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Left in an apartment with another cat , everything gone but just us, I have a good reason to be mad at the world, so there! But I'm getting over it, step by step by step!
Name: Macy

(FKA Bryany)

ID#: VA9805
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/11/14
Adopted: 01/25/14
Congrats: Karenlee
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Macy is doing great! She has a healthy appetite and actually comes running when she hear me preparing her food. We love her - her routines are being developed. She has a VERY tiny voice - it's precious. She has bonded with us both and loves to sleep between us.

We had a party here two weeks ago with a lot of people and she was pretty social - we were pretty surprised. She is completely at ease with our 2-year old grandbaby and other children - they all want to pet her.

We're very thankful for your organization.

(Last update: Feb 25th, 2014 7am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Lelah

(FKA Whip)

ID#: VA9523
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 09/04/13
Adopted: 10/20/13
Deceased: 02/07/15
Congrats: Denise
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Hi there - I'm Whip!! My tail and face are lynx and my ears are lilac, but the rest of me is total whip cream, and just as soft! I wish the rest of my story was a sweet - but it's not. I was trapped as just a wee little thing, and I'm only 5 months old as it is. I've spent most of my life until recently in a dark kennel in a basement. Foster ma is getting me straight though, and I'm helping her by being a good girl and eating all my food and using my litterbox without fail. I'm very shy and while I like to be around you and will talk to you, I am still very scared, so a quiet home with a friendly kitty to play with would be best. That's my pal Bandit on the left -- he needs a home too (hint hint!)

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Every day Lelah is getting more and more use to life in a home with her "brothers" Bandit and Eli (the Border Collie).

She and Bandit have their own space so that them can get away from their sometimes overly playful big "brother"

She still runs for the hills at times but not a quickly as she did at first.

She and Bandit play all the time and they often sound like tiny elephants running amok on the second floor.

I have begun to let her and Bandit explore the first floor at their leisure. Bandit is all over all the time. Lelah is a bit more cautious, but all things in time.

Christmas time is here.
Lelah is getting braver every day. Last night we decorated the tree and everyone was in the room. My parents Eli, Bandit and myself and Lelah actually spend quite a bit of time mingling about. She even checked out the tree. She, Bandit and Eli were playing with a crinkle ball for a bit.
at 10pm, Lelah decided it was bed time. She went up the stairs and then called for Bandit, and he went up to. I went up to find them both in the crate settled in for the night.

Christmas night found two very tired and very contented kittes.


Feb 23rd 2014
Well Feb 23rd is our 4 month anniversary.
Lelah and Bandit are doing great.

Lelah is interacting more and more every day. She is still very jumpy and runs if you look at her sideways, but at least she is spending time with the rest of us.
I have noticed that once the dog and I are settled into bed she will come up on the bed too. Sometimes she will even settle close and I can pet her for awhile.
She loves to play with her brother Bandit. They will wrestle with each other all day. Often, though, she can be heard playing by herself in the cat room.
Both are getting along famously with Eli the Border Collie. Bandit plays with Eli often and has learned to hold his own. Lelah has learned that running from the dog is not really the best idea. I have see her chin and head butt Eli every once and awhile Eli’s reaction is always funny. He looks at me like “why is she doing that?”

Bandit is a constant source of joy and entertainment. He plays with wild abandon. He is loves to play rough and tumble with Lelah, but is equally happy to entertain himself. He can spend just as much time playing with a milk ring or balled up piece of paper as any store bought toy. He seems to have an issue with the long brown thing attached to his butt. He spends a lot of time trying to catch it. He also seems to enjoy rolling around in the bath tub, until that brown thing sneaks up on him.
He has a purr to end all purrs. He can be heard purring from across the room. He often will come into the bed in the middle of the night lay on top of me and purr.

For their six mouths anniversary, since they no longer need there cage, they will be getting a nice new cat tree in their room. It is going to take me that long to pick on out.

(Last update: Feb 24th, 2014 10pm)

Okay.. my name is BANDIT and you can't change it because if ever a kitten needed to be called Bandit... well just look at my face!!!! And this is funny - the college students that found me and took me to animal control thought I was a baby raccoon. How funny is that!!

Anyway - I'm here, I'm loving life, and I love my toys....my food...my fostermates...my fostermommy. I just love EVERYTHING. Pick me if you want a super playful, super affectionate little guy to add to your life. I'll make you smile and laugh every day I'm alive :-)
Name:   Bandit
ID#: VA9567
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/25/13
Adopted: 10/20/13
Congrats: Denise
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Well someone has had NO trouble settling in here. He and his sister have their own space in case they need some down time away from their big "brother" Eli the BC.

Bandit and Eli have begun to play togeter, however Bandit sometimes gets tired of playing and Eli doesn't always get the message right away, but he'll learn.

He and Lelah play all the time. They sound like tiny elephants running around on the second floor.

I have begun to let then investigate the first floor, which for Bandit as been a awesome experience. I am hoping that Lelah learns from him that there is lots of fun to be had all over this great big house and the humans can great fun and full of love.

Christmas time is here...

Bandit has been very busy helping get the decorations and the tree put up. I had fully expected to have at least on kitten up the tree, but so far Bandit has been happy to just hang out underneath.

He has found the perfect napping partner in his Grandma. he just loves the climb all over her.

Christmas night found two very tired and very contented kitties


Feb 23rd 2014

Well Feb 23rd is our 4 month anniversary.
Lelah and Bandit are doing great.
Bandit is a constant source of joy and entertainment. He plays with wild abandon. He is loves to play rough and tumble with Lelah, but is equally happy to entertain himself. He can spend just as much time playing with a milk ring or balled up piece of paper as any store bought toy. He seems to have an issue with the long brown thing attached to his butt. He spends a lot of time trying to catch it. He also seems to enjoy rolling around in the bath tub, until that brown thing sneaks up on him.
He has a purr to end all purrs. He can be heard purring from across the room. He often will come into the bed in the middle of the night lay on top of me and purr.

Lelah is interacting more and more every day. She is still very jumpy and runs if you look at her sideways, but at least she is spending time with the rest of us.
I have noticed that once the dog and I are settled into bed she will come up on the bed too. Sometimes she will even settle close and I can pet her for awhile.
She loves to play with her brother Bandit. They will wrestle with each other all day. Often, though, she can be heard playing by herself in the cat room.
Both are getting along famously with Eli the Border Collie. Bandit plays with Eli often and has learned to hold his own. Lelah has learned that running from the dog is not really the best idea. I have see her chin and head butt Eli every once and awhile Eli’s reaction is always funny. He looks at me like “why is she doing that?”

For the six mouths anniversary, since they no longer need there cage, they will be getting a nice new cat tree in their room. It is going to take me that long to pick on out.

(Last update: Feb 24th, 2014 10pm)

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Name: Razzy

(FKA Moe)

ID#: VA7430
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 11/27/10
Adopted: 02/23/11
Deceased: 01/01/17
Congrats: Ellie
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
(NEW VIDEO 1/23/11)

Did you say you wanted........

Moe fun?

Moe headbutts?

Moe loving?

Moe goofiness?

Then you want Moe Me!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Afternoon Everyone,
It has been 3 years living here with my older sister and younger brother. My brother and I get along fine, but sis does not like to share so we are still having disputes. Over the last year, I started reading the Siamese handbook. I kind of like this borrowing under the covers, getting the hang of lap sitting, asking for affection, head butts, & claiming a chair for a nap. I've also found a new trick - Paw sits at a keyboard and I walk across the keys or stand in front of the screen. This way he knows where I am can scratch my ears. However, I do not like anyone touching my belly. I like showing my belly, but NO touching. I am over the top in cuteness and showing off.
Meowme and Paw have been taking me to the ophthalmologist for my ingrown eyelashes about every 6 months. My eyelashes were growing into my eyes making me miserable with poor eyesight and I was lashing out at everyone and everything. I had one surgery shortly after arriving at my furever home where they froze the eyelashes, which helped. However, my lashes being white, a few escaped the process. The doctor has had to pluck those few remaining lashes several times as they keep growing back into the eyes. I really do not like this considering the location, the smells, but my eye sight has improved and I am a very good boy.
A week or so ago for the very first time ever, I went to Meowme looking for some attention and purred for her. She wasn’t feeling well so I even let her kiss my head and ears (definitely not a guy thing). I like lying on Paw, and have even started to relax. I lay across his lap so he has to use one hand to hold my head, while I look like I am really enjoying it. Occasionally, I even started to do happy paws on the blanket when I walk up Paw’s chest, not often, as a guy has to hold some things back. I am the king of the tall perch, I love the screened in porch, but the door has be opened so I know I can still get into the house. That way I know I will get back in the house and not end up outside on my own - again.
I am the self-appointed plate cleaner. I make sure no one has left any food. I am a healthy 12 pounds and I am always the first in line and lead the parade down the hall for breakfast. Mealtime is my favorite time of day every day.
I heard the vet is coming later this week for our shots and physicals. Something about we are retiring (whatever that means) and moving to Nevada in May.
Well Paw is coming so it's time to go, I must go find my warm bed for the evening.

I hope all my cousins find as nice as furever home as I did. Best of luck.
Sir Razzmatazz (aka Razzy).

(Last update: Feb 24th, 2014 10pm)

Update! My sniffles are all gone and I've discovered how to PLAY!! I play with everything in sight, including the other young cat that lives here. I was a cuddly guy when I wasn't feeling well, but now I'm a little leery when people approach me so I try to run away. I'm happy and comfortable, I'll just need some time to get used to people wanting to pick me up. Foster mom says I'm so cute that everyone is going to want to hug and kiss me so I guess I better start working on that right away. The best family for me would be one with another young cat and the patience to show me that people aren't going to hurt me. Is that you? Foster: Carole Congrats Linda and Mike in FL!
Name: Moko

(FKA BoscoBear)

ID#: VA2489
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/27/04
Adopted: 02/21/04
Deceased: 02/01/18
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Carole

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Thank you for reminding us to celebrate Moko's (aka BoscoBear) 10 year anniversary!! He is very happy at home with us and big sister Mya (aka Gem) in St. Petersburg Florida. He is a big boy now and provides us with continuous entertainment bullying his sister and playing hide and seek with her. Typical brother and sister pair. Mya is a real "diva" and Moko is a goofy boy. Our lives have been so blessed with these beautiful and wonderful cats......we love them very dearly!! Thank you to fosters Jane and Carole in FL
(Last update: Feb 23rd, 2014 4pm)

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Name: Ping

(FKA Dillon)

ID#: VA9762
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 12/22/13
Adopted: 01/11/14
Congrats: Suzanne
Foster: Debi

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Yes, I'm adorable
Yes, I'm playful
Yes, I like to play
However, I have some growing to do & I must take time to eat a lot of protein so I can grow big & strong like my Mom (Padme).

Stay tuned!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Ping is a very sweet boy. He claws at the back of my leg when he would like me to pick him up...that might not go so well come summer! He pretty much lets Suki feel like she's the boss around here, but draws a line when it comes to one of his favorite spots....stretched out in front of the fireplace, he has chased her off a couple of times. He has been spending more time sleeping in Owens room, which Owen likes very much.
I took Ping and Suki to the vet today because it seemed like they weren't totally getting over their colds. It sounded to me like Ping was coughing a bit. It may have been sneezes, not sure. The Dr. said his glands were swollen a bit and that he had a sore throat! Poor boy. They are both starting antibiotics today, I hope that makes a difference. He is eating normally (he almost never meows, unless it's fancy feast time..he always meows for that!) he is very active and seems happy in his home. (Suzanne)
Every morning Ping snuggles up to me, and he usually thinks my fingers are chew toys! He nibbles my fingers while I'm trying to sleep! But, it doesn't hurt. He is still the cutest little thing. I love him very much. (Owen)
Ping (FKA Dillon) is adjusting very well to his new home. He is very sweet and affectionate. The long trip was not to his liking, although he was very reserved about his displeasure.( His eyes were a bit leaky for a couple of days, but now they are clear and beautiful.) He took just a couple of minutes to come out of his carrier..after looking around for a minute or so he was purring and looking for affection. He used his new litter box very quickly! I don't think he used the one in the carrier at all! Then a nibble of dry food and a little water. He was very happy to get his fancy feast later in the evening, he gobbled it up! Ping is very inquisitive and brave..and boy does he love just about any toy with feathers! His inner wild cat comes out to play! Otherwise he is reserved and dignified. He loves to sit on any of our laps, and occasionally will get on a shoulder!
He is starting to develop a routine, for the last few mornings he wakes at the same time I do and follows me downstairs, waits patiently for me to make coffee and then lets me know its time for his morning fancy feast. :) It seems like he has put on some weight since arriving, but I will know for sure after his vet visit. I am hoping to find a new vet, closer to home, since he doesn't seem to like traveling!
I will post again soon about how he and Suki are getting along..(hint:so far so good..)
1/21/14 (as dictated by Owen, 9)
Well they are pretty adorable. Ping is very very playful, mostly cuddly actually. When I looked under the table Suki was already on top of the table trying to get my breakfast! So, I picked her up and put her down. Ping is a little bit less playful than Suki, he is a little bit more cuddle, he uses my chest as a pillow.
Whenever they want to have their food, which is fancy feast, they always silently scream at me! It pretty much looks like my cat opening its mouth and nothing comes out! Ping hogs his down like a pig, but Suki just silently eats it, just like a little princess. I love them!
A quick note to say that Ping did great at his vet visit yesterday. He is 4 lbs now, and has been declared a healthy boy! The vet said his under-bite seems to be pretty minor, and probably will not need attention..but that we will need to watch as he grows. He has a loose tooth, so those adult teeth are coming!
Ping is the more laid back of our two precious kitties. Where Suki is more in your face with her demands for affection, Ping seems to wait until a quiet moment to slip onto a lap. Although he does like it when I drape him over my shoulder while working in the kitchen. He loves to sit on the radiators around the house, and sleeps at the foot of our bed at night. Most mornings he will move to Davids chest and start to purr very loud...his subtle message that its time to get up!

(Last update: Feb 21st, 2014 5pm)

Merry Christmas everyone! I'm Noelle, named for this joyous season.

Meowmy said I'm such a good girl because I love to kiss her when she holds me and I'm so good with my litter box. I love my food, love to play, and love attention.

It will be a while before I'm ready to go, and I do need another cat or kitten to go home to, because babies like me need that interaction to develop mentally.

Meowmy doesn't have a dog any more, but she said she'll try to see how I do with them when we go to the vet, as there are always doggies there, so it will be a while before we know if I like them, or are afraid of them.

In the mean time you can ask about me and get on my list, and then we'll see if I'd fit into your life.

Purrs and kisses,
Name: Suki

(FKA Noelle)

ID#: VA9746
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 12/15/13
Adopted: 01/11/14
Congrats: Suzanne
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Suki is 4.8 lbs. now! She is just as affectionate as ever, quick to purr and gives lots of kisses. She is still sneezing occasionally, I was a bit worried about that, so I took her and Ping to the vet again today. While the Dr. thought it was most likely viral, she prescribed an antibiotic to fight off any possible additional bacterial infection. Administering the meds should be fun! :) She is eating well, and always up for a serious play session. She has recently discovered the joy of hunting stink bugs! She leaps at them with impressive accuracy. David calls her our little panther. (Suzanne)
Every morning she goes into my Moms room and then springs into action by "super snuggle". When my Mom puts her head under the pillows, Suki just burrows in! (Owen)
What a beautiful little girl, with a beautiful personality to match! Suki has been a pleasure since the moment we put her in our car. Head butts through her carrier door, playing with Owen (my son) through the side holes and purrs the whole time. She is a natural when it comes to traveling! "Bring it on!" seemed to be her attitude.
When we arrived home she shot out of the carrier like she owned the place, ready for an extreme play session! Owen was very happy to oblige. It wasn't long before we learned that Suki is into extreme snuggling as well. All it takes is one touch to start her purring like an engine. If she isn't playing, she would like to be in someones arms...I'm afraid we are totally spoiling her! We can't help ourselves!
We will continue to post updates!.. Pictures to come!
Suki and Ping are doing very well. They had their wellness visit at the vet yesterday and did great! Suki is 3.5 lbs. The doctor said she is a healthy girl, although she has a little cold right now. It sure doesn't seem to slow her down though! She loves to play. She also loves to hoard two of her favorite toys, an orange fuzzy mouse, and a glittery magenta ball. She bats them around the house and walks around with one or the other in her mouth..growling at Ping if he comes close. It's more fun if he shows interest..so he plays along. :) They love chasing each other and wrestling, but they also snuggle up on the sofa together at nap times.
If it's not play time, it is definitely snuggle time...Suki will find one of us and meow at our feet until she is picked up. She tries to burrow in around our neck or chest, spinning and purring until she finds the perfect spot. What a love bug!

(Last update: Feb 21st, 2014 4pm)

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Name:   Brodie
ID#: VA9166
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/06/13
Adopted: 04/27/13
Congrats: Helene
Foster: Debra

Just arrived in the new digs. I come with my sister - we are bonded with each other. I will tell you more about myself as soon as I get settled in. As you can see, I have already found the most comfortable spot in the room - the bed. Feel like sharing one with me?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
What a big,happy,talkative boy!!! He is exploring every nook and cranny!! Eating well-would like more!! More! Vet coming tomorrow to meet and greet both Meeka and Brodie. More later-these guys are keeping me busy and very happy.........
5/20/2013 Brodie has stolen my heart,too!!! He birdwatches from the window-he has a very loud and long deep meow.........such a handsome boy!! He does love to eat-he prefers canned grain free food. So far no vomiting back up unless he gobbles. Has the most beautiful blue eyes, which look pleadingly at me for food!! .
5/29 Brodie seems quite contented with his new digs-he and Meeka love window-watching and sunning by the glass door. Always on the alert for food!!! Am working with the vet for a reasonable amount of daily (and delicious) food.
2/21/2014 Meeka and Brodie are doing so well, and are most happy. Brodie has a special purple loofa mouse he carries around in his mouth, while Meeka likes her feather bird on the end of a pole!
Please let me know whom this reaches, as I am not sure anyone sees it !! Helene
Meeka and Brodie are just fine and seem very happy and content . Most of the time they are really compatible, but have occasional spats He is very vocal about his wants-usually food- . They both love to play! Brodie has a small purple loofa mouse which he has adored for about 3 months. He can pick it out from 2 others which are identical except fpr color. Can anyone tell me about color awareness and recognition? Meeka loves her"da bird" pole with feathers .These babies are so special- hard to believe they are 13 years old and were give-ups!! I am so lucky. Will do better about writing, I promise!!

(Last update: Feb 21st, 2014 3pm)

Brodie and I are a pair. I just arrived so I need some time to get settled in before letting everyone get to know how fabulous and sweet I am. So far I can tell you that I love windows. I am an affectionate girl and have a squeaky voice....
Name:   Meeka
ID#: VA9165
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/06/13
Adopted: 04/27/13
Deceased: 02/01/17
Congrats: Helene
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
Meeka has made herself at home!! She and Brodie are generally exploring and finding special hiding places. More later. One week yesterday!
5/20//2013 In heart and spirit,Meeka is so young!! She loves to capture anything moving nder her blanket, and she and Brodie romp through the house at night. She has a sassy way of looking at me!! Likes to birdwatch from the window. She likes her grain free dry food-does not care for wet, though.
5/29/2013 Meeka thinks a sunbath is a mandatory ritual each day. She is a most curious girl, and has the most astonishing squeaky meow. I am so happy she and Brodie are.here!!

(Last update: Feb 21st, 2014 3pm)

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Name: Emmet

(FKA Jakey)

ID#: VA9382
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/07/13
Adopted: 07/29/13
Congrats: Sean
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Gentle, sweet, soft hearted boy who got replaced by an allergic family member. Well behaved and pristine in my habits, I'm hoping to have better luck the next time around. Just over 8 pounds, I'm a gem of a guy if I do say so myself! A little bit of a sensitive soul to begin with, it doesn't take that much convincing to get me to believe! Let me bury my face in the crook of your arm to start with, and then, with just a little love and petting (oh and catnip if you would?) I'll be our best banana, er, I mean guy (sorry, that catnip is getting to my head!) I'd be great as the only cat, be okay with a galfriend but she needs to stand up to my occasional bursts of pushiness!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Emmet is fully settled into his home and is a super sweet guy. He is a bigtime lap kitty and loves to sleep between my legs if I am laying on the bed or couch.

He is VERY vocal (even if sometimes he comes accross as kind of a baby...) :-) He loves to play and adores catnip. To add to his babiness, he does like to suckle a little bit too much at times. Overall he has very good habits and treats his home and furnishings with respect.

He does have one somewhat humerous bad habit in that he has a finely tuned radar for unattended toilet paper rolls! (See picture) But hey, its better than the furniture!

(Last update: Feb 19th, 2014 2pm)

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