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I keep telling Foster Mary she needs to get more flattering pictures of me. Then I tricks her and either turn my head or shut my baby blues. She's so much fun to trick.

Be sure to check out my new video. Come to find out I love playing with kids (if they are kind to me). A good game of fetch with hide and seek the toy are great fun.

I would love to be your only furkid as I do like to have plenty of attention, but I could live with another cat or two as long as they aren't aggressive or bossy with me. I don't tolerate bossy very well and will easily let it me known that I'm not a pushover.
I have a gentle nature and am politely playful. Heck I'm even good for my manicures!!!

If you are seeking a sweet young sealie girl who isn't overly playful but will play and will bond with you, who is a moderate talker, who will pat your leg when she wants attention....well then you gotta ask about me to find out more.

Name:   Bella
ID#: VA8646
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/08/12
Adopted: 08/11/12
Deceased: 12/12/19
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Mary

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Bella adapted quite well to her new surroundings and to me. She's a wonderful cat! After keeping Holly and Bella separate for one week, on their first encounter, they sniffed each other, circled, walked with me down the hall to the kitchen and then had one skirmish under the kitchen table and Bella chased Holly upstairs & another skirmish took place under my bed. I separated them again. For 17 days they've been mostly separated. One is confined to the bedroom or living room and the other runs free through the rest of the place/ Every couple hours I switch them around. Each has been in the room where the other one was, have smelled each others kitty litter, they often curl up on the place where the other had been. Then I borrowed a large wire cage from a friend so they could safely be with one another instead of one behind a closed door. Neither one liked being in the cage more than 15-20 min. Holly feels threatened but is hissing and growling less when Bella comes near while Holly is in the cage. If I hold one and bring her close (not in the cage) to the other it's OK for a few minutes.
My vet, Dr. Bujalski, came back from vacation today, and suggested I buy a harness and a leash so I can restrain Bella when she tries to run after Holly. He also suggested playing more with Holly and buying Food Puzzles for cats so she works off some of her energy. I asked him about Remedy drops. He recommended them and said I could buy them at Whole Foods, but I found Rescue Remedy for pets near where I live at a natural food store. (They told me that Rescue Remedy for humans has a brandy base, and for pets--it's alochoal free.) Dr. B. found that Bella had conjunctivitis and gave me drops and taught me how to give drops in both eyes mornings and evenings for 5-7 days.
Holly is fascinated by Bella, but very intimidated by her. I find when I go to look for Holly in the living room where she has been confined without Bella around, she has found a hiding place, and in the bedroom she will hide under the bed or dresser even when Bella is not around.
Dr. B. said it is probably going to take some time. Wish m e luck in getting a harness on Bella for their next encounter!
9,11,12 Both Holly and Bella are doing well, however, I still feel I cannot leave them alone together. Progress is slow. When I bring them together it is with Bella in the cage or Bella on a halter and leash. Bella is eager to get closer to Holly, and crawls toward her submissively, but if she gets closer than a foot away, Holly growls. When Holly sees me taking Bella out of the cage or putting on her halter, she runs and hides. But there have been several (6-7) occasions where Bella approached Holly and they lie within 1 to 3 feet of each other, staring at each other, Bella with her tail wagging like a dog (and I have Bella on the leash). If Holly starts to run upstairs, Bella tries to race after her. I still leave work 1-2x/day to switch them around--one confined to one room, the other free. In the evening we are together in the living room with Bella on the leash.

Bella had her annual physical on the 9th. Dr. Bujalski found everything fine and the blood work report the next day also. I told him she was eating less and he suggested that I alternate the kidney diet with other food. He had found crystals in her urine last year so she has been on the Royal Canin renal diet--both meaty and dry food and I mixed in a bit of Fancy Food diet with the meaty renal diet.
She was suffering from allergies--scratching her cheeks, rubbing her eyes, licking her anal area. In the past he gave a cortisone shot. But a few months ago he tried an antibiotic that did not alleviate the problem so he prescribed prednisone tablets--and that has worked well. At first she took 2 pills/day and lately she has been on 1/2 pill/day (2.5 mg?) and now we are trying half a pill every other day.
Bella is intrigued with Nieko's arrival, lies down 2 feet from the living room closed door when she knows Nieko is in the LR. Lisa Downing loaned me a gate and that seemed to work with a cat on either side until day 2 when Nieko jumped up on it and the next day over it. Then I tried putting Bella in the carrier, letting Nieko out of the LR. Bella hissed a bit while Nieko was rubbing his cheeks not the carrier. A few days later when Bella was in the upstairs bedroom, I opened the door a little and let the two cats meet through a crack. It was going well so I widened the gap, they rubbed noses, but all of a sudden they were at each other --bounding down the stairs and both made their way under a large desk where I could not reach them. Bella got under a dresser. When Nieko came out, I checked to make sure he was not hurt and put him back in the LR. When Bella came out, I checked to make sure she had no wounds. She kept looking at the LR door from the kitchen. Yesterday I put Bella in her carrier again and let Nieko come up but Bella growled and hissed. When I had put Nieko in his carrier, Bella did not show much interest.
Next I thought I might try letting each of them alone into the room of the other--Bella into the living room where Nieko has stayed and Nieko into the BR where Bella has been so they can get used to each other's smells that way. I was not doing that as long as I thought it possible that Nieko's sore in the ear might be ringworm. When Bella is in the upstairs BR, I let Nieko have the run of the rest of the place, and then when Nieko is back in the LR, I let Bella out to have the run of the place and I spend a lot of time with each separately--now that I am retired.
8/13/17 Bella is going for her annual check up and shots Aug. 23. I took her to the vet 3 or 4 mo. ago since she was producing a lot of urine and I suspected kidney failure, but Dr. B. said he thought it was from being on cortisone and on the special Royal Canin Urinary SO dry diet after in an earlier check up, crystals were found in her urine. The blood tests did not indicate the beginning of kidney failure.
Bella developed allergies--scratching her face, licking her anal area and initially she was given cortisone shots twice, I believe, but now she is on half a cortisone pill every other day and I give her eye drops in each eye daily. Her primary home is my upstairs bedroom. When I lead Nieko to the living room with food and shut the door, I let Bella out of the bedroom. She likes to be with me, seeks affection. But then she also goes under a desk where she has gone when chased by Nieko. If I leave while she is free to roam, I will come home and find that she had gone back up to the bedroom.
She also likes to play with the cat dancer and other toys, likes to be brushed, and she sleeps on my bed at night while Nieko sleeps in the living room.
Bella is doing fine. She had her annual physical a few weeks ago.
The big news is that she and Nieko are now together. They can lie within 3 feet of each other peacefully, but they do fight--Bella screams, hisses and briefly attacks Nieko maybe 2-3 times/day.

(Last update: Sep 5th, 2018 2pm)

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Name: Lady BeeGee

(FKA Babygirl (BeeGee))

ID#: VA7428
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 25 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/27/10
Adopted: 09/17/11
Congrats: Devaughn
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Look, look deep into my eyes. I can predict the future! Reallyl.

I am one healthy gal. I see myself living another 7 years.

I am one easy going gal. A lap, some love, and an only cat home. Dry food only is fine, and I'll bring several bags to start you out, though I'm not fussy about what type. Litterbox habits are perfect. Playful? Sure. Snuggly? Sure. Happy for whatever comes my way? Absolutely. Demanding? Nope, easy going. Adoption scholarship to boot.

If money is tight ... if you don't have any other cats ... If you'd like to help a cat in need .... If you want easy going and loving vs high strung and neurotic ... ask about me, and I'm yours.

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Notes from Home
Let me get one thing straight.. I never considered myself a cat person.. But as of right now, I am a Lady BeeGee person!!! She is amazing!! From the moment I saw her, I just knew for some reason she belonged to our family. Everyone loves her. She was Baby Girl when I adopted her, but she handles herself like a lady so I renamed her Lady BeeGee. Right now she sleeps all day and walks around all night, but I suppose it was because at the center she could only come out at night because of all the cats, but no lock up for her here! She's out and about and boy does she love to talk! My dog is so excited to have a new friend that he can hardly contain himself. My children adore her and my mom even wants to get a cat because of her. She's eating, drinking and using the litter box very well. You can't even tell she 12!! She has a lot of spirit in her and I hope to have her for a long time. But however long I have her; she will be loved and taken care of. I will update later with pictures. Thank you so much Siamese Cat Rescue Center! Even though I lost a great pet in Thirteen just a few weeks ago, Lady BeeGee is filling the whole in my heart. Keep doing what you're doing because you all are doing it well.

Update: 3/17/12: Happy Birthday and Anniversary Lady BeeGee!!! Well, her birthday was last month and it's been six months this month since I added her to the Hailstock family. She is completely like one of the family. At first, I wanted her to bond with my daughter since it was her that was closest to the pet we lost in Sept. but BeeGee actually boned with me more but I think it's because of our dislike of other cats. Just kidding. Her and the dog often fight over my attention. She is still a night owl. All night long she walks from my daughters' room to mine trying to see who will move so they will pet/play with her. Is it just me of does it seems like she really talks? . I know that siamese have a very different meow but when I say the two syllable word "Hello" to her. She meows back in twice very fast and in two octives. When I say "Hi" she meows back just once. Anyway, I am very glad to have her in our home. She really completes our house of fairies. She may be 13 but she is full of spirit. We love her and the honeymoon is not over! Thanks

Update: 4/17/13
Lady BeeGee is doing great! I still have her and we have grown very close over this year and half. I will say that she’s slowed down a bit since I first got her. I think her age maybe starting to catch up with her some. For 14, I think she’s doing pretty well. She spends most of her days laying on my bed. She sheds a lot so I gave her a blanket which she loves to lay on. She’s very laid back but still loves to “talk”. The other day she finally found a way to come out of her bell collar and I haven’t been able to get her a new one yet. She creeps up on you for sure! She’s not a lap cat but when she wants a little love, she’ll let you know. Sometimes she’ll even play with the dog but those moments are few are far between, but it’s cute when I do get to see it. I’m hoping that the rest of her days- maybe years will be kind to her because she’s such a great cat. I will try to get some pictures of her up uploaded soon!

Update 6/1/15
Lady BeeGee is doing great! We are coming up on our 4 year anniversary together and she really is a big part of the family. I honestly didn't think I'd have her this long but she's going strong. She has a healthy appetite, great attitude and remains playful for a nearly16 year old cat. Her and my dog are great friends. There's a pic of them sleeping on my couch together. She still has the habit of walking around at night and talking but now it only freaks out any of my friends or family who are over for the night. It's actually pretty funny to tell you the truth. She sounds like she's saying "hello" and at 3am that can really scare a person not used to it. I'm glad to have her. When I adopted her, I made a promise to her that I would make her senior years happy. I think it's going pretty well. I do love her. We all love her. This experience has been a positive one.

Update: 10/19/2017
Lady BeeGee is alive and well :) She has thinned out a bit and fir is spruce at times but she's happy and still talking to me daily. I have come to realize that she's my familiar rather than a pet which suits both of us just fine. It seems we are destined to find each other and share this time with one another. She may be the last cat I own as I am deeply fond of her.

Update: 09/5/2018
This morning, my beloved Lady BeeGee passed away peacefully in her sleep. I was NEVER a cat person but for some reason when I first saw her on this website, I just knew she was meant to be with me. And when I got her, I made a promise and I kept my promise to her and this organization to give her a loving home in her senior years. But what I didn't realize was just how much love she had given me. She was my familiar and she was family. We have decided to have her cremated and her ashed place near my ancestral alter to continue to be a presence in our lives. But I will truly miss her in her physical form. Good bye Lady. And thank you all for what you do here.

(Last update: Sep 5th, 2018 9am)

I had a good checkup with the vet today so can get my neuter and go home in a couple of weeks with my sister, Hilde. We are best buddies so need to be adopted as a pair. We do everything together unless I decide to be independent and do more exploring. Love to check out new things but sis is a little more timid.
Name: Stormy

(FKA Hodge fka Jones #2)

ID#: VA12708
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/14/18
Adopted: 08/18/18
Congrats: Michael
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
Stormy (formerly Hodge) is a very brave inquisitive kitten. He is quick to explore, quick to try new things, quick to jump on the table (squirt squirt!) and quick to run around full speed. He also has a mighty appetite, so we have to limit his food supply already because he's already got a little pooch tummy. It did not take Stormy long at all once we let him out of their bedroom/bathroom suite to run up the stairs and explore that level! He plays well with his sister Luna, although he does have a bad habit of bulling his way into her dish. Naughty, naughty.
(Last update: Sep 5th, 2018 9am)

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Name: Luna

(FKA Hildie fka Jones #4)

ID#: VA12707
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 07/14/18
Adopted: 08/18/18
Congrats: Michael
Foster: Kay

Good checkup with the vet today. Will be spayed on 8/6 and then me and my brother will be able to go home. Sweet, playful, affectionate little girl.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Luna (formerly Hildie) is doing great. Sweet, timid young lady who almost always defers to her bigger, older brother Stormy. But she does her fair share of exploring and playing after Stormy gets it started. She's quicker to retreat to their bedroom/bathroom suite if things get loud, but she enjoys playing and fighting with Stormy and loves to be loved by the humanoids too. She weighs a full half pound less than her brother because she does not have his appetite, and her brother always cleans her dish out!
(Last update: Sep 5th, 2018 9am)

Hi there! I'm Buddy.

Meowmy said she named me that because that I want to be, someone's buddy. I love it when she pets me and show her how much by rolling over and letting her pet my belly, and when she brushes me, I'm in heaven! See me air kneading in one of my photos? She had just finished with the brush.

I had my "education" a week ago and met the other cats here. I played all day with the female kitten but the big girls didn't like me. That's their loss. hahahaha

Ask about me and we'll see if maybe I'm a good fit for our household.

Name:   Buddy
ID#: VA12526
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/13/18
Adopted: 03/11/18
Congrats: Samantha
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Buddy has settled in quite well and has become comfortable with everyone. He is still exploring and finding new places hang out and hide in. He has an adorable meow and loves looking out the window.

Our first month with Buddy has gone by so fast. Buddy went to the vet for his check-up and the vet said he was in great shape and a good looking kitty. He was not too happy about the trip but was fine once we returned home. Buddy enjoys being in the sunlight while sitting in the window or anywhere in the room that the sun shining. He was able to enjoy the warm weather we had this weekend too by laying on the sun-porch (enclosed of course).

We just celebrated Buddy's 2nd birthday. He still enjoys laying in front of the windows in the sunlight when it's not too hot. He also likes being up in high places. Buddy likes to play around with his food by scooping some out on the floor and chasing it around. He has also become a little more vocal since we brought him home almost 6 months ago.

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2018 11pm)

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Name: Lewis

(FKA Phoenix)

ID#: VA11589
Location:  Illinois
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/16/16
Adopted: 08/07/16
Congrats: Allison
Foster: Joy

I have some questions for you. Do you love to curl up with a good book or watch a movie with a cat snuggled on your lap? Do you love the sound of a contented purr? Do you love an outgoing cat who will follow you and help with whatever you're doing? Than you love me....you just don't know it yet. Come on, ask about me. I have so much love to give and i'm just waiting to share it with you.


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Notes from Home
Lewis (Pheonix) is a wonderful addition to our family. He is now joined by two dogs: a 1-year old Bernedoodle named Arthur and a 9-month old German Australian Shepard named Isla. Lewis is relaxed with them and still makes sure that we all know that he runs the place. Lewis has a strong bond to a dog toy. It's a Koala shaped stuffed animal. He likes to carry it around the house and meow. He also insists on sleeping with us and will knock endlessly at the door if we don't come get him before bed. He is almost always in whatever room everyone else is in, but only to observe and keep everyone in order.
(Last update: Sep 4th, 2018 8pm)

Purrs and snuggles is what you will have if you take me and my brother Clyde home !
Name:   Bonnie
ID#: VA8727
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/19/12
Adopted: 09/04/12
Congrats: Herb
Foster: Heida


Notes from Home
Bonnie is adjusting wonderfully as well as her brother Clyde. They love exploring the house.
They are very active by themselves or together running around the whole place. She especially likes to get hold
of every rubber band she can find. They both on many occasions follow me wherever I go. She has grown and looks very healthy.

Bonnie has adjusted well over the last 6 months - she and her brother run around and play the house -as I write they are both batting a ping pong ball around the kitchen - if they were human they be great soccer players. I was given a present of a portable lawn chair the other day and almost as soon as I opened it up, Bonnie claimed it as hers and and their favorite pink "snake" was placed there.

Sept 4, 2014

Both my babies are doing well - my brother became very ill this year so Bonnie and Clyde became very close to me - because of family dynamics I.e my brother's continued illness and my mom's age we will have to move some time in the future - I will take suggestions as to secure a safe and pleasant adjustment for my two babies - they have gotten me through this tough time and have adjusted to the parade of medical people who come here.
September 4 2015 Bonnie has adopted well to new location - we have the same vet - she has gained weight but the Dr is not concerned, just watch diet. New picture should be attached from this morning. She is my best girl sitting on my lap when I take time to sit still - again I am the only caretaker but I have backup of friends if necessary.

September 4 2016

Bonnie and Clyde are well - we moved twice last year - once into a retirement community and back home since that did not work out - so we are back in the original home in Baldwin although somewhat downsized pending a probably move again in the future.
Bonnie remains well per the vet this summer - she periodically misses the box (urine not an issue) which may be due to competition with Clyde - it is on and off and the vet is aware - the mess is always near the box.
Bonnie and her brother live with me and my 93 year old mom who loves them dearly but leaves the care to me. I have several alternatives at the moment should I leave for a couple of days not having gone overnight anywhere now in over 4 years - I am confident that I will have good help when that time is upon us.
She remains sweet and demanding of attention like her brother. New picture today uploaded although this was not their best day for pictures.
9-4-17 Bonnie doing well and even better than before - excellent health report in July - just as nice as ever.

9 4 18... Bonnie is a sweetheart...not happy with me if I go away...still a lot of energy and good health

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2018 2pm)

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Name: Kobe

(FKA Sam the Gentleman)

ID#: VA12646
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/07/18
Adopted: 07/23/18
Congrats: Rob
Foster: Rebekah

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I am your soulmate-to-be, if you will open your heart to me!

I am an old-fashioned romantic and I enjoy the simple things in life: cuddling and making biscuits, purring in your lap, snuggling in your bed, and being wherever you are. Don't let my age fool you, I can jump higher than a kitten and I love to play with my wand toy and chase tennis balls. Loud noises are scary, so I would do best in a household without very young children or dogs. I've been an only child my whole life, but I probably could get along with another very laid-back cat. I came to rescue because my previous Meowm loved me but she couldn't keep me after an illness in the family. This was really hard for me, but I carry no baggage - I just have so much love to give.

Sam the Gentleman

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Notes from Home
Well it’s been 6 weeks with our wonderful new family member! Kobe (aka Sam the Gemtleman) is doing just great. He gets better and better as he adjusts to our household rhythms. Kobe is my shadow all day, and greets Rob at the door when he arrives. He really loves his brushing and plays like a kitten. If not being brushed or playing, he is lap sitting. Like right now as I try to use my IPad!

Kobe is an amazing “biscuit-maker”! He gets going with all four feet at once in the night on your feet! Of course he sleeps with us now. Kobe is a good jumper, but he can’t climb so he hasn’t made it to the top of any of the cat trees! Might could loose a pound or two! His past records call him “fractious” (which is my favorite new word). But they gave him a “lion cut” for gosh sakes! He must have been so embarrassed! That won’t be happening again.

Many sincere thanks to the wonderful dedicated volunteers for the effort and caring that enables SCRC’s mission. Special thanks to Alexis, Rebekah and Chelsea!

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2018 2pm)

Play, snuggles and love ! Take me and my sister Bonnie home and you will never be lonely again !
Name:   Clyde
ID#: VA8728
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/19/12
Adopted: 09/04/12
Congrats: Herb
Foster: Heida


Notes from Home
Clyde and his sister Bonnie are adjusting very well. They explore and run all over. Clyde still has some issues with his soft stool and we are currently giving him some antibiotics. He fights us on that so we are putting it now in his food. Other than that he looks and acts very healthy. They are both sweethearts.

Clyde follows me around the house - fortunately now on cold nights he stays in the warmer areas - I think both he and his sister (as well as us) are ready for spring. Both greet me when I come home late from working and smell and run around my equipment. Clyde will periodically sleep next to me - if I get up in the middle of the night, Bonnie will follow me to the bathroom for attention and Clyde will get up to investigate why he was not informed about the "party". He had a month or so ago had a couple of short spells where he either had a slight cold or he had been whacked in the eye by Bonnie - we don't know since he recovered quickly - otherwise he has gotten healthy and none of the bowel issues when he first arrived. He as I mentioned in Bonnie's update, is good with ping pong balls - both are attached to what is left of a pink "snake" that was attached to a stick.

September 4, 2013 - Clyde is such a sweet boy. He loves attention and tells you so. Although he is subject to colds he has been doing well recently - checked out well with the vet this summer and weighed in at 11.3 lbs. He lets Bonnie finish his treats which she does so willingly. He loves to play with whatever he can find and with his sister has made about 15 ping pong balls vanish. Both of them love to help me when I use my copier - I guess they want to know what is hot off the press. They have both been here a year and are a great Blessing to the family of which they are now a part.

sept 4, 2014

see update on Bonnie - adjustment to changing medical status of humans in home - clyde especially has gotten very close to me since I am the only one who can care for them. Both are very well.

September 4 2015
Clyde and his Sister are with me at a new home 20 minutes from.the old house - We still have the same vet who we saw in July just before the move - it took a while for Clyde to adjust - I don't think he is not crazy for the new location which is alright since neither and I and something we will resolve soon - I am.sole caretaker for my guys now that my brother passed away and mom although healthy is 92. Otherwise Clyde is healthy and my best buddy. New picture attached from this morning.

September 4 2016

Clyde and his sister Bonnie are back at the old home in Baldwin since it did not sell and the retirement community did not work out.

Clyde is well per vet but he gained a little weight which is not a crisis but attempts are being tried to control his eating and what he eats.

Otherwise Clyde is great and has no issues.

As per Bonnie's notes I am alone to care for my guys with my mom at 93 well but unable to do any care. I have options for care when I finally do have to go away which I have not done in over 4 years except for long days away on occasion. We will probably move sometime in the future but after much planning as to where and how to move. New picture attached and again not their best day to take a picture.

Today 9-4-17 both my guys have been with me 5 years - they are doing really good - excellent health per doctor in July - Clyde doing very well and demands a lot of attention.
Today 9 4 18... Clyde is great...demands a lot of attention..great health...he is a good boy

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2018 2pm)

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Name: Gabby

(FKA Maisie)

ID#: VA12210
Location:  Illinois
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/06/17
Adopted: 08/26/17
Congrats: Lori
Foster: Melodie

I'm Siamese through and through--all big attitude and very vocal. I love attention, and while I'm a tiny thing, I have no problems with cats far larger than me. I am also getting along ok with the dogs here.
I had a rough time with traveling to my foster home, so my mom is going to want to place me not too far from home.

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Notes from Home
Gabby (Maisie) is doing great, and keeping big sister Cleo on her toes. They spend a lot of time playing with and chasing and grooming each other, and when Cleo is worn out, Gabby plays with her two squeaky mice toys. She is the most consistent fetcher cat I've ever met! She also has a thirteen-year-old sister, Mia -- who is happy to watch the youngsters from a distance. Gabby is definitely the biggest talker of the three, so it's a good thing I hadn't already used the name. A big thank you to everyone who helped her reach this family!

Gabby is still doing great--I've added a few pics. (I even caught her and senior Mia snuggling briefly today, but not long enough to catch it in a picture.)

February 2018 -- Everyone is still doing very well. Have added a few more pics.

September 2018 -- Gabby celebrated the one year anniversary week of our meeting by hauling up two flights of stairs, during the night, to the bedroom floor . . . an avocado!

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2018 9am)

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