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The largest gold nugget ever found was called the "Welcome Stranger" weighing in at 2316 troy ounces (72.04 kg). It was found by John Deason and Richard Oates at Moliagul, Victoria, Australia on February 5th, 1869. While the gold from the Welcome Stranger is still out there, the Nugget itself only exists in my 18 pound self, ready for someone with a heart of gold to take me home!

Flop flop. Rub my belly. PLEASE?????

While my videos talk about the Center, I am currently in Kentucky - I went to a home and despite being my loving handsome self, the existing gal didn't like me. Maybe she has something against big round tubs of love? I'm not sure, but we just didn't hit it off. So now I need a new place please!
Name: Gulliver

(FKA Nugget)

ID#: VA9882
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 03/03/14
Adopted: 03/08/14
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Jennifer


Notes from Home
Hi, I used to be called Nugget, but I have a new name and a new home. My mom calls me Gulliver now because of all the traveling I did to finally get to her. It's a long story, but now I'm definitely home furever. I'm still getting used to the place, since I've only been here about a month, and there are lots of friends to make here. We're still working things out, but we are doing just fine. Here's some new pics of me in my new home.
(Last update: Apr 5th, 2014 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Sarabi
ID#: VA9795
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 01/08/14
Adopted: 01/20/14
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
If you were a chef you'd call me a blue creme tortie and that sounds just like some fancy beautiful dessert. I'm not that fancy necessarily but I sure am beautiful, easy going and taking it all in stride. Given up for allergies, I'm now looking for my new home; I have lived with dogs and kids before and one thing it taught me is I love to play!! Woohoo! Here less than 24 hours and I'm all about having a great time (in between some serious loving too!)

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi from Sarabi in my new home!

I'm loving it here, being the only other female besides my new Mom. All the guys love me, even the dogs, but especially my new beau, Ninja. Here's a few pics of us together. Mom says I've been very good for Ninja, and he's become more social and friendly since I arrived, even though he still likes to hide from the pet sitter. Even that grumpy old guy Joxer is coming around. I think he really likes me secretly, but he's got his image to uphold. Every now and then, though, Mom will catch him being nice to me. I really love my new family! Thank you for finding them for me.

4/5/14 Doing just fine, love it here! Here's a few more pics of me and one of my best buds.

(Last update: Apr 5th, 2014 3pm)

Chirpy blue eyed beauty looking for a home where she can be the center of life. Probably best for older children although we don't have any to show her. No more stray days for her.

She loves to explore new spaces but is always not far away from us. Getting along with everyone here, too, like she's lived here for a long time. Just a precious kitty!
Name: Stella

(FKA Annabella)

ID#: VA8899
Location:  Delaware
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 11/04/12
Adopted: 12/08/12
Congrats: Gail
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
What Pearl might tell us if she could:

When Monique called Tuesday night to talk to Mama about me, I heard her say that I had a hollow leg when it came to eating. My leg is NOT hollow. There’s muscle and bone there. I was catnapping on the couch and half-opened my eyes when I thought Mama called me a “piggy” but I’m not sure she said that. I may have been dreaming.

I thought I’d be able to con Mama into thinking it was okay to feed me three or four times a day but she soon found out that would not be a good thing - and that I really would become a piggy if she kept it up.

Then I heard Mama say the words “scrounge for food” and that’s when I sat up and took notice. Mama has no idea what it’s like to scrounge for food, but I do. It’s how I survived when I became a stray. How could she know that one night while I was out in the dark I was rummaging through trash barrels and came across a pork chop bone someone had tossed in the garbage. I jumped up and got inside that barrel and yanked and yanked at that bone until I got a good grip on it with my jaws and then had to figure a way out of the trash barrel. I jumped and jumped but because of the bone - I refused to let go of it - it was impossible to get out. Then, I used every bit of my strength and jumped so high that when I touched the top of the barrel it fell over and I scampered out, bone still secure in my teeth. In the dark, I saw the gleaming eyes of some kind of animal and I knew I had to get out of there or risk losing the only meal of the day. So I started toward the street and landed in front of a passing car. I heard the screech of brakes and a human shouting something at me, and just by the skin of my teeth I made it to the other side of the street, only to encounter a dog whose growl said, “Hand over that bone.” Rather than risk his wrath - he had a mean look on his face - I gave up my bone and ran off and hid behind a bush.

I never ate that day, or the next day or the day after that and I started losing weight. When a lady found me walking along the street, she picked me up and asked me where I lived. I had no idea so I kept quiet. My original owners - well, I couldn’t even remember who they were. The lady took me in for an overnight and soon I found myself in a shelter where there was at least something to eat. Then from the shelter I went to another place in Virginia where there was lots of fresh air, loving humans - and a lot of good food.

But that was only temporary lodging, and I needed my own humans who would love and feed me. Now, when I hear the rattle of my cat munchies, I run for my bowl and purr my heart out.

Unless humans have known hunger and scrounging for food, they have no idea why it becomes so important to kitties like me. I know that in my new home I won’t have to scrounge ever again but for a while the memory of my past as a stray will stay with me. But over time, like all bad memories, it will fade.

I’m so grateful for the lady who found me. I’m grateful for Siri and her staff. I’m super grateful for Monique and Diane and all the Meezer Express ladies. Mostly, I’m grateful that I am not on the streets scrounging for food anymore.

It’s a cat’s worst nightmare. Trust me. The worst.

Love, Pearl

December 17, 2012

Mama and Daddy have had a change of heart - not about me, but about my name. When I got to the Siamese Cat Rescue Center, I must have looked like an Annabella because that's the name I was given. Meanwhile, when Mama and Daddy were discussing what to call me when I became theirs, Mama thought Pearl was a beautiful name. Daddy thought so, too. But after I came home and I was there for a few days, I overheard Daddy say, "I'm sorry to say that Pearl doesn't suit her." And Mama looked at Daddy and said, "I agree. I don't think it does, either."

So for the next few days I was referred to as "pretty girl' and "sweetheart" and a few other complimentary names. Meanwhile, I heard Mama and Daddy tossing around names like Daisy, Ruby, Tiger Lily and a few others. I tried awful hard to get them to hear what I wanted for a name and meowed out "stttttttttt" a bunch of times before Mama finallly listened and said, "I think she's trying to tell us something. Listen closely."

And that's when I rolled my tongue as much as I could and meowed, "Stttttttllllll," then I let out a big yawn and out came "Stella!"

"That's it!" Daddy cried out. "Her name is Stella!"

Now when Mama comes home, she calls out to me, "Where's my Stella Bella?"!

And I laugh my kitty laugh! Stella, Mama said, means Star and Bella means beautiful. So I'm a beautiful star!

I love my new home, my new Mama and my new Daddy. He picks me up when he's in his cockpit and lets me sit on his lap. I love all the blinking lights in his office.

And I love all the pretty lights on my tree in the living room. I'd love to climb it but Mama said no, I couldn't do that.

It sure is cold outside tonight. I'm glad I'm inside my warm house. And I smell something good cooking - some kind of soup. Mmmmm...good. Maybe I'll get a spoonful!

Love, Pearl
P.S. I have a doctor visit on Thursday. I can't wait to meet Dr. Samantha.

December 19, 2012

Stella is our little doll baby kitty - we just love her and now I'm telling everyone who will listen that the Siamese Cat Rescue Center is the BEST. I plan to write about the center on my blog and in my newspaper column - Reflections from the Lowe Zone.

Stella has added a dimension to our home that has brought us Christmas joy and light - even though the days seem dark, especially after the news from Newtown, Connecticut last week. We all need to find ways to brighten our lives, and adopting an animal in need is a way to warm their hearts as well as our own.

Our new family member has settled in nicely. She loves to play - her favorite toy being a crumpled up Post-It note. She loves to eat. She uses her potty box beautifully, never "missing her mark." The newest thing is that she now sleeps at the foot of our bed. She tried our bed out for size on Monday night and stayed most of the night. Then last night she stayed the entire night. Tony, my husband, is an early riser so he gets to feed her in the morning. I take over with a "snack" at lunchtime and supper at night. She's not a fussy eater and even enjoyed a taste of my homemade minestrone soup the other night.

Every kitty adopts their human -- it has always been me. But this time, I'm not sure. She splits her time between Tony and me, but I have a feeling she has fallen for the big guy just as much as I did. Rather than being jealous, I'm delighted because there's a lot to love in my big guy. It touches my heart to see him loving our adorable Stella. She is not timid of strangers, either. We've had visitors (our grandchildren) over the past few days and she stayed right there with us, even allowing them to pet her.

Last night, though, she got a scare when Tony was watching a TV program and some kind of battle was going on and it was LOUD. Tony quickly turned down the volume and she went right back to sleep.

Oh, and I found a candy cane on the floor near the tree -- I'm thinking Little Miss Stella pulled it off, thinking it was a toy!

Tomorrow afternoon she goes for her first doctor visit. I can't wait to see what Dr. Samantha thinks of her. We think she's beautiful, but we're biased!

Merry Christmas, everyone - from Gail, Tony and Stella! (And if not Christmas, then your own special holiday.)

December 20, 2012

I knew something was up when i saw Mama come down the stairs with that thing ... oh, you know what I'm talking about ... that thing that has a gate on it. And holes in the side. And a handle on top. I knew it when she brought it downstairs and called my name. "Stella! Stella Bella! Come here!"

I knew I was in for it ... it was that tone of voice she used, trying to make me think I was in for a treat. Well, okay, I'm a good sport so I walked over to her and, sure enough, down came her hands and the next thing I knew they were around my belly and she was lifting me up and the next thing I knew I was being put inside that thing. And then down came two metal things and I was locked inside. If that wasn't bad enough, Mama opened the door and picked up the thing and took me outside. And it was ... brrrr ... cold. I shivered, huddled in the corner, wished I had my purple snuggly. But then she picked me up again and took me to this big blue thing and opened the door and put me on a seat. She got inside, too, and turned on something that made a big roar and then I peeked out and saw the world passing by. A couple minutes later she stopped the thing and the roaring stopped. Then she unbuckled the other thing and she picked me up and out into the cold I went again. But a minute later I found myself inside a room that was nice and warm.

This would have been okay, but then I heard a dog bark. And then a big meow coming from somewhere nearby. I looked up at Mama and she put her fingers through metal and that made me feel a little better. Soon, I heard someone call my name and Mama picked me up again and broguht me inside a small space where there was a metal table. She took me out of the thing and put me on the table and it was COLD! Then another person came into the room and put me on the scale - I was hoping I hadn't put on much weight, but sure enough - 10 pounds and 3 ounces! And then the person, a lady, listened to my heart and took my temperature and said I was beautiful. Well, I already knew that. Then she clipped my claws - I didn't like that much and heard Mana say she would do it from then on - and said I didn't have to come back until next August - unless I get sick, whcih I don't plan on doing.

Well, a few minutes later we were back inside the big blue thing and went home. And I got a nice treat for being such a good girl. I'm tired now and I hope Mama goes to bed soon so I can snuggle at her feet - and Daddy's, too. I love them both!

So that's how my day went. Mostly good, except for having to be inside that thing. I hope she puts it in the cellar and I don't have to look at it again - until next August, anyway.

Love to all,

December 22, 2012

Dear Siri, Monique, Diane and all my Meezer lover friends,

It's me, Stella. No worries. I'm doing just fine, enjoying the freedom of my new home. I heard Mama say last night that "her heart was touched." I don't know why. All I was doing was nesting on Daddy's lap while he gently stroked my head. Maybe it's because I'm so small and Daddy is a six-footer. I don't know, but it sure did feel good to be stroked like that. Mama does it too, but what can I say? I've got a crush on Daddy, and I think he has a crush on me, too.

Every night now I sleep near their feet and we're all very quiet as we snooze the night away. Daddy gets up really early, way before the sun comes up, and I love that because it means feeding time for me. I love the smell of something he drinks that comes out of a silver pot, and then there's the aroma of cinnamon toast. Sometimes I get treats - like last night. Mama made a homemade fish chowder, and it sure smelled good. She picked out some of the fish and put it in my dish and I ate it right up. Mmmmm...good.

Today, Mama'[s friend is coming to visit for a while, and I'm looking forward to meeting her because I heard that the friend has two of her own kitties, so she will probably love me, too. I hope so. I'm trying to make such a good impression on EVERYONE.

Well, I need a little more beauty sleep before Mama's company arrives. Wishing you all an excellent day with safe travels. And only a few days to go before Christmas. I wonder if I'll get a new toy to play with.

Love, Stella

December 23, 2012

This morning when I heard the doorbell ring, I peeked out the window and saw our next door neighbor with his two little girls, ages 5 and 6. The other night I dropped over to give them a gift from my husband and myself - we've made it a tradition to give them a nice Christmas-themed book every year. That's when I told them about Stella, and they were all excited and wanted to meet her. They got their chance today.

I was a little worried that Stella would squirm away from them, but I went upstairs anyway and got her from our bed, where she was sleeping. I brought her downstairs and introduced her to the children and their father, and put her down on the rug. And there she stayed while they petted her and cooed her name. This little kitty is not afraid of anyone, it seems, which indicates to me that she was never harmed in any way before she became a stray. This contrasts with our other kitty - Callie-Cat - who suffered third degree burns to her back, thanks to something her previous owners did before she found her way to our home.

I have to share something else - yesterday while at Marshalls I found a set of sheets that were made of some kind of fleece. Our flannel sheets had seen better days, so I bought a queen set for us. Well, guess who thought they were just dandy? Yup. Stella. They're soft and cozy and warm, just the way she likes her bed. I would not be surprised if she wanted to come under the covers with us tonight because of the new sheets.

She got toys and a new dish yesterday from our friend Joan, who visited. She loves the toys because they contain catnip and a mouse toy I bought her before she arrived is in the process of being torn to shreds. It's made of sisal and she loves getting her teeth and claws into it.

This will be her first Christmas in our home. What a gift to both of us. We love her and we love you, too, for matchingus up.

Love to all,
Gail (and Tony)

To all my bestest friends at the rescue center,

It's me, Stella. I'm a little nervous today because I heard chatter about someone named Ninya coming to visit this afternoon. I smell turkey in the oven and last time that happened I got something special in my dish...yummy! But that doesn't take away my anxiety over this Ninya person. I heard Mama say she only has three legs and she feels bad for her. Then I heard her say, "I wonder if Ninya and Stella will get along." Then she asked Daddy to get out the doggie bowl he put in the cellar. "We need it for Ninya," she said. Oh, then, I thought...Ninya isn't a human. She's a dog! Well, we shall see what the afternoon holds. As long as Ninya doesn't take my turkey parts away from me, we should get along fine.

Dear Friends: Stella is doing just fine, and we call her our 30 mph cat. She rips through the house like a tornado, running rom room to room and up the stairs, sometimes leaping two or three stairs at a time. Good way to burn calories! Tony and I should learn from her. So today as Stella wrote, we're having company for a turkey dinner and football game. Our firends have a little brown dog with only three legs (she was struck by a car and left lying on the side of the road until someone found her). We love Ninya and hope Stella likes her, too. If not, then Stella will find her way to our bed, where she sleeps every night. Sometimes she bites Tony's feet, but he just drops back to sleep. She's our little darling and we love her. She hears Tony's van pull into the driveway and she's off like a shot to the front door. Last night we went to the movies and when we got home, there she was, sitting in the living room window, all excited to see us. All the best to everyone in the New Year! Love to all, Gail and Tony

February 9, 2013

Has anyone found my two face stripes? The other day, my mama held me up to a mirror in the little bathroom where she clips my claws and I noticed that I have two dark stripes on the ride side of my face, but the ones on the left side are missing. I think I may have left them at Diane's, but I could have lost them while being transported home. I'm just not sure. All that's left in place of the stripes are two faint yellowish stripes. Sigh. I'm so depressed because I'm not symmetrical. I'ts okay. I'll get over it because being with my mama and daddy makes up for my two lost stripes. But if anyone finds them, please let me know and maybe we can arrange for them to be sent in the mail to my new home. Speaking of my new home, we've developed a daily rhythm. Here how it goes: Daddy and I get up at the same time because I know he'll rattle the plastic container that has my food in it and he knows I'll go crazy for what's in my dish because I slept all night - at the foot of the bed - and in the morning I've got the hungry horrors. A little later I hear mama stirring upstairs and soon I know she'll be coming down and saying what she always says, "Hello, little Miss. How's my darling Stella Bella?" And then she'll lean over and give me a kiss while I'm resting on the ottoman. That's one of my favorite spots. The other one is on the back of the couch in the living room that has a window I can look out of. Yesterday, I had the best time watching some kind of machine - mama calls it Yoda - come up and down the street with a plow thing attached and moving all this white stuff that fell out of the sky. I heard daddy say "blizzard" and I guess that's what happened between yesterday and today. A blizzard! Well, anyway, I'm left alone for a few hours in the morning and then mama comes home for lunch and gives me a "snack" and cleans up my potty box and all is well. Then she leaves again and comes home a few hours later and so does daddy. And after supper it's "light-light" time - my little laser toy. I love "light-light" and how mama bounces the red dot all over the room so I can chase it. I heard her say it was a "real calorie burner." So, this is my news. I'm find and dandy except for my two missing stripes. In case you need a better description, theyre' about an inch and a half long and nearly black. If you do find them, let me know. If not, it's okay. Mama says I'm beautiful just the way I am. Love to all, Stella

February 19, 2013
Tony just came downstairs and turned on the news. Meanwhile, Stella had been sleeping on HER ottoman across the room. But when he came downstairs UP she popped. She LOVES Tony. She loves me, too, but HE is her Valentine. She walks on HIS lap - not mine - and settles on HIS chest - not mine. All this really amazes me because it's ME who's the cat person. Tony has always been a DOG guy. And yet. And yet, he adores Stella. Does he mind when she bites at his feet in the middle of the night? No. Does he mind when she wakes him up while licking his face? No. This was a match made in heaven (thank you, Monique) and I couldn't be happier. Stella is my kitty, too. She comes to me, too, and loves to play with me. We play "light-light" every night around this time. It's that little laser light that shows a red dot. We make it travel all over the rug, up the wall, across the ceiling, between her paws - and she LOVES it. All we have to do is TOUCH the laser light and she's right there, ready to play "light light." It's SO funny!

I've also found a way to clip her nails without much ado. In the bathroom sink. It's a Saturday operation, and when we close the bathroom door, she knows what's up. She doesn't seem to mind half as much as she did in the beginning and is very cooperative. I know just where to clip so it doesn't hurt.

She's a great little eater, affectionate, playful, and tolerates dogs. At least she tolerated Ninya, who visited a few weeks ago. We shall see what happens when Rufus comes in late March. Rufus is our friends' Golden Retriever.

Oh, I forgot this -- she has two bird watching spots - on the back of our love seat and the back of our couch. The man across the way has a bird feeder so you can imagine the fun she has watching out those two windows.

So, this is our update for today. We're enjoying our little Stella and true to her name, she has become the STAR of our family!

Gail and Tony (and Stella)

February 24, 2013

Dear Friends,

Something new to report: Stella is terrified of Bart the Bear - she's a real scaredy cat - she proved that today!

It's a gloomy, wintry, kind of snowy day in the Boston area. But Tony and I had a Netflix date at 3 p.m. to cut the monotony of staying in. Our pick -- THE EDGE starring Anthony Hopkins, Alec Baldwin and Elle MacPherson. The story is about a famous model going to Alaska for a photo shoot with her much older, wealthy, husband and her photographer. On the way to the wilds of Alaska, their puddle jumper flies into a flock of geese and the next thing they knew they plunged into a lake. Four survived and swam safely to shore. That's when the adventure began - including coming face to face with a big brown bear. Bart the Bear took the part of the bad bear and he roared and grunted and made other terrifying noises.

Stella watches TV with us, usually perched on the arm of the couch next to Tony. But today she sat on the floor in front of the TV - but she ran like a shot when Bart made an appearance. Scared to death, she raced into the dining room, then the kitchen before making a beeline up the stairs. We laughed our heads off but felt bad that she was so afraid. But a few minutes later, we saw her on one of the stairs, peeking through one of the wooden slats. Down she came, kind of hunkered down, afraid Bart would come back on the screen. About 20 minutes later, he did...and again, she ran through the downstairs rooms and up the stairs to hide.

If anyone has not seen this movie, I can tell you it's a keeper. We were nailed to the couch for two hours and I told Tony it was a good thing we were in the privacy of our home and not in a movie theater because I screamed more than once or twice.

Anyway, our Stella is doing well, in spite of Bart the Bear. Oh, and we found out she doesn't like thunder, either. There was a scene at the beginning of the movie that featured a storm, andup sthe stairs she went again.

Well, Stella needs the exercise anyway...and if it's aerobic, all the better.

Stay warm and cozy. We are.
Gail and Tony (and Stella)

March 22, 2013

Hi All from Stella, Tony and Gail!

Stella and I have come up with a new game to play. When I come home for lunch, she's there at the door waiting to greet me. She talks a blue streak and I ask how my Stella-Bella is and she chirps her answers - over and over again. Then I say, "I'm gonna get that belly!" And she knows it's time to play, so she drops herself onto the rug and rolls over - a direct invitation for me to "get her belly!" I tickle her and she gets up and flops over in another spot, ready to play the game again. This goes on and on until I have to choose between having some lunch and getting back t work or staying home and playing the "belly" game all afternoon - which I'd really rather do, if you come right down to it. Not that I don't love my job - I do! But there are days I'd just as soon stay home and be Stella's meow-mom.

Also, Diane, you'll be happy to know that her Millie Bed is now in the living room and she loves getting inside. It's cushy and I sprinkled a bit of catnip in it to make it even more enticing.

Also, I bought one of those slanted cardboard-type scratching posts and she uses it faithfully.

Saturday is "sink day," and she hates it. Sink day consists of taking Stella into the half bath on the first floor and setting her into the sink where she gets her nails clipped. The sink is a good place to do this because it contains her and she can't get bolt out the door. It takes all of 45 seconds to get the job done, and then she gets a hug AND a treat.

Well, we just think she's the cutest and funniest little cat - just this week I said, "Tony, her personality is really coming out." He agreed. We adore our little Stella-Star. She's doing just great and so are we!


April 25, 2013

Dear Siamese Rescue Friends,

Every day as a reporter/staff writer for the local newspaper, I write the police news - including house break-ins, domestic fights and even murder. Sometimes there's a rollover on the highway and I write about that, too.

But lately, rollover has taken on a new and comic meaning. Every day when I come home for lunch, guess who's waiting at the door? If you guessed Stella, you guessed right. Since she came home in early December, her personality has really emerged, and she's not only a cat, she's a clown and a dog, all rolled into one.

The reason rollover has taken on new meaning is because when I open the door at lunchtime, Stella drops to the floor and rolls over. It's an invitation to rub her belly, and I always comply. Then we play rollover, with commands to rollover again and again and again - and this time SHE does the complying. Our friend Joan witnessed this playtime a few weeks ago and she said Stella was rolling over on purpose - it's her invitation to play. And it is. Tony and I have so much fun with her, too, during "cocktail hour" when he has his one martini and I have my soft drink. We can't leave Stella out, so we give her some catnip leaves on her scratching board and she rolls around in it, sharpens her claws and then races through the house, high as a kite. Yesterday, Tony watched as she leaped from the first landing of the stairway and jumped four stairs below to the hallway. She continued to race all the way to the sunroom, and we just laughed and laughed. She is our "funny year-round Valentine."

It took he a while for her to trust my lap, but now she climbs up, knowing she's safe there. But the lap she loves most is not mine, but Tony's. She is definitely in love with the "big guy."

She's doing well, and we were spot on in calling her Stella, not Pearl. She is definitely a "Stella" right down to her marrow. She also did very well by herself when we were out of town and a neighbor came to feed her/change her littler box.

Stella sends her love, and so do we.

July 24, 2013

Stella, the international traveler. Yes, it's true. She traveled outside the country and the border security officer never even asked to see her rabies certificate. We have no idea why, but we had it with us and weren't about to ask why.

Tony and I took the first part of July as vacation time and went to our home in Nova Scotia. Stella was just great! She stayed in her crate for most of the trip, which also included a 3-hour ferry ride. When we arrived, she nosed around her new surroundings and soon found a really good perch in front of the big window in the living room that looks out onto the water. Oh, was she in for an adventure! The gulls swooping by, the boats sailing past, the cars!

A few minutes later, our friends joined us with their little dog Ninya. A little brown girl mutt with only 3 legs. Ninya was hit by a car and left by the side of the road to die. Someone came along, rescued her and she ended up in a center like the Siamese Cat Rescue Center. Our friends became her adopter and we suggested they bring Ninya along on vacation. Stella and Ninya got along fine, but Stella set her boundaries early on when Ninya wanted to play with her. Nope. Stella gave a little bat of her paw and that was that.

We had one scare. I was downstairs showering, the men were under the trees on the lawn and friend Andrea was upstairs getting ready for the day. She opened the kitchen door and guess who scooted out? Stella! First time she had shown her "escape artist" side. She ran down the stairs, Andrea on her tail, around the back of the house, up an incline and almost onto the property next door. The men, meanwhile, saw what had happened and ran to help Andrea, who had stumbled and skinned her knee. Somehow (I had no idea this was going on), they managed to round her up and she turned and ran back up the stairs to the deck. Tony opened the front door and in she went!

Stella was "out of her element" and missed racing around the house (the one in Nova Scotia is much smaller) but grew accustomed to having extra people AND a dog around.

On the way home there was another adventure. We had heard about Dysart's, a truck stop restaurant just south of Brewer, Maine. People we know said the food and desserts were very good. The only problem was Stella. It was a really hot day and there was no way we could leave her in the car, even with the windows down a few inches. Never would we do that!

So, I told Tony I would go inside to see what they could do for us. I spoke to the hostess, and she asked me to wait a moment while she spoke to her supervisor. Back she came with an idea -- Stella could be placed in a special room while we had lunch. I went back to the car and we brought the crate inside and Stella stayed in the payroll office with the manager while we ate. While she was in her "new surroundings" she got plenty of visits from the waitresses, checking to make sure she was okay. She was -- and we couldn't thank Dysart's enough for their great customer service. (Their food WAS good -- and their bumbleberry crumble excellent! (Combination of blueberries and raspberries..)

After lunch, we collected Stella and got on our way, arriving home at 6:30 that night. Now we're back to work and Stella has settled into her home again just fine. During the terrible heat, though, we've had to close off her favorite room -- the sunroom - because there's no AC out there. She loves it, but she would roast out there.

Stella is a happy kitty because we spoil her. She's well loved. We play with her, feed her only the best and she and Tony enjoy happy hour with his glass of wine and her pinch of catnip. Meanwhile, I'm happy with my lemonade or flavored water. She gets plenty of petting and kisses, too.

Thank you to all who made Stella possible. We absolutely love this little kitty. Love, to you all,
Gail and Tony

December 1, 2013

A year has almost come and gone before I took a drive to the Rhode Island border to pick up Stella, aka Annabella and Pearl. While waiting for her to arrive, I made friends with another woman who was also picking up her Siamese and we continue to e-mail a year later. Her kitty is doing well, and so is Stella.

We've called her Stella the Stout, Stella the Sinner and now we're calling her Stella the Social. No matter who comes to the door, no matter who comes to visit, no matter what, she is at the door, meezering her greetings. She must be in the thick of things at all times. One night we had friends in for supper and there she was, right in the dining room, only a few feet away from the table, resting on the piano bench. This Thanksgiving we cooked dinner for middle daughter and her children. And where was Stella the Social? On top of our grandson, age 12, or granddaughter, age 9. She is NOT Stella the Shy. Not at all.

We think of her as "Tony's cat," because it's his lap she likes to sit on. But she's my cat when I come through the door. She howls and howls for attention, and I know what she really wants -- a snack. So, she is also Stella the Snacker. No worries. She's still the same weight as a year ago. And she burns it off by sprinting up the stairs. Yes, Stella the Sprinter.

This little heart-warmer has added so much to our home. She's a cat but more like a dog. She follows. Comes when called and LOVES to play. The newest thing we do is take a paper shopping bag, sprinkle catnip inside and put her toys inside and away she goes. She ends up chewing at the bag, but we don't mind the clean-up.

We have a lot to be thankful for, Tony and I. And Stella is right at the top of our list. Thanks to all who helped make Stella possible for us. And here's wishing you a blessed holiday season and joy-filled new year.

Gail and Tony

April 4, 2014

Spring Is Here! How do I know? Because Meow-mama plays this Rodgers & Hart song on the new piano that came in mid-January. I love the sound a piano makes because it causes pretty music, and I love listening. In fact, I broke a house rule and have climbed on top of the dining room table to listen, though I'm not supposed to be up there. I didn't know I would love music, but I do!

The winter was just terrible, wasn't it? So cold in the Boston area, but while Meow-mama and Meow-dada were working, they kept the heat on for me. Plus my Millie Bed was nice and warm. I love that bed.

I've learned some English. Did I tell you that? I know "snack," "come," "kiss" and "no," and, of course, my name -- Stella.

I have a doctor appointment on April 14 and I think it'll be time for my rabies shot and maybe another type. I hope the doctor doesn't say I'm overweight because I love to eat. No diet for me, if I can help it. But I do need my rabies update because I'm going to Canada again this summer.

Meow-mama is in touch with another lady who adopted Jack, and they're all doing very well, too. They've become friends.

Speaking of friends, Meow-mama invites friends in all the time, which means I get to sample new laps and get lots of skritches and love.

Well, it's time for my nap because soon Meow-dada will come downstairs and rattle the little chain, which means it's time to play laser-light. I love that little red dot, and when I chase it in circles Meow-dada laughs up a storm.

Sending lots of purr-kisses and hugs to you all.

Love, Stella

(Last update: Apr 4th, 2014 5pm)

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Name:   Whiskey
ID#: VA9573
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/26/13
Adopted: 10/03/13
Congrats: William
Foster: Siri

Just arrived. More information soon.

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Notes from Home
Whiskey is a happy, beautiful cat. He's gained some weight but is very laid back and chatty. He likes being brushed in the morning, which is good, because he and his brother shed quite a bit.
(Last update: Apr 4th, 2014 1pm)

Just arrived. More information soon.
Name:   Frosty
ID#: VA9572
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/26/13
Adopted: 10/03/13
Congrats: William
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Frosty is quite happy in his new home. He has gained a few pounds but is a healthy, affectionate cat.
(Last update: Apr 4th, 2014 12pm)

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Name:   Bekira
ID#: VA3213
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/25/05
Adopted: 03/22/05
Deceased: 01/01/19
Congrats: Ruth Anne
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Now you see me, now you dont, now you see me again! Due to know fault of my own the folks who were going to adopt me had to back out of the adoption. So this must be your lucky day, because I am available again! I am a very friendly, loving, playful, and beautiful seal girl. I think I would like a home with a handsome boyfriend who likes to play. If youve got a nice boy for me, hurry, hurry and ask about me!

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Notes from Home
Mia (formerly Bekira) is doing great! The vet and I recalculated her age (as she grew to a strong and healthy 11 lbs. about 6 months after I got her) so we think she will actually be 10 this summer. She is not a dainty cat, that's for sure!

She is very loving, playful, funny, sweet, and very smart, of course! At my sister's suggestion (an avid dog owner and trainer and excellent cat-sitter), I trained Mia to sit and lift her right paw (and the right one ONLY) before getting her food. I did this using the Clicker and their training book for cats. It took us a while (several months?), but she literally will do it every time and only occasionally needs the verbal prompts.

The folks at the Siamese Cat Rescue Center were right on target about her temperament - she is very outgoing and friendly, but can also be one her own for periods at a time. She is a great joy in my life!

(Last update: Apr 3rd, 2014 2pm)

I was born blue and I will always be a blue, but I don't want to be blue no more! I would love to find a home with another kitty or two, so please ask Jen about me and let's see if I am a good fit for your home. I love other kitties, and I even headbutt them when I walk by. I will bring my toys...............


Name:   Luke
ID#: VA7643
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 4 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 03/28/11
Adopted: 04/30/11
Deceased: 03/31/14
Congrats: Denise
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Kendall started exhibiting balance problems. The MRI showed some swelling in his cerebellum (not indicative of tumor/cyst) but the spinal tap came back normal (so it wasn't caused by an infection/virus/fungus/etc). He was diagnosed with a degenerative leukodystrophy, and it progressed enough that he wouldn't eat even with anti-nausea/vertigo and appetite stimulants, so he was put to sleep yesterday. His brain is being sent to Penn State for further research/study.
(Last update: Apr 1st, 2014 5pm)

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Name:   Aokie
ID#: VA9862
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/17/14
Adopted: 03/15/14
Congrats: Paul
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
A one year old who will need a special diet, I'm sweet, gorgeous and smart as they come. So what if I have to eat a special food? That doesn't stop me. I am gorgeous, perfect weight, perfect shape, and outgoing, easygoing and happy go lucky. I'm okay with other cats (males please) and very sweet with people - I'm the one you might trip over if you come to visit as I'll be flopping over at your feet!

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Notes from Home
W are so grateful for your loving care of Aokie, she is our Princess. She has brought so much joy. she is loving, Playful, intelligent, great company for Fubbi our other Siamese. They have become loving friends. They become playful mates in a short time.
Aokie has her first Veterinarian appointment, she was very upset to leave home, Fubbi was also upset we were taking her away to the vet. the vet. said she is healthy gain a little weight. Many blessings for your organization and all the loving people that helped bringing Aokie to our home. Aokie seemed to prefer me but hen i see her following Paul and in his lap, our Male Fubbi has chosen Paul and he tries to distract Aokie from going to Paul. Fubbi is so cute. Please enjoy the pictures of our two beautiful, healthy, loving cat that came from all of you. we are so thankful for all of you. We are a complete family now.

(Last update: Mar 30th, 2014 8pm)

i am feeling much better ! Foster mom says I am the most wonderful kitty ever, and such a gentleman! I love snuggles and laps, like to chat a bit, but most of all I just want to cuddle with you.
Will you bring me home for Christmas ?
Name: Chester

(FKA Mycroft)

ID#: VA9728
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 12/07/13
Adopted: 12/21/13
Congrats: Louis
Foster: Heida

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Chester has been with us for over three months now and he is everything we had hoped for - trusting, playful, and loving (he has a paw resting on me as I write). He follows us around the house and gives long inquisitive looks as if to ensure everything is okay. We couldn't be happier with our new pet!

Our resident 15 year old female cat, Sadie, wasn't thrilled to see him at first, but has come a long way thanks to Chester's easy going demeanor and patience. They now eat together and Sadie even lets him sleep on the same bed. Hopefully their relationship continues to grow. I know he'd like for that to happen.

Thanks again to the volunteers at the Center that helped us find the perfect cat for our family.

(Last update: Mar 30th, 2014 11am)

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Name:   Theo
ID#: VA9871
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/22/14
Adopted: 03/16/14
Deceased: 12/09/14
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Siri

SAD that my owner died and no one wanted me in the family. I have no idea why not, I'm sweet as they come.....

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Theo is doing well as far as adjusting to his new home. He is a very sweet and affectionate old boy. He loves to get scritches and tummy rubs. He is one of those rare cats that when he rolls over he really wants me to pet his tummy and its not a trick to attack my hand! It only took him a few days to realize I was going to be his new human. He comes to me as soon as I enter his room and greets me with a meow. He is still in his isolation room because of his sinus issues which my vet and I are working on to figure out. He fortunately still has a good appetite and enjoys his din-dins!
He really is an awesome cat!

(Last update: Mar 30th, 2014 4am)

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