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UPDATE 10/16/08 - Roses are red and I am blue, because I need a lover and so do you!!! Please ask about me - I'm as sweet and pretty as a rose. Leia

UPDATE{ 9/25/08 - PLEASE - I'm a perfect cat - beautifl, bunny soft, loving ,sweet, a purring machine, perfect with my box, happy, easy going, playful if you play with me, precious, cute, adorable, a bed sleeper, a kneader extraordinaire and the list goes on and on. If you love snowshoes, you will LOVE me!! Please ask foster mom about me, love Leia.

UPDATE: 8/22/08 - My mama, Padme', now has a forever home and is doing a perfect job with her litterbox.. I am putting my "paw down" because I was "guilty by association". I've never gone outside the litterbox in the eight months I've been here - it was just my mom - not ME. Will someone please pick me? I've been in foster care for a long time now and I am truly a beautiful, NO issues cat. I should have had my forever home months ago. If you love snowshoes, you'll LOVE me - I'm just the best and bunny soft!!! Please ask foster mama, Katie, about me. Love and purrs, Leia

Hey all you Star Wars fans, I'm Leia, the daughter. While Leia in the movies was a fictional character, I am not "fiction", but a "fact" of a cat. Here are some "facts" you should know about me:

I am a beautiful snowshoe with rabbit soft fur AND I'd love for you to brush it.

I purr up a storm AND would do so everytime you come near me.

I love to tip my head upside down AND sit right beside your being cute, if you'd like.

I am a good eater AND will headbutt your legs anytime you feed me.

I am only three years old AND will have LOTS more years to spend with you.

I have a gentle, loving spirit AND would grace your home with lots of joy!

Yes, these are all facts about me AND there are many more. If you'd like to know more about me, please hit the "ask about me" button and foster mama, Katie, will be sure to let you know.

Purrs, headbutts and lots of snowshoe love, Leia, the daughter - I'm a "fact" NOT "fiction". Won't you adopt me?
Name:   Leia (Formerly Trixie)
ID#: VA5451
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 01/02/08
Adopted: 11/01/08
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
We love this beautiful, laid-back cat very much and she seems happy here in our quiet little townhouse in Virginia. It often seems hard to believe that she came off the streets of Indianapolis.
We had a tough surprise last July when she had a "bump on the stomach" that turned out to be cancerous (apparently Siamese cats are many times more likely than other breeds to have breast cancer). Our good vet removed this surgically immediately - we did not even have to leave her overnight - and told us there "was no indication that it had spread." Miss Kitty's disposition and energy has been as good as ever, so we're expecting many years with this dear pet. It was some pain in the "pocket book" but I think we have to be realistic and accept that the animal is part of the family. If we have to do this, we do it. Best wishes for your dedicated rescue effort; we admire your commitment,
Elizabeth and Ian, Virginia

(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2013 8pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Christie

(FKA Annie)

ID#: VA2900
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 09/08/04
Adopted: 11/05/04
Congrats: Denise
Foster: Paula

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I've been in SR for a month now and am starting to feel a little bit safer. I'm still not talking about my past before I was found in a tupperware container on the shelter's doorstep, but I'm starting to think about my future. You see, I'm an itty-bitty little girl at only 5 lbs and everything outside my safe spots are sooooooo scary. I think I need a real quiet home with not too much commotion, but maybe a gentle furbrother would be okay. I do like to sleep on laps, but I still prefer hiding in a safe spot. Everyone who meets me falls in love with me, I'm such a sweetie-pie and sometimes they call me a kutie-patutie too. And I have a secret - the very tip of my tail looks like it was dipped in cream (I'm keeping the secret by always hiding my tail when I see that camera come out). So if you have a quiet home and want to help me feel safe, then click ask about me and I just might be brave enough to answer.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
10/31/13 Christie has been with us for nine years now and has won the hearts of
her entire family, human and feline, despite the fact that she has never
warmed up to humans. But since we'll never know what happened to her the
first year of her life before Siamese Rescue came along, we love and accept
her just as she is. She loves her "fur brother" Paprikas (a red tabby and
white domestic short hair) and spends many hours sleeping cozily at his side
and has a good relationship with her seal point Siamese sister Liu. We hope
she feels as lucky to have found us as we feel to have her!

(Last update: Oct 31st, 2013 8am)

Henshaw here!

Wow! The digs at foster Meowm's are MUCH better than at the shelter, where I was stuck in a cage for a whole month next to all kinds of noisy, complaining critters. Before that, I was living on the street. Somebody might have been mean to me, or I might have just gotten to be afraid of beans. Living on the street made me lose some of my manners, which foster Meowm is working on with me.

You see, I'm a little "mouthy". I can't tell you what I like and don't like, so when you do something I don't like... I just give a little nip of the old teefers. Not really hard, just enough to make my point! Its a trust thing; I usually lick her right afterwards to apologize. I'm getting more relaxed and more trusting every day. It's really nice here: it's so quiet, and the fan feels good, the chow is first-rate, and foster Meowm is quiet and gentle. Who'd have thunk it?: I LIKE LAPS! Yep, I may be a little wary of beans still, but I love me some lap! So even though I still reserve the right to tell Meowmy when I've had enough of something, I will curl up in her lap and snuggle for ages. I'm learning about the joys of petting! And what are these things called Toys? I'm just starting to figure out what they are. I gave up a purr the other night, too! I'm thinking that I'm really going to love a special bean who will give some understanding and patient love, and lets me grow to trust them and love them back.

I'm a great big sealy boy with an extra toe on each front paw, which makes my big pawickies look like mittens. My eyes are a mysterious grey-blue like a November sky. I'm still in the exclusive pent-house foster suite, so we don't know yet how I'll be with other kitties or dogs. I'm afraid my attitude is too big for little beans. My litterbox habits are immaculate, and I am ALL about treats, which I will eagerly eat from your fingers.

Anyone yearning for a big macho guy with a secret yen for laps? That's ME!
Name: Niles

(FKA Henshaw)

ID#: VA4238
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 24 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/11/06
Adopted: 07/06/06
Congrats: Amanda
Foster: Parker

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
(Last update: Oct 30th, 2013 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Shadow
ID#: VA9314
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/11/13
Adopted: 09/22/13
Congrats: Sally
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am a BIG lover boy. If you look at my new video, you'll see that I even love LOVE more that I LOVE food, and that's really something coming from a boy as BIG as me.

I now LOVE laps, too, and will sit for long periods of time with you and purr and knead and headbutt you. And, I LOVE ear rubs - the harder the better.

Purrs, headbutts and love from Shadow

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Shadow and Oreo - both Siamese Rescues - 7 years apart.
(Last update: Oct 30th, 2013 7am)

Well, I have decided that I am fine without that pesky little Apple in my life! She is cute, but a proper diva like me just doesn't care that much for playing all of those baby games with her! Jen says we can go our own ways, so go ahead, you know you want to, CLICK ON ME!!!

Love & fall leaves,

Name: Remington

(FKA Candy)

ID#: VA9541
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/15/13
Adopted: 10/16/13
Congrats: Keven
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
We have had "Remmy" for a couple weeks now. She has taken to us and our dog like you would not believe. She has complete run of the house. She is very loving. I was concerned at first, mainly due to what Jennifer (the foster) said that she may take a few days to settle in. She was home the second I showed her the litterbox and she knew it. She loves to play, run, locate that sunny spot and lay around, get picked up and stroked, petted, made over, kissed on, etc... She has her furr-ever home and our family is very pleased and blessed that "Remmy" has adopted us.
(Last update: Oct 30th, 2013 6am)

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Name: Nando

(FKA Jay)

ID#: VA9452
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/03/13
Adopted: 09/22/13
Congrats: Michele
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

We were born outside, but I'm liking this indoor business. We've got food, we're clean and dry, and we've got - TOYS! Oh, toys. That's the best part. I like the cardboard scratchy things too. I'm a bit scared when foster mom picks me up, and sometimes let out a little hiss, but she just laughs at me and says she's not afraid. Then I settle down and let her hold me. I can go home by myself with another playmate, or you can take home both me and Jewel. I like to run and play with her, and with the other cats who live here. If you've got just a bit of patience, I'm going to be a great little boy to have around.

Check out our new movie!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Jewel & Jay, now known as Mocha and Nando are doing just great. They are energetic bundles of fun. They chase each other around the house all day. I bought them a cat condo and they absolutely love it. I'm wondering if they came from a house with no stairs as they spend hours just running up and down the stairs. It sounds like the running of the bulls!! They are very closely bonded. Where one goes, the other is sure to follow. They are no longer hiding under the bed. Nando loves to sit on my lap and watch Netflix with me. He's my special buddy! It took Mocha a long time to get over her shyness. She can still be a bit skittish. They are very amusing to watch. They love those little glitter balls. There's bits of glitter all over the house!
(Last update: Oct 29th, 2013 2pm)

Hi there!

I just arrived with my buddy, Ellis. He is so scared and we need each other, so we need to go together. I'm the braver of us and am already headbutting and purring for meowmy. Change is hard for us kitties, so if you have patience to let us adjust, please ask about me. I'll be ready for my forever home by Oct 12th!

Update: Turns out this boy isn't scared of anything, loves all the other cats and pays no attention to Ellis at all, so he can go without him.
Name:   Elliott
ID#: VA8827
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/30/12
Adopted: 10/28/12
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Jeanne


Notes from Home
Hello - I have been blessed to have Elliott, and his brother Ellis, for one year! Both boys are happy and I can tell they "own" the entire home, meaning they feel 100% equal status with my two senior kitties. Both received good medical reports. The only caution is Elliott is now 15lbs. and I need to make sure he doesn't go up to 18 lbs. Here is a picture of them on my bed. Thank you! Jennifer
(Last update: Oct 29th, 2013 1pm)

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Name:   Sunti
ID#: VA9583
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/05/13
Adopted: 10/26/13
Deceased: 10/27/13
Congrats: Kimberly
Foster: Siri

Oh my heart be still! Love wedgies? Love Siamese? Love early geezerhood? You're going to love this guy..... Left in a carrier on the steps of an animal shelter - really? Even after doing this for 15 years, I will never get over some of the most fantastic cats in the world being dumped on a doorstep.....

Their loss will be someone else's treasure, no doubts at all.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Sunti was renamed to Yuri. He had the most beautiful soulful blue eyes and such a sweet sweet boy. He slept with the sun shining on his face on our ride home. He rested in his Millie while I set up his water and food. We played and loved on each other. The next day, sadly, was our last as a family.

The morning came and he was alert and happy and ate happily. He and I spent the day loving on each other and his purr massaged my heart. He wrapped his paws around me and slept on my shoulder and on me most of the day. He explored his new home and I told him how much I love him and happy he is home. He seemed so happy.

Sadly, he has an episode similar to one he had at the center. We went to the ER vet and despite my prayers and tears and the ER vet's best efforts, whatever happened to him or afflicted him before coming to SCRC was too much for his little body to endure. I was with him, holding his paw telling him how much I loved him and would miss him and how beautiful he is until he passed from my hands back to Gods. I love you my precious boy Yuri. Our time was way too short but I will carry our happy hours fondly and will love and miss you always.

(Last update: Oct 28th, 2013 2am)

A TV celebrity like I am just has no privacy, not even in my bath - the paparazzi are everywhere !

Please feel free to join the 'Si-Siamese I Am' fanclub ! Just click on the pawprint to Ask About Me. And if you take a place in line, I'll be happy to send you a personalized brief bio and autograph. I'm overwhelmed by the responses I've gotten since my former manager booked me onto national television and my new manager is doing her best to keep up with the flood of fan mail.

Update: My vet exam showed that I'm Hyperthyroid which means I'll either require meds the rest of my life or Radiocat treatment. Feel free to ask for more information.
Name:   Si
ID#: VA9515
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/01/13
Adopted: 10/19/13
Deceased: 10/29/13
Congrats: Huron
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Si stole my heart right away!
(Last update: Oct 27th, 2013 10pm)

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Name: Hunter

(FKA Eddie Money)

ID#: VA8768
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 09/01/12
Adopted: 09/22/12
Congrats: Debbie
Foster: Heida

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Sweet little kitten who loves tummy rubs and wants a playmate who will let him snuggle too !

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
4/2/13 Thank you for checking to see how Hunter is doing with our family. He has brought a lot of joy and laughter to our home. He has learned to play fetch with his toy balls. We absolutely adore him. He has become a good companion for our other cat Lidiya too.
I have been so busy with my job in the school district that I will have to wait until the summer to add photos to the Adoption Status page.
Thanks again for checking on the status of Hunter in his new home. It has been a very positive experience with him. I do not have any problems or concerns.
10/27/13 Thanks for checking how Hunter is doing in his new home. He is doing great! we all love his personality. He has also bonded well with his new feline friend Lidiya!

(Last update: Oct 27th, 2013 8pm)

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