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I'm a monkey, not a Meezer! I enjoy playing with my fursis, Penelope, so maybe you'd like a pair of kittens? Purrs, Yoyo
Name: Simon

(FKA Yoyo)

ID#: VA4136
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/02/06
Adopted: 06/25/06
Deceased: 06/17/14
Congrats: Joanne
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)


Notes from Home
It is with a very heavy heart that I am letting you all know that my beloved Simon (formerly Yoyo VA4136) passed away suddenly last week. I arrived home from work on the evening of 6/11/14 and found him dead on the floor. What a shock . . he was absolutely fine when I left that morning. He hadn't exhibited any symptoms at all in the preceding days or weeks. That morning he played and wrestled with his fur-sister Shelby, was groomed by me, got some individual petting and loving from me, used his litterbox, ate . . everything was perfectly normal. The vet didn't know what happened, thought maybe he had an arrythmia or perhaps had cardiomyopathy with no symptoms. He had no known health issues. He was only 8.

I am heartbroken and miss him so much. He was the most gentle cat I ever had and was so sweet. It's devastating to lose any pet, but when it happens so suddenly the loss is so hard to believe.

Shelby and I are comforting each other. She misses him too.

I hope this update reaches the Siamese Rescue volunteers who were so wonderful and helpful 8 years ago when I adopted him. Melanie was his foster in Tennessee and Pamela was my interviewer. You all do such a wonderful job and when I am ready to adopt again, which I will do, I'll deinitely be in touch.

Thank you for rescuing Simon and getting him into my life. He was a terrific and much-loved addition to my cat family and I will miss him always.

Joanne Wilczynski

(Last update: Jun 17th, 2014 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Juno
ID#: VA9256
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 05/18/13
Adopted: 06/15/13
Congrats: Collin
Foster: Siri

STOP!!!! You may not pass me by without watching my last video, because you are NOT going to believe what a lovey dovey incredibly wonderful boy I am! I am, however, jealous of other cats! But TRUST me, you will not need more than me - come on, just check out my video, I'm not kidding you!

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Notes from Home
New Pictures posted

Juno has been great these past 6 months, and I'm really glad that I chose to adopt using this site. The people have been great and they really did set me up with a nice cat. Juno has taken to waking me up every day at 5 a.m. so that I can feed him, and then deeming it okay for me to go back to sleep for another hour or so until I actually do have to wake up. Throughout the day he likes to sit on laps, especially when I'm at the computer, and he has even learned to play fetch with his favorite ball toy (it is the cutest thing ever). At night he likes to cuddle up in my arms when I go to bed, and he'll sit like that for hours.

Now if only we could get him to actually use his scratching post that we got him.

It's weird to think that I've only had Juno for a year. It just seems like he's been part of the family for longer than that, which is a good thing. He follows me around everywhere (as long as the dog isn't around), and still likes to cuddle when it's time to sleep. He definitely seems even more comfortable and playful too, and of course he absolutely loves looking out the windows now that it's getting warmer again.

(Last update: Jun 16th, 2014 12pm)

I am social, sweet, and cute as can be. It will be about the first of June before I can go home and no more than an eight hour transport please.
Name:   Kissie Face
ID#: VA9973
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/13/14
Adopted: 06/07/14
Congrats: Mary Ann
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
June 16, 2014
Kissie Face and Cris P just got back from their Dr visit and are sleeping. They both got their Rabies and FVRCP shots; and an exam. Everyone fell in love with them. I took in a fecal sample for both and it appears that they have an intestinal parasite, so they are on Albon suspension for 13 days. Other than that, they are both healthy and beautiful!!! They will go back in 1 month for a follow up visit.

They are just a couple of sweet playful kittens and they have settled in to their new home just fine. I will try to upload pictures for you to see as well.

(Last update: Jun 16th, 2014 11am)

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Name: Babu

(FKA Meekins)

ID#: VA9700
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 11/20/13
Adopted: 12/15/13
Congrats: Nita
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

Look deeply into my eyes. You will become mesmerized by the Meekins. I'm a confident young guy just ready to explore my new world. I'm pretty much over my shelter cold, and foster mom got some more pictures of me. I'm pretty happy with the catnip toys that are laying around. I looooove them. And I met another cat or two, and foster mom thinks I will be just fine with others. Or I could be happy with just my human to gaze into my eyes... So ask...

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
1/20/14 Babu has only been home for 5 weeks. He is a very active and curious boy, way too busy to cuddle unless he is in the mood. Babu enjoys his food and has put on about a pound (he needed to gain some weight). His favorite activity is playing string with Michael. We are giving him all the time and space he needs to adjust to his new environment. He still seems unsure as to how long he will be with us after his stint in the shelter and then at a wonderful foster home with Rinn. We tell him every day that he will be with us forever and always will be our boy. We are sure that his insecurity will melt away with time and he will be a confident young man.
6/15/14: Hi Monique and Rinn,
Babu has settled in to his new family beautifully. He has grown quite a bit, now about 9.5 Lbs, not fat but with well developed muscles. He is in perfect health and he even lets us brush his teeth. He’s a sweet, well behaved boy and loves his routine; play times, focused attention, looking out of the window at birds, bonding, affection, high quality food, regular grooming. He has the run of the house and gets new territory, toys and privileges all the time. It seems like we were meant for each other – a perfect match! Thanks for all the great work you do and we’ll keep you updated.

(Last update: Jun 15th, 2014 12pm)

How about 6 pounds of tiny, skinny, long and windy purring, headbutting and kissing you all over feline company? I am VERY much into lots of love and kisses. The only thing I don't like is sudden commotions, loud noises, unexpected things, so a quieter home with lots and LOTS Of lap time is really important. Sure, we can play, and we can snack, and we can read good books, but most of all I want to kiss your face all over! While I might tolerate another cat, I'm such a wisp of love that you truly aren't going to need one, promise! I'm ready to bond very tightly with someone and oh-la-la are we going to be pals!
Name:   Effie
ID#: VA4110
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 04/15/06
Adopted: 06/15/06
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Effie is doing well. With age she has had a few changes - some allergies that the vet hasn't been able to figure out but we can handle with medication. She has also gone mostly deaf - again not sure why - but she is happy and is able to run along with the other kitties when food is out - I guess she sees or feels their paws on the floor.
She loves the sun through the windows and camps out on warm days in front of the sliding glass door. She still plays but prefers to play alone - the other younger kitties are bit too much for her pouncing on the cat toys.
She is still a tiny bundle of love and snuggles in bed with us. A pure joy!

(Last update: Jun 15th, 2014 10am)

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Name:   Taz
ID#: VA6972
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/12/10
Adopted: 06/13/10
Deceased: 10/10/14
Congrats: The Rev. Patricia
Foster: Joyce

You won't normally see a cat as old as me available, but SCRC believes I'm a very special cat. The only reason I'm here is because my former owner's little boy is highly allergic and nothing they tried helped.

I'm VERY Siamese - vocal with that undeniable meezer voice, interactive and needing lots of attention from my purrsons.

I don't travel well and will get car sick so Foster Meowm says my transport area should be limited to surrounding states.

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Notes from Home
Taz is doing wonderfully well. He just turned 18 years old. He's a great little guy, eats well, is very affectionate, and amazingly playful for his age. HIs main issue is severe arthritis, but I've been giving him glucosamine for the last several months and its made a significant difference in his mobility and comfort.

New notes (2013)
At age 19, Taz is in great shape! He's lively, affectionate, and loud! He just had his check-up last week, and the vet thought he was doing really well. He's a wonderful guy and a real trouper.

June 15, 2014--It's hard to believe Taz is now 20 years old! He's playful as a kitten at times, is eating well, and is the same affectionate, noisy, sweet boy as ever. We're now living in a retirement community and I tell people we're both in the right place! We have a wonderful new vet and a great tech comes to our home once a week to give Taz fluids. He's taking lactulose twice a day and glucosomine for his arthritis. All this has given him the support he needs as he ages, and I hope we'll have several more anniversaries to celebrate in the future.

(Last update: Jun 15th, 2014 7am)

Loved me, love me not. Microchipped me, but left the country. Really? Tossed me outside with the trash where I was hit and tumbled with multiple breaks in my hips and bones that healed without the help of any medicines of any kind. Can you imagine what I went through? But now, despite my gimpiness, my achiness and my experience, I am all about loving you for rescuing me. Call me, whatever you want to call me, and I come running. Love me, however you want to love me, and I'll appreciate it. Thank you for whatever you can provide, because it's been more than I've had, and I love every minute of it! Chirp chirp, can I sit on your lap, please?
Name:   Russel
ID#: VA9970
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/12/14
Adopted: 05/14/14
Deceased: 02/10/16
Congrats: Bonnie
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Apologies to all who helped Russel get to his new home in the City of Brotherly Love for taking so long to get an update posted. I have had some major computer problems.
Russel seems to be adjusting well. He has found favorite nap spots, talks to me when important, and has relaxed enough to drool a bit during a nap on my lap. Adi, the younger flame point female who is in residence has not expressed more than an occasional hiss, but the first day they could be together freely, they napped back to back on the end of the bed for hours. Russel has sneaked in a friendly lick or two while she sleeps, and yesterday she touched noses with him. But there have been no quarrels.
There are times when he seems a bit at a loss, and because he is so sweet and easy-going I get the urge to scoop him up. He seems to do better at these times when I just be near and talk to him, remembering how many changes he has been through and allowing him to determine how close he wants to be. Due to the computer issues, I can only attach one photo today, but I do have some more to post
soon. Thanks again to all the SCRC folks who helped Russel get to us.

(Last update: Jun 15th, 2014 12am)

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Name: Bodhi

(FKA Charlie)

ID#: VA9977
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 04/20/14
Adopted: 05/31/14
Congrats: Elaine
Foster: Jo


Foster Meowmy says I am already strong minded, not sure what she means, maybe it is because I don't want to go to bed at night?!?! Well who does when they are having sooo much fun, fun, fun and that is what I'm all about.


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Notes from Home
Bodhisattva Balu--BODHI--is my little bundle of mischief. I'm convinced he escaped from the circus because he's such a silly, charming, hilarious clown who keeps me in stitches. I wake up laughing and go to sleep with great joy in my heart. During the day, he races around the house like his tail's on fire, collects his favorite toys and drops them on the bed, sofa or my lap, demanding I toss them for him to retrieve over & over--a dawg in kitty cat clothing! At night, he wraps his soft, warm body around my neck, purrs in my ear and snuggles in my hair. I am over the moon, sun, stars & universe about my precious baby boy!!

Infinite thanks to each of you for your generous efforts in homing these beautiful meezers!

(Last update: Jun 14th, 2014 9pm)

Deeply attached to my owners (particularly my Mom), to my brother, and hopefully to you, I am a lovely gal with stellar health history and notes to allow me to slip into your family without an issue. I'd like quiet over crazy and am excellent in all habits!
Name:   Su-Su
ID#: VA10032
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/17/14
Adopted: 05/31/14
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Tomkin and SuSu have adjusted to their new home in all areas except integration with our other kitty, Buddy. My husband set up a screen barrier between Tomkin's and SuSu's isolation room so that Buddy can adjust to there being other critters in his domain.

Buddy will lay outside the screen and talk and chatter to both T&S, however, SuSu stays under the bed. Tomkin will come over to the screen and just sit and watch Buddy try to entertain him. We have given Buddy treats to associate "perks" with the new residents. In another week, we will try to physically introduce all to each other. I think SuSu will be the challenge. Any suggestions?

Buddy loves the garage (I think he thinks he is out in the wild). So when he asks to go into the garage, we allow Tomkin and SuSu free roaming in their new digs. They both are eager to leave the safe room and investigate all that our home has to offer.

Pictures coming soon.

(Last update: Jun 14th, 2014 9am)

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Name: Bada Bing

(FKA Bing)

ID#: VA9450
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/03/13
Adopted: 10/05/13
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri

Just a NICE boy says the vet! I'm in great health and ready to rock and roll. I love a good game of chase, hide and seek or tag, and if paired with another cat, need one that wants to play with me! I could be the only cat but will require some entertaining and promise I will entertain you back! Kids might be good, I promise I can limit their television/computer time by keeping them entertained! Or an active couple who likes cats on the higher energy side would work too! Very pristine in my habits, except for maybe shredding of the paper towel roll!

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Notes from Home
Bing has been renamed "BadaBing" and he sure fits the moniker. He has settled into our home and hearts very quickly.
As Suri stated "Bing loves to play". We have purchased lofts, beds, special food, and lots of playthings to settle him in. He didn't need any of that. All he needs is to be loved and cared for and pampered a little.
No pictures to post yet, as he won't stay still long enough for me to snap the picture. He thinks my phone or camera is just another toy for him to play with.
We waike up every morning to paw prints across my counters and stainless steel stove. He gets into everything. But that is one of the things we most treasure about him - his curiostiy.
I will continue to update you on our little guy. As I post, he is enjoying the sun and purring his little heart out if I stop to say hello.

Tomorrow is a big day for Buddy (renamed from BadaBing). We have just adopted two new family members, Tomkin and Su-Su. Of course, Buddy (so named because he is everyone's buddy) has no idea what is in the pipeline for him. We are hoping the isolation and slow integration into his life will be successful. My husband and I are so excited to be able to adopt these two. Happy dance, happy dance.

Tomkin and SuSu have adjusted to their new home in all areas except integration with our other kitty, Buddy. My husband set up a screen barrier between Tomkin's and SuSu's isolation room so that Buddy can adjust to there being other critters in his domain.

Buddy will lay outside the screen and talk and chatter to both T&S, however, SuSu stays under the bed. Tomkin will come over to the screen and just sit and watch Buddy try to entertain him. We have given Buddy treats to associate "perks" with the new residents. In another week, we will try to physically introduce all to each other. I think SuSu will be the challenge. Any suggestions?

Buddy loves the garage (I think he thinks he is out in the wild). So when he asks to go into the garage, we allow Tomkin and SuSu free roaming in their new digs. They both are eager to leave the safe room and investigate all that our home has to offer.

Pictures coming soon.

(Last update: Jun 14th, 2014 9am)

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