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I am a bit of a shy boy when I first meet you but Oh, I can purr up a storm for you very quickly! I'm not sure why I'm in this new place but it is comfortable and my human housemate is almost always here with her face in a book. She says that she is studying, whatever that means. I like to sleep with her and snuggle. My brother from my previous home, Oliver, was adopted but I have a new feline housemate, Zell. We are now best buds and I like to sleep snuggled with him too! However, I sure would like to have a real home with a permanent bed partner. Are you available?
Name:   Winston
ID#: VA8714
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
DateIn: 08/16/12
Adopted: 01/27/13
Congrats: Feruza
Foster: Patricia


Notes from Home
Win is very happy in his new home! Maca, our first cat, is still demonstrating her territorial signs of control. But Win is so laid back and gentle, that Maca has no choice but become his soulmate.

01/2014. It has been a year since we adopted Winston. He is such a sweetheart! Very loving and laid back. Maca eventually got used to having him around. They occasionally run after each other and they're great at playing together.

(Last update: Jan 30th, 2014 9pm)

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Name: Kia

(FKA Tria)

ID#: VA9708
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/23/13
Adopted: 12/30/13
Congrats: Sharon
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Go figure. There is just no way to believe that I haven't been snapped up yet. If you're looking for one super nice gal friend, quite Siamese, petite, good health and fantastic habits, please consider me!

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Notes from Home
New Pictures posted
(Last update: Jan 30th, 2014 12pm)

Well, I've been here a month now and I sure wish I could find my forever home. This month has brought me a lot of changes. I was in the county lock up down at that animal shelter, but then I got saved just in the nick of time. Whew, what a relief! The streets were no place for a lady like me. You see I try to act prim and proper like a princess, but I'm guilty of being quite silly at times. I was recently caught running crazy across the kitchen floor batting around a jingle ball and going nuts. When I knew the beans had seen me I tried to act like the mature girl that I am, but you see really I'm a big kitten at heart. I'm an opinionated girl and am definitely the meezer lovers type of meezer. I like things my way and don't worry, I'll let you know when you're doing them wrong. I am bright, inquisitive and affectionate, but I do believe (and rightly so of course) that the world should revolve around me! I have been integrated with the resident meezers and woofers here. Of course I'm a superior being to those underlings and I must treat them as such if they don't show me the respect I'm due. Foster meowmy says I can live with other cats, but a long, slow integration is a must. I would do best with a laid back male who wouldn't be too upset by my bossy ways. No other dominant felines please. I'm not real fond of those drooly woofers, but if they ignore me, I ignore them so that's fair enough. Adopt me please! Foster: Kim Y Congrats Lyrl in MA!
Name:   Anchovy
ID#: VA2190
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 07/18/03
Adopted: 09/07/03
Congrats: Lyrl
Foster: Kimberly Ann


Notes from Home
Sadly, Chovi passed away from thyroid cancer on 25 October 2011. She was 2 or 3 according to the vet papers, so she made it to 10 or 11. She didn't want to leave me and lasted about twice as long as predicted. She didn't like to be held or to sit on my lap, but she liked to be nearby. I still miss her over 2 years later.
(Last update: Jan 29th, 2014 11pm)

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Name: Mei-ling

(FKA Mariposa)

ID#: VA9370
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/30/13
Adopted: 07/28/13
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: John

Foster Notes

Sweet, playful, affectionate 2 year old Seal point. Mariposa can fit in anywhere and will make a great addition to ANY house hold!!!

Why wait?

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Notes from Home
Mei-Ling (aka Mariposa) is THE BEST!! She fit into our little family instantly. She and Binky (my male kitty) are playing with each other, sleeping close to each other, and also a little rough play (but not too rough). I couldn't be happier with my girl, and she really seems to love her home and us. She LOVES her belly to be rubbed, and will lay there forever, it seems, if you do that. She let me cut her nails pretty well. She lets me hold her like a baby and carry her around a little. I hit the jackpot with her, and John and Joyce certainly were able to read her personality, as far as being able to fit in pretty much anywhere. So, all is well and everyone's doing great!! Thanks for everything you've done for us thoughout the process.

MEI-LING'S 6-MONTH ANNIVERSARY!!!! This gorgeous little doll is not just another pretty face. She is an absolute pleasure, except when mama is trying to get computer work done. The computer must make her sleepy and more loving, because that's when she naps--either lying on the keyboard or pawing at me to give her attention. First of all, I cannot understand how anyone could give her up!! She's the most loving little girl. She and Binky (my buff colored male cat) get along great. Ling will chase him, too! He's not used to that!! It's all in good fun. Never any problem. She's not afraid of any of my foster dogs (which come and go periodically). Her latest cutsie thing is when she's lying close to my face, she sticks out her front paw and touches my face. Then she starts purring (which happens anytime she's near you!). Another thing she does is kiss me--all the time! But if she starts kissing my face, it will sometimes end with a single little love bite on my chin or my nose. She just bites down and holds it!! Ouch!! But it's completely a loving gesture, I believe. She loves everyone who comes to the house. I just entered her picture in a Blue Walnut Litter contest, and they're looking for a cat that is as nutty as their cat litter (made from walnuts). Just so happens we also use that, and I HIGHLY recommend it. No dust, no scent. It looks like coffee grounds, and it's much lighter than regular litter. You don't use as much either. Mei-Ling has put on some pounds from the good eats here. She loves her treats and dry food, but will not eat any wet or canned food. She does have some dandruff which we are about to address since it is worsening. She did have an ear infection a couple months ago, but she's fine now. I always choke up a little when I talk about her. I cannot believe all the love she has in her. She makes me so happy!! Having trouble uploading her new pictures, so we'll get back to that very, very soon. LOVE MY MEI-LING!!!

(Last update: Jan 29th, 2014 9pm)

I AM SO THANKFUL - AND 'TIS THE SEASON FOR THAT. I love my new place. Just couple days ago, I was living outside with my other brothers, sisters and other friends and family. And then all of a sudden, I was in this trap and then to the vet and then to my new wonderful place where I have a warm place to sleep and food to eat. I am also thankful that my loving brother Frazier is with me - thank goodness for him. He is quite the handsome guy too. I love him and he loves me and together, you will receive all the love you could ever want. Just think - two wonderful kittens for the holidays - you are so lucky to have us - we will love you so much - if you think you can handle all this love - ASK ABOUT ME and then go ask about Frazier too please. (New pictures coming soon)
Name: Viola

(FKA Lilith)

ID#: VA8209
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 11/22/11
Adopted: 12/13/11
Congrats: Jan
Foster: Gina


Notes from Home
Since it is New Year's Eve, I just wanted to express my happiness with the two new critters, Viola and Sebastian. Is it possible the person who fed and handled them in the feral colony has acess to these updates, because I am so grateful to her for the care she gave them, not to mention the second chance she gave them!! Lucky, lucky little cats! It hasn't even been a month since I brought them home and they are fully integrated into the now 4 cat household. They greet me at the door when I come home and sleep next to me at night. My other Siamese rescue likes to play with them, and Moxie, well Moxie just co-exists (at least she only hisses at Ernest) and stays out of the way. Viola loves to sit in my lap and I've even had the three of them in my lap (except Moxie). Sebastian likes to chirp as he cavorts around the house and put toys into the tub and play with them there. They are learning their names. Sebastian likes to be carried around the house on my shoulder--it makes him feel special:) Thank you Peggy and Gina for helping me find these great little guys! Happy New Year!!! Jan
(Last update: Jan 28th, 2014 3pm)

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Name: Sebastian

(FKA Frazier)

ID#: VA8210
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 2 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/22/11
Adopted: 12/13/11
Deceased: 01/01/14
Congrats: Jan
Foster: Gina

I am so thankful to be here - I used to live outside where it was cold and wet and now I am in this wonderful place w/ my loving sister - Lilith - I love her so much. Can you find love in your heart for both of us? You won't be sorry because even though we had a rough start in life, we still have so much love to give and we both enjoy receiving love too. So please ASK about Lilith and me - you will be so happy that you did - we will love you silly. And also - just an fyi - Lilith is also very beautiful. THANK YOU!!!!

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Notes from Home
I am very sad to say that Sebastion aka Frazier died very unexpectedly on Dec 16, 2013. I had a necropsy done by the University of Minnesota, and they could find no obvious cause. I was devastated.
(Last update: Jan 28th, 2014 3pm)

Oh wow, am I happy to be out of the shelter and here with meowmy. She gave me lots of toys and a big "room" to play in and a nice soft bed, too. I let her know how happy I am each time she picks me up my purring and purring and purring.

If you'd like a purring boy, ask about me and maybe I can come live with you forever!


Lord Snugglepuss
Name: Wellie

(FKA Lord Snugglepuss)

ID#: VA7334
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/06/10
Adopted: 10/30/10
Congrats: Miriam
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Wellie is doing really great! We did the transitioning last Thursday --putting Sox and Slippers in Wellie's room while he had run of the house. He loved being able to really run. After 2 hours I switched them back but left the door open. He was out right away! Slippers (4yr old female) hissed at him and growled the first few days, but I found it very interesting that she didn't run away from him. She was really intrigued. He knew not to press his luck with her too quickly and gave her a respectable amount of personal space! Sox (3 year old male) had already enjoyed playing pawsies with Wellie, so he was glad to finally see the whole thing! He was also fascinated by Wellie. It was so cute to see Wellie try to pounce on him and Sox run away -- he wouldn't run too far, just far enough, and then he'd come back to see what else Wellie was up to. On Saturday it was warm enough to open the door to the deck and the three cats sat side by side at the screen door watching the birds -- no growling or hissing. I was so surprised and thankful. They seem to all be doing well with one another. Wellie has continued to go back to my daughter Elizabeth's bed (his isolation room) each night and snuggle with her which has made us all happy -- especially Elizabeth! He's fallen asleep in all of our laps and then runs laps inside the house. He's such a blessing and such a happy cat. I'll upload some photos soon.

Wellie is still such a joy. He has the sweetest little meow for such a big cat. I've attached some recent photos showing all three of our kitties.

(Last update: Jan 28th, 2014 9am)

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Name: Birk

(FKA Alf)

ID#: VA8288
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 01/04/12
Adopted: 01/28/12
Congrats: Miriam
Foster: Rinn

I'm a handsome little lynx point guy with white feet. I had a really, really rough start in life, and someone caught me and brought me to the angels at the SPCA where they got me all healthy again. Adorable, sweet, goofy, playful... foster mom says I'm all these things. I love to play with my toys, and I'm a champ at eating and using the litterbox!

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Notes from Home
Birk is doing well, and we love him dearly. You can see that he gets along with Wellie and Slippers also. He has the softest fur. He also has a short attention span which makes life with Birk fun!
(Last update: Jan 28th, 2014 9am)

Knock, knock.. Who's there?
Hera here and hopin for a forever home!
Is that YOU?!

Update: 6-17-13
Hera is a female flame point, which in itself is a bit unusual since most flame points are male. But other than being a girly-girly, she as all the wonderful flame qualities you could want, calm and loving, friendly and fearless, a lover of everyone and everything, easy to train and always has something to say!

Hera is fully integrated here with my cats and one large dog. She is unfazed by any of them so would likely do fine with another cat or a cat friendly dog. Hera's choice though, is her human, she loves to be with me, sleeping beside me or stretched out on the back of the couch (see pic). She is a bit of a talker but only when she has something important to say like "feed me". Hera is an absolute lover, loves to cuddle, loves to headbutt and purrs constantly. A true "people" cat, she always wants to be wherever her people are.

Come on, check out her pictures and video, you know you want to!
Name:   Hera
ID#: VA9309
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 06/08/13
Adopted: 07/20/13
Congrats: Alison
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
It has been 6 months since Hera came home! Originally named after a Greek goddess, her name changed to something that describes her petite build---Sesame (like a dainty sesame seed!). We affectionately also call her Pitty since she pitter pats around the house.

Sesame is doing well. She got a little sister (a lynx point Meezer from a local rescue) and they play like crazy. Sesame loves her toys and laying in sunbeams that come in through the front storm door. She had a great first Christmas and was very good with the tree. She liked to hide under it and peek out through the branches. They got a cool cat condo from Sandy Claws and both like the "penthouse" part of it.

We are so happy that she came to live with us, she is just a joy, and a sweet kitty. Thanks to Siamese Cat Rescue for saving her and helping to bring her to us from Indiana to TN!

(Last update: Jan 27th, 2014 7pm)

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Name:   Keegan
ID#: VA7438
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 12/02/10
Adopted: 01/15/11
Deceased: 03/27/17
Congrats: Brian
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes

Looking for sugar & spice & everything nice? Wow...that's what I'm looking for too! I am a handful according to my foster meowm...She says I have a lot of energy & am a take charge kinda guy...whatever...I say I just enjoy life!

I can't wait for you to click on that button & ask about me & my foster meowm will see if we are a match - she does say that I must have a playmate!!

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Notes from Home
Just wanted to update everyone on Keegan's forever home status. I can officially say that he's the happiest little kitty in the world!! Keegan has adapted to his forever home better and faster than we expected. At the vet last Saturday, Dr. Straley said he was the healthiest (and most beautiful) little kitty he had seen in a while. He's gained a pound since coming home and he weighs in at 5.8 lbs. He and his new brother Scooby are as thick as thieves and get along so well. Thanks to everyone that helped bring Keegan to his forever home. We love him so much and he is so happy!! Thanks and enjoy a few pixs of the boys!!

Have to report to everyone that Keegan is doing great and he's the happiest big kitty in the world!! All grown up now as you can see but he's still a kitty at heart. Dr. Straley gave him and his sister Lennox both a clean bill of health last month. They get along fine and we are all happy, happy, happy in this forever home!!

(Last update: Jan 27th, 2014 1pm)

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