Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 8:14:31am |
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What seems to be the problem? Nobody wants a spunky guy? I don't mean any harm. Come on, take me for a spin, OK? I really don't think you'll be disappointed.
I am super friendly and outgoing and I love to play with toys. I really love laps but also like to just hang out next to you. I like to be up high on a cat tree in front of the window, too. Check out all of my videos and ask Foster Mom for all the details on me, OK? I can be in your home lickety split!
Patiently waiting for you.....
Name: KP2
(FKA Lance)
ID#: VA9803
Location: North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/10/14
Adopted: 06/05/14
Congrats: Jaime
Foster: Kathy
Foster Notes for Lance [VA9803] |
Needs to be top cat and needs an Adopter that can read his warning signs. He is a snuggler and a sweet heart but he does tend to nip from time to time but don't let this scare you! He is really easy to read so you can avoid getting nipped but an adult only home would be best. He is fine with other cats but does play rather rough so will need a tough cat (or easy going cat?) to put up with Lance's antics. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Male Cats
Notes from Home
To Everyone:
Lance is settling in very well, still recovering from shell shock of his trip and busy weekend. I have been in constant contact with Kathy, to run by her what I observe, and she has basically said: "right on!",
Just a few notes that I have observed. Somewhere in his past, I have no doubt he has some rough or abusive handling, at the very least, man handling. Kathy has done a wonderful job restoring much of his trust. Kudos to her. At the same time, he is a cat with some anger deep inside, which needs to find it's way out for him to heal from the inside out.
He has HUGE boundaries, personal space, and if you pay attention and respect it, and allow for him to make the choice of if, and when to come to you, there are absolutely no issues. He has shown amazing progress in being able to relax in just 24 hrs. He is much like the abused horses we get in, and is showing the same symptoms as they do. The nice thing about it, is it is fairly easy for me to be able to discern his inner emotions, and respond appropriately.
My other kitty boys and I are very laid back, and Lance will get all the time he needs, at his own comfort level. I wish I could say test run complete, but I believe I am required to wait 30 days minimum. I can also say, Lance will not be going anywhere.
I also want to expend my appreciation and thanks to all who made it possible for Lance to join my kitty family! Special thanks to Kathy for the wonderful job she did with him, and her continued support and knowledge I utilize several times a day. A HUGE thanks to my one way MEEZER express, Bonnie and Mary for delivering him safely to me. And last but certainly not least, Dorsey, who is my good friend, and on the same journey of kitty and (horse) rescue...
5/6/14 Jaime
(Last update: May 6th, 2014 5pm)
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Name: Quinn
ID#: VA5770
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/06/08
Adopted: 02/21/09
Deceased: 05/04/14
Congrats: Suellen
Foster: Siri
WOOOOOFFFFFF! Arff Arffff Arffffff!
You thought you were going to hear a Meow? Then you haven't met me yet.
I sit. I beg. I roll over. I do tricks. I play like crazy. I even drool (just a little bit).
I'm a big old teddy bear of a dog in a cat costume, and I'm looking for the family who loves dogs but has settled on getting a cat! I can be both!
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Notes from Home
May 5 2014 - We celebrated five years with our big guy in Feb. But today, it is with a very heavy heart that I write this update. Our beloved Quinn passed away suddenly today. He was playing and purring this morning, but appears to have had a sudden heart attack this afternoon, we found him when we arrived home from work. He was in good health, doing great on his WD diet and had a terrific weekend watching the birds and squirrels through the sliding glass door. He was a really loving cat ( a momma's boy but loved to sleep next to Dad at night). I rushed him to the vet even though I knew it was fruitless, and the Dr. and I talked about what may have happened. He was a joy in our lives and we will truly miss him. We need some time to grieve but I will be in touch.
July 4 2012 - Well it's been 3+ years that we have had a Quinn and he is still the love of our lives. He has turned into a momma's boy, but that's ok. And he has put on weight, so he has been on diet food for the last year to no avail unfortunately. And he developed an allergy which causes his one (white eye) tear duct to close up. But he has his own special opthomologist - so we visit her whenever the issue occurs. And we have had our bouts with spraying - typically when he is upset about his gal pal Scarlett going to the vets or being mad with him. He enjoys the screen doors, watching the chipmunks and squirrels, likes to play the laser light best and loves to nap on mom's lap and sleep in bed at night. So, all is well with Quinn !
June 2009 Quinn has been with us for a month and is the love of our lifes. He is such a sweet, good boy and a purr machine. He also has been very accepting of new female Maine Coon friend, Scarlet. A few rough patches initially, but now they play chase, ball and are getting along. Not best of buddies yet, but we are moving the right direction. Quinn loves windows and especially enjoys watching the squirrels -he is getting braver in that he now tries to scoot out an open door - so we must be very careful. Quinn had a history of spraying at his former foster homes - but we have not seen that at all in the month he has been here. He is no longer a chow hound - and nibbles on his food most of the day. The exception being the little bit of wet food he gets at dinner which is first to go. He loves lap time with either Dad or Mom, belly rubs and play time with DaBird. No littler box accidents and he uses his scratching posts. He is a great cat with a huge loving heart. Quinn and Scarlet also enjoy watching the pet sitter videos... and is quite humorous for us to watch them. Quinn has found his fur-ever home and we love having him as part of our family.
(Last update: May 5th, 2014 7pm)
Name: Hawk
(FKA Hawkins)
ID#: VA8480
Location: Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/15/12
Adopted: 05/05/12
Congrats: Irene
Foster: Dara
Foster Notes for Hawkins [VA8480] |
This is one handsome, classic seal point guy with a medium-sized (think "tenor") Siamese voice! |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
I just arrived and am checking out my new foster digs. Foster mom already has had an earful--I do LOVE to converse and will join in any conversation. I have a great chatty conversational meezer voice and a huge vocabulary.
I've had a nap, chased the wand toy, had a bite to eat and a drink, and visited the loo. I'm not keen on being cooped up(that seems to be a theme--I belong to the Siamese "no closed door" club), but Mom wants me to settle in.
I don't understand why Meomy took me on another car ride today. We sang together the whole way to and from the vet (I prefer folk music). The vet says I'm a healthy, slightly overweight boy! Did I really need to suffer the indignity of being cooped up in a travel crate for that? Meom swears she had to do it. I forgave her immediately as soon as we got home and gave her lots of headbuts and purrs and let her hold me like a baby for a minute and tickle my tummy.
I have an adorable habit of touching noses with Meomy when she first comes in and picks me up!
I entertained a short visit from the resident woofer today. I was not enchanted, puffed up and gave mom an earful of choice words in my gruffest voice, but I had no interest in forcing the visitor to leave. I'm just not an aggressive guy, so probably I could cope with a laid-back dog that ignored me like this one did.
Today, I had the chance to meet the male resident meezer who is about my size face to face for the first time over lunch. Turns out I am more interested in eating than going out of my way to make his acquaintance. He wasn't sure what to make of me, but no big deal. Meomy interprets this to mean that I would be pretty laid back about other resident felines, as long as there's plenty of kibble to go around (I do like my food--not the least bit picky, either).
More information soon.
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Notes from Home
Hawk is such a handsome fella. He used to be a little "stand offish" but has become a real lover boy who just enjoys rubbing his head against mine and definitely will run and join in for a good rubbibg and petting. He does not purr like the other cats but makes this grunting noise when he is content. He knows the sounds of the house and makes a beeline for the counter when he hears the treat can open. The vet is well pleased with this handsome boy and he is so pkeasant even toward the vet. He is a total joy but he is not fond of children. He won't hurt them he just makes himself scarce when my grandchildren com eover and they know he is not to be bothered. WE LOVE, LOVE LOVE HIM
(Last update: May 5th, 2014 6pm)
Shy but sweet, extra large boy who needs someone to help him loose that weight and help him get his confidence back after being dumped in the shelter.
Name: Max
ID#: VA8476
Location: Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/14/12
Adopted: 05/05/12
Congrats: Joyce
Foster: Heida
Notes from Home
Well it's been an interesting few weeks with Max! We gave Max his time to adjust to his moving to new surroundings. We had an interesting start, My husband was the one comforting him his first night, and ended up sleeping in Max's room. We had our visit with our vet, and of course, who wouldn't fall in love with Max on sight, she could not believe someone would give him up. She agreed, he needs to loose a few lbs! And recommended giving him a little wad of "pumkin" in case he was having any irregatary functions going on, which the move could have ingnited, Well he does not like pumpkin, which is ok, because every thing is working quite well.
From day one, Max was very interested in what was going on outside his door, so every once in awhile, he gave us the slip and would go check the halls out and run back to his room.
Well we are coming up on our third week with him, and he has now met "Tabby, the cat" which he loves to follows her around, every once in awhile he'll spring on her and then they do a catch me if you can scene. Most of the time you can find them in the same vicinity having a nap. They each have their millie bed, located on my side of the bed-
It only took a couple of sniff here and a sniff there for "Dakota our goldendoolde" to hit if off. Max really doesn't pay him any mind, unless he's getting brushed, then Max is right there looking for his turn.
At dinner time, it didn't tak Max long to find out - oh they have "wet" food for dinner, so he hangs right in there in with Tabby and Dakota waiting patiently for their dish!
Both cats are tv watchers, and each around me someplace, either sitting behind me on top of the couch or laying by my side.
You would never know that Max is the new kid in town, him and Tabby pretty much run the house together now!
Max is just a joy to have added to our family! He is just a Love Muffin!
My thanks go out to Kathi M. and Heida C. (Max's Foster Mom) and of course Siri for bringing Max into our lifes.
Max is doing terrific, he runs the household pretty much now. Tabby still has her moments with him, but for the most part, they do get along. Every once in awhile one of them will aggravate the dickens out of the other one. He loves the heat, so he heads for the porch, he loves laying in the sun. We've got a vet appt coming up, he's still a pretty hefty guy, but his overall health seems to be great! We find out more once we do our visit.
He's totally my boy, he now waits for me to get home, then follows and talks to me till we go to bed. Which has become my bed partner. He loves going under the covers and lays by my side!
He's a hoot to watch, he loves to play, and he loves boxes!
He's a gem! It wasn't easy at first with him, the conflicts between him and Tabby, but Max has become such a big part of the family, I'm so thankful I stuck it out with him! Thank you ladies for keeping me focused! He's a precious guy!
(Last update: May 5th, 2014 5pm)
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Name: Sammy
ID#: VA9738
Location: Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/12/13
Adopted: 04/19/14
Congrats: Patti
Foster: ShirleyBo
Sallie and I have been together since the beginning and when our Mom passed away and we found ourselves outside we stayed together and helped each other. Outside was hard. Sallie had a bit of an eye infection and I have a couple teeth that were infected. As soon as we saw Foster Mom come look at us we ran to her and rubbed all around and talked and said please take us. So here we are. We are healthy now just wating on you. . PLEASE we need a FUREVER home.
Well I have been here a few weeks and foster Mom has finally found out I LOVE treats and I will come running if she shakes the bag. She calls me a lot of nick names. Silly Sammy Because I like to Chase my tail. Or Teddy Bear because that is what I look like a big ol' teddy bear. But She also calls me Hoover. I am not sure about that last one but she says it is because I eat everything and never leave a scrap. I am the KING of purrs. As soon as I see you I start purring. Come on already you don't know what your missing. Ask about us.
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Notes from Home
Thoroughly impressed and pleased with the entire adoption process including the website. Foster mom provided excellent care and prepared me perfectly. Information provided was thorough and accurate!
Sammie is king of the house in two short weeks. He is playful, feeling secure enough to explore the whole house at will now. He is eating and using the litter without issue. He loves to be petted and welcomes affection. He is playing when interested. At first he stayed by Sallie's side when she was scared and hiding. But quickly explored and reported back to her that all was safe. They cuddle together at times but both feel free to move about.
Sammie is also precious and home forever.
(Last update: May 5th, 2014 9am)
Sammy and I have been together since the beginning and when our Mom passed away and we found ourselves outside we stayed together and helped each other. Outside was hard. I had a bit of an eye infection and Sammy needs his teeth taken care of but Siamese Rescue is taking care of that.
As soon as I saw foster Mom when she came to look at us we ran up and headbutted her and told her please let us come with you. So we did. Here we are wanting to have a loving family again. So PLEASE be our Furever Family.
Ask about us.
I have been her a couple weeks now and Getting braver every day I love when Foster Mom pets me especially my chin so give me a chance and I will purr for you too.
Name: Sallie
ID#: VA9737
Location: Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/12/13
Adopted: 04/19/14
Congrats: Patti
Foster: ShirleyBo
Notes from Home
I may have submitted prematurely, so I will recap. The website was thorough, I rely on email and texting and am away from my desktop most of the time. Thank you for the email directives to check the website, the email was received on my phone and directed me to the website which is easier to access on my desktop.
Sallie in adjusting wonderfully, her behavior has been exactly as Shirley predicted. She is now feeling secure enough to hang out in the living room with me and not scurry away it hide every time I move or someone comes in the room. She is eating and using the litter without issue.
She is absolutely precious and has a home forever
(Last update: May 5th, 2014 9am)
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Just call me Romeo. I love you, and you, and you, and you. Other cats? They're probably okay but I'm not sure I have a lot of use for them, I prefer the two legged kind of beast.
Name: Micah
(FKA Gibson)
ID#: VA6238
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/03/09
Adopted: 05/02/09
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Gibson [VA6238] |
Another hunka hunka burning love! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Hi Micah here - I can't believe that it has been five years since I came home. I'm doing well - meowmom and I are so bonded. I love her with headbuttes, love bites, riding on her shoulders, nose rubs, plenty of purring and lap sitting. I get treats twice a day - meowmom says I'm addicted to them and she had to make a limit or I would drive her nuts every minute trying to coax them out of her. She says that Aunt Katie from Indy is the best as she outlined the litter box retraining school that I have been through a couple of times. I think I get it now. I look great, still don't mind the car rides to the vet and am good friends with the two other furkids who have been adopted since I came. Meowmom just clipped my claws today - she says I'm the very best since I lay on my back in her lap and let her trim all four feet and mostly just purr. I still love looking out at the birdies on the deck - open windows are my thing - spring time is the best. I am a happy boy!!!!!
(Last update: May 3rd, 2014 8pm)
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Name: Sandy
ID#: VA9615
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Balinese
Date In: 10/19/13
Adopted: 11/02/13
Congrats: Kim
Foster: Heida
Sweet, friendly, outgoing and affectionate ! Loves cuddles !
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Notes from Home
Sandy is doing fabulous. She is a lovely little companion who fits perfectly in my home and life. :) she likes a quiet stress free environment and that is exactly what I have in my home.
Was thinking she was lonely while I was away at work so I had planned to adopt a male cat for her to hang out with but after seeing her reaction to the cat from downstairs who snuck up to visit her, I decided that she is happier as an only. She did not appreciate the intrusion into her space at all. She has feline idiopathic cystitis and is being treated with glucosamine and rescue remedy pet drops. Stress can aggravate her condition so I think it is best she is an only.
Also, during pre-operating blood work for a routine dental cleaning, her vet found that her ALT level was elevated. Hoping it is an incorrect result, her vet will recheck her blood work on May 16. This time the sample will be sent to N outside lab. Praying that the results are good. LOVE THIS GIRL WITH ALL MY HEART & SOUL. Want her to live a long, happy & healthy life here with me!
(Last update: May 2nd, 2014 11am)
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