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Hi, I am the smallest of the purring trio. More to come about me.
Name: Maneki Neko

(FKA Quentin)

ID#: VA4380
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 08/06/06
Adopted: 09/03/06
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Jane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
September 3, 2014 - I can't believe it has been 8 years! I'm still living in Utah. In October of 2012 I lost one of my big sisters to lymphoma, but I still have my other sister Pixel the tabby. Then in November 2012 mom and dad brought home the strangest hairless kitty ever! Not a Siamese, in fact not even a feline, but a human baby! Not only did I not bat an eye, I soon became Milli's best friend. Her first word was "Kitty", and now at almost two years old she calls me "Neko Man". Mom and dad are really good about protecting my space from a grabby toddler, but no matter what, I have proven to be a gentle and sweet friend over and over again.

More recently I have been a little bit naughty, stealing a few bites of Pixel's food. Mom and dad noticed that Pixel was getting a little thinner and I was, well, a little thicker. So they separated us at mealtime. I'm a little bummed out, but both of us are much healthier now.

Mom and dad always say I am still their sweet baby and they can't imagine a nicer, cooler cat than me. They even say that having had a human baby! Check out my latest pictures.

September 4, 2010 - I'm a big kitty now! Last year we moved from Maryland to the mountains of Utah. Jen and Jonathan enlisted extra hands to drive me and my sisters across the country and as usual, I did great the whole trip. We've been here a year now and our house has more running space for me. I think I get along even better with my sisters because of that.

I spend my days with Jonathan who works from home - in fact I get lonely if they leave me for two hours because I am so spoiled with attention.

When I was one I had to get most of my teeth pulled - silly Siamese trait (bad gums). Although I have one fang it hasn't stopped me from attempting to eat EVERYTHING that is left for more than 30 seconds. Jonathan and Jen can't leave food unattended. Other than that they are constantly picking me up and telling me what a sweet kitty I am. In four years with them I have never once hissed or growled at anyone (even when my sister Pogo growls at me sometimes). I'm a happy-go-lucky kitty who is loved by my people.

(Last update: Sep 3rd, 2014 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Gisele
ID#: VA9932
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/27/14
Adopted: 08/16/14
Congrats: Lynda
Foster: Jeannie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I'm a really nice cat, according to foster meowmy. I'm very friendly and if you sit next to me, I'll purr. You won't even have to pet me!

I'm looking for a home of my own, preferably with lots of nice windows and sills I can sit on. I'm not super vocal, but I did show off my prowess on the way to the vet! If you'd like updates on my progress, send an email!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Gisele is doing well and starting to feel comfortable and is a wonderful addition to my family. She is starting to purr and show more of her personality each day. She has started venturing out of the bedroom and will come and do a drive by style visit in the family room in the evenings. She now gets up on the bed first thing in the morning for attention and again when I am going to bed. She has come a long way in two short weeks. Now I just need to work her up to meeting my two Scottish Terriers.
(Last update: Sep 1st, 2014 6pm)

Hi there!

Well I've completely came into comfort here in very little time. I am so easy going and loving and nice to have around. I I just want to be friends with the other cats and affectionate with the people! I even tap on your shoulder gently when I want some lovins.

Oh I'm marked no kids just cuz I don't like to be picked up and carried around--I'm not mean, bad or even nippy.

As close to purrfection as they come...ask about me now!!

Sweet Seb
Name:   Sweet Sebastian
ID#: VA7193
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/08/10
Adopted: 08/29/10
Deceased: 05/26/15
Congrats: Doris
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Hi Everyone,

Sweet Sebastian has been with us one month, and he is the joy of my life. His name has not been changed as he is sooo sweet! He taps me on the arm when I am reading a book and gives me a look that says, O.K. I'm here for some attention so put the book down. He also looks forward to Fridays when my husband picks our two grandsons up from school. They are ages six and eleven and Seb likes to check out their school bags as they have the smell of their 2 dogs at home plus the bags smell like food from carrying their lunches. He plays well with the boys until he loses interest, and then takes a nap. He seems very happy to be part of our lives and we are of his. Thanks to all of you for making it possible.
Doris, Joe and Sweet Sebastian

November 29, 2010 Sweet Sebastian (VA7193)

Hi Everyone,
Well, I have been in my furever home 3 months now, and Meowmy says my name fits me to a tea. She loves me to death. How could she resist with my little tap taps on her arm and I give her the pitiful pet me look. Its been really great being pampered so much. Beats being on the streets. I get to sit on Meowmy and Pappys lap, and tap tap their arm when they are on the computer, play with my wagon full of toys, watch T.V. nap, then play some more. Just to inform you though, I only got to watch my animal show for a change because there wasn't any golf, football or hockey on T.V that night. Thats the only thing me and Pappy squabble about.
When grandkids come over, its playtime again. Aunt Linda gets jealous if I am in a certain chair first and Meowmy tells HER to sit elsewhere and not disturb Sweet Sebastian. Hee hee!
There may be a new member in our family. Heavens no, not a baby. Meowmy and Pappy are past that stage. What ever that means. It may be a playmate/companion for me. Yeah!
Well, gotta go, as I have a busy day ahead of me.
Purrs and Taps,

September 1, 2011
Hi Everyone,
Sorry we're late with our update. August 28th was my 1st Annivesary in my furever home, and what a Blast we had! Hurricane Irene crashed my party with strong winds, rain etc. To top it off,
when I blew out the candles on my cake, I blew too hard and the lights and electric were out for 3 days. Oops! Pappy wasn't too happy about that. No T.V.! No Refrig! No computer to update all my friends at Siamese rescue. But, here I am at last and all is well again finally!
Hope everyone else is O.K.
Meowmy took me to the vet for my check up and shots. She said I was very good boy. Every afternoon after she reads a while and I am snuggled on her lap, we fall asleep for our "cat nap"
I also have a playmate now. She joined our family a little over six months ago. She is also my age and her name is Minnie. She 's a cutie! Minnie was shy at first and ignored me. Me, sweet handsome Seb! When I tried to make friends with her, she would give me a slap for nothing! I was just sniffing! After awhile we became friends and play and chase each other up and down the hallway, around the sofa, and back to the bedroom. She wears me out! Once in a while I have to let her know whose boss, since I was here first. She gets into a lot more trouble than I ever did. Meowmy and Pappy call her Minnie spaz. We both like it when the grandkids come over. Tim is 12 years old. He always gives us treats and gets dinner for me and Minnie. Nick is 7 years old andplays with us. He let me make bisquits and sleep on his soft animal pillow. When they play pick up sticks on the floor, I like to try and pick them up with my paw, or teeth.
So, my first year in my furever home has been a good and exciting one. We will keep in touch, and enjoy the photo's if Pappy is able to upload them. I'm the tall and hansome one in them.
Sweet Sebastion

August 31, 2014

Hello to everyone,
Well, here it is 4 years already in my forever home. I am very happy here with Maw and Paw and my best friend Minnie. Oh, Molly too, but she stays outside because she was always an outdoor cat and besides, she has VERY sharp nails. Maw lets her stay in the office on cold or snowy days in the winter time. Door closed of course. Minnie and Molly hiss at each other cause I think both like me! Handsome Sweet Seb as Maw calls me.

As for my health, this getting old stinks. I have been to see the Vet a few times the past year or so, I am having some trouble with my teeth and gums. The Doc has me on special medication the past few months. I have to get another teeth cleaning in October. Ugh! Besides the gum issue, the Doc also put me on special urinary cat food. Maw and Paw said we are all growing old together. One exception, and that is Minnie. She is around 9 years old, but full of energy and still gets into trouble at times. I have trouble keeping up with her, she just likes to play and I just like to sleep.

Well, I hope all my friends from Siamese Rescue are well. Thank you all again for finding me my forever home. Maw is happy, cause she just loves her lap cat her Sweet Handsome Seb !

Sweet Sebastion

P.S. Pictures might follow if we figure out how to do it. We are not very good with kind of thing.

(Last update: Aug 31st, 2014 6pm)

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Name:   Sebastian
ID#: VA5102
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/29/07
Adopted: 08/12/07
Deceased: 07/01/16
Congrats: Lynn
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Well thanks a lot, I guess, is all I can say. Injured by the great outdoors. Ouch. Taken to the vet. Thank you. Left at the vet. Ouch. Fractured pelvis. Ouchy ouch. Not willing to pay my vet bill. Thanks a lot. Rescued by SCRC. Thank you! Cage rest. Yawn. Ready to go mid August.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Sebastian is happy, healthy and beloved by me. I have two more rescues from family members that have passed or were unable to care for their kitty. Sebastian gets along with all. They play together and sleep together on my bed. I waned to include a video so you could see how well he is and how beautiful but I will have to settle for a still photo. Thank you again for saving this great kitty boy and allowing me to know and love him.
Important addition: He is off all medication due to the success of "Gastro Intestinal Fiber Response" dry cat food.

(Last update: Aug 31st, 2014 3pm)

I am such a sweet, genteel, southern girl, and I'm rather petite and dainty. I love to crawl right up in fostermom's lap and curl up for a nap. I've just discovered the toys and I'm having quite a bit of fun. My favorite place to sleep is in the laundry basket, no fancy bed needed for me, but, I wouldn't mind curling up in your bed for the night. If you are looking for a gentle soul, a sweetheart of a cat, then I am the one.
Name: Jasmine

(FKA Charlotte)

ID#: VA2801
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 07/12/04
Adopted: 08/29/04
Deceased: 06/18/18
Congrats: Pam
Foster: Williene


Notes from Home
Jasmine is alive and thriving! She had a small issue this past year with her thyroid but work all natural no iodine for she's gained her weight back and is loving life.
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2014 6am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Chai

(FKA Darwin)

ID#: VA9437
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/27/13
Adopted: 10/12/13
Congrats: David
Foster: Mama Rosa

Foster Notes

HE'S ---- A----- FAM- 'LY ----- GUY!!!!
That's my favorite show because I AM a family guy.

I'm a lover boy. A lounger- I love to lay out and relax.
I love laps. I'm a soulmate king of guy. If you sit, I'll sit on you. If you lay down, I will stretch out full length on you!
I like other cats.

I've got a cute girl in here with me. Her name is Destiny. Check her out if you are looking for a pair.

I know my photo doesn't show it, but I'm a really unusual color. I'm marked as a blue point, but think 50% blue and 50% chocolate point! Sort of a 'fawn' color.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Our adoption was a very pleasant experience. From beginning to end, through this process, we have dealt with some amazing people. A big thank you goes out to Mama Rosa, Chai's foster caretaker! She puts her heart and soul into her volunteer work and provides a wonderful environment for the animals in her care. She even had a tearful good bye for our new little kitten.

Chai is a GEM!!! He such a sweetheart and a lover boy. He adapted so well to my husband and me and our older doxies that live here too. Chai is a great addition to our family and he is surrounded by lots of love and attention. He has 2 new scratching posts and many toys to play with. He rarely scratches anything and always looks forward to his meals. The one negative thing about him is that he never talks but his very loud purrs gets his points across. He 's a definite keeper!!!

Chai is such an amazing cat! We love him to pieces! He follows us everywhere and
wants kisses and hugs constantly. He's so good with the dogs and even plays with
one of my daughter's dogs when they come to visit. They are doxies too. Anything
I bring home for him to play with he loves it. He has several new beds and
spends time in all of them. He always shows up for meals and snack time and
lines up waiting with the dogs.

Chai has been with us for over six months now. He doesn't like company coming to our house. He heads to the master bedroom and there he stays until everyone leaves. When we are outside in the pool, he watches from his scratching post at the glass sliding doors. He loves to be carried around and cuddles with us every chance he gets. However, 2:30 am isn't the best time for this activity!!!
Any room we are in, he is in and lies at the doorways on his back with his paws out to be petted as we leave that room. His toy mice are still his favorite and he always makes us smile.
The only issue we have at the moment is that he likes 2 littler boxes. We put them out cause we went on vacation and this helped the sitter. When I took one away, he peed in the laundry room sink where his litter box resides. He was checked for an urinary infection and there were no signs of that. The vet believes it's behavioral . I put the second litter box back and he's doing great.

(Last update: Aug 27th, 2014 6pm)

I am the stunning beauty on the left. Cute as cute can be. I love to explore and play.
Name: Tiger Lily

(FKA Shelia)

ID#: VA10083
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/16/14
Adopted: 08/02/14
Congrats: Elaine
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
Initially, I was concerned tiny Tiger Lily may be unable to stand up to Bodhi's rough play. After 2 weeks of playing footsie & peekaboo under the door, I hesitantly permitted a face to face introduction. Once the Halloween kitty dancing, raccoon tails & hissing standoff subsided, the 2 erupted into a manic game of chase. Their favorite pastimes, other than smushing in the cat condo baskets, is to wrestle in the bathtub and play tag. Princess Lily has developed a very naughty habit of stealing Bodhi's favorite toys and growling vociferously if anyone comes near. She's a spitfire with major 'tude
& the 2 of them delight and entertain us. My Mother & I are smitten with our silly kittens!!

(Last update: Aug 27th, 2014 3pm)

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Name: Bianca

(FKA Solaris)

ID#: VA4311
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 07/15/06
Adopted: 08/27/06
Congrats: Andrea
Foster: Siri

Just arrived. More information soon.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Still doing great after eight years!
(Last update: Aug 27th, 2014 9am)

Yippee! I have a wonderful new home!!!!

I also have a wonderful new name: Samson Solomon .....

Samson for strength and Solomon for wisdom and peace.

What a handsome fellow!

What a Flirt!

What a lover!

What a sweet gentle guy who will slot in anywhere!

Sinatra (Baby blue eyes)

Rub my belly and I will reward you with nosekisses and hand/finger kisses!

Hold me like a baby and I will purr you a kittie lullaby!

I love to snuggle. I love to play. I love catnip. Actually, I love everyone and everything!
Name:   Sinatra / nka: Samson Solomon
ID#: VA8625
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/23/12
Adopted: 08/25/12
Congrats: Rhonda
Foster: Nancy


Notes from Home
Samson is doing great on his 4th day here. His appetite is great and is he playing and exploring.He has learned how to climb the bookcases and clean them out for me, turn over the linen hamper just in case I forgot something, and turn over the trashcan too- so helpful! Today he helped me out by taking his cat treats into his play cube and "opened" the package down the back and from underneath so I no longer have to figure out that tricky zipper thing on the top, He has found a favorite perch on the top of the cat tree and is slowly trying out our laps. Otherwise he just purrs and rolls and loves all day long.

Resident diva Delilah has had a brief look or 2 at him, and nope, she's not having any part of him so far. I told her mean girls don't get dates , but she's playing hard to get right now.

9/01/12- Been here a whole week now! I like watching football and baseball with Dad in the recliner now, and dancing shows with Mom . I learned a new trick: if I sit on Mommy's piano and reach out, I can help her save paper by putting it back in that printer machine that keeps spitting it out . Wow- I learned 2 new words too- paper jam.

Been doing great, talking, running, playing. Had a little bit of the runs one day- but that was after that half a bag of cat treats I ate which Meowmy took away.

Met my big sister today and whoa does she have a potty mouth! She said @#$& to me and &*$#!. She chased me and jumped on me and told me to get my &@@## butt back to Virginia, but I said no way, I got 3 hots and a cot here and I like it, so get over it sister. Mommy sent her to time out . I was a good boy too- I don't cuss the ladies and I'm a lover not a fighter. I have no idea what her issue is, but ho hum I just ignored her.

Next week I am going to meet Dr. Maskol on Friday September 7th so he can check out this great bod. I'm not worried though, cus Mommy says I'm just perfect.

Update 9/6/12: Woo Hoo!! Sam spent almost all day out with his new sister and there was only a brief hiss and tussle and posturing. Mostly we are in the " ignoring stage" on her part. He keeps trying to play with her and chase, with a tiny bit of success here and there. He is still learning about where he can and can't jump ( like the stove which he won't quit), so for now he goes to bed alone at night so everyone can get a break.

Update 9/10/12- Samson saw the vet and checked out very well. He weighs 11 lbs 10 oz and the vet thinks 12-13 lbs will be where he should top off for his size. He wasn't thrilled to be examined again and promptly jumped off the vet table. He and Delilah are spending more time together.There is no great love there yet, but their chasing and playing isn't mean any longer and they can sit a foot away from each other without any problems.He continues to amuse us with his " stealing" and moving around of our clothes, dishtowels and pot holders from one place to another at night.
Update 9/23/12: Samson has been here 4 weeks now and is a sweetie pie and a big cuddly baby. He seeks us out for love and is spending more time on the couch next to me and in the chair with his dad. He has figured out when the trash and recycling trucks come, and he loves to sit in the window and watch them. His relationship with Delilah is mostly chasing and play attacking( sometimes at 2 am) , but that seems to suit them both for now. Once in a while she allows him to wash her head, but then she bats him off or knocks him down. He is interested in cuddling with her, but it is going to take more time. He is a big clown, rolling and playing with his toys, dragging his " stolen" clothes upstairs and occasionally he brings me a dishtowel and lays it on my feet. He LOVES to eat and is still stealing Delilahs food, so we have to distract him with toys so she can eat in peace. He loves our 18 month old grandson( runs right up to him) and really enjoyed the baby chasing him and throwing toys to him.

10/15/12 update:

Samson is doing great here. He has established a routine and his favorite places to relax and play. About 2 weeks ago he started getting in bed every night and sleeping more then running around. He decided Delilah's spot is now his own in the bed and although not too happy about it , she has deferred to him. The closest they will sleep near each other is about 4-6 inches. He occasionally gets in her face too much and she slaps him and puts him in his place. He is going through a naughty stage right now( see picture) and getting into things , jumping and sleeping on the kitchen table, running for the door and grabbing our ankles when we walk by. In turn he is also spending all of his time with us, following us everywhere talking , and giving love and kisses 24/7. I never know what he is going to do next, and that's what makes him so special.

12/16/12- Sam continue to settle in and is doing very well, here nearly 4 months now.. He LOVES the Christmas tree and it has become his personal playland much to our distress. He does listen to us on occasion and we have just accepted that he is a push your buttons kind of guy and will always need a few reminders as to how to behave. We guard the doors and the stove and he goes to time out about once a day to allow his sister to eat in peace. They rough house every night and run full speed throughout the house and burn off lots of energy. He spends almost 100% of his time with us though, following us room to room. Most nights he settles in bed, but sometimes he slips and prowls the house and we find things out of place such as clean laundry or towels stuffed under the Christmas tree, an empty tissue box( why?), wrapping paper, you name it , he finds it and hoards it in his playhouse or under the tree right now. He still jams up the printer, stuffing paper back into it .Our life right now is staying one step ahead of this lovable clown. We were heart broken with the loss of our boy Toby last year, so we were sent an angel( a challenging one) to take care of, and I think this is why he came to us.

6 month update 2/24/13:

Samson is doing well and has established himself as the king of the house, especially the kitchen, all the toys, the good spots in the bed, all the food... well everything. He has a strong personality and we have had our disagreements about the rules here.. ours and his ( none), but we work it out. He is lovable and lately has been more talkative and always comical , and entertaining. He is a champion in the litterbox, and although a little picky at times, has a great appetite. He has reached a truce with his sister Delilah and they chase each other just enough to not be bored.We are hopeful that they will have more of a relationship over the next 6 months. He is ALWAYS with one of us and is a great buddy. Thanks to all at SCRC especially foster Mom Nancy for all her help and support.

Update 12/31/13:

Happy New Year to all Meezers and Meezer lovers from Sam. He has been here 16 months now and rules the roost. We love him very much and he is with us 24/7. He has many new nicknames,,, Knucklehead and Mr. Nosypants are 2 that sum him up perfectly. He loves attention, his toys, ALL of the food he can get, snuggling on the couch and in bed, " "his" new birdfeeder, sleeping on the kitchen table and counter surfing. Our lives would surely be boring without him. He and his kitty sister exist fairly well with the occasional slap fest, but he really prefers human company. He had a great Christmas and several times tried to help me out by serving himself from the buffet table.

2 year anniversary 08/25/14: Sam is great, had a good exam and shots at the vet last week except he gained 3/4 lb. Oops! We are limiting his diet again and he's not happy and gets into the pantry and opens up the bag and helps himself, and turned over a trashcan too. He loves everyone, sleeps great at night, is a perfectionist in the litterbox, and plays all day long doing goofy things. His favorite toy is a turkey baster bulb which he carries around and drops down the steps to watch it bounce, then he runs after it. His nearly 12 year old Siamese sister keeps him in line though.He spends his days plotting against her, watching birds and squirrels, , and following us all over the house. Our business is his business 24/7, and we like it that way!

(Last update: Aug 26th, 2014 4pm)

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Name:   Kit Kat
ID#: VA7892
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/23/11
Adopted: 08/20/11
Congrats: Suzan
Foster: Siri

I'm back in Rescue with my bud Jack Sparrow, and we hope to go back out together. We were only gone a month when it was discovered that we like to have lots of people attention - that we follow you room to room and expect to be treated like the Royal Couple we are. The more you put into us, the more we'll give you back! (might be okay with dogs)

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Notes from Home
Three years with Tink (also known as Tinker Cat or Tink the Cat). She actually in the last few months jumped on to my lap. The first time I think she was startled herself and jumped right back down; the second time I was holding a brush so ran it over her...she decided to stay for awhile. She just doesn't like lap sitting very much.

She is still very confident. The cats aren't allowed on the counter, (so you ALL know they never get on them), but after lights are off in the kitchen Tink jumps up there looking for stuff. One time there was a strip of packaging I had cut off some frozen something and hadn't thrown away and she had such a wonderful time with that strip, running around on the floor chasing it and making "come see what I've found" noises, that I now leave something she can "discover" when she's "not on the counter" every night. I hear the thud and then the mewling and Tink running around. She seems to really enjoy it.

Tink is very reserved with strangers. It took her longer to start coming out around people who came to visit than it did Jack, but she still loves dogs.

We added a little blue cat about 15 months ago (he looks alot like a Russian Blue, but if he is I would have thought someone would have been looking for him). He came to us sick with an UTI and Tink absolutely hated him; she was vicious with him long after Jack accepted him. After I got the infection taken care of both Tink and Jack began to get alot better with him, which leads me to think Tink especially smelled his infection and wouldn't accept him because of it. She still slaps at the "new" cat, but seems to be more inclined to tolerate him and now HE is the one who is sometimes defensive around HER. I guess if you have been beaten up enough you don't think you can ever trust the "bully" again. I think this is changing though, because both of them are very playful and I've seen them trying to play a little. With two live wires running around there's never a problem with exercise.

Tink has a VERY good appetite. I have had to start putting out food rather than leaving it down, because she had become quite "fluffy". She loves grooming and petting, but not hugging or head butting. She loves nose licking.

I have lots of pictures of Tink, Jack and T&J together. Have never uploaded pictures before but will try. I have 2 beautiful babies and even tho Tink doesn't have white on her face and I gather that snowshoes are supposed to, I still think she is one of the most beautiful snowshoes I've ever seen. I'm sure others will agree, if I can just figure out posting pictures (LOL!).

Thank you to all of you who helped me adopt these cats. You did a wonderful job of evaluating and advising and I haven't regretted my adoption one bit.

(Last update: Aug 26th, 2014 2pm)

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