Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 9:02:02am |
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Name: Samson
ID#: VA12756
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/19/18
Adopted: 09/08/18
Congrats: Nicolette
Foster: Kay
Will get checked out by vet in a few days. Blood work all good. Have a very low grade heart murmur but should not be a problem. Will see how I do with other cats and dogs in the new few days.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
28 September, 2018
Sam has already made himself an important member of the family and is never too far away. He will meow to no end if I'm late for our night time snuggles. Love you to the moon Sam I Am.
14 September, 2018
Sam, or SamSam as we tend to call him, has integrated into our family better than we ever could have hoped for AND in record time. He gets along so well with our dog and their calm demeanor matches each other perfectly. They may not be snuggle buddies yet, although they choose napping spots nearby during the day!
Sam is affectionate and social. He likes to in the midst of the family action often. When we let him into our bedroom at night, he wants to sleep under the covers by our feet! If I wasn't afraid he would get kicked or sat on, I would let him because he just sits down there and purrs incessantly.
For a 12 year old cat, I'm surprised by how much he loves the attention from our daughters - even the youngest who isn't as gentle in her approach. He is very loved!
(Last update: Sep 28th, 2018 2pm)
You know how they say "just a little bit of trivia"? So foster mom got the crazy idea to call me Trivia instead of little bit. Very strange lady. Anyway I really am tiny, only a pound, so I will have to hang here for a long time before I can go home. I am a bit shy at first, but I think I am worth the work to get to know me. A play buddy sure would be nice.
Name: Willow
(FKA Trivia)
ID#: VA12680
Location: North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/01/18
Adopted: 09/23/18
Congrats: Vanessa
Foster: Nancy
Notes from Home
we have welcomed Willow Formerely known as Trivia
Update: willow will now be known as Mitsubishi "Mitzy " for nickname in the interest of marital blise
(Last update: Sep 27th, 2018 4pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Obi
(FKA Benjamin)
ID#: VA12198
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 07/30/17
Adopted: 09/30/17
Congrats: Angela
Foster: Nancy
Not with kids under 5
Momma says I'm a VERY special little boy!
I'm a miracle and a mystery. I survived an illness and I'm doing great right now.
I do have some neurological issues that make me wobble and be uncoordinated,
but I run and play and dash up the stairs in a flash. No adopters that are unsteady
on their feet, cuz sometimes I run and bump into things, (like momma's feet and legs.)
We aren't sure what my future holds. I may be just fine, or may have further issues later
on. You have to be prepared to deal with whatever comes and make sure you can give me
the care I may need.
Right now I'm a happy, lovable, cuddly and energetic baby boy and I may have a normal life.
If you can deal with the uncertainty and just love me for what I am ask about me and momma
will fill you in on the details.
NO children, though mature teenagers may be ok.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
10/3 Day 3 of Benjamin joining our family: So far, so good! We brought him home this past Saturday, and we kept him upstairs for the evening, gated off from downstairs to allow for space for him and our existing cat, Minerva. He hissed a little at her at the gate, she just showed interest. Our 19-year-old daughter's room is upstairs, and he slept with her. Sunday, bright and early, he was wanting to explore downstairs; since we were all home, we took down the gate and let him down. By Sunday afternoon, he was making himself comfortable on the kitty condos around the downstairs, checking out every nook and cranny.
As of today, he and MInerva share space together no problem. He hissed at her for about 24 hours, and when he realized she didn't react to it (nor did she show aggression toward him), he stopped. They're still studying each other and are unsure of playing together, though they will play with us at the same time. One has pounced the other on several occasions, and they're still not sure what to do with that LOL! So, I'm sure they'll do fine! :-)
He eats VERY well... uses the litter box just fine... and is a bundle of energy. Saturday and Sunday his poo was normal, yesterday it was a bit soft; Minerva had her vet wellness visit this morning and I brought it up to the vet, though I'm feeling like it's a good part his big adjustment to his new home. We're just watching it, and he has a wellness visit with our vet Thursday morning, anyway.
He's a joy, and every inch a playful kitten! Love him running, playing, jumping nonstop and then suddenly (as kittens and puppies do), he just passes out for a kitty nap!
Nancy has done a FINE job with him; we're SO thankful! Will post more as we go.
P.S. I forgot to add... we've changed his name; it's a long story, but the name "Obi" (as in Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars) is what came to us to call him. He's already answering to that as readily as Benjamin. AND... I didn't even remember until after we'd conferred about it in the family that Obi-Wan's first name was actually Ben... so it melds perfectly for our little Jedi kitten!
10/8 Obi's been with us for a week already... and yet it feels like so much longer! :-) He's assimilating SO well; by the latter part of the week, he was playing chase and pounce with our other cat, Minerva. Yay! He did so well that we decided to follow through on a set of weekend plans we'd previously had to go see our older daughter, away at college in the NC mountains, and had our favorite sitter come and stay with them. They did great! Yes, occasionally one irritates the other, but it's only for but a second, and they either a) take a break, or b) take a breath and continue on. They're not sleeping together yet, but I'm sure that will come at some point. We stopped using the gate at night to keep him upstairs Thursday night (which was perfect timing, since our younger daughter was coming with us for the weekend visit), and all has been going really well.
When we came home lunchtime today, he greeted us similarly to Minerva, and picked up just as if we'd never left!
Good news, too, that his poo seems to be solidifying again! Yay! Our vet gave us some Chinese herbs to give him along with the probiotics to optimize his digestive system.
10/17 Obi's doing great! It seems this past weekend, at the 2 week mark, he finally "got" our schedules down... and he and Minerva are getting more and more in synch as to their preferred play times.
They play chase/capture/tag back and forth several times daily, and we've made little tunnels out of brown packing paper (seriously, they got into a pile and were playing in it for a few days before we started making tunnels for them). We've designed several playtimes daily with both of them. And, of course, Obi loves snuggling/bedtime (when he finally settles down for the night LOL)!
He's eating voraciously and growing quickly; we can already see he's grown a bit since coming to us just two weeks ago!
P.S. Here's a short video of Obi playing this morning... https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipOwfPcy3Wr8R_XKUnGha3pn0unFShs68qb4sDWH
10/26/17 Just short of 4 weeks now. Obi's growing quickly... submitting new pictures today! :-)
He's settling into the life in the Coulter household now. He and MInerva have several "play times" daily where they run around the house chasing each other and wrestling around. The one thing we've been waiting for is for them to clean and/or snuggle each other... Minerva isn't naturally a "cleaner"... when we had our cat Merlin, he used to clean her all the time, and she would only lick back occasionally. Pretty often now,, he'll walk up to her, and they'll stand nose to nose, sniffing each other... and it looks like he's waiting for her to lick him. Last night - of course my phone was plugged in in the other room charging LOL - they were wrestling, and then it toned down significantly. then Obi held her down and started licking her! LOL! She didn't fight him or anything, maybe licked him once... which is great progress for her!
Obi's been sleeping with us nightly for part of the night (he and MInerva like to play in the middle of the night sometimes). However, we noticed that since he's been here, Minerva hadn't ventured much to our bedroom and has instead slept with our 19-year-old daughter (once he started sleeping down stairs and with us). Last night, after their experience, she came in, they slept next to each other for part of the night, and were both on the bed together for most of the night. Yay!
The Chinese herbs and probiotics seem to be helping his digestive system; he has a day here and there where his stool will soften up again, but it's usually back to normal quickly. And, he's proven to be quite interested in "regular food"... loves small amounts of scrambled eggs, tuna, fish, roasted chicken, etc. Of course, we're very conscious of what we feed him. At some point, after he's full grown, we'll be interspersing more "real food" into his diet for optimal health.
We LOVE him... such funny and such a doll, with quite a personality! Thank you!
Friday, 11/10/17 - Obi's doing great! He's getting so big! We had a week in there where he wasn't eating as much as usual, and took him to the vet to have a lookover... he's fine, it was just his adult molars pushing through at different paces. Funny enough... the day we took him in, he suddenly got his appetite back again! The best news we got at the vet was that in the 1 month since he'd been to the vet, he'd gained more than 1 pound, so he's more than 7 pounds now, big boy!
More pictures to come...
Friday, 12/1/17: Can't believe it's already been two months since Ob'is joined us... at the same time, it feels like he's been with us forever! He's growing quickly and has quite a personality (and quite an appetite!). He and Minerva have bonded well - they will even lay together and clean each other.
He's gotten through the teething of his molars, and our oldest daughter coming home from college over Thanksgiving with her two kittens, who are the same age as Obi. The first day, he would run away if anyone hissed. The second day, it was like her realized, "Hey, wait... this is MY house..." and all was good. By the third day, they were playing together when intermingled. :-)
He's such a love bug; we're so thankful for the care he received up until we brought him home; it's obviously given him a great foundation for growth and love.
Saturday, 12/30/17
Today it's been 3 months since Obi joined us. He's such a big boy... and such a pleasure, with so much personality! He and MInerva are quite the pair, play together and sometimes sleep together. He's done great this week while our oldest daughter's kittens have been staying here for the holidays.
He's quite sturdy, doing very well health wise; he's already about the same size as Minerva, at 8.5 months. A great eater... and quite a snuggler.
Thank you for our boy! So glad he's flourishing with us!
Tuesday, 1/30/18: Four months ago today since we brought our baby boy home... and it seems like eons! He's such a fun cat; he did very well and grew quite attached to my older daughter's kittens (they're the same age as Obi) when they came to visit for two weeks over the holidays. One in particular was quite the playmate for him; he sulked a little after they left, but found his tempo again with Minerva rather quickly.
He's definitely got that Siamese intelligence and expression in him. Though his meow isn't "normal" - most likely due to the wobbly cat (Minerva, who has a more moderate case than Obi, has a completely silent meow) - he has developed his own adorable language of squeaks and chirps, and he makes himself known! I think it's actually more challenging to resist his charms with that squeakedly-squeak, chirping language he's developed! Often, in the middle of the day, if Minerva is sleeping and Obi just MUST have some play time, he'll come into my office and start rubbing on my legs with that talking... and if I don't respond to that, he'll pounce my foot until I stop for a few moments and play pounce with him. He will also drag his favorite toys to the room where HE wants to play with them. Smart bugger!
And... he's still great to cuddle us at night... at other times, he's often sleeping next to Minerva, too.
So, at almost ten months, everything feels great. He's turning into quite the "normal" kitty!
Thursday, 4/5/18: We've now had him for 6 months, and he's all grown up (of course, stsill with a playful, kitten-like demeanor!)...
He's such a treat; quite a personality, and he and Minerva are quite the pair! He also loves my oldest daughter's two boy kitties, who are both the same age, when they come to visit. Additional playmates for them, and after the first 24 hours, he's great with it! (He even gets sad and a little mopey when they go back to college with her).
As all Siamese I've had the pleasure of knowing, he's developed his very specific way of communicating with us... one of the many: When he feels like i've spend enough time on the computer (since I work at home and a lot of my clients are via Skype/phone), he will come in and pounce my feet until I get up and play with him! LOL! Not rough... "just enough" to make sure I pay attention to him!
He's quite curious... LOVES cardboard boxes and bags (as does Minerva), and loves digging into anything that crinkles. And he LOVES catnip! He'll even roll around with the plastic jar of catnip, trying to get it open!
It turns out his wobbly cat syndrome (CH) is quite a bit more mild than Minerva's; he only has a minor wobble, which most shows up when he gets excited and is galloping (the truly gallops) around the house in play... his hind feet will get out of synch with his front feet... but he just keeps on movinig anyway! i've worked with him on the balance on his back legs by letting a treat hang off the edge of one of the bathroom counters, which is the perfect height for him to stand on his hind legs, reach his paw up, and scoop his paw up to the counter to knock off the treat. That's actually helped his hind leg stability a lot (and it's great motivation for him!).
Otherwise... he's a quirky, playful, loving, healthy boy. Thank all of you so much!
Thursday, September 27, 2018: I wanted to put a note in here since I won't be available on Sunday... but Sunday, it will be 1 year since we met with Nancy and picked up our baby boy! Can't believe it's already a year-and-a-half years old... muscular, active, playful, loving. Our oldest daughter has moved back in with us for a year or two and brought her two furry boys with her, who are both about the same age as Obi... so he has Minerva AND Dorian and Nikolai as playmates now... quite the grouping, the four of them zoom about the house together in play daily.
He's such a sweet, quirky boy! His health has overall been great; discovered around 6 months ago that he has a mild allergy to chicken-based cat food (no matter how high end), as we had the soft poop thing for a bit again. Shifted his diet, and he's been absolutely fine. Healthy, healthy, healthy!
His way of greeting us (and others) is to walk up to you, plop down on his side, and do what we call his "comma stretch, so you'll scratch his belly. We think it was because of his mild balance issues with the CH when he was a kitten that turned into a habit, because when he plops down, he doesn't have to balance while stretching AND he almost ALWAYS gets belly rubs!
He's also VERY smart and communicative, and definitely is clear with you when he wants something... and what it is, whether it's play, treats, or something else!
It turns out his CH is mild, and we've worked with his hind leg balance since he was little by putting a treat on the edge of the bathroom counter (it's low enough - though we started with the coffee table in the living room) so he reaches up on his hind legs and grabs it with his paw. That's helped a lot... and he loves his treats! When watching him play tag through the house with the other kitties, he keeps up quite well (and I think Minerva - who is more moderate CH - has improved her balance and speed in playing with him).
Thanks again. Love our boy!
(Last update: Sep 27th, 2018 10am)
Playful, chirpy and happy! Yep, that's me Tonka...I have nothing to do with that big yellow truck that you grew up with.....I am just an easy going, playful guy right out of the box, or more correct, out of the carrier. I was surrendered to the shelter by my owner (no fault of mine) when new rules were applied to where I live so I am looking to pull my carrier up for a new place.
Chirps & Murps,
Name: Tonka
ID#: VA10240
Location: Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/17/14
Adopted: 09/13/14
Congrats: Robert
Foster: Jennifer
Foster Notes for Tonka [VA10240] |
Tonka has lived in a multi cat household and with a proper introduction, he should fit in most homes without a hitch. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Wow, what a confident, well adjusted cat! The contrast between Tonka who was a relinquished pet, and Mumbai who came from a hoarder situation, is obvious. Tonka is doing great. He's very gentile, having put up with some rude behavior from Mumbai without responding. He's also very affectionate and large. When he lays on my lap, he hangs off both sides.
9/29/14 Tonka and Mumbai had their first visit to the local Vet today. Both are in good health and maintaining their weight, although Tonka may have lost a little bit.
12/19 Tonka has been here for 3 months now. What can I say except he is doing great! Smart and affectionate, a typical Siamese. Loves to head butt, but fortunately saves that for his human friends. I think he'd knock Mumbai out if he did it to her. He seems very content in his new home and I'm lucky to have him!
3/13/15 Tonka is doing good. It took a little while to reach an agreement on our morning routine and when he would be fed, but we worked it out 😉. He's a beautiful guy but he's got some strange little quirks about him. He has a little catnip beaver toy that he plays with occasionally but not not all the time. However I almost always find it in the bed and even under the covers when I wake up in the morning. He also doesn't like the door to the basement or the garage being closed and often insists I open them. He still likes to head butt and get some lap time, and gets along well with Mumbai.
9/12/15. Tomorrow is Tonka's one year anniversary. I'm writing this from a parking lot in New Castle, De where I'm waiting for some cats to arrive from Virginia. I'll be driving them to Cranbury, New Jersey as part of the Meezer express. I can't think of a better way to thank the people who helped get Tonka to his forever home than by helping other cats get to their homes. Tonka is doing very well and is quite a character. Thank you to all who helped put us together. Forgot to mention Tonka went to the vet with Mumbai last week and is in fine health. I warned the vet he doesn't like his nails cut and sure enough I could hear him from the other room. Asked the vet how they did and her response was "I've had worse" 😖
9/13/16 Tonka has his annual check-up last week and is in fine shape. We now see the same vet each time his nails are trimmed because she has had good success with him. He remains a character and can act pretty silly at times.
9/13/17 Tonka is doing great! He is still one of the biggest Siamese I've ever seen and he remains "headstrong" both figuratively and literally. He's still king of the head butts.
9/13/18 Tonka’s doing fine. He’s more of a lap cat than ever, but still playful and fond of banging his head into mine 😸
(Last update: Sep 23rd, 2018 2pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: LeeLoo
(FKA Jolene)
ID#: VA11889
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 12/30/16
Adopted: 02/18/17
Congrats: Kathryn
Foster: Jeanne
Not with kids under 5
Hi there,
I'm settling in now, but I still feel very skittish around people. I'm starting to trust Meowmy cause she gives me tasty food but I think I need some more time to get braver. I'm doing ok with a sight impaired kitty here because she doesn't bother me, but I'm not sure about the others yet.
I want to be friends, but I'm just not sure yet. Meowmy said patience is the key with me. Maybe she's right.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Leeloo has made huge strides! She doesn't cower when we open up her tent and greedily comes out for her food. Both Will and I have gotten her to come out completely from under cover for pets and she's not racing back to "safety." We've gotten her to play with string and stick toys while under the bench. Our goal for next week is to get her to play in the open.
We've started introducing her scent to the other cats and may introduce them next week if Leeloo continues to progress. Our hope is that she'll see how they interact with us and be less afraid. Our cat Noodle is a big cuddle bug and if they get comfortable around each other, he might be able to help her feel more safe. We won't try to move too fast if we see that anyone is scared.
Leeloo is still eating well and using her litter box.
3/6/17 - Leeloo is still hiding in her tent area, but we've removed the curtains now so that she's not hidden. She's still coming out for pets and food, but will not come out to play yet. We've started to introduce the other cats in the hopes that she would be more comfortable, no hissing or growling from either side. We are now leaving the bedroom door open, but our cats don't go in there unless we're in there and they watch Leeloo from a far. Leeloo does not shy away from the other cats, but she does watch them. Her eating is not hampered by the fact that there are other cats in the room. At night when she thinks we're asleep, we can hear her scratching on the cat tree and exploring the room. We spend as much time with her as possible so that she gets used to us being around and our noise.
3/13/17 - We had to close the master bedroom door as Leeloo was becoming aggressive to the other cats. She would charge and nip at them to scare them away. We know it's just from fear, but we don't want it to get out of hand. We also had to put the curtains back up, I think it may have been too much too fast. However, Leeloo was waiting in the middle of the master bedroom for her dinner tonight. We no longer have to entice her out of hiding for food. She is still very skittish, but she's opening up to us. We just picked her up a millie bed from the White Marsh Cat Show and she loves it. We need to clip her nails, but we're worried about the set back. Hopefully she'll forgive us some day 😳 She still won't come out to play, but maybe we just haven't found the right toy yet.
4/9/17 - It's been about 2 months now and Leeloo has made such HUGE strides. She is now excited to see Will, the Food Bringer, and will race up to him chirping for pets or food. She explores the house freely and has found the Catio (screened in deck). She frequently seeks out the Catio, but does not seem to relax out there yet. She and the other cats don't get along yet, but there have not been any major issues. Leeloo is very protective of her safe space, the master bedroom, and frequently chases the other cats out. Leeloo comes downstairs for dinner and swarms around with the other cats, no hissing at dinner time. She is becoming more comfortable playing and seems to enjoy rope toys. We have a toy box in her bedroom and every day she's taken something new out. She completely shredded a rafia ball and now there are orange bits of paper all over the room :-) She will come up into the bed for some pets, but doesn't stay long. Leeloo is still very nervous with people walking around her, even Food Bringer, but I'm hopeful that she'll get used to us soon!
10/1/17 - Leeloo has come so far in the past few months. She's out and about, comes around some times for some loving. She's always there for dinner and sings until we put it down. She loves our catio and spends most of her day out there. She loves to be brushed and to play. She probably won't ever be a lap cat, but I think she loves us.
9/23/2018 - Leeloo is becoming friendlier and more social every day. She loves her people and is completely comfortable. I never thought that she would be this comfortable, or settle into laps, but she crawled into my lap on her own this morning.
(Last update: Sep 23rd, 2018 10am)
A sweet older gal who has been with her buddy, Blue, since he was a kitten. Good natured and outgoing. Would be best as your only cats.
Name: Callie
ID#: VA12434
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Calico
DateIn: 12/10/17
Adopted: 01/06/18
Congrats: Kira
Foster: Kay
Notes from Home
Blue and Callie have had such a great first day, I can hardly believe it. I am so grateful to everyone who has made it possible for them to join our family!
Miss Callie weighed in at an even 16 pounds today, down from almost 19! She credits healthy eating and taking the stairs at work. At least someone around here is keeping their New Year resolutions.
Miss Callie went in for a weight check today, and she has lost another 6.5 ounces. Good girl!
Our old girl seems younger every day! I do not know how much weight she has lost, but she is now living life like a healthy cat. She goes up and down stairs all day long like it’s no big deal and is even jumping up on tabletops.
(Last update: Sep 21st, 2018 12pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Emerald
ID#: VA10971
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/06/15
Adopted: 10/25/15
Congrats: Kristen
Foster: Michelle
Foster Notes for Emerald [VA10971] |
She's a bit of a talker :) |
Foster Notes
Is anyone out there?
I've been at my foster meowmy's house for 5 weeks!! That's a really long time to be waiting for my forever family. I love my foster meowmy and all, but it's time for me to go home. Maybe you're the one!
In case you haven't heard.....
I am a very sweet and social girl. I am affectionate and just love attention. I like to talk sometimes. But playing is my absolute favorite thing to do. I love to play and can be a bit of a crazy kitten at times. Because of this, I will need a (male) kitten or young cat as a playmate.
If you are looking for a sweet and fun kitten, then I'm your girl. So ask about me!
Check out my new videos!!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Emerald is loving her new home and new friends, Zeus and Simchah. She is the baby around here and would love it if someone would carry her around all day long or rock her. She still comes running when we call "where's the baby?" She had a bout of Giardia, but the last test came back negative, so hopefully we are done with that. She loves story time and bedtime with the twins. When it's storytime, she runs in the room curls up in the lap of whoever is reading aloud in the rocking chair (so she can see the pictures of course!) and listens to the story. Then when it's over she runs off to play with Zeus until she wears herself out and I tuck her into her cat bed at the foot of Mary's bed. It's like having a toddler all over again! The amazing Squirrel Tail still inspires awe. The twins love to put on kitty shows staring Emerald as she chases her toys and jumps over things. She has become even more of a talker. Such a sweet girl. I still can't believe no one snatched her up, but I'm glad they didn't because she is our baby.
Emerald moved with her family to Canada. We are all enjoying Toronto and Emerald is making friends with our new collie puppy Skye. So far it is mostly pawsies and chase with Emerald chasing Skye. Zeus is still her best buddy though. She is taking over being the boss of the house from Simchah and loves to sleep with Mary in her loft bed.
(Last update: Sep 19th, 2018 1pm)
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