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Hi, I'm Pai Lin, which means sapphire in Thai. Foster mom named me that because of my beautiful deep blue eyes. I have lots of kitten energy, and I can be quite an acrobat. You should see me fly through the air and do flips. Okay, I may not be very graceful about it, but I'm very entertaining. I was brought to the shelter when I was just 4 weeks old. No one could find my mother or littermates so foster mom had to bottle feed me until I was able to eat on my own. I really liked the attention, so I stretched it out as long as I could, but eventually I got too old to fool her and I had to learn to eat like a big girl. Even though I've been on my own for a while, I have so much energy that I'll need another kitten or playful cat for company.
Name:   Pai Lin
ID#: VA3433
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 06/05/05
Adopted: 07/30/05
Congrats: Betty
Foster: Karen

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Pai Lin is now known as Destiny Marie and is a happy, healthy girl. She lives with a tuxedo named Sylvester who she "chatters and chirps" to death. We are so glad she's in our lives.
(Last update: Sep 20th, 2014 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Zorro

(FKA Malik)

ID#: VA5837
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/03/08
Adopted: 09/20/08
Congrats: Tammy
Foster: Jane

I have come out of my shell and I love to run and play with the other kittens. I also have the loudest purr and the sweetest face. I keep asking foster momma why no one wants me. She told me someone wants me real bad but they just don't know it yet. Well I hope they find out soon. It is OK here but I want my own person and my own forever home. Thank you for reading about me. Malik

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Today Zorro is one year old. He has been such a joy to have and is always happy and running around. He loves to play fetch with his little furry mice. He is very good about using the cardboard scratchers and my dad is building him a holder for them. He loves to lay in the windows when they are open watching the birds. But I believe that his favorite pass time is aggravating Sophie. He knows what he is doing to her irritates her and has gotten pretty good at getting away without getting bopped on the head by Sophie. She is never aggressive to him but I think is just resigned to him irritating her. He has filled an empty spot in our lifes left by our George and is such a joy to have around.

Well Zorro went for his vet visit and his vaccines today. He will have been with us a year on 09/20/09. He was perfectly healthy and weighed in at 10.7 pounds. He is usually a very quiet kitty around the house with just little chirps and perts, well he found his voice big time on the way to the vet. He has brought great joy to me, filling an empty place left by George. I am not so sure about the joy he has brought to Ms. Sophie, LOL, but they get along great. I am currently trying to rescue a stray kitten that showed up here and Zorro loves to play with the kitty through the glass door. They will play for hours. Zorro doesn't understand why the kitty can't come in to play. New pictures as soon as he is still long enough to get some.

My mom is so sorry she hasn't updated about he for a while. Just wanted everyone to know that I am happy and healthy. I do get into trouble some times but oh well what is a boy to do. One of my favorite things to do is to aggravate Sophie. She just gets so prissy about things, I just can't help myself. This past summer, my mom rescued a stray kitten and I love to play with him through the door. He still has to get his surgery and he doesn't like coming into the house so mom says unfortunately it looks like he will be living outside. She keeps trying to bring him in but man he freaks out worse than Sophie when I mess with her. I really believe he is happier outside but mom says it isn't good for him to stay outside. We will see who wins this battle, my money is on Tinker. I will try to get mom to upload more pictures of me soon. I will have a birthday in a couple of months and I will be 2 years old and my mom says I haven't calmed down at all, I am still a wild child. I play all night and sleep all day. Perfect life to me.

09/20/14 Sorry I haven't updated abut Zorro in a while. He is doing great. We had a rough spot a while back because I was dumb enough to allow someone to move in here that had 2 dogs and that didn't go over very well. He is now gone and the last of the dogs will be gone next month. But Zorro did settle down and it became a workable situation after a few months. He is still the funny boy that I adopted. I have read that the Snowshoe is a clown cat and that is so true. As he is aging, he is becoming more and more loving and will actually allow me to hold him for a period of time now which is a wonderful change. He still gives Sophie grief at times as he really wants to be the alpha cat but that isn't ever going to happen because she rules this house with a velvet paw (me included). He is very healthy and maintains a weight of around 11.5 pounds. As long as he has his furry mice (real fur) to play with and hide everywhere he is happy. He is the first to let me know that the food/water bowl is empty. Again thanks to Siamese Rescue for rescuing these special kitties and helping us to find them.

(Last update: Sep 20th, 2014 9am)

Get ready for some action! I am all about playing, playing and playing some more! Oh! And purring too! I do a lot of that when I am not so busy playing....Be sure to ask about me soon cuz a young gun like me won't stick around for long!


Name: Kemba

(FKA Remington)

ID#: VA9212
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/28/13
Adopted: 05/19/13
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Remington has been with us two weeks. (Qick update - The name Remington is nice name, but did not quite match his personality. After much thought, we decided to change his name to Kemba). He is settling in very nicely and is very sweet, but can also be very playful. He is very curious and is a bit of a talker, which I really enjoy. His is eating well and is in very good health overall. This was confirmed by our vet when we brought him in for his checkup. I must say, he was not happy about it and hissed at the vet. She assured me this was not unusual as there are so many different scents he can smell but we can't. He relaxed as soon as we arrived home and was back to his old self. Overall, evryingthing is going well!

It has now been amost two months since Kemba joined us. He is doing very well. I would like to thank Siamese Resuce for all the toys that came with him. His favorite is the knitted yarn tied to a stick. We tied the mouse toy to the bottom of it and he absolutely loves chasing it. Another favorite of his is to sit in an open window. He is very curious! I will try to upload photos of both. He is eating well and using the litter pan, although he has had a couple of accidents, which I think he's doing to get our attention. It tends to happen when we are busy in the morning. Otherwise, he is very happy overall. He loves to talk and play, although he is still learning when to keep his claws in. Overall, he is settling in very well.

It has now been six months since we adopted Kemba. Overall, he is doing well. He has had some health issues which have since improved now that he is on a prescription (low protein) diet. He is still playful but is much better about keeping his claws in. He is very curious and often follows us around the house. He seems to be settling in more and more each day.

I am very sorry to say that Kemba passed away in August. In February he developed a blot clot and they discovered he had heart disease. He initially lost control of both hind legs, but eventually regained all control except in one paw. The vets only gave him a short time to live but he was having none of that. He was not about to give up that easily! We had recently brought home a puppy and the two of them loved to play together. They were great entertainment for each other!. We were lucky to have Kemba for another six months. I am grateful that when it was his time to go, it happened very quickly and he did not suffer. He was such a character and we miss him very much! I would like to thank all those who helped to bring Kemba into our lives. Your kindness was much appreciated!!

(Last update: Sep 20th, 2014 8am)

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Name: Chai

(FKA Chennai)

ID#: VA10248
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/18/14
Adopted: 09/05/14
Congrats: Mark
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Just a little thing, I'm very interested in giving and getting attention and love please! I've had a very tough time my short life so far, and now I'm looking forward to being someone's main squeeze! I thought I wanted to be the only cat but that Pattaya really likes me and I kind of like him, so we're thinking we could bunk together, what do you think?

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Notes from Home
Chai is a wonderful kitty! She really is an excellent match for our home. She is a still shy, but once you pick her up and hold her she loves to be pet and gives you lap "biscuits" and purrs constantly. We took her to the vet today and she has gained weight and the vet says she is a healthy kitty. The vet took time with us and went over Chai's records. After reading about Chai's poor physical condition when she first entered the Siamese Rescue Program (fleas, digestion issues, etc) I was just amazed and impressed with all of the work the volunteers did to bring Chai back into a healthy condition! Siamese Cat Rescue is a wonderful organization and I heartily thank all of the caring volunteers that helped us choose the ideal kitty. You can tell that the volunteers have a lot of love and concern for the kitties and I am very glad I went through this organization to get our wonderful Siamese kitty!
(Last update: Sep 20th, 2014 2am)

How I got outside I'm not telling - but I will tell you what happened next. I was brought to Animal Control in a trap - and was just scared out of my mind! "Unadoptabe" the animal control people said - and my time was up. Luckily for me the rescue angels of Project Meow were there, and took me home with them, and my life was spared. Unadoptable? Hmmmph. Meezer? YES YES YES. I am a very sensitive blue boy who doesn't like changes, but will give you nose kisses once I get to know you. I get along with other cats, and use my litter box like a good boy. Since I am so sensitive, I need a home who understands Siamese and knows I'm going to form a strong bond with my new person.

Since I am front declawed, I'm a bit defensive in the beginning, and may nip. Not bite - but nip. That's why foster mom says "no kids" but older kids would be just fine.

Does that sound like what you're looking for? Then ask about me!
Name: Simon Leblue

(FKA Norman)

ID#: VA8039
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/04/11
Adopted: 09/18/11
Congrats: Larry
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Simon year three, health has been very good no trouble at either end. Our boy is at home and the family of all the cats has a balance that works for all of them. He is definitely my wife's boy but that's fine with me, both boys are mommy boys while Stella is her daddy's girl. The best thing of all is that really isn't much news which means we are just being which to me is as it should be. So that is it for year three.

Simon year two, it has been a good year except for one bad rear end gland that is giving him a bit of trouble but we keep an eagle eye on him. Simon is totally bonded with his buddy Stretch and has calmed down pretty well over this year, though he isn't an easy patient at the vets. Still at home he is friendly, loves my wife, he is her cat, same for both boys, Stella is my little girl. Simon has his napping spots all set, though he is still quite happy to kitty pile with Stella when the mood hits and he will curl up with Stretch with is head on Stretch's side. He is also a lovely greeter for new visitors where he puts out one paw to touch their face and then he settles back. So that is Simon year two, not a lot of excitement but enough for him.

So now Simon has been with us one year. One of the most important things that made this all work is Simon's buddy Stretch who is also a rescue. These two have bonded and are either grooming fighting or chasing each other when they are not snoozing. Stella our princess is glad they fight each other and for the most part leave her alone, but Simon now being more at home has taken to trying to being big cat on campus but Stella doesn't give an inch. Lucky for her she has a perch where the boys don't go.

It has been a wonderful year watching this nervous, growling nippy boy calm down, fit himself into the family and be comfortable enough to really call this his home. So now we have two heaters who run under the covers for winter time, Simon and Stella and one boy who covers the corner at night. Simon is many things but not a morning cat, so when the other two run off for breakfast Simon likes to hang with his meowmy and snuggle up to her. He follows her around during the day to sit in the kitchen waiting for food to drop or to find a nice warm spot for a mutual nap time.

Oh I almost forgot to mention that I now have two plastic shoe boxes because a certain cat who will remain nameless has decided that he likes to eat the ends of my shoelaces.

So that is Simon LeBlue after one year, he is happy, Stretch is happy, Stella well she is a princess and we are happy.

(Last update: Sep 18th, 2014 7pm)

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Name:   Gussy
ID#: VA10043
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 05/24/14
Adopted: 06/14/14
Congrats: Lenora
Foster: Siri

SO MUCH PAIN because of my dental condition, I need every tooth in my head pulled as they are so rotted and infected. Stand by for updates where I look a whole lot happier!!!!

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Notes from Home
Gussy is doing fine. Very loving, easy going, did not hiss, growl spit or show any problems at all with my other cats. I slowly introduced them. He has adjusted very well. He has started to talk to me. Very soft purrs and chirps and a quiet meow. He sleeps in my lap and on my bed at night with me other cats. Amazing.
9/17 Gussy, I noticed the color in his face has improved. His coat is shinny and he has gained a pound or two. He is a beautiful cat!!

(Last update: Sep 17th, 2014 9am)

Smart, opinionated, chatty, determined, just call me a diva, go ahead, I can take it :)
Name: Ziva

(FKA Holly Hollyhock)

ID#: VA10180
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/26/14
Adopted: 08/11/14
Congrats: Lynn
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Ziva is settling in and telling us how she likes things done. She and the dog are able to sit together in the same room without gates. He would like to play but she says, "Not now!" She has adjusted to our schedule now that we are back to school and it seems to be OK with her. Very playful when we come home in late afternoon. Love to watch her jump into bags. Included one picture of this too. Thank you so much for getting us together.
(Last update: Sep 15th, 2014 10pm)

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Name: Mia

(FKA Athena)

ID#: VA9859
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/16/14
Adopted: 03/01/14
Congrats: Maureen
Foster: Jane

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Hi, am a little Diva, a little sweetheart, and one loving friendly cat. Do you think you would like me?

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Notes from Home
How do you do it? You make perfect matches of cats with adopters. Mia is my second meezer through Siamese Rescue and it has been instant bonding in both situations. Mia now understands that the other family pets are to love. not to hunt. She watches the canary without trying to get to the cage. Mia's vet said that she could spend time on the back screened in porch as she is fully immunized. She loves it out there watching the birds and catching the occasional lizard. As of two days ago she makes sure she is in the room where I am. I fixed her a sleeping spot in my sewing room as I spend a lot of time there. When I come home and she hears the garage door open she is waiting at the door for me. She started sleeping at the foot of the bed - now she has moved up so we have contact. I'm still trying to get her to eat more canned food. She's eating plenty of the Blue Basic dry food. I give her a half can of Fancy Feast Classic twice a day and she only eats a bite or two. I'm open to suggestions of a food that everyone seems to like. I'm using up the Fancy Feast I had left from Emmy Lou. Mia does remarkably well with my grandchildren. I don't think she sees them any differently than big people. I'll send photos when I get some.

According to her records, Mia is 2 years old today. For her birthday I bought her an aqua cube, a running drinking fountain, as she seems to like drinking out of a running faucet rather then a static bowl. Her latest way of entertaining herself is removing the suction cupped grips in the bathtub and delivering them throughout the house. She usually announces when she is delivering one. She is doing very well with scratching one of her many posts and pads and not the furniture. Mia is very smart.

Mia is my sweetie. She is wonderful with my granddaughters, even the two year old. We are vigilant when the Maddie interacts with Mia but, as I told my daughter, Mia can walk away any time she wants. She has never hissed or threatened to hurt anyone. After reminding her several times not to scratch the furniture, she only scratches one of her many posts or pads. She still loves watching nature on my screened porch and is very interested in the two feral cats that visit our yard. At first Mia did not sleep with me. Now she sleeps at the foot of the bed. The last fourteen years I have had geezer meezers. Mehitabel lived to be 20 and I got Emmy Lou when she was 12 - she lived for 7 more years so 2 year old Mia is a quite different. Right now she is a bit aloof and I hope she becomes more snuggly with age. Mia doesn't have the typical Siamese meow - she chirps all the time. She always seems to know when I'm getting ready to go out and she gives me her piteous look. She must hear the garage door opener when I come home as she is always at the door to great me. I'm attaching a couple pictures taken at her favorite sleeping spot. It is on the changing pad I used as a changing table for my grandchildren. I was going to throw it out but she has claimed it. It's in my sewing room where she loves to be with me.

On Friday the fifth I took Mia to see Randa for her yearly immunizations and monthly Revolution application. I woke up in the middle of the night (Fri-Sat) as I felt something was wrong. Mia was not in the bed but on a chair in the living room looking a bit dazed. I was at the vet door when they opened at 8:30. Mia had a temperature of 105.2. They gave her subcu fluids and a 24 hour anti-inflammatory and another to take home and give her on Sunday. She perked up but by Tuesday I realized that she was eating and drinking very little. I took her back to Randa on Wednesday morning. She did blood work to make sure her potassium levels were okay (they were) and gave her more subcu fluids and injections for nausea, appetite stimulant, and narcotic for pain. She was eating, drinking, and behaving normally by that afternoon. Interestingly, Randa called the immunization manufacturers and they will pay up to $500. for her treatment as a result of reaction to immunizations. Great, because my bill for Wednesday alone was $308. Next year they will give her immunizations separately. Scary time - glad it's over.

(Last update: Sep 15th, 2014 10am)

I am the adorable spouse of the petite and beautiful lilac point, Lilybelle! I am a huge hunk of meezer love. I am very vocal and have a great big meezerly voice that I'll share my news with. I answer to Cody and CoCo and will come running when you call me!

I adore my mate; we have been together a long time and we love each other very much. We also love every human we have ever met. We are one of the friendliest, purringest couple of bonded meezers our foster meowmy has ever met! We need to find a new home together.

I like to share Meomy's lap (thankfully ample) with Lily. We both like to get pets at the same time. I am also quite the interior decorator. I like to move the cat beds all over the foster room (it's boring to sleep in the same place) and Meowmy is always surprised at how often--sometimes several times a day--that I will move the beds around. I like to talk about my day and enjoy conversing with the humans.

8/23 I have a video!

Tonight, Meowmy found out that Lily and I really do share EVERYTHING, even laps! Meowmy was giving me lots of pets and scritches on her lap and Lily got tired of waiting her turn and jumped up to join us. So we both got lots more pets at the same time and were very, very happy. I did eventually jump down to let Lily have some undivided attention, gentleman that I am.

9/7 Happy September! I have more pictures! I told Meomy that she doesn't have to vacuum the foster room--I HATE the vacuum cleaner.

Lily and I have met the residents and I'm surprised that they don't immediately fall in love with me. I'm very interested in getting to know them and am as friendly as can be when we encounter each other around the house.
Name:   Cody
ID#: VA8730
Location:  Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 08/20/12
Adopted: 09/15/12
Congrats: Joe
Foster: Dara

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Cody is still very affectionate, and has adopted Toni as his own! He has become very jealous of Lillibelle, because she tries to share Toni's affection (and lap). He spends time with me, but his true love is Toni. He is too heavy according to the vet, so he's on a diet (he hates it). He's a great cat with a mind of his own! If he wants something, he WILL get it.
(Last update: Sep 15th, 2014 6am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Lilybelle
ID#: VA8729
Location:  Delaware
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 08/20/12
Adopted: 09/15/12
Congrats: Joe
Foster: Dara

Foster Notes

I am the adorable spousette of the most handsome Cody (aka CoCo)! I adore my mate; we have been together a long time and we love each other very much. We also love every human we have ever met. We are one of the friendliest, purringest couple of bonded meezers our foster meowmy has ever met! We need to find a new home together.

We promise to pose for pictures and make our debut on video very soon! We are destined for popularity, for sure!

8/23 - I have a video! Check it out!

I do defer to my love, Cody, but tonight I showed Meowmy that I'm not shy about asserting myself to get my needs met. Meowmy had Cody on her lap for some pets and I got tired of waiting my turn and jumped up to join Cody on her lap. Luckily, Meowm has a big enough lap for both of us and one hand for petting each of us. I definitely enjoyed that!

9/7 - I have more pictures! Cody and I have met the other resident cats and it seems like we are the friendly types and could easily slot in an existing feline family, provided nobody is aggressive because neither of us is very assertive and we want everybody to like us.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Lillibelle is doing great! She has become a real lap cat! She loves getting petted on the head and chin area, even though this gets Cody jealous. (He gets even). She sleeps with me until I fall asleep, at which time she joins Cody on Toni's bed for the night. She is a truly wonderful cat. She just had her annual check-up, and the vet says that she's a little overweight, so we have her on a diet (no hard food, just Sheba. We have to bring her back for a weight check soon. We are very happy to have her, and she seems very happy to be with us.
(Last update: Sep 15th, 2014 6am)

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