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A walk in the park it wasn't! I was left abandoned in a carrier - what's that all about! Thank goodness someone found me before the heat got unbearable!
Name:   Keira
ID#: VA10110
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/28/14
Adopted: 07/12/14
Congrats: Kay
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
(Last update: Jul 27th, 2014 1pm)

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Name:   Mushmellon
ID#: VA9778
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 12/30/13
Adopted: 01/26/14
Deceased: 04/03/18
Congrats: Debbie
Foster: Siri

Just a lovey dovey boy who doesn't know whether to love, play, roll around, get pets, or snuggle first! It's a tough choice, but someone has to do them all! And I'm trying!

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Notes from Home
Mushmellon, now Sky, is a wonderful addition to our family. What a sweet boy! He's also definitely mischievous, diving head first into the garbage, chasing feet under the covers, making toys out of everything in sight - he keeps us laughing (and cleaning up!) . He and our other Siamese rescue, Annie, are good friends and often dash through the house chasing one another. Sometimes he's a bit much for her since she's a much older girl, but she lets him know and all is well. Sky is also a very affectionate boy - he loves to cuddle and curl up on our laps. His headbutts can wake us up on occasion, but what a nice thing to wake up to!

We're so happy that he's part of our family. Our daughter loves him and can play with him for long periods of time. She calls him "Mushy" and we still occasionally call him "Mushmellon" , but we decided on Sky because of his cloud like fur and pale blue eyes. He's a stunner.

We all love him and think that he feels the same!

(Last update: Jul 27th, 2014 12pm)

You humans are all SO weird. Here I am, absolutely purrfect. I love laps. I love playing. I'm well behaved. I'm well mannered. And I'm just one heck of a doll baby cat, and I'm still here! What's with that anyway? Do you even realize what you're missing?????? (now are you going to get over here and pet me, or what?)
Name: Merlin

(FKA KodiKat)

ID#: VA7101
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/02/10
Adopted: 07/25/10
Congrats: Traci
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Merlin is doing great. It's been 3 years now and he has gone from a 7 lb creamy white and seal point boy into a big brown bear of about 13 lbs. He's only got a litlle while left on his maine. He is such a fun and hilarious cat! Very curious and smart too. When he first cam to live with me he was diagnosed with feline asthma which I've been treating with inhalers ever since. He's so good that he waits for and sometimes whines if I'm late for his puff. I recently took him to the vet and it seems that he may have outgrown his asthma now! I am thrilled. We are trying him on only one puff a day and so far so good - no coughing or symptoms. Over all he's doing fabulous and is very loved and cherished!

4 year update: Merlin has outgrown his asthma! He recently had a repeat chest xray and his films look much better. He is no longer on his inhaler and he doesn't have any symptoms. I am thrilled. He's a very funny and quirky cat. He knows how to get what he wants. I recently gave him a lion cut (did it myself) it took an hour but he didn't mind. He went from being dark brown to tan. It was unbelievable. I can really see his points again. (trying to upload picture) He loves his new cut and has been extra rambunctious since! He's such a cool cat...he keeps me laughing and entertained...so glad we found each other.

(Last update: Jul 26th, 2014 12am)

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Name: Kira

(FKA Mira)

ID#: VA10093
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 06/21/14
Adopted: 07/15/14
Congrats: Micki
Foster: Heida

Just a kitten myself, I was a very good mom to my babies, and now that they have all found homes, it is my turn ! Sweet little girl, a little shy but likes being cuddled.

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Notes from Home
Name change to Kira
(Last update: Jul 24th, 2014 3pm)

Why did a nice boy like me end up at a shelter? Well, my family was moving, they said. I guess they don't allow cats where they were going, because there sure doesn't seem to be a reason to leave me behind. Unless it's my teeth - I am in bad need of a dental, but foster mom says that I'm special and going to be heading to the center in Virginia to have my teeth all fixed up, and that my next home will take much better care of me! But that's just a little detail. The important thing is that I'm a friendly and cuddly boy, and that I get along with other cats just fine. I enjoy the nice ones, and ignore the ones who would like to pick on me (like that hissy little tortie female who lives here). I've got a great appetite for canned food (notice that I haven't missed any meals), and use both my litter box and scratching posts as I should. I love to sleep in bed with you, and sit next to you when you watch TV. The worse things that foster mom can say about me is that I'm a "counter cruiser" and that I like to beg for food while you're eating dinner. My shelter paperwork says I lived with little kids, and I'd probably get along fine with cat-friendly dogs, too. Do I sound just like what you've been waiting for? Then ask about me!
Name:   Reese
ID#: VA4260
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/20/06
Adopted: 07/21/06
Deceased: 06/05/15
Congrats: Robert
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
8/16/12-What can be said about Reese that hasn't already been said. He and his pal JEB (sic) are the house greeters whenever someone comes to call. They both enjoy the company and go out of their way to make any new visitor feel welcome. Still can't believe he's fourteen!

7/23/14-Still going strong though much more vocal (kitty alzheimers) and remains the greeter of all who come to visit. Just had him vet checked about six weeks ago and all is well within the normal ranges despite his age of sixteen years. Siri-Kathy he still plays like a kitten even at his advanced age; so here's to SCRC for giving me two great pals Reese and JEB fka Apollo.Thanks!!!

(Last update: Jul 23rd, 2014 5pm)

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Name:   Eli
ID#: VA3988
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 02/04/06
Adopted: 05/01/06
Congrats: Marta
Foster: Siri

What a loving, affectionate and typical laid back friendly boy! I was tossed out to fend for myself when someone didn't want to take care of my inflammed mouth, but thank goodness for Siamese Rescue who took me to the kitty dentist and after 10 extractions, WOW! I popped out of the cage the second day, grabbed a furry mouse in my mouth and ran around like crazy! I am just plain old FUN! Friendly, affectionate, and outgoing, easy to get along with, be you human or feline. I had to have so many extractions due to a gum condition called stomatitis, but our experience with removing so many teeth has been good and we're hoping my gums are healed up in no time! Meantime, nothing can hurt my appetite, so not to worry there!

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Notes from Home
Eli has changed over the years, and now contents himself as a lap kitty every once in a while. He is very insistent about our play schedule, and fetch must continue until he says otherwise. He has become way too interested in milk and butter, and constantly trawls the countertops in hope that I have left some out. He has lost another tooth to stomatitis, and is now down to only 3. Sometimes his lip will get caught on the remaining upper tooth, and it gives him quite the Bogart sneer, but we love him anyway!
(Last update: Jul 22nd, 2014 11pm)

Foster mom can't say enough good things about me. She says I am handsome, loving, and whoever gets me is very lucky. I am not a big boy and I love to be petted and I give kisses too. I do like to wind around your feet so you need to be pretty steady on those. More to come as I give out all my secrets. Thanks, Mitch
Name: Miso Pha

(FKA Mitch)

ID#: VA7031
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/06/10
Adopted: 07/18/10
Congrats: Glenna
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
WOW! Four years in my 'furever' home. Where did the time go? I love my home, my family, Sasha (the Russian blue who is now my best friend and playmate), and especially my meowme. I sleep with her in the big king-size bed, and during the night I walk over meowme and curl up in her tummy or on her legs, I have meowme trained to turn on the water in the bathroom sink when I pull out the drain. I don't know what these long things are that grow out of my toes, but they make me scratch my post and pads vigorously, and then Meowme takes me to get a pedicure, usually every 5 weeks. Meowme took me to the doctor in May (a really nice young lady), but I was really scared. She stuck me with a needle TWICE! She said one was for rabies (whatever that is) and the other was for FVRCP. She also put me on a scale and said I weighed 12 pounds. Sasha kissed and licked me when I got home......and then she attacked me. That's when we chased each other around the house for awhile!! Meowme just laughed. She never gets angry with me, no matter what I do. She calls me her "goodest little boy". Miso Pha
(Last update: Jul 21st, 2014 10pm)

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Name: Izze

(FKA Gumdrop)

ID#: VA9794
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 01/07/14
Adopted: 01/26/14
Deceased: 01/17/15
Congrats: Sara
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
8 months old and four pounds, how is it possible? Well grow up outside where you were ever so hopeful someone would scoop you up and take you home and love you, and it just didn't happen until one day, finally, it did! Well, the shelter anyway, not home, but it's a start! I have some learning to do (watch my video and laugh!) but I'll figure it out, I'm a smart, but small, cookie, er gumdrop!

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Notes from Home
2/26/14 It has been just about a month since we brought our new Izze home. We figured it would be a long process due to she was approx 8 months and found outdoors. She hadn't had human contact or ever seen a toy. She would barely let us hold her for 10 seconds. Each week, we got more holding time and we are probably up to a minute or more. Well to our surprise within 2 weeks she was snoozing in our bed at night, playing with toys, and starting to play fetch with her favorite toy ball. At 3 weeks one Sunday afternoon, she walked up my lap to my face and kissed me on the lips and took not one but two naps on my lap! What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment, love and trust! IShe now greets us at the door instead of running away. We are so proud of Izze and fall more in love with her everyday.

It is 3/7/13 Izze has brought us so much joy. She has decided since she is a member of the family now, she insist sitting on the third barstool at the breakfast bar. We just showed her pictures of our new males snowshoe Tucker to join our family later this month. We will update with that introduction later.

3/12/14 Miss Izze has been walking on the counter tops. Dad made a nice big ham sandwich for lunch and while he was busy making his drink, Izze decided that looked like something I would like too. She took a nice piece of ham, jumped on the floor and enjoyed it? Now we need eyes on both sides of our head. Daddy gets up very early for work and now we secure all foods in his lunch box under lock and key :)

3/23/14 Very exciting day at Izze's home! Today is the day we bring home her new kitten brother Tucker! We will be getting on the road in two hours to meet outside Richmond Va. We have Tucker's room setup butI, Izze doesn't seem interested at this point. Foster mom Kathy in N. Carolina has given us great info as though we were right there on Tucker's daily progress. More info on the reunion later. Wish us luck:)

4/1/14. Izze is doing well w/ her new brother Tucker. We introduced them Sunday after a week of isolation. She had this low growl sound every time he came around. Tucker didn't care, he looked at her as though to say "do you have something stuck in your throat". She has even become more lovable and has become more of a lap kitty. They are so cute together.

4/6/14. Izze seems to really enjoy her new brother Tucker. They enjoy chasing each other and playing hide and seek. She also loves that he doesn't eat as much as she so she can finish his wet food which is her favorite. She has learned a lot from Tucker like being more affectionate and crawling up on our lap for pets :)

4/17/14. Izze has turned the corner. We are so proud of her! Her new brother Tucker has really taught her many things. She is giving head butts, tries to crawl up my leg, loves being held. She lets her new brother wash her face and clean her ears. She will sit and cry if she can't find him until he comes to her rescue to make sure she is alright. Love her!!

4/30/14. Izze is doing great. Aunt Siri you wouldn't think I am the same meezer. She is so sweet and such the princess. She loves her brother Tucker. They have their own vocab when they can't find each other. Izze is reaching out with head butts for affection which is new in the last couple weeks. Love our sweet Izze girl😽

5/18/14 Happy First Birthday my beautiful Izze💞 She is so quiet, sweet and chubby! She loooooves to eat anything! We only give her wet/ dry kitty food with only exception is a bite of Dads eggs in the morning. She loves to clean up any remaining wet food her brother Tucker leaves in his bowl. She loves to always be by our side, following us all around the house. Her brother has taught her a lot and they are BEST friends. You have come a long way baby! So happy for u!!

7/20/14. Izze always still continues to amazes us. Her confidence shows more and more. Izze is the queen of this house, just don't let her know it's really meowme! She still has a raging appetite and would eat all day if allowed. Her tutu is a little snug in the hips. I will need to speak to Aunt Siri at kennel duty this weekend about diet:) We are coming up on 6 months she we brought her home. Hard to believe she was quite the project cat. Her little brother has taught her a lot and they are the best of friends..

(Last update: Jul 20th, 2014 2pm)

Dennis the Menace here. Well, foster mom says Im not really a menace just a curious, adventurous young fellow. She says that must be what landed me at the shelter. They said I was a stray she thinks I must have gotten too interested in something and wandered off. I sure was happy to see her and to check out my new digs. Im not feeling quite so adventurous right now, as Ive caught a cold during my travels. Ill be better in no time, though, and ready to explore and play with you. PS: We dont know yet if I really want to live with a dog named Ruff or not. More later on that. Congrats Donna in NC!
Name: Stevie Ray

(FKA Dennis)

ID#: VA2628
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 04/23/04
Adopted: 06/03/04
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Gesa


Notes from Home
Stevie Ray (formerly Dennis) is a gorgeous, happy boy. He grew up with 2 dogs and after they passed away, he and I missed them very much. I adopted a cat (Rosie) for Stevie and later, inherited by Mother's cat, Bootsie. So now Stevie lives with 2 feline sisters. He is a sweet natured, laid back guy--a true joy, with 4 white feet and powder blue eyes. He is very special!
(Last update: Jul 17th, 2014 9pm)

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Name: Myng Su Lee

(FKA Tallulah)

ID#: VA7019
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 06/04/10
Adopted: 07/17/10
Congrats: Caryn
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

Hi, I'm Tallulah!

I'm here with my brother T-Bone and boy are we glad to be out of the woods! Ticks and fleas and dogs oh my! We're getting the royal treatment here in Southern Virginia and the landlady is fattening us up on wonderful vittles. Please ask about us a pair, or, if you have us in mind as a playmate for a kitty you already have..well..that'll work too!

Ta ta for now!.


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Notes from Home
8/13/10 Myng had her follow-up appointment at Vet's today. She traveled very well in the car. She had her Rabies vaccine, and received a very good review with her check up.Plus to offers to take her home. After 31/2 weeks she now weighs 4.16lbs. Her brother is now bigger then her and starting to get back at her. She is the queen of her new home and no one seems to mind being her servant.
7/17/13 Myng is now 3 years old. She is 7.5 lbs. She is beautiful with her long blue and cream fur with a huge tail that stands up and curls forward when she runs. She is very patient with her brother who's a bit of a bully. Don't worry she can hold her own! She is more of a talker then Chang and demands attention but, on her terms only!. She is an amazing jumper and loves to chase her shadow up the wall. Her favorite snack is some fresh catnip leaves.
7/17/14 Today Myng is with us 4 years. She had her check up last month and her claws cut for the first time in a year! She hates having them cut. She has started purring more and licking mom's arm when she's happy. She is much more calm and relaxed and even comes out to visit guests now.

(Last update: Jul 17th, 2014 4pm)

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