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I am almost ready for my new home, I have made myself quite comfortable with my foster Mom and I am sure I could make myself at home with you too! I purr like a champ and I have come out of my shell. Won't you click on me?


Name: Ziggy

(FKA Zagnut)

ID#: VA9664
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/06/13
Adopted: 11/22/13
Congrats: Iva Jane
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Ziggy is doing great! He and the "girls" (2 bengals and 1coonie) get along occasionally Bella,queen of the house, has to correct him with a smack upside the head, but he shrugs it off and quits the behavior she doesn't agree with. The other night they were having quite a discussion with squeaks and chirps and chitters.( meezer and bengal language) I would loved to have heard translation!He is a wonderful cuddlebug and loves to purr. He is doing well with harness, and ok with leash. Some mornings I wake up with his head on my arm and sometimes he is stretched out by my shoulder. He runs all over the house and slides across the floors. I finally realised why my shoes are not staying where I leave them when I saw him sliding across the floor with it!! My vet said after his wellness check and leukemia vaccine how laid back he is! He never once showed any nail or growl. When he looked at his short whiskers he said it could be that they had been burned off. He is growing in long whiskers now also. He comes when I call his name. As I write this Ziggy and Ziva the coonie were playing and Ziva pushed him off the bed. Bella jumped up and smacked Ziva and is "chuffing" at her for it. She takes her job of queen seriously! NO CATS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF THIS MESSAGE!
(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2013 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Roh
ID#: VA8932
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/16/12
Adopted: 12/12/12
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Paula

We're a handsome pair of gentlemen in soft seal coats each with a little twinkle in our crossed eyes. We're here through no fault of our own, but because our owner was allergic to us.

I love to play with toys - especially the wand toys with a human making it do fun stuff. I'm the strong silent type and let Cody take the lead but quickly follow my brother.

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Notes from Home
Roh has done great adjusting to his new house. He couldn't wait to have free reign of the house and explore every room. Shortly after coming home and after a belly full of food he was asking for belly scratches and rubbing on everything. He and his brother Cody love to snuggle with each other and also with their humans! As I write this I've had to make room on my lap for a combined 25 pounds of sweet Siamese...
Both Roh and Cody are active and love to play but hear the call of a lonely lap if someone sits down. They love dangly toys and climbing on their new cat tree. We had discovered Roh's secret, he had everyone fooled that he wasn't a talker...well he is now!
The boys are so special and we are so thankful that they ended up with us.

October 2013: Roh becomes more and more confident every day. He is no longer the shy quiet boy hiding nearby. Still the quieter of the two brothers he always makes sure he is present in any goings ons in the house. He has decided on his sleeping spots and isn't afraid to scare his brother away from them.

December 2013: One year has sure some quickly. Life is good in my furever home. There are plenty of warm spots and comfy laps to lay in. Mommy was worried that we might cause some mischief with the Christmas tree this year...silly mommy! I never try to stop my brother from getting curious about things up high and I sometimes join him but we have no interest in the tree. Phew!

(Last update: Dec 20th, 2013 10pm)

We're a handsome pair of gentlemen in soft seal coats each with a little twinkle in our crossed eyes. We're here through no fault of our own, but because our owner was allergic to us.

We are best buds, sleep together, play together, eat together and give each other little baths. I'm the talkative one, and the first in your lap.
Name:   Cody
ID#: VA8930
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/16/12
Adopted: 12/12/12
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Paula


Notes from Home
Cody has done wonderfully adjusting to his new house. He couldn't wait to be let out of the office and be able to explore the rest of the house. Within hours of being home he was curled up in my lap with a belly full of tasty food. He and his brother Roh love to snuggle with each other and also with their humans! As I update this I've had to make room on my lap for a combined 25 pounds of sweet Siamese...
Cody and Roh are both very active and love to play with long dangly toys and climb all over their new cat tree, but the second some one sits down they sense the need for a lap warmer and settle right down.
The boys are so special and we are so thankful that they ended up with us.

October 2013: Cody lets everyone know when he is hungry and his bowl is empty by calling and calling and calling until someone comes running. He is the best snuggler and always wants to be near his people. He is curious about everyone and everything and lets the neighbors cats know whose house they are too close to. On warm sunny days Cody can always be found in a sun spot or a bright windowsill.

December 2013: One year already! Time has flown by so quickly. Cody rules the house for sure. He always wants to be in the middle of whatever is going on and makes anyone feel welcome. Mommy seems to think that the things that get knocked over are all my fault and while I will never confirm nor deny this she might be right.... A day full of sunny spots and warm laps is a good day. Life is good =)

(Last update: Dec 20th, 2013 10pm)

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Name:   Nigel
ID#: VA9158
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/01/13
Adopted: 06/12/13
Deceased: 09/01/17
Congrats: Alicia
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
A VERY Siamese cat, I think I'm pretty hot stuff. So hot I had to leave the state of FL and make my way up to VA to cool down a bit. Yup, I'm a little full of myself, that's because I'm a very smart male - you know what they say - it's usually the ladies that are smart and the guys that are the puppy dog types - sorry to burst your bubble, bud, but I graduated top of my class and am darn proud of it!

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Notes from Home
Nigel is doing great! Each day he comes out of his shell and we discover something new. He likes to drink out of the toilet. . . . .Pat thinks this is just a hoot how he balances himself. Yesterday we introduced him to our neighbor's Maltese, Duffy. . . . . .no hissing, no raised back - just a little sniff. So, Siri, your assessment was correct that he is "dog" friendly.
Trying to find him is still a challenge since he doesn't like wearing a collar, (remember he wiggled out of it the second day I had it on him). . . . was looking for him yesterday and finally realized he was "sunning himself on my d/r buffet in the bay window behind a large floral arrangement.
He still goes under the bed but will come out when hand signaled. He is just a gentle, loving guy who is trying to figure out "what happened"
Here is a shot of Nigel soaking up sun rays on the steps. He has been such a joy; I can't imagine anyone giving him up. He loves to sit on your lap and be stroked. He is sooooo patient. He will sit for long periods of time waiting for u to acknowledge him. He loves his treats and will reach out to tell you what he wants. He still howls, but we hardly notice. BTW , he co-exists w/our grand doggy Sophie, Springer Spaniel, who visits on occasion. We just love him. Thank u for matching us up

(Last update: Dec 20th, 2013 12pm)

I am a cutie and I know it. I am outgoing and will be a typical seal female with an attitude. Things should be done MY way and if not, you will be told what is wrong. I am affectionate and loving with a little bit of spice.
I am a seal point but have a teeny bit of white at the tips of a few toes.
Purrs, Jill
Name:   Jill
ID#: VA9590
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/06/13
Adopted: 11/17/13
Congrats: Ievgeniia
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
I'm one awesome kitten! I am not just a kitten: I am a cat-dog! I enjoy belly rubs and play fetch. I have Energizer batteries inside of me that get powered by the moonlight. My energy is enough for me and my older brother Caspian to play endlessly. I am really glad I can encourage that old guy to run like a little kitten.
I love my owners, even a bit too much. I follow my human mom even to the shower and watch a shower curtain until she comes out. I follow her like a shadow no matter what she is doing. Maybe she will stop whatever she's doing and play fetch with me?! There is always a hope for that :) Purrr...

(Last update: Dec 18th, 2013 11pm)

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Name:   Caspian
ID#: VA9611
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 10/19/13
Adopted: 11/17/13
Congrats: Ievgeniia
Foster: Heida

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Left outside when the people moved, I am scared and worried right now. I am going to need a quiet home with someone there alot to love on me and make me feel safe again.

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Notes from Home
On one month anniversary I finally purred for the first time when my owner was peering me in my kind-sized bed!
I am still a bit shy, don't like to be petted outside the bed (not my comfort zone), but other than that I am doing great! My little energetic sister Jill doesn't let me rest at all. We can play for hours. We play ball and catch. When I am bored I can play ball on my own, rolling around on the floor like a little kitten, even though I am quiet heavy. If I am really bored, I can chase my own tail! That is quit fun too.

(Last update: Dec 18th, 2013 11pm)

Fabulous micro-Meezer diva weighing in at only 4.8 lbs; I've got some weight gaining to do before I'll be ready to go home. I'm looking for someone who will understand and appreciate me and work to earn my affection. I'm slow to trust, but if you're willing to work hard and be patient with me, I promise I am worth it. I'm not the no-issue lap cat, but I am beautiful and would be great for an experienced adopter looking for a true rescued Siamese.
Name:   Cher
ID#: VA5477
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/15/08
Adopted: 03/02/08
Congrats: Courtney
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Well I can't believe that I've had Cher for 5 years now! She's made some great progress. I ended up getting another cat a year into having her and they are best buddies now. Pretty much inseperable. They sleep together all day and play all night. Her buddy had to have a lump removed and Cher was noticably upset when her friend didn't appear for a few days. Cher still is scared when there are loud noises and if strangers enter our house she takes refuge under a bed or behind the couch. She still prefers woman to men. She hisses at my husband a lot when he comes within her perimeter. She'll hiss before he even notices that she's there. He'll bend down and pet her and she'll allow it and eventually start purring but there is always the initial hiss. She's very good with the step children too. They play with her a lot and get her moving. She seems to love chasing the laser around the room. But you still have to approach her slowly because if do it fast or if you are loud she seeks refuge and will make her appearance later. She's had no health issues either been a wonderful cat. She will urinate on things occasionally if they are left on the ground. Purses for example or jackets. It seems to be things that we travel with and I assume it's because it has other scents on it. Originally we thought she had some kind of urinary issue but the vet said she's healthy just teritorrial. We are all very happy with her and look forward to many more years with Cher! Thanks for everything! Best decision ever!!
(Last update: Dec 16th, 2013 6pm)

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Name: Bella Luna

(FKA Bella Rosa)

ID#: VA8933
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/17/12
Adopted: 12/01/12
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Do you like sealy girls who are smart, talkative, interactive, snuggly and just overall a great rep for the Siamese cat? Then that would be me! Given up when I didn't like the boisterous dogs (how does anyone put up with those yappy bouncy things anyway?) I am a great family find!

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Notes from Home
A big hello and thanks to the Siamese Rescue Center of VA for my loving
meezer Bella Luna. I picked up my Bella Luna on December 2 2012 in
Pawtucket RI after she traveled on the meezer express. That date also
happens to be my birthday, so she was the best birthday present I could
ever receive. She was a little shy at first in her new home, but over time
she has blossomed into one affectionate,sweet and playful cat. She has
been a great companion and helps me feel loved as I am fairly alone in my
life. I cannot convey just how wonderful she is and how she adds to my life
on a daily basis. For the last month, I have been very sick with pneumonia
and she has been a great comfort to have her with me. Thank you so much
for your work saving these beautiful and loving cats.

(Last update: Dec 16th, 2013 6pm)

Sugar and spice and everything nice.

I am quite snuggly, and my motor boat purr runs easily. I have a wee little voice that is cute and not annoying. My white paws are cute and I play with wand toys cutely. I give headbutts in an adorable manner.

I love to be loved on, enjoy a good brushing session, eat well and have great litter box manners.

I am not your "average" meezer with seal or blue points. What I am is a sweet little lynxie girl who had a rough life before my Siamese Rescue angel intervened. Now I need a sweet someone to give me a forever home as their only cat. (I don't mind a not in your face dog at all.)

Would that someone be you?
Name:   Josie
ID#: VA9417
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/19/13
Adopted: 09/14/13
Congrats: Nilda
Foster: Diana

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Josie has the run of the whole house now. We still leave our bedroom door slightly cracked So she can come when ever she wants. I love the way she jumps on the bed and bumped her head on my face and take a little paw and tap me to let me know that she's hungry. The are time's Jojo or Josie I call her by both name and she know. As far as her stool it as gotten a little better. Her appointment with the vet is October the 14th.

This is a new update for Josie right now we at the vet first checkup so far everything looks good I'm still concerned about her stools apparently she sometimes still have diarrhea I told the doctors and she looking in to it. she's doing fine really good wake me up by putting her tapping her paw in my face letting me know that she's hungry.

Just wanted to send a new update. Josie still have the run of the house but I think I made her lazy, she sleep a lot when I get home from work she come right too me, when ever I'm in the kitchen she tends to lay right by my feet if I'm washing dishes she's right there next to me, there are times where I have step on her tail because she right there. She still get in bed with us sometime I'll put her in her bed , if I tell here no she listen. sometimes I wonder if I have a dog instead of a cat because she obeys when I tell her no. I am so pleased that wee have her in our live we couldn't be any more happier.

(Last update: Dec 16th, 2013 1pm)

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Name:   Myko
ID#: VA8130
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/16/11
Adopted: 12/03/11
Congrats: Sue
Foster: Kay

I have settled in and now have foster room privileges. I used to live with a family with small children and I loved my family and am good with kids. I need to go with a family that does not have other cats or only nice gentle kitties. I am a very sweet girl and looking for a loving family to share my future with.
I am playful and interactive. Myko

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Myko is a real sweetheart. She loves looking out the windows, has claimed the top level of the cat tree and likes to sit in the play cube. I wish I had a picture of her carrying the little mylar pompoms around. Angel has to watch out for her tail - Myko likes to play with it :) Everything checked out OK at the vet.

12/15/13 - Myko is a little treasure and quite the talker. Her health is good and she will be getting her first "Senior" exam when she goes in for her next check-up. She loves to run and plays games with the other cat on the steps. Myko is a wonderful companion and follows me around the house, sleeping on the bed or the back of the couch when I take a nap.

(Last update: Dec 15th, 2013 7pm)

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