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UPDATE: Every one who sees me says that I am too cute for words. Yep, I'm very cute and am developing an absolutely fantastic persoanlity. I LOVE to play with the "big cats" and they are teaching me a lot about play and people. If you have other cats who would like a little brother, be sure to ask about me. Cutie all around, Ben

Baby Ben here to introduce myself. Mama Katie calls me "Baby Ben" because my "real" name is Ben, but she says I'm not big yet. But, I want to be BIG BEN someday just like that BIG clock in London. That big clock ticks and tocks, but I whir and chirp (and meow sometimes, too), but when I get to be BIG BEN, I will meow and meow at you. The big clock had big hands, but I have little paws which are gentle and soft when I play with you. When I get to be BIG BEN, I will still be "soft and gentle" with my "hands".. The big clock marks time by going "bong",, but I mark time by my tummy - it's always accurate as to when meal time is here. When I get to be BIG BEN, I will still mark time by my tummy. BTW, I love to eat. The big clock is dignified, but am very playful, cute as a button and very sweet. I promise when I get to be BIG BEN I will still be very loving and purr in your arms.

I had a bit of a rough start in life as I was born to a feral mom. She got away from our Good Samaritan as did my baby brother. So, it was just me that made it to the shelter. I was so lucky that Andrea (the rescue lady at the shelter) took me home to help me learn that people were OK. Then I went to another shelter foster home and got really well socialized. I run to people now for pets and to be held, cuddled and to sleep in your arms, but it pretty much has to be on my terms. I need to live in a quiet home where there aren't many loud noises (they still scare me) and with people who will understand my early history and the impact it may have on me in my BIG BEN life. But if you will be patient with me, I will be very patient with you. Purrs, headbutts and lots of soft pats on the cheek, BABY BEN

(Must be adtopted within our transport region.)

P.S. Mama Katie says you need to watch my videos because I move so fast that my pictures aren't very well focused, but the videos catch me IN ACTION.
Name:   Ben
ID#: VA8332
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 01/24/12
Adopted: 02/13/12
Congrats: Katie
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
8/15,14 - Ben is such a happy and "big" Ben these days. He loves his sisters, Nasya, Ella, Daffodil and Rose. He and Little Man and working out their new relationship. We were fortunate enough to get some of the "really good catnip mice: in the mail" and boy did Ben love them. He did not want to share. Ben and his daddy, Vic, have a marvelous "tummy rub routine" before they both go to bed. Ben runs down the hall and flops right in front of daddy so he can get a good "belly rub". Then he pops up, runs a few more feet and flops again for another rub. It can get up to four rubs each night and we all have to giggle, he is so darn cute.

2/13/14 Has it really been two years since I started living at Hotel delShue? Time flies when you are growing up with the resident cats and foster cats, too. I love the entertainment and am learning to be a much braver boy. When Mama Katie had the VASR volunteer holiday party here in December, I came out from my hiding spot and interacted with the volunteers. That was a first for me and I even decided that Dr. Pat's daughter, Kiah, was a great person to love on - she gives really good kitty rubs. As Big Ben, I've turned into a very happy, long legged, very handsome boy. My point coloring is still getting darker, so if you like flames, you'd love me. My big brother cat, Joe, is not doing well, so I'm depending on him to help me learn the ropes so I can take over as the "head of the house".. I need to know what all I need to do to keep the girls here happy. I have truly met my original mission in life - going from Baby Ben to Big Ben. Love and purrs, Big Ben

In the year that Ben has been here, he has grown into a very handsome and BIG BEN. He is about two inches taller than our big male, Joe, and his tail is 2 inches longer than any of the other cats in the house. Let's just say that the tiny "Baby Ben" has really grown into an even bigger "Big Ben" than we ever expected. Still very gentle, but more and more social, he is a delight to have around. He was a perfect match for our resident crew. He is a super "greeter" for all the foster cats. He makes sure that every one of the fosters feels "happy and comfortable" in our home. Talking to them through the door of the foster room while they are in isolation is one of his specialties. I haven't quite figured out what all he is telling the "new cats", but he does indeed have a message. They always seem to be happier after they've talked with him, so I guess it's all very reassuring. He loves the kitten fosters and is a great kitten supervisor. Ben is truly a "daddy's boy" and flops on the floor every morning to beg for tummy rubs and ear skritches while daddy does his exercises. His biggest achievement in the past couple months is that he now climbs in bed with the rest of the crew at night for cuddles and some "full bed" sleeping. We love Ben and are SO glad that we adopted him. He fit in perfectly

11/22/12 - When we count the things we are thankful for this year, we certainly include our Ben who has made a marvelous addition to our home and cat family. When we adopted him, he was truly a "Baby Ben", but now he is "Big Ben" and probably bigger than his 12 year old brother, Joe. They get along just fine. In fact, Ben does well with all the resident cats and has taken to being a "daddy cat" for all the foster kittens. He never carrier them in his mouth, but when they go too far from the designated play area, he "herds" them back and keeps them in line. After our Thanksgiving dinner, both Joe and Ben decided that a sit on the couch was in order. I posted a picture of the two of them with one on each end of the couch. Ben is doing his typical "wedgie" pose and Joe is just sitting like a normal cat on the back of the couch.

Six months have passed???? Wow, where did the time go? Talk about a happy cat - Big Ben is such a joy to have added to our "crew". He slipped in so easily and is such a good boy both with the residents and the never ending stream of fosters. Right now he is helping foster, Leo, get over having to wear a cone while his tail finished up healing. The two of them together make quite the "flame pair". We haven't weighed Ben lately, but "oh, my", he is taller than Joe and probably as long and maybe as heavy. This boy LOVES to eat and he has grown and grown and grown and grown. I look at his baby pictures and can't believe it's the same kitten that grew into the BIG cat.

Ben continues to "settle in" and get braver with new people. He is even letting some of the regular volunteers pet him and maybe if they are "really" lucky, he will sit right beside them. His antics and funny sitting positions just make us laugh and laugh. Our favorite is the "tub wedgie". He didn't learn that from any of the other cats - that's a "Benism" from the word go. New pictures of the new big boy to follow soon.

New Pictures posted. Mama Katie seems to think it's OK for me to use her computer today, so I'm here updating myself. If you saw my baby pictures when I was Baby Ben, you'll know that I am now BIG Ben. I have grown a LOT and have turned into BIG BEN in no uncertain terms. Daddy Vic decided to initiate the First Annual Longest Tail Contest at Hotel delShue and guess who won???? It was ME. Ella and Nasya have 9 inch tails, Rose and Daffodil have 10 inch tails, Joe has an 11 inch tail, but MINE is 14 1/2 inches long already and I still have some growing to do. Oh, yes, and about my coloring - no wonder Mama Katie fell so madly in love with me. I'm not really a flame point boy - I fooled her. I've turned out to be a flame point harlequin snowshoe. She says that little secret I kept from her until just a few weeks ago must have been why she thought I was SO very special even from the start. Now we have a slogan - "Halequins Rule" - because Joe, Ella and I are all harlequin snowshoes. Of course there are other cats here, but they are each one of a kind. BUT the harlequins pal around together. I am a very happy boy and learning to not be as afraid of people and things I don't know. Some of the VASR volunteers who come to our house regularly have not only seen me zoom by, but I've even allowed a select couple of them to pet me and play with me. That's really special. Well, gotta run and get into some more mischief - that's what I do best!! Purrs, Ben

(Last update: Aug 15th, 2014 2pm)

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Name:   Sophia
ID#: VA4316
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 07/16/06
Adopted: 08/13/06
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Frani

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I just got here and am I GLAD! My leg was hurt and someone brought me to Angell Medical Center- they really are angels there, as they made me all better. Foster Mom doesn't know me very well yet but she does know that I eat like a teamster, use my box faithfully and so far have not had my fill of being loved on. When she or Foster Dad come into my room, I run up to meet them and greet them with my cute little voice, Foster Mom says I am cute as a button. {blush} She tells me that everything about me is perfect, especially my white toes and regal fluffy tail. Could I be your doll baby kitty? I promise I will love you forever.

Headbuts & kisses,

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Notes from Home
Sophia is an absolute love bug. She loves to snuggle on the couch and at night sleeps with me with her paws curled around my arm and her head in my hand - just in case I should wake up and want to scratch her chin. She loves her comfort and in the morning will sit on the couch waiting for me to pick up the end of the quilt so she can crawl underneath and spend the day snoozing. Sophia loves to eat almost as much as snuggling and is always available to help the other cats clean their plates.
(Last update: Aug 14th, 2014 1pm)

See I told you that I would get some better photos. I didn't make it easy for them though. I LOVE to be loved on so I spent a lot of time headbutting foster mom while foster dad tried to get some pixs of me. It was fun. My former people were moving to another state, couldn't take me and brought me to the shelter. I am so happy that the nice people in the shelter could see I was special so they called foster mom to come meet me. It was love at first sight. Foster mom says I am as sweet as can be and it's all good: food, litter box, loving. If you would are interested in a long term relationship, please write and we will get right back to you!!
xox, Sasha

Name: Mao

(FKA Sasha)

ID#: VA4301
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/12/06
Adopted: 08/13/06
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Frani


Notes from Home
Mao is a joy. Too smart for her own good she can open any door or cabinet in my house. She is always with me and has to have her own napping pad in my sewing room so she can help me quilt. She is fascinated by big trucks and buses and goes running to the window when one passes by the house. I just moved to a quiet cul de sac so Mao won't be able to watch the trucks but they are building a new house almost next door so for now she's happily watching all the construction vehicles. She is still the staunch protector of her sister, Sophia, and will come running if she hears Sophia complaining. Sophia is quite the drama queen when she has her nails trimmed and Mao always come running to make sure that Sophia is ok. I couldn't imagine life without my three beautiful Siamese girls.
(Last update: Aug 14th, 2014 12pm)

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Name: Olive

(FKA Jena)

ID#: VA7061
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 06/13/10
Adopted: 08/14/10
Deceased: 01/01/17
Congrats: Megan
Foster: Vangie

I had a home for quite some time but then my owner went away to college and his father didn't want me around. So, I would up in a shelter for a couple of days until I was taken out of there by a rescue angel.

When I got to a new place I couldn't believe what happened to me. They gave me a bath, trimed my nails, etc and called this a spa experience. Some experience.

So I showed them. When I got put in my room I hid under the bed for a day. I wouldn't come out to let them pet and love on me. Ha, I showed them!!

But wait a minute, this isn't what I want. I want to be petted and scritched and loved on. So, I swallowed my pride and came out from under the bed. This is much better. Now I can get pets and skritches. Boy, do I like this.

I'm a little overweight but do have perfect litter box habits. If you would like a lot to love, ask about me.



No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We love Olive so much!! She talks a little more now than when we first got her, but still not as much as we'd like--she has an adorable low-pitched croak instead of the usual meezer sound--so cute! She has claimed one of the chairs in the living room as her own, but also loves the bed her foster meowmy and paw sent with her, and is starting to spend more and more time on the couch or bed with us. Unless she's really asleep, she follows us around the apartment from room to room, plopping herself on the floor a few feet from where we're standing and then jumping up and following us to a new spot. We recently learned that Olive knows how to play fetch, but we have to wait for her to bring us her pom pom--if we try to get her to play when she doesn't want to, she just watches us throw the toy and then looks at us like we're crazy. She's also a sock-stealer, dragging them out of our laundry hamper and spreading them out over her food dish, then sticking her nose underneath the sock to eat. We're so happy we get to be Olive's parents!

8/14/14: Olive has a new baby sister! Kate joined the family on July 6th. Olive spent the first couple weeks keeping her distance, but now she likes to snuggle up with the baby, and sometimes gives her head kisses. We'll see if Olive still likes her when she's mobile but for now they're good friends.

(Last update: Aug 14th, 2014 7am)

Lost my home, I've lived with other cats, kids and people of all sorts and am as flexible and as easy going as they come. I love to follow you everywhere and talk to you, be involved and in general be your side by side companion. I've struggled a little with my weight and some diabetic issues, so stay tuned as I work those out!
Name:   Thai
ID#: VA10067
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 06/07/14
Adopted: 07/13/14
Deceased: 06/06/17
Congrats: Rebecca
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
7/27 - Thai is adapting very well to his new forever home. He is gaining more and more confidence each day. He is such a sweet, loving boy.

8/13 - Thai is definitely more at home. He plays with his new older sister Lucy (a blue point), cuddles, talks to everyone, and loves to chase his tail. His health is doing great, he had his insulin changed and is adjusting very well. The vet believes about 11 pounds is a good weight which is good because he loves his food. He is funny because he scoops his dry food out of the bowl, one piece at a time and then eats it. He is so loved in this house, I think even Lucy (who is the queen) doesn't mind having him around .

(Last update: Aug 13th, 2014 8pm)

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Name:   Baby Boy
ID#: VA9823
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/19/14
Adopted: 02/08/14
Deceased: 02/11/15
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Bonnie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I was momma's Baby Boy. Yes, indeed, I was momma's boy.

I had a dream, I met a nice lady who knew how to hold old boys and settle them comfortably in her arms. She was warm and soft and cooing into my ears. She let me head butt her chin, she didn't even mind when I tried crawling into her ears. She knows the joys of the loving, old soul kitties. And there was a big brother cat to snuggle with the dad. A perfect dream, a cat for every lap.

Here at my foster home, I met the resident young boy cat and he was ok. The big, chubby girl, she was bossy, so I just went away.

If you ever had a grand old boy and would like to help me enjoy the rest of my life, please ask about me and foster mom will tell you how we're doing.

Please note; Baby Boy would like to stay within a short transport zone.

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Notes from Home
BB has been with us 6 whole months already and continues to do well against bad odds that the doctors gave him. He has truly proven what a little fighter he is(in a good way) because of how hard it is to get him to swallow his meds. every day and evening. In case anyone ever needs to get a bitter pill down the mouth of a cat, acquireing empty gelatin capsules to put the broken down pills inside, are the way to go. Even though you would think he'd hold a grudge toward me for all meds. I have to force down him, he continues to be a love bug in spite of it all.

I wish I had known him as a kitten. His given name "Baby Boy" is an appropriate one because of the way he immediately drapes himself up on my shoulder, the way you hold a baby. He loves to cuddle.

BB is doing just fine. We hope and pray he will be with us for a good, long time.

(Last update: Aug 11th, 2014 3pm)

Hi there, my name is Valentina. I'm a very shy little girl, so I'm going to need a super patient adopter willing to give me lots of time and love. For now I prefer to love you from afar, unless you'd like to crawl under the bed and have a cuddle session. I guess that would be okay. I do like other kitties though, so if you're looking for a girlfriend for your OTHER furry loves - it could be me!
Name:   Valentina
ID#: VA9855
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/14/14
Adopted: 03/29/14
Congrats: David
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
We just upgraded to a huge apartment on the top floor of our building sues loves sunning from the uninstructed windows. Valentina is now sleeping on the foot of the bed and life is good for the family things just keep getting better and for those of you who knew my surgery went amazingly and I couldn't be doing better god is good!!!!!
(Last update: Aug 11th, 2014 12am)

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Name: Bella

(FKA Venus)

ID#: VA8681
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 2 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 07/22/12
Adopted: 08/03/12
Deceased: 08/07/14
Congrats: Melanie
Foster: Heida

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Tossed off a 7th floor balcony, I survived with minor injuries, but used up one of my nine lives. I intend to spent the remaining 8 playing and bossing everyone around !
I need a kitty playmate who likes to romp but also understands I will be queen and my rules run the universe !

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Notes from Home
"The cat who was formerly known as Venus" is now named Bella. We tried calling her Saffy (Saffron), Juniper, and Stellaluna, but none fit. My brain kept calling her Bella, so when my mom texted from thousands of miles away with the name Bella as a suggestion, I took it as a sign Bella she is, and Bella she answers to.
She is the sweetest, loudest purring, most playful kitten ever! She needs a playmate, so we are checking the new arrivals daily.

April 4, 2014
My sweet Bella is not doing so well. Many months ago she was diagnosed with non-regenerative anemia- and miraculously (really, miraculously, without explantation) recovered. She seemed well for a little while and now is quite ill. My poor fur-baby has liver disease with biliary duct involvement. She eats like a horse but has lost so much weight that she is basically skin and bones. Her ears are yellow, her claws are yellow, the soft tissue around her eyes and teeth is yellow. It is painful to watch, but it helps that I know that she is not in pain herself as of now. Her bloodwork at the vet showed exactly what I expected it to- and the vet herself agreed with my thoughts about Bella's health. She may live a few months or perhaps a year, but certainly doesn't have a long life to look forward to. This is heartbreaking. I've been in regular contact with Heida throughout all of this and her support and friendship is invaluable to me. My sweet girl is affectionate as ever, despite having almost no energy. Just thought you all would like to know what's happening sooner rather than later.

August 7, 2014
Tonight we said goodbye to sweet Bella Rose. It will take some time to re-learn what our home is like without her. Goodnight, dearest Bella. I love you fur baby.

(Last update: Aug 10th, 2014 4pm)

I am extremely Siamese in purrsonality - very involved, very loving, very friendly, very outgoing. That's what you're on this site for, right? Sure, I look a bit swirly but you aren't going to beat the outgoing ambassador type cat in me. I love to have a good time, I love to snuggle. I love to talk, I love to follow you around. And my habits are lovely too :)
Name: Remolina (Remi)

(FKA Tresa)

ID#: VA9218
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Other
DateIn: 04/30/13
Adopted: 08/03/13
Congrats: Amanda
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
After a month, Remi (formerly Tresa but renamed Remolina (Spanish for swirls) for her distinctive marbling) is settling in to her new home very well. She's been comfortable and active since her first moments through the door.

During the first two weeks she was very attached to Craig and was a little icy toward me, but Craig is very charming so who could blame her? At the end of week three she started coming to me for attention, and now we are well on our way to becoming friends.

Remi is incredibly snuggly and sweet. She likes to give face kisses and enjoys playing with my hair, but she is also sure of herself and knows when she's done cuddling. She's a confident, no-nonsense kind of girl, and I dig that.

Our apartment has many ledges along the walls, and some half-walls that she can easily jump to, which means she can be part of our daily life all the time. When we cook dinner she sits along the half-wall ledge and observes us, mewing occasionally for a pat on the head. She enjoys when we have company over, and has claimed a cozy wicker chair next to the bookshelf as her own. When we lose sight of her she is always nestled up inside a window, and sometimes she even alerts us when she sees something outside she sees as threatening.

We noticed she was starting to chill out under the bed a lot and I figured she needed a space to call her own where she wasn't always on display, so we bought her a privacy bed this weekend and she's all about it.

Things are going really well so far, and I can tell she's beginning to realize this is her new home. She's starting to treat us like her people and we're happy about that.
Remi has been living here for about 6 months now, and what a great addition to the home she has been. She is a little sweetheart who always is making us laugh and smile. She patiently waits for us to return home from work during the week, often jumping up with excitement in the window upon seeing us. She is very playful and loves to interact with us with her toys. At night, she curls up right on the bed and always likes to be close by wherever we may be in the home. At this point, she is extremely comfortable at our home and very trusting with us. We look forward to continue to grow together in the coming year.
I cannot believe we have been living with Remi for an entire year already, it seems like yesterday that we got her. She has been a wonderful housemate and cat. She is healthy and has a great appetite. Extremely playful and chatty, her favorite pastime is following me around the house and meowing about happily. Her favorite spots in the house are in windows, checking out the birds and rabbits that run wild around outside, or on the back of the couch, taking in some TV with us. I don't think I could have asked for a better cat to keep us company!

(Last update: Aug 4th, 2014 7pm)

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Name: orchid

(FKA Minx)

ID#: VA10095
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/21/14
Adopted: 07/04/14
Congrats: Scott
Foster: Siri

www.urbandictionary.com/defineMinx: An alluring, cunning, or boldly flirtatious girl. Has unusual seductive powers.....
(dog inexperienced)

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Notes from Home
Aug 4, 2014 - Orchid is doing better each day. She is 6.4 pounds today, and is getting longer.

She is eating very well and her coat is starting to return to normal softness. We add a tiny bit of Vit E drops to her food, along with some probiotics, which is working very well to restore her coat and digestive system. We also brush her daily, which she loves.

She's getting along with the other siamese cat better too. They can get close, pass each other in the hallway without a fuss now. They have been sleeping on the couch together, about 2' apart. I haven't seen them eating together yet, but these things take time. Orchid is trying to play with the other cat, but she's not returning the favors yet. She is still very quiet, but once in a while we hear her meow for no apparent reason.

She will climb up into my lap and sleep on me for long periods of time in the mornings, and try and lick my face. We put up two window seats, and she loves to look out the window at the deers in the yard.

That's about all the news from here. Still enjoying being with her.

Scott & Meta

(Last update: Aug 4th, 2014 6am)

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