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I came in as a stray, and pretty neglected. I'm pretty pathetic here - don't you agree? But I'm better now and foster mom promises I will be a new cat in no time. I was a real favorite at the shelter 'cause I'm so sweet - they all had to hug me and say goodbye! I can be a favorite at your house, too. Better pictures of me coming very soon, I like petting better than posing.
I won't be here long, that is certain, so click on me now!
Name:   Stella
ID#: VA10265
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/24/14
Adopted: 09/20/14
Congrats: Sharon
Foster: Huey


Notes from Home
Stella was a little shy at first, but it didn't take long for her to begin trusting us. She loves any toy that makes noise. Especially the crinkle tunnel. She's prone to headbutts and falling down when you speak softly to her. We like to joke that we adopted a fainting goat! It was very hard to keep her and Declan (who arrived one week before her) apart during her isolation. They would stick their paws under the door to play with each other, but there was never any hissing or aggression. They have been absolutely inseparable since their introduction. We couldn't be happier!
(Last update: Oct 1st, 2014 12pm)

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Name:   Declan
ID#: VA10268
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/25/14
Adopted: 09/13/14
Congrats: Sharon
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes

Looking for a super sweet kitty companion that loves people, loves to be held, likes and gets along with other kitties and loves to sit in a lap most of all? Well, that's me - look no further!


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Notes from Home
What an absolute mush! Declan fell right into our arms and our hearts within minutes of arriving home. I don't think this cat has ever known a stranger. When he first arrived, he spent most of his days sleeping next to me while I worked. Now, he spends his days sleeping next to his new companion, Stella! While not sleeping, he's perched on top of his cat tree surveying the backyard birds or romping through the house with Stella. He loves to play with our daughter and will sit by the door waiting for the school bus to bring her home. We couldn't be happier with our new meezer family!

(Last update: Oct 1st, 2014 12pm)

Nothing but sweet, gentle souled cat here. Purrfect in all habits. Cute as a bunny. Well behaved, polite, easy keeper. Quieter home, and I'll be all yours. Adoption scholarship to boot, er, to paw.
Name:   Molly
ID#: VA8410
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tabby
DateIn: 03/13/12
Adopted: 09/30/12
Deceased: 04/15/18
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
September 30, 2013: One year ago today, Molly came home with us. She was a shy girl, and at first would only allow us to pet her when she burrowed under the bed covers and snuggled up to us. That’s made “firsts” with her very precious: the first time she purred just because we said her name; the first time she curled up close to the other cats to snooze; the first time she let us pet her out in the open; the first time she came running to greet us after we’d been away for an afternoon. She’s still very cautious about hands, and that may never change, but we love her dearly. We’re so glad she agreed to live with us!
Thank you Siamese Rescue for saving this sweet girl. Thank you, Diane and Siri, for being such great foster moms. And thank you to our interviewer, Debbie, who worked with us to make sure our situation would be the right one for Miss Molly.

September 30, 2014: This has been an eventful year for Molly! She and I were in an automobile accident in April: a guy in a VERY BIG truck ran a red light and hit us. She was uninjured (thanks to her carrier being seat-belt secured) but I thought Molly would regress to being as shy or shyer than she was when she came to live with us. Instead, she’s in the mood for loving more often! She is also much braver with other people than she was before the accident. I wouldn’t recommend being in a car wreck together as a way of bonding with your cat, but Molly really surprised me with her response to it! I think she knows she’s HOME, and she’s happy here. And we’re so happy she came to live with us! Thank you again SCRC!

(Last update: Sep 30th, 2014 1pm)

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Name: Matilda Amelia Cecilia Rose

(FKA Tori)

ID#: VA10207
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 08/03/14
Adopted: 09/13/14
Congrats: Bridget
Foster: Mary

A Day In The Life Of...

getting my cardio on. up/down the hallways, over/around/under furniture. over the dog/under the dog. zip right past foster Mary's head (tee hee). thundering up/down the hallway. Oh look there's my big orange buddy and he looks like he'll join me - yup here he comes. okay time for water. Now I'm tired so gonna nap.

Oh MOTH!!! Snack time. over the back of the sofa - hey look at me I can fly!!!! Oops no I can't. So glad they have wooden lamps (sorry). Caught the moth....yum. Need more water.

time for cardio again. up/down the hallways, over/around/under furniture. over the dog (love that part - she jumps). here comes orange buddy again. make the old lady kitties jump onto furniture (tee hee). time for a nap.

busy busy busy.

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Notes from Home
Miss Tillie has been home for a whopping two weeks now and I have never seen a cat unpack her bags and make herself at home quite so quickly. She has made peace with the other three and is in the process of wrapping Tako (VA8285) quite firmly around her paw.

We are so happy to have her!

(Last update: Sep 27th, 2014 6pm)

Matilda is comfortably out and about in the foster room and she also enjoys short forays into the living room. She likes lap and brushing time. The picture Matilda with the bald guy is a picture of Matilda greeting me with a head butt on the day I met her in Groton Connecticut. She and her sister are sedate 13 year olds with small voices who crave the attention of a human companion. They were bonded with their previous owner of 13 years and have grieved his loss.
It is time for them to move on to a new home with a new human companion to love. Matilda is no longer sleeping with Emily and it appears that they are ready to move into new homes in different locations.
Name:   Matilda
ID#: VA10162
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/20/14
Adopted: 09/27/14
Deceased: 06/14/16
Congrats: Kelly
Foster: peter


Notes from Home
We just arrived home and Matilda is all settled in the spare room. She has already introduced herself to both me and my husband with purring and head butts. We are in love! Looking forward to a smooth transition with our existing cat. Thanks again.
(Last update: Sep 27th, 2014 12pm)

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Name:   Meer
ID#: VA10234
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 08/16/14
Adopted: 09/20/14
Congrats: Sheila
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Just arrived. More information soon. I am sensitive and very needy. Not feeling the best right now, have that shelter cold. I am even more handsome than this. I go to the vet on Tuesday, look for me to be available after she sees me. Going to VA to be fostered by Aunt Siri on Sunday - look for me to be avaialbe soon after that.

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Notes from Home
New Pictures posted. Meer had his first Vet visit yesterday and all is great! No more signs of ringworm, thanks Siri and all who helped with that, and the Vet said his weight is good for his bread :-) The Vet was also very impressed with all the documentation Siamese Rescue had on Meer. After the first day Meer sought out his food and now eats on his own, grazing all day, Michael still sits with him in the morning though it's no longer necessary. I know we originally though Meer would not be a cats cat but the boys have loads of fun together! They play with toys and run down the hallways and stairs sounding like a stampede of cattle and then pass out from exhaustion in whatever room they may be in at the time lol. So, so far so good! He has fit right into place with his new family :-). Meer, you were well worth the wait!
(Last update: Sep 26th, 2014 11am)

Well shoot! I thought I had a forever home but something went wrong (nothing I did, honest!) and here I am back on the available pages. My bags are already packed so how about it? If you want a teddy bear of a nice cat, then I'm your guy! I could be on that Meezer Express to you as soon as you say the word! Nothing bothers me! I love people, I can hang out with other cats,I have a good appetite, I use the litter box like I should. If you want a nice big cat like me that will follow you around, rub your legs, climb on you when you are sitting down, supervise you (and tell you to hurry up) while you are fixing my meals, helping you with your chores around the house or just sitting with you while you read or watch TV then you need me because I know I need you.

I really don't want to beg but please????? I am SO ready to start my new life with you.

I'll be waiting for your call.


PS - check out Zulilly. She's my roommate and we get along great....

Name: Wally

(FKA Wadsworth)

ID#: VA7931
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 08/01/11
Adopted: 09/25/11
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Wally is settling in very well. He's beginning to explore the house and sleeps on my bed at least part of the night. He is a typical rambunctious young cat. My older female cat, Tracy, is adjusting to this usurper in her house. The hissing and growling are almost gone, only when he gets too playful or tries to snitch her food. I have lots of photos of him but all on my iPhone only. He likes to do the toe pounce when I am reading in bed at night and he likes to sit in my lap, even though he's too big to fit. He is just a joy. I am so happy I found him.
09/25/13. Two years have passed since Wally joined our household and everything is just great. He is happy, healthy, affectionate and funny. Tracy loves him, licks his face and plays with him. I think he has helped her stay young. He makes me laugh and shows how smart he is every day. I can really say I love him.
2014: It is hard to believe that Wally has been with me three years now. He is happy and healthy and has decided he wants to be a lap cat, which is a big step up for him. He's very affectionate and funny, and just loving life. I tell him every day how glad I am he came to live with me. Tracy is now 15, enjoys his company most of the time too and has good hiding places if he gets too rambunctious. He also gets along well with the parrots and respects their space.

(Last update: Sep 25th, 2014 1pm)

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Name: Trinket

(FKA Camille)

ID#: VA7870
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 07/16/11
Adopted: 09/24/11
Congrats: Traci
Foster: Heida

Just arrived and am bit anxious over this whole thing. I do enjoy being held and petted though.

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Notes from Home
Trinket has been with me for two weeks now and is doing fabulous. She and her brother Merlin are fully integrated and get along great. It's an excellent match and I couldn't be happier. She's got a great appetite and loves to play.
Trink's my girl. She's a very sweet cat and loves being petted all over. There's not a mean bone in her body when it comes to humans...her brother Merlin can be very annoying to her and she growls at him as a warning. He's bigger than her and doesn't have very good manners. Luckily she's quite nimble and faster than him so she can get away when she needs to. She's generally a very quiet cat, only occasionally making squeak noises when she sees a bug or is excited to eat. She's a tall and lean cat; a super model as her foster mother used to call her. She's doing well and she is loved very much!!

(Last update: Sep 24th, 2014 1pm)

One of the hoarder five that came in, I'm getting my feet back under me and starting to feel pretty good. Rumor has it in the next few days I can make my debut in Group Living, with a plan to go home the end of this month. Looking for an outgoing friendly and appreciative gal?
Name:   Antalya
ID#: VA10245
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 08/18/14
Adopted: 09/03/14
Congrats: Garry
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Antalya is doing really well. She came back from the vet last week with no issues. She went ahead and gave another vaccine to her and we got a fecal sample to do a final check for worms. She's gained a bit more than half a pound since she's gotten here, mostly muscle now that we are working with her every day. The vet wanted us to work with her to build some muscle mass in her back and legs due to a lack of it. So far she's doing well and jumping a bit more every day.

We've learned some other things about her as well that aren't really issues, more just things to get used to.
She tends to like cold places instead of warm places (she won't lay on heating pads or warm pillows/blankets at all, but loves cold tile floors or A/C vents).
She also does seem to have a bit of a sensitivity to light that we will be asking the vet about next time we are in (in a few weeks).
We've noticed her mood changes and she constantly hides in darker places when there is alot of bright or natural light. If we try and play with her in those places she is mostly playful but definitely is restricted, and she just looks not as happy. Since then we've lowered the amount of windows open and made the overall house alot darker (we actually prefer it this way anyway) and its a complete difference. Shes always happy, kneading and wants to play all the time.

(Last update: Sep 24th, 2014 12am)

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Name: Skippyjon

(FKA Jonathan Seagull)

ID#: VA10317
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 4mon
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 09/14/14
Adopted: 09/20/14
Deceased: 10/12/14
Congrats: Marsha
Foster: Rinn

infoKitten Policies apply
I'm baaaaack! I went to a new home but through no fault of my own, I had to come back. I'm a talkative little guy who gets along with others. Even the dog! I love to play with toys and with other kitties. And when I'm all done playing and exploring, I even come for a snuggle or two. Foster mom promises new photos of me soon. I'm almost 4 months and growing like a weed!

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Notes from Home
Jonathan has been renamed Skippyjon after our favorite children's books about Skippyjon Jones by Judy Schachner. A Must Read series about the adventures of a Siamese who thinks he's a Chihuahua because his ears are too big. Our Skippyjon is adjusting very well to his new home since he arrived Saturday. We have a week and a half to make the introductions to our other two felines who are beside themselves with curiosity as to what is going on behind the closed door. Skippyjon visited our Vet today who was very impressed with him and also the care, paperwork, and scheduling for transport of our boy. Thank you VA Siamese Rescue for another successful adoption! And thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who made it happen!
(Last update: Sep 23rd, 2014 7pm)

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