Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 14th, 2025 12:02:15pm |
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Just arrived. Found as an injured stray in poor condition, Pete has successfully regained weight, gotten all healed up, and is now looking for her forever home.
Name: Pete
ID#: VA12780
Location: Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 09/08/18
Adopted: 09/30/18
Congrats: Elana
Foster: Diane
Foster Notes for Pete [VA12780] |
Super loving kitty! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Pete (now Pablo) was diagnosed with stomatitis at his first vet appointment. The vet wouldn't treat him and wanted to send him to a dentist for biopsy. I switched to a cat only vet and today was told he has tonsillitis and not stomatitis. Apparently, this is very rare. He is being treated with antibiotics for presumptive infection. If he doesn't improve, they may try steroids as it may be an inflammatory process. The vet is contacting some of her colleagues as she said it is quite unusual to see this.
But he doesn't seem to mind the swelling- Eating and purring and full of energy...
(Last update: Oct 16th, 2018 6pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Mr. Boots
ID#: VA10159
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/19/14
Adopted: 09/14/14
Deceased: 01/01/18
Congrats: Shanei
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Not with Male Cats
Well you are crazy not to adopt me! Now that I have settled in, here's what I like: To lay on my back with my paws in the air and have you rub my tummy. To grab that catnip pillow by the corner and throw it hard across the room, then rumble over to try to catch it before it lands. To carry the furry mice around (I really like the blue ones) in my mouth. And to sit in your lap and be adored as the big adorable guy that I am!
I am all ready to go and I have my bags packed, with catnip pillow and blue furry mouse included. Just waiting for my ride home, are you coming?
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mr. Boots is doing pretty well. We still call him Mr. Boots or Booter. He has had a slow start. My girl Balinese has joined ISIS and she has not warmed up to him yet. She still is hissing. She even claimed his scratcher. But, Boots is ignoring her. I am kinda shocked by Sissy's behavior. But, Boots reclaimed his scratcher and coming out from hiding. He jumps up on moms bed and gets love. A couple of times this week, I found him sleeping in my bed. When he saw me he jumped down. He is welcome to sleep with mom anytime. He has decided he likes SIssy's food better than his..So he gets two kinds. All his habits are good. We have moved his litter box downstairs with the others. No accidents. He is a night owl. I hear him playing with his toys late at night. He snores too. He still does his back foot chin thing. I'm going to video tape it. It is so funny. We love him. Its gonna take time for him to fully trust us. He is easily spooked with loud noises and my mini terrorist. However, I think in time, Boots will be fine..Shanei
Mr. Boots died of cancer on on August 30,2018
(Last update: Oct 15th, 2018 3pm)
I am a super deluxe love bug. I would love to be a full time lap kitty but foster mom says I need to lose some weight. I have lost 3 lbs since I arrived and doing great with my diet and exercise.
I love to give hugs and lay my head on your shoulder.
Good with other cats once he gets to know them. Very playful.
Cute squeaky voice and amazingly quick and agile.
Foster mom just discovered that I love to play fetch with my crinkle ball. I actually bring it back and give it to her.
That's me - Bubs (won't be Tubs for long)
Name: Sumo
(FKA Bubba)
ID#: VA12603
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 05/07/18
Adopted: 07/21/18
Congrats: Allison
Foster: Kay
Notes from Home
Sumo is doing well! His fur is almost all grown back in without medication. He is now a lighter color and much more handsome. His weight is down to 1i5.8 so he is losing slowly but still going in the right direction. He is a lover!
(Last update: Oct 14th, 2018 9am)
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Name: Claudia
ID#: VA8803
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 09/16/12
Adopted: 10/06/12
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Heida
Sweet, snuggly, friendly and outgoing ! Does your cat or kitten need a play mate ? Do you need a snuggle buddy ? Well, ask about me !
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Claudia and Sammy are both doing GREAT! They are such happy, playful and cute kittens. Claudia is so very loving. She tries to "mother" Sammy but he is usually in too much of a hurry looking for something to get in to and play with. Claudia had learned to hold her own and is very playful. They are very loving toward each other. I am so blessed to have them, they are wonderful!
11/30/2012 Claudia is doing great. She is such a playful, loving girl. I put the Christmas tree up this week and both her and Sammy and very interested in it but no disasters so far! She loves to play and is so funny doing flips and rolling around with toys. She still loves to preen Sammy and will hold him down if he is not cooperative. She is such a little sweetie, I am so happy she is my little girl!
4/9/2013 Claudia is a wonderful girl! She had grown so in size and personality. She has always been loving but she seems to be more so every day, both with me and Sammy. She has also become so much more playful, I can't help but laugh some times at her antics. She is learning not to always do what she sees Sammy do (he can get into a bit of trouble because of his
curiosity!!) but she loves to play with him. I am so blessed to have Claudia and Sammy!
10/8/2013 Hi everyone I am having a wonderful time with my Momma and brother Sammy. I get lots of love and have fun with Sammy. Sometimes he gets alittle rough and I have to remind him to be nice but I have a good time playing with him. Love, Claudia
Claudia is such a wonderful loving girl. Her and Sammy are very loving and play together. She knows how to put him in his place when she needs to but she does love him. I can't believe they have been here with me one year. Claudia is a healthy, beautiful girl and I love her and Sammy so much!
10/11/2014 Claudia is doing GREAT! She continues to be the sweetest girl ever and is so loving. She is very playful these days, loves to play with brother Sammy. She does have to keep him in line because he is a bit of a bully at times and gets into trouble from time to time. She is a beautiful girl and I love her very much! Dr. Cory says she is very healthy.
Oct. 6, 2015 Claudia and Sammy are both doing GREAT! I can't believe it has been 3 years since they came home to me. She is so very lovable and sweet but sure does have a playful and sneaky side to her. Sammy as to watch out because she has a habit of letting know she is the boss even though he thinks he is!
Oct. 9, 2017 Claudia and Sammy are doing great. Claudia has come out of her shell since our Vet, Dr. Cory put Sammy on a short term medicine to calm him down and end his aggression and bullying. Now he is sweet and she is her sweet, loving playful self again. They love to sit in the window and watch the birds in our bird feeder. She lays belly up and lets me rub her belly to show me how trusting she is now. She is such a wonderful kitty and I love her and Sammy so much! They are my babies!
10/11/18 Beautiful Claudia is doing great. She is so beautiful and sweet. She is my loveable baby girl. Her and Sammy are doing great and getting along great now that Sammy no longer bullies her (thanks to Dr. Cory). I can hardly believe they have been with me for 6 years. I love my kitty babies so much!
(Last update: Oct 11th, 2018 9pm)
I am a very bold fellow now and have no trouble approaching you for attention. OF course foster mom says I still need to learn some manners and my mom is trying to teach me. I love to play and wrestle with my brother Reilly and will need a play buddy in my new home. So ask about me if you want a rowdy boy in your house.
Check out my photo gallery and you can see how much I have grown! I was such a little squirt.
Name: Sammy
(FKA Quick)
ID#: VA8719
Location: North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/17/12
Adopted: 10/06/12
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Julie
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Sammy and Claudia are both doing GREAT! They are such happy, playful and cute kitties. Sammy has grown so very much. He was a little tiny baby when I got him and now he is almost the same size as big sister Claudia. They love to play together and preen each other, especially Claudia, she loves to preen Sammy and sometimes holds him down to do it. Sammy is a real go-getter. He will play with anything in sight! I tried to post pics but once I uploaded them I could not get them to the page. I will keep trying.
Just found out how the upload of the pics works. so I uploaded 2 more really cute ones. I love these two little fur balls....they are my babies!
11/30/2012 Sammy is doing great. He is getting to be such a big boy. I put the Christmas tree up this week and
Claudia and him is all interested in it. No disasters yet! I call him my little "Sammy Monster" because he is so active and curious, always looking for something to get into! He loves to play with Claudia and they can get really rough but then they get tired and are so loving with each other. I am so very happy he is my little Sammy!
4/9/2013 It is hard to believe it has been 6 months! Sammy and Claudia are doing GREAT. They are both so much fun. Sammy is a big boy now. He loves playing with Claudia and being loving with her. He is a mischievous guy and always looking for something to get into, it is all about fun with him. I feel so very blessed to have both Sammy and Claudia, they are great!
10/8/2013 Momma says it is time for an update. I am a very happy little (BIG) guy and have so much fun with my sissy Claudia. I love to eat and play and am always looking for something that looks like fun! Like watching my fish friends! Sammy
Sammy is doing great and I can't believe it has been a year since him and Claudia came home to me. They are both wonderful kitties. On his very first post it said that "my foster mom says I need to learn manners", well he still has a problem with that! He is just so determined to have fun he just goes head first into everything! Claudia has to put him in his place from time to him but he quickly behaves himself then! He is a big health boy and I sure do love him
10/11/2014 Sammy definitely keeps life interesting! He is such a complex boy. From his separation anxiety when I leave the house (sometimes to only go outside) to his being a bit of a bully to being extremely loving to me and sister Claudia, he is a mess! Sammy is very healthy but Dr Cory has warned me he should not gain any more weight. He does love to eat!!! Sammy finds interesting ways of getting in trouble but Claudia tries her best to keep him straightened out. They are very loving to each other. I hope the pictures come through, I had a bit of trouble with Claudia's. He still does not like company much and hates it when my whole family comes over about once a month. I love my Sammy and Claudia. They are very loving kitties!
10/6/2015 "Sammy is just being Sammy", that is what I tell anyone who asks why he acts like he does! He is quite the character to say the least. But he is Mommies lovebug and he is doing great. He still has his issues, especially with the separation anxiety when he cant find me but that is just Sammy! He is very healthy and doing great. He does love to eat and I am watching his weight. Him and Claudia are so sweet with each other but she still has to put him in his place when he decides to be a bully I love both my Sammy and my Claudia!
I almost forgot to tell you Sammy still has the 2 little "security blankies" he came home with 3 years ago. When he is having a bout of separation anxiety he carries them around the house in his mouth meowing a really pathetic meow! Silly boy!
Sammy and Claudia are doing great. We went through a rough time with Sammys bullying and aggression but after several visits to our vet Dr. Cory he was put on a short course of medicine to calm him down and it worked great. Claudia benefitted from it because she had gotten very shy and afraid but they are best friends most of the time now. Sammy still has really bad separation anxiety but I've come to accept its just how he is and I work to assure him everything is fine. He is such a big loving boy now, He just wants to be with his "Mommy" now all the time. I love my sweet babies so very much!
(Last update: Oct 11th, 2018 8pm)
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Name: Fitz
(FKA Wallis)
ID#: VA11541
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 6mon
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 06/25/16
Adopted: 07/16/16
Deceased: 10/01/16
Congrats: Gloria
Foster: Debra
Sweetie pie. I am one of the triplets. We all look just alike so Foster mom can't tell who is who yet!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Fitz died six months after we got him. I emailed someone about this. He was sickly the whole time we had him and finally, the vet discovered he had FIP (very rare, always fatal). It was a horrific experience for us and he was our special baby. He was so cuddly and snuggly. We are thinking we are ready to maybe try again for another cat after grieving for over a year.
(Last update: Oct 6th, 2018 1pm)
Yes, Blossom is the ultimate Siamese - sleek and energetic, vocal, social and very, very BUSY!
Blossom would prefer to be queen of her domain but also enjoys play with younger male kitties. She is fine with non-aggressive dogs who would understand that she is the boss :)
Blossom has perfect litter box habits, is healthy and active, and has an inquisitive nature. She is a typical Seal Point female - wanting to be near her purrson constantly, seeking attention and wanting to be involved with the daily routine - "helping" with chores, sitting on your lap when you watch tv or read, or following you around from room to room. She also has shown a tendency to "borrow" items, such as small toys, and hoard them in a hiding place for later playtime.
A beautifully pointed seal girl, Blossom has the intense, needy purrsonality that would do best in a Siamese experienced home.
ID#: VA12659
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/17/18
Adopted: 09/29/18
Congrats: Candy
Foster: Deirdre
Foster Notes for BLOSSOM [VA12659] |
Happy, chatty girl who just wants to be close to her purrson at all times. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Female Cats
Notes from Home
Blossom is a great kitty I just love and enjoy her!
(Last update: Oct 4th, 2018 12pm)
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