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Are you looking for a sweet and friendly gal? Someone you can talk to? Someone looking for love? I am all of those things so look no further.

I can live with other cats or I would be just as happy being your one and only.

Name: Maizie

(FKA May Ling)

ID#: VA9197
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/20/13
Adopted: 06/01/13
Deceased: 09/25/14
Congrats: Anne
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
7/30/13 Maizie continues to amaze me.... she has finally learned to drink water so I don't have to add it to her food. She is very playful and loves her favorite ball....carrying around and growling and meowing at it. She gets along fine with my other two kitties. She does walk across us as night and wake us up....but that's okay.

June 01, 2014.... Maizie has been here one year today and is a great addition to our four legged family. She is a joy.....such a sweet kitty. Her manners are perfect.... she doesn't even get food on the floor. She sleeps on our bed, and sometimes walks on our faces with litter on her feet.... but that is fine with us. Her only 'bad habit' is she loves to eat plastic....so all bags need to be kept under lock and key. Thank you Siam-Savers for this truly sweet cat.

(Last update: Jun 1st, 2014 8am)

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Name:   Miley
ID#: VA6300
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 05/06/09
Adopted: 05/30/09
Congrats: Stacy
Foster: Sally

Foster Notes

Love me, hold me, pet me, snuggle with me, talk to me, kisses please! I am the sweetest little tortie cat you will ever find--no tortitude here. I think I may even be a lap cat. I am SO affectionate and I will do anything to win your heart.

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Notes from Home
5/30/12 Meowm said it's my three year annifursary! Boy how time flies when you're having fun. Just had my annual check up and all is good (except they are threatening to make me have a dreaded dental - you'd think the maxi-guard every day would be torture enough). I think my domination of the household is complete - I get along really well with my brofur and mom says I'm just a little love bug!

12/30/12 All going well with Miley. Still my sweetest girl. She's adjusted to her new little spitfire of a sister and all are getting along well. Put a couple of new pictures in her sister Lacey's update.

5/29/13 Figured I'd update Miley since her four year anniversary is tomorrow. Miley is still my calm, loving and playful girl. She's the best of what I love about torties (without any tude). She gets along and plays well with both Lacey and Rocco (though will let them know when they are playing too rough) and loves being visited by the 3 and 1 year old neighbor girls. No tortitude with Miley, that's for sure. She is my sweet girl and everyone loves her.

5/30/14 Five years! Where does the time fly? Miley's still just the best girl and gets along great with her siblings (though she will let them know who's boss when they get too rough). Was very happy to see her foster meowm Sally at Spring Training and let her know how well Miley is doing.

(Last update: May 30th, 2014 10am)

Foster mom keeps saying I am a sweetheart. Of course, would you expect anything else. I have to tell you that if I had known the beauty treatment I was going to get I would have stayed at the shelter. A bath, cats don't need a bath, OK I guess i did need one, then she clipped my nails, and then she cleaned my ears. When I get over my URI a little bit would someone please come forward to get me out of this place. I will get better pictures when I feel better but believe me I have been giving snuggles and cuddles and very nice purrs.
Name: Foo-Foo

(FKA Anastasia)

ID#: VA5638
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 04/25/08
Adopted: 05/30/08
Congrats: Christina
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Foo-Foo loves hard and on her terms. You have to watch her while you're loving on her, because she'll drool all over you. She wants us to think that she merely tolerates the Russian blue that we rescued back in the fall, but when the two of them are playing chase throughout the house, we know that Foo enjoys having the little stinker around more than she lets on.
(Last update: May 30th, 2014 9am)

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Name: Django

(FKA Denny)

ID#: VA5649
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/03/08
Adopted: 05/30/08
Congrats: Christina
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

Hi, foster mom says I am a real sweet boy and I do have to agree with her. She also said I need a boyish name to match my sweet personality and since I didn't recognize the name I came with she changed it. I am a long lanky cat and need to gain just a little weight. My previous owner left and her boyfriend didn't want a cat so off to the shelter I went. How could anyone leave me? Now I will find a home that will appreciate me and know what forever means. Do you know what forever means?

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Notes from Home
Django might be the sweetest cat ever. He loves a good cuddle, and remains the laid-back cat he always was. We rescued a Russian blue kitten named Gizmo about 6 months ago, and Gizmo loves to hang out with and sometimes torment Django, but they're really good buddies who love to hang out together in Django's napping box.
(Last update: May 30th, 2014 9am)

I was named after Skippyjon Jones because I have big ears. I'm very cute, very playful and very friendly. I love to play with other cats & kittens. I've also been exposed to dogs and am OK with them.

I just arrived at my foster home and am settling in. I will have a photoshoot soon, and my foster mom will tell you more about my purrsonality.
Name:   Skippy
ID#: VA9599
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/14/13
Adopted: 11/03/13
Congrats: Margo
Foster: Ellen


Notes from Home
This one is such a kitten, gets into everything, but follows me from room to room, but thinks its his mission in life to jump on his big brother, eat his food (cause he inhales his) and hides behind me or linus if there is a weird sound. I always find him next to my head almost on the pillow when I wake up before they start their morning run though the house (5 or 6 am). I am teaching him not to chew my fingers which is slowing getting and will lick them instead with a firm no or ouch.. Linus will just pin him down and start licking him when he gets to reved up which is at least once a day. Loki has gain a pound so was big enough to get his some of his last shots, he was a bit sleepy for the rest of that day but is back to his hype himself and they Vet said he is a very healthy kitten and the chewing should die down in a few weeks.
So now we are working on him not chewing the fake Christmas tree but will get some of the yuk no chew spray I think will be best, did add a pic of him sleeping with his tongue sticking out which I thought was just too funny

Hi I didn't forget about Skippy (now Loki) 6 month checkup I just had so much going on I graduated collage and loki loved my cap and gown and made sure it had the right amount of cat fur on each
He is so big now but still my little one it coloring has darken up a bit as you will see in the pic I will post
he is still a greedy gus and but will now wait til linus is done eating before he goes to finish his food I had to pick him up and hold him till he got the idea that he had to wait, which he does on his own now
Both of them run though the house like crazy at least one a day I think just to make me watch I think
Loki now think it is his job now to wake me up to feed him if I sleep too long linus is just wants the window blinds open so he can window-hunt chipmunks and birds loki only half does this
They are good boys Loki does play in his water dish and likes to tip glasses over if I leave it where he can get to . Loki bitting has calmed way down and he does not do it as much as he was as he has learn I will stop all play when he does I have found this is very effective
they are both doing well and are well loved

(Last update: May 29th, 2014 9am)

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Name: Princes Polident

(FKA Sheree)

ID#: VA9990
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/27/14
Adopted: 05/24/14
Congrats: Brent
Foster: Siri

A lovely slightly fluffy Balinese gal, my home fell apart and now I'm looking for a new one..... I'll follow you everywhere, talk to you, lap sit and generally be the most wonderful cat you can imagine! So what are you waiting for? I love other cats, love people, and promise to love you.

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Notes from Home
My wife and I have created a twitter account for Princess Polident (aka Sheree). In the future this would be the best way to get updates from her and us.


Thank you again

Brent and Laura

(Last update: May 28th, 2014 9pm)


Gorgeous, sweet, gentle, patient doll boy!

I have settled in well at Foster Mom's. I much prefer my new digs with a view of the back garden and the birds and squirrels. I did meet the resident kitties and though I am a little uncertain I think all will be fine. They are friendly and are trying to make me feel welcome. Maybe I'll go out to play with them tomorrow.

Cocoa (Foster Mom says they should have named me Adonis!)

Cocoa is like the little engine that could. He's getting up the courage to come out to play and be part of the family. He is a timid type kittie and was picked on by some of the cats at his former home, but he is making big strides to becoming integrated with his new housemates. He really wants and deserves a home where he does not have to be isolated. He has lived with other cats, a cat friendly dog and a 10 year old boy.

WOW! What difference a few days make. I have become so comfortable in my foster home I am venturing downstairs and everywhere! I'm doing fine with my housemates and have stopped hissing at them. I figured out they are not going to pick on me. I even have started playing with some toys! I haven't started chasing and wrestling with them yet but I don't think it will be long. A kittie has to have some fun right? OH, I am also sleeping and snuggling with Foster Mom ALL night! That feels really good!

Cocoa AKA Adonis because I AM GORGEOUS!

Name:   Cocoa
ID#: VA7819
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/24/11
Adopted: 07/10/11
Congrats: Cathy
Foster: Nancy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
05/28/2014 we have had koko for three years....a wonderful cat!!!!!! unfortunately, he has just been diagnosed with hepititus, which our vet said he had probably had for awhile but has just manifested.
right now he is on antibiotics, and pregnizone. we syringe feed and water. we can only hope for the best!! his brother that we adopted later we discovered has diabetes. he is currently on two insulin shots a day and seems to be doing very well. he is a sweetie also. we did lose skittles
... she was a rescue kitty and was quite a bit older then we were told. when she passed she was about 11 or 12 years old. she is greatly missed!!!

(Last update: May 28th, 2014 4pm)

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Name:   Freckles
ID#: VA5578
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 03/08/08
Adopted: 04/06/08
Congrats: Cathy
Foster: Gina

Foster Notes

This lady kept flashing this light in my face to try and get a good picture and I tried to sit still but I wanted her to pet me and I wanted to see that thing she was holding. The lady kept saying that I sure am good - beautiful and unusual looking, that I am not afraid, I love to have your attention, I will sit in your lap, and so far I like the other cats here although one just spits at me but I just ignore her. I think that we could get along fine - so ask about me???

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Notes from Home
freckles is now 6 years old. she is very much the princess of the house. she loves laying in front of the kitchen windows and watching whatever moves. she gets along very well with skittly-bo-bob, a tabby cat.they race around the house continuously. she also gets along well with tucker, our 7 year old irish setter, and loves hershey, our 3 year old lab/husky. tucker ignores the cats, and hershey loves them.
the kids are grown, and it's just the 2 of us with the wild animal family!

(Last update: May 28th, 2014 4pm)

I had my vetting/spay and all went fine. I am a petite little girl and get along fine with other kitties. I am unsure of new things so need a quiet home with some love and encouragement. I purr and love my soft cushie bed. When foster mom holds me, I purr and knead and am a great lap kitty. Love to be petted and cuddled. I am still exploring my foster space and like the cat tree when the others are not hogging it.
Name: Kinsey

(FKA Trixie)

ID#: VA9888
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 03/06/14
Adopted: 04/26/14
Congrats: Nicholas
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Kinsey is adjusting great to her new home. She has claimed the big bed as her own and enjoys sleeping by our toes and attacking in the early hours to nibble on the little piggy's. She has noticed her tail and runs around the house trying to catch it. Loves to have her belly rubbed and back scratched and showing strong signs of being a Queen
(Last update: May 28th, 2014 2pm)

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Name: Mazie

(FKA Mouse)

ID#: VA9598
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/13/13
Adopted: 11/09/13
Congrats: Nicole
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Oh phooey! I blew it! I went home to a great place, and I even had a cat brother to play with. But it turns out I didn't really want a cat brother because all I did was chase him. So howsabout a home for me with no other cat siblings and I can just be my beautiful, snuggly, playful self? Ask about me fast because I can go home right away!

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Notes from Home
Her new name is Mazie and she is doing quite well. It has taken a little time to get her totally acclimated to her new surroundings but she seems pretty darn adjusted now. :~) She has a love hate relationship with our youngest Golden Retriever, Finn. They play a good game of chase up and down the stairs ending with her trapped in a corner and his mouth wrapped around her neck. Now this may sound awful but the dog doesn't bite down and when he doesn't engage in Ms. Mazie's games she will attack him!! Many a night they lay and have a long staring contest. I doubt I need to tell you she is the champion! He concedes and goes to bed.
She has full run of the house. As she has become more comfortable she lets us pick her up and love on her pretty regularly. She's VERY vocal when it's time to eat. You will not forget her... NO WAY!
SHe has her own room and plenty of toys to play with.
We enjoy her very much and she is in Dog/Cat heaven!!! :)

(Last update: May 27th, 2014 10am)

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