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Attached to my Paw, okay with Maw, and bonded with my sister, you can call me Tom for short though I come with a history and a lovely sister. Nothing not to like here!
Name:   Tomkin
ID#: VA10031
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 05/17/14
Adopted: 05/31/14
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Tomkin and SuSu have adjusted to their new home in all areas except integration with our other kitty, Buddy. My husband set up a screen barrier between Tomkin's and SuSu's isolation room so that Buddy can adjust to there being other critters in his domain.

Buddy will lay outside the screen and talk and chatter to both T&S, however, SuSu stays under the bed. Tomkin will come over to the screen and just sit and watch Buddy try to entertain him. We have given Buddy treats to associate "perks" with the new residents. In another week, we will try to physically introduce all to each other. I think SuSu will be the challenge. Any suggestions?

Buddy loves the garage (I think he thinks he is out in the wild). So when he asks to go into the garage, we allow Tomkin and SuSu free roaming in their new digs. They both are eager to leave the safe room and investigate all that our home has to offer.

Pictures coming soon.

We have already become attached to both Tomkin and SuSu. They are both very comfortable and loving with my husband and me. Tomkin just does a somersault onto his back and opens his tummy to belly rubs. SuSu is especially fond of back scratchers. Both have unbelievable loud purrs.

(Last update: Jun 14th, 2014 9am)

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Name:   Isabella
ID#: VA3413
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/29/05
Adopted: 06/11/05
Deceased: 06/12/14
Congrats: Jez
Foster: Jackie

Busted! I was a bit too noisy for my no-pets apartment, so when the landlord discovered me it was off to the shelter. They were too full to take me, but rescue angel Joanne knows how to call Siamese Rescue, and here I am safe and sound. All foster mom can say when she looks at me is WOW. Do you think that's because I'm beautiful, or because I'm so very friendly? No obvious issues here, although I am Siamese to the max, so only serious meezer lovers need apply. Not sure how I'll do with other cats yet of course, but foster mom says I'll be meeting them in a few days.

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Notes from Home
I wish I had a great update, but I do not. :( After almost 9 years of being my inseparable baby, it breaks my heart to write that Isabella passed away. She suffered from asthma and after about 18 months of treatment she stopped responding to all medication. I miss her terribly every day.
(Last update: Jun 13th, 2014 10am)

Well darn, my girl friend got adopted and not here I am a bachelor again. Does anyone out there have a lady friend for me? I like to snuggle and be close with a female friend. and I love tummy rubs from the humans too. A good spot on the sofa, another cat to snuggle with and I will be happy as can be. I have an adoption scholarship and I am a low maintenance guy so how about it. Think you can ask about me and find out all the details. Thanks, Max
Name:   Max
ID#: VA9545
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/16/13
Adopted: 03/08/14
Congrats: Betsy
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Max is doing great! He is a very nervous cat but oh so loveable and sweet. He is not small but can find the smallest places to hide. Lucky I had a fellow cat rescuer and friend to calm me and help me look. He came out, 3 times on his own yesterday, to roll on the floor and get his tummy rubbed and head scratched. Then he goes back to his safe spot. I actually got 4 head bumps last night.
He is hard to take of picture of when moving but I did get one where he is playing with a cat toy. It is a 5.5" rat toy. My Mom sent it and he seems to love it. He has been out on the dining room chairs all morning and has come down twice on his own already for attention and scratches. I am going to keep moving slow with him and really let him get comfortable before I change anything. He gets scared very easy but like I said he is so sweet matured.
Max was out and about 70% of the day. A little more each day, less and less in his "safe spot"
Cats had their first quick interaction. As he is about more my cats are paying more attention to the door. When I came through he headed towards them and Evey hissed. He just walked away. He didn’t run to his safe spot. It seems despite being nervous around us and strange noises Evey hissing did not seem to scare him. He seemed more curios than anything.
We also had our first true lap session. It was only 5 minutes but he was purring and kneading up a storm and allowing me to hold him. He has allowed Randy a few shorter lap sessions too.
Max has been getting used to the bedroom. He likes the bed and the cat bed on the bureau. He still hides in cabinets but much less.
He has now met Nogee and they did very well. They did not meet long but they did get to sniff and sit near each other for about 5 minutes. 2 minutes yesterday. No hissing, no fluffing just getting to know that they are in the same house. Evey walked around and did hiss but Max did nothing. At least she was able to see him in the same room. She will take more time. It will be very small steps with Evey.
He is really doing well. I love that he likes sleeping on the bed!
Max has been out so much more. He is doing great.
Today I let Nogee and Evey in dining room with him. Max stayed on the chair for a bit then went to the window. Nogee stayed on my lap and Evey right outside dining room door. Max then came to get attention lying right next to me and Nogee rolling and purring. Evey had to come investigate and smell him and they both hissed and Max jumped up on counter. He was not disturbed he went and drank water. He then went back to the chair watching where the other cats were. We all sat in the dining room just hanging out. At the end I gave them all treats and then I separated them. Fairly uneventful and gave them time in the same room. It will take time but at least they are in the same room for a time getting to know that this is home for them all.
Nogee and Max were playing together or should I say screeching through the house back and forth after each other. They were having a blast. Evey watched. She is getting better and more accepting. She rolled in front of Max again today. He is adding a lot of life to the house. Nogee was not big on play and I think this might be really good for him. Max too!
Max is doing fantastic. He is still a nervous cat but so sweet and loving.
The tables have turned with he and Evey. He seems to be more independent than we first thought. Evey tries to get close and she grooms him but he only allows it for a time then he whacks her. Not hard just to say enough. She sleeps near him but he won't cuddle with her. She is still trying to get closer to him and given more time they may bond yet. Even if they don't they are all happy cats.
Nogee has almost completely stopped peeing on things. I think he is starting to realize Max is not a threat to my bond with him. Max loves attention and gets plenty but seems to be bonding more with Randy which is what I was hoping for.
Max is just starting to get up on the bed and couch more. He only comes up for a short time for attention then leaves. It's almost as if he wasn't allowed on beds or furniture. Not sure but he stays longer and longer. He loves the top of the cat condo. Loves watching out the slider. He hates storms and hides in the cabinet when there is a storm. What is amazing is if its a light storm and rain he sits right inside the front of the cabinet with the door open. If its a heavy rain or storm he goes in and closes the door behind him. We still have no idea how he does this and find it kind of amazing.
I had been waiting to write when the micro chip issue was sorted out. I can't say 24PetWatch is the most organized group. But I should have his new tag and the information that he is now our cat in the mail in a week or two.
So all going very well with Max and I am now confident he fits in and has a true forever home. I guess when I take any animal in I want to make sure its right for all. I know it takes time but sometimes that time is stressful and I want to thank you both again for the help, support and great info you gave me along the way.
Max is a wonderful cat and a happy cat!
Thank you both so much for everything


(Last update: Jun 12th, 2014 6am)

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Name: Kato

(FKA Black Hawk)

ID#: VA9114
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/13/13
Adopted: 03/30/13
Congrats: Marianne
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Do you like sealy boys with confident outgoing purrsonalities - the ambassador type? That would be me - I'm a leader (not a warrior); I do have a motor that purrs and purrs and twirls round and around when you are near me (see my video!) - now I just need a place to land! I'm still learning the difference between hands and toys, so I need a hands off approach at first (despite the fact I'm going to roll over and show you my belly every chance I get!), lots of play time is a must (love those feather wands, I drag them through the house back to my lair!)

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Notes from Home
Kato is doing very well. He had his one year vet appointment and is very healthy. He lost a small front tooth but that is all. Kato still nips but mostly it is along the 'love bite' level. He is very affectionate and seems happy here. He is very Siamese and doesn't take any crap from anyone. Definitely King of the house. He loves his scratching boards and can often be found sleeping on them.
(Last update: Jun 11th, 2014 7pm)

My brother Claudius and I would sure be thankful if someone would give us a forever home, so please ask about us!
Name: Niko

(FKA Darius)

ID#: VA9640
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 10/26/13
Adopted: 12/06/13
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Niko is the sweetest baby every - my gentle giant. He loves to be held in my arms, like a baby and will purr himself to sleep right there - bare belly and all. He has big bones, big paws, and a larger head than his brother. And, has much surpassed him in weight. Bless his heart, can't jump half as high as Fellix's nimble bone structure allows. But, he is gentle and loving, a Momma's boy through and through. His purr is the loudest thing you have ever heard, my friends can hear it over the phone!

6.9.2014 Niko is still my gentle giant, at 11 lbs he has outgrown his brother by 15%. He is a lover, and still falls asleep in my arms like a baby (so glad he didn't grow out of that!) although, my arm tends to fall asleep now... he loves to chase his brother and sister. He is quite furry, and I am having to work at keeping him furr ball free. He is tolerant of the groooming but would rather clean my face than let me brush him. We are coming to terms with that :). He runs to the front of the house every morning as I leave for work to tell me by. He overtly follows me and has the knack of staying so close to me as I walk, I have trouble keeping my balance. He truly is a mama's boy.

(Last update: Jun 9th, 2014 11am)

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Name: Felix

(FKA Claudius)

ID#: VA9638
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 10/26/13
Adopted: 12/06/13
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Brother Darius and I would sure be thankful for our own home for the holidays, so please ask about us!

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Notes from Home
Felix is the happiest boy! He loves to play and jump, with a flair for the dramatic and a sense of humor! He will pause mid air in a pounce just to show off his form. He is sleek and nimble, with bone structure made for acrobatics. It is getting easier to tell him apart from Niko (the gentle giant). He is smaller than his brother, but doesn't let that affect his wrestling game. He is also the sweet peacemaker. The first to love on big sister, Lyra, slowly assuring her that they don't mean any harm as they settled in.

6.9.2014 - Felix is a long and sleek 9.5 lb Kitty, and maybe still growing. He is very siamese in his personality, a talker who loves to hunt "mice" under the covers. He covertly follows me from room to room. He looks all grown up but is definitely still a kitten - I have to put him behind closed doors at 4 am every morning or I would n't get any sleep. He loves his adopted big sister, Lyra. She cleans his face every evening. Mostly he loves to play and has learned to carry his mice in his mouth while annoucing his catch to the world! He is a joy, He actualy answers me vocally when I call for him, and will sometimes even come (if he feels like it)!

(Last update: Jun 9th, 2014 11am)

How I got out and wandering around the streets of Philadelphia I'm not telling. But I wandered from house to house, sitting on their porches and howling my Meezer howl, but no one would let me in. Finally they called Animal Control and while it was a scary place, it was better than being cold and hungry. Rescue angel Tracy came and got me until Siamese Rescue had a spot, and that was a good thing because my time was up at the shelter. So here I am - I live to be held and cuddled. I'm not feeling so very well now - being cold and hungry took their toll on an older guy like me. But foster mom says I will be feeling much better soon. And when I do, you'll see more pictures of my handsome self, and foster mom says she will even take a movie! I'm handsome enough to be a movie star.

Do you need a little wedgie guy to hold and cuddle? Then ask about me! I've had my senior bloodwork done, and I'm in fine shape for my age.
Name: Augustus

(FKA Dorian Seal)

ID#: VA9644
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/30/13
Adopted: 11/17/13
Deceased: 04/01/16
Congrats: April
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Gus is doing wonderful now! We had some major health concerns early on and we thought we might actually lose him. Gus had some reoccurring bladder infections but they cleared up after 2 rounds of antibiotics. Gus has allergies (to what we aren't sure) but we found a small mast cell tumor under his skin which can release histamines. Our vet thought this may be the cause of his allergies. It was removed and while he was recovering from his surgery, he started to not eat as much and was lethargic. We thought it was from the drugs he was on until he started to urinate outside of his box. We knew that this was a huge sign that something was wrong and took him directly to the vet. They kept him all day and gave him fluids and found that he has early kidney disease. We had to do subq fluids on him for a week and he bounced right back. He is on a special diet for that. The mast cell removal did not help his allergies so he is on atopica every other day which treats 90% of all allergies in animals. He also takes a 1/4 pepcid and miralax in his food to help with his digestion. His kidney values are good now and he no longer needs the weekly treatments of fluids which is a blessing. He is a very loving and friendly boy but he can be a little sassy. He likes to love bite when the pets feel really good so we've learned to read his body language and stop petting when we notice these signs. He was also weened too early from his Mom as he tries to nurse on his tail when he is sleepy. We love him dearly and he is such a great boy!
(Last update: Jun 6th, 2014 4pm)

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Name:   Shadow
ID#: VA8518
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/06/12
Adopted: 06/03/12
Congrats: Debbie
Foster: Frani

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Single young male seal looking for home w/out another single young male cat.
I do, however, enjoy the company of girl kitties who respect my gentle nature and not give me a difficult time. also enjoy dogs - well dogs that enjoy cats.
I'm young, I'm handsome, I'm playful, great litterbox habits, great appetite (which requires monitoring it's so good).
Can I come live with you forever and ever?
You won't be sorry.

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Notes from Home
He is doing very well. He is very healthy and we are currently trying to get his weight down. He is a sweet boy and enjoys following us around and observing what we do. He loves to play with string and little mice and his favorite toy is his orange fuzzy wand toy. He loves food, so much that every time we go into the kitchen he follows us and meows expecting a handout. He loves to sleep as well but tends to wake us up at 5 a.m. expecting his breakfast. He is a joy to have in our home and just a love. He still gets a little skittish when he hears loud noises but he is getting better and rarely goes under the bed anymore.
Update July 3rd:
We have now had Shadow for a whole month and he is much less shy than he used to be. Now he only goes under the bed when a thunderstorm comes. Now he loves to sit up on the window sill and we open up the window for him so there is just a screen in front of him and he loves to hear the birds outside. Although we were concerned about him not drinking enough water because we rarely saw him drink so we bought him a drinkwell with the fountain and he likes the running water better and enjoys watching the water come out. He loves to play like always and acts as if he has been here forever. We love him and he is doing great so far.

We have had Shadow for 2 years now and our family just loves him. He has become a very important member of our family and always does something cute. He doesn't usually like to be held much or sit on our lap but always wants to be in the same room as us. He will follow me around in the morning when I get ready for work. He loves to play in his tube and chases all the toys that we have in the room for him. He watches out the window around 5 when I come home just like a dog does and runs to the door to greet me although I'm sure its because he just wants to be fed. He loves to eat which hopefully won't be an issue when we go to the vet. I hope he hasn't gained any weight. We can't imagine what life would be like without him now that he's in our lives.

(Last update: Jun 5th, 2014 9am)

Handsome young seal boy, that's what I am. I have already had my tutoring & my shots so now all I need is a forever home possibly with some other kitties but not necessary. I am a meezer so I like to get attention & for the beans to talk with me but I would prefer to talk on my level rather than to be held. Congrats Mary Jane in VA!
Name:   Brett
ID#: VA1812
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 4 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/11/02
Adopted: 12/03/02
Deceased: 12/10/05
Congrats: Mary Jane
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Brett, whom I named Kekko, died suddenly about 10 yrs ago of cardiomyopathy.
(Last update: Jun 4th, 2014 12pm)

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Name:   Xavier
ID#: VA1792
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 10/30/02
Adopted: 12/13/02
Deceased: 05/31/14
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Siri

I'm Xavier & I am a sweet little guy. My owner turned me into the shelter with several other cats so foster mom knows that I get along great with other cats. I am pretty social once I get used to my surroundings & I love all food. I am still a young guy but I am not overly active at the moment like those young kids are. Foster mom will update when I settle in. Foster: Alisa Congrats Trisha in VA!

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Notes from Home
"Xavier" - renamed Saba, passed away 5/31/14. I was very lucky to have him with me for 11 years. He was a gentle, beautiful Lynx boy who really rescued me, and will be dearly missed.
(Last update: Jun 2nd, 2014 11am)

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