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I don't kiss on the first date but if you give me a couple of days to get to know you I'll be your best friend and you'll have a hard time keeping me out of your lap! Ask about me and Foster Mom can tell you how much I've changed since I arrived.
Name:   Peppers
ID#: VA9198
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/20/13
Adopted: 06/01/13
Congrats: Jennie
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Six month update: Peppers is doing fine. We were concerned about her ability to eat considering the teeth that were pulled. Then, the vet noted that she gained a pound between her last two appointments. So, now Peppers is on a diet. She doesn't appreciate it, either. Most of her days are spent watching birds, possums, raccoons, and deer in the back yard. Other activities include playing with her big brother, Buckley (formerly know as Nibbles), and sitting with my mom.

My mom has moderate Alheimers. Almost every evening I get a call from mom telling me that her kitties are starving and she doesn't know where the food is. Well, I hide the food because mom would feed them as much as they could eat. So, every night I have to explain that the kitties are on a diet. After weeks of this routine, I got a call from my sister telling me that mom called her to say that the kitties are starving and she doesn't know where the food is.

Life is good!

(Last update: Dec 3rd, 2013 12pm)

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Name: Moon Pie

(FKA Pi)

ID#: VA8865
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/25/12
Adopted: 12/03/12
Congrats: D. Shirin
Foster: peter

Foster Notes

Hi; my name is Pi, I think I was named after a character who survived a shipwreck with a Tiger. Boy do I have a tale for you. I was rescued in Massachusetts by an exotic animal rescue group who doesnt do cats (go figure). They took me to a veterinarian in Clinton Mass. who cut off the nylon harness that had cut through my skin around my front legs paw pits. He did a wonderful job sewing me up and my stiches wont come out until November 7th (and thats why Im wearing my fancy leather lined collar). Now Im with foster pops in Connecticut looking for a new home. He calls me a snuggle bug. They took out my stitches today at the vets (on Election Day cause I voted not to have stitches anymore) and told foster pops I would be with him another three weeks. Pops says Im on the mend. I have pictures to show you my world while I heal. Poster Pops takes me out for laptime when he cleans my wounds.

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Notes from Home
06/03/2013 Good morning! Hard to believe it's only been 6 months with MoonPie! He's settled in quite easily and is just love all the time. Earl Grey and Monk have accepted him into the family without any issues and all is going very well! I often find all 3 cats hanging out in the same area these days. Monk has taught him how to beg for treats so he has certainly learned some things while with us. He is a fantastic cat and we are happy to have him as part of our family!

12/03/2013 One year already! MoonPie's long past being fully settled in and spends his days with his fur brothers playing and running around the house In addition to becoming a master treat beggar thanks to his mentor Monk, he's become quite friendly and has bonded with Earl Grey. I see them playing more and more all the time as well as sitting so close they are almost touching which is amazing considering Earl Grey's tendency to be an aloof pretty kitty. MoonPie has also learned to chirp from Earl Grey and just the other day I caught them having a kitty conversation chirping back and forth. MoonPie is all up to date with his vet visits and vaccinations and only needs to loose a little weight these days but the increased running around with the other two is quickly making the weight loss an easy task.

(Last update: Dec 3rd, 2013 5am)

Foster mom needs a couple of days to see how I settle in. I am a sweet hunky guy who loves laid back doggies and great with kids. More updates will follow.
Name:   Sammy
ID#: VA9226
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/06/13
Adopted: 06/02/13
Deceased: 11/20/19
Congrats: Jan
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
Sammy is settling in very well now...for me it was love at first sight, and he was as good as gold even during the last leg of his very long journey home Sunday...thanks again to all his transporters that made all this possible...he was a little sneezy when he got home, and one eye was a little goopy...when we got home, he met his dog, and i showed him where his litter box and food was...so he ran under the bed. Came out in the morning, and we began our journey...as the week progressed, he bacame heavily congested, wheezing when he was breathing, both eyes were goopy, and he was sneezing a lot. We hads a vet appt in place for Sat but i left work and took him Friday. Got meds, checked him all out...but the trip back in the carrier so frightened him he went MIA from 12:00 Friday till i had to look for him at 5:00 pm Sat...he had made a nest in the winter blankets and was finally catching up. Now, he is almost 100%, comes out in the morning, has his favorite windows, is telling us all about it now, and is getting used to the household. And his dog, too, whom i think he thought might have been a Yeti who wanted him for lunch! Sammy is everything his foster Kay said and more... he is a very happy little soul and i am so blessed to have him. And Peggy stood by me and listened to all the fear and all the anxiety...Sammy is my second from Siamese Rescue...he is already part of the family...
6.28.2013: Sammy came and sat on my lap yesterday evening, the first time...i often pick him up for a little bit, and pet him till he jumps off, but yesterday he asked to be picked up, and sat with me for a while...i think he is relaxing a lot...he will come out and roll on his side and bat the air almost right in front of the dog...meds all done, too...
7.02.2013 our first month! and what a difference, Sammy is relaxing now, and i think he is understanding that he has a furever home...he comes out almost as soon as i get home, and sits out for much longer periods of time...i don't think he was picked up a lot, when i pick him up he does not quite yet know what to do with his legs...but we are getting better every day, and he loves, loves, loves petting. Yesterday he slipped off my lap and was going headfirst into the table, so i just without thinking reached down and caught him, the same as i did countless times with Kitty...i put him up on my shoulder, and he just sighed...so i think we are establishing trust and happiness. He loves roast chicken, so he gets a little bit when Bentley has his breakfast and supper...Sammy gets breakfast, supper, and a bedtime snack. He is not the cat that warms up right away, or trusts right away, but as Rescue says, oh, to watch that process unfold, and trust towards the dog, too...priceless...he is a very loving companion, and very much likes to be near us. i am very very happy...yes, he is still Sammy, or Captain White Toes, ( to go along with Admiral Bentley)... mostly SammyKitty, though...
July 24...so yesterday Sammy headbutted the dog for the very very first time...walked right up to him and stuck his head on Bentley's cheek...this morning he was bobbing and weaving all over Bentley, who was politely trying to be a gentleman! They seem absolutely happy together...i am, too...Sammy still sneezes every so often, but he is so fine, and happy, eating, playing, eyes clear as a bell...and fast! you should see him attack the throw rug...
Aug 21, 2013; now he walks right up to Bentley in the morning and tries to sit close to him under his chin...Bentley, being ever the gentleman, gets up thinking Sammy wants to sit in the warm spot...Sammy has made himself at home in the New Life, loves looking out windows, sleeping on the bed, and telling me always how hungry he is! He is now eating grain free indoor cat food, and he LOVES it. I just don't think cats are equipped to digest corn very easily. He is running and jumping more now, too, i think the little bit of weight that is slowly coming off is helping him feel better. He is a wonderful, wonderful cat...
Sept 19, 2013; he is SO good...Sammy is still sneezing, but he get his lysine every day, and does not seem to be bothered at all by sneezing. He has been home since June 2, and he is as much a part of us as if he had always been here. He sits out with us almost all the time now, sits in the library window at dusk to listen to stuff, and in the kitchen window when Bentley and i go for our morning walk. He is running about the house in the evenings, chasing all sorts of unseeable creatures. The other morning he heard something outside and stood up on the front door to see, on his back legs, and Bentley took his cue from the cat and came charging over to see what it was and protect his little brother, whom he did unceremoniously push out of the way...they are a stitch together, and i could not be happier. Sammy is getting used to lap sitting, too, and he purrs a lot then. He does fill up my day with happiness ( and of course, so does Bentley!)
hi! just received my six month reminder from my Peggy...it has been six months having my dear Sammy at home with us, and he has settled in as if he owns the house, and has always been here. He has a small issue if i try to pet the sides of his legs, i have to be very quiet, so i think he perhaps has an old injury, like being kicked...he has a great appetite, and has been known to swipe food off the table, so i have to be a little vigilant...he is so funny about it that i try not to laugh! He has become a lap sitter, it took a few months, but he is snuggly now, and tries to snuggle with the dog, who isn't too sure about that still, but does wash Sammy's face, as much as Sammy can stand. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, just the three of us, and i cannot wait to get home at the end of the day to see those beloved faces. It was one of the best decisions i ever made to go back to Siamese Rescue when i had to have another one. Thank all of you, all of Meezer Express, everyone who made this possible.

(Last update: Dec 2nd, 2013 1pm)

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Name: Lilly

(FKA Josie)

ID#: VA3634
Location:  New York
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/20/05
Adopted: 09/25/05
Deceased: 11/01/09
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Thea

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I arrived here after a stressful time. I was sadly uprooted from my home with Emilianne, Pye, and Benelli when our owner passed away just a few weeks ago. Then I got a sneezing cold, but I'm feeling much better now! I will need just a little time to get to know my new person, and I'll be following you around in no time. I'm a real talker too, so be prepared to listen!! ...and pet me when I tell you to!

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Notes from Home
Lilly passed away in 2009 of cancer, she is missed and was a beautiful girl with smiling blue eyes.
(Last update: Dec 1st, 2013 11am)


I'm Tammy and I'm here with my brother, Timmy. We're having a rough time right now., but we'd like to find a home together. Timmy picked up a fungus infection when we were out on our own and then gave it to me. Meowmy is taking care of us to help get it cleared up, but until it is, we have to stay in isolation in another room away from all the other kittens and cats. Thank goodness I have Timmy to keep me company.

I'm not as shy as Timmy and love attention, but I do get a little scared sometimes, but if you pet me, I'm fine and purr real loud.

If you'd like a pair of kittens, ask about us and and maybe we can come home to you once we're all cleared up.

Name: Siena

(FKA Tammy)

ID#: VA9525
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/06/13
Adopted: 10/28/13
Congrats: Maria
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Things are great with Tammy. We have decided to call her Siena after our favorite Saint CATherine of Siena. She sometimes takes a little while to warm up, but at other times she is very happy to have as many pets as you will give! She has a great, loud purr and seems to be happy here. We're sure glad to have her!
(Last update: Nov 30th, 2013 11pm)

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Name:   Timmy
ID#: VA9526
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/06/13
Adopted: 10/28/13
Congrats: Maria
Foster: Jeanne


I'm Timmy and I'm here with my sister, Tammy. We're having a rough time right now., but we'd like to find a home together. I picked up a fungus infection when I was out on my own and gave it to my sister. Meowmy is taking care of us to help get it cleared up, but until it is, we have to stay in isolation in another room away from all the other kittens and cats. Thank goodness I have Tammy to keep me company.

I'm a bit shy but do love attention so it doesn't take me long to warm up to new folks. If you'd like a pair of kittens, ask about us and and maybe we can come home to you once we're all cleared up.


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Notes from Home
Timmy is doing great! He is still quite timid, so the name really does suit him, so most probably it will stay Timmy. He has shown no signs whatsoever of his fungus so we are very relieved that it got all cleared up for him and his sister. while he still gets nervous about being petted, he consistently comes and sits close by, but just out of reach. He has let me pet him a few times and he starts a pretty good purr, but it only lasts so long. He is VERY playful and loves all the toys Jeanne sent home with them. We have opened up the bottom floor of the house to the kittens and they are having a ball. When I come out of my room in the morning they are waiting at the door. Special thanks to Jeanne for all the work in getting them healthy. I am sure Tim will be fine as the weeks go by and he becomes more trusting.
(Last update: Nov 30th, 2013 11pm)

OK, so check out my debonair side. Here I am modeling for Cat Esquire. Oh, you want to pet me? Uh, uhm, errrr, ahhhhh, ok do that some more. Some more! Swish twitch goes my tail. Pet me some more - I really like it! Will you give a rough-around-the-edges ex-stray like me a home? Yes? Me? Now? Please? I'm a good guy. Foster mom even calls me Joey B. Good sometimes. That means I'm good, right?

Betcha didn't know a stray guy like me is computer literate! I'm no dummy - now tweeting (yeah, I know that's a BIRD sound) http://twitter.com/#!/GIJoeGato. Follow me!
Name: Jody

(FKA G.I. Joe)

ID#: VA7919
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/27/11
Adopted: 11/26/11
Congrats: Vicky
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Jodie (GIJ0e) is doing great. he's loving all the petting he's getting doing headbutts and even licked my fingers a little yesterday when i was brushing him. then last nite after i got off the phone with Diane, he purred for the first time for me, he wanted to follow me out of the rooom when i came out, which is the first i seen any interest in coming out. both my husband and I are happy with him, i can't wait for him and Pumpkin to play.
12-3-11 Jody is doing so good. last nite was his first nite out of the isolation room. no fighting between him and Pumpkin all nite. Jodie actually jumped in be with us a couple of times. he's doesn't really seem afraid of the Stan the dog or Pumpkin but he's not combative either. its like he knows he has totake his time.
12-14-11 Jody had his 2-week check-up yesterday. he's doing great. weighed in at 12.7 pds. no problems. at home, he and Pumpkin are getting along well, not playing together yet, but at least not hissing either. Stan the dog still isn't his favorite, but he's learning to tolerate him. i would say his favorite time of day is in the evening when he can curl up on the couch with me and Rick while we watch tv. he just purrs and enjoys the lap of luxury.
12-28-11 well, it's been a month since we got Jody. he's still doing great. he's got his favorite spot in the family room now on the rocking chair, so we put his bed on it and he sleeps there a lot. pumpkin is till tolerating him but won't play with him. but we got the undercover mouse toy for him and he goes to town on that. i've already had to change the batteries twice in it for him.
Jody is doing great. my daughter has nicknamed him Jo-Jo. He is still love-struck over Pumpkin and she still don't want much to do with him. He follows me around like a puppy-dog and always wants his cheeks scratched. 6-08-12 Jody is doing great. went to vets for his shots and check-up in August. He weighed in at 15 and a half pounds. He's just a big ole lug. vet says he is doing great. He's not too thrilled about our 6-month puppy but is doing ok there. he's still love-struck over Pumpkin and Pumpkin actually lets him clean her while she is eating. Jody gets up on my lap every morning while the dogs are doing there business out side. that way he is sure to get his.loving for the day.
11/30/13 Jo-Jo is doing good. he's got a bladder infection we've been fighting for a couple of weeks. The vet has him on an antibiotic and other med. He is doing great with the kitty. He plays with her and gives her a bath.

(Last update: Nov 30th, 2013 8am)

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Name:   Lacey
ID#: VA8922
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 11/15/12
Adopted: 11/29/12
Congrats: Stacy
Foster: Christine

Here with my brother and sister at foster mom's house. I am the independent one! I have a HUGE purr motor and a tiny voice! Wanna take me home?

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Notes from Home
12/13/12 It's been two weeks and Lacey's integration and household domination is just about complete. Doing well with both furry siblings and has claimed her spot on the bed (and working on her place in the household - thinks she's going to be my alpha). Loves to play and wrestle - including tackling her 13 pound brother. Just a happy, sweet and opinionated girl - that's why I love my torties!

12/30/12 Can't believe she's been here a month. She is just a little pistol. Fun, fun, fun. Uploaded a couple new pictures.

5/29/13 Wow - six months! How time flies. Lacey is still doing well and having a blast. She's very easy-going and playful (no tortie tude with her) with both Miley and Rocco and follows Roc everywhere. Quite a bit of thundering cats running through the house on a regular basis. Roc still likes to occasionally hiss and growl at Lacey but she knows he's just hot air and ignores him. Funniest is to watch him growl while he's grooming her head and she's purring away. Purrfect addition to the family!

11/30/13 - One year! All is going well. Lacey is about 7.5 pounds and has darkened where her coloring matches Miley's now. Good thing she has the white on the tip of her tail - otherwise it would be impossible to tell them apart from a distance. Lacey still follows Rocco everywhere and has been great for him. She keeps him company and likes to sleep near him. Told the vet as his last check up that I didn't need Prozac for him - just Lacey. Lacey and Miley are still get along well, though Miley will growl and let her know when she's had enough with being chased. Good thing Lacey's so easy going that she lets her siblings' occasional hissing and growling roll right over her. Still demanding, still purrs up a storm and loves to snuggle at night. She's a sweetie and I'm happy to have her in the family.

(Last update: Nov 29th, 2013 6pm)

Sweet and gentle - loves to be near you. Will cuddle.
Name:   Inez
ID#: VA9473
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/13/13
Adopted: 11/09/13
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
We want to thank everyone for our wonderful adoption experience! Inez is such a blessing to our family! She is doing great and is such a loving girl. Her new favorite toy is her laser pointer :)

(Last update: Nov 29th, 2013 1pm)

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Name: Sassi

(FKA Maggie)

ID#: VA9530
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 09/07/13
Adopted: 10/26/13
Congrats: Valencia
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
I'm giving you a 'pretend' evil eye, but I'm not at all evil. I'm a very nice, well adjusted easy going gal who would like to be the only cat, and who is a very easy going, loving companion. My habits are pristine and other than eating a no grain no byproduct food, I'm an easy keeper! How about it?

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Notes from Home
Sassi has been in her furrever home for just one month, and I can't believe how quickly she adjusted. It is as if she has been here forever. She loves to play every night, she gives head butts, and loves the laser pointer game. She is not much of a talker, but she trills and purrs. Sassi likes things pretty quiet, and she hasn't become a lap cat yet, but she sleeps on the pillow next to my face. Will upload pictures ASAP.

(Last update: Nov 27th, 2013 4pm)

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