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I am one happy kitten! I have lots of food, lots of toys & lots of loving coming my way since I arrived. Foster Meowm says my name should really be Sweets cause I'm so sweet. I am looking for my forever family cause I've got all kinds of loving to share! Do you have a little friend for me to play with?? I would like a friend!
Click on that button & ask my foster meowm to tell you all about me...Binx!!!
Name:   Binx
ID#: VA7317
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 10/02/10
Adopted: 10/25/10
Congrats: Sharon
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Binx has grown into one big loving ball of fluff!! He gets along well with all the cats and our dog Stella. LOVE HIM TO DEATH!!!!! He had 2 episodes last year of ureteral blockage and needed urgent surgery (penectomy...ouch) but has done really well since then. He is like a big bear and we cant imagine life without him. Thanks to all of you who work so hard to place these awesome cats!!
(Last update: Nov 1st, 2014 1pm)

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Name:   Kiwi
ID#: VA10137
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/08/14
Adopted: 08/24/14
Congrats: John
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

I was trapped in the with my mom and siblings. I am a scared little on but foster mom is teaching me that life inside is a safe and fun one. I am a smart kitten and will pick up quickly.

My litter box habits are perfect and I love my canned and dry food. Give us a few days for videos but go look at my pictures. I have a cute little bunny nose and my eyes are a beautiful shade of blu

I would like to stay with my brother if it is at all possible. We are working on being more confident so keep an eye on us or if you have time to spend getting to
know us and show us the world is a great place than ask about us or me.

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Notes from Home
Lillet (aka Kiwi) is now 5 months old. She spends time watching traffic or squirrels playing around the bird feeders. She also naps after these strenuous activities. Shyness improving over time; still won't be picked up, though.
(Last update: Oct 31st, 2014 11am)

I'm a cute thing ,very playful and lovable. You tell me what there is here not to like?....I'm waiting.... that is what I thought. There isn't anything not to like. Now all you have to do is make your home mine and we'll be set for life. Best make it quick ,this is an offer that won't last for long as I just cannot see that many passing a good thing like this up.

Name: Nikka


ID#: VA4737
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 02/02/07
Adopted: 02/10/07
Deceased: 08/01/13
Congrats: Cindy
Foster: Paul

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
My sweet little girl has passed away.
(Last update: Oct 30th, 2014 2pm)

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Name: Jacob

(FKA Alexi)

ID#: VA10096
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/21/14
Adopted: 08/09/14
Congrats: Michelle
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

Two rowdy, loving little boys - that's what we are! My bro and me - we go together!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Oct 30, 2014: Jacob, aka "my Romeo", is the sweetest, most lovey-dovey boy. He's by my side, on my lap or chasing toys or his brother Harry, every chance he gets. He's amazingly or typically Meezer-smart and an absolute joy! I'm so grateful to Siamese Rescue.
(Last update: Oct 30th, 2014 2am)

Me and my bro - we want to go home together. He is my very best buddy in the world. With us, you will have everything you need cause we are tons of fun!
Name: Harry

(FKA Nikolai)

ID#: VA10097
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 06/21/14
Adopted: 08/09/14
Congrats: Michelle
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Oct 30, 2014: Harry, aka "baby boy" is so sweet and loving. He's by my side or my husband's, on a lap or chasing toys or his brother Jake, every chance he gets. He's a wonderful, warm fur baby and an absolute joy! I'm so grateful to Siamese Rescue.
(Last update: Oct 30th, 2014 2am)

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Name:   Sampson
ID#: VA8994
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 12/22/12
Adopted: 01/18/14
Congrats: Yvonne
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Hi there!

Well, this is my second Holiday season in a foster home. I sure hope next year is better. I was initially found when my so-called family moved and left me. That was April 2012 (YES 2012) when I came into rescue. My rescue number was VA8489 then...I was adopted for a few days (no patience) and then returned. They say the third time is a charm...whatever...I just hope *they* are right. So who wants to be my CHARM? I know I can charm you!



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Notes from Home
Sampson is the greatest cat! I just LOVE the guy! He's such a door greeter, and makes you feel good if you've had a bad day by putting his paws on your knees (while you're sitting on the bottom stair) and taking one paw and just touching your cheek. He also wants to kiss you on the lips too, which are 99% wet kisses!!!
He loves to play. He still has his favourite toys which are his pheasant feathers and a tape measure, which he will chase after if you drag is along behind you. Good exercise for both him and me, especially as I have to watch what he eats. He like ALL human food, including a green garbanzo bean pattie I had the other night, caught him licking the plate!
I would love to upload some photos but I have over 600 of him on my phone, which I need to put on my computer. Once I get around to it I will submit some of my favourites :)

(Last update: Oct 29th, 2014 10am)

Looking for a low stress household with tons of love and attention and lap time for me. I prefer to be the Queen but if I absolutely had to could share my roost I guess. I'm petite at 7 pounds and need to gain a little weight, sharing my dining quarters here is not my idea of a five star hotel, as they expect me to eat with the servants! Lots of lap time and a best friend for you and me are my top requriements!
Name:   Scully
ID#: VA3362
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/11/05
Adopted: 06/19/05
Deceased: 11/13/13
Congrats: David
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
I didn't know if I could still note updates as Scully has crossed the bridge; but, just wanted to add that her one year passing anniversary will be here November 13. So hard to believe and she is still so missed; what a brilliant little girl she was and she will never, ever be forgotten by me.

Rest in peace little Scully!

your daddy.

(Last update: Oct 28th, 2014 12am)

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Name:   Garrison
ID#: VA9458
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 08/05/13
Adopted: 10/27/13
Congrats: William (bill)
Foster: Kathy

All my foster kitten brothers and sisters are getting their forever homes and I'm still waiting for mine. All those kittens will be a big cat like me so why don't you bypass all the crazy kitten antics and pick me? I'm very mild mannered, I'm very good with nice children and nice cats and I can even tolerate those crazy kittens. I tap Foster Mom's leg with my paw when she's not paying attention to me and then I gaze into her eyes and she just melts and can't help but stop what she is doing and give me some pets. She says I'm a gem.
Think about giving me a home, OK?


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Notes from Home
Hi Folks at SCRC! Today is my 1st anniversary celebration with my Poppy and Mommy here in Black Mountain! I have settled in so nicely and love my people. I really like them to stay home with me all day if they would, but they are in and out. Poppy is attaching a picture of me taken this morning. See, I have him trained. I prance up the middle of the bed about 5:30 (earlier if I'm really hungry) to get Poppy's attention. Sometimes Mommy rubs my head but I'm interested in food, not being petted! I walk above Poppy's pillow and sit on his bedside stand and stare him down. If that doesn't wake him up, I give him love taps on his arm until that wakes him up. He gets up and we go into the kitchen so I can get my favorite flavor of Fancy Feast (and the only kind I will eat. Then Poppy staggers back to bed. I love it when Mommy cooks chicken with salsa in the crockpot or roast beef. Yum! The smell drives me crazy all day long until supper time. I have to insist on my own bowl of whatever is cooking by sticking my head in their plates until they give in! I got a special treat tonight of chicken with salsa since it's MY SPECIAL DAY!

Poppy is attaching a picture of me taken this morning. I was so tired from getting Poppy up at 5:30, that when I ate, I came back to sleep longer on the bed. I knew what today was, so I milked it for all it was worth! Poppy and Mommy have started calling me "Prince Garrison" because I act so regal!

When company comes, I love to lounge in the living room listening to all the humans talk. I don't mind being petted either but I don't want them picking me up. I like to keep my paws on the floor except when I get on my high perch. My favorite time of all is when the evening comes and Poppy and Mommy sit on the couch to watch the news or something else on tv and I get up on the couch between them and snooze. I let Mommy rub my belly then. Poppy plays with me before bedtime. I can make a lot of noise running up and down the hall. Poppy will throw my soft fuzzy ball or one of my mice (I still have my favorite blue mouse I brought with me from Kathy's). I like to race down the hall to try to beat the ball or mice down there. These humans act like I should bring the ball or mouse back to them. Ha! I make them come and get the ball or mouse and throw it again.

Thanks to all of you for helping me get to my forever home!
Lots of slobbery purrs to everybody!
Garrison aka GG

Garrison, nicknamed G.G for Gorgeous Garrison, has blended himself into our home and hearts and is very comfortable here. He's so loving and adorable. Our good friend, Laurie, came over Tuesday. G.G. came prancing into the living room, went over to Laurie and let her pet him. He wasn't afraid or standoffish at all. He wags his tail all the time. In that respect he's more like a dog. I think our Rascal has visited him (Rascal our 13 1/2 year old cat died two hours after we brought G.G. home) to tell him his favorite haunts and habits. That means whenever I sit down on the toilet, here comes G.G. to be brushed just like Rascal always did. Bill and I laughed so hard yesterday morning because G.G. was wagging his tail up a storm and unrolled the toilet paper on the stand! When we watch t.v., he snuggles on the couch with us unless he's very tired and then he gets on his perch to zonk out. I had thumb surgery Monday so Bill is feeding him now. I told him to give him a whole can of food but he didn't. He got woken up at 4:00 a.m. two mornings ago by G.G. letting him know he'd better get up and feed him! Bill won't forget again! G.G. has been sleeping on the bed with us the last three nights. We have a kitty door from the kitchen door to the screened in porch and a kitty door downstairs from the den to the garage where the litter boxes are. He's been a bit slow to catch on to using the kitty doors. I tried to help him but he's still not sure about those doors. He'll catch on soon I'm sure. He is such a joy. We can't understand why he didn't get adopted out sooner. But I told Bill that God put a hold on him until we got in on the plan!!! He is the perfect fit for us and Peaches. We sure love him. Thanks for enabling him to come to his forever home. He understands that is where he is now! Thanks to everyone with the Siamese Cat Rescue Center for your dedication and hard work to place the Meezers.

Thanksgiving Eve: Garrison (GG) continues to be a joy. He romps and plays and engages Peaches in chases up and down the hall. He sleeps at the foot of our bed with us. If one of us happens to turn over or make GG think we're awake, he comes to the center of the bed and keeps a close eye on us. If he realizes one of us is indeed awake, he gently taps with his paw until we pet him. We took both GG and Peaches to the vet last Thursday. GG did much better this time going to the vet. We think it helped that Peaches made the trip too. It also helped that almost four weeks has gone by and he's more confident that we're not taking him to another home. He loves to run up and down the steps from the kitchen to the den. He's gotten in the habit of running into the bathroom and hopping up on the corner shower stool. Then he proceeds to wash himself very thoroughly. Monday evening I was taking a shower and he sat there and batted the shower curtain. When I finished and opened the curtain to grab my towel, he raced into the shower and jumped up on the shower stool which was very wet! I got a disgusted look from him as he jumped down and took off! He did not appreciate me getting "his" shower stool wet!

This week he has started curling himself up to sleep on the bottom shelf of the computer printer stand in the box of manila folders! That's quite a feat since he's a big cat! But he looks very comfortable and sleeps a long time in there.

He is so cute and funny. He's fascinated with the pendulum of the grandfather clock. If he could get in there...Bill and I are both so thankful it worked out for us to adopt Garrison. We think Peaches is glad too. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and a HUGE thank you for all you do to rescue the Siamese.

Well, here we are at 26 week (a full 6 months!) of having Garrison (GG). For the most part he and Peaches have gotten along very well. There are some moments of jealousy on both their parts. GG is Bill's alarm clock in the mornings. He usually sits on the bedside stand and stares at Bill until he gets up to feed him. This happens about 4:45. Good thing Bill is an early riser! For some reason, GG had hunger pains at 2:30 this morning and got Bill up then to feed him. That is the first time that has happened though. Since we put the screens on the windows and the weather is warmer, we've had the windows open some. GG loves to sit at the window and look out and sniff the air. He is back into the habit of getting on the top level of his perch and sleeping away the day. Sometimes he'll just sit up there and watch the birds in the front yard at the feeder. He loves to go out on the screened in porch but rather than go through the cat door, he'll wait until one of us comes by and opens the door for him! Peaches does that too!

GG still insists on eating just the one flavor of Fancy Feast he prefers even though we've tried other flavors. He will just sit at the bowl and look up at us with those brilliant blue eyes as if to say, "What makes you think I'm going to eat this stuff!" We think if he gets hungry enough he'll eat it. NOT!!! He wins the war on that one!

GG keeps Shirley, Diana and Kathy informed of his life in the Hodge house by sending them e-mail updates. He certainly appreciates all three of these special ladies for giving him a second chance at life!

GG is a delightful character. He is wide open and loves to play. He also likes to push the limits. About six weeks ago, Bill and I sat down to plates of spaghetti for supper. GG came running in and jumped up on the table. I stood up and picked him up and was in the process of moving him to the floor but his claws grabbed onto my placemat. There went my whole plate of spaghetti, my glass of water spilled all over the place. Of course there was a huge clatter as the plate broke into hundreds of pieces. GG jumped from my hands and hit the carpet in the living room running full speed. Peaches was sitting in the hall and even though he didn't know exactly what had happened, he took off to his usual place of safety under the bed! Bill and I started the clean up process getting the spaghetti up, then picking up the bigger pieces of the plate. I got the vacuum hose out and started vacuuming up tiny pieces of glass all over the kitchen/dining room. I even threw out all the bowls of cat food on the outside chance some glass may have flown in them. We got it all cleaned up and vacuumed the whole area one more time. Then I sat down to another plate of spaghetti which was cold by then! What a trip!!! It was quite awhile before we saw either kitty that evening! When GG did appear, he slunk around the corner with his blue eyes huge! I tell you, there's never a dull moment around here!

He's so cute waiting for us to come home. We had our monthly dance last night and came up the hill at 10:30. GG was sitting on the top of the couch watching out the window for us. Sometimes he'll be sitting on a shelf beneath the office window watching for us.

He is very lovable and loving but on his terms. He is not a lap kitty and does not like to be picked up. All four limbs start "swimming" if I dare pick him up! We laugh at his purr box which is so loud and rusty sounding. If he's with Bill, I can hear him purring if I'm in another room!

We're very happy with GG (Peaches may not say that everyday but he loves him too)! We think GG is very happy to be here too.

(Last update: Oct 27th, 2014 7pm)

Agent 99 here -- you may have heard of me before. My talents as a spy are numerous, and as you can see I am an expert at mimicking sealpoints, torties, and snowshoes. I've been shadowing the humans for months now, living in their very midst virtually undetected. But then WHAM, I suddenly find myself in their evil KAOS trap! I try to reason with them with my fluent use of Chinese, French, and of course 'Meow'. I try to hypnotize my captors with my sapphire eyes, my feline wiles, and promises to 'not run away' if they open the door. But they are having none of it. As a last resort I am being super cuddly and needy - oh the things I must do to regain my freedom!
Name: Ellie

(FKA Agent 99)

ID#: VA9883
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 03/04/14
Adopted: 04/27/14
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Agent 99 is now named Ellie and is a true delight. She very quickly became one of the family. Her best buddy is our little Boston Terrier Petunia. They play constantly. Ellie is the most affectionate cat we have ever had. She constantly wants to be held or in someway touching us.She loves my daughter the most and has been a blessing to her.
(Last update: Oct 27th, 2014 6pm)

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Name:   Scout
ID#: VA10275
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/29/14
Adopted: 09/13/14
Congrats: Ivey
Foster: Siri

Looking for someone to Scout out the possibilities? How about me! There are lots of them, including conversation, lap sitting, playtime, and snuggling!

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Notes from Home
Scout is so happy in his new home and we are so happy to have him! He is such a love bug. He is very affectionate, playful and chatty. My husband said that late last night Scout was playing soccer in the dining room with one of his toys. Periodically he would go into to the den to see my husband, tell him the score, get pets and continue his game! He sleeps with my daughter which she adores. When they play he brings her his toy and spins around in circles. One of his favorite activities is to sit on one of us, get tons of pets, purr and suckle his side. He is such a funny boy. We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful cat in our home. I can't wait for our vet to meet him this week. He is a Siamese lover as well.

Scout got a glowing report from the veterinarian. He is so energetic! When we play with his toys he gets so excited that he jumps shoulder high! His personality is really coming out as the days unfold. He is a quintessential Siamese! He is extremely chatty and affectionate. He loves everyone! He obviously came from a very loving home. I don't think that it has ever occurred to him that someone would not love and care for him. My mother is up for a visit and she can't get over how dear he is. Feeling blessed in Augusta, GA.

(Last update: Oct 27th, 2014 5pm)

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