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Just arrived. More information soon.
Name:   Puddy Cat
ID#: VA10148
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/14/14
Adopted: 07/19/14
Congrats: Rich
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home

puddy lost his 25 year old siamese brother this week. we are all in mourning. puddy is sleeping on his knit rug at this moment and he loves it. he also loves sleeping with dad rich under the blankets in bed during the night. as a matter of fact, he remains there for hours after dad gets up. i usually make a tunnel so he can get fresh air, but he doesn't seem impressed ;o

we -as a family- are very happy i wanted to participate in the transport this weekend, but im still coming to terms with my loss.

sorry, my shift keys don't work, i need a new keyboard, lol

(Last update: Sep 14th, 2014 5pm)

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Name:   Pepper
ID#: VA10045
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 05/25/14
Adopted: 08/31/14
Congrats: Vicki
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
I have settled in quickly to the new foster home. I love being out and can usually be found at the top of the cat tree gazing out the window. If it is dark, I enjoy chasing moths outside the window. Haven't figured out yet why I can't seem to catch them. I am affectionate and outgoing but not demanding. Discovering all of the toys is fun - think I like this foster home gig. I'm also a deluxe lap kitty.
Purrs, Pepper

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Notes from Home
Hi, Pepper is now called Roxie but she answers to just about anything and always talks back since she is quite the opinionated kitty. She is doing just fine and is playing with her toys like crazy. Her favorite playtime is in the early morning hours when she goes chasing around her little cloth balls or furry mice talking to them the whole time. I wonder what she is saying to them.

I am trying to encourage her to eat other brands of food. So far I have been successful in mixing in one other brand with her Hills but another she totally ignores. She does have her preferences. Of course, she gets awarded with Greenies when she takes her ear drops which she decidedly does not like. We will be going to the vet's soon to have that checked out.

She is a love who likes to snuggle next to me on the couch. She really likes visitors of the human kind. I think she is one happy kitty. I am one happy human to have her. She was worth the wait as I thought she would be. Thanks everyone for bringing this wonderful kitty into my life.

I have pictures but unfortunately my ancient computer is giving me grief uploading them. I will keep trying though.

(Last update: Sep 14th, 2014 3pm)

A guy can dream, can't he? Given up because my tummy is a delicate one, I am currently on a regimen of a daily steroid pill and a special diet, and it's working pretty well. I have NEVER had an outta the box experience while I was here! ! I'm very loving, kids, dogs, cats, you name it, and I'm very laid back. I'm hoping for a family that wants someone just like me, but in the meantime, I'll keep on dreaming..
Name: Cairo

(FKA Cinnaburst)

ID#: VA6305
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 05/09/09
Adopted: 09/05/09
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Siri



Notes from Home
Cairo's still doing great here--super personality and loves everyone who comes to visit.
(Last update: Sep 13th, 2014 11pm)

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Name: Gilbert

(FKA Radney nka Bubba)

ID#: VA5184
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/26/07
Adopted: 09/29/07
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Emily

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am the ringleader of the 4 of us. :) I guess there has to be one kitten in charge, right? I love to play and run around the foster room, but I can purr and be cuddled too if foster Meowm picks me up. Foster Meowm did get some pictures of us last night, but she had a hard time with me and my brother because we'd rather play than pose. I am cute and funny and lively and well, the list could go on and on! Who wouldn't want an adorable kitten like me?
Purrs - Radney

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Notes from Home
I cannot believe it has been 7 years since my mom has adopted me. So much has happened. When I was adopted my best buddy was Maggie a Cattledog. She and I were the best of friends. There were two other cats as well Casey and Salem. Casey was a senior lady that I respected, Salem I loved to pick on. Casey went to the Bridge 2 years after I got here. Midnight then came on board. She showed up as a stray during a real cold spell in NC. Mom could not leave her outside so she joined our family much to my chagrin. She prefers her own space, but I LOVE to pick on her. In 2010 mom decided that I needed a another pal (Geez I had Maggie, I didn't need another pal). She adopted another Meezer this time a girl. So Temperance came into our life. UGH, I kept asking Mom to send her back. She is BOSSY and picks on me all the time. Mom tells me to stand my ground and smack her back. Sometimes I do and sometimes I just run away from her. In 2012 my best friend Maggie went to the Bridge. Mom then adopted Pepper who is a Cattledog and my new best friend. Then this past March she adopted Xena another Cattledog. Mom says right now the barn door is closed. Time will tell.
(Last update: Sep 13th, 2014 6pm)

Well you might as well call me the mystery man. Why? Well, because no one in their right mind would have given up on me. Let's see, I'm handsome. I'm healthy. I'm 13 pounds of loving and snuggling. I'm gentle. I'm easy going. I'm VERY Siamese. And I have a yowly voice to die for.

Go figure. No idea why anyone would give up on me!
Name: Mao

(FKA Kingston)

ID#: VA5142
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/15/07
Adopted: 09/09/07
Congrats: Kate
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
We lost Mr. Mao almost two weeks ago due to an enlarged heart and respiratory distress. He was the most wonderful friend that a human could ask for and it was heartbreaking to lose him. He brought so much joy into my life and although 7 years seems too short and unfair, I am grateful to have known him. He was such a good boy and is greatly missed by our family. Thank you for allowing him to be a part of our family.
(Last update: Sep 13th, 2014 2pm)

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Name: Chi

(FKA Kylie)

ID#: VA10167
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 07/21/14
Adopted: 08/23/14
Congrats: Kate
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes

Foster Lady gave me a bath...how rude!

But, I'm all dried off and as pretty and dainty and sweet and snuggly as a kitten could be, so click on me!


p.s. I've met big cats and big dogs and are A-Okay!

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Notes from Home
Chi is doing great in her new home. Her new parents (our 10 and 8 year old daughters) have been taking good care of her and lavishing her with attention. She is a sweet, cuddly little girl who wants to be friends with everyone she meets. Luna, however, is not impressed. Chi will sit in front of her with the sweetest face that says "Why won't you be friends with me? I would just love to be your BFF!" Luna responds with a growl and a look of annoyance. Luna is little by little allowing Chi to get closer and is slowly getting used to her. Chi's eyes have been doing fine with a sterile ointment applied twice a day. We are so happy to welcome her into our family and can't thank you enough!
(Last update: Sep 13th, 2014 2pm)

Cousin Kenny thinks he's a major lover, but so am I! I pur, I flop, I climb all over foster mom - but I also take time out to play with toys. I love these toys! And the cat tree? It's so much fun to climb and scratch. I love to be loved, but I love to play too. Foster mom says I'm a beautiful creamsicle boy. I will need to go to a home with at least one other cat, since I came from a household of 22 of them. You can take me and one of my cousins home (Channel is related to me too) but I can also come home and play with your current fur family members. Long and lean with an Oriental look about me. I'm beautiuful and loving and oh, so special - what more could any one want?
Name: Jake

(FKA Wallace)

ID#: VA3625
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/17/05
Adopted: 09/11/05
Deceased: 12/01/13
Congrats: Joan
Foster: Jackie


Notes from Home
Wallace died last year of Pancreatic cancer - our beloved baby, RIP
(Last update: Sep 11th, 2014 7am)

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Name: Henry

(FKA Skittles)

ID#: VA4339
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 07/24/06
Adopted: 09/10/06
Congrats: Melanie
Foster: Julie

Hey Skiddle Diddle, the cat in the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon. Yeah right! That cow has nothing on me. Skiddle Diddle is my expanded name. I am just one well rounded guy. I LIKE EVERYONE. Kids, big people, dogs, little biity mice (okay, so they are fake fur and cardboard), baby cats, big cats, old cats.....okay, I have to go out into the big house to burn off energy so I don't bug the old gal in the foster room. (I only bug her enough so that my foster mom lets me loose. Pretty smart, huh?) I play nicely with my buddies, but I play by myself with ALL my toys just great. Touch me and I purr. I love to snuggle my head under chins. And I am wonderful with the litter box. Okay, okay, so I prepare and cover a bit exuberantly, but I am very particular. My points are starting to come in. I promise I will be a super buddy if you take me home! Purr, purr, purr.

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Notes from Home
Skittles was renamed Henry after we got him.

Henry is awesome. He is full of energy, a real prankster yet a very sweet, loving cat. He has us laughing every single day and still hasn't outgrown the nickname "kitten" as he's gotten older. He comes when he's called, loves to follow us around everywhere and sleeps with us as part of the family. He is an amazing little cat and everybody loves him (even those he thought they didn't like cats!).

(Last update: Sep 10th, 2014 2pm)

Foster mom named me after some guy I don't know something about flames, playing and Rome. Well... I am a flame point so I understand that part. The playing part I get too cause I sure can play I am super at that. The Rome part I just don't get at all--except I am a Romeo! I bet that was it, she left off the O cause I sure am a hunk-a-hunka burning love. So that must be the reason for my name. Thats settled So don't wait. I don't plan to stick around here long I need a home of my own I need my own special bean to sleep cuddled up with at night. OO did I mention I am a Bob-Tail So that is special and rare too. So like I said don't wait! Foster: Shirley Congrats Melanie in VA!
Name: Sam

(FKA Nero)

ID#: VA2046
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 05/10/03
Adopted: 05/24/03
Deceased: 07/31/14
Congrats: Melanie
Foster: ShirleyBo


Notes from Home
Sammy was the most wonderful, sweet and loving meezer. Unfortunately we lost him to cancer on July 31, 2014. We are still very sad and there isn't a day I don't think about that special little guy. I have never had a cat like him (he was my favorite of all time) and I miss his chatter and purr around the house as well as him curling up on me.
(Last update: Sep 10th, 2014 2pm)

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Name:   Hope
ID#: VA6417
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/24/09
Adopted: 07/11/09
Congrats: Sheila
Foster: ShirleyBo

Foster Notes

I had Hope that someone would find me and take me off the streets and it came true. A wonderful person watched over me
I had Hope that I would be Safe and it came true they found Siamese Rescue.
Now I have Hope that I will find my very own FUREVER home. Can you make all my Hopes and dreams come true?

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Notes from Home
Hope is doing wonderful here. She's such a sweetie and certainly worth the wait. She arrived here on July 11 and overcame all of her milestones immediately. It's as though this has always been her home. She sleeps with me at night and steals my fruit loops at any given chance. There have been alot of people coming to meet her. Everyone loves her and she is so very affectionate...Headbutts for all!! She is so lovable and funny.

On 7/25, Hope went to get established with Dr. Prime, the Vet. We encountered a nervous terrior in the waiting room but Hope handled the wait better than me. When we saw Dr. Prime, Hope snuck out of her carrier, got her purring going full blast, and relaxed on the exam table. Vet just laughed! She said Hope is 8.02 lbs and a wonderful young cat. She is very healthy and has beautiful markings. The plan is for Hope to come back for shots in a year. They got along well. Hope is here to stay!

On 9/26,we took a trip to the Vet and Miss Hope is doing fine She crawled right up on to the scale and she weighs 9 lbs. now (gulp) Hopefully her weight will level off soon. The Vet said she's just beautiful. Along with this update there is also a recent picture of both Mom and Hope . There are also pictures of Hope watching the birds and playing around. Enjoy!
Christmas 2009 was my first together with Hope and our memories were such fun. I did not know how she would control her interest in the tree and all of the "dangly" ornaments. Despite what some of her recent pictures show though, Hope left them standing. She liked her new Christmas stocking and the new toys she received from Santa, Family and Friends. Hope is so sweet.

It's April 2011 and has been almost 2 years since Hope arrived. She is still such a lovebug and I believe she sincerely appreciates her home here. She enjoys her daily grooming and is especally grateful at mealtime.
Hope greets anyone who comes to visit and is such fun to be around. She continues to be very playful with her fishing pole, her catnip cow, and anything she can make into a toy. She enjoys napping in her scoop.and watching the birds outside. I love this sweet girl. Thank you for introducing us...We'll be back with more updates.

It's August 9, 2011 and on July 11 we celebrated Hope's 2 year Happy Anniversary. July 14 she had her yearly physical exam with the Vet and received her shots. Although alot was asked of her, Hope was cooperative throughout and everything went well.
Hope is a beautiful kitty with blue eyes to match (smile). Besides her sweet smile she is so funny. Hope loves sitting in the window sill sunning while watching her bird and squirrel friends. She listens to her kat tunes and enjoys playing with her special babies. These include her blue marlin, salmon and her shrimp, crazy eyed mouse and wild looking fish. This little girl is a gift that keeps on giving and I'm grateful for her presence every day.

It was a lovely morning on July 19, 2012 when Hope met with her Doctor for her 3 year physical and shots. Upon arrival, she greeted Dr Prime with her usual sweet disposition as she crawled onto her scale. Throughout her physical exam, Hope received real good reviews and this even continued on in relation to her coat, teeth and weight. Since she is strictly an indoor cat, this year Hope was eligible to receive the 3 year Distemper shot. Good news!
Hope is sitting pretty this year and in addition to a new litter maid box, she has some new toys. Besides keeping us company at home; her coat is brushed almost every day; her teeth are brushed about 3 times a week; and her nails are trimmed twice a month. Hope still loves sitting in front of the window greeting her bird and squirrel friends but on some nice days, Hope is taken outside in her stroller to visit them in our park. We have even gone to the Library, Safeway, and CVS! Hope brings such love, beauty and joy to my life and we try to bring the same back to hers.

Hope's pictures are now updated.

It's August 2013 and it's been an eventful year despite a cranky summer of hot temperatures and rain. Hope has had some experiences to remember. On one outing she discovered a pink moon and then she took another ride in her stroller. She went to the pond to visit with her Geese friends. To her pleasure she recently discovered that there were also new friends to visit...new turtles and fish!!
On June 20 Miss Hope visited with her Doctor. The weather had been raining but that day when we travelled, it was sunny and dry which made for a safe trip. She saw Dr Prime when we arrived.
She received and tolerated her 4 year physical exam well but she was sassy. Her teeth and gums looked good and so do her eyes, ears, and coat. Apparently the good care Hope gets at home showed up in her results! During her exam, Hope was given her 3 year rabies shot and her weight is 9 pounds 12 ounces.like last year. All things considered, Hope had a good check up.
Life with Hope is a sheer joy. She always greets me and gives me such love. She lights up the room each time I see her face. This sweet girl is still a keeper to love.

Hope's pictures are now updated.

It is so hard to believe that another year has come
and gone. This year Hope was not required to have
any shots as they were up to date. However she did
show up for her annual physical by 5:30 on July 29,
2014. Dr. Prime examined her again this year and
was quite pleased. Hope's eyes, ears, teeth and coat
all got a two thumbs up! When it came time to weigh
Hope, however, she came in at 9.6 pounds. It is
still within her weight range but we decided to cut
back on Hope's treats anyway for her best interest.

Other than being the wonderful Siamese that she is she
has a good name for herself around here. It has
often aroused my suspicions that visitors came to see
her instead of me. There is no way that anyone can ever turn
down her beautiful soul. Hope made this her home and so it
will always be. She brightened up my life and that of so
many others. Hope means the world to me and is such a
wonderful companion. All I can say is Thank you again.

(Last update: Sep 10th, 2014 1pm)

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