to be in the middle of what we're doing. He's a big boy and he loves his food! He's become very vocal around meal time, especially for his dry food, and doesn't waste any time chowing down!

Mookie also loves to play, though he's not quite the swift hunter that Maya is. He does better when we play with him one-on-one, so he has more of a chance to catch stuff. He likes to play with Maya though–chasing her around and getting into kitten shenanigans. He has a few favorite toys that he gets a little protective over–mainly his little mice that he likes to carry around and flaunt in front of Maya, as if to say "see, I can catch stuff too!"

Mookie is quite a character. He likes to throw himself around in odd positions–all 4 legs sticking out in opposite directions, hind legs hanging off furniture, etc... he certainly has lots of personality!

We're having fun getting to know Mookie and Maya! More updates to come!

(Last update: Sep 29th, 2013 11pm)

My story? More cats than the lease allowed, and we got caught. Landlord said one of us had to go. And since I'm a meezer (and therefore special) it was me! Plus the small child in the house scared me, as did one of the cats, so I wasn't terribly happy here. I'm sweet, I'm friendly, and I'm lovely.

My only placement restrictions is that small children scare me, but I will be fine with older ones who are out of the 'chase the kitty and pull her tail' stage. I'm pretty meek and mild, so no aggressive or dominant cats. I did live with a nice little dog, so quiet, cat-friendly dogs would probably be fine.

Notice how my mouth's open in some of my pictures? I am talking to you - telling you to ask about me!
Name:   Lizzy
ID#: VA7762
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 05/31/11
Adopted: 06/18/11
Congrats: Michael
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Our one month anniversary has arrived quickly. Miss Lizzy is part of our family. She was slowly introduced to Maverick the dog and accepted him just fine. Last night she slept on my chest. She wants to be wherever we are. Right now she is draped across the back of our recliner. We love her so much and we thank all of you who helped in any way to get her into our home. Michael & Sheila

Greeting to all!! Lizzy is celebrating her second week in her furrever home. I wish everyone could see just how quickly she has made this home. She loves us with headbutts and purring lap naps. As of yet, we have never played her out!! So much energy. lol My mom is visiting for the holiday weekend and Lizzy slept with her last night. She never meets a stranger. We'll have some new pics soon. Michael & Sheila

6/21/11 Thanks to all who helped add Lizzy to our happy home. From PA to AL, was a long day for Lizzy. She curled up on the foot of our bed and we all went to sleep. She has made herself at home. I love it when she curls up on my chest to sleep. We will be adding notes and pics soon. Thanks to all.

Michael & Sheila

6/21/11 Hello Everyone!! Just got home from Lizzy's vet check. The vet remarked on how pretty a cat she was. He said she was a picture of health and he would see me next June. Lizzy was very happy to get home. She is in my lap making bread now.

It's hard to believe that Lizzy has been with us two months already. In some ways it seems like she has always been here and in others it seems like just yesterday we made that LONG trip to pick her up. She has adjusted well and we love her dearly. She and our dog Maverick made friends quickly, I'm happy to report. Lizzy is very much a "people cat". She wants to be where her people are...LOVES to play and has tons of energy. Interacting with Lizzy brings us so much enjoyment. She talks to us, sits with us when we watch TV or lays on Michael's chest. Lizzy likes his chest better than mine. :o) We put a perch for her on the windowsill of our bedroom so she can see the outdoors - she absolutely loves it. She sleeps there a lot when we are at work, but as soon as we arrive, she comes running down the stairs to greet us. Her nighttime spot is usually sleeping at my feet. As you can see, we are thrilled with our little Lizzy. Sheila for Michael & Lizzy

November 18, 2011
Hi everyone – it’s Lizzy! It’s almost Thanksgiving and I thought I would let you know what I am MOST thankful for. You know, I’ve lived a lot of places already in my young life. It was 5 months ago today that I traveled to my forever home. Wow…It’s hard to believe it has been 5 months already! This Thanksgiving I am VERY thankful that I have found my forever home. I love being here. I have the coolest parents in the whole wide world. You know why? Well, first they drove a very long way to pick me up (NOT as long as I did to get to them, but that’s okay). When I got here, they had all kinds of neat toys & stuff for me. Plus, they had a big, comfortable queen size bed for me to sleep on. Wow!

I also have a big brother, Maverick. Mommy & Daddy said he is a dog, but he just looks kinda like a gigantic cat to me…except he says “woof” instead of “meow”. He’s a lot bigger than me and at first I was afraid of him. Maverick gets really excited when our parents let him in the house so he runs in and jumps on “his” sofa. The first few times, I thought he was chasing me and I got scared, but then Mommy explained that he is just excited. We’re fine together now – we even sleep together on the sofa sometimes. Now, I have a wonderful family who loves me and I am SO happy!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I KNOW mine is going to be the best ever!

With Love, Purrs & Headbuts,

We've had Lizzy a year now and are absolutely thrilled to have her as part of our family. She has adapted well and we love her dearly...can't imagine our family without her.

Wow! Two years have gone by already! It's hard to believe I have found such a wonderful furever home! I hit the JACKPOT! My parents bought a new home just for me last year (they said it was for the family, but I know that they did it for me). I have so munch room to run & play. I love to race them up the stairs! I always win...they're so slow! :o) I have a new brother also...mom says he is a mini-dachshund whatever that is. He's fun to play with. We're about the same size. Now I have two brothers and we all get along great. We even sleep together sometimes. Mom is going to post some new pictures...take a look.

Purrs & headbuts...

(Last update: Sep 29th, 2013 10pm)

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Name:   Sweetpea
ID#: VA9390
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 07/09/13
Adopted: 08/03/13
Congrats: Thea
Foster: Jennie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Foster mom calls me Sweetpea because I'm the sweetest little thing in the world. I was trapped as a stray and had to go to the shelter. Siamese Rescue sprung me from there and now I'm hanging out with Mookie in our own room! I'm still real leery of people; they're big and move fast. But foster mom gave us some really good food and I cleaned my bowl like a good little girls.

I'll tell mom some more about me in the next couple of days as I get used to being here.

Sweetpea is paired with Mookie.

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Notes from Home
Happy 8 week anniversary, Sweetpea/nka Maya! We decided to change Sweetpea's name to Maya, to match her personality and Mookie's name (and so we could call them the M&M's!).

Maya is a petite ball of energy!! She loves to play–ALL the time. She plays well with Mookie too, though she tends to take over the toys, so we try to separate them sometimes to make sure Mookie gets fair play time. Other than that, they get along perfectly with each other. They're always near each other though they don't sleep in the exact same spot. Maya has really warmed up to us too! She was very shy at first–hiding under the bed for the first couple weeks, but now she follows us around, likes to be in in the middle of everything, and even likes to be picked up (when she's not in the middle of playing!).

Maya is also doing much better with her intestinal issues. A 2nd fecal tested positive for Cryptosporidium, so we treated both cats with azithromycin, which they just finished last week. There's been a drastic improvement since finishing the medicine. The vet suspects she may have a food intolerance that made her intestines weaker and more susceptible to Cryptosporidium, so we're continuing the prescription wet food- Iams Intestinal Plus and monitoring her stool. Maya has an apt. with the vet this week for her distemper booster- will follow-up on her intestinal issues then too.

Off to play with kittens!


(Last update: Sep 29th, 2013 10pm)

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