Previously Adopted Siamese
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Hello! I'm Zeus :)
I am a very sweet fellow who enjoys purring, pets, and playing. I've just gotten over the ickies, so foster meowmy is still learning about me as my personality begins to shine. But I guarantee you will want to about me because I'm just that cute!
Name: Zeus
ID#: VA10764
Location: Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 05/16/15
Adopted: 07/11/15
Congrats: Kristen
Foster: Michelle
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Zeus continues to be our sweet little love bug. He has been diagnosed with inflamatory bowel disease, so we have him on a new food, probiotics, meds and weekly vitamin shots. He purrs through the whole thing and whenever he goes to the vet everyone oohs and ahhhs over how cute and sweet he is. They are right of course. he still has his little tummy pooch, but on his new food it's not quite as large. Only when he sneaks into Emerald's food. He and Emerald have become best buddies and he goes to Simchah for all his babying. Our daughter Emma adores her little guy and declares "I don't care about his pooch, he is the kitty for me." Both of the girls help with his meds and Emma mixes his food. She helped diagnose his digestive problems by listening to his belly and comparing it to the other cats', so we may have a budding vet on our hands. The twins joke that Zeus' pooch is where he stores his purrrs because he never stops purring. He also loves a tummy rub and snuggling with everyone.
Zeus has moved with his family and best buddy Emerald to Canada! We are all loving it here in Toronto, even the winter is great when you are a warm, furry cat. He loves tummy rubs and sleeping with his Emma in her loft bed at night. Zeus still loves to be kissed and cuddled. We are feeding him a Canadian brand of catfood which really seems to agree with his tummy issues and he is more lively than ever. He had surgery on a cracked hip bone last year (who knows how that happened) but with physical therapy, he is better than ever and showing up all the things he can climb on. He got rather spoiled by the therapy and the two weeks he had to stay in Emma's room, and now he wants her with him all the time.
(Last update: Sep 19th, 2018 1pm)
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Name: Morna
ID#: VA3603
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 08/11/05
Adopted: 10/09/05
Congrats: Kristen
Foster: Jane
Hello!! is anyone out there? I am a no issue sweet girl who gets along with other cats. Right now I am hanging out with Minea and we are having great fun. Only problem is she gets to go to her forever home very soon and then who will hang out with me? Isn't there someome out there who would love a great purr machine kitty to play with their kitty and sit on their lap and be buddies? I am ready and waiting. Thanks, Morna
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Notes from Home
Today we said good-bye to our beloved Simchah. She was the best of cats and my dearest feline companion for 14 years. 5 homes, 4 kitty room mates, 3 churches, 2 babies, and 1 puppy and she did it all with so much love. She was the little moon in my orbit and kept me company many lonely days rarely leaving my side until the girls were born and then she became their little nanny. She would say "meow-woo" and in our shared kitty language, that meant "where are you?" I would answer her and she would come find me wherever I was in the house. When I was in pain, I would meditate on her breathing. When I was on bedrest for 3 months, she stayed right beside me. She would listen to the girls inside me and when they were born she sat under their cribs to keep an eye on things. She came in their room every night when they were toddlers and let them kiss her goodnight. When we moved to Canada and they had separate rooms and loft beds, Simchah would climb up into each girl's bed when it was time for prayers. When she could no longer make the jump, she would wait to be lifted into their beds. When her asthma became to severe for that, she still came to their rooms or lay outside their bedroom doors. Even this morning we found her in Mary's room. She loved those girlies like her own kittens. She will be so missed. I named her Simchah, the Hebrew word for Joy, and that is who she was. A constant loving, joyful, peaceful presence and we were so blessed that we were hers.
(Last update: Sep 19th, 2018 1pm)
A stray who has had a few (minor) negative experiences with people, I'm a lover waiting to blossom, a little jumpy and nervous at first (no loud chaotic households right now) but am looking to become one wonderful loving goofball of a boy!
Name: Koko
ID#: VA11478
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/21/16
Adopted: 06/04/16
Congrats: David
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Not with Male Cats
Notes from Home
KoKo has assimilated into our family very well. He likes resting on laps where he can be petted. He recently has decided that our bed is a good place to stay at night. He still is not too sure of Polly when she is excited and will get away from her. They have become used to each other & will go nose to nose often - even lying near each other when people are around. KoKo has adopted Ellen as his favorite human & I come in a close 2nd. He will get into the cat tree & lie there watching out the picture window. He also is loosening up and will play some with the feather stick, long string & the laser pointer dot. Overall he is working out well.
It is now the middle of December 2016 and Koko has been a member of the family for 6 months. It took him 3 months before he would consider sitting in my lap as I suspect he thought it belonged to Polly. Since then, he and Polly sometimes decide to share my lap at the same time & usually Polly will get down and let Koko have the full area. On occasion Polly will try to get Koko to run so she could chase him, but Koko just looks at her & says non-verbally - no way! Koko hasn't learned the days of the week nor the time of the day yet. Ellen gets up & goes to work M-F at 5:30 AM and he wants his morning meal at that time, even on weekends when we'd like to sleep later. We found that if we give him a small bit of dry food early, he will quiet down & maybe not be so vocal for an hour or two, but it is difficult on weekends. We are considering an automatic food dispenser for those times. Koko likes being around Polly & waits for her to come in from outside when she has to go. He also likes to greet Ellen when she comes home from work, but he expects dinner to be provided at that time whether it is 4:30 PM or 5:30 PM, thus more time education is required. Overall hew is a happy cat and we are enjoying his presence.
6/6/17 It's been a year now! Surprise. Koko took about 3 months to get comfortable with my wife & I. He still is leery of being picked up, but my wife has had the most luck handling him. He recently got his 3 year shots so he is up-to-date. He was very good with the vet. He has developed an internal "feed me" clock that usually corresponds with our routine. The evening time frames are the ones that seem to have him "talking" about a 1/2 hour before 5 PM. He and Polly get along well and Koko will sit in the kitchen and "talk" if Polly is outdoors with my wife or I. He quiets down when Polly returns & they kiss & make up. Nothing unusual with him, his manners are good and there is not a lap he does not like.
9/17/18 Our home is KoKo's territory. His internal time clock is operating at full strength and we acquired an automatic dry food dispensor to satisfy his noon and 3 PM & 3 AM desires for food. His normal feed time is 5:30 AM & PM and weekends are still a contest to see if he will be quiet until 6:30 or 7 AM. He still tries to annoy Polly - or get her to play, but Polly just ignores him - she is too old for that kind of energy use. He stil does not let anyone pick him up, but Ellen can hold him in her arms once he has settled into her lap. He is interested in greeting new people when they come into his world, but after an initial greeting, he goes off on his own to let the humans interact. Poll;y is the main one to make sure the new humans are acceptable to her owners.
Overall he has assimilated into our daily life well and only occasionally can he be an annoyance with his vocalizations usually demanding food. He vocalizes often when Polly is outside - misses her being in the house.
(Last update: Sep 17th, 2018 8am)
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ID#: VA12596
Location: Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/21/18
Adopted: 05/19/18
Congrats: Kellie
Foster: Elizabeth
Foster Notes for SMOKEY [VA12596] |
The perfect bed warmer!! |
Foster Notes
Had my bath and I am loving being brushed and all the attention. I am used to people (that treat me nicely) and have a hoarse, soft meow. You can get me on your lap - but I won t stay long.
Not a picky eater and love my wet food.
I like wand toys and when I catch it, like a true Siamese will chew and suck on it if you let me.
Check out my videos of my second day at my foster home.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
May 19th I was sent out on my journey home.
my Foster Mom Elizabeth put me in her car. She drove me to meet Barry.
Barry drove me for the next hour till I meet Denise.
Denise drove me to Robert. Robert then drove me to Amy.
Amy drove me to Gail. Gail then drove me to Lucy.
Lucy then got me to my forever mom.
Smokey has some amazing Meezer Express drivers.
They ran into some traffic and some heavy rain.
They got him to us safe and sound.
We then drove him home to Massachusetts.
Smokey was in a car and his crate from nine in the morning till about
All in all he did amazing.
We learned on the ride he hates stop and go traffic
And would yell at it.
We also learned he loves oldies music and Prince.
When he got home he went into the bathroom and hid
In the tub. So we moved his litter box and food in there for him.
When my husband checked and he was still not eating
He put the dish I. The tub. This made Smokey very happy.
He ate so fast we thought sparks would come of the bowl.
I then sat on the side of the tub and talked to him.
After a few minutes he started talking back to me.
A few minutes later he jumped into my lap.
He let me pat him for a few minutes then got down.
I left him to explore his litter box. He users it.
That made us very happy as he did not use it for his foster mom for a long time.
I went to put some laundry in the wash and when I came into the living room
He was up on my husband’s lap. He curled in a ball and fell a sleep.
He is so sweet. When we went to bed he followed us in.
He jumped up on the bed and laid claim to the corner
At my husband side.
Our daughter is a school teacher and works weekends at at
A restaurant. She was working and did not get home till almost 2 in the morning.
Smokey meet her at the end of the Hall. She called his name and he ran to her.
They became fast friends.
This morning he was up and looking for food at 6AM.
I feed him . He ate all his food.
He then took his wand toy back to my bedroom and
Jumped on the bed. He wanted his daddy to play with him.
He is such a good boy.
We thank everyone who helped get him home to us.
Well I have been home with my forever family for week.
It has been a great week. I have taken over and showing
I am in charge.
Everyday I meet my human sister at the door with my wand toy.
She plays with for hours.
Everyday I jump in daddy’s lap so he can read me the paper.
I am becoming very vocal to everyone.
I love to help mom fold laundry. Well I like to steal socks
It is a fun game to have mom chase me and try and get them back.
Yesterday Mom and my sister took me to the vets.
I was not happy about being in the carrier or the car.
It was a very long 3 mike drive.
The vet was very nice. I curled myself in mommy’s
Arms and tried to hide.
The vet said I am very happy and healthy.
I was very happy to get back home.
I am starting to come out of my shell.
My Mom says I am such a good boy and is so happy to have me.
Smokey is a amazing boy. Everyday he gets more and more
Out going. As I type this he is running around the
house being wild.
He loves his food and is using his little box like a pro.
We are so in live with him and can not picture life without him.
Thought I would give a update. Smokey is a sweet boy. It feels like he was meant to be part of our lives.
In July we had to take him to the vets. He was not using his litter box so I knew something was up. He had a UTI. The vet came him meds and within a couple days he was back to normal. He was very good about taking his medication. That shocked me.
We have found a few things that he is very afraid of. When he first came to us he hated the front door being open and hearing traffic going by. So we worked with him and every day would sit on the floor with him and open the door a little bit at a time. He now demands that the door is open. When we get up in the morning he eats his breakfast then goes to the door and cries till someone opens it.
he is very afraid of thunder and lighting and heavy rain. He does not like plastic bags. (that I am thrilled about). He still hates the car rides.
He still seeps with me and hubby and every night brings in toys with him. he has his wands and his stuffed cat toy he took from our daughter.
He followers me around the house all the time. When I get home from work he meets me at the door. He explains what has been going on all day. He now stands on his back paws and will stretching up my leg so I will pick him up. He has started giving lots of kisses.
Every night he hops in daddy's lab to have the paper read to him. It is the cutest thing. He will slap the paper when he is done.
He does have a bad habit of slapping and nipping at you leg if you do not feed him fast enough. We have found saying excuse you to him he does stop. He knows he was fresh so he drops onto your feet and cuddles them. It is cute.
He does love shoes and will steal them,
Everyday gets better and better with him.
Smokey does have nicknames from all of us and will answer to them. I always call him my Boo Boo Bear. My husband calls him the smoker and our daughter Shay calls him her sweet boy. But if one of us calls him by the name the others call him he ignores us. LOL
We did find trimming his nails a hard time. We found what works. I hold him and trim them and while I do Shay feeds him snack. Each snack gets 2 nails done.
He is a good boy. We are so in love with him. He knows he has all us wrapped around his paw.
(Last update: Sep 16th, 2018 4pm)
*** LAP CAT! *** LAP CAT! *** LAP CAT! ***
Need one?
Pick me! Pick me!
I came in with the rest of the crew here, but let me tell you, a difficult beginning has not affected my attitude one iota. I am one sweet girl! No more of that breeding stuff for me, no sir-ree! Soon as I get my little operation and finish some of my medicine, I'll be available to come and be the ...
If you just LOOK at me, I get my motor running -- you can hear me from across the room!
Better be ready to chat ALOT - I love to talk! I may need a companion if you don't have, say, 20 hours a day to hold me. I have to wait a while before I can meet the resident cats here but Mom thinks I'll be great with other feline companions since I've been around so many of them my entire life.
I'm a petite little thing - you could mistake me for a kitten, really. I'm a lynxie but I've got beautiful orange ears.
So...what are you waitin' for?????
Hit that "ASK ABOUT ME" button and I could become your next best friend!
5/24 Update: I started meeting the other residents here and I've started playing with one of them already. The rest are checking me out. Mom says I'm "very confident and not aggressive" (I don't know what that means but it sounds good, doesn't it?) Getting my little operation tomorrow.
6/3 Update: I'm doing great. I've moved in with Chandler. He loves me! (But, who wouldn't?) He's been so lonely, I'm keeping him company - check out his pictures. The last two are with me - I'm the blonde, of course.
Name: Syrinx
(FKA Chrissy)
ID#: VA4163
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 05/12/06
Adopted: 06/17/06
Deceased: 09/15/18
Congrats: Mark
Foster: Donna
Notes from Home
On September 15, 2018, Syrinx left our lives after a long battle with (we discovered) a growth in her throat that caused her increasing difficulties with breathing. Towards the end, she slowed down only begrudgingly, and continued to claim prime napping spots. For 12 years she has been a good kitty and brought joy to our lives (even if we didn't appreciate her doing it at 4am). She was a little kitty with a huge purr, and she will be missed.
(Last update: Sep 15th, 2018 1pm)
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Name: Minerva
ID#: VA12427
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 12/05/17
Adopted: 01/09/18
Congrats: Donna G.
Foster: Adrian
Foster Notes for Minerva [VA12427] |
Minny is quite the cuddler. She's a little shy at first but warms up quickly if you talk to her soothing tones. She loves to lie beside me and purr and lick my hands while I scratch her ears. She'll even tolerate belly rubs of her cute white belly. She couldn't be more perfect. |
Foster Notes
Hi, you can call me Minny. Do you like sandpaper kisses? Because, I love to give them out. I'm still a little reserved right now but I really like attention and will purr and kiss you as you scratch my ears and chin. I like to be held as well. I'm still revealing other parts of my personality but right now, I'm a lover.
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Notes from Home
It has been two weeks from yesterday that Minerva "Minny" came to my home and into my life. She is the most lovable kitty. She is still a little scared but is coming around everyday.. Each new day she is venturing out from under my bed. She is eating her food. She sleeps with me and has been touching me either with a paw or her side against mine. One night I opened my eyes and her face was right in my neck. She was fast asleep. And, also she purrs a lot.
I'm so happy to have her here with me! My Interviewer was an amazing gal and the foster was so good to me and gave all information he could give. He even delivered Minny to my home,.a three hour drive away. I am very thankful to Deb and Adrian for making this transaction so smooth and happy!
May 27, 2018
Minerva also known as Minnee has been with me for 5 months and is doing so well. She is so cute and cuddley. She sometimes sleeps with her paws wrapped around me. She is such a warm cute kitty. She still hangs out on my bed most of the time, but comes out to say hello and sit on my lap while watching TV. She loves to be brushed and petted.
She has brought me so much pleasure and comfort. I love her. Sometimes when she is sleeping, she hugs her catnip toy. She loves her catnip stuffed kitty.
She loves to play too!
Minnee's Vet says that she is 5 years old and weights 9 pounds 12 ounces. She is so purrfect.
September 12, 2018
Minnie has been with me for 8 months. She has come a long way. She is the most loving kitty! I’m go to try to upload a little video that I made of her. When she first came she wouldn’t come out from under the bed now she sits in my lap and sleeps or just sits with me. It’s wonderful I love her so much at night she sleeps with me on my bed right next to me.
(Last update: Sep 12th, 2018 10pm)
Name: Simon
(FKA Sonny Boy)
ID#: VA9351
Location: Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/23/13
Adopted: 08/17/13
Congrats: Henry
Foster: Joyce
Foster Notes for Sonny Boy [VA9351] |
Sonny Boy just arrived here and was outgoing and affectionate as soon as he walked out of his carrier. He does like to affectionately 'mouth' your hands so not sure how he'll be with young children. He came from a home that had over 50 cats so I believe he'll do fine with other cats and although I have no way of dog-testing him, based on his confident purrsonality, I believe he'll be fine with a cat-friendly dog also. |
Foster Notes
If you're looking for an active & playful guy who loves people and gets along great with other cats, then you can stop looking cause here I am !!!!
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Notes from Home
Simon is a treasure. We took him for his annual checkup with Jackson several weeks ago. Both were pronounced very healthy. Simon and Sammy are best friends. As the two youngsters, they zoom around the house and wrestle. All four cats get along well with only the usual bickering you would expect from brothers! Simon still loves his round toy with the ball. He also has some favorite toys and will sometimes fetch.
10/13/17. Simon is a wonderful cat. He is now a fully grown adult cat. Our Harley is around 15 now and retired as alpha cat. Simon has pretty much assumed that position. Simon has become much more affectionate this past year, demanding more attention and sitting on my lap whenever there’s an opportunit. His only fault is that he stalks poor old Harley which makes him very nervous. He loves to play and especially likes to drag those interactive toys , a stick on a long rope, up and down the stairs. We love him. He went to the vet in July with Jackson for their annual checkups. Simon got a clean bill of health
9/92018. Simon continues to be a love and everyone agrees that he is the prettiest. Harley died in April and in August we adopted Benson. Simon has been very worried about him so we give Simon extra loves. Never any aggression just watching. He seems to be accepting him these last few days. We took Simon for his annual check up with Jackson in July and he was proclaimed very healthy. He still loves the ball in a ring toy and drags the interactive toys all over the house. We love all four of our meezers.
(Last update: Sep 9th, 2018 2pm)
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