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Foster mom says I am a wonderful guy - I talk with a very Siamese voice and want to have as much attention as you will give me. Get along great with other cats and am outgoing and confident.
Name:   Charlie
ID#: VA9711
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 11/23/13
Adopted: 12/22/13
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Charlie made it home last night thanks to the awesome Meezer Express, or as I now call them, "Charlie's Angels". He would not come out of his carrier, I think the poor guy was confused, it was a long 2 days for him coming up here and after being handed from person to person to person...I imagine he thinks he's going to be handed off again. I took the top of the carrier off and left the room, when I came back in later he was in the shower stall. I kept him in the bathroom last night and since he decided to make the shower stall his bed I put his cushion and blankets in there. He let me pick him up and pet him and enjoyed the petting, when he jumped down from my lap he was rubbing all over my legs and the walls. He ate last night but has not used the litter box yet. This morning I found him under the cushion and blankets. I held him for quite a long time and walked him around the first floor of the house, I know he doesn't want to stay in the bathroom (it's a large room). His vet appt. is scheduled for Jan. 3 and I'm sure by then he will be more outgoing. I hope he will be happy as an only cat. I will update and post pics sometime in the future - have to get ready for Christmas now!

12/26/13 Charlie has access to 5 rooms in the house as of about 10 a.m. Foster meowmy Kay advised me to keep him in his room (our downstairs bathroom) yesterday as we had the family over for Christmas. Charlie grew up in a cattery and apparently has lived in one room his entire life. We have a fairly large house so this is going to be an adjustment for him. When I opened the bathroom door he was scared at first, ran into the shower stall, then peeked out...after a while he stuck his head out and then finally came over to me, sitting just about 2' outside of his door. Then he started slinking lowly from room to room, up the stairs and down meowing the whole time. I think he only made it to two rooms so far. Hopefully I will see him soon!

On 12/27/13 Charlie had to be put back in his room because he would not come out from inside the couch to eat or use the litter box. He is afraid of the space. Today is 12/29/13 and the harness foster meowmy Kay suggested was a brilliant suggestion. We went to petco and got a harness and leash. I put the harness on Charlie, played with and petted him a while and then left him with the harness on for about an hour. He fell asleep with it on (under his cushion). Then I put the leash on and petted him a bit. I let him lead the way and he took me upstairs, into our bedroom, into the bathroom, back downstairs into the living room. He started to go into the kitchen but turned around and went back into his room, maybe because John was in the next room with the tv on. He walked with the harness like he is used to one, it was great. Tomorrow I'll try to gt a pic of him with it on. I have added a cute one...how could anyone resist! Charlie loves to have his belly rubbed!

1/8/14 Charlie is making progress every day. He sleeps under the covers with me, leaves a couple of times through the night and quietly comes back. When he is awake he follows me around the house talking. He is starting know John a little more and is pretty comfortable around the house. The leather couch in the living room bothers him, I think because it makes noise when we move. His vet appointment went well other than needing a dental before summer.

(Last update: Jan 8th, 2014 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Wookie
ID#: VA8939
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/17/12
Adopted: 01/05/13
Congrats: Peggy
Foster: Debi

Here I am looking for my forever family. I'm cute as a button & have started showing trust towards my foster mewom. I'm also starting to show that I love to play with toliet paper fresh off the roll...you would think that's cute...right????

I have a sister, Leia, and we are looking for our home together. Would you be interested in two absolutely adorable seal babies that know how to have fun? If so, click on us!


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Wookie is big love bug who makes his way to me every time I am patting Leia. He has to have his loving also. He is eating well and sleeps on my feet every night. He is the big brother and they are both having fun chasing each other. I am so glad I have them both!

Wookie continues to be my "main man". Everyone remarks about how loving he is and allows everyone to pet him and pick him up. He does the cutest thing in the early morning if I am not getting up quickly enough. He first comes up to my face to check if I am breathing. Then he starts "patting" my head. He has learned to use his paws not his claws! I love him to pieces and he is mostly good to his sister although he does like to rough house with her.

Wookie is a love bug and has had his rabies booster and nails clipped. He is on a little diet as he weighed 13.5 lbs and the vet said he should weigh 11!

Wookie is lovable and takes good care of me.

(Last update: Jan 5th, 2014 5pm)

Whew...I'm working my way through my kitty cold & am starting to sneeze a lot less, so my meowm is so happy! So now I'm looking for my forever family. Oh..by the way..would you get upset if I unrolled your toliet paper with some assistance from my brother Wookie? Grin....

Purrs, kachoo & purrs,
Name:   Leia
ID#: VA8938
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/17/12
Adopted: 01/05/13
Congrats: Peggy
Foster: Debi


Notes from Home
Leia is doing fine and for the first time climbed in my lap and starting kneading. She is a very loving little girl and loves to nuzzle me. In the morning both she and Wookie get me up by climbing on my bed pillows and patting my head. If I cover up my head they do a running jump on me! I have to get up.
She is eating well and climbing on everything.

Six months later Leia is still a very sweet little girl but has had a number of health problems. We finally got the upper respiratory problems solved but then she developed an allergy that caused her little face to peel and bleed. Her Vet now has both she and Wookie on special Z/D food and Leia is on prednisolone. I am seeing some good results. She eats well--is becoming a little fur ball! She cuddles on my lap every evening and is the chief "begger"" for pill pockets for herself and her brother. Finally, she has a cute little stretching of her back leg when she walks which looks like she really is a princess.

I love her very much.

Now a year later Leia still has an allergy that is not being responsive to medication. We are trying everything. She has had her rabies booster and other checks, weighs 9 lbs. and us a dear little girl. She is feisty and lovable.

(Last update: Jan 5th, 2014 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Zeus

(FKA Coco )

ID#: VA8969
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/08/12
Adopted: 01/05/13
Congrats: Debra
Foster: Wendy

Foster Notes

What my brother Peanut said. I'm the bigger of the two of us, but he's a little braver.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I appologize for the delay posting this update. It has been just over three months since my husband and I received the new addition to our family, Zeus ( Cocoa ) and Apollo ( Peanut ). The boys are doing well, and feeling more and more comfortable with each passing day.

I understand that this update is for Zeus, but I felt that it was important to note how well these brothers have adjusted together as part of our family.

Zeus is the larger of the two and tends to be a little pushy around Apollo. When it is time to eat, we quickly learned that Zeus would make sure that he gets the majority of the food. We feed them on separate plates and make sure that Apollo gets his share. We also make it a point to inform Zeus that he is not being fair to his brother and that he has to share. We would like to see Zeus drop a pound and Apollo gain a pound in weight. We were able to get them off of the Friskees dry food and are now eating Science Diet dry food. We tried to switch them over to Science Diet canned, but after a few days we found that Apollo was getting a little stressed with the change (Zeus with eat pretty much anything). We now continue to give them both Fancy Feast canned as that is what keeps them both happy. We now know what flavors they like, and of course, that is what they get !

Zeus likes to hang out with us in the morning and takes advantage of the attention that he gets. He loves to be pet, and purrs very loudly. He is quite the "love bug" in the morning. He is warming up to us faster than his brother. Zeus tends to hang more with my husband whereas Apollo is more of a mommy's boy.

Apollo loves to be pet, when he wants to be pet. He is still a little shy and tends to ignore us at times. Recently, Apollo has been joining me on the sofa at night which I am thrilled about. With each passing day he gets more at ease and spends more time with us. Apollo is also quite the talker! At times he tends to ramble and we have some lengthy conversations with him. Even though he is smaller in size, he makes up for it with his voice.

We often wonder what their lives were like before joining us. At times Apollo looks over his shoulder when we pet him as if he is making sure he doesn't get blind sided by another animal while he is most vonerable. They both love to run throughout the house and seem to enjoy having a lot of room to spread their legs. Their play time is at night as we can hear them chasing each other throughout the house. When play time is over, we find them in their bed ( they have numerous beds to choose from), hugging each other. The handsome brothers love to groom each other which is very cute to watch.

Both of the boys are doing great and we are thrilled to have them as part of our family. We know that with each passing day, we will see them become more comfortable. They love their cat tree, toys and numerous beds throughout the house. They have been playing more often with the tons of toys that they have. While writing this update, Apollo decided to join me on the sofa. I guess he just wants to make sure that I get everything right and say nothing but good things about him.

The boy are doing great and being pampered. We would like to thank Siamese Rescue and everyone that was part of this great addition to our family. They are great boys and we can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.


Hello everyone ! This is Zeus ( aka Cocoa ).

I finally got Apollo away from the keyboard so now I can tell you how it really is like with our new parents. Apollo doesn't like to show his hand, so he tends to keep things to himself. I have talked to him about this, but he still likes to make our parents think that he is in control. Here is the truth.

Our parents are great ! They get us whatever we want. We have tons of toys and our choice of comfy places to relax. When they buy us something new, we act like we don't like it, and play with it when they are sleeping, or at work. They want us to sleep in bed with them at night and we act like we don't want to. Once they fall to sleep, we sneak into bed and get up before they wake up. Apollo wakes mommy up every morning while I lay at the foot of the bed watching every move. I was a little afraid that mommy would get mad with one of waking her up with meows in her face, but much to my surprise she wakes up with a smile and loving hugs.

Apollo gets mad at me because I like to play the cute act, and follow my parents all over the house. This works for me because I get plenty of attention whatever I want. I love when my daddy gives me kitty messages and every now and then I let him pet my belly.

Apollo and I get plenty of exercise running around the house. We like to play a game where one of us is the hunter and the other is they pray. It's a lot of fun because we run all over the house and get a little crazy. At times when we get a little out of control, our daddy tells us to calm down because he thinks we are hurting each other. He doesn't understand that we are only having fun.

So that is the truth. We love our new parents, our home, and we are doing great. No matter how we interact with our parents, it works for both of us. Our parents are very good to us.

Oh, and by the way... No matter what Apollo says, I am the boss.

(Last update: Jan 5th, 2014 11am)

After 8 years, me and my brother were brought to Animal Control due to circumstances. Thats kind of an odd word but our worlds were turned upside down! We were scared and hiding there, but now that were in our new foster home, were curious and eager for some attention. We are practically identical, and it takes more than a quick glance to see who is who. Im the smaller one of the two, but still a big boy. If your tastes run towards the old fashioned dark seal points, then there are two of us just waiting to come home with you. We will see the vet in a few days, and then will be all ready to come home for the holidays.

Ask about us! You will get two great cats who wont climb your Christmas tree.
Name: Apollo

(FKA Peanut)

ID#: VA8968
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/08/12
Adopted: 01/05/13
Congrats: Debra
Foster: Wendy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
I appologize for the delay posting this update. It has been just over three months since my husband and I received the new addition to our family, Zeus ( Cocoa ) and Apollo ( Peanut ). The boys are doing well, and feeling more and more comfortable with each passing day.

I understand that this update is for Apollo, but I felt that it was important to note how well these brothers have adjusted together as part of our family.

Zeus is the larger of the two and tends to be a little pushy around Apollo. When it is time to eat, we quickly learned that Zeus would make sure that he gets the majority of the food. We feed them on separate plates and make sure that Apollo gets his share. We also make it a point to inform Zeus that he is not being fair to his brother and that he has to share. We would like to see Zeus drop a pound and Apollo gain a pound in weight. We were able to get them off of the Friskees dry food and are now eating Science Diet dry food. We tried to switch them over to Science Diet canned, but after a few days we found that Apollo was getting a little stressed with the change (Zeus with eat pretty much anything). We now continue to give them both Fancy Feast canned as that is what keeps them both happy. We now know what flavors they like, and of course, that is what they get !

Zeus likes to hang out with us in the morning and takes advantage of the attention that he gets. He loves to be pet, and purrs very loudly. He is quite the "love bug" in the morning. He is warming up to us faster than his brother. Zeus tends to hang more with my husband whereas Apollo is more of a mommy's boy.

Apollo loves to be pet, when he wants to be pet. He is still a little shy and tends to ignore us at times. Recently, Apollo has been joining me on the sofa at night which I am thrilled about. With each passing day he gets more at ease and spends more time with us. Apollo is also quite the talker! At times he tends to ramble and we have some lengthy conversations with him. Even though he is smaller in size, he makes up for it with his voice.

We often wonder what their lives were like before joining us. At times Apollo looks over his shoulder when we pet him as if he is making sure he doesn't get blind sided by another animal while he is most vonerable. They both love to run throughout the house and seem to enjoy having a lot of room to spread their legs. Their play time is at night as we can hear them chasing each other throughout the house. When play time is over, we find them in their bed ( they have numerous beds to choose from), hugging each other. The handsome brothers love to groom each other which is very cute to watch.

Both of the boys are doing great and we are thrilled to have them as part of our family. We know that with each passing day, we will see them become more comfortable. They love their cat tree, toys and numerous beds throughout the house. They have been playing more often with the tons of toys that they have. While writing this update, Apollo decided to join me on the sofa. I guess he just wants to make sure that I get everything right and say nothing but good things about him.

The boy are doing great and being pampered. We would like to thank Siamese Rescue and everyone that was part of this great addition to our family. They are great boys and we can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Hello everyone, this is Apollo ( aka Peanut ) ! Thank you for the email marking my 1 year anniversary with my new family. My parents seem to be too busy to add updates, so Zeus and I decided to sign on to our parents account and let you know how we are doing. This may take me a while because I can only type with one paw and I haven't mastered the keyboard yet. Thank goodness for spell check.

I am doing great! I am different than my brother Zeus in that he likes to act all cute for attention whereas I like to wait until I see my parents are busy and I tell them that is time for me. I try not to show that I like the attention, but the truth is that I do. My parents have been picking me up more and hugging me. My brother eats that stuff up, but I try to resist because I really don't want them to know that I like it.

I love to be brushed, but knowing me, I don't like to make my parents know that I do. At times I get caught up in the moment and I have this loud purring noise which I don't like because I like to be in control. I like to drive my mommy crazy by calling her with this sad meow that works great. Mommy will stop what she is doing to sit with me on the sofa and pet me until I have had enough. I have my mommy wrapped around my paw. When she gets up from the sofa, all I have to do is look at her and meow then she comes back for more attention.

I must admit that they take very good care of my brother and I. I heard them talking about a visit to the vet that is coming up. I really don't mind going to the vet because they let us check everything out in the room. Zeus and I love to explore.

I have to go for now because Zeus is bugging me to do his update. I am sure that he is going to tell you how he is the boss, but I know better. I let him think that he is the boss.

I am going to try and upload some pictures that my dad has been taking of us. I hope you enjoy them.

(Last update: Jan 5th, 2014 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Chief
ID#: VA9609
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 10/19/13
Adopted: 03/21/14
Congrats: Christopher
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Bonded with my sister (I have claws, she doesn't) we are a beautiful pair together. I'm the shyer of the two but you know what they say about the shyer males - love to snuggle tight. Lilly will be the first to explore and check everything out. We're both sweet and lovely cats! Bring on the catnip and promise to let my hair down!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
The first couple of days Chief was a bit timid, but once you coaxed him into getting some scratches he seemed to be very content. The first day or two we would find him in the basement hiding behind one of the couches. He has since ventured up to the main floor and we now find him taking up residence beside the living room couch on top of the vent keeping warm.

Chief is definitely a two handed "petter." If you are petting him and he sees that your other hand is available he will nudge it to ensure that both hands are on him at all times. Even if your other hand has a phone, or tablet or anything else he will nudge it until you drop whatever is in your hand until you pet him with it.

Now that it has been about four days he is much more sociable, although the sound of Ben's noisy friends tends to send him to his hiding place. I've put one of their blankets there so he's not having to lay on the hardwood floor.

Chief is eating well and usually comes to eat seconds and thirds each meal. Hopefully we can fatten him up a little as he is still just a tad thin.

There has been no evidence of hair pulling so hopefully his splotchy coat will grow back out. He is such a super sweet cat I don't know how anyone could have ever given him up. We are so happy to have him home!

(Last update: Jan 4th, 2014 5pm)

One of two, I go with older brother Chief. While he may think he's the Chief, I'm clearly the Queen since I got the bed first. Check out our videos, we're very bonded, love to have a good time, love catnip, and are extremely well adjusted! If you'd like a pair, you couldn't get two nicer cats than us - all vet work checked out well and we're ready for your lap and your home!
Name:   Lilly
ID#: VA9610
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 10/19/13
Adopted: 12/31/13
Congrats: Christopher
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Lilly walked into the house like she had been here forever! She has adjusted well and is a joy to have around. Although, she has a tendency to snore, which when she is curled up by your head can be a bit loud. Lilly loves to burrow under the blankets and when she and Chief are snuggled together she loves to knead on him and groom him.

So happy to have her as part of our family.

(Last update: Jan 4th, 2014 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Henry
ID#: VA9098
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/02/13
Adopted: 04/28/13
Congrats: Michelle
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Hello, I'm Henry.

I just got here, and so far, though there have been many changes in my life all of a sudden, I feel safe and comfortable here. I'm really enjoying this soft bed, and I love the attention and petting I'm getting from Meowmy.

I'll tell you more about myself after I settle in some, but you can ask about me now and get on my list. Meowmy said she was going to help me find a forever home, so if you'd like a snowshoe boy like me, just ask. Maybe it will turn out great for both of us!



No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hello to everyone from Ohio! We've been very busy over here & I'm sorry it's taken so long to update you all on Henry. He's doing just fabulous! Still getting used to being inside but Bowie is showing him the ropes & every day he's braver & braver. He & Bowie have gotten along perfectly. Not the first hiss, growl or anything! I can't believe it but am ever so thankful!! They now share a litterbox, eat side by side, sit in the windows together & run around the house playing & have a general good time. We still have his room available to him if he feels the need to really hide away for a while but that need is getting less & less. He's getting used to being held & loves to be carried around. I've trimmed his claws a couple of times now & he just sits there very patient & then dashes away after his snack for being a good boy! Yes Henreezer the Meezer is doing just fine. Loves to eat & talk. We have some very interesting conversations & he & Bowie chat a lot too.. Thank You soooo much for Henry! He's our somethin' else kitty cat & we love him dearly. Will hopefully send along some pics soon.....Thanks again!!!! Michelle

Hello everyone!! Sending you an update on Henry. Yes, it's been 6 months, (a little longer now) since he joined our home...He's marvelous!! He's gotten quite brave & spends his time with the family & his buddy Bowie. They love to race around the house & jump over their hidey cubes & have fun in general. They also enjoy napping together on the massage table or in the recliners...Henry has turned in to quite the cuddle bug. He loves to be held & have his ears kissed & has even been known to crawl into our laps & watch TV with us. No kidding, he likes to watch TV. Everyone is amazed that this was once a feral cat as he's doing so well with people coming in and out with my massage practice. Of course he's very vocal & we've learned his different vocalizations for what it is he wants. Oh and yes he LOVES to eat. In fact he's now up to 14 lbs & quite strong. The vet says he's at his fighting weight & doing great!! Thank you so much for our Henry!! Michelle

(Last update: Jan 3rd, 2014 7pm)

U{DATE: Look deep into my eyes and see my soul. Who will take care of me in my older years? Who will love me to the end? Who will hold me and let me rest with you? Look deep into my soul. I need just one someone to help me through the last few years of my life. Will it be YOU? Just remember, you will need someone to look into your soul, too, someday. Purrs, headbutts and love from Quincy.

UPDATE: I'm really ready for my forever home. I'm quiet, well mannered, easy going, talkative and a big blue boy. I'm "young at heart". How about you - do you need an "older gentleman" to help you through your days? If so, be sure to ask about me. Purrs and headbutts, Quincy

Hi - I'm Quincy - a very dignified and solid citizen like my name sake. My people had to go to a nursing home, so the Animal Control officer took me to the shelter. I'd been there for three months. I was in and out going to foster care twice because I kept getting sick. But no one wanted to take me home, so the nice rescue lady found VASR for me. I'm still a little upset about moving yet again, but I sm settling in and finding good places to enjoy the sunshine here. I'd like a quiet home with people who will love and care for me. A lap to sit in and a sunny window would be just perfect for me. Some good food and a nice soft bed would complete my world. Do you have thosd things to offer me? I'll give you lots of love and purr and purr and purr for youj. Purrs, Quincy
Name:   Quincy
ID#: VA8516
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 05/04/12
Adopted: 07/22/12
Deceased: 12/30/13
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Quincy (we've changed his name to Babbage) is getting along nicely in his new home, he's a real sweet cat. He gets along fine with his new siblings, he loves sitting in front of open windows, playing soccer, and of course, napping.

5-22-13: Babbage continues to be a sweet and happy gentleman. We're so happy to have him with us!

7-22-2013: It's hard to believe Babbage (full name Bubbs Quincy Babbage) has been with us for a year! He's the sweetest cat who gets along perfectly with all our other cats. During the day he hangs out with Jeff since he works at home or takes a nap in the living room or my closet. Babbage is very bright-eyed and alert for an older guy, though he does love his naps. He visits the vet every three or four months to have his thyroid levels checked; we get him chewable meds and he enjoys his daily treatments! His kidney values are fine, we feed him (and the other cats) lower protein / low phosphate canned and dry food. I wish more people would consider adopting older cats - all they really want is company and a safe place to nap :)

1-1-2014: I'm sad to report that we had to say goodbye to Babbage on December 30. We believe he had developed polyps in his throat that were interfering with his eating and eventually his breathing - our vet was afraid that surgery to confirm and remove the polyps would be too risky for Babbage, and when it got to the point that he was having problems breathing and didn't want to be touched or moved, we knew he was suffering. When we adopted Babbage we thought we were just doing an old cat a favor, but he repaid our kindness tenfold with his love and affection and delightful personality. We miss him so much.

(Last update: Jan 1st, 2014 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Ronin

(FKA Taylor)

ID#: VA9249
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/15/13
Adopted: 06/15/13
Congrats: Frederick
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

Two "shoes" at once - foster mom just can't believe her luck!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi everyone! Ronin, formerly "Taylor" here! It's almost that New year thing everyone keeps talking about so Mom figured we were long overdue to drop in and update everyone on my progress. It has been about 6 months and Mom and Dad said it was kinda iffy as to whether I would be able to stay with them at for a while. That made them sad. Seems I have something called a "dominant attitude" that was causing problems? They called me an "alpha personality" whatever THAT means.
Well, they remind me all the time how I have to remember to be nice to my sisters or I get time-outs. I don't mind time - outs, but I like to always be a part of things and know what's going on, so I try to avoid that. Plus even though I love to lay in the bathroom sink, I really hate getting squirted with the water bottle!!!
This was my first Xmas season ever and I sure do like that lit up table top cat toy tree that Mom and Dad got me. But why do they get mad at me and tell me "NO" every time I try to play with it??? My sisters like to play with it just as much as I do and they get told "NO" too! What gives??? It's a cat toy!!!
Speaking of sisters, there were two when I came here and then I got another one! She was unexpected. I love my sisters. We play all the time, wash each other and love to play chase. Mom and Dad often remind me to take it easy with them. They say I am being too much of a boy sometimes! But Mom... Dad.. I AM a boy! I think my sisters are just sissies sometimes, but I love them anyway.
Mom and Dad love me and my sisters and they spoil us a LOT! ( that's what they always say anyway- that we have it better than many humans do). Mom and Dad say I am a "mush" and a "cuddle bug" and that out of all four of us, I have the LOUDEST purr of all. Sometimes I purr at them just for looking at me! I love petting and cuddling and never get enough. They have funny nicknames for me like "Baby Boy", "Bear Cat" and "Wild Man" and "Mush Mellow." But I don't mind just as long as the love keeps coming my way and they do!
Life is good here and my favorite spot in the house is the big bay window that I love to lay in. There's a tree out there with a whole bunch of birds and squirrels who keep me entertained. Being in a nice, warm, loving, home with my family and watching the outdoors from inside is fine with me. So anyway, Mom, Dad, my three sisters and I all wanted to shout out a BIG thank you to ALL of the Siamese Rescue people (Hi Foster Mom Christine!) who helped bring us all together. You were all so good to me and we will always be grateful! Also Mom and Dad said something about wishing everyone a very "Happy New Year!" I think that the old year has been really good so far, but I am very open minded. Siamese Cat Rescue ROCKS!!! Purrrrrrrrrrrrs and head butts and love, Ronin and Family

(Last update: Dec 31st, 2013 2am)

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