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The Meezers on these pages have been adopted and are now in their new homes. These pages allow the adopters to provide updates and pictures of their new cats for their friends and our volunteers to see.
Only cats with updates are listed below. If you are an adopter and would like to make an Update, visit your Application Status page and look in the Previously Adopted section for the Update button.

 Search Tools (Find cats by Owner or catname/ID) Last Update: Oct 22nd, 2024 12:10:22pm
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Q - Q(c)ute
U - Unbelievably entertaining
A - Adorable
N - Nice, nice, nice
G - Good - a REALLY good addition to your family

So, what ARE you waiting for? I'm here just waiting for you. Let Foster Mom know when you are ready and she'll tell you all about me so we can see if we are a good match to live happily ever after.


PS - Did tell you I like to play and climb, and purr and talk to Foster Mom AND be held like a baby????? Just wanted to make sure you knew all that stuff about me.

Name: Chili

(FKA Quang)

ID#: VA7206
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/14/10
Adopted: 10/24/10
Congrats: Sue
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Hi everyone!
Can't believe I've been with Sue and Bruce for four years now -- that's a lot of litter, especially when you consider that I have three Siamese "sisters," two of which also came from the wonderful Rescue folks. But I try to keep the gals in line with my constant playfulness, continual chirping (Mom calls it my singing), and refusal to stay off the counters and other food surfaces. I mean, what's a guy for? If I were human, I'd be driving a pickup, wearing a cap sideways and have a beer in my hand. But they love me anyway. I sleep with Mom and Dad in the center of the king-sized bed, making sure I nuzzle up to Dad all night, playfully edging him into a pretzel until he almost falls off. He swears I'm responsible for the kink in his back, but I just look at the girls, who also stake out their territory on the middle of the mattress. It's great fun never being responsible for anything! One of my favorite tricks is chewing on cardboard boxes -- you can hear me all over the house. My humans get my teeth cleaned every year, but that doesn't deter my crunching. All of us have adapted beautifully to our home in Portland (especially the stairs - !) and are happy and healthy. A big hurrah to the Siamese Rescue Center people for finding us a loving home!!!


(Last update: Oct 27th, 2014 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Asher
ID#: VA9947
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 03/29/14
Adopted: 04/26/14
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Heida

Just arrived. More information soon.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Asher is doing very well. He and our other kitten, Sasha, have become great playmates and he's also settled in quite well with our two dogs. He's a very affectionate and playful kitten. Couldn't be happier. See photo on cat tree (Sasha rear left, Asher front right).

Oct 27, 2014: Asher is doing great! He and Sasha (our younger Siamese) are best friends and it sounds like a stampede across the hardwood floors at play time. He's also turning into quite the lap kitty (on his terms of course) and he loves to travel around on my husband's shoulders and test his jumping skills. Couldn't have asked for a better match. :-)

(Last update: Oct 27th, 2014 2pm)

A laidback little gal who has been the only cat and was tossed out when the landlord found out about me. I'm a quiet souled thoughtful young lady who could be an only or could go with an easy going kind young feline gent....
Name:   Charley
ID#: VA9603
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 4 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/15/13
Adopted: 10/26/13
Deceased: 05/15/17
Congrats: Betsy
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
October 2014
Well something magical happened around Samantha's one year anniversary, she has finally found her voice! It is still a little squeak of a thing but she has been using it to let us know exactly what she thinks or wants. She is a wonderful cat and has really come out of her shell and decided that she will accept us as her people. We are lucky to have her!


Wow it has been six months since we brought Samantha (FKA Charley) home. She is a very quite cat, she still does not talk except at meal times! We are working on her trust issues and she is getting more tolerant of having us around - she just wants it all on her terms. She is very content to sleep with us, have head rubs, and stay in the room with us but the holding and lap sitting, not so much yet. She has really grown into a beautiful cat, he now weighs 9.5 lbs. We have issues with her scratching furniture and were using soft paws. We are now working on modifying that behavior without the soft paws and we are making good progress. Thanks to all the people that made this happen, we are so happy with Samantha as a part of our family.

We have had Ms Sammi Cat for 4 months and she is doing great. She is a wonderful cat and has all of a sudden grown from a silly kitty into a beautiful cat.

Samantha has been with us six weeks now and is continuing to get settled. This week she has started getting in our laps for short periods of loving. She has figured out that all showers in our house require her "supervision" and gets quite miffed if the bathroom door is shut! She really is a great cat!

Samantha (formerly Charley) is doing great. She is such a funny little thing, very playful and full of mischief! She loves to chase her feather teaser and runs thru the house at top speed if she feels we are not paying her enough attention.

Samantha has gained about a pound in the month that we have had her and her first vet visit was great. We have put soft paws on her because we can't get her to stop scratching the leather chairs but we are going to work on that in a couple of months once she gets a bit more settled in and secure with us.

She and our other cat are still getting to know one another, they are both sleeping on the bed with us at night with no fighting! She has been a great addition to the family and has helped our other cat get over the lose of his sister.

(Last update: Oct 27th, 2014 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Contessa
ID#: VA6395
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/14/09
Adopted: 07/06/09
Deceased: 05/13/14
Congrats: Kaethe
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

Sweet, loving, vocal girl settling in at my foster home. So far, I enjoy conversations, being petted and wet food! Foster mom says I have lap cat potential and am a little love bug. We'll be getting more pix this weekend, so stay tuned.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Contessa now sleeps on the bed mushed up against me, and when I wake up in the morning she is purring. She has begun to follow me around the house and sit in whatever room I'm in -- even the computer room is okay now. She's guarding the door as I type this! Not a lap cat, but definitely interested in keeping us company.

7/9/2010: Contessa's favorite seat is my stitching chair! We are still working out a schedule of when I am allowed to use it, but if I'm at the computer, she prefers to sit at my feet, asking for rubs. She's also decided that if I must be in my chair, she might as well be nearby and will use the Millie Bed, first lying across it and then gradually curling into it, snoring the whole while. She also loves my shoes when I take them off in the evening and will nap with her head pillowed on them.

10/7/2011: Contessa survived her first bladder infections this year, but is otherwise very very healthy, with a beautiful glossy coat that I think is helped along by the "soup" (tiny bit of wet food mushed in water) that I give her in the evening. She's still a chair-hog and complains about any change in routine. Reminders about "soup" begin as early as 4:30 pm, just in case I might forget. She joins us for dinner and rounds us up for bedtime. Even on the hottest nights, she must sleep touching me, and often touching my husband as well!

5/13/2014: Contessa is now with St. Francis. She had been losing weight for several months now, and often unable to keep much down. She had no "masses" in her GI tract, and the vets were at a loss for what to do besides trying other foods and increasing her liquids. Yesterday evening she threw up everything in her stomach and was struggling to breathe. We took her to urgent care where the doctor told us that there wasn't anything to be done but say good-bye. (Anyone who thinks our younger people are cold and ruthless should be shown a video of my daughter's reaction: she's nearly 25 and was sobbing for the rest of the night.) I held her while we said our goodbyes and through to the end. All three of us are so very sad to have our hearts ripped open again, but very grateful that Contessa was ours for the time we had. And we, very much hers.

(Last update: Oct 26th, 2014 7pm)

Too smart, too loving, too busy, too demanding. Are you kidding me? Siamese are supposed to be those things, right? And you're here because you want a Siamese cat, right? So see if you can put TOO and TOO together and figure it out - You plus Me equals Siamese bliss! Adoption Scholarship offered!
Name:   Crystal Renee
ID#: VA7495
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/08/11
Adopted: 08/21/11
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Crystal is the perfect companion- what a love bug. She is like velcro kitty! People cannot believe how warm and cuddly she is. We are staying with my parents to help them as they are having some medical issues and she is a great comfort to them both. I have attached a pic of her.
(Last update: Oct 26th, 2014 6pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Dara Nin (Mai Dara Nin )

(FKA Delilah)

ID#: VA5954
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/10/08
Adopted: 10/26/08
Congrats: Edward (Corky)
Foster: Jeanne

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5

I'm Delilah, part of a bonded pair. Meowmy says I'm just as sweet as can be and she loves to watch me snuggle with my brother, Sampson.

My brother & I were promised we could stay together forever, so if you are looking for two, we're the ones for you!

More later!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Dara (fka Delilah) is the quintessential diva seal point girl. Too smart by half, intense, interactive, an obsessive fetcher of schmoushies and a chatter, although she still has a squeaky voice, not yet a Meezer yowrl. She was smaller than her brother, Saming, from the beginning and is still a little cat, but with a big personality, She also got a bit chubby during Saming's over-two-month broken-leg recuperation, since she wasn't allowed to rough house and rampage around the house with him until his leg healed. They are making up for lost time now and hopefully her tubby middle will slim down again from all that exercise. In her intense demand for attention, she sometimes nips our face, arms and hands, and tries to too roughly rabbit-kick our arms, but we are working on discouraging that behavior by squealing like a hurt cat when she does it. That usually (briefly) stops her. And Saming, the sweetie, tries to come to our rescue when we squeal, giving Dara a warning pat or nip for being too rough with us. We are totally in love with both of them!! [late April 2009]

10/27/09 Yesterday was our 1 year anniversary of being owned by Dara (full name Mai Dara Nin, meaning Silk Star Sapphire in Thai, I think). She continues to be a bossy but loving diva to us and her brother, Saming. She's now 1 year and 3 months old and remains quite petite, smaller than Saming, but she has lost the chubbiness she picked up when Saming wasn't able to play with her when his broken leg was healing. She is much better about the nipping and hand/feet attacking, although she still gets cranked up sometimes and has to be calmed down. And she has four mousies that she will demand to play fetch with whenever she is awake--we're getting very good at "fetching" them when she knocks them under furniture. She and Saming run the house and are catered to by us, their loyal and besotted servants. We've been on three road trips with them, the first at Thanksgiving 08 to NC, one in early July for a long weekend to Virginia and the other to a NC beach for two weeks plus a couple day stop in Virginia, and they were wonderful travellers. They hunted bugs in the beach house, watched Bird TV out the windows and went for a few strolls in their harnesses and leashes on the house desk. They both will have their annual vet visit in the next few weeks and we expect they will be judged to be very healthy kitties and be admired by the vet and his staff. Thanks to all involved in bringing us these two adorable babies! Almost forgot, Dara is Ms. July Sidebar in the 2010 SCRC calendar--we're thrilled and going to order many calendars for Christmas presents!

27 Jan 2011--Oh, dear, it's 3 months past Dara's 2 year anniversary of coming home (on 26 October 2008) and I'm only now updating! She's still a diva, an OCD mouse fetcher and the ruler of her house, her beans and her brother, Saming. When he briefly tries to assert his dominance by grabbing her scruff in his mouth and "mounting" her--he doesn't know what to do after that, so he bunny-kicks her-- she twists around and bops him on the head until he lets go, even though he's bigger than her. She occasionally allows him to play with "her" mouse, but quickly thinks better of her generosity and takes it back, grrrr and hissing (in play) to remind him that it is HERS! She knows exactly how to get our attention (scratching a chair or jumping and sitting on the computer mouse) so she can get her way.

Their Nov 2009 and 2010 annual vet visits were uneventful . . . well, except the getting to and back from them, which involves lugging their carrier on bus, ferry and subway from Staten Island to Manhattan. Both are healthy kitties! They are wonderful travellers and accompany us on all our car trips--in 2010, that included trips to Virginia, Ohio, 2 weeks in North Carolina at the beach and another NC trip over Thanksgiving. We are so grateful to SCRC for saving and bringing our babies into our lives! (New pictures attached)

11/10/12: I'm a bit late in updating Dara's 4 year anniversary in her forever home, which was on 26 Oct 2012, but a little thing called Hurricane Sandy cropped up before I could get my act together. We lost power (and with it, heat and hot water) on 29 Oct here in northeast Staten Island and didn't get it back until 3 Nov. Both Dara and Saming felt the chilly apartment was all my fault and would look at me from their Millie bed as if to say "Meowmy, DO something to make it warm again!" All is nearly back to normal again, at least for the kitties, who don't have to commute into Manhattan, and can warm themselves in windows and on radiators to their hearts' content. But, again due to Sandy, we're a bit late in setting up their 2012 vet visit--we'll get that taken care of soon.

They are still our faithful travelling companions and spent their/our two weeks at the beach this year in the company of my sister's now three (!!) Patterdale terriers. With careful use of child gates, everyone behaved and no unmonitored cat/dog intersections occurred--whew!

We continue to sing the praises of SCRC to anyone we know who might be interested in adopting a Siamese and succeeded in getting our NJ friend, Linda, to adopt her two from SCRC a few years ago--Jake and Lucy landed in the lap of love and luxury as a result.

26 Oct 2013: Happy 5th Gotcha Day, Saming & Dara! Dara remains the Diva and Queen of anyone she meets. She acted very snarky to Saming when he had a rough patch this last month. He was diagnosed with struvite crystals and we're switching both cats to a urinary prescription diet. But, after being at the emergency vet for only four hours, Dara decided she'd never seen this "new" vet-shtinky cat before, so we spent over a week keeping them separated and doing monitored reintroductions. Once she decided she might know him and tried to remake friends, he started hissing at her :-O We couldn't blame him since she'd been so hissy, snarly and hit-him-in-the-head for so many days. Both are finally back to loving each other and playing normally--whew! Our next annual vet appointment is in January 2014, so we'll get a follow-up examination of Saming and his crystals then, so long as he doesn't start showing symptoms of having trouble peeing again between now and then. I've added a new picture or two.

26 October 2014: Early this morning I got my yearly reminder from my Siamese Cat Rescue Center interviewer, Kelly Rose Mullin, that today is Saming and Dara's 6th Gotcha Day! Oh, my, how time has flown, from baby kittens to my adult babies Many, many thanks to SCRC and all their wonderful volunteers for saving so many beautiful Siamese in need. And special thanks to Jeanne Brunn, who saved my duo from the Roanoke SPCA, stashed them in an office to keep them healthy and away from shelter germs until she could officially bring them into SCRC and fostered them into the sociable darlings they were and are <3

(Last update: Oct 26th, 2014 11am)


I'm Sampson, part of a bonded pair. Meowmy says I'm just as sweet as can be and she loves to watch me snuggle with my sister, Delaliah.

My sister & I were promised we could stay together forever, so if you are looking for two, we're the ones for you!

More later!
Name: Saming (Thong SudSaming )

(FKA Sampson)

ID#: VA5953
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 10/10/08
Adopted: 10/26/08
Congrats: Edward (Corky)
Foster: Jeanne

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Saming (fka Sampson) is our first flame point and is everything I've since learned about flame-points--a little (and getting bigger by the day!) lover boy who loves to give kisses, lie on Corky's or my chest and tuck his head under our chins and gaze lovingly at us. As some of you know, he broke his right upper arm in mid-February 09 and went through 2 surgeries in one day to repair it, then 2 months of house arrest, first in a cage then confined to one room at a time, so it could heal. He caught it in a door (between the door frame and the hinge side of the door) while playing with Dara (fka Delilah). We have since secured our doors with door stops and hooks so this never happens again. At 9 1/2 months, he's already a big, lean, muscular boy and promises to keep right on growing even bigger. We are both so happy we adopted him and his sister! [late April 2009 update]

10/27/09 Yesterday was our 1 year anniversary of being owned by Saming (full name Thong SudSaming, meaning Golden Ghost/Spirit Tiger in Thai, I think). He continues to be a love to us and his sister, Dara. He's now 1 year and 3 months old and getting bigger, but still lean and muscular, by the day. His broken leg is fully healed and it is almost unnoticable that it was ever broken--just a bit stiffer than the other front leg. He and Dara run the house and are catered to by us, their loyal and besotted servants. We've been on three road trips with them, the first at Thanksgiving 08 to NC, one in early July for a long weekend to Virginia and the other to a NC beach for two weeks plus a couple day stop in Virginia, and they were wonderful travellers. They hunted bugs in the beach house, watched Bird TV out the windows and went for a few strolls in their harnesses and leashes on the house desk. They both will have their annual vet visit in the next few weeks and we expect they will be judged to be very healthy kitties and be admired by the vet and his staff. Thanks to all involved in bringing us these two adorable babies!

27 Jan 2011--Oh, dear, it's 3 months past Saming's 2 year anniversary of coming home (on 26 October 2008) and I'm only now updating! He's a big ol' momma's boy, who thinks it is his job to keep my nose and mouth clean (see new picture) and to dry me off whenever I get any part of me wet (post hand washing, post face washing, post shower). He also is his sister, Dara's, faithful subordinate, except when he briefly tries to assert his dominance by grabbing her scruff in his mouth and "mounting" her--he doesn't know what to do after that, so he bunny-kicks her until she twists around and bops him on the head until he lets go. He loves to herd us around the house, being quite sure we can't get from the bedroom to the kitchen each morning and from the living room to the bedroom each night without his direction, which involves winding himself around our feet as we try to walk down the hall--we've had many a near accident this way, including Saming becoming a furry soccer ball when we trip over him.

Their Nov 2009 and 2010 annual vet visits were uneventful . . . well, except the getting to and back from them, which involves lugging their carrier on bus, ferry and subway from Staten Island to Manhattan. Both are healthy kitties! They are wonderful travellers and accompany us on all our car trips--in 2010, that included trips to Virginia, Ohio, 2 weeks in North Carolina at the beach and another NC trip over Thanksgiving. We are so grateful to SCRC for saving and bringing our babies into our lives!

11/10/12: I'm a bit late in updating Saming's 4 year anniversary in his forever home, which was on 26 Oct 2012, but a little thing called Hurricane Sandy cropped up before I could get my act together. We lost power (and with it, heat and hot water) on 29 Oct here in northeast Staten Island and didn't get it back until 3 Nov. Both Saming and Dara felt the chilly apartment was all my fault and would look at me from their Millie bed as if to say "Meowmy, DO something to make it warm again!" All is nearly back to normal again, at least for the kitties, who don't have to commute into Manhattan, and can warm themselves in windows and on radiators to their hearts' content. But, again due to Sandy, we're a bit late in setting up their 2012 vet visit--we'll get that taken care of soon.

They are still our faithful travelling companions and spent their/our two weeks at the beach this year in the company of my sister's now three (!!) Patterdale terriers. With careful use of child gates, everyone behaved and no unmonitored cat/dog intersections occurred--whew!

We continue to sing the praises of SCRC to anyone we know who might be interested in adopting a Siamese and succeeded in getting our NJ friend, Linda, to adopt her two from SCRC a few years ago--Jake and Lucy landed in the lap of love and luxury as a result.

26 Oct 2013: Happy 5th Gotcha Day, Saming & Dara! Saming has had a rough patch this last month. What appeared to be a partial urinary blockage a few weeks ago was thankfully not, but he was diagnosed with struvite crystals and we have transitioned him and Dara over to part Science Diet C/D and part Royal Canin SO. Although wet food would be better, neither cat likes the wet as much as they do the dry (odd cats ;-) ), so they're still getting mainly dry with an occasional small bowl of wet. And Dara decided she'd never seen this "new" vet-shtinky cat before when he got back from 4 hours at the emergency vet, so we spent over a week keeping them separated and doing monitored reintroductions. Once she decided she might know him and tried to remake friends, he started hissing at her :-O We couldn't blame him since she'd been so hissy, snarly and hit-him-in-the-head for so many days. Both are finally back to loving each other and playing normally--whew! Our next annual vet appointment is in January 2014, so we'll get a follow-up examination of Saming and his crystals then, so long as he doesn't start showing symptoms of having trouble peeing again between now and then. I've added a new picture or two.

26 October 2014: Early this morning I got my yearly reminder from my Siamese Cat Rescue Center interviewer, Kelly Rose Mullin, that today is Saming and Dara's 6th Gotcha Day! Oh, my, how time has flown, from baby kittens to my adult babies Many, many thanks to SCRC and all their wonderful volunteers for saving so many beautiful Siamese in need. And special thanks to Jeanne Brunn, who saved my duo from the Roanoke SPCA, stashed them in an office to keep them healthy and away from shelter germs until she could officially bring them into SCRC and fostered them into the sociable darlings they were and are <3

(Last update: Oct 26th, 2014 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Banks
ID#: VA8841
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/08/12
Adopted: 10/25/12
Congrats: Kathleen
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

Young, handsome seal boy looking for his forever home. Better ask quick because foster mom says I am a "revolving door kitty"!!!!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi Kathi--
It 's hard the believe that two years have passed since we adopted Banks. He is doing beautifully! He is very playful and loves the game of fetch every morning. Every night he sleeps with me snuggled behind my legs. During the day Banks enjoys our screened in porch where he watches the birds at our feeders. Banks and his fur sister Russia have learned to get along nicely. He's been a joyful addition to our family! Thanks for all you do for the homeless kitties.
Kathy 10/25/14

(Last update: Oct 25th, 2014 7pm)

I'm June Carter, and I'm trying to keep on the sunny side, although that's been a little hard to do lately. My companion and I were taken from our owner, who was too sick to take care of us, too sick even to say what our names were. Then we went off to a shelter, but there our luck changed. Lots of good people worked to get us out and bring us to Virginia via Meezer Express (what a wonderful group of folks!). We are a bonded pair of lapcats, and we must stay together (the circle can't be broken). And yes, we are singers. Johnny sings bass, I sing tenor. We went to vet today and impressed one and all with our gorgeous good looks, our sparkling teeth and overall good health, and of course our high-decibel singing. We need to be the only animal companions in a quiet home with folks who have time to spend with us. I'm a little more shy than Johnny, but will warm up to you right away.
Name:   June Carter
ID#: VA2917
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/19/04
Adopted: 10/23/04
Deceased: 03/12/19
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Barbara


Notes from Home
(Last update: Oct 23rd, 2014 1pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Kara
ID#: VA2421
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/13/03
Adopted: 12/20/03
Deceased: 09/04/14
Congrats: Pam
Foster: Siri

Just arrived from a home with 35 other cats, so having a little quiet time during my isolation period is not a bad thing! I get to see Dr. Reinhold this week and then I'll be ready to go, I'm so far very wonderful and loving so expect good things in small packages (at 6 pounds.....) Congrats Pam in VA!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Trisy (Kara) was a wonderful cat, started out pretty shy and never really warmed up to other people - she did show the husband attention and he learned how wonderful a cat can be.

she played fetch (i'd never seen this in a cat before) and loved to play with my christmas ribbons.

She came down with some kind of cancer (per the neurologist), lost sight in one eye, wasn't eating etc. and I had to let her go to a better place. : (

(Last update: Oct 21st, 2014 3pm)

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366 Meander Run Rd, Locust Dale, VA 22948
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